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Cast in Other Roles


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Don't know if DC Entertainment is involved in Gotham (probably), but I rather like it. Then, it's an origins story with Batman at school age, so no costumes there so far, and I'm not a comics person to examine all little details for adherence to the DC universe. I just think the cast and production values are great. 

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Yea.  It's just a general criticism of WB/DC really.   It just seems to be following the recent pattern of how WB/DC keeps making all their superhero incarnations so serious.  Melissa's character just seems to be following in that vein...


Her costume is pretty similar to the last superman, which was kind of a fail as far as superhero movie franchises.



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While Marvel superheros have ruled the box office in recent years, DC superheros are doing pretty well on TV.  The Flash, Arrow, and Gotham have all done well in ratings recently even with a "darker" look.

Well Flash and Arrow are doing well for CW standards.  Those numbers fail on any other network.  Gotham is barely doing well.  It's doing well enough not to get cancelled, but let's not pretend those ratings are some sort of smashing success.  It barely beat a repeat of The Big Bang Theory last week in the demo.  If Fox had anything else that was doing well besides Empire, Gotham would be cancelled.  Right now it's hanging on.


That said, Marvel isn't doing so hot on television either.  

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Not pretending anything.  They are big success for the standards that CW has.  Gotham less so but still enough of one not to get cancelled.  And DC has done better than Marvel on TV

Edited by camussie
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Not pretending anything.  They are big success for the standards that CW has.  Gotham less so but still enough of one not to get cancelled.  And DC has done better than Marvel on TV

Actually Gotham and AoS will probably settle to around the same levels.  Gotham is already averaging lower than AoS did in its first season, but that's also because AoS debuted better and fell faster.  They both seem to be settling in the 8 million viewer range at around a 5 or 6 share in the demo.  Both good enough to be renewed, but not some runaway success on either part.  


I think it's really hard to compare CW shows to anything else on TV since the standards are so much lower.


Anyway, to bring it back to something relevant to this thread.  I do hope they can do something interesting with Melissa's show.  The premise seemed interesting, and it would be great to have female-led superhero show be successful.

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The Flash is good but it's "lighter" than the rest.

"Arrow" too grim, and "Gotham" , while it has its moments, gets weighed down when they return to the humorless Wayne boy( yes I know he's an orphan, blah, blah, blah)

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There's a clip circulating for Heather's new TV movie Romantically Speaking, and apparently the only talking point the actors agree on is that 'it's a family movie! suitable for the family to watch together! like with your mom!'  Heh.


ETA:  To make this more substantive, I guess I should add that it sounds like a perfectly reasonable romantic comedy and I may watch it to see how Heather does with another role.

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Lea is filming the first two episodes of Scream Queens until April, then filming for the rest of the series resumes in July ...


“The first two scripts are so hilarious, that’s the only ones that we’ve gotten so far. They’re so funny and also really scary. […] My character is very different than anything you’ve ever seen me do before, so you won’t see me or Rachel Berry anywhere in there.”



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There's a clip circulating for Heather's new TV movie Romantically Speaking, and apparently the only talking point the actors agree on is that 'it's a family movie! suitable for the family to watch together! like with your mom!'  Heh.


ETA:  To make this more substantive, I guess I should add that it sounds like a perfectly reasonable romantic comedy and I may watch it to see how Heather does with another role.


I'm sooo not into the whole made-for-tv romantic comedy movies, but I am curious to see Heather do something else. She's stated before that her monotone line readings as Brittany are directed to be that way, and that she's tried to be more normal but they won't let her and she always gets directed back to the monotone sound. So I definitely want to see her in a non-Brittany role, just to see how she is away from that voice. I suspect it will be more similar to Brittany season 6, because I feel like that version of Brittany was less monotone/more emotive than previous versions.

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I'm sooo not into the whole made-for-tv romantic comedy movies, but I am curious to see Heather do something else. She's stated before that her monotone line readings as Brittany are directed to be that way, and that she's tried to be more normal but they won't let her and she always gets directed back to the monotone sound. So I definitely want to see her in a non-Brittany role, just to see how she is away from that voice. I suspect it will be more similar to Brittany season 6, because I feel like that version of Brittany was less monotone/more emotive than previous versions.

Yep, exactly what I was thinking.  And at least it should be harmless watching -- as opposed to Naya's horror movie, which I'm curious about for the same reasons, but I hate horror movies, so I may just hold out for Devious Maids.  I've seen them both so long as Brittany and Santana so I'm curious how they do in other roles.

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Yep, exactly what I was thinking.  And at least it should be harmless watching -- as opposed to Naya's horror movie, which I'm curious about for the same reasons, but I hate horror movies, so I may just hold out for Devious Maids.  I've seen them both so long as Brittany and Santana so I'm curious how they do in other roles.


After reading some comments here from people a few weeks ago, I broke down and watched Naya's horror movie. She was really good in it and not anything like Santana, so that was cool to see. You should definitely check it out. Or, just watch Naya's scenes. And mute the ~scary parts. (It really wasn't scary though)

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I question  those spoilers to be honest.  Only 2 episodes have been written and that person is claiming stuff about the whole season.  At this point I am only going with the names of characters as being confirmed due to call sheets.  

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Lea is filming the first two episodes of Scream Queens until April, then filming for the rest of the series resumes in July ...


“The first two scripts are so hilarious, that’s the only ones that we’ve gotten so far. They’re so funny and also really scary. […] My character is very different than anything you’ve ever seen me do before, so you won’t see me or Rachel Berry anywhere in there.”




Seems in the break she will do the second album, she says she's starting on it in April.(it's at the end of the clip)

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Gee just what the world was waiting for, another Lea Michele album and book. Did her last efforts even sell all that well ?

Obviously they sold well enough to get her a 2nd go around in both fields. It's not like Columbia or whatever publishing house released her first book would give her a second opportunity if they were colossal failures. Money talks, and executives aren't going to give her anything out of the goodness of their hearts.


I happen to find her books to be in the same category as Lauren Conrad's. Something I can skim through at the pool, easy to get through and not particularly taxing. It's fluff, pure and simple.

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Obviously they sold well enough to get her a 2nd go around in both fields. It's not like Columbia or whatever publishing house released her first book would give her a second opportunity if they were colossal failures. Money talks, and executives aren't going to give her anything out of the goodness of their hearts.


I happen to find her books to be in the same category as Lauren Conrad's. Something I can skim through at the pool, easy to get through and not particularly taxing. It's fluff, pure and simple.

I bet she is just Columbia's and what ever her book publisher's favorite.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Lea's second album is released prior to the debut albums of the rest of the cast  with such plans (Amber, Darren, Chord and Naya).


Not to disss the rest of them, but simply pointing out that her Album sales probably did well enough per Columbia's expectations , and that Lea's appeal/marketability is something  the Label company doesn't take lightly.  Second albums aren't done out of charity.

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My reaction was "Lea Michele wrote a book?"

It was ghostwritten, I think. She talked to the writer, but didn't exactly sit down to write it herself. It's her personal stories though (not sure about the beauty and wellness stuff, that could be a tie-in with sponsors). 


The book iirc was on the NYT best seller list, which means commercial success, so not surprised she got another in the works.


I always forget how many celebrities in general churn out such books, I'd forgotten about Lauren Conrad (I haven't read that one either). For example, didn't know Gilmore Girls' Lauren Graham had written fiction. A lot of celebrities also target children's lit. 

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So Lea will have a new series, a second album and a second book to be published this year.

And what's worse, she's a regular, not a recurring, character on "Scream Queens", and a leading one at that, which means exposure to a completely new and huge audience. (Could Columbia Records have possibly taken that into account?) I guess I'll just have to redouble my efforts and use six pins in the throat of her voodoo doll and an extra one for the nose so she can come remotely close to ever sounding like Idina or Kristin, or else the world will have to endure her third bloody album, and people will be forced to attend her concert tours. Gaaaah!
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A ghostwriter is a writer who writes books, manuscripts, screenplays, scripts, articles, blog posts, stories, reports, whitepapers, or other texts that are officially credited to another person.



Lea said she made an outline and preferred to record her thoughts/stories/tips for the different parts of the book. I never heard her say anything about talking to "the writer".   So not sure if ghost written would be the proper term.   I would say she wrote it technically with a very heavy influence by her editing team.   It was more then just here is an idea now you go write imo.


Sia on the other hand gave her part publishing rights to if I I say so because it was told to her by Lea and was her retelling that helped her put the song together.  

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FWIW, Lea gave an ancedote how Chris Colfer had told her he envisioned her talking into a recorder per some fashion/health tip, and Lea said that was exactly how it happened! LOL.


People don't have to literally write everything down, they can record things and have it transcribed, which isn't quite my concept of a ghost written book.

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Lea said she made an outline and preferred to record her thoughts/stories/tips for the different parts of the book. I never heard her say anything about talking to "the writer".   So not sure if ghost written would be the proper term.   I would say she wrote it technically with a very heavy influence by her editing team.   It was more then just here is an idea now you go write imo.

I don't think it's equal to editing. Someone had to put a draft together before it was submitted for editing and copyediting. But there are different categories of ghostwriting, and in her case it's the most innocuous one, when another person puts down someone else's ideas and thoughts in an organised written form. Usually the writer talks to the person and takes notes, or works from tapes as in Lea's case, and develops that into proper content. A lot of autobiographies and memoirs are written in this way. Sometimes the writer is credited like, let's say, Title X by Lea Michele with Jane Doe. 

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I sometimes feel peole use the term ghost witing to downplay the persons input.   I think she was more involved than I  have seen some give her credit for in other parts for the fandom.  Not implying you were though.  

Edited by tom87
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I sometimes feel peole use the term ghost witing to downplay the persons input.   I think she was more involved than I  have seen some give her credit for in other parts fothe fanomd.  Not implying you were though.

I'm sure someone from Lea's management team said, "If a book with a cover that says it was written by you is sold in stores, you will make X amount of dollars," and Lea said, "Okay, let's do it." There's nothing shameful in her trying to earn as much money as she can while her name is at its most marketable. I highly doubt one of her dreams was to some day Inform tweens far and wide what color lip gloss she prefers.

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To be fair, it isn't just a beauty and wellness guide, there are personal l recollections and anecdotes in her book  -- I haven't read it but have seen some such excerpts where she talks about Groff, Broadway, Glee, scanned on tumblr. It's very clear which audience it targeted. 


Has she mentioned what the second book is likely to be?

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I highly doubt one of her dreams was to some day Inform tweens far and wide what color lip gloss she prefers.


Isn't that irrelevant?   If Lea  feels she has something to offer and it's marketable to her fans, what does it matter that it wasn't her lifelong dream?   Making a success of a self help book IS an accomplishment. whether it's lip gloss or Broadway stories she's relating. 

Edited by caracas1914
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Isn't that irrelevant?   If Lea  feels she has something to offer and it's marketable to her fans, what does it matter that it wasn't her lifelong dream?   Making a success of a self help book IS an accomplishment. whether it's lip gloss or Broadway stories she's relating.

I'm just saying I don't think the book was some well planned endeavor that Lea invested much time in. Her name is a marketable commodity and she's marketing it. She may well come out with a line of bed sheets and dinner plates that bear her name, but I doubt she'll have spent much time creating those either.

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I am just saying I do think she had more say and more input then some would give her credit for, so thanks for proving my point.



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I am just saying I do think she had more say and more input then some would give her credit for, so thanks for proving my point.



I am just saying I don't think she said or input much into the book and that some people are giving her more credit than she deserves. I think points are being proven all the way around.

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Well equating her writing a book to slapping her name on plates and bed sheets is rather dismissive of her effort.  Just saying.

Are your surprised?


No one has claimed it was doing anything  more than taking advantage of  nice opportunity that came her way.  It was also an opportunity to write a book that she thought her fans would like that answers some of the questions they ask her.   Just saying that the typical meaning of Ghost writer seems to be  a bit off for the situation when we know she made an outline and recorded what she wanted in the book.  She even mentioned speaking with others about how much she should use and how detail she should be etc.


Wow like pulling teeth to let her have some credit.

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Are your surprised?

Are you really offended on Lea Michele's behalf because I don't think she personally put much effort in to her book? Would it make you feel better or worse to know I also don't think One Direction wrote much of Dare to Dream: Life as One Direction (100% Official).

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I know I shouldn't be, but just pointing out the obvious I guess.  I mean did the people being critical even read the book?

It isn't even about the book really its about making a counter point imo. 

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I'm usually skeptical of celebrities who publish books in terms of how much writing they actually did, unless they've expressed prior interest in writing*. It's not a criticism, just... well, the way things are. I thought it was really cool of Hilary Duff to explicitly thank her ghostwriter. Didn't make me think any less of her; on the contrary, it made me like her more than I did just because a lot of celebs aren't willing to acknowledge the elephant in the room the way she was. Sort of like how a lot of celebrity moms like to play that they raise their children all by themselves when you know that there are often nannies involved. 

Just saying that the typical meaning of Ghost writer seems to be  a bit off for the situation when we know she made an outline and recorded what she wanted in the book.

I don't see how the meaning of ghostwriter conflicts with what you've written re: Lea's input. That is often how ghostwriters work. The ghostwriter just writes the actual manuscript, doesn't mean that they came up with the whole shebang. Usually the celeb has some sort of input; like if we're talking about an autobiography, the celeb might orally record their thoughts and the ghostwriter will then put it in publishable written form. 


* Like James Franco. I have no problem believing that Franco wrote all of the god-awful stories that he did. 

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Do I think that Lea spent weeks bent over a keyboard pouring out words? No. Do I think she had considerable help in taking a bunch of recordings and trying to transform it into something readable? Yes. So yes, technically Lea "wrote" her book but she had enormous help in doing so that went well beyond the kind of editing that every book requires (and comes out better for). So no, I don't particularly take her seriously as an "author" and given how cheap these books are to produce and they usually sell well (at least initially), I'm not surprised that the publisher threw a load of money at her to "write" another book. This is bottom-feeder kind publishing. When you consider that that icon of literature, Snooki, had books published as an "author" it's not something that's particularly impressive.


I don't totally blame Lea for jumping on the opportunity, but it's not something that I think highly of since it wasn't exactly something she really worked on herself.

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Considering that not everyone gets a second book to print, commercially her endeavor was a success.

I could easily see a series of these books by Lea .

The album should be interesting what direction it turns to.

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