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6 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:


I also wish there was a way to block specific authors from coming up in the filters.  I actually read and had some shallow fun with Oliver/Felicity/Tommy fics in season one and really early season two when it was not a love thing, just a sex thing (and usually is was more Olicity focused and Tommy was just the facilitator, lol)  but I HATE the three-way relationship fics.  Just nope, not close to my HEA, but the author that LOVES to do that is highly prolific and I end up tracking their story against my will just from the story tags. 

I need a way to block fics too!!!! The ones with a billion tags with Batman or whatever that show up under the Oliver/Felicity tag make me rage so much!!!!

I know the threesome fics you're talking about. I have trained my eyes to zoom right off the screen at first glance of the summary.  Lol I should just try and remember the author name to avoid looking at them but I always forgot!

Haaaaaaaate 3 way fics with a vengeance. Totally goes against what I believe in which is Happily Ever After and complete epic utter devotion to one person. 

It's weird cuz I could probably read a fic where someone settled for someone but grew to love them over time etc but the 3 person thing I just cannot accept. 

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I'm pretty laid back as to which type of fic are out there. I'm not going to read a vast majority of them, but I'm chill about others having their kinks. Where I draw the line is incest and Oliver/Slade. That is just so, SO wrong. Slade skewered his mother right in front of him! Those fics I do find offensive.

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A couple of crossover fic I enjoyed:

The Improbable Sorting of Oliver Queen by writewithurheart.  It's a Harry Potter / Arrow crossover.

The Archer's Guide to the Galaxy by BstnStrg13.  The first two chapters are up, written very true to the style of the Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy books


While small and far from glamorous, the blue-green world has much to recommend it. It is covered with large rolling oceans, majestic snow-capped mountains and mysterious, pine-scented forests. Compared to the acid-laden atmosphere and razor sharp silicon beaches of the Yed Posterior planetary system, for example, it is a paradise. Yet despite these wonders, many of the bipedal lifeforms living on it are unhappy for much of the time – even the ones who achieve 10,000 steps a day on their fitness trackers. Numerous solutions have been suggested to solve this problem, but most involve the movement of electrons in the form of Twitter followers, posts on Instagram, and Facebook Likes and have been largely unsuccessful. Perhaps it is because, on the whole, it isn't the electrons that are unhappy. Indeed, their propensity for utterly random, carefree movement goes far in explaining the sizeable social media presence of certain celebrities...and politicians.

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2 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

@Mellowyellow, I bet you are creative, invent a new medium, fanbaking, make a wedding cake for Olicity. ? 

Aww thanks hun! 

Haha don't tempt me to bake a cake to celebrate Olicity's wedding! Because I just might! The family won't know any better. They'll think they're just eating weekly cake.

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

This is just too cute! First time I've seen it! I wish I could draw! Alas not one creative bone in this body!DHxZtSZVoAA6XYt?format=jpg

I'm going to need the next date  to end just a bit less explode-y and Oliver a lot less melodramatic.  Unless it involves him dramatically carrying her off to BLOW her "mind".  ;) ??????

Edited by BkWurm1
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5 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

LOL, i remember when that first came out.  Still adorable

Ah yes.  Back in those innocent days before we knew what S3 really had in store for us.

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Read the Thursday update and while I'm still enjoying the story-its probably one of the few Im liking at the moment- I have to say I find something off about a father dictating the terms of when and at what age his daughter can have sex with daughters boyfriend. It comes across to me as him taking away her choices and agency and not respecting his daughter enough to be able to trust her to make her own decisions about when she is ready for sex or trusting that she understands the responsibility around safe sex. If Felicity had been set up as a wild child I could understand his heavy handed concern but she has been set up as a reasonable mature and considerate young women that the "you must wait until she's 18 and old enough to have sex" conversation just seems patronising towards Felicity.

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3 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

It comes across to me as him taking away her choices and agency and not respecting his daughter enough to be able to trust her to make her own decisions about when she is ready for sex or trusting that she understands the responsibility around safe sex.

I understood it. She's still 17. Even though they're in FL where apparently it's legal, everywhere else it's illegal to have sexual relations with a minor like that. So the legality poses an issue. Second, I think Noah's fears remains to be understandable. It's not that he doesn't trust Felicity, it's just that sometimes things happen and he doesn't want Felicity to be 17 and pregnant. I took it less as something that's patronizing and more Noah projecting his fears/past mistakes/emotions onto Felicity and Oliver. If he didn't bring up Donna going through the same I would've felt it more patronizing but he did and I think his fears are understandable. 

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26 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Was a fic updated on Thursday or is threre a fic called Thursday?

There's a fic called Thursday.

23 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I understood it. She's still 17. Even though they're in FL where apparently it's legal, everywhere else it's illegal to have sexual relations with a minor like that. So the legality poses an issue. Second, I think Noah's fears remains to be understandable. It's not that he doesn't trust Felicity, it's just that sometimes things happen and he doesn't want Felicity to be 17 and pregnant. I took it less as something that's patronizing and more Noah projecting his fears/past mistakes/emotions onto Felicity and Oliver. If he didn't bring up Donna going through the same I would've felt it more patronizing but he did and I think his fears are understandable. 

I don't know it comes across as a little patronising to me. There's being protective and concerned and I was fine with the threats of hacking Olivers life to ruins if he hurts her. But since Felicity is three months shy of 18 laying a demand to her boyfriend without talking to her first or including her in the conversation and assuming that in three months is going to make her magically more ready and responsible then she is at 17 and 9 months just feels patronising  to me. I mean he doesn't even bother to ask or talk to his daughter about what she's feeling in regards to sex and if she's ready and whether she should wait until she's 18 or not. That would be the more enlightened decision imo. Plus I don't think the child should be punished with the consequences of the parents mistakes.


I mean it's a pet peeve in an otherwise enjoyable story and it's certainly not going to prevent me from continuing to enjoy the story but not a big fan of this plot twist.


RE:The Legality issue. If Felicity was 16 or even had just turned 17 I would probably be more invested in Noah's investment in the law aspect but since we are talking about 8 or 9 weeks shy of her being 18 and her being in a committed relationship with a boy her parents have known and respected for years who just confessed to her parents that he loved her and that it wasn't fooling around I feel like the legal argument is a bit heavy handed.


Plus Noah never phrased his request in terms of legality issues. In fact he mentions that even if they already had sex he wanted Oliver to stop until she was 18. So he was accepting of her having underage sex on some level.

Edited by LeighAn
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It bothered me, but that's also one of my pet peeves. I hate it when I feel like the author of another character is patronizing Felicity. Like, I don't even like when I read a story where Oliver and Felicity get together and Dig gives Oliver a 'friendly warning'. I mean, first of all, their relationship is their business, and second, Felicity doesn't need big strong men to protect her delicate feelings from her own decisions. 

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6 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

It bothered me, but that's also one of my pet peeves. I hate it when I feel like the author of another character is patronizing Felicity. Like, I don't even like when I read a story where Oliver and Felicity get together and Dig gives Oliver a 'friendly warning'. I mean, first of all, their relationship is their business, and second, Felicity doesn't need big strong men to protect her delicate feelings from her own decisions. 

Yeah and the fact that it was posed as Noah setting the "no sex till 18" rule as a test to Oliver to see if he can trust Oliver rather then a legal/maturity issue again just feels like it takes Felicity's choices and thoughts on the matter entirely out of the equation so the father and the boyfriend can play a game of trust.


I just think if it were me in Felicitys shoes I would roll my eyes but tolerate my dad doing the whole hurt her and I'll hurt you talk to my boyfriend because I get that that's fathers, but on the sex issue I agree I would be telling my father that that's really none of his business and not really his call to make especially not without making the request to me himself, unless he is willing to press charges. 

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6 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

I just think if it were me in Felicitys shoes I would roll my eyes but tolerate my dad doing the whole hurt her and I'll hurt you talk to my boyfriend because I get that that's fathers, but on the sex issue I agree I would be telling my father that that's really none of his business and not really his call to make especially not without making the request to me himself, unless he is willing to press charges. 

Except I have a hard time seeing most 17 year olds being willing to have this conversation with their father, lol.  

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15 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Except I have a hard time seeing most 17 year olds being willing to have this conversation with their father, lol.  


You'd be surprised.

When I was 11 or 12 years old my grandmother baby sat me and my sister. We watched a movie or a tv show where some unwed couple living together had some kind of calamity fall upon them (I can't remember what now) and my grandma said "That's what happens when you live together in sin" before lecturing me and my sister (who was 8 or 9) on how we shouldn't be with or live with boys before marriage if we want to make it to heaven and not have horrible things happen to us and even though I hadn't had so much as a childish crush on a boy at the time or even had that much knowledge about sex I remember feeling so morally outraged and angry at the implications and assumptions my grandma was making. It was the one and only time I ever remember actually yelling and getting into an argument with my gran. 


So Id like to think at 17 I would have had the balls to tell my father to back off when it comes to deciding my sex life at least haha.

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Just now, LeighAn said:

So Id like to think at 17 I would have had the balls to tell my father to back off when it comes to deciding my sex life at least haha.

I think at 17 - Felicity not understanding the ramifications of sex (that could land Oliver in jail) and telling her father to back off would show her immaturity and how she's not ready to have sex. There are real concerns there from her Father's part and Felicity writing that off wouldn't be in character, imo.

Yes she doesn't like to be controlled. But Noah didn't even try to control them? He asked if they can wait he didn't force them. So I really don't understand where the whole patronizing thing is coming from.

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Considering that Noah has been living in sin with Donna for over 18 years, it seems very hypocritical of him to put any restrictions on his almost 18 year old daughter.

When I was17,  8 months shy of my 18th birthday, and headed off to France for the summer, my mother made me an appointment to an OB/GYN friend of hers to supply me with birth control pills if I needed them.  And I consider my mother to be old-fashioned.  (On the other hand, she was a family doctor and aware of the reality of teenagers.)



“I don’t appreciate the clandestine nature of your relationship with Felicity,” Noah continued

This hits my buttons.  Generally I've found people don't choose to be clandestine (unless it's a sex game or something like that for the excitement), they're clandestine because they think have to be. And that's a problem with the communication between parent and child, which it looks like Noah is going to make worse.

Edited by statsgirl
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I guess I think if Noah was doing NOTHING I'd find it worse.  He's still the parent.  17 is not that grown up, lol.  He may not be able to follow them around or make sure they use birth control all the time but I think it's fair that he is allowed to express his wishes.  He's most likely made his opinions on the subject of sex known to Felicity so I guess that leaves Oliver as the unknown quantity.  

I think it would be different if Oliver wasn't in his twenties as well.    

Edited by BkWurm1
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6 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I think at 17 - Felicity not understanding the ramifications of sex (that could land Oliver in jail) and telling her father to back off would show her immaturity and how she's not ready to have sex. There are real concerns there from her Father's part and Felicity writing that off wouldn't be in character, imo.

Yes she doesn't like to be controlled. But Noah didn't even try to control them? He asked if they can wait he didn't force them. So I really don't understand where the whole patronizing thing is coming from.

What maturity is Felicity going to get at 18 that she doesn't have at 17 and 9 or 10 months? 


And I really don't buy the legal ramifications in Noah's decision when the author states that Noah is setting this as a test to see if he can trust Oliver, not him seeing Felicity as a minor and Oliver breaking the law by being with her. I mean he even assumed they already were having sex and seem to accept that but still wanted Oliver to stop until she was 18. I don't believe that Noah would actually press charges against Oliver if they were having sex so I don't see that as reasoning in his request for Oliver to hold off.


So if they were having sex he's basically implying that Felicity is not mature enough or capable enough to make that decision and if they are not having sex he's deciding at what age his daughter is mature enough and capable enough to make that decision. 


But in fairness to the author I think the conversation between Felicity and Donna at least counteracted the Noah/Oliver conversation in that Donna was accepting and supportive of them having sex on their terms, talked to her daughter about the ramifications of unsafe sex and encouraged birth control options and talked to Felicity about the emotional aspect of sex. 

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1 hour ago, wonderwall said:

I understood it. She's still 17. Even though they're in FL where apparently it's legal, everywhere else it's illegal to have sexual relations with a minor like that. So the legality poses an issue. Second, I think Noah's fears remains to be understandable. It's not that he doesn't trust Felicity, it's just that sometimes things happen and he doesn't want Felicity to be 17 and pregnant. I took it less as something that's patronizing and more Noah projecting his fears/past mistakes/emotions onto Felicity and Oliver. If he didn't bring up Donna going through the same I would've felt it more patronizing but he did and I think his fears are understandable. 

Is it me or did she just move where they live all over the place? I remember she made a big deal about putting MIT on the West Coast with SC (and not caring because she wanted them close to home) and now she's moved them all down to FL? Or  did she never claim SC was in Pacific West Coast and I just assumed because SC is in Washington area in the show...or we're told to just think that?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Is it me or did she just move where they live all over the place? I remember she made a big deal about putting MIT on the West Coast with SC (and not caring because she wanted them close to home) and now she's moved them all down to FL? Or  did she never claim SC was in Pacific West Coast and I just assumed because SC is in Washington area in the show...or we're told to just think that?

They are at Noah and Donnas wedding which is being held in Florida. 

But yes MIT is in Starling City which I'm not sure if she ever explained what the Massachusetts part in MIT stands for in this universe.

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What maturity is Felicity going to get at 18 that she doesn't have at 17 and 9 or 10 months?

Isn't it less what a parent thinks someone might gain in wisdom between the ages 17 and 18 and what they legally are allowed to do?  At 18 they are legally an adult even if they are not emotionally there.  So I think that is why they'd emphasize the difference for one.  Plus, at that age, a few months really can make a difference.  And I also tend to think that asking them to stop until she's 18 after assuming they were already having sex WAS an implied "or else I might have to make you stop" even if he wouldn't follow through on it.  It's still in his power to do so until she's 18.  

Really, I don't deeply care but I find the discussion interesting.  

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I just went back and checked that she must have gone back and edited MIT into SIT at some point. But I do remember originally she stated Felicity was accepted into MIT and I remember her stating originally in an authors note that MIT was being relocated to Star City

2 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Is this fic taking place in present day? Because Noah and Donna "living in sin" and that quote about the clandestine nature of O/F's relationship sound kind of dated.

It's set in 2007 I think.

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3 minutes ago, LeighAn said:


It's set in 2007 I think.

Frankly, I guessed something like 1950s from the wording. Not having read one word of the fic, I imagine it's set ten years ago so Oliver and Felicity can meet again in present day after having been separated through a misunderstanding. I'll bite, why have Donna and Noah been living in sin? I swear, it's so weird to type that when I'm not talking about a period piece.

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3 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Frankly, I guessed something like 1950s from the wording. Not having read one word of the fic, I imagine it's set ten years ago so Oliver and Felicity can meet again in present day after having been separated through a misunderstanding. I'll bite, why have Donna and Noah been living in sin? I swear, it's so weird to type that when I'm not talking about a period piece.

Is the living in sin thing maybe just @statsgirl's wording and not how the situation is actually described in the fic? 

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18 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Is this fic taking place in present day? Because Noah and Donna "living in sin" and that quote about the clandestine nature of O/F's relationship sound kind of dated.

Was this term in the fic? I don't see it...

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Possible. If that's the case, my apologies to both the author and @statsgirl, who I'm sure used the phrase to make a point. The direct quote about clandestine nature, however, still comes off as stilted, but maybe it goes along with the Noah the author has created. He's been on the show so little he can be molded pretty easily.

2 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Where was that written? I don't see it...

@statsgirl mentioned it, but it's possible it's her own wording, and not quoted from the fic.

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48 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Considering that Noah has been living in sin with Donna for over 18 years, it seems very hypocritical of him to put any restrictions on his almost 18 year old daughter.

When I was17,  8 months shy of my 18th birthday, and headed off to France for the summer, my mother made me an appointment to an OB/GYN friend of hers to supply me with birth control pills if I needed them.  And I consider my mother to be old-fashioned.  (On the other hand, she was a family doctor and aware of the reality of teenagers.)


This hits my buttons.  Generally I've found people don't choose to be clandestine (unless it's a sex game or something like that for the excitement), they're clandestine because they think have to be. And that's a problem with the communication between parent and child, which it looks like Noah is going to make worse.

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Maybe they didn't use the words 'living in sin'  and I extrapolated it (I can't remember now) but the fact that Donna and Noah weren't married was a huge thing in the earlier chapters.

I think Noah's talk with Oliver was straight out of the 1950s though.  It makes zero sense to force them to wait 3 months till she's 18.  Donna handled it much more sensibly, asking what kind of birth control Felicity was going to use.

I don't know what it's like in the mythical place that Starling City is in but here the ages of 16 and 17 are legally a grey area.  But if Noah doesn't say anything, Oliver wouldn't get into trouble.

Edited by statsgirl
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11 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Isn't it less what a parent thinks someone might gain in wisdom between the ages 17 and 18 and what they legally are allowed to do?  At 18 they are legally an adult even if they are not emotionally there.  So I think that is why they'd emphasize the difference for one.  Plus, at that age, a few months really can make a difference.  And I also tend to think that asking them to stop until she's 18 after assuming they were already having sex WAS an implied "or else I might have to make you stop" even if he wouldn't follow through on it.  It's still in his power to do so until she's 18.  

Really, I don't deeply care but I find the discussion interesting.  

Felicity is three months shy of being legal to have sex. We are not talking a year here. If you've read the fic she's been set up as being increadibly advanced and mature for her age and someone who considerate and driven in her decisions and choices for her life and where she sees herself going. To then have the same girl who's already within the characterisation of the fic already figured out a five year plan for her career/life being treated as not being equipped to have sex at a few weeks shy of 18 or only being equipped at 18 just seems like forced to me. And again I still enjoy the fic and I do think the Donna conversation was far more enlightened but there's something about two men colluding or having an agreement on when it's acceptable for a girl to have sex that feels hinky to me. Especially when the same girl was seen as reasonable and mature enough to skip a year go to college and live on her own on a coed campus before turning 18 and being an official adult.


And again the author frames as Noah trying to test Olivers worth rather then being concerned by the underage aspect, even though he knocked up Donna when she was underaged. I understand that his own past is where his concerns lie but how fair is that to Felicity that because he and Donna were rash in their youth or not ready that he thinks Felicity will be the same.


10 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I'll bite, why have Donna and Noah been living in sin? I swear, it's so weird to type that when I'm not talking about a period piece.

Noah and Donna had sex and got pregnant when she was 17. I'm not sure how old Noah was at the time or if the author stated that. He freaked out and left Donna for three years and then came back begging for her forgiveness. So I'm assuming because of that they never got married because they would have had to work through all his abandonment issues/adjusting to his being apart of their lives and so held off on a wedding.

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I got the impression that Donna didn't trust him after that and that's why she wouldn't marry him. But who knows?  shrugs

I was listening to an interview with Kelly Bishop (Emily Glimour) yesterday (maybe that's where I got the phrase about living in sin) about the 30th anniversary of Dirty Dancing and she was talking about how she was 20 in the 60s and it was so liberating for women to finally be allowed to be sexual beings.  Noah would have been born in the 80s, long after the sexual revolution so his speech to Oliver just seems really anachronistic.  I get that the author wanted to have him lay down the law in some form and wanted it to be different from Donna's "birth control! STD testing!" but it just came off weird.

Found it:


“Do you know how old Donna was when Felicity was born?” Noah asked as he roamed slowly around the room, his eyes affixed intently on Oliver.
“No sir,” Oliver replied with a soft shake of his head

“Seventeen,” Noah replied without any fanfare, although the correlation was obvious – the same age Felicity is now.  [snip]

“I left Donna when she was nine months pregnant because I was not much older than you are now and I ran,”

Oliver was 14 and Felicity 10 in chapter 1.  So Noah was in his mid twenties and Donna was 16/turned 17 when she became pregnant.

Edited by statsgirl
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25 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I got the impression that Donna didn't trust him after that and that's why she wouldn't marry him. But who knows?  shrugs

I was listening to an interview with Kelly Bishop (Emily Glimour) yesterday (maybe that's where I got the phrase about living in sin) about the 30th anniversary of Dirty Dancing and she was talking about how she was 20 in the 60s and it was so liberating for women to finally be allowed to be sexual beings.  Noah would have been born in the 80s, long after the sexual revolution so his speech to Oliver just seems really anachronistic.  I get that the author wanted to have him lay down the law in some form and wanted it to be different from Donna's "birth control! STD testing!" but it just came off weird.

Found it:

Oliver was 14 and Felicity 10 in chapter 1.  So Noah was in his mid twenties and Donna was 16/turned 17 when she became pregnant.

So Noah is actually lecturing himself, lol.  

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1 hour ago, LeighAn said:

They are at Noah and Donnas wedding which is being held in Florida. 

But yes MIT is in Starling City which I'm not sure if she ever explained what the Massachusetts part in MIT stands for in this universe.

I didn't realize (only) the wedding was being held in FL. I thought it was in the same state/town as SC.

I must have missed something, I remember them going to pick Chip up from the airport and, the discussion about using Noah's car. I just assumed they were home. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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My problem with Thursday isn't so much that Noah asked them to not have sex until Felicity is eighteen. (Although I do have a problem with that.). It's that he asked Oliver.  It feels like he's going over Felicity's head and cutting her out of a very personal decision about her sex life.  Talk to Felicity about it, if he must, but by putting this to Oliver (and playing on Oliver's desire to please his girlfriends father) he's essentially using his daughters sex life as a tool to test her boyfriend. 

I dislike even more Oliver and Felicity going along with it. Oliver should be worried about Felicity's opinion on this matter and no one else's. And Felicity should not be letting the men in her life make this decision for her. 

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37 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

If you DON'T have an account on Ao3 and I reply to your comment, will you get any kind of notification?

You have to put an email address in order to comment so I assume you get some sort of notification (also assuming it's a real email address).

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