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Cast in Other Roles


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I thought about that too when I saw the NPH video, don't know if it's possible.  For some glam rockers the high notes were the whole point, the glam flash so to speak. 


Whoever has seen the musical (Hana Chan mentioned it), maybe can give opinion. 


Lowering the key wouldn't make a difference there. Most people won't recognize that a singer is singing lower because the vocal range will be the same.

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For those who want a brief/quick introduction to Glamrock check this out.. A more in depth view of Glamrock is here.

  I am not familiar with the role of Hedwig apart from watching NPH's performance at the Tony's, so I'm currently listening to the album on youtube. I knew NPH could do the vocal range (he did Dream On with Matt in Glee afterall.) Darren is going to have big platform boots to fill. I'm not sure he can sustain his voice for that many weeks and he definately doesn't physically suit the part. Oh well, at least he's challenging himself.

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he's going to have an advantage that he's not so much doing a British accent, but the Noel Cowards accent/cadence. It's markedly different.


I still think it's still difficult because it is a British accent AND a specific cadence to speaking.  So two things to juggle.

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I still think it's still difficult because it is a British accent AND a specific cadence to speaking.  So two things to juggle.

Exactly. It still has the British intonation and pronunciation as basis. I think he did something like a British accent in his book recordings but I don't think it was quite right. At one of the book tour apperarances last year he demonstrated a phrase, and it sounded better. 

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Lowering the key wouldn't make a difference there. Most people won't recognize that a singer is singing lower because the vocal range will be the same.

The impact, power and intensity of the song will be different with a lowered key. They don't put those high notes in songs for nothing: they resonate more and can express heavier emotions. Even when a singer has a lower tessitura (so his power notes are also a bit lower on the music scale) there will be some loss of that impact and resonance if the key is lowered, especially in a glam rock style like Hedwig has.

But you're right: most people won't realize that the songs are set in lower keys, but they just might notice that the songs are for some reason not as bright and soaring as they could be.

(If you want an example of the effect of a lower key: listen to Madonna in 'Evita' and compare her with Julie Covington's version.)


The more I think about Darren as Hedwig the more I doubt he'll be able to pull it off. He really needs to prove that he can act better than what he's shown on Glee, and he won't have multiple back-up singers and auto-tuning to hide behind when he's singing.

But I'm most concerned for his voice, not only for the range and song style he'll have to sing as Hedwig (which are out of his comfort zone), but I don't think his voice will be able to last through 12 weeks of 8 performances a week. His voice is not that strong unfortunately, and imo he lacks some voice training as well. After his only 3 weeks in 'How to Succeed...' the fatigue and strain on his voice was already very noticeable.


But if Darren starts practicing and taking voice lessons right after Glee ends he'll have about 10 weeks of rehearsal to prepare for the part, so if he puts in the hard work he might do better than expected. It's certainly an ambitous and prestigeous project for him, a litmus test so to speak than can launch a solid Broadway career, so it'll be interesting to see how he does and what the reviewers will have to say.



Exactly. It still has the British intonation and pronunciation as basis. I think he did something like a British accent in his book recordings but I don't think it was quite right. At one of the book tour apperarances last year he demonstrated a phrase, and it sounded better.

It certainly will be a challenge for Chris, but he said he's been working with a voice/accent coach for quite a while now (the announcement of him getting the part was in Spring last year), so I expect him to be well prepared by the time of filming. If it will be enough that remains to be seen.

And there's always the question if the British public will be willing to embrace him even if he does a good job (as an American playing a beloved iconic British person).  Same goes in a way for some of his Glee fans, who might not like it when Chris as Noel will speak (and act) very differently than Kurt, especially with that accent.


But I'm more curious if speaking with such a particular accent all the time will hold back his acting in general. The accent will constantly need part of his concentration after all. At least he will have a director who appreciates his talents and has already stated that he will push him to the limit.


I wonder if Chris also got himself some piano lessons to prepare for 'Noel', as his fake piano-playing scene in 6x03 during 'It's Too Late' was much more realistic than when Kurt was sitting behind the piano in season 1's 'I'll Stand By You'.

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This opportunity, for Darren, is really taking the training wheels off. And he's going to have 10 weeks of rehearsal before he takes the stage, so there's going to be absolutely no excuse if he's not spot on from day one. He's going to have to completely fill that role the instant he appears on the stage and there won't be any excuses if he doesn't. There won't be his day job to blame for any shortcomings in his performance.


The NYT posted a small article in their arts section that expressed a lot of what the doubters were saying.



Note that while they credited Darren's previous run for being profitable, there was no mention of the quality of his performance and they acknowledged the very short run that created a "tight ticket". Darren's fans were able to fill enough seats during that brief period, but now that he's going for a run 4x as long, he's got to prove that he can appeal to a broader audience. If he can't sustain sales over the long run, it's going to bring up questions about his ability to hold down a role. And the critics will be paying more attention here, so if his performance isn't up to snuff, we're going to know.


Again, I credit Darren for having the guts to attempt something like this, but it could very easily turn into a disaster. There's no middle ground for Darren here. He'll sink or swim and there won't be anything to save him if things don't go well. He's got to show that he is there for more than stunt casting. That he can play the character credibly (and coming on the heels of the actor who originated the part, that's a tall order) and that he'll be able to fill seats. I expect that Darren's fans will fill the theater for the first few weeks, but after that he's going to have to appeal to a general audience who are going to be paying a lot of money and want to see a good performance. Darren is very much going to need good critical reviews from more than just his fans to get those consistent ticket sales.

Edited by Hana Chan
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Is there a "generic" Scottish accent that foreign actors go for?

Yeah he could probably go for a generic Edinburgh or Glasgow accent which to most people will sound fine. J. M. Barrie is from Kirriemuir in Angus, on the east coast which is actually near where I grew up, yet the accent is completely different. You can travel 20 or 30 miles in Scotland and accents completely change.

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I would think Hedwig is still a pretty popular ticket right now, and the average person going to NYC for a musical might not follow who's actually in a production (as opposed to people who see plays specifically for an actor or actors). DC's run will probably be fine. He may not be the first guy you think of after hearing Neil Patrick Harris, Andrew Rannells, and Michael C. Hall, but the guys running the show have faith in him. I can't wait to see the posters... (I assume they'll update promo material for DC.)

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I expect that Darren's fans will fill the theater for the first few weeks, but after that he's going to have to appeal to a general audience who are going to be paying a lot of money and want to see a good performance.

The Darren/Glee fans can spread themselves over the 12 weeks, they won't cluster all in the beginning I imagine -- but I get what you're saying, that this is a test for his ability to attract the general audience. Some B'way fans will go and see a production each time when there's a new headliner, so there'll be this curiosity factor too. 


Maybe the role will bring out of Darren what I don't think Glee was able to, and he will rise fully to the occasion. I certainly hope for his sake it does.  Yesterday as I looked up NPH's clips, I saw in passing him mention how transformative the role was for him, that he had to chuck a lot of his acting and singing comfort zones (like his vibrato) aside and build from scratch for this show and character. His was sort of the opposite issue than Darren's - going from a B'way vibrato singer to a rock singer. Darren is used to being the one-man rock show, but has to develop his dramatic acting, and retrain his voice for glam rock. 

Edited by fakeempress
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Matt Morrisson on being the lead character on a musical:


“I’m at a turning point in my life. I’m coming off a hugely successful television show, I’m newly married and I’m coming back to New York with a lot to prove. I’ve never been the outright lead of a show before, so it’s mine to carry, and—I’m not going to lie—I’m nervous about it.”

As he gets set to return to Broadway, Morrison is reconnecting with his own inner child—one who fell in love with singing and dancing onstage at age ten when he starred in a show at summer camp. Of course, after six seasons in the groves of television, getting his voice in shape for eight shows a week requires more than just make-believe, and so he’s spent the past year taking singing lessons, doing daily vocal exercises, and giving a series of concerts around the country with various symphony orchestras—most recently at Carnegie Hall with his Light in the Piazza and South Pacific costar Kelli O’Hara. And while Broadway may not be Neverland and the stage may only give the illusion of stopping time, as Morrison says, “It’s the place where I feel most at home, and I don’t think I realized that until I went off and did a TV show. The chance to deepen your performance night after night, and the connection that you can make with a live audience—I’ve missed it so much, and I can’t wait to get that rush again. Honestly, I find no greater joy in my life.”

Harvey Weinstein’s Finding Neverland Finds a New Home on Broadway—With Glee’s Matthew Morrison as Its Star


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It just hit me how frigging old Glees wardrobe has dressed Schue , since the JM Barrie costume looks exactly like his lol

Hopefully once Matt grows a beard the physical appearance won't be so similar.

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 A little more on Naya's gig on Devious Maids:




Naya Rivera Headed to Devious Maids
Naya Rivera has already lined up her first post-Glee acting gig.


The 28-year-old actress – best known for playing Santana Lopez on Fox's musical dramedy – will recur as a maid on the Lifetime drama Devious Maids.

Rivera will play Blanca, a new maid who lands what appears to be a perfect gig with a Beverly Hills family. Naturally, she discovers all is not what it seems.

That's not all that Rivera has booked in the coming months. Deadline reports that Rivera is expected to return as a guest host on The View, which will certainly reignite speculation that ABC News may be considering her for a bigger role on the morning talk show.

For now, there's no job open on The View – Rosie Perez resumed her place on the panel Tuesday after taking time off to rehearse for a Broadway play.

Still, Rivera makes for good TV on The View, especially when she says things like, "showering more than once a day or every day is such a white people thing."


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We talked about typecasting Chris, but this also seems like typecasting coming straight after Blaine. 


I have no idea how you could say this is typecasting when Blaine and Hedwig could not be more different characters. One is a straight-laced young gay guy, the other is an outrageous transsexual rock goddess. You could make more of a typecasting argument for Blaine and J. Pierrepont Finch than Blaine and Hedwig. Unless you think it's typecasting because neither character is straight? (That'd also be ignoring that Darren was cast as the straight love interest in his first film, in a role that is also different both to Blaine and Hedwig. So far there's no sign of typecasting for Darren.)



I would think Hedwig is still a pretty popular ticket right now, and the average person going to NYC for a musical might not follow who's actually in a production (as opposed to people who see plays specifically for an actor or actors). DC's run will probably be fine. He may not be the first guy you think of after hearing Neil Patrick Harris, Andrew Rannells, and Michael C. Hall, but the guys running the show have faith in him. I can't wait to see the posters... (I assume they'll update promo material for DC.)


I'm in NYC and yes, it's a very popular show. I see updated posters plastered in the subways every time a new Hedwig takes over. Why I found Darren being announced as the replacement surprising is because even this far into the run, a lot of actors more proven on the stage would still love to have the chance. Darren is younger and less seasoned than the actors before him, but the fact that Stephen Trask mentioned wanting him months ago shows that this has been in the cards for a long time. Well, and the fact that Trask flat out said as much. It's not a stunt casting move or a scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel decision at all; it shows that the creative team has a lot of faith in Darren, which is extremely impressive. Hell, it's impressive that his name would even be mentioned ina Hedwig conversation, never mind that they are considering him in the same league as NPH, Andrew Rannells, MCH, and JCM, who are all hugely talented.


It looks like Darren has found people who think he is worth investing in. A lot of people posting here seem strangely invested in him failing. Maybe residual, misplaced bitterness in believing he doesn't deserve it because of xyz, he got xyz over [insert Fan Favorite here], whatever. A lot of thwarted schadenfreude going on. Well, I'm happy for him. I've seen Andrew Rannells in it, it's an amazing show, and Darren will have to work his ass off, but I think he'll do fine. I think those who are fixated on him being a failure will find a way to frame this venture as one no matter what happens. In the end, doing the role is only going to raise his profile, and hopefully let him leverage into whatever future projects he's interested in.

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Matt Morrison is nervous about his first starring role on BW...


Fingers crossed for him but I think he's going to nail it.. If anyone is a Broadway baby it's Matt.  Natural progression from his other BW roles...so excited for him, especially how criminally underused he was on Glee.

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Matt Morrison is nervous about his first starring role on BW...

Fingers crossed for him but I think he's going to nail it.. If anyone is a Broadway baby it's Matt. Natural progression from his other BW roles...so excited for him, especially how criminally underused he was on Glee.

I think it's good that he's nervous. It shows that he's not taking it lightly. I'd rather this than him being overconfident.

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I think it's good that he's nervous. It shows that he's not taking it lightly. I'd rather this than him being overconfident.


True, true.


And he says he's been training his voice for the rigors of a Broadway schedule the last year....

the Produer and movie mogul, Weinstein has a lot riding on his first musical venture... (ie if his film success can carry over to stage...)

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I have no idea how you could say this is typecasting when Blaine and Hedwig could not be more different characters. One is a straight-laced young gay guy, the other is an outrageous transsexual rock goddess. You could make more of a typecasting argument for Blaine and J. Pierrepont Finch than Blaine and Hedwig. Unless you think it's typecasting because neither character is straight? (That'd also be ignoring that Darren was cast as the straight love interest in his first film, in a role that is also different both to Blaine and Hedwig. So far there's no sign of typecasting for Darren.)

It was just a remark about their immediate post-Glee roles, not meant to take too seriously. I know Blaine and Hedwig are different characters lol, but both fall within the LGBT+ bracket, aka not straight.


As to the rest, it's great that the Hedwig creators have huge faith in Darren, and I personally hope he delivers. Remains to be seen, both for him and for the rest of the Glee cast. Compared to Darren, I feel justified to be more optimistic in Matt's case in FN right off the bat.  


eta: I personally never doubted that Darren will get work right after Glee. He's more commercial than some of his peers who are also talented.  

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Regarding both Chord's and Lea's albums I don't think either one are going to be released under a major label,  I know Lea said she was doing another one for Columbia but sales were decent, at best, and more than that they spiked early and petered off quickly,  I think there is probably some question if she can build that early spike without Glee being around.   I could see her releasing an indie album at some point, though.  


As for Chord, given his Nashville connections through both his father and brother, I could see his album coming out under an indie Nashville label at some point  

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Amber is the one I would think might release her album under another an indie label, would be I imagine an R/B with dance mix, though I think torchy ballads would also be up her alley.

We know that Alex is going to release an album, and his voice/style seems right for dance club mix genre.

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Laura Benanti is to play Melissa's mom in Supergirl.

Damn she actually does look like Melissa, though she would've have to have given birth at 10 to be old enough!

There's quite a tradition of very young looking casting for mother roles on TV. It's like they decided all moms should've been in the cast of "16 and pregnant".  Nothing new for Hollywood's image of women. I was so thrown off at first by Melinda Clarke being Mischa Barton's mom on The OC whose age difference is 17 years, and on top of that Mischa tends to looks older and Melinda so much younger than their actual age.  

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Well HBO's "Looking" live audience dropped dramatically so I think the odds are Groff's show will not be picked up for a 3rd season. He very well might stay on with "Hamilton" when it ultimately debuts on Broadway.

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Well we know that Idina is hinting there is a "Frozen" sequel in the works, (no huge shocker that) so Groff will most likely reprise that role, hopefully with more singing this time for his character.


There also appears to be a "Frozen" stage musical being mulled over by Disney and I would think that would be up Groff's alley also.  

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Well we know that Idina is hinting there is a "Frozen" sequel in the works, (no huge shocker that) so Groff will most likely reprise that role, hopefully with more singing this time for his character.


There also appears to be a "Frozen" stage musical being mulled over by Disney and I would think that would be up Groff's alley also.  

I do not see Groff doing Frozen on stage but to do voice over work will not affect him on bway.   They can work around that.

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Opps I never said who I'd see. I'll go with Jon .  It's a totally new story to me so I have no preconceived notions of what to expect.    


But Matthew would be a close second.

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So you are in NY it is July and you can see  one show?


Matthew, Jon or Darren? 

Jon. I've already seen Matt and Darren's shows. If they were all in new projects I hadn't seen I'd probably go Matt, but in this one situation I'd go Jon.

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Adam Shankman tweeted about what seems like a table read with Andy Mientus and Darren, for a musical based on 17 Again. They're in NYC.


If Darren has 2 months to prepare for Hedwig, is that enough time? I have no idea how rehearsals for BW musicals go, and he may have been rehearsing already in LA, but seems strange to me at first glance that he can do table reads for other musicals, and also he's still booked for the Glee convention in Europe. 

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He could have been preparing for a while now.  I have used this example before but when Hugh Jackman was prepping for "The Boy from Oz" (where he sang 19 of the 21 songs) he was shooting Van Helsing in eastern Europe.  His vocal coach was on set with him and he had a very small dance floor installed in his trailer so he could work on the tap in the show.  

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He could have been preparing for a while now.  I have used this example before but when Hugh Jackman was prepping for "The Boy from Oz" (where he sang 19 of the 21 songs) he was shooting Van Helsing in eastern Europe.  His vocal coach was on set with him and he had a very small dance floor installed in his trailer so he could work on the tap in the show.  


Matt Morrison posted about learning Finding Neverland while still on Glee.


On a different topic. Is Chris movie 'Struck By Lightening' any good? 

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He could have been preparing for a while now.  I have used this example before but when Hugh Jackman was prepping for "The Boy from Oz" (where he sang 19 of the 21 songs) he was shooting Van Helsing in eastern Europe.  His vocal coach was on set with him and he had a very small dance floor installed in his trailer so he could work on the tap in the show.

That's what I'd think, only his singing on the show so far doesn't indicate any high register gains to me, which he needs for Hedwig imo. He may have started rehearsing after they shot the up to now broadcast episodes, of course. 

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On a different topic. Is Chris movie 'Struck By Lightening' any good? 

Do you like shoestring budget indy movies with people in them who you are predisposed to like? It's mostly okay. I wouldn't tell anybody to watch it, but I wouldn't wave off any Chris Colfer fan who wanted to see more of him.

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I'll be honest, I didn't even make it through the whole film. And I like Chris. But I was bored and I found his character to be unlikable in a way that wasn't entertaining to watch. Mileage varies, though.

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On a different topic. Is Chris movie 'Struck By Lightening' any good?

If you are interested in Chris acting. He does a completely different high school character, and is even physically different, and is very good in that respect. The other good part is the family story, mainly his mom and grandma - the other characters are mostly signposts, though the actors are all excellent.

But the high school story is thinly drawn, and his character in it comes across as insufferable. There are good one liners and funny moments, but overall it's not successful. 


I seem to have enjoyed it more than Ceeg and Comfy Sweater, but some of my favourite movies are unpolished indies with somewhat insufferable characters. Like The Tao of Steve, I've loved Donal Logue ever since; or Kissing Jessica Stein.

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