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Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing. I did not see these scenes between Oliver and Laura. Whenever they had a conformation, Oliver shut her down. 

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7 minutes ago, Chaser said:


Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing. I did not see these scenes between Oliver and Laura. Whenever they had a conformation, Oliver shut her down. 

The only time Laurel ever really motivated Oliver was because of her death... So yeah you could say that Laurel knew what to do to motivate him :p

Edited by wonderwall
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There is also a big difference to how Felicity and Laura handle Oliver. Felicity is more patient and understanding. However, Laura knows how to react to his problems thus acting as his motivator.

I legit do not understand any of this tbh. LOL. Motivator? Huh? Who was the one providing Oliver with support when he needed guidance/motivation the most? Certainly not Laura, that's for sure. I mean, I guess they tried it a couple of times in s4 but they had to remove Felicity from the team to enable that to happen. So...

You know, I really do appreciate people wanting an accurate representation of GA/BC on screen but don't rewrite things that were actually never portrayed on screen. 

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9 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Sometimes it's almost enough to actually make me think there's a completely different version of the show out there that I never got to see.  

The person who wrote this article obviously crossed over from the other dimension where the alt.version of Arrow airs with this character named Laura.

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Just now, dtissagirl said:

The person who wrote this article obviously crossed over from the other dimension where the alt.version of Arrow airs with this character named Laura.

It all makes sense now! :)

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4 hours ago, tv echo said:

I got a good laugh out of reading this article, especially the bolded portions quoted below (but ymmv)...


Who the hell is Laura?

Perhaps that is why I never saw this amazing relationship, I completely never saw this Laura character.

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I listened to the above Comic Book Central podcast interview with EK. He talked about his background, getting the Curtis Holt role and his other projects.  He mentioned falling asleep on the Arrow set because it was so comfortable.  Given the choice of crossing over to Flash, LoT or Supergirl, he'd like to have Curtis work with Cisco - and also Felicity - the three smart people working together.  On being asked why he thought Green Arrow was still so popular after 75 years, EK said that he thinks people can really relate to and look up to characters who've really been through a lot of struggles and keep going. As for social media, he hopes to do more snapchat videos and also mentioned the "aggressive on set dad" series that he did with EBR.

In terms of spoilers - first off, it was annoying how the interviewer kept incorrectly saying "season 4" and EK didn't correct him.  Nothing new Arrow-wise (if you've been reading the Spoilers thread). EK mentioned that


he saw that WM had said recently that Curtis would become Mr. Terrific this season. He also mentioned WM's quote about Felicity being "software" and Curtis being "hardware." His most common questions are: when is he going to fly, and when is he going to get a costume.  He also mentioned Chad L. Coleman coming to Arrow.

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Even the faint idea of the return of the shirtless episode count for Arrow is the only thing remotely exciting thing I've heard about Season 5 so far. Definitely, lets get back to what made this show great. ;-)

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‘Arrow’: 5 Facts You Might Not Have Known About Emily Bett Rickards, AKA Felicity Smoak
Fashion & Style   July 16, 2016

5. She Is A Big Fan Of "Veronica Mars."
4. Rickards Loves Young Adult Novels.
3. She Wishes She Had The Power To Shapeshift.
2. Rickards Watches "House Of Cards" With "Arrow" Co-Star Stephen Amell.
1. In Her Spare Time, She Likes To Relax And Watch Netflix With Her Dog.

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Comic Book Central podcast interview with Jimmy Akingbola (Baron Reiter)...

-- JA: "What Echo and Emily do, for me, they're the best things on the show, as well as Stephen, of course."
-- JA said that he was "very familiar" with Arrow before he was cast and that he used to watch Smallville. He found Smallville "frustrating" so he was reluctant to watch Arrow, but once he started watching Arrow, he thought it was "another level".
-- JA auditioned for Damien Darhk and his audition scene was when Green Arrow went to meet with Darhk. He was willing to do the audition using an American accent, but he was asked to use his UK accent.  Afterwards, he was called back in to audition again using his UK accent in front of a lot more people, including "Wendy."  As he left to take the elevator, he was called back once again to audition in front of MG. He then got a call that they loved him and that he was "penciled in".  Then he found out that he didn't get the Darhk role because they decided to go older.  But later he went back to audition for Baron Reiter using his American accent. He then researched the Reiter character.
-- JA said that it's not clear whether Reiter is dead and that he believes Reiter was too powerful to be killed by a stab in the back.
-- JA said that SA was happy about not having to wear the flashback wig.  JA was also happy about that because he would've laughed in his scenes with SA if he was wearing that wig.
-- JA was initially scheduled for four episodes, but he was written into more episodes because the producers liked what he was doing.

Past Comic Book Central interviews with Arrow cast/crew:

Echo Kellum (Episode 134 - July 14, 2016) [previously posted in this thread above]

Blake Neely (Episode 118 - March 26, 2016)

David Ramsey (Episode 66 - March 7, 2015)

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I didn't care for anything in the flashbacks but Jimmy Akingbola has always struck me as a class act on social media.  I wouldn't mind having Baron Reiter turn up in the present day.  For one thing, I never understand exactly how he knew what was special about the island and the idol.

Having to go back and audition again and again, then be told he was "pencilled in" and then finding he didn't get the role ... it's a real insight into how frustrating the business can be.

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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:


Having to go back and audition again and again, then be told he was "pencilled in" and then finding he didn't get the role ... it's a real insight into how frustrating the business can be.

Is this about this or some other role? I don't want him back. The only person who wasn't a complete fail in the flashbacks for me this year was the guy with the Southern accent. And even his run ended weirdly.

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I was referring to JA auditioning over and over to be Darhk, told he was probably going to get it, and then losing it to Neal McD (who did very well in it indeed).

I agree the flashbacks in s4 were a complete fail but that was because of the writing.  The guy with the Southern accent (who will always be Henry from Sanctuary to me) enlivened things a bit but to me, that's not a character I would ever watch for.

I think they could bring Reiter back for a few episodes as a villain in future seasons.

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I was referring to JA auditioning over and over to be Darhk, told he was probably going to get it, and then losing it to Neal McD (who did very well in it indeed).

Thanks. Good call on NM from casting. If only the writing supported him more, it could have been a perfect storm.

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On 7/17/2016 at 10:11 AM, tv echo said:

From this Comic Book Central interview with DR (this interview took place right after 315 aired)...

-- DR talked about two things that he never saw coming on the show: Sara's death leading to Laurel's becoming BC, and Oliver & Felicity's romance.  DR: "No one saw Felicity and Oliver coming. Nobody saw that.  I mean, Emily, to her great credit, was hired as a guest star on the show. And, um, no one saw that character morphing the way it did.  And I've said publicly before, thank - I mean, thank God she did because me - you know, for the first several episodes, even half the season, it was just me and Stephen kinda brooding around Starling City fighting crime.  And then you have, thank God, this comic relief in Emily Bett (interviewer interjects, "uh, breath of fresh air") coming in really - breath of fresh air.  And - but even with that - and she could very well have stayed in that place where there was some comic relief and you kinda give her some one-liners and it really would stay that breath of fresh air, like you said . But to see the chemistry that she had with Stephen, and that kinda morphed into a romance between Felicity and Oliver - I don't think anyone called that. I think people - I think the fans probably hoped for it, but - but to see it really happen and become something else [unintelligible word] - nobody really knew that was coming."

-- Interviewer asked if he thought Felicity should get together with Oliver or with Ray.  DR: "Well, you know something? I think - I think Emily is such a - you know, she's one of these actresses that have - it's almost like she has chemistry with everyone that she works with. She has chemistry with Stephen. She has chemistry with - I mean, Oliver. She has chemistry with Ray Palmer. She has chemistry with Barry Allen.  You know, so it's - she is one of those characters that Emily brings to Felicity that she could go around with any of these guys and you'd believe it.  I can't say I don't like her with Ray Palmer because they really are kinda good together.  Um, I think Diggle obviously sees Oliver and Felicity together - I think.  Um, and to be honest with you, I had - David Ramsey had some questions with that as it began - I saw it written in the script - Would Diggle really be that way because wouldn't he see her as more of a liability? ... Because that was my concern with this... Would he fall in love with Felicity because Felicity, at the end of the day, working this closely, would she - because Diggle is an army guy, right, he's a military guy - would she be a liability ultimately?  And, um, you know, I talked to Marc for awhile about it and he said, 'I think Diggle's position is that he's always kinda wanted Oliver to embrace his humanity.'  And he took me back to that first speech when I joined the crusade and I said that 'whether you know it or not, killing people scrapes a little bit off your soul each time you do it, and you're going to need me to help you with that, to regain your humanity, to keep a hold of your humanity.' And he sees part of what he's doing with Felicity, in embracing a woman that he truly does love, as keeping that humanity intact and being closer to himself as a full - being closer to a full, rounded person. That's Diggle's position. That's part of what he helps Oliver become is a more fleshed-out human being. And, um, so I think, yes, Diggle probably does want the two of them together more than anyone else. I had some problems seeing that at first.  But I think that ultimately she's a better match. And now that I 'm looking at the way - at what Ray Palmer's issues are - I think that he's really the same person as Oliver Queen, you know what I mean? She's - she's really attracted to the same guy.... What's pushing him is the grief that he has for the death of his wife... He hasn't dealt with his anger and his loss, the same way that Oliver hasn't dealt with all the things he's suffered with through the island, so they really are kinda of mirroring each other in a way. But I think that Oliver has the team, and Ray hasn't yet found his team. And in that team, there's a safety net, whether Oliver realizes it or not.  And ultimately, I think that's the thing that Oliver has - he has a family. And, um, I think John Diggle recognizes that, probably more than anyone else. So I think he sees Oliver and Felicity together ultimately."

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On 7/17/2016 at 10:11 AM, tv echo said:

From this Comic Book Central interview with BN (this interview took place right after 416 aired)...

-- BN said that his first comic book was Aquaman and that he also loved Batman and Superman, but he never got into Green Arrow until he was scoring Arrow.

-- BN said that "music has a way of dropping hints" and therefore he asked GB not to tell him anything or else he might drop hints in the music, even subconsciously.  But if GB wants him to do that intentionally and if he fully knows where they're going, then he can allude to that (like add a sting if a character is going to become a villain). He likes to score shows from the audience's perspective.

-- BN said that he's never done music for shows with such "rabid fanbases" before, who look for everything and comb through everything.  He said he got a tweet the other day that said, 'We noticed that you added one piano note to Felicity's theme in episode whatever'.  In that case, it didn't mean anything - maybe his finger slipped or lingered too long on one note.

-- BN said that he does leave clues.  His most fun clue was when Slade first appeared and he laid hints that he would be Deathstroke. So when you watch the first full Deathstroke episode, you'll note musical elements that were there when we first met Slade.  In The Flash, he set up a clue for the Reverse Flash's theme in the pilot scene where Barry's mother was murdered.

-- BN said that the history of comic books is built on a mythology, so if they're not all doing their part to make sure that mythology is right, then they're "busted."  (For example, you can't use the sister's theme for the girlfriend.)*  He has no idea how the LoT writers are pulling it off with three different shows and different timelines.

(* If I had the time and the inclination, I'd track the music for Felicity from S1 to S4, to see if it changed over the course of the show.)

-- Interviewer noted that movies used to have memorable character themes (like Superman and Indiana Jones), but now he can't think of an Iron Man theme or a Captain America theme.  BN said that he thinks that there's now an oversaturation of comic book movies, with many more comic book movies coming out each year than there used to be.  He also noted that Iron Man has had three movies and three composers and that Avengers has had three movies and two or three composers, so there's some oversaturation and confusion.  He also said that traditional film scoring was all about the theme, but modern film scoring is all about the mood.

-- BN said that GB is "insistent on iconic themes," memorable and classic themes. 

-- BN did the score for Everwood, which started his association with GB.  He had a fear of scoring two superhero shows when The Flash started because it was so different from Arrow.  But now he's scoring four superhero shows.  Supergirl was a kind of different show and different style.  And he had already written themes for a lot of the LoT characters, so he couldn't turn that down.

-- When he first got the gig for Arrow, BN and GB were just coming off Brothers and Sisters and some family dramas and comedies and Eli Stone.  So BN was told by GB that Arrow "is very different" and he was directed by GB to go "dark" (biggest adjective) and "very emotional."  BN: "Greg's thing is, he's always pushing the human element through his stories. I don't care whether we're dealing with comic books or teenagers or, you know,  vampires - he hasn't done that yet but - um, it's always going to be about the human drama and if you don't have the emotion, you lose the audience, that's - he always says that. Um, even in the comedic moments - like find the way to - it's got to be emotional comedy. So it was always supposed to be emotional and dark. And then what I wanted to do with it is make it sort of like a comic book opera, so it's a little bit over the top in every way. Um, but the best direction Greg ever gave me is, once we got started, we got to episode 2, and he said, 'as we get into this series, don't ever forget that we're making a comic book.'  And that was it. He left it to my interpretation and I've always thought that was great direction because it's basically saying, 'make it big, make it fun, make it entertaining,' but also leaving it to me what that was."

-- When Arrow started, BN said that there were certain things that the audience expected and if you watch the pilot, there are elements there that were influenced by The Dark Knight, which was very popular then. He was definitely influenced by Hans Zimmer's score because the audience expected "big brass themes and chugging strings."  But then he also wanted to make Arrow different by adding in "elements of electronic music and dub step and crazy stuff like that." He did that on every show, like for example, he added in elements of Bach to The Flash score.

-- When asked to describe the "the Arrow sound", BN replied: "I describe it as heavy, um, mostly triumphant - although it's a dark, brooding triumphant. Um, yeah, it's always pretty heavy." (Then BN played a segment of the Arrow music to show what he always thinks of as the Arrow theme.)

-- When BN first scored the music for the flash forward scene in 401 when Oliver and Barry are standing in front of the mystery gravesite, he didn't know who was in the grave and told the EPs not to tell him.  But when he scored the flash forward scene that appeared in a later episode during the season, he had guessed who was in the grave. So he scored the scene a certain way based on his guess, alluding to the possible theme, and asked the EPs if it was okay to score it that way.  He was told, "we aren't saying you're right or wrong, but choose a different theme."

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7 minutes ago, tv echo said:

-- BN said that he does leave clues.  His most fun clue was when Slade first appeared and he laid hints that he would be Deathstroke. So when you watch the first full Deathstroke episode, you'll note musical elements that were there when we first met Slade.  In The Flash, he set up a clue for the Reverse Flash's theme in the pilot scene where Barry's mother was murdered.

I'd really like for someone to pick his brain about his choice for the 410 flashforward. I know it reminded me both of The Amazo reveal in S1 and Slade showing up at the Foundry in S2. As we all know, it had nothing to do with either of those instances.

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ARROW Roundtable: Season 4 In Review and Looking Ahead to Season 5



Time and time again Olicity fans hear that other viewers don’t want the “soap opera stuff.” But the thing is – neither do Olicity fans. I can’t speak for an entire fandom, but as someone actively involved, someone who speaks to and hears from thousands of other Olicity fans – what fans of this couple want is a united duo who weather challenges and storms together. The relationship doesn’t need to be the main storyline. At all. ARROW is a show about action and mystery and heroes. But Oliver’s relationship with Felicity is important, it makes him stronger, and it humanizes him. Plus – the chemistry between Amell and Rickards is almost distracting in how sizzling it is. It’s a shame that the show gave in to bad tropes and overdone drama, rather than playing up the strength this relationship provides.

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Thanks @tvecho for the BN interview! I love reading about some of the production elements like music. 

To BNs note, I can't think of any superhero theme in recent years that is recognizable from film to film. The only one that comes to mind is Rue's Hunger Games whistle notes - and thats not comics. The only Iron Man theme I know is the Black Sabbath song- which is pretty Badass, but not meant to be a theme.

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I actually agree that Arrow deserves an Emmy nom for stunt coordination, if you're going to nominate shows like Gotham, Rush Hour and The Blacklist in this category...

5 Biggest Snubs of 2016 Emmy Nominations
By Amanda Joyce Jul 18, 2016 05:00 PM


#1 Stunt Coordination for a Drama - Arrow

Stunt Coordination is usually the one category you can count on genre shows to pop up in for sure. This year, the nominees are Game of Thrones, Daredevil, Gotham, The Blacklist, and Rush Hour. It’s interesting that Rush Hour’s stunt work earned a nomination solely because the series was basically cancelled before it even aired. It’s airing its first season on Saturday nights, quietly, on CBS this summer, and then it will vanish into the ether.

Arrow has been regularly nominated in the viewer voted awards like Teen Choice, and it’s even picked up some Saturn Award nominations in the past, but it has yet to be recognized for its stunt work. I’m the first to admit that there are other comic book shows I favor (simply from a viewer standpoint) compared to Arrow, but Arrow has been doing amazing work with its stunt sequences since the show began and it hasn’t let up four seasons in.

Here’s the thing about an action show on the CW - they don’t have the big budget of a cable network, or even a regular broadcast network. That makes effects and stunt sequences much more difficult for them, and much tighter to film. Arrow has managed to do a whole lot with the little it’s been able to work with in the past, and a lot of that is down to the show’s fantastic stunt team.

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Very detailed....

"His left eye twitched and I was reminded of a moment in S1. The light, the color of his shirt...the symbolism and signs were there..."

Lol. I joke. It's nice to have someone so detailed reporting from an Olicity/OTA/Felicity friendly view. 

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16 hours ago, Thundercatmary said:

She blocked me on twitter because I made a joke about her stupid Olicity  marriage train that they were going on and on about for the longest time.

Well, he did get married. To another woman, while Felicity thought he'd left her (and the others) to die. And O/F are STILL not married. In fact, they're not even together anymore. And I'm not clear whether he's still married to Nyssa or not. But other than that...

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Guess what I picked up at the supermarket this morning?  Yes, I got TV Guide's Comic-Con Special issue (with Supernatural on the cover*) that was released yesterday.  I scanned the Arrow section which comprised 4-1/2 pages.  I've posted the Arrow spoilers page in the Spoilers thread.  Here are scans of the other (non-spoilery) Arrow pages...

(* Picking the Supernatural cover, and not any of the three Berlanti shows' covers, was my way of protesting Arrow's exclusion from the SDCC covers this year.)





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-- The IntelleXual is a San Diego-based podcast. The interviewer is a big Arrow fan and a big JB fan.
-- EK confirmed that he'll be at SDCC.
-- EK talked about auditioning for Arrow and how they thought he would connect well with EBR's Felicity.
-- EK talked about how he liked the way Arrow takes its time to develop storylines, like Oliver & Felicity's relationship or Laurel's three-year journey to become BC.
-- EK again said that he liked WM's quote about Felicity being the software and Curtis being the hardware.
-- EK said that this year they made sure that "everyone could do comic con", but that they'll still be in production on Friday and most of the weekend, and that he's working on Thursday.  (I think this is what he said, but I had trouble understanding him on this point.)
-- The interviewer mentioned SA's HVFFs.
-- EK talked about how insane and fun JB is, that he'll be completely prepared to shoot a scene, but when it's done, he'll do a break dance.
-- It sounds like the interviewer (David) has been through some hard times and has taken inspiration from Arrow: "That's been for me one of the great, kinda central themes of Arrow, is this man who's gone through so much darkness and has come through on the other side and feels like he has to live in that darkness to try and protect everybody else's light. But in the last couple seasons, it's been as much about Oliver figuring out that he has to have light in his life too, you know.  And I think - I think that's such a wonderful central theme in the show, is... Can you survive the darkness of life and come out the other side, and still feel like you deserve the light and can live in the light? As someone who's gone through a lot of trauma myself, that's a beautiful theme for a TV show to be tackling, and Arrow tackles it so well."
-- EK talked about coming from Chicago to Los Angeles.  He also talked about doing improv and other non-Arrow stuff.
-- After EK left, the two interviewers (David and Naomi) talked about the DC TV universe.  David said that the DC TV shows "are so well done" and integrate so well with each other, and that the DC TV shows "capture the spirit of DC comics" better than the DC movies.  He said that the TV shows better understand that you have to establish the characters first and then start integrating them with each other. Naomi mentioned how Marvel took 10 years to build up to the Avengers. They agreed that you can't just throw the universe up in people's faces without the buildup (referring to Batman v. Superman).

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Nice to get confirmation that everyone will be at Comic Con, but hasn't everyone always gone to SDCC? S1 and beyond. I think SA and KC went to show the pilot prior to S1.

I hope he doesn't mean everyone EVERYONE.

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Pre-S1 SDCC 2012 - KC/SA only

Pre-S2 SDCC 2013 - SA, KC, DR, EBR, CH and JB crashed.  Regulars missing were PB, WH, MB and ST.

Pre-S3 SDCC 2014 - SA, PB, DR, JB WH (Friday). KC and EBR showed up on Saturday.

Pre-S4 SDCC 2015 - All Regulars.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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FYI, here are the twitter links for some media people attending SDCC, who are confirmed (or likely) to be covering Arrow at SDCC this weekend, and who therefore will be publishing news, recaps and/or interviews relating to Arrow... 

Jarett Wieselman (BuzzFeed, mod for Arrow panel)

Kayti Burt (Den of Geek, Collider)

Leanna Aguilera (Entertainment Tonight)

Alyssa Barbieri (Fangirlish)

Lissete Lanuza Sáenz (Fangirlish, Tell-Tale TV, JustAboutWrite)

Lyra (Fangirlish, Tell-Tale TV)

Eric Goldman (IGN)

Rob Bricken (io9)


Just About Write

Damian Holbrook (TV Guide/TV Insider)

Vlada Gelman (TVLine)

Laura Prudom (Variety)

Chris E. Hayner (Zap2It)

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Some media reporting on Olicity's MTV Ship of the Year win...

SDCC ’16: Olicity wins Ship of the Year in MTV Fandom Awards


In a bit of an upset over Stucky and Stormpilot, Olicity won “Ship of the Year” at the 2016 MTV Fandom Awards. Teen Wolf, which announced its final season, won the coveted “Fandom of the Year” award. The awards were presented as part of the MTV Fandom Fest events at Petco park but you can relive all the drama when the show is broadcast on Sunday, July 24 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on MTV.

Winner were decided by fans who voted through Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr and Twitter; over 21 million votes were cast.

The complete list of winners:

SHIP OF THE YEAR: “Olicity” from “Arrow”
BEST NEW FANDOM: “Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments”
BANDOM OF THE YEAR: 5 Seconds of Summer
BEST REVIVAL: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Stephen Amell Accepts 'Ship Of The Year' For Olicity at MTV Fandom Awards 2016
July 22, 2016


Stephen Amell raises his award high up on stage during the 2016 MTV Fandom Awards held at PETCO Park on Thursday night (July 21) in San Diego, Calif.

The 33-year-old Arrow actor was on hand to accept the ‘Ship of the Year’ honor for Oliver and Felicity after taping his appearance on Conan with Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist.

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

What's bandom?

And isn't SA older than 33? I don't think by a lot, but I do believe he's a few years older than me.

"Band" fandom :)


In a bit of an upset over Stucky and Stormpilot, Olicity won “Ship of the Year” at the 2016 MTV Fandom Awards.

Upset? Stucky and Stormpilot didn't even get past 100,000, I think. It was a Clexa and Olicity battle from the start. 

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4 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Upset? Stucky and Stormpilot didn't even get past 100,000, I think. It was a Clexa and Olicity battle from the start. 

That goes with my observation of the difference in the crowd reactions at the award show compared to the Tumblr numbers.  Clexa was the only 'ship close to threatening Olicity, but the crowd was basically silent last night when they were called.  I think the reporter was going off that without checking the numbers.

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UP NEXT! Arrow Cast Interview at 1:55pm PDT today on IGN  - the Flash cast interview was scheduled for 1:45pm PDT (looks like each interview was allotted 10 minutes)...

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