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Baby Daddy - General Discussion

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It was a very solid episode for this show! Am I suffering from a severe case of Stockholm Syndrom or is this show getting better season after season?

The Tucker part had me laughing hard and my love for Brad grew again ten times. Peter Porte is really something else, his faces kill me every time. 


Regarding Ben being an ass, I have a hard time hating on him because of Jean-Luc Bilodeau. I thought he was the weak link of the cast at the beginning (well... for two and a half season really), but his comic timing improved and now, his delivery of his douchery makes me laugh. "I'm having an argument with my conscience. Aaaaaand he's down. We're going to Vegas!". 

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I love Brad I'm glad he'll be sticking around. Silky Dobbs, too funny. I love how happy Tucker was about his secret life. And he's right the Wheelers are such ruiners. Oh my gosh shut up Ben. Once again he's only concerned about himself. Danny should not feel guilty, so Ben can rip up those tickets for that trip he's trying to send him on. I also hope he stands up for himself. Danny's always looking out for Ben and Ben just keeps being a jerk.  I though for sure they were going to have Danny and Riley end up married. Well played show well played.

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This episode seemed like a contrivance to show off Tahj Mowry's singing talents, but he does have a pretty nice voice. Although "lounge singer" is probably as successful as he'll ever be at it.



Regarding Ben being an ass, I have a hard time hating on him because of Jean-Luc Bilodeau. I thought he was the weak link of the cast at the beginning (well... for two and a half season really), but his comic timing improved and now, his delivery of his douchery makes me laugh. "I'm having an argument with my conscience. Aaaaaand he's down. We're going to Vegas!".


I feel the same way. Ben is an ass and hasn't grown up much since becoming a father. But Bilodeau has great comic timing so I find myself laughing at the character in spite of myself. I also have residual good will towards him from Kyle XY.


The one thing that bothered me about this episode is that they dropped Emma off in a 24-hour daycare and just left her there. Poor kid.

I'm surprised they didn't go through with the Bonnie/Brad wedding. I guess budget reasons? But you could have kept Brad "at work" during enough episodes to make it work. 


Thank God, the love triangle is over. But I wish it didn't happen in an episode that was so crowded. Reba was on. That should be a special episode in itself.

Danny and Riley finally! Awww, a super Danny sighting. I'd actually be okay with them being married when the show comes back. Great speech from Bonnie to Ben, Benjamin Bon Jovi Bon Jovi. Bilodeau line deliveries were hilarious as always(I'm great, no I'm good, well I'm fine) and I can enjoy Ben so much more when he's not with or trying to get with Riley. Hope Brad will still be around even though they didn't get married, he fits in really well with  everybody. Loved the Reba reunion, Reba seriously looks younger every year.

Edited by miracole
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Has Reba McIntyre been on the show before? I can't remember. I agree they sort of crammed too much into one episode between Charlotte trying to sabotage Bonnie's wedding and Ben trying to get Danny and Riley together. Everything felt sort of rushed, and Riley's reactions were irrational. Once she saw Danny in the superhero costume she should have realized he was making a gesture in reaching out to her. Typical sitcom misunderstanding I guess.


If Charlotte has been best friends with Bonnie for 24 years why didn't Bonnie ask her to be maid of honor instead of Riley, who she barely tolerates? Clearly she was available.


I hope they don't end up writing Brad off the show, I agree he's a good fit with the rest of the cast. His facial expressions when Charlotte was giving him the punch were hilarious.



I just have to mention how adorable Emma was with the high five, fist bump and the finger thing with Ben. You could tell that this was a regular thing with her.


Bonnie did the fist-bump thing with her a couple episodes back, when she was trying to lose Brad's ring.

Bonnie was right. Danny put up with a lot for Ben.


I mean...I guess?  All of these seasons (and storylines) run together for me, but how long has Ben actually been interested in Riley?  A season.  A season and a half?  The rest of the time that Danny was in love with Riley and didn't act on it had nothing to do with Ben; it was his own cowardice.  Which, no shade, I get it, but how was Ben supposed to know?  We've all seen that Ben is clearly the kind of person that needs to have things definitively spelled out for him.  I think I like Ben more than most, and I know he's a jerk, but I seriously doubt that he would have gone after Riley if he knew how Danny was completely into her from the start.  I just don't think Ben should be made to feel guilty for something he had nothing to do with.

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I never thought they were going to be able to find a baby as cute and responsive as the last one they had but somehow they managed to. Where do they keep finding these talented babies?


One thing I would like to point out is how baby Emma proves it's entirely possible to get babies to react to the actors. So many times on serious one-hour dramas there are babies much older who are clearly disengaged and staring at their parents off camera, never looking at the actors or reacting to anything happening in the scene. (I'm looking at you, Zola on Grey's Anatomy.) There's no excuse for this, it's just lazy editing and not putting in the time to focus on the babies and get usable footage of them.

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I've never cared one way or the other about the baby actors, and never really noticed much when they changed the babies on this show.  With that said, I recognized immediately when they changed to this baby and I absolutely love her (or them?  Is it a set of twins?).  And as many of you have said, she's extremely responsive and clearly paying attention to what's going on with all the other actors.   

Yes, it's always been twins; I think they've been through at least three sets of them by now. It's amazing how lucky they've gotten but Aliconehead is right, they obviously put in the time to make the twins feel comfortable with everyone on the set. So often with babies, they are crying and looking off camera for their real mothers, and I feel like it borders on child abuse because the poor kid clearly has no idea what's going on. The twins playing Emma are perfectly content to be where they are and are comfortable with whoever is holding them and even play along with the fist-bumps and the dialogue. That's why I say, so many other shows could easily take a note or two from this show.

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Synopsis for the season 5 premiere:

In the season premiere episode "Love and Carriage," Riley faints after Danny asks her to marry him; and when she wakes up, she has no memory of his proposal. Trying to move on from Riley, Ben decides to find "his Riley" and immediately hits it off with new neighbor Zoey (guest star Jonna Walsh). However, Ben is shocked when their first date reveals he and Zoey have more in common than he thought. Bonnie is determined to finally marry Brad after many aborted attempts, and believing Ben and Danny are to blame, enlists Tucker to help her tie the knot without her sons' knowledge.

Oy, fainting? Amnesia? That better get wrapped up quickly.

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This show is the most over the top sitcom I've ever watched and I use to watch Martin.

Of course Bens date ends up going to labor and they end up on a horse and carriage to take her to the hospital. lol

I'm glad Riley voiced she didn't want to get married right away but of course on this show she had to be over the top because she's a damn fool. I will say Chelsea and Derek manages to have amazing chemistry still after their break up. That just reminds me of how god awful it was to watch S3 of One Tree Hill with Chad and Sophia's divorce.

I'm so glad Brad and Bonnie finally got married and hopefully we get to keep Superman. He really fits right in with the rest of the crazy Wheelers.

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Good start to the new season. I always wonder how Derek Theler feels being treated like a piece of meat. He's constantly walking around shirtless or wearing only a towel. The writers obviously know what the audience wants, so I'm glad Theler is a good sport about it (as far as we know; maybe he gripes about it every week). 


Not to be nit-picky but you need 2 witnesses to get married. They didn't have any in the park and only had one in the elevator. I'd also be interested to know how Ben and/or Danny kept messing up their weddings in the past four weeks. LOL on Bonnie referring to them as "Tweedle-Dork and Tweedle Dumb-ass."


It would be a nice change of pace for Ben to settle down with a serious girlfriend who also has a baby. The most irritating thing about this show has always been Ben's continued horn-dog skirt-chasing despite accidentally fathering a child and being a single parent.

One thing that has always bugged me about Ben is his assumption that everyone else will watch his kid.  Last night he played "Not It" to see who would watch Emma.  Dude this is who is going to watch your daughter, not who is going to grab the beer from the fridge.  It is his job to watch his kid not his friend's, ex-girlfriend's, roommate's, brother's or mother's responsibility to watch the kid.

Other than the fact that Freeform (née ABC Family) doesn't usually tend to let its shows grow roots (Pretty Little Liars being the exception), Baby Daddy was the network's highest rated sitcom last season. So unless the ratings take a huge dive, it's probably pretty safe. It being close to having the magic number for a syndication package also helps.

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It turned out that he got suspended for three games because the urine they took from Penny tested positive for marijuana - she was a stoner. 


I liked the episode and stoned Danny was pretty funny, but they've got an uncomfortable problem with Riley now that she's with Danny. They're trying to create a new Riley for Ben after spending three years trying to make Riley and Ben happen so now it's like Riley is the elephant in the room. They can't simply undo everything they've done with Riley and Ben up until now just by acting like he's moved on with someone else.

Where was Tucker this entire episode? They didn't even mention him.

Tahj Mowry's name wasn't in the credits, either. I just checked out his Twitter and he's still tweeting about the show. I was afraid he left for good! Anyway, I started to FF when I noticed Tahj's name was missing and now that I know he's not in this ep, I have no desire to watch.

So apparently they don't have enough money to keep Brad on the show full time and that's too bad, because I'd prefer to see him on a regular basis rather than the endless parade of potential love interests for Ben. There's so little attention paid to Ben being a single father versus his constant skirt chasing, especially considering the name of this show. 


That said, one of the funniest parts was Danny showing that the picture of Ben was his face taped over Danny's body.

I loved that Riley being a bad cook was all an elaborate idea of Bonnie's so Riley wouldn't have to cook for Danny.


I actually hated that part. Riley is supposed to be a lawyer. She couldn't have just talked to Danny that she didn't want to cook or arrange some kind of schedule for chores or eating out if that was such a hassle ?


When Bonnie told Riley that it worked on her last husband, my automatic response to the tv was 'and he turned out gay'. It's very early in the game for Riley to resort to such passive aggressive manipulation just to avoid doing something. It makes me think less of her as someone Danny should be with. He's not the sharpest crayon in the pack but taking advantage of his naivete feels like kicking a puppy. Unnecessary and mean.

Realistically, yeah, it's dumb, but this show plays out like a live action cartoon most of the time. I kind of just roll with the hilarity.

I think what I liked about the plot was that I expected the outcome to be what it almost was: Riley and Danny discussing the bad cooking and coming to an agreement. To have it turn out to be a long con Riley was running (as per Bonnie's suggestion) was something I didn't see coming, yet at the same time, wasn't that surprised by it.

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I'd also be interested to know what a "meat waffle" looks like. And is made out of.

I'm assuming chopped meat cooked on a waffle iron.

Best line? Riley laughing when Bonnie told her Brad wanted a baby, and her saying, "Does he know how old you are? He can pump the well all he wants, but he's only going to get sand."

Also, baby Emma the cocktail waitress.

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Riley putting on her glasses to try to make Bonnie understand what happened with Tad was great.


Glad my Tucker was back, though he was underused.  Sipping the martini and then asking Ben to bring it to table 5, and apologizing to Ben for leaving work early with the rationale "I got tired," were my two favorite things.  Did Tucker get fired from The Mary Hart Show and I just forgot?  Why was he working at the bar?

I found it sad that Bonnie wanted to divorce Brad already, considering everything they had gone through. It just made her mean and self-centered (more than usual). Besides, wouldn't they just go for an annulment anyway? Maybe Danny and Brad are the one true pairing. :-)


Tucker was working at the bar to help Ben out, the same way he asked Riley to serve.


I wish they'd show that Ben is semi-competent at something. I'm a little tired of the constant hound-dog behavior. I liked the pregnant neighbor, and I was hoping something would come of it. They seem so desperate to pair him up; two single parents bonding over their children would do it. 

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I found it sad that Bonnie wanted to divorce Brad already, considering everything they had gone through.


It was a very Bonnie thing to want because she's a horrible person. Hilarious, but horrible.


Tucker is always great.


Hey it was Trina Vega! The only tv character more delusional than Ben.


I want to see the old classmate who's now a therapist pop up again.


Didn't like Riley's long con but I do love Riley and Danny together.

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