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I really wanted to read To Sacrifice the Sun because I've enjoyed the author's other work but the tags are a bit uncomfortable for me. Shame.

Happy to see The Darkest Hour updated. I've only recently caught up with it and it's awesome.

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I read The Darkest Hour and it's filler. Felicity and Oliver 


have sex. All th sex. I have no idea how thy're both not chafing like crazy.

And I'm sad because the plot of this fic is beyond awesome. Ah well, Moira showed up at the end which should get the ball rolling.

Which tags bother you about To Sacrifice the Sun? I can't remember anything that's truly disturbed me so far. Now watch me eat my words after I actually read the latest chapter. :)

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6 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I read The Darkest Hour and it's filler. Felicity and Oliver 

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have sex. All th sex. I have no idea how thy're both not chafing like crazy.

And I'm sad because the plot of this fic is beyond awesome. Ah well, Moira showed up at the end which should get the ball rolling.

Which tags bother you about To Sacrifice the Sun? I can't remember anything that's truly disturbed me so far. Now watch me eat my words after I actually read the latest chapter. :)

That's the kind of filler chapter I don't mind at all. I could make jokes here but I won't. Hehe.

As for the other fic, it's mainly the tags about


infertility/loss. I checked out the first chapter and the author made it clear it was the main theme of the story.

I'm usually okay with most things but not that. 

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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

As for the other fic, it's mainly the tags about

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infertility/loss. I checked out the first chapter and the author made it clear it was the main theme of the story.

I'm usually okay with most things but not that. 

If that's a deal breaker, then you're correct, she's not exaggerating it. But I think it's dealt with well so far, even if I think Felicity made a dumb call in the aftermath 


of finding out about it. But it makes sense since she was still in her early 20s and she'd only just got an inkling that it might matter to her, only to have it snatched away.

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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

The author's note had me reading with dread, but

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it really was just all the sex. 

I think I've seen the author say that she's not super comfortable writing 


Sex scenes

which explains the author's notes. I'm glad she included it this time because they were kind of just implied in her previous fic.

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So, I read the new chapter of To Sacrifice the Sun and it's really a fun ride. Lots of UST, fun&games with assorted friends and teasing. According to the author's note, it's going on hiatus because of her OFBB fic and updating another WIP.

22 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I think I've seen the author say that she's not super comfortable writing 

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Sex scenes

which explains the author's notes. I'm glad she included it this time because they were kind of just implied in her previous fic.

It may have helped if she hadn't had 


them banging 26 times in quick succession in a 24-hour period. The chafing, honestly.

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16 minutes ago, bijoux said:

It may have helped if she hadn't had 

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them banging 26 times in quick succession in a 24-hour period. The chafing, honestly.

There's two fics worth of UST that needs to be worked out, though! ;)

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On ‎27‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 11:12 PM, HighHopes said:

However, so-caffeinated is a co-founder of the OFBB, so it still seems like there was some kind of special treatment there? According to the admin of the whole thing tho, they were originally supposed to post last.

Well, the admin that wrote the tumblr post said literally that as one of the 2 authors is an OFFB admin she can do whatever the hell she likes. So yes, this is like the definition of favouritism to me (=because one has the power, rules aren't applied to them). Also, her post is harsh, and came across as annoyed that someone dares to criticise her friends and the admins.


If I were an OFFB writer, I would be annoyed, as the first writers would get the best spot to be read by people waiting for new Olicity fics. For me, rules are rules, and if you have the power, you shouldn't use it to favour yourself or a friend

Edited by emarasmoak
Mispelling and trying to explain my thoughts better
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If anyone is looking for certain fics by authors that they can no longer find, try the Orphaned Account. I stumbled upon it because of Lee making a post that all of her fics on AO3 that she will no longer be updating were "orphaned". Apparently this just completely removes the author's association with the fic, and they no longer have any rights to it. There's apparently 128 Arrow fics that have been orphaned. 

(This is true for all fandoms, so if there are other fics for fandoms out there that you are looking for, it may be there). 

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It was a filler but I can't complain because it was an awesome filler lmao It's been 8 months since she first posted this okay :p 

I did like the talks that they had during the chapter though. Something I wish they did on the show but NOPE. I kind of like reading about my ship learning about each other. 

I also LOVED what Felicity had to say about Moira. 

All I know is the next chapter is going to be GOOD.

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Thanks for the links. I wonder why the posting schedule is structured that way? Seems like too many to be posted on Wednesday when a couple more could have started today. IDK. I suppose there must be a reason for it.

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Hmm. If that's true (and I think it is, especially if one of the people co-running OFBB is one of the FiCoN authors) that preferential treatment thing is looking more and more accurate.

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are there people still reading Ficon? Everyone I know lost interest somewhere in the middle coz it was either not going anywhere or it went in random directions that had nothing to do with the original plot. Is it gonna end anytime soon? 

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34 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I didn't mean to imply any shadiness with that guess, I'm just looking at it as a fic writer - I think I'd probably choose to update on another day too, but that's just me. 

Oh, I know. I am implying shadiness though. That's all on me. LOL. ;P


13 minutes ago, Tazmania said:

are there people still reading Ficon? Everyone I know lost interest somewhere in the middle coz it was either not going anywhere or it went in random directions that had nothing to do with the original plot. Is it gonna end anytime soon? 

I gave up on it ages ago because I found it so repetitive but it's still pretty popular, I think. Saying that, I have seen more and more people say they're growing tired of it. I have no idea when it will end. Never, by the sounds of it, especially as they have future fics planned set in the same universe.

Edited by Guest
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I quit that fic around chapter 8. It was just tedious, slow moving, repetitive, and just annoying. Especially the longer chapters. I think the combination of authors was kind of a bad mix. so_caffeinated doesn't know when to stop and her fics tend to go on and on, Bre's fics aren't very fast paced. So fics that aren't fast paced that go on and on is the worst mix.

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19 minutes ago, Tazmania said:

are there people still reading Ficon? Everyone I know lost interest somewhere in the middle coz it was either not going anywhere or it went in random directions that had nothing to do with the original plot. Is it gonna end anytime soon? 

I'm still following, but with the last couple of chapters being so Thea-centric, I've just been skimming. I keep hoping they'll wrap up the tangent and get back to Ellie and Zoom, but the Thea stuff just goes on and on, and I really really don't care.

I'm more interested in their OFBB fic now, and whatever headcanons they been sharing about the Olicity kids in the FiCoN verse.

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Ficon had a great concept and a thrilling start, but then meandered, and I found myself mentally slashing whole paragraphs (and even chapters), finally giving up at chapter 16.  I thought I would go back once they finished, but I'm suspecting this story is going to hit 450k. I think both are solid writers, but they remind me of friends who make the leap from short stories to novels, where they get in "every word and character is precious" mode. I kept thinking of the Elmore Leonard writing advice: "Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip."

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OFBB authors were given the chance to request days or at least ask not to be assigned a specific day.  I requested not to post on Monday because I attended San Jose HVFF.  I was lucky enough to meet several fic writers there, many who participated in OFBB, so I doubt that I was the only one to beg off of Monday for that reason.

Now I just hope that I can finish catching up on my weekend chores so that I can read some of the two stories that dropped today.

Edited by TrueMyth
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I really wanted to drop this whole thing, but was the assigned day of the week meant to be a weekly schedule or just the day the author starts to post the fic? Because I saw that both callistawolf and dettiot plan to most more often than that. So I guess what I'm wondering is whether this has been planned this way or whether it's a free for all after the upset over bre and so_caffeinated.

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Wait, start to post? *raises eyebrows* That's interesting.  Most Big Bangs I've ever known of, even the ones with lower word counts, have you post your story all at once, not in pieces.  That's kind of the point. 

*shrugs* Not that it bothers me - they can do whatever they want.  I have no dog in this fight. I just thought that was curious. 

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1 minute ago, Starfish35 said:

Wait, start to post? *raises eyebrows* That's interesting.  Most Big Bangs I've ever known of, even the ones with lower word counts, have you post your story all at once, not in pieces.  That's kind of the point. 

*shrugs* Not that it bothers me - they can do whatever they want.  I have no dog in this fight. I just thought that was curious. 

That's new information to me. I don't think I was ever around for any big bangs. I just got the (possibly erroneous) impression that they were planning weekly updates. I know that Macha is posting the prologue and chapter 1 on Wednesday, so I guess it's not all at once. She has four or five more chapters, if I got it right.

If it was planned for the authors to drop their entire fics at once, I think I can understand the FiCoN upset better. Because reading an entire fic takes dedication. I just couldn't see how one chapter of that fic would affect the reader response to other fics.

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It's possible things have changed.  I used to follow the Big Bangs pretty faithfully back in my LJ days (I even made up my own huge private master list - lol).  But that's been awhile back and fandom conventions do change. But in my day (she says, clutching her rocker), the one thing that was consistent across the board for Big Bangs, regardless of word count and posting schedules, was that fics were posted complete. No WIPs allowed.  That's not to say a mod might not allow the rare exception. But generally speaking a Big Bang was about stories being posted in their completed form, usually with accompanying artworks of some sort.  

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That's interesting--the last time that I read in a fandom that had big bangs it was Stargate Atlantis, and in that case they posted the stories all at once.  I wonder if it is because the big bangs no longer have to be hosted on an independent site or *shudder* live journal, so it is technologically easier to post works a chapter at a time.  

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3 hours ago, bijoux said:

I really wanted to drop this whole thing, but was the assigned day of the week meant to be a weekly schedule or just the day the author starts to post the fic? Because I saw that both callistawolf and dettiot plan to most more often than that. So I guess what I'm wondering is whether this has been planned this way or whether it's a free for all after the upset over bre and so_caffeinated.

No, it's always been that way for Arrow Big Bangs; I remember last year I came across it and I was surprised to find that a Big Bang (which is technically meant to have the entire fic in one go - otherwise, how is it different?) had WIPs with chapters being posted on a weekly basis.

When I participated in another fandom, I posted the whole thing in one go.

Maybe it's to ensure continued readership? I remember when I posted, I had no feedback until I cross-posted on AO3 and dreamwidth, I think.

Edited by arjumand
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I was just coming to ask this after reading the first chapter of dettiot's story and seeing there wasn't more. If people are just posting once a week, it seems like its just another day in the fandom. Only with a greater chance of the WIP getting completed.

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The works that I know of ARE completed. I think callistawolf tweeted that she would post new chapters every other day and I think dettiot mentioned a two-times-a-week posting schedule. It was just my impression that the assigned days of the week were supposed to be a weekly schedule thing. I'm getting the impression that there have been co-ordination problems across the board here. Which doesn't really impact me seeing as I'm not in it, but I can imagine it's frustrating to the participants.

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This is the second time they do the OFBB (FICON was between those fics originally) and authors had a deadline for when they were supposed to finish writing the fic and after that date they began posting..none of the fics I read was posted all at once and most of them weren't even finished when they started posting. As a result many fics are still WIP and FICON is probably going to go on longer than the show.

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Are your saying that bre and so_caffeinated have unfinished fics from the previous OFBB because they've been focusing on FiCoN? Is Blood Hands bre's unfinished contribution? Because I was invested in that one, even if the pacing was really slow. 

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3 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Are your saying that bre and so_caffeinated have unfinished fics from the previous OFBB because they've been focusing on FiCoN? Is Blood Hands bre's unfinished contribution? Because I was invested in that one, even if the pacing was really slow. 

No, FICON was supposed to be their OFBB contribution but I don't know if it can be considered like that anymore since they were supposed to finish writing it before the winter hiatus ended and done posting it by now.

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Big Bang fics being posted all at once actually makes sense to me, considering the name. Maybe the Arrow fandom just does it differently? Or maybe they just want to get more hits and ensure that more people see their fic, as some do tend to get lost/forgotten, especially with the amount of fics posted sometimes. Though I don't think anyone will have that problem as there seems to be a lack of new fanfic this hiatus.


2 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Are your saying that bre and so_caffeinated have unfinished fics from the previous OFBB because they've been focusing on FiCoN? Is Blood Hands bre's unfinished contribution? Because I was invested in that one, even if the pacing was really slow. 

FiCoN was started for the OFBB 2015. It's in the tags on AO3. 

Actually, I just checked the Olicity Fic Bang 2015 tag and so many are unfinished. Seems a bit pointless to arrange something like that if they're not finished.

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Ah, okay. This was probably at the time when the plan was something along the lines of what I imagined the fic would be - dealingnwith S2 villains in changed circumstances with new motivation, while Zoom is dealt with off screen by Barry and the blonde speedster, and when that's done have Ellie picked up and returned to her time. That train  went off the track a good long while ago.

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The posting schedule was one of the reasons why the early posting kerfluffle didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I mean, as-is, it's not like one person posted their whole fic and now no one's going to be looking for Big Bang stuff now that it's up. It seems like any other fic posting scenario, except a lot of people are doing it together, and all the fics they're posting seem to be complete (thankfully). 

But, something that's supposed to be fun for everyone involved shouldn't be the cause of hurt feelings or upset, so hopefully someone else takes over if they do a Big Bang next year. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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23 minutes ago, Angel12d said:


Actually, I just checked the Olicity Fic Bang 2015 tag and so many are unfinished. Seems a bit pointless to arrange something like that if they're not finished.

Oh, wow. Not even a half of them are finished. I'm sorry about geneeste's space fic, because the first two chapters had real potential. Of those I've read, my favorite is definitely JSevick's Alias AU. I also liked writewithhurtheart's zombie fic, even though I recall the ending being rushed.

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3 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I love that one too! Also I probably should forget about it at this point but I love YellowFlicker's fic..I really wished she finished it..

I'm looking here and I don't see an entry by YellowFlickr. I only see a fic by geniewithwifi for YellowFlickr, and that one is finished. BTW, has anyone read that one and would you recommend it?


Looking at the list, Punchdrunkdoc's S3.5 fic in which Oliver gets counselling is also good.

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