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The X-Files in the Media

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Sounds like he'll leave it slightly open for a movie or a season 2. All depends on ratings, and FOX deciding to commit to a second season/movie/whatever. Makes sense, his answer. Why not leave all opportunities open, right?


Makes sense. But Chris is Chris. I keep that in mind as well lol.

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I have no issue with leaving some things open, after all I want as much X-Files as I can get but I am well and truly ready to get answers to all lot.of the questions this show has posed over the years.


How far are they with adding the HD eps? I'm thinking I'll have to go back and watch some of S1 again.

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Very interesting article about how the X-Files kick started online communities discussing the show, the phenomenon of "Shipping", and how fandom and fan fiction were hugely influenced by the show. Anyone remember Alt.tv.xfiles?? I do!!


Note the title of the article may be slightly NSFW. How X-Files Lovers Created a New Type of Online Fandom


Your version of the title fits better imo.


I heard of it, but I didn't have access to the internet back then :(.


They bring up some good points, but it seems a little bit stereotypical too.

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Very interesting article about how the X-Files kick started online communities discussing the show, the phenomenon of "Shipping", and how fandom and fan fiction were hugely influenced by the show. Anyone remember Alt.tv.xfiles?? I do!!

I remember it too! The X-Files is the reason why I even started using the internet. I somehow got roped into going to work with my mom for Take Your Daughter to Work day, and I was sitting in her office bored out of my mind with only a computer to entertain me. I decided to go on the internet for the first time in my life and search for X-Files. It was all downhill from there. I got sucked into the online culture, I learned about Shippers and No Romos (I was a shipper, but didn't want them to get together until the end of the show). I learned everything that was available about Gillian and David. I read all possible spoilers. And then I discovered fanfic and it consumed my life.


And this many years later, I'm still on message boards talking about this show...

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I remember it too! The X-Files is the reason why I even started using the internet. I somehow got roped into going to work with my mom for Take Your Daughter to Work day, and I was sitting in her office bored out of my mind with only a computer to entertain me. I decided to go on the internet for the first time in my life and search for X-Files. It was all downhill from there. I got sucked into the online culture, I learned about Shippers and No Romos (I was a shipper, but didn't want them to get together until the end of the show). I learned everything that was available about Gillian and David. I read all possible spoilers. And then I discovered fanfic and it consumed my life.


And this many years later, I'm still on message boards talking about this show...


That was me too! Didn't have online access for a lot of it though :(. So it was a week by week experience for me for the most part. Add onto that, not that many people in the area where I lived were huge XF fans. We only had a small amount (at least as far as I can remember) of people go to see FTF. Now it's not the case lol. Now it's pretty popular there. It's funny how some shows are like that. They get more popular after they're off the air :P.

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This was me for the entirety of season 6:




I was that as well.


Only the whole did it was by the end. Even though I did think they did so in All Things.


Tbh though seeing Chris be all shippy in IWTB had me lmao XD.

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I read that entire article with the biggest smile on my face.  Ah, the memories.


Back before hubby and I had our own computer, I used to spend hours over at my SIL's house looking up XF message boards and fanfic.  Anybody here remember GertieBeth's message board?  That was the one I spent most of my time on.  And oh, the fanfic.  Hours upon hours spent reading fanfic.  XF is still the only fandom that I will read fanfic for.  I just don't care enough about anything else to want to keep up with the characters "after hours".  (And yes, I realize how silly that sounds.  No, I don't care.)


Goodness I love this show.

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Oh man I used to spent countless hours reading fan fic after discovering the gossamer project. I also remember the various geocities and anglefire site where some were fan fic and other ep reviews. Thanks to x files fan fic, I still read fan fic in other fandoms.

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XF is still the only fandom that I will read fanfic for.  I just don't care enough about anything else to want to keep up with the characters "after hours".  (And yes, I realize how silly that sounds.  No, I don't care.)

Goodness I love this show.

This is me exactly! I have never been a fan of any other show like I have for XF. I've tried to read fanfic of other shows and not only do I find the quality to be sooo far below what I see with XF, but I just don't care enough about those characters to be engaged in the story. 

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It's being reported that David, Gillian, and Chris will be at upfronts Monday.



Cool. Just read an article in the WSJ about David being in the XF again. It was kind of cute :P.


Here's the link to it.


He mentions that he might be getting the script around this weekend.


We have an official poster now!


Source/Credit: thatswhatisee.tumblr.com and Fox

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An article that mentions XF:


Here it is


Source: rollingstone.com


Mainly it's about David's new album but there's a wee bit about XF in it.


Here's the quote:


How much of the X-Files mythology do you have straight in your head?

Very little. I think Gillian [Anderson] and I should probably do a remedial course by Chris Carter or somebody who runs a website that knows exactly what the hell they're talking about.


What's it like to have Fox Mulder follow you around for all these years?

At one point it was frustrating, and I feared being typecast. Now, it's just kind of funny. I was going to sing last week, and New York is where I get the best recognitions, and this guy goes, "Oh, shit! It's homeboy from The X-Files!" That's the way I like to think of myself: homeboy from The X-Files. 



Who doesn't need a remedial course in that? XD That plot was a pain in the butt to keep straight.


According to Twitter: David's at the NBC upfronts right now.

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The montage they showed was pretty cool. They were only on stage for like 10 seconds, but they were cute together.


Didn't get to see it :(. Got a link to it?


Saw the pics. Yea they were :). Too cute.


What did Chris say? I figure it was nothing new... but :P.

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Lmbo XD, is it just me or did they just reuse stock footage from the film Armageddon at the beginning of the trailer? :P

Ha. Probably! It mostly made me think of the Heroes logo.


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I still can't believe this is happening.  Seeing all the upfront stuff today was so surreal.  What a lucky fandom we are to get our show back.  :)


(pretty soon i'll be an emotional mess over here in the corner, and i'm not even drinking)

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I still can't believe this is happening.  Seeing all the upfront stuff today was so surreal.  What a lucky fandom we are to get our show back.  :)


(pretty soon i'll be an emotional mess over here in the corner, and i'm not even drinking)


Neither can I. Definitely on both counts :). Haven't been so proud to be a fan.


Me too.

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Aww that's too cool! :D


How I feel tonight: f0c36acc20df62e06100c20b74eecc3d.gif



OMG, check this out!




Now we know what those two (M & S) have been doing for the past 6 years :P!


God bless you Twitter! Someone working there is an XF fan lol.

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I also don't believe Gillian about "heck" being the worst in her house. Lol

Gillian, subject matter expert on Bad Blood and red speedos

Edited by queequeg
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Yeah, it's utter craziness. Remember when David and Gillian didn't like each other? And now she's joining him on stage, kissing him, singing, dancing, and playing tambourine? WTF?! So crazy. 

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Yeah, it's utter craziness. Remember when David and Gillian didn't like each other? And now she's joining him on stage, kissing him, singing, dancing, and playing tambourine? WTF?! So crazy. 


Yep :P. It is. Priceless.


They be trollin.


Good practice though ;).

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Oh, I know.  I'm Tumblr right now... I'm freaking out a little.  Is this trolling?  Does this mean something?




Lol probably. But I can relate on that end. Too freakin funny. Chris better capitalize on this! We don't want to have another missed opportunity.

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