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Meh I'm not interested in giving them any of my clicks tbqh

Not a problem, I understand. I didn't click it until I saw the SA quote posted on a tumblr & wanted to hear it for myself. I posted the direct quote in my spoiler post, so you don't even have to click on it if you don't want to :)

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Not a problem, I understand. I didn't click it until I saw the SA quote posted on a tumblr & wanted to hear it for myself. I posted the direct quote in my spoiler post, so you don't even have to click on it if you don't want to :)

You are a godsend m'dear ;)

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JustAboutWrite is doing recaps of her time at SDCC.  Here's her Friday, July 10, recap (including pics of Arrow costumes on display).  Her Saturday recap is coming and should be interesting...


#JennAtSDCC: Comic-Con, Friday Edition ("I'm learning so much on this panel!")
7:49 PM  comic con, event recap, sdcc  


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Some new Arrow articles from ScreenRant (from SDCC)...


Stephen Amell Says ‘Arrow’ Season 4 Is About ‘Magic & Mysticism’
By Andrew Dyce 07.20.2015

So, does Amell think it’s time for the show to take a breath, and go back to basics? Far from it – things are about to get supernatural:


"The element that we are choosing this year is magic and mysticism. And Oliver alludes very early on in the season that this is something that he has seen before. Clearly that will play into this year’s flashbacks for him, but it’s an interesting wrinkle.


"Our show is our show. I’m not going to spend five episodes in domestic bliss in nowhere town. The show is the show. We come back, five months have happened, and conveniently, right when we pick back up again, I get activated, so to speak."


‘Arrow’ & ‘The Flash’ Producer: More Crossovers In Upcoming Seasons
By Sean Reed 17 hours ago

Fortunately, Arrow/Flash producer Andrew Kreisberg recently promised more crossovers are indeed in the works for the shows’ respective upcoming seasons. 


"We wouldn’t be Flash without Arrow. It’s like there wouldn’t have been The Avengers and all that without Robert Downey Jr. and Iron Man. So everything that we’re doing…I mean even Supergirl, even though it’s not connected, it’s all coming out of the success that we had with Steven with Arrow. And we certainly continue to…Legends is essentially crossovers every week. That was sort of where it was born out of. It was so much fun seeing everybody get together. And we do have crossovers planned, both Episode 8’s beginning this year, which will air in December. Our two-part crossover, it starts on The Flash and ends on Arrow. That’s sort of the big crossover event."
*  *  *
... Kreisberg is not blind to this risk, though; in fact, he sees the increasing interaction and interconnection as beneficial on all sides.


"These shows are linked. If there’s a terrorist attack in Central City, they are going to hear about it in Starling City, just like if something terrible happened in New York, we’d hear about it here in LA. I think there was a concern we had early on, like…Sometimes when you expand these things they implode. Instead, they seem to lift each other up."


‘Arrow': Stephen Amell Says ‘Safe Bet’ Oliver Will Meet His Son
By Agustin Guerrero 12 hours ago

Fans aren’t the only ones expecting the child to play a role in the series’ future. Stephen Amell recently told Screen Rant that he believes Oliver could – and should meet his son at some point in the future.


“Me personally being a dad, I would love to see how Oliver interacts with having a kid. Obviously, it would be a different experience from that experience, but I think that storyline deserves further attention. One of the big tenants of Greg Berlanti is you don’t introduce something to the audience, you don’t tease it if you are not going to follow through with it [in] some shape or form. So I think it’s a safe bet that Oliver will find out about his child at some point.”

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ShowBizJunkies article (from SDCC)...


Emily Bett Rickards Interview: ‘Arrow’ Season Four, Olicity, and a Happier Felicity
On 20 Jul, 2015

Sitting down to discuss the series during roundtable interviews, Rickards reflected on “Olicity,” the fan’s nickname for the relationship between Felicity and Oliver [played by Stephen Amell], and how that relationship stood at the end of season three. “I think that it’s awesome that someone can recognize that they’re happy,” said Rickards in answer to a question about Oliver finally seeing the light. “I don’t find that that’s something people actually say. Like, ‘Oh, I’m happy.’ ‘Are you? Oh, good.’ But I think that acknowledgment for himself, finding out that he is happy and possibly grounded more than he has been in the last 10 years because now he’s safe and more secure with people he loves, I think is really important and a big life hurdle for Oliver.”


Rickard’s Felicity plays a big part in the flash-overs between Arrow and The Flash, bringing the two worlds together seamlessly in her own way. “I find that she has a really important role in connecting the worlds because she’s so easily willing to make friends. I don’t think she makes…she’s not very great with people all the time. But, she’s always willing to help people and she’s generous, and that bridges the gap between any turmoil or torturing.”


As for the tone of the show in season four, Rickards acknowledges season three was a very heavy one for Felicity but she’s hopeful there will be a little more humor or light moments in the upcoming season. “Her emotional security is stronger than it was. I think this whole push-pull thing with Oliver and Ray [played by Brandon Routh] on top of the secret life is a little bit too taxing on her sense of self, hence why she was crying a lot,” explained Rickards. “I believe that she’s a really strong and independent woman. I feel that she’s caring and she’s generous, and I feel that that is her innate ability. But you also need to be able to pump yourself up, and I feel like she was really taxing herself and accepting scenarios that weren’t exactly giving her energy; they were taking a lot of it away and she wasn’t aware of it, which we are.”

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'Arrow': John Barrowman on how Malcolm views the team and being Ra's al Ghul
Meredith Jacobs  July 21, 2015 2:47 PM MST

He thinks that at some point, there will be a time that Malcolm will use the League to protect the team. "I believe I have a soft spot for every one of those people on that team and I haven't figured out but maybe it's because of Tommy knowing most of them or it's because I look at Oliver as being like a son. My daughter, I knew I was training her to be part of it. I will protect them, but if I have to kill someone, I will. It's as black and white as that, but don't mess with them. Don't get in the way, because I will put my neck out on the line and protect them."


Unfortunately, he was not allowed to say when we'll see Malcolm when season 4 begins. However, "when you see him, it will be, which is what I love about Malcolm, it's always [an 'Oh My God' moment]."

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For me it's more of an OMG, Not Again!  Why the frack won't he just DIE!  moment...I've never liked Malcolm and I don't think Barrowman is all that good in the role.  He's very hammy in his villainous portrayal, IMO.   Seems like a funny guy and I enjoyed him on Dr. Who (less so on Torchwood, although i give him credit for Children of Earth) but I honestly don't get the love for the acting/character.  

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Yeah, I think he was good in S1 but is just ridiculous now.  But what bugs me so much is that it's not like he was bad in S1 and has since tried to become better.  In S2 he threatened Moira, again, with taking Thea, AND killed/seriously injured a bunch of her guards, just guys trying to do their jobs (Moira: "I thought it couldn't hurt to have more security."  MM: "It hurt them.")  In S3 he drugged his DAUGHTER, after basically torturing her for months, to make her murder her friend, which put her at danger of death from the League of Assassins.  Do NOT tell me you love your daughter after you put her life at risk to save your own sorry ass, especially when you are only in danger yourself because of your own, entirely intentional, actions.  And he did that to make Oliver fight Ra's, knowing Oliver was almost certainly going to lose.  So that's what he does with the guy he considers a son?  How screwed up is that?  I guess Barrowman just hates playing a villain, but dude, you ARE playing a villain, and a fairly disgusting one.  Plus at this point, for me, the fact that Oliver keeps letting him and even helping him live makes me hate Oliver a little bit.  He really, really, really needs to die by the end of S4.

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Previously posted her Friday recap above.  Here's JustAboutWrite's recap of Saturday at SDCC (I've only quoted the Arrow portion, go to link for pics and recaps of other DC panels)...


#JennAtSDCC: Comic-Con, Saturday Edition - Part 2 ("San Diego Comic Con... you have not failed this city!")
7:33 PM  comic con, event recap, sdcc

Superhero Saturday Night kicked off with the debut of the new Arrow suit and guys, it’s glorious in person and it’s glorious in photos and videos. So here’s what happened: talent emerged from the side of the stage where we were situated in the press pit. If we stood at just the right angle, we could actually see backstage before they walked out. So they passed really close to us is what I’m saying. Well, the lights were darkened and Rose and I were momentarily distracted before we gasped. Because though you wouldn’t have been able to necessarily see it toward the back of the hall, we were totally able to see Stephen Amell emerging, wearing the new Green Arrow costume. We screamed. We took lots of photos. We thanked God that he stayed REALLY close to the press pit during his monologue and didn’t move around too much so we could get amazing photos. We may have all swooned and cheered just a little bit, even though we're professionals.

*  *  *

And then the monologue concluded and Stephen went backstage to change, which was the perfect time for the debut of the Arrow sizzle reel. If you haven’t seen it, go and watch it. And then imagine watching it in a hall with 6,500 people. And imagine you’re beside the speakers, confident that you’re going to be deaf in the morning and not caring one bit because you’re standing and watching the video, slack-jawed. Arrow’s third season was… well, it was dicey. I’m going to be honest. The good was REALLY good and the bad was REALLY bad and most of the season fell somewhere in the mediocre-we-could-do-better range, but you’d never know that through the sizzle reel.


Like, literally I thought: “This makes the season look way more awesome than it was.”


Here are some of the highlights of the Arrow panel during Superhero Saturday:

  • There were a LOT of loud cheers for Olicity, especially when they showed clips of them in the sizzle reel. I felt proud. I also cheered from the pit on multiple occasions.
  • The EPs talked about the new suit and the transition for Oliver from Arrow to Green Arrow. The suit, apparently, is more indicative of the tone of the fourth season. “He’s happy… he’s in love,” they noted. The suit is reflective of that. And if you want to get all deep here, the suit is less covered up than the old Arrow suit. It’s like… Oliver opened his heart and now his clothes reflect that. LIKE I SAID, CONJECTURE AND WAY TOO DEEP. BUT STILL.
  • Anarky will be joining Damien in this season of Arrow and it was recently announced that the roles for both have been cast. I had a love/hate relationship with Neal McDonough's character when he was on Suits, so I’m intrigued to see how I feel about him on Arrow. What they did mention about Damien as a character is how he will differ from villains like Slade and Ra’s. Both of those men lived by codes. Even Malcolm Merlyn lives and dies by a certain code of honor. Damien doesn’t have that. He has no moral compass and he has no code. He’s pure, unadulterated evil.
  • It was also announced that Mr. Terrific will be joining the show and will work a lot with Felicity. Arrow’s version of Mr. Terrific is gay (and also black, as it was recently announced that Ben and Kate alum Echo Kellum will be playing him). I’m SO excited that Echo is going to be in this role. I have a feeling he and Emily Bett Rickards will have amazing comedic chemistry. Go and watch some of Echo’s stuff on Ben and Kate because he was so wonderful.
  • Willa Holland got to talk about how exciting it was to transition from Thea being sidelined to Thea becoming Speedy: “I had tears of joy when I tried on the outfit.”
  • Emily Bett Rickards was asked about what it was like to wear the ATOM suit as Felicity and she actually revealed a funny story: though it looks very much like Oliver is smiling lovingly at Felicity when she is in the suit… Stephen was actually smiling at a six-foot tall stuntman who was wearing the costume for the shot, while Emily was out of sight.
  • John Barrowman was asked whether or not he’ll be donning the robes the entirety of season four as the new Ra’s or whether he’ll get to pick up the hood again. He turned the question to the producers who revealed that Malcolm will be back in the hood for the third episode. John Barrowman then took the opportunity to tell everyone that he had the Ra’s ring made for himself and showed us all that he was wearing it at the panel. It was amazing. John Barrowman is amazing.
  • John Barrowman's laugh is seriously the best thing ever and infectious.
  • Diggle’s costume was revealed! It is complete with a helmet and everything. On his new digs, David said: “Diggle officially has a costume. It’s called… Black Driver.” We all died laughing and then David mentioned that the joke never gets old to him.
  • The cast was asked a lot about the tone of the show and what the characters would be like next season. Stephen’s response: “We are going to move in a more Green Arrow-y direction.”
  • I could listen to Paul Blackthorne talk all day.
  • Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards addressed winning MTV's Ship of the Year and they genuinely appreciated how hard the fans fought. They talked about how amazing it is to see the love in-person from Olicity fans at things like Comic-Con. I love listening to them express their love for fandom, I really do.
  • Notable quote: "It means a lot... like, not quite an Emmy... but a LOT." – Stephen Amell on the Olicity MTV fandom win.
  • Katie Cassidy brought up the fact that they all just learned about “Doliver” – people who bromantically ship Diggle and Oliver – that weekend.
  • Notable quote: “I just love looking into your eyes, John.” – Emily to John
  • Notable quote: “[He's] got a sugar mama.” – Stephen about Felicity, when asked whether or not Oliver will ever become rich again.
  • When asked whether or not the actors have had to play their characters in real life, Emily noted that she's definitely not as technologically capable as Felicity, citing a time where she couldn't locate her Apple TV remote and then was told that she could just put it on her phone.


The Arrow panel was over as quickly as it began (or so it seemed) since we had four other panels to get through (and a screening of Supergirl, but we'll talk about that later on). Perk of being in the press pit, though: the talent walks off the stage the same way they walked on, which meant I had the chance to wave to Emily Bett Rickards, who waved back. My fellow press pitters (... we'll make that a word now) got some high fives and fist bumps, as well.

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Just got my TV Guide in the mail and there's a nice big picture of Emily, David and Katie (the one with them dancing) in the SDCC photo section.  Stephen also got a smaller photo (him in the new suit) in the column covering news from the con. 

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Ugh! I don't know why I bother reading articles at MoviePilot anymore.  I just read one where the writer (and I use that term loosely) suggested that the way to "fix" Felicity was to injure her, put her in a wheelchair to become Oracle, have Oliver end their relationship out of guilt, and then Felicity would stay in the Arrowcave as the information person for the team.

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Laura Hurley takes on the S3 crossovers (I agree 100% with her "What Needs To Happen Next")...


Arrow Season 3 Roundup: What worked and what didn't with the Flarrow crossovers
Laura Hurley July 22, 2015 8:00 PM MST

Finally, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and The CW need to remember that Arrow is the mothership in this shared universe. The spinoffs may be flashier and fancier and brighter, but Arrow should not be shuffled into the background in all of the promotion for the Legends of Flarrow-verse like an embarrassing relative who won’t stop telling war stories at the family picnic. Each show must be able to stand on its own alongside the others, and decrying Oliver as a dark monster best kept in Starling City a la Joe West or shoving the archer behind all of the fantastical characters with superpowers a la the advertising thus far needs to end.


Oliver may not have superpowers or a time machine, but he is the only superhero of the universe thus far who has put in the work to earn the title. Olicity may not be canonical with the comics, but it is the culmination of three years of storytelling. Diggle may not be a DC sidekick with decades of backstory to draw from, but he is the greatest right-hand man on The CW. Arrow may not be filled with metahumans or monsters or British time-travelers, but it is the only actually tried and true standalone superhero success at this point.



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Sure to be controversial...


Arrow Season 4: 9 Characters Who Need To Die
James Hunt   23 Jul 2015


9. Roy Harper
8. Vertigo
7. Nyssa al Ghul
6. Malcolm Merlyn
5. Lyla Michaels
4. Thea Queen
3. Laurel Lance
2. Detective Lance
1. Felicity (if Olicity continues)

One of the most ‘shipped’ couples in all of television over the past few years, Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak finally gave into their feelings – and the demands of the fandom – and got together at the end of Season 3.


It was a long journey of will they/wont they, but it paid off with them riding off into the sunset. The only problem was the character of Felicity was massively underserved in Season 3, reduced to being little more than a love interest for both Oliver and new-billionaire-on-the-block Ray Palmer.


She’s one of the best characters on the show when actually given something to do, hence why she became more than the one-off character she was originally intended to be. She’s super smart, hilariously awkward and often just plain hilarious. Her computer skills make her a match for anyone, and she can be a total badass (her highlight of Season 3 was taking out a League member with a laptop).


If the writers can find a way to make Oliver and Felicity work, while also having him be the (Green) Arrow and her a proper character who is actually an extremely necessary part of the team, then great. But if the show’s poor handling of Felicity continues, then the idea of ‘Olicity’ will need to be killed off.

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They're not going to kill off Felicity, bc this is a tv show that needs viewers.  However, I don't really disagree with the actual writeup, minus the killing her part.  IMO Felicity wasn't as crapped on as a character as Oliver, who for me was pretty much ruined, but calling her "underserved" is fairly kind.  With all the LoT push, I think a huge part of that was actually for Ray the Toad, not Oliver, so it shouldn't be a big issue in S4. 


EBR was really such a good soldier through all that.  It's been clear in her interviews since then that she had issues with Felicity's characterization in S3, but she just powered through it. 

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It's kind of a back handed compliment. This Character Is So Awesome If You Don't Do Her Justice Kill Her Off.

Am I alone in thinking putting her with Oliver will actually solve a lot of the issues the character had in S3? Most of these problems came from them doing the will they/won't they this season. Also making her a love interest wasn't what what hurt her, it was making her a prop for Ray. Why does no one talk about that?

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I'm kind of just trying to imagine what happens to OLIVER if they kill Felicity. And all I can come up with is a padded cell in a psych ward and 24/7 suicide watch. For the rest of his life.

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I could see Oliver becoming snarky sarcastic bed hopper if Felicity dies. I think he would officially not care about life anyone. Being a better person holds no value anymore. The series would probably end with Oliver dying on a mission because he was careless or finally having a complete breakdown.

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I'm kind of just trying to imagine what happens to OLIVER if they kill Felicity. And all I can come up with is a padded cell in a psych ward and 24/7 suicide watch. For the rest of his life.

I've thought for awhile that Felicity would survive Oliver's death, because that's just kind of what she does (moves forward regardless), but Oliver would not survive Felicity's death.  He wouldn't shoot himself or anything, but he'd go TerminatorVigilante and just keep pushing until he was killed.


It's not going to happen, though.  No way would the network let them kill her.  Imagine the ginormous ratings drop.  And I think Felicity is going to be much better served in S4. 

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I agree with the two of those, Malcolm and Laurel. 


What I get out of that list is, that it's not only Olicity fans and Sara fans that want Laurel gone. Even if you like neither of those, Laurel is still the weak link. 

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I agree about not having her own story.I think they had the idea of her story being about exploring a life outside the arrow cave and Oliver but it got lost in the love triangle.The reason for that IMO is that they had to sell Ray as a superhero with his own future spinoff at the same time instead of using him to serve Felicity's storyline like he should have done.And it backfired on them because he was no where near popular enough to carry his own show.So they had to bringing in Sara and make it a team up.I just know they were planning on making the show about the ATOM.

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The show will do an injustice to the Original Team, Felicity, Oliver, Diggle, the fans and EBR a herself if they kill her off. Which I don't think they will do because she's such a good promoter, such a great speaker for the show and her character. Plus if cons are any indication she has the most questions asked about her character when she's not even at those cons!

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Sure to be controversial...


Arrow Season 4: 9 Characters Who Need To Die

James Hunt   23 Jul 2015



9. Roy Harper

8. Vertigo

7. Nyssa al Ghul

6. Malcolm Merlyn

5. Lyla Michaels

4. Thea Queen

3. Laurel Lance

2. Detective Lance

1. Felicity (if Olicity continues)


I have a real problem with that list. The top 7 encompasses all the women on the show bar Amanda Waller (and she was probably omitted because she was so bland the author forgot she existed).  Oh and baby Sara.

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I have a real problem with that list. The top 7 encompasses all the women on the show bar Amanda Waller (and she was probably omitted because she was so bland the author forgot she existed).  Oh and baby Sara.


I didn't read the article, but it also contains 5/7 of the show's current series regulars. What's going to happen without those characters? Are Oliver and Diggle just going to go to a different funeral every week? (I guess 5/8 since they just added the new villain, but he hasn't been on the show yet, so...). Just a mess of a list in my opinion. Roy is basically gone anyway and I can't even remember if they killed off Vertigo, but he appeared in about two episodes anyway so why even include him? Malcolm is the only choice I agree with.

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Well yeah having 9 choices when the cast isn't exactly massive is pretty dumb.


Three would have been a better number.


Heh, the first comment says "Dude, you basically named every character on the show", which also begs the question why Mr Hunt watches the show if he dislikes 90% of the characters on it.

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Am I alone in thinking putting her with Oliver will actually solve a lot of the issues the character had in S3? Most of these problems came from them doing the will they/won't they this season. Also making her a love interest wasn't what what hurt her, it was making her a prop for Ray. Why does no one talk about that?

For the same reason that we got the Moonlighting curse, a.k.a the biggest case of missing the point in TV history and mother of all the tedious cliché will they-won't they in the last 30 years.

I agree that coming back to the roots of O/F (understanding, trust, mix of fun and emotion, two people making each other better and who actually like each other) should do the trick. O/F aren't of the star-crossed lovers variety. They're of the you and me (and Diggle) against the world variety. Imo, if the showrunners stop to try and fit square pegs in round holes, many parrots will have crow to their menu next year :D

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Just read that article. I only agree with one on the list and that's Malcolm Merlyn. As much as I love John Barrowman, his character has got to go. He was one of the roots of the problem of s3 and they just seem to force him where he doesn't fit. They should have just kept him to the kind of mysterious villain who appears like once or twice a season.


And as much as I'm really not a huge fan of Laurel, I don't need her to die. I just need her to be written with some consistency. And I really could have done without killing Sara to make her relevant. Because if you think about it, Thea was already on her journey to Speedy at the end of s2 when she went off with Malcolm. That was her path set and they didn't need to kill Sara to take her there. But that was the only reason Laurel became BC. There were more creative reasons and they chose that one. I despair! I'm kind of going off on a tangent but basically I need a reason to root for her as a character and so far they have not given me one.


As for Felicity being on that list, eh. I think it's pretty pathetic that the moment she becomes more than comedic fodder and quirky IT girl, is when people start to revolt. No, s3 was not a good season for Felicity. But it's really unfair to place all the blame on her. She was basically narrowed down to love interest. She spent the entire season propping Ray's journey to hero and when she wasn't doing that she was in opposition to Oliver and their dynamic never worked that way. They were always friends and team mates and partners. They talked things out and confided in each other. Throwing angst at them just because that was the original plan for Oliver and Laurel was so dumb. Olicity were sometimes frustrating not because they were putting them together but because they spent so much time trying to keep them apart. It was contrived. This is why I really feel like everything will settle down with them now that they're not on the outs. 


But really, aside from MM that whole list of characters who needs to die is really dumb. And it's really worrisome (and incredibly telling) how most of them are women. Surprise, surprise.

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Yesterday ComicBookResources posted the following videos of its SDCC interview with MG...


CBR TV: Marc Guggenheim on "Legends of Tomorrow's" Unique Tone, "Arrow" Season 4


CBR TV: Marc Guggenheim Talks Marvel Vs. DC, New "Agents of SHIELD" Comic


CBR TV: "Arrow" EP Marc Guggenheim Talks Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk

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Yesterday TV Overmind posted youtube video of media interview with MG and WM at the SDCC 2015 press roundtables, and also posted its related article by Andy Behbakht...


Arrow at Comic Con: Executive Producers Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle Preview Season 4
By Andy Behbakht on Jul 23, 2015


2015 Comic-Con Roundtable Interview: Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (Arrow)

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Oliver is not on this list because there is no Arrow without Oliver...


Arrow Season 4: 10 Characters That Absolutely Cannot Die
Not anytime soon, anyway.
Laura Hurley  Jul 25, 2015


10.  Nyssa al Ghul
9.  Sara Lance
8.  Quentin Lance
7.  Laurel Lance
6.  Oliver's Baby Mama
5.  Baby Sara
4.  Lyla Michaels
3.  John Diggle
2.  Thea Queen
1.  Felicity Smoak

Why She Cannot Die: Felicity is an interesting character, largely in that she is replaceable in her position on the team. Team Arrow 2.0 apparently managed without her constant aid over hiatus, and both Arrow and The Flash have proved that there is no dearth of lighthearted geniuses willing to work outside of the law. The show could feasibly survive her loss.

Oliver could not.

For all of its failures in writing for Felicity, Season 3 did effectively paint her as The One for Oliver. The former playboy only had eyes for her, and there was a big Olicity beat in all pivotal episodes. He gazed longingly at her with a baby. He saw their only kiss last before he died. He chose to leave everybody behind to discover himself with Felicity at his side. Thea connects him to Ollie, and Diggle connects him to the Arrow… but Felicity connects him to the Green Arrow. She can’t die.

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I just read that comicbook.com article and as suspected, it annoyed me. Especially this:


And while we understand that waxed moustaches may not poll as well with The CW’s female demographic, it’s time that they honored their core fanbase with goatee that would make Neal Adams proud.



FANSERVICE. If they keep telling me that Olicity is fan service for tumblr fangirls, then I'm going to say asking for a dumb goatee to honor their 'core fan base' is exactly the same thing. Except one is honoring a relationship built on screen for three seasons and clearly part of Oliver's growth as a character, and the other would be honoring literally nothing on the show. It would add nothing. Because it's facial hair. The double standards in this fandom are crazy!

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Who in their right mind would think a goatee would even look good?I honestly don't get people who can't separate the comics from the show.And the obsession with stupid things like a goatee or fishnets is just ridiculous.I just laugh at them now when they cry fanservice while asking the show to service them.

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The Arrow is based on a comic that is not based in real life. If Oliver were to go around with a goatee people would remember and there would be no need for any disguise. Could you see him at a gala or a political event? Forget the CW Oliver would be compromised.

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Exactly. I feel same the way when some fans ask for Laurel to be wearing fishnets. Do they not realize how injured she could get wearing a pair of tights?! Not to mention she'd freeze her ass off. It's not practical. 


And then there's fans asking for Oliver to call Laurel 'Pretty bird' and on what planet would he ever call her that? I can't even picture it. It does not work with these characters we have on the show. I just don't understand why people find it so difficult to separate comics from TV. 

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I wish the show WOULD do all of the dumb inane crap to ~honor the comics~, and then mock it like crazy. Team Arrow needs to infiltrate a dance studio, Laurel wears fishnets and complain about them a lot. Team Arrow needs to go undercover at a costume party, Oliver wears a fake goatee and says "I look ridiculous" about 300 times. So on and so forth.

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