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Da Vinci's Demons - General Discussion

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Oh, this is the last season. You all might not know Farscape, but that's how we're going to do.


I was really really really really pro DaVinci shooting his mother. There's no doubt she's alive, but he didn't hesitate. That was the right call because it choked the harbor.


I have no idea how DaVinci's inventions are being used against him, but it's awesome because you designed a tank and it ripped apart the city. So he's fighting himself.


I also love how we walked through the sex hotel, but oh, there's an office here. 


Seriously, this is the last season, Bring it all down. 

I'm about to post some major spoilers at the end of the post, so if you haven't watched, look away.


I have to say Eros Vlahos has impressed me this season. I've always liked him but so far he is stepping up. I didn't think I'd be able to take him seriously as adviser but I do. 


They killed Clarice? Bastards!

Edited by ulkis

Finally, Vlad!! I was so delighted to see him back. The actor is so fun. I gasped when Zo got shot with the arrow, and Nico's reaction to the note was hilarious. "'Dear honored impaler, please don't kill us?' Fuck you Zo!"


And this exchange:


"Why wouldn't I look well?"


"Well last time we saw you, you were on fire."


"My flesh does not burn."


"And falling out the window . . . "


"My bones do not break."


It was all in the delivery.

  • Love 2

wow, they are pulling out all the stops! Magnifico is captured, Leo has lost (going back to last season) a man he considered a father, a mother, and an actual father after beginning to reconnect with him in a matter of days? I wonder what will it do to his mind...


Vanessa was pretty badass, Nico was proud 


Rigor mortis, huh? lol ouch!

  • Love 1

Did have some questions though for others who have watched the whole thing:
First, why on earth was Riario so aghast at finding out he was a killer?
Series one he was beheading people left and right just for not giving him information
and showed no remorse at all. Last year he was going to drown Zo and his cousin
and didn't seem too worried about that either. Now he is tormented? Because
he doesn't remember doing it? Seemed odd for somebody established as a ruthless
zealot to suddenly care so much about this. And then his confession was baffling
as well; I suppose we were meant to think he was doing it to prevent him from ever
hurting his new squeeze, but frankly he did not seem that into her so that seemed
out of character too. He tried to slaughter Lorenzo in series one so not like they
were best friends. And finally, were we meant to take from the ending that he had
once again been programmed by the architect, or was the Pope his final kill as it
was his cruelty that had caused him to become the monster in the first place?

I came into this season for Riario, but ended up in love with Vlad :)


Bad wigging on Riley all of a sudden.

Seriously. I only watch this show for Tom Riley and now he looks like he's in a bus-and-truck tour of Les Miz? But, hey, good to know there's a swanky omnisexual brothel. Could be a handy place for the occasionally (rarely...) bisexual Leo to recover from his sword and shrapnel wounds when he's not thinking up ways to put tanks out of commission. Oh, show, you make next to no sense...

I'm half way through this one...

I kinda thought it was Riario, cause when Leo described profile of the killer it was him to a t. Word "pious" brought back Zita :'(

But I didn't think it was "split personality" angle, just thought Riario was back to his old ways with new found purpose... btw, Blake KILLED that switch from scared self despising broken man to a righteous demon killer. I jumped back a little.

Damn I'm gonna miss those two. They need to get on some other show and play frenemies again. Chemistry is off the charts!

  • Love 1

I agree about Eros. I can finally see the future Machiavelli (one we all know) in him. He even looks a bit like him, I mean, it's not a stretch to imagine that this young Nicco will grow into looking like what we know Machiavelli to have looked.

Also... Clarice... sigh.. RIP badass mother of Florence

But I saw what Leo was talking about. How gorgeous was the shot form above when they raised her from the water. Masterpiece! Lara Pulver looked magnificent. (is it wrong to admire that kind of art? lol)

  • Love 1

Seriously. I only watch this show for Tom Riley and now he looks like he's in a bus-and-truck tour of Les Miz? But, hey, good to know there's a swanky omnisexual brothel. Could be a handy place for the occasionally (rarely...) bisexual Leo to recover from his sword and shrapnel wounds when he's not thinking up ways to put tanks out of commission. Oh, show, you make next to no sense...


I like it. I don't know what's wrong with me lol. At least, these first two episodes and then it gets weirder and weirder (I have no actually fully watched any of the later episodes, just skimmed a bit). But yeah, even with the bad wig I like it better than his short season 1 hair. I found it distractedly modern.

I kind of don't like that they released all the episodes at once because now there's no one to talk to about them.


I did love Machiavelli and the guard smiling proudly when what's-her-name was insulting everyone. 


I really didn't think they'd kill off the father. It looked to me like he was just going to convert to Islam to buy some time. Good job show. 

I also liked how DaVinci was able to figure out how his new and improved designs worked quick enough. 

The whole zip line was really cool, and I liked how brave that kid was.

  • Love 1

Thanks! And ha! Lorenzo finally get rid of the fake beard. Maybe the beard and Leo's wig can have a contest for worst performance by fake hair in a dramatic series.


So is this woman in love with Riario supposed to be Caterina Sforza with a different name (which I have tried several times to catch and still haven't, after 5 or so episodes)?

Edited by ABay

I'm about 10 minutes in--Leo is showing Vlad and NotCaterinaSforza (I will look up her name...) the field he wants to lure the Turks to and his armor has cap sleeves that look like bat wings. It's Vlad's armor so maybe his men wear it and I never noticed (averting my eyes because of gagging issues) but this is cool for 2 reasons: because Vlad=Dracula=bat, but also because Leo's big weapon and the invention that kicked off the series are flying machines. And the whole Icarus thing.


Laura Cereta, that's the character's name.


ETE: So I've paused in the middle of Riario's big speech to say this: From the beginning f the season, it seems like everyone, especially Laura, kept calling him by his first name--Girolamo. As the season progressed, I started wondering if they were trying to turn him into that other famous Florentine Girolamo, Savanarola. 

Edited by ABay

Ooooh, I guessed that was Vlad's brother two seconds before he said it. He probably doesn't realize Vlad is alive, let alone how batshit he is.

Still can't buy that somehow Vanessa is in charge. Maybe if they had had Giuliano living long enough to declare the baby his son. As it is they only have Vanessa's word.

Tom Riley did a nice job with the anguish in the scene with Leo's mom.

lol poor Riario was so disappointed in Nico. I really like those two in scenes together.

Aw, poor Dragonetti. He had to deal with everyone's craziness and in the end got felled by it.

I actually forgot Lucrezia was in the episode. I was all, great, this plot.

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