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Omg Chris not recognizing his mom!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 

I was like, why is he calling his mom Kim? Omg I can't stop laughing. 

Sorry I'm clearly watching the show alone and need someone to make all my comments to. Feel free to skip my million posts. 

Oh and is Madeline the supply teacher, she doesn't know humans are animals???

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Random thoughts... 

Kyle gives me the willies. 

Brooke is unrecognizable but just beautiful without her glasses and face jewelry. 

Minh-Ly and Carleton together are hilarious. 

Now that we've watched Sheldon for awhile, I'm shocked he's a wrestler. He seems so thoughtful and mature, I could picture him as a doctor or engineer or whatever, but I wouldn't have guessed wrestler. No offense to wrestlers. 

Chris is large but seems to operate on a 13 year old level. Zero self awareness. 

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I don't like Kyle either. 

I can't tell if Minh-Ly likes Carlton or if he just finally wore her down. 

I don't think I can watch a season of Chris. Sorry. If he's not gone soon than I might be. 

I don't care one way or another about Michael so I don't really care he's the target. What I do care about is why he's the target. Because Chris wants Madeline for himself. That's some controlling, stalkerish behaviour right there. 

Speaking of Michael, am I the only one that doesn't think he's good looking? The girls in the house seem obsessed. 

Sheldon seems like a nice person. 

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3 minutes ago, Samwise979 said:

Speaking of Michael, am I the only one that doesn't think he's good looking? The girls in the house seem obsessed. 

I find him very odd looking, like he's a comic book version of a good looking man. 

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Is anyone else disappointed with the heads in the chamber?  I was really creeped out when I first saw them, but was looking forward to seeing what they did. I mean, I didn't expect them to talk or anything, but I thought they might at least move, or the podium would go up and down or something.  But nope, they just sit there doing nothing. Just staring. Then the HOH goes out and just announces who the noms are. Seems like a waste to me.

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28 minutes ago, Evenshorter said:

Then the HOH goes out and just announces who the noms are. Seems like a waste to me.

Judging by what happened to Nico's head, they also get "frosted" when they're evicted. And then removed? I'm not sure. Mr. Melina wonders if after the show ends, everyone will be allowed to take their heads home. You know, as a nice parting gift. 😁

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Who is this “Kim” that Chris thought he was talking to anyway? 😂

I’m confused. Is Carlton the guy who keeps saying “Ya feel me?” - I thought his name was Jamar?

I don’t find Micheal particularly attractive or unattractive, he’s very generic. What kills me though is how he spells his name. It’s like somebody made a typo on his birth certificate and he felt obligated to live with it. It makes me twitchy.

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1 minute ago, Rachel RSL said:

Who is this “Kim” that Chris thought he was talking to anyway? 😂

I know! The whole exchange was absolutely bizarre. 


1 minute ago, Rachel RSL said:

I’m confused. Is Carlton the guy who keeps saying “Ya feel me?” - I thought his name was Jamar?

You're right! Is Carleton his last name? 


2 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

I don’t find Micheal particularly attractive or unattractive, he’s very generic. What kills me though is how he spells his name. 

Just one more thing that flew right past me. Why would you do that to your child, dooming him to having his name misspelled for eternity?

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Chris saying that since he's won HOH, Canada will now know they were wrong to put him in the bottom 4 last week.  Chris, pretty sure Canada still thinks you're a self absorbed asshole...  

Michael has a stunned look when the camera is on him, sort of like he just got a slap to the back of the head, I'm sure he's not consiously doing it, hope not.  Chris is jealous of him,he wants to be the chick  magnet, good luck with that.

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18 hours ago, wintrygal said:

Chris saying that since he's won HOH, Canada will now know they were wrong to put him in the bottom 4 last week.  Chris, pretty sure Canada still thinks you're a self absorbed asshole...  

Right?! I thought the same thing.  For someone who prides himself on his big brain (eye roll), he just can't seem to grasp the concept that he was in the bottom because people simply don't like him.

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On 3/6/2020 at 11:18 AM, Rachel RSL said:

Ok, I guess I'm the one who's going to be a straight-up bitch lol.  I'm trying really really hard to have empathy for Nico but I just can't.  He came into the house cocky, arrogant and obnoxious and only "broke down" when he found out that Canada hadn't kept him safe.  (Probably because he was, you know, cocky, arrogant and obnoxious.)  Things didn't go his way and he threw in the towel immediately.  I'm really trying to feel bad for him but you just know that if he hadn't been in trouble this week, he almost certainly would have continued to be insufferable.  I appreciate Arisa telling people to be kind but.....GAH....I just can't.  I wish him well but I won't miss him.

Glad I have another "straight-up bitch" to share my ride to hell with  lol   I laughed my goddam head off when he quit. What a giant baby he was. He could have stayed home and someone who really wanted to play the game.

Edited by cheewhiz
spelling counts
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It's the battle of the crazy eyes! Chris vs Micheal. 

ETA It's fascinating how extremely different Arisa's energy is without an audience. Not a criticism, just an observation. 

Why does Kyle bother me so much? I actually don't know. But he does. Big time. 

Edited by Melina22
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When did it become the norm to not complete the hoh comp until the next episode? It's beyond irritating. 

The funniest part of the show was watching Madison freak out at Chris in the hoh room and watching him deflate when he realizes Madison will never like him. 

Minh-Ly overheard Brooke, Sheldon and Kyle talking about their alliance and at least for now is keeping quiet. It's time like these that I suspect producer interference. Like, she just happened to be walking down the stairs at that exact moment? Or did someone say, psst, secret talk in the kitchen. 

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43 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

It's the battle of the crazy eyes! Chris vs Micheal. 

ETA It's fascinating how extremely different Arisa's energy is without an audience. Not a criticism, just an observation. 

Why does Kyle bother me so much? I actually don't know. But he does. Big time. 

Kyle is a douchebag in my opinion.  Is this the most obnoxious cast of BBCan so far?  Seems like it, don't know if I can continue watching.  I despise MingWhatsherName.  Never will figure out why someone decides to 'play' the role of uber bitch, unless it's their actual personality. 

Chris bumbling and stumbling trying to explain his lies, yes it's part of the game, but man, he sucks at it, almost like he thought everyone would be high fiving him.   A little self awareness would go a long way in this house. 

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1 hour ago, Samwise979 said:

When did it become the norm to not complete the hoh comp until the next episode? It's beyond irritating. 

In BBCan they have always done that most weeks unfortunately.

Chris, Kyle, Jamar, and JL cannot leave soon enough!  Producers really did go out of their way to cast douchey guys this year.  Good news is I like most of the women or at least find them interesting (ML), but I am kind of rooting for Hira.

Are they going to tell these people about what's going on in the world?  I presume if one of their older family members gets CV they will let them know.  BBUS let HGs know about 9-11 and this seems comparable.  They didn't even tell Michael when he was leaving.  I wonder if that means there's going to be a comp to get back in the house?



Edited by Newbietunes
Weird ghost images.
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On 3/8/2020 at 5:49 PM, Samwise979 said:

Sorry I'm clearly watching the show alone and need someone to make all my comments to. Feel free to skip my million posts.

I'm here! Or I am now, and most likely will be from now on. I'm playing catch-up, so sorry if my thoughts are jumbled.

On 3/8/2020 at 8:47 PM, Rachel RSL said:

I don’t find Micheal particularly attractive or unattractive, he’s very generic. What kills me though is how he spells his name. It’s like somebody made a typo on his birth certificate and he felt obligated to live with it. It makes me twitchy.

I'm guessing the producers thought Michael and Maddy would be this season's Cute Couple, but if their intention was to find two compelling people we'd want to see wind up together, well, it was an abysmal failure. They're so bland and forgettable: Micheal is cute, but he looks like he came from a mannequin factory, and a bowl of dry oatmeal is more exciting than Maddy.

I was meh on them before, but my ambivalence to them turned into dislike as soon as they started that stupid idiot alliance pose. I want them all gone just for that. (Well, Rianne can stay, she seems nice from what we've seen.) I don't understand why grown-ass "adults" think that these displays are cute or funny; they are not, they are painful and obnoxious.

And John Luke with that display after Micheal was nominated? What a petulant baby. Not sure who I want gone first after Micheal, him or Maddy. (I haven't watched last night's episode yet, but I'm sure I'm not missing much.)

Wasn't sure I'd like Vanessa, but she's one of my early favourites. Hira could go far and is fairly likable, as is Sheldon. Was sure I'd want Susanne gone ASAP but she is growing on me. No Jamar, I don't feel you, so fuck off. I like Brooke, but wish she'd ditch the nose rings. Minh-Ly and Kyle can follow Maddy and John Luke out the door. Apparently Angie is the laziest person who's been on the show. Carol is there.

I actually like the rainbow theme (love the oversized coloured pencils in the outdoor area), but wow, those bedrooms are hard to look at. The one behind the blue door is especially awful; all of those huge brightly-coloured murals on the walls and beds with matching bedcovers/sheets? Who the hell thought that would look good on TV?

Edited by HeShallBMySquishy
Shortened a post I was quoting
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6 hours ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

I actually like the rainbow theme (love the oversized coloured pencils in the outdoor area), but wow, those bedrooms are hard to look at.

Seriously. Between the designs and the clothing strewn around, the visual clutter is overwhelming. It's hard to see the people. 

How bizarre to come out of the house after only a few days, to an empty set, and to be told, "It's because of the virus". Hard not to panic. 

This cast is turning out to be nowhere near as fun and funny as I expected. Maybe a houseful of big, narcissistic personalities is always going to be short on humour and insight. 

Edited by Melina22
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I don't like either side of the house that is warring right now. JL, Madeline, Kyle, and Chris all need to go. I noticed everyone was filling up Madeline's tube with balls, hers was at 8 or 9 by the time the show ended. 

I'm really liking Vanessa actually. Even though she's aligned with Kyle and Chris right now. 

I hope some other house guests get some screen time so that we can get to know them, right now I don't know who to root for because I don't know any of them. 

I loved how in the goodbye messages both Kyle and Minh-Ly said they were the mastermind behind the whole plan. Hehehe I guess they don't know everything that's going on in the house??  From what I saw though, Kyle didn't mastermind anything. Chris brought up backdooring Michael and Minh-Ly brought up using her name as the replacement to keep the others in the dark. 

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I don't like the idea of the first 4 out of the HOH comp being have-nots.  It saved Chris from being a have-not since he couldn't participate.  I really wanted him to be a have-not.  Plus I don't like that type of challenge.  Too easy to gang up on someone.  It does not give the people that need the HOH the most a chance to win it.

Kyle really irritates me.  

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I had a killer headache last night so I was only half paying attention, did they tell the HGs why there was no audience?  Honestly, I find myself envying them.  It's really scary out here right now and it seems like being sequestered in the BB house is probably the safest place to be.

I always love when the nominated HGs and their alliance members start calling the HoH a coward and a liar.  Because when one of them is HoH, I'm sure they'll totally go up to the person they want to get rid of and say "I'm gunning for you this week so please don't win the veto".  And like they didn't lie to Chris about being in an alliance?  Please.  I'm just hoping this will put an end to that ridiculous "Evictors assemble!" thing.  Stop defiling the good name of Chris Evans!

HoH spoiler:




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That was a fun episode. I'm really starting to like Brooke. I can see Sheldon winning the game. 

I don't think I'd enjoy Jamal IRL but he can be hilarious. 

On 3/13/2020 at 6:10 PM, Rachel RSL said:

I had a killer headache last night so I was only half paying attention, did they tell the HGs why there was no audience? 

I think I read somewhere, possibly Hamsterwatch, that although the houseguests did briefly discuss the lack of audience, they still don't know what's happening. Maybe they're afraid that if they tell them, they'll all self-evict to be with their families, or be asking for updates 24/7. What a very weird situation. 

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So am finally watching Thursday's ep:

The look on Chris's face when he realized his brilliant back-door was not going to drive Maddy straight into his arms for protection: priceless, especially since it became obvious he was not going to be the Hunk of the Season. Like, how dare these silly girls fawn and drool over some other dude?

On 3/13/2020 at 2:10 PM, Rachel RSL said:

I always love when the nominated HGs and their alliance members start calling the HoH a coward and a liar.  Because when one of them is HoH, I'm sure they'll totally go up to the person they want to get rid of and say "I'm gunning for you this week so please don't win the veto".  And like they didn't lie to Chris about being in an alliance?  Please.  I'm just hoping this will put an end to that ridiculous "Evictors assemble!" thing.  Stop defiling the good name of Chris Evans!

I know! I do love it, but at the same time I find it unbelievably irritating. I think it depends on my overall annoyance level with that houseguest. And I know emotions run high after one of these ceremonies, so I kind of give Maddy some slack, but goddamn, some of them take the whole lie, deceive, deflect thing WAY too personally. I'm looking at you, Vanessa (BBUS17)!

"What? We're having chicken tonight?!! You told me we were having meatloaf!! You lied!!! You lied!!! YOU LIED STRAIGHT TO MY FACE!!!!!!" (God, I could not stand her, and that was exactly why. Such an unpleasant person to watch.)

"Brooke, I'm telling you, you should have thought the game, instead of just thinking selfishly for yourself." Oh my god, what an asshole! Brooke, you do not owe Micheal anything, let alone an explanation, and certainly not an apology. God that alliance is so obnoxious! I wish Rianne wasn't a part of that, but the rest can leave.

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So here's a shocker! I just read that Jamar was just removed from the show for "making threatening gestures" and supposedly making some houseguests uncomfortable. I have no clue what any of this means and am really curious to find out! 

Edited by Melina22
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I just read that too. I hope they show it on the show since I don't watch the live feeds. I actually thought maybe Jamar had turrets (not making fun) because he always has these kind of jerk movements like a tic. 

Edited by Samwise979
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So I just watched Minh-Lys housemeeting yesterday on YouTube. Fascinating. And this is what ended in his expulsion. I sort of get it, but sort of don't. He definitely comes off as EXTREMELY volatile when he's angry, yet he doesn't actually cross the line into genuinely threatening. I'm certainly people will debate it and takes sides endlessly

ETA Okay, according to Taran, during the house meeting, Jamar's comments included references to possible violent retribution outside the house. I doubt if he actually meant it, but I can understand why BB wouldn't be okay with that. 

Edited by Melina22
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I haven’t seen the full house meeting but I saw a clip of the last 2 mins where Jamar made the reference to retribution outside the house and I’m really hoping there was more to his expulsion than that. In the clip I saw, he did make a pop sound with a gun gesture but he said it as he was walking away. It didn’t in any way seem like a legitimate threat but more like a pissed off guy bro-ing out with a typical “If we weren’t in this house....” I’ve seen and heard WAY worse on BB. And, as soon as Jamar said it, you could hear Kyle  IMMEDIATELY tell him he could get kicked out for that.   Obviously I don’t know all the details and there may be way more to it but, based on the clip I saw, it kind of sounds like Jamar got screwed and Kyle is a douche.

Too bad, he was kind of entertaining. Ya feel me?

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I think it was a total cop out not to show the scenes in regards to why Jamal was expelled. A lot of people are saying it wasn't fair so it would have been nice (and smart) to actually see why it was done. 

Kyle, I totally agree with. His treatment of women rubbed me the wrong way. 

@Melina22 "intense" is right! Have 2 players ever been asked to leave before? And in the same episode? 

I know people don't like Minh-Ly, but I can't help it. I'm rooting for her. 

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1 minute ago, Samwise979 said:

intense" is right! Have 2 players ever been asked to leave before? And in the same episode? 

I don't think so. But there was also the scene where they all find out about COVID-19, the scenes where they find out about the expulsions, and the bonkers housemeeting, all overlaid with the fact that the BB host is shooting in her house because of a worldwide pandemic. Who saw that coming a month ago? 


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If someone where to be living in America and was interested in watching this, where would that person be able to view it?  Just asking for a friend.

Seriously the last full season I saw was the one the Kevin won.  I sucks because new episodes are usually up on YouTube but they are taken down within hours.  How is it possible I can watch Australian Survivor with no problems, yet I can't watch a show that is filmed from a city that is like an eight hour drive from my house?

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That was intense indeed. I found Jamar annoying, but didn't dislike him, he came across as very immature, and emotional.  But like Arissa said, this is 2020, get with the program.

Ming needs to do some soul searching and knockoff the badass bitch act, if indeed it is an act.  It is possible to play this game without setting yourself up to be despised by everyone.  Rein it in girl.  

Good riddance Kyle, wish they'd given more of an explanation as to what actually happened, but his personality came across as aggressive, the look on his face sometimes was scary, to me anyway, since I do not like confrontation of any sort, and tend to avoid those types of people.  The other houseguests seemed so reluctant to make a move against him, so perhaps they felt threatened, who knows, and since there was no actual incidents shown, we are left to speculate, which is what I am doing!  I won't miss him at all. 

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God, that was intense.  I was hoping for something light and entertaining to take my mind off of everything going on in the world but that was a ridiculously HEAVY episode.

It was so beyond dumb that they didn't give the viewers any info whatsoever about what actually happened. (You know BB U.S. would have shown every gory detail)  They showed us the HGs being told not to cross the line and do better but they didn't actually show us what happened so how do we know what the line is?  They obviously booted Kyle after the backlash on social media and then tried to make it look like it was their decision.  The whole thing was handled so badly.  

I will say, I absolutely LOVED how Sheldon refused to answer questions during the house meeting.  Like, FINALLY!  I've always wondered why HGs treat house meetings like it's a court of law where they have to tell the truth.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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37 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

I will say, I absolutely LOVED how Sheldon refused to answer questions during the house meeting.  Like, FINALLY!  I've always wondered why HGs treat house meeting like it's a court of law where they have to tell the truth.

I know! I'm trying to think how to do that in my own life when bossy people ask me uncomfortable questions. 😁

So far Jamar and Kyle both seem to be taking their ousters very well. We'll probably never know exactly what went on behind the scenes, which is frustrating for us inquisitive viewers. On the other hand, the show sent them off looking relatively good, rather than play footage of every stupid or inappropriate thing they did and said, which is probably for the best. It's definitely a bizarre situation. 

Edited by Melina22
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Sheldon will be my role model. My other role model is Jim Halpert, who when Michael asked him to do something said very pleasantly, "Wow. That sounds like something I'm... not going to do." 😁

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15 hours ago, BK1978 said:

If someone where to be living in America and was interested in watching this, where would that person be able to view it?  Just asking for a friend.

Seriously the last full season I saw was the one the Kevin won.  I sucks because new episodes are usually up on YouTube but they are taken down within hours.  How is it possible I can watch Australian Survivor with no problems, yet I can't watch a show that is filmed from a city that is like an eight hour drive from my house?

What I say to myself EVERY time I want to stream a u.s. show. Lol. Sorry, no advice, just adding to your rant!

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19 hours ago, Melina22 said:

 the BB host is shooting in her house because of a worldwide pandemic.

I wonder if that adds more to the panic?

It's interesting how different Big Brothers are revealing the virus information.  Some others seem much more informative than this one, such as the German and Brazilian versions.

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Carol has been wanting to quit ever since Nico left.  They might as well just nominate her and vote her out to make her happy.  Crazy season with 2 ejections and HGs wanting to quit.  Then we add the fact they know about the Coronavirus.

Does anyone know if they sequestered Michael or let him go home?

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30 minutes ago, LakeGal said:

Does anyone know if they sequestered Michael or let him go home?

I read a tweet of his the other day, and that he's supporting Jamar online, so I'm pretty sure he's out of the house. 

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