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9 hours ago, Elio Kukui said:

Interesting (and potentially good) stuff:


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Kuzie is the new HoH.

Zach and Ty apparently thought that they could control her and wanted to try and get her to nominate Santina (whom they somehow know has turned on them) and Vanessa (after her fight with Zach, he knows that she's on to him).  At first, she wanted to go ahead and do that, since she wanted an easy week with no blood on her hands.

However, something started getting her wheels turning, because now she's rethinking those nominations.

As of earlier today, a Digital Daily came out and revealed that Kuzie is using her game smarts and is eyeing Zach and/or Dan, though primarily Zach.  Go, Kuzie!  Ty is pissed.   Hopefully, Kuzie goes through with it.  Ty was pushing for Renee to go up, which is apparently what sent up a red flag for Kuzie.  How does Renee leaving benefit her?  Zach and Ty, maybe, but Kuzie?  Not at all.



Right. But Ty might prove smarter than Kuzie and have Hope (who won the PoV) NOT use it so the noms stay the same (Santina and Hope on the block) and Santina goes out. This might actually work because Hope is with Zach and Ty and he told Ty he would take a bullet for them.


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Kuzie has lost all of my respect.  Forming a women's alliance to put 2 women on the block.  Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.

The people in this house are assholes.  Zack. Ty.  The brunette who is always on the block.  how dare she and Ty go around interrogating everyone on who they voted for.

These people minus Jonathan are all so dumb and awful.

Wow, Zack is so controlling.  not even letting Santina go to the washroom.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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49 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Kuzie has lost all of my respect.  Forming a women's alliance to put 2 women on the block.  Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.

The people in this house are assholes.  Zack. Ty.  The brunette who is always on the block.  how dare she and Ty go around interrogating everyone on who they voted for.

These people minus Jonathan are all so dumb and awful.

Wow, Zack is so controlling.  not even letting Santina go to the washroom.

This, a hundred times over!  Really big move Kuzie, that will go down in history!  I've seen this so many times, the women are their own worst enemies, talking a big move and doing the opposite won't get you anything.

Why do they all freak out over 'rogue' votes, God forbid someone dare to think for themselves!

I literally can't stand the sight of Ty's face, that arrogant smirk and the practiced slighty bored look he has all the time, he has a very high opinion of himself, gag.  There's something off about him, I'm glad Claudia sees it.   

Glad Jonathan was voted safe, (Go Maritimers!)  I don't know what to think of Santina, she did say she was going to let the boys just think she was still with them, and I think she meant it but whether any of the women know her plan is a question.  I will be amazed if she leaves, the guys will save her.  Didn't she find some kind of power or advantage in the library while snooping through the books?  Nothing was ever shown about it since? I feel bad for Vanessa, she'll be an easy vote out this week, then back to the status quo.

I remember way back when BB Canada first started, they actually had Canada vote to evict a player, was fairly early on in the game, and it was a Bro who got the boot, I did feel bad for him at the time I must admit.  But I would love to see them do that again just to see how it would go. 

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Kuzie making another dumb girl move 🙄

i find it funny that Santina was so upset with Kuzie letting the boys run her HOH when that’s exactly what Santina did during her HOH.

The girls like to talk a big game but as soon as they get power they fold like a cheap suit.

Blech! 🤮


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Just now, Mimi said:

I wonder what Ty meant when he said he had something on Hope that would get him out of the game?  They better not save Zach! 

Ty said he has a “letter” that will disqualify Hope from the game?!??!!

I don’t know why Kuzie had to run around the house telling everyone her move, it totally ruined the blindside of Zach because he knew it was coming and it gave them time to start scheming.  
The houseguests this season are frustrating, casting needs to get their shit together and choose people who want to play the game.


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Shit is about to go down, scandal??  I also wonder what Ty was referring to, and accusing Hope of playing dirty?  Since when is it dirty to take yourself off the block.   I really really need to see Ty taken out of there, he's bordering on freaking scary, it's a game!  Have to give Kuzie credit, she stuck to her guns and put the Douche on the block.  Poor Daniel, if Zach is your best pal in the house, your game is in trouble, he'll drop you like a hot rock. 

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2 hours ago, wintrygal said:

Shit is about to go down, scandal??  I also wonder what Ty was referring to, and accusing Hope of playing dirty?  Since when is it dirty to take yourself off the block.   I really really need to see Ty taken out of there, he's bordering on freaking scary, it's a game!  Have to give Kuzie credit, she stuck to her guns and put the Douche on the block.  Poor Daniel, if Zach is your best pal in the house, your game is in trouble, he'll drop you like a hot rock. 

Plus I’ve been thinking that Zach was the biggest problem that needed to be evicted but Ty is starting to freak me out, he’s acting like a psychopath. They both need to GO!

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Ty and Zack are without a doubt horrible, disgusting people. Trying to intimidate and threaten everyone in the house to do their bidding, just disgusting.

But, Zach was right about one thing.  The whole letter situation makes it seem like BB is positing Hope as the hero of the game.  All the other contestants could be grateful to Hope for the letter thing because then they ALL get letters.

I'm shocked and scandalized they didn't remove Hope from the game.  However, Zack and Ty broke the rule too, if the rule is, you must bring anything from the outside world to the producers' attention immediately.  All 3 of them would have had to leave because all 3 of them didn't do that.

I forgot to rewind and I'm kicking myself.  Did Ty pretend he was going to self-evict, and then turn around and let Zack do it all on his own?  LOL.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Any letter from home is an advantage.  What would news of the outside world bring as an advantage in the game?  LOL.  Look at how Vanessa and (the other woman I forgot her name) left the game.  Maybe it was because mentally they couldn't handle being without their families.  Meanwhile, a letter from home would have gone a long way in making them feel better and maybe even stay in the game.  A letter from home is an advantage in the game, and the content doesn't matter.  Otherwise, let them all get stuff from home, what would be the point of the rule if it was, you can all receive stuff from home, but let us check it first?   Why would the rule of "no outside stuff" even be there then?  If a letter from home was not advantageous to a player, why were half of them crying of happiness to receive it?  I've watched Survivor for 20 years, it's a huge advantage in this type of game where you're isolated from the outside world.  The players always say they'd rather receive that than food!  It's another type of fuel!

They obviously bent the rule to keep Hope, and possibly Zack and Ty, in the game.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Omg what a bunch of babies!!

Didn't another guy do this once? Idk if it was US or CAN but I seem to recall a guy who started out doing really well, riding the high, then he got put on the block and was like, I'm going home! {POUT}

Hope maybe should have been kicked out, but also, maybe they have a list of rules and what the punishment is if it's broken all written out just in case and that was just the punishment that was written there 🤷🏼‍♀️ but, more likely,  the producers kept hearing Zach and Ty threaten to walk out if Hope stayed and were all like, ooooh that's some good TV! Let's do that!

I thought Ty and Claudia's showmance was over. She keeps saying she doesn't trust him and they hadn't shown them together in awhile. But, I guess I was wrong about that. Run Claudia, run!

So, that's 3 players who've left outside of evictions although I guess Zach was on the block so he would just count as a regular eviction. I wonder if they'll have a competition to get back into the house at some point to get the numbers back up. 

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Bye Zach, pretty sure he thought Hope was going to be sent packing, and kind of backed himelf into a corner by threatening to self evict, did production even try to talk him out of it?   He also overestimated the loyality of his #1 foot soldier.  I was hopeful that Ty would be dumb enough to go with him, but I never get everything I want.     

Love how Zach had no response and just walked away when Kuzie asked him why they sat on this information for a week, zing!  I don't really have an issue with the punishment they gave Hope, personally I thought Zach and Ty should also have gotten some for withholding what they knew which they obviously did so as to somehow have an advantage in the game themselves. 

i don't get Claudia at all, how old is this girl, for Pete's sake, look up the word Bully and you'll likely find Ty's picture beside it.   The way he jumped up in front of Kuzie when she was talking to him, no, Ty, that's not trying to intimidate, not at all.  He's the type of person who gives you that wobbly feeling in your gut, I distance myself from people like that, it's called instinct I believe.

I wish they could bring JM and Roberto back, but it won't happen now that they've been sent home.  Just please, BB Gods, don't let Ty win HOH, can you imagine what that would be like.

Edited by wintrygal
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I started out being so mad at Kuzie for putting two women up to support her "Women's Alliance".  I have no idea what would have happened if Vanessa wasn't pulled for medical reasons.  Makes me annoyed just to think about it.

But, it's easy to forgive Kuzie after all of her amazing moves and speeches this week.  She's so cool.

Zack is one of the most controlling reality TV contestants I've ever seen.  He was upset when Vanessa showed emotion, he was upset when Santina tried to go to the washroom, he was upset when Hope wanted to speak.  There's something deeply wrong with him.

But, don't worry, I hate Ty too!

I thought that Dan S. was gay, but I guess he's in a romance with the brunette woman who's name I don't know?  I hope Claudia gets therapy after this, she should have more self confidence than to align herself with such a bad person.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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On 3/31/2023 at 8:10 PM, Elio Kukui said:

It's clear to me that they only sat on the info because Hope was their ally at the time and was useful to them.  When he proved that he was breaking off from them, his usefulness to them ended, and that, plus their desperation to save Zach, led them to try and get Hope out any way that they could.

Yes, I agree which is what Kunzie also called Zach out on during the staircase fight. 

Ty should have just gone and ofcourse since no feeds they don't really show the self eviction or Ty back tracking to anyone.


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This episode was fun for me.  Cool to learn that Santina is Indigenous.  Feeling more open minded towards her now that Zach is finally gone.

Cannot understand why Dan S. acted that way towards Santina in the kitchen.  He is not HOH and has no power but was acting so sassy towards her like he was holding all the cards.  Trying to figure out how that helps him.  😄

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Unless you truly did not want to be hoh, idk why you wouldn't bid the whole $50,000. 

1. You were happy with the $100,000 prize 2 min ago

2. You're probably not even going to win it anyway

3. Other houseguests were definitely going to bid the whole amount. 

I wish Anika had won. We'd probably have the same 2 people on the block and I wouldn't have to put up with Santina's obnoxiousness (is that a word? Lol). I seriously had to mute the tv everytime she was squealing in the diary room.

Edited to add: I also don't see how Dan S is a threat. Zach is gone and if you take out Ty he is powerless. The only reason he managed to get in with them in the first place is because his 2nd week hoh. Zach and Ty originally wanted him out! I even remember Ty saying they should get him out the week after his hoh.

Edited by Samwise979
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I am cautiously optimitic that another bro is going to leave.  I would prefer it be Ty, but it would be satisfying to see Dan go also.  I think he was trying to intimidate Santina by sort of hinting that he might have the HOH but since he didn't and knew he didn't that was pretty arrogant to act that way in front of someone who might have it .  I agree with Samwise979 above in that he was only made to feel included with Zach and Ty because of his HOH. 

I liked Santina in the beginning, but then was against her when she pretty much let Zach take over her first HOH, she has since 'seen the light' so is ok with me now.    I find them all a bit screechy in there, always did with all the BB contestants, maybe they're prompted to act that way, it's darn annoying. 


Edited by wintrygal
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11 hours ago, Samwise979 said:

Edited to add: I also don't see how Dan S is a threat. Zach is gone and if you take out Ty he is powerless. The only reason he managed to get in with them in the first place is because his 2nd week hoh. Zach and Ty originally wanted him out! I even remember Ty saying they should get him out the week after his hoh.

He is considered to be better at competitions and way easier to be manipulated than Ty.

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Soooooooooooo many things I can't understand.

1.  Why would Hope trust Daniel
2.  Why would Daniel trust Ty.  So stupid.
3.  Santina is RIDICULOUS.  Stalking Renee all through the house.  And I hate Renee!  It's like I want to like Santina so bad but she makes it so fucking hard.
4.  Renee is rIDICULOUS.  She acts like she's Tony fucking Soprano!  Nobody is allowed to do anything against her?  Who is she?

I hate how they called it an Invisible POV competition when everyone could see everyone else!  WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THE KEY?  WHAT DID IT EVEN MATTER?  Was that how they found the scale/reference point?

Ugh, I don't even know what I'm watching anymore.  LOL.  So many tiny sub alliances but the whole picture makes no sense.

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I really don’t understand Daniel 

I think Daniel was never in with the cool kids or the jocks in school and he desperately wants Ty to be his bestie or something…

I hope Daniels dumb ass gets evicted next.

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12 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Soooooooooooo many things I can't understand.

2.  Why would Daniel trust Ty.  So stupid.



11 hours ago, Victor Magnolia said:

2. That makes zero sense to me.  I just think that Daniel thinks that he's a better player than he really is.

So the way Daniel and Kuzie were thinking was: Dan is way better at competitions and way easier to be manipulated, so they decided Dan should be evicted. Since they were going to save Ty from eviction anyway, they thought it's a good idea to tell him they will take him off the block so he feels like he owes them. It's not a bad idea, I'm not sure though how well it was executed and how Hope and Jonathan will accept it. It's only a good move for Daniel.

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The one part that confused me was, what was Hope and Jonathan's plan? They said something like, let's tell Dan we (Hope) won POV and they were saving him??? Idk, maybe I heard wrong. And nothing was shown afterwards about it.

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Santina is just the wooorrrrrrrrrrrrst at this.  She brought all of the suspicion onto herself.  WHAT WAS THE POINT, what was the reason?  She could have just kept her mouth shut and acted normal but she insisted on

1.  Stalking Renee like prey from room to room

2.  Declaring in front of many witnesses she was gunning for POV to take Ty off the block because "That's my guy" 

3.  Get UPSET AT TY FOR TAKING HIMSELF OFF THE BLOCK (we know he didn't, she knew he didn't but still)  

4.  Get upset at Ty for supposedly not trusting her.  ??????????????  Starting a huge fight with him???????

Oh my god, I can't stand how bad she is at everything

So is Santina forced to throw this HOH comp because she can't be HOH twice in a row?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Well I thought Ty was insufferable before, don't think I can watch this, I cannot stand the sight of this guy.   Screw you Daniel, screw you, hope your man crush convinces you to go up as a pawn and you go, ugh. 

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The more annoying I find Santina, suddenly the country wants to save her.  Go figure.  At least they saved somebody non-white this time.

She was so nasty to Anika about the food, and for what?  Nobody forced her to eat that or act like that. And she immediately goes into victim mode when anyone calls her on anything.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, Victor Magnolia said:

And might I say that I'm tickled pink to see that Ty's HoH has turned out to be a complete, utter disaster.  First, Canada saves his primary target.  Then, an ally of his secondary target saves her with the Veto.  Now he's forced to put up two pawns he didn't even want to see go.

Ty has complete free will.  He could have put up almost anyone else in the house.  Daniel C. Anika Kuzie.  But he chose the people he wanted to put up.  So....... it's not like he's exactly losing here.  He has allies everywhere you look.  The only people who are working against him are Santina and Renee and possibly Shanaya now.

Daniel C. seems to work for him.  Hope, stupidly, seems to work for him.  Claudia seems to work for him.  A lot of people just swan about trying to curry favour with him.  So I don't think he's in this remarkably awful spot yet.

Anyway, this episode was so depressing. I don't love that Hope cheated in the game but he's so likeable and all of his crying over Jonathan being nominated with him was just so miserable to watch.  But I keep saying I'll quit watching and I don't, so it's my own fault.

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23 minutes ago, Victor Magnolia said:

That's not true.  Hope and Jonathan hate Ty and don't trust him at all.  Both want to take him out the first chance that they can get. 

Well they're pretty awful at it?  Behind Ty's back Hope is all talk but he put himself on the block a million times and is probably leaving this week.  And this is Ty's HOH week.  Hope could have said NO don't put me on the block but he's more obsessed with pleasing Ty than saving himself.  This is evidenced by:  Him being on the block this week!  The proof is in the pudding.

23 minutes ago, Victor Magnolia said:

 I think that tonight shows that he's probably very close to blowing things with Claudia. 

I think I've already suspected this 3 times before and it never pans out.  I'll believe it when I see it.  Claudia seems to forgive him for the world.  What could Ty do that's worse than waiting until his ally is in trouble and then ratting Hope out to the producers?    I think that's worse than even putting Claudia or Shanaya on the block, and yet, Claudia thinks nothing of it.

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5 minutes ago, Victor Magnolia said:

He doesn't care about pleasing Ty!  Not in the least!  He said as much himself in the Diary Room in last night's episode!  He just wanted him to think that he was with him until he could finally take the shot at him!

There is really no difference.  And effectively, both have the same result.   He can feel whatever feeling he wants and say whatever he wants to the camera, but the action that he actually took was pleasing Ty, letting Ty put himself on the block.  That gives major advantage to Ty and very little advantage to Hope.  In the end, who is pleased by this action?  Ty.  So you can say "Hope doesn't want to please Ty" but what really happened?  Hope pleased Ty!  

Hope cared enough about it to let himself be put on the block, and potentially be evicted this week, and that's not nothing.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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(I'm a bit behind)

Seriously?!?!? Seriously Canada??? Santina?!

Also Santina, it's extremely rude to insult the chefs cooking. If you don't like it, cook it yourself! 

Edited by Samwise979
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1 hour ago, Samwise979 said:

(I'm a bit behind)

Seriously?!?!? Seriously Canada??? Santina?!

Also Santina, it's extremely rude to insult the chefs cooking. If you don't like it, cook it yourself! 

Yeah, she is the worst.

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The whole keeping the door shut while they ran around the library was interesting tv.  Thinking the other 3 should have boycott the safety by saying they weren't invited since they were locked out and BB did nothing. 

Anika was first to bring up circle of trust, good for her and walking through the scenarios.  The second Kuzie picked Hope second, it was obvious they planned the order out. 

Not sad to see Santina go.  She was easily manipulated from since her first HOH.  

Edited by Artsda
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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

The whole keeping the door shut while they ran around the library was interesting tv.  Thinking the other 3 should have boycott the safety by saying they weren't invited since they were locked out and BB did nothing. 

Anika was first to bring up circle of trust, good for her and walking through the scenarios.  The second Kuzie picked Hope second, it was obvious they planned the order out. 

Not sad to see Santina go.  She was easily manipulated from since her first HOH.  

I agree the three who were locked out basically gave up after a couple pushes and went and pouted and got angry…. Wtf

I wanted them to pound on that door, scream, holler and threaten to complain to BB that they were being excluded from whatever was going on while others were let in!…. Come on girls, play hard, don’t accept that shit!

I was okay with Santina leaving too, I had high hopes for her in the beginning but she turned out to be a terrible player.

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That whole library crap was stupid. There wasn't anything to find of any value. Just an invitation to a feast, no secret power or advantage of any sort . I think they let Hope block the door for some semblance of drama. It was much ado about nothing.

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I think more like, Claudia wanted to nominate Kuzie and jumped on this reason when Dan presented it to her.

So, Ty and Kuzie final 2 deal... was that her just saying what she needed to say to get his vote or legit? Ty being the only vote for Hope I think was a. Jury management and b. To make it look like he isn't working working with Kuzie. 

Ok, Renee... I did not see that one coming. 

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On 4/18/2023 at 9:44 PM, Samwise979 said:

Why Dan used the veto on Ty I'll never understand. It's going to take a miracle to get him out of the house now. 

I'm just going to quote myself so I don't have to type it again lol

Speaking of Ty, he's been slowly getting a better edit since Zach left. I almost like the guy now. If Kuzie gets booted, he's the only person left who deserves to win.

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Also! Everyone is mad Kuzie spent an extra 40 seconds getting the $1000.00 but no mention of Shanaynay(?) spending almost 3 minutes with her mom?? Hmmmm

Also! I feel like I'm having a conversation with myself here. Lol

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2 hours ago, Samwise979 said:

Also! Everyone is mad Kuzie spent an extra 40 seconds getting the $1000.00 but no mention of Shanaynay(?) spending almost 3 minutes with her mom?? Hmmmm

Also! I feel like I'm having a conversation with myself here. Lol

It's definitely quiet in here this year with no Live Feeds to discuss but you're not alone  👍

It still makes me angry that Daniel saved Ty with the Invisible Veto, Ty would have been gone weeks ago if not for that dumb move.

I'd like to see Daniel go next.

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7 hours ago, Samwise979 said:

So, Dan and Anika are annoyed that Kuzie is begging for her life while they just lay on the couch and do nothing 🤔

Ya those two are acting so entitled like Kuzie should just give up and shut up made me angry!

Kuzie has every right to do what’s best for her game, to hell with the whiners.  👎🏻

4 hours ago, Samwise979 said:

Also! I feel like I'm having a conversation with myself here. Lol

I’m here! and I’m enjoying your posts! 😊

I really wish Kuzie would have ignored the lousy $1000…. Keep your eye on the big prize…. So stupid, that $1000 might have cost her $100,000 🙄

When Ty and Kuzie were alone in the pool table room Ty said if Kuzie is replacement nom he’ll throw Anika under the bus to save Kuzie from eviction…… does anyone know what information he has about anika?

Edited by Joan of Argh
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I really liked Kuzie's top she wore for that comp.

Ty's non reaction to his mom keeping on track saved him. 

18 hours ago, Samwise979 said:

 Also! I feel like I'm having a conversation with myself here. Lol


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33 minutes ago, argrow said:

Claudia fucked up by not putting Ty up outright. That was brutal.

Yep! Was just coming on here to say this. Why didn't she nominate him outright? Even if she doesn't want him out anymore (it sounds like they're working together again now??) she should have nominated him anyway... if he wins pov he can only save himself and if he doesn't win she either pulls a blindside and sends him home or the girls vote to save him.

So Daniel.... you used the pov on Ty that one time and he didn't do the same? Hmmm. Now THAT is something to get mad about (not whatever you think Kuzie did to you)

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