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I'm one who isn't a big fan of threesome fics that include Oliver and Felicity-- for some reason it's just not my thing. My big pet peeve though is when those are included in the Oliver/Felicity tag. IMO- they should be kept in their own Oliver/Felicity/Third Character tag. And as someone who was a fan of Ray, fics that have Ray be the evil bad guy/abusive boyfriend are a big nope for me. Felicity already has a terrible ex-boyfriend in Cooper- and canon-wise Ray is a good guy. (I know this is an unpopular opinion). 


I will read any fake-dating fic though, those are my jam. Especially if they include bed sharing and Oliver pining. 

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I generally just don't like Ray in fics, just like I don't like him on Arrow. But I prefer if he is in it, he is neutral or kind of an afterthought/rebound love which is how I felt he was on the show. I don't need him vilified.


That being said there was one fic that made me actually like and feel bad for Ray. "Or Forever Hold Your Peace" by katanaxriot



It was an AU, but it made me reevaluate a lot of things I thought I didn't like in fic like au-AUs, one night stands, no island, minor Arrow characters completely OOC. overall is was a good read. And ultimately no real bad guys or quest for good v. evil. It was just a good story with real life drama fueling the story.

I am learning so much today. There are fics with EvilRaisa?


Sadly so many of the Bratva fics blend together in my mind that I have a hard time differentiating them now. But they do exist. :)

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I think a trap that a lot of fanfic writers fall into is making Felicity a lot more playful than she actually is. Looking throughout the course of the show, Felicity isn't one to be all that bubbly. She's funny, she puts her foot in her mouth, and flirty (with Oliver), and sometimes she has fun, but overall Felicity is a serious person who doesn't take anyone's crap. 


Which is why that Bose commercial with Felicity dancing in her seat, it just looks weird now that we've had 4 seasons of Felicity. Because we've never seen her be THAT light and carefree. 

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I will read any fake-dating fic though, those are my jam. Especially if they include bed sharing and Oliver pining.

YES! I'm pretty much in for fake dating or fake marriage, unless the writing is terrible! Love the over-the-top UST in those!

Also, I don't mind when Felicity is depicted as being a little jealous of Sara, because I think she was just a little bit. She admired a lot about Sara, but Sara seemingly posed a threat to Felicity's utility to the team when she first came back and was a total bad ass, so I think revisiting that jealousy in fics is OK. However, I hate it when Felicity is super jealous of Laurel and feels inferior to her. Laurel didn't pose a risk to Felicity in any way, as Laurel was in the dark about Oliver being the Arrow, was barely his friend and completely antagonistic toward Oliver, and was never a romantic rival for Oliver because there was never any overlap between when he had feelings for Laurel and for Felicity.

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So many things I agree with, I'm still trying to catch up.


I want to add:

  • Bad Bratva fics in which Oliver is an evil killer but he's not really. I don't even think the show will be able to do Bratva Oliver justice in terms of being nasty much less these fic.  (The one Bratva fic that is the exception is Tempest in a Teacup because she has so much believable description of how the US Bratva would work.)
  • sex pollen trope.  It shoves them together too fast and they don't have a chance to let real love grow which ruins the idea of them being in a relationship for me.
  • Evil Oliver/Al Sahim for real.
  • WIPs that meander and/or never get finished.  Plot out your story before you start posting it. And if you get bored with it, at least have the courtesy to wrap it up for your audience before starting a bunch of shiny new ones.
  • I don't know what it is about them but Oliver/Barry fic just squick me out.  Barry/Snart fic even more so.



I used to like Smoaking Billionaires but now that Oliver is actually with Felicity, I don't as much.  I really don't like Felicity/Tommy fic because while I think they would be good friends, I can't see them in a relationship.  (The same way I can't see WestAllen either.)


I find that when the show is in hiatus and there's no much happening her in the board, my tolerance for bad fic increases. Desperation, I guess.


  • Eyes going dark with desire. Didn't realize eyes could change color tbh. LOL.


As EmeraldArcher said, pupils expand with sexual arousal which in turn attracts the other person.  Belladonna (beautiful lady) drops were put in a woman's eyes to dilate her pupils, making her more attractive to other people who thought she was attracted to them.  (I had a friend in college who smoked marijuana which dilated her pupils and men were always around her like bees around honey.)


Anthfan is one whose fics I can never really get to grips with. I can't even explain it very well because she's not a bad writer at all but I'm not keen on the way she writes Felicity. She always clings to Oliver and Oliver is always OTT protective and it's just very dramatic and most chapters end with DUN DUN DUN!!!

I agree that she's a good writer and I read her one-shots but I've given up on her longer fic because I can't take Helpless Felicity any more.

Edited by statsgirl
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I don't mind the "eyes darkening with desire" phrase, probably because I'd gotten used to it with Mills & Boon romance novels. But the "lips crashing against each other" makes me just groan and roll my eyes. First of all, OWWWW! Also, I think it's actually supposed to be "crushed," although that is also oww-inducing, if you really think about. But I think it used to be something like "he crushed his lips against hers" and somewhere along the way someone misspelled it and it became "crashed." Maybe. I don't know. I'm not sure. It just annoys me. 


Other fic peeves, some already mentioned above:

Shortening of Felicity's name -- it never feels natural, probably because we've never really heard anybody use one on the show

Too much babbling -- Felicity babbles when she's nervous and/or angry. She doesn't do it all the time so it gets really tiresome when her entire conversations are pretty much like free association

"For the love of Google!" -- I feel like one writer used this and others just picked it up until it became a fandom thing.


I prefer fics that stick pretty close to canon but don't mind AUs as long as they're well-written and the characterizations don't diverge too far from the show. Oh, and no threesomes featuring Oliver/Felicity and either of the Lance sisters. Just ... ick! In fact, unless I'm familiar with the author, I will not read a story that features either of them.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Does anyone know of a fandom cartoonist who takes request? I really want a DC superhero girls type picture of Laurel&Sara. Maybe it already exist? Thanks :)


Hmm I woudl've suggested thekeythief because it seems like she takes commissions, but she doesn't like Laurel at all... But maybe she'll do it? No harm in asking

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Hmm I woudl've suggested thekeythief because it seems like she takes commissions, but she doesn't like Laurel at all... But maybe she'll do it? No harm in asking

Is that a twitter or tumblr user name? Thanks :)

Edited by tarotx
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I made a new Oliver/Felicity video.  It's my fourth attempt.  I've been really struggling to be motivated to finish because I'm so unhappy with the show lately.  This show got me back into making videos after a really long hiatus and so  I am grateful for that.  Still, my enthusiasm for the show isn't what it was.  I really hope things improve.


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I'm still reading "His Girl Wednesday," but including Oliver having oral sex in his office and Felicity walking in on it just ruined even the later, better chapters a bit for me. Which reminds me--I loathe all of the recent dry humping and Oliver mentioning he hadn't made a mess in his pants since high school. I'm with @apinknightmare in that I don't want details about bodily fluids in sex scenes. Yuck!

I mentioned a week or so ago that the dry-humping weirds me out. As an adult, I either make out or have sex. The idea of dry-humping, especially to that point? Really? Just freaking have sex, jeez.

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I'm one who isn't a big fan of threesome fics that include Oliver and Felicity-- for some reason it's just not my thing. My big pet peeve though is when those are included in the Oliver/Felicity tag. IMO- they should be kept in their own Oliver/Felicity/Third Character tag. And as someone who was a fan of Ray, fics that have Ray be the evil bad guy/abusive boyfriend are a big nope for me. Felicity already has a terrible ex-boyfriend in Cooper- and canon-wise Ray is a good guy. (I know this is an unpopular opinion). 


I will read any fake-dating fic though, those are my jam. Especially if they include bed sharing and Oliver pining. 

Smoaking Billionaire fics are my guilty pleasure.  I don't know why since Tommy and Felicity never interacted before he died, but the combination of Oliver/Felicity/Tommy intrigues me.  We Found Each Other In The DarkPillow Talk


I wonder if Earth 2 Tommy is alive and what kind of dynamic he and Felicity would have.

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The torture thing doesn't sound like anthfan to me.

The torture/angst thing is yespleasehawkeye. She's the one that I joked awhile back that I could write ridiculous angst for angst's sake, too...here, Oliver has a flashback to the LOA and cuts off his and Felicity's children's heads and places them on the mantle for Felicity to find, then he rapes and murders her, then he wakes up, realizes what he's done, and kills himself. 


The end.


It's RIDICULOUS and so over-the-top that I just end up laughing. I had a tumblr conversation with her awhile back, because she was POSITIVE the BMD was not set up to break them up. She was POSITIVE that the whole SL was about Oliver being a dad, and Felicity would be fine with the lying, and yadda yadda. Total denial or had maybe never watched tv before. She was really mad when I said, nicely, that it was obviously a breakup setup. She writes a thousand fics in which Felicity dies horribly, but god forbid Felicity break up with Oliver. Death >>>>>> a breakup.


I figure she's pretty young.

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I just tried "His Girl Wednesday" but I really can't do it. It's too OOC for me, the flirty/fighting moments make me cringe and it seems the Author is meandering along this path for a while, they don't seem authentic to me as Oliver/Felicity.


I'm also a bit sick of Tommy, I don't go anywhere near Smoaking-Billionaires but every author who has Tommy in fic writes him the same way, so I'm getting tired of seeing him, when he doesn't bring a new dynamic to the fics, although Tommy>>>>>>>>>>>OC.


Which brings me to "Tempest in a Teacup", it is good and definitely one of the better Bratva fics, but OCs are starting to take over the last few chapters I read, I don't mind the grandparents so much, but Daniel is getting too much, I would like more Felicity/Oliver please.

Edited by Genki
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There's this one by Lord Mesa. He's also drawn them individually: Laurel and Sara

I love Lord Mesa's Canary sisters. I just need them as teen DC superhero girls. A friend is writing a Fan fic that they are part of the cartoon world. He is actually the one who is wanting this and is willing to pay for it. He doesn't venture out into the fandom any more since he's a huge Olicity boy and loves the Canary sisters. He tried to make the imagine himself but lets just say he's willing to pay for a good version for a reason :p 

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I just thought of another trope I hate, although its less of a problem since Oliver moved out of the mansion:  Thea bursting in when Felicity and Oliver are about to have sex and ruining the mood. She's a young adult, not a five-year-old.  She'd understand a closed door. It doesn't help that it usually comes up in one of those fics where Oliver and Felicity are in a committed relationship with no encumbrances and the author is throwing up roadblocks to them having sex.  I generally think to myself "why don't they just go to Felicity's apartment?"


As far as tropes I do like, I have a weird fondness for sex pollen.  Also, my bookmarks are filled with Season 1 and 2 pics in which Felicity thinks they're just having sex and Oliver thinks they're in a relationship/making love, leading to hot sex followed by hurt feelings followed by a committed relationship.


Also "Crazy for You" by mogirl97 is a fic which brings together three of my least favorite fic tropes--high school AU, enemies to lovers, and Oliver not on the Island--and yet I love it.  It's only barely in character, but its well written and I think I love how much the author immerses me the competitive swimming world.  So I guess you can break the rules.

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The torture/angst thing is yespleasehawkeye. She's the one that I joked awhile back that I could write ridiculous angst for angst's sake, too...here, Oliver has a flashback to the LOA and cuts off his and Felicity's children's heads and places them on the mantle for Felicity to find, then he rapes and murders her, then he wakes up, realizes what he's done, and kills himself.

The end.

Yikes. Someone actually wrote that?! I'm not a fan of the Bratva fics-- they are just not something that I can get into.

Oh, another thing I can't stand are fics that have Felicity in need of fashion advice or needing to talk to Sara or Oliver about how to fix her relationship with Oliver. It's just icky thinking about Sara or Laurel (in canon fics) telling Felicity what to wear or how to act in order to attract Oliver.

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Yikes. Someone actually wrote that?! I'm not a fan of the Bratva fics-- they are just not something that I can get into.

Not quite that bad, but just about. There's one where Felicity's pregnant and Slade makes Oliver choose bw killing her or their child. She tells him to kill her, which he does. Another in which Felicity's attempt to save Oliver from RAG ends with both of them being decapitated...and it's framed as Felicity's fault for not trusting him, which just pissed me off to no end. I think that was the last one I read. 

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I'd like to add, Oliver and Felicity naming their daughter Laurel- it's a new thing, only seen it once but I hope it won't turn into a pattern in some future fics.

Also the we split the kids as babies, or we met through our kids tropes. 

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I'm too old to read writers that think that the myth of Hercules makes a good fic template for Oliver and Felicity.


And Parent Trap re-makes.


On the plus side, there are some awesome writers in this fandom.

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The torture/angst thing is yespleasehawkeye. She's the one that I joked awhile back that I could write ridiculous angst for angst's sake, too...here, Oliver has a flashback to the LOA and cuts off his and Felicity's children's heads and places them on the mantle for Felicity to find, then he rapes and murders her, then he wakes up, realizes what he's done, and kills himself.

The end.

It's RIDICULOUS and so over-the-top that I just end up laughing. I had a tumblr conversation with her awhile back, because she was POSITIVE the BMD was not set up to break them up. She was POSITIVE that the whole SL was about Oliver being a dad, and Felicity would be fine with the lying, and yadda yadda. Total denial or had maybe never watched tv before. She was really mad when I said, nicely, that it was obviously a breakup setup. She writes a thousand fics in which Felicity dies horribly, but god forbid Felicity break up with Oliver. Death >>>>>> a breakup.

I figure she's pretty young.

Yes, that's the one I meant when I mentioned the long list of drabbles in which Felicity suffers, or suffers and dies - sorry anthfan.

The nadir was a drabble in which Slade comes back when they have a daughter and he does the "choose who dies" thing (like, again? He didn't even do that in season 3!) and of course Oliver can't choose his daughter. You know, Slade Wilson on the show is a crazy son of a bitch, but I haven't seen anything to suggest he'd kill a child. But this is teenage fantasy land (you're very perceptive, I don't know how I didn't see it), so Oliver chooses Felicity and Slade blows her brains out. Short paragraph with Oliver as single dad - the end.

I figure most of these writers haven't forgiven Felicity for the whole "I don't want to be a woman that you love" + Ray Palmer business, and so are punishing her in fic (and she breaks up with him in season 4! How dare she!). I tend to blame Oliver and his issues for that whole débâcle.

Edited by arjumand
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Like the cursing - no, they don't swear on the show, but that's more of a tv convention, IMO. Not that I write them as turning the air around them blue or something, but the well-placed expletive in times of great emotional stress is very effective, I find. IMO, always.


I do dislike all the show callbacks, especially if they weigh down the story - like the panda flats, or mint choc chip. Felicity isn't a cartoon, she can occasionally like/wear different things.


Where I can't tolerate it all is not so much the appropriate expletive (explosions, bad guy shooting at you, someone touched your computer) but when it's just part of their conversational style or too casually used for every moment that isn't going their way then I just nope out of the story. 


Another pet peeve is Single Mother Felicity.  I understand Single Father Oliver, he actually has a kid (if not more than one) but why do people knock Felicity up with some random guy's kid?  I don't get the appeal. 



Oh forgot to add the very disgusting, disrespectful "Real People Fics", I will read them if it's a friendship fic, but I have yet to come across one so... I just find it disrespectful to the actors, their family members and their friendships. I pray to the god/s I don't even believe exist that they will never hook up, and if they do: I don't want to know about it until i'm old and gray.


Every time I see one I leave a comment that they are not supposed to post them in the Fan Fiction section on Ao3.  Don't care how well it's tagged.  Don't associate fan fiction about fictional characters with icky fantasies about real people.  Or at least don't make me see them.  Let the ones that want that stuff go look for it un the Real Person category.  Most of my issues though could be appeased if they would just throw on a flimsy disguise and replace their real names with their character's name.  How hard is that to do?  Yuck.  So disrespectful. 


I hate when a writer makes Oliver too possessive and Felicity completely helpless. They aren't like that on the show and if they were I probably wouldn't like them as individuals and together. I started a fic a while ago because it seemed popular in the fandom (I don't remember the title but Felicity got pregnant because they got drugged and slept together) and I couldn't keep reading because Felicity launched herself at Oliver like he was her security blanket in every chapter. It weirded me out.


I think I remember that one.  I had to drop it once Oliver found out his was the father.  It just was so OOC. 


I'm one who isn't a big fan of threesome fics that include Oliver and Felicity-- for some reason it's just not my thing. My big pet peeve though is when those are included in the Oliver/Felicity tag. IMO- they should be kept in their own Oliver/Felicity/Third Character tag. And as someone who was a fan of Ray, fics that have Ray be the evil bad guy/abusive boyfriend are a big nope for me. Felicity already has a terrible ex-boyfriend in Cooper- and canon-wise Ray is a good guy. (I know this is an unpopular opinion). 


I will read any fake-dating fic though, those are my jam. Especially if they include bed sharing and Oliver pining. 

Yeah, Ray was never evil.  Misguided and kind of a know it all but I don't like it when fandom feelings bleed through into a story.  I don't even like it when Laurel is bitchy or unliked by the rest of the team.  I may not like her, but they do.  



I think a trap that a lot of fanfic writers fall into is making Felicity a lot more playful than she actually is. Looking throughout the course of the show, Felicity isn't one to be all that bubbly. She's funny, she puts her foot in her mouth, and flirty (with Oliver), and sometimes she has fun, but overall Felicity is a serious person who doesn't take anyone's crap. 


Which is why that Bose commercial with Felicity dancing in her seat, it just looks weird now that we've had 4 seasons of Felicity. Because we've never seen her be THAT light and carefree. 


I think that life just got a lot heavier as the seasons progressed.  . 



I mentioned a week or so ago that the dry-humping weirds me out. As an adult, I either make out or have sex. The idea of dry-humping, especially to that point? Really? Just freaking have sex, jeez.

I confess to occasionally finding it hotter than sex scenes, probably because there are some REALLY bad sex scenes and when they get to them it's all insert tab A into slot B, repeat.  Some writers are better with the anticipation and temptation than the culmination.  Some authors shine at both but I think it's the idea of it's neither time nor the place for an actual sex scene and yet they lose control.  That's probably the lure as well.  In real life making out and a little delayed gratification isn't such a bad thing either.  ;p 



I love Lord Mesa's Canary sisters. I just need them as teen DC superhero girls. A friend is writing a Fan fic that they are part of the cartoon world. He is actually the one who is wanting this and is willing to pay for it. He doesn't venture out into the fandom any more since he's a huge Olicity boy and loves the Canary sisters. He tried to make the imagine himself but lets just say he's willing to pay for a good version for a reason :p 

It never hurts to offer a suggestion to Lord Mesa, it's probably a long shot but if it's something that inspires him, I don't think he can help but draw it, lol. 

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Not quite that bad, but just about. There's one where Felicity's pregnant and Slade makes Oliver choose bw killing her or their child. She tells him to kill her, which he does. Another in which Felicity's attempt to save Oliver from RAG ends with both of them being decapitated...and it's framed as Felicity's fault for not trusting him, which just pissed me off to no end. I think that was the last one I read. 


Saw this after I posted (why do I try to post from my phone? I hate the mobile site and it never ends well) - yeah, that's the one which pissed me off. First of all, why would Slade got to the same well twice? No matter how it ended, Slade won. He killed Oliver's mom in front of him - once the crazy was out of his system, he seemed to be ok with what he'd achieved.


and it's framed as Felicity's fault for not trusting him . . .




Isn't it always? That's what should have clued me in that the writer is young, because it's typical - can't identify with the female character because wants to bang the hero. I'm not saying that certain things Felicity does on the show don't annoy me (Ray Palmer? Are you fucking shitting me? If Felicity sent an email to Captain Awkward describing the way he 'courted' her, the response would be a huge picture of Darth Vader with the Imperial March playing in the background - ahem. In my opinion.), but I blame the writers, rather than the character.


Where I can't tolerate it all is not so much the appropriate expletive (explosions, bad guy shooting at you, someone touched your computer) but when it's just part of their conversational style or too casually used for every moment that isn't going their way then I just nope out of the story. 


Another pet peeve is Single Mother Felicity.  I understand Single Father Oliver, he actually has a kid (if not more than one) but why do people knock Felicity up with some random guy's kid?  I don't get the appeal. 



That's, in my opinion, internalized sexism. I remember Joanna Russ's words on the subject - women can't have adventures like men, cos it's all about the babeeez. She even wrote a "Weird ways of getting pregnant" story, to parody the the things she saw and hated in male writers.


And it's not only fanfic writers - in the movies it's very rare to find a female character over thirty who's single and isn't a single mother. There's usually something wrong with her, then.


This is a pet peeve of mine equal to the Felicity's a stripper / prostitute trope. How about we not do that, thanks? Why can't she teach high school, huh? Where are all the stories about Felicity the high school IT teacher - sorry, private issue.

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Felicity stripper/prostitute trope? I feel like using another mind blown gif but I'm too lazy for it.

Although, all this said, I honestly don't care about these things if they are tagged. I'm not going to read them either way, so I'm not really bothered by them.

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yespleasehawkeye goes from cute to massacre with no inbetween as far as I can see. I skip the massacre completely and read the cute stuff. I like a lot of those.

Macha Wicket does angst too, but it's character and plot-appropriate angst. yespleasehawkeye is just angst to angst, which I find both silly and manipulative.


There was one, I'm not sure who by, in which Felicity is DD's daughter. Felicity doesn't know, I think DD does. Then Quentin murders Felicity, right when Oliver's about to propose, bc...that will somehow protect his own daughters? Putting aside the ridiculous idea that Quentin (who I don't even like anymore) would murder an innocent like that, esp. an innocent he knows, like, WHAT SENSE DOES THAT MAKE? Piss off the guy you want NOT to hurt your kids, by...killing his kid? 


Just stupid. Once the angst is stupid, I check out and get irritated.

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Macha Wicket does angst too, but it's character and plot-appropriate angst. yespleasehawkeye is just angst to angst, which I find both silly and manipulative.

That's why I read Macha's angsty fics.
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The nadir was a drabble in which Slade comes back when they have a daughter and he does the "choose who dies" thing (like, again? He didn't even do that in season 3!) and of course Oliver can't choose his daughter. You know, Slade Wilson on the show is a crazy son of a bitch, but I haven't seen anything to suggest he'd kill a child. But this is teenage fantasy land (you're very perceptive, I don't know how I didn't see it), so Oliver chooses Felicity and Slade blows her brains out. Short paragraph with Oliver as single dad - the end.

Don't forget that Felicity was visibly pregnant when Slade blew her brains out, and she told Oliver to choose her to die. Bc just killing her isn't enough...MUST MAXIMIZE ANGSTTTTTTTTTTT.

That's why I read Macha's angsty fics.

The one in which Felicity's stabbed and bleeding and the others are trying to find her while she's on comms KILLS me. I absolutely flipped to the end before reading it, and even knowing it turned out okay, I still got really anxious. I EVEN like the one in which MM turns Felicity over to RAG and RAG kills her, bc it's totally something that MM would do, and even makes a good bit of plot sense. Macha might be my overall favorite writer in the fandom.

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The one in which Felicity's stabbed and bleeding and the others are trying to find her while she's on comms KILLS me. I absolutely flipped to the end before reading it, and even knowing it turned out okay, I still got really anxious. I EVEN like the one in which MM turns Felicity over to RAG and RAG kills her, bc it's totally something that MM would do, and even makes a good bit of plot sense. Macha might be my overall favorite writer in the fandom.

I love the first one. I don't think I've read the second one. And I thought I read everything by Macha. Probably skipped it due to the outcome.

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I love that one by Macha, even though I was as desperate as Oliver for Felcity to survive somehow.

Macha is probably my very favorite author of all the very talented fic writers, but TheShipsFirstMate (TSFM) is also right up there. TSFM writes these beautiful stories of the characters' inner lives, and she provides such rich back stories for them that explain their canon lives and motivations. She is probably the very best fic writer I've read in that she experiments with sophisticated narrative techniques that appeal to me as a writer who enjoys the craftsmanship as much as the plots and characters. So, although I never skip a story by either of these talented writers, I tend to really love Macha's stories because they can also be extremely funny.

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I agree with you on theshipsfirstmate and Macha. As for funny, I don't think I will ever forget Oliver being a preening show pony. :D Macha writes a great Roy among many other things.

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Speaking of Macha, she updated Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate. It's like we've summoned her. The chapter goes along swimmingly. She repurposes Felicity's supervirus, Laurel is very well used and Oliver is very obviously going to

propose fake marriage sooner rather than later.

plus, Moira is very Moira and not at all impressed with the "relationship". As it should be at this point.

The thing I think I like best is he sense of urgency and emotional impact. Also, due to the conversation in this thread over the weekend, the phrase "a fainting goat" made me laugh twice as hard.


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Speaking of Macha, she updated Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate. It's like we've summoned her. The chapter goes along swimmingly. She repurposes Felicity's supervirus, Laurel is very well used and Oliver is very obviously going to

propose fake marriage sooner rather than later.

plus, Moira is very Moira and not at all impressed with the "relationship". As it should be at this point.

The thing I think I like best is he sense of urgency and emotional impact. Also, due to the conversation in this thread over the weekend, the phrase "a fainting goat" made me laugh twice as hard.


Going to read now :D

What's everyone's opinion on FFN vs A03? Personally I like A03 better but not really sure why lol

Edited by Thundercatmary
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Speaking of Macha, she updated Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate. It's like we've summoned her. The chapter goes along swimmingly. She repurposes Felicity's supervirus, Laurel is very well used and Oliver is very obviously going to

propose fake marriage sooner rather than later.

plus, Moira is very Moira and not at all impressed with the "relationship". As it should be at this point.

The thing I think I like best is he sense of urgency and emotional impact. Also, due to the conversation in this thread over the weekend, the phrase "a fainting goat" made me laugh twice as hard.



I was super excited that Macha was writing a fake dating fic.

Fake marriage? YES PLEASE. It's my favorite trope.

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Going to read now :D

What's everyone's opinion on FFN vs A03? Personally I like A03 better but not really sure why lol

Ao3 for sure. I hate ff.net tbh

I was super excited that Macha was writing a fake dating fic.

Fake marriage? YES PLEASE. It's my favorite trope.


When Oliver was pushing LL to tell him how he could help Felicity, I just KNEW where she was going and my excitement for that fic multiplied tenfold lmao I'm a total sucker for fake dating/

fake marriage

fics :p

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Going to read now :D

What's everyone's opinion on FFN vs A03? Personally I like A03 better but not really sure why lol


AO3. I like the layout better.

I was super excited that Macha was writing a fake dating fic.

Fake marriage? YES PLEASE. It's my favorite trope.

It's not necessarily mine but it's shaping up really well here.
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AO3. Stories just look uglier on ff.net.


My personal favorite Macha fic is still Velocity. It's just such a good update of Speed. Seriously, she should write a bigscreen remake. 

The one in which Felicity's stabbed and bleeding and the others are trying to find her while she's on comms KILLS me. I absolutely flipped to the end before reading it, and even knowing it turned out okay, I still got really anxious.


What's the name of this story? Having trouble finding it.

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I have a list of five stories that are my favorite Arrow fics, but if truly forced, I would probably pick "And Then It Ends" as my favorite. The characters are smart, everyone is in character--I especially like Roy--and even on re-reading I find myself on the edge of my seat because Macha ramps up the tension so well. Catch me on a different day and I might pick another story, but this one is a gem.

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