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Jeff Probst: Better Than The Lot Of You

David T. Cole

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I have been a very sporadic viewer of the show, but I've been marathoning some older seasons since they're free on Prime streaming. I've definitely noticed him becoming douchey as the show goes on.

I recently finished Redemption Island and I was taken aback at how he chastised Zappatara (sp?) for eleminating Russell. He talked at them like they were the biggest morons in the world for wanting to throw away the "leadership" Russell could provide. Granted, he may have been annoyed that they threw the challenge for just that purpose, but they never confirmed that to him in that TC. Ousting Russell was what any tribe with half a brain would have done! I couldn't believe the other tribe didn't vote out Rob at the first -or second, or third- opportunity. They didn't and look what happened (and I don't hate Rob on Survivor the way a lot of people do, though I loathed having him on TAR)! And you could tell Probst was creaming in his shorts that Rob wasn't going anywhere.

I don't mind most of his commentary during challenges, except when he blatantly gives up someone's strategy. Tell who's ahead, but don't shout to the other team how they're doing it!

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I recently finished Redemption Island and I was taken aback at how he chastised Zappatara (sp?) for eleminating Russell.

For my money, this was the moment Jeff dropped all pretense that the producers are impartial observers / refs.  I'd long suspected (and read stuff) that the producers 'suggested' things to players since the beginning, but at least Jeffy had long pretended that they wouldn't do such a thing.  But the gall of Zapatera to vote out Russell right after Jeff had just explained how important Russell was (read: to the producers, not the game) - unbelievable!

And you could tell Probst was creaming in his shorts that Rob wasn't going anywhere.

I think he did more than that.  Did you wonder how Rob 'deduced' where the idol was?  In record time as he wizzed about, trying to find it (while he was ostensibly on a bathroom break) to keep the others from knowing he had it?  Some pretty good guessing there, neh?  Did you get the impression that Rob successfully kept the others in the dark that he'd had the idol all along?  Well, turns out he didn't - we found out later that his team knew for a while but never seriously tried to challenge him, or even chafe much under his self-serving rules.  Amazingly 'luck' for a 3-time loser (who was already in the Survivor Hall of Fame and on Probst's real-life speed dial list).


But we'll always be able to look back on Jeff's scolding of Zapatera for doing exactly what they should do once Jeff had explained that Russell was so much of a better player than they would ever be.  If you ever read these forums, Mr. Probst, kindly google 'hoist on your own petard' - you'll enjoy Hamlet.

Edited by henripootel
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Yeah, I was surprised to hear that Natalie and the blond girl, at least, knew he had the idol. I try not to entertain ideas of producer shenanigans wrt tipping off players, though. It ruins my enjoyment. I wouldn't be surprised to know they didn't try to hide the idols well though, especially woth Russell coming back.

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It ruins my enjoyment.


I actually have come to enjoy this aspect of the show, sifting for clues and such.  It's even given me an appreciation for the job Probst does.  I mean some producer interaction is absolutely necessary, but you need a deft touch to keep this from getting out of hand.  Witness the shit-pile that is Utopia (and you'd better witness if fast as it's soon to be cancelled).  Their producers totally screwed the pooch, meddling extensively in the process (while claiming to do nothing), giving extensive direction on what they want characters to do and say. Now they have to meddle constantly, and what they ended up with is a boring pile of crap without a single iota of genuine anything.  Probst is pretty good at meddling just enough to stir things up but not enough to make everything look like manufactured bullshit, not easy with a cast of third-rate mactors and washed-up celebs.


I still love nitpicking him but the show's been on for over a decade - Jeffy has to be doing something right.  He sure could teach the morons at Utopia a thing or three.

Edited by henripootel

My brother was checking out some classic MELVINS on YouTube and stumbled upon this.  I never knew!  (PS if anyone wants to teach me the secret of embedding video plz do)



HAHAHAHA! The giant jacket over t-shirt, pegged jeans, mullet are hilarious, but that giant arm swing with the knee bend killed me the most. Man, if that guy could only see 5 years into his own future... 


Great find!

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Kromm, not sure I agree there.  I think Jeff plays more to who is popular with the overall audience.  e.g. when Jane -- who I couldn't stand -- won fan favorite, Jeff fawned pretty obsequiously over her.  Steph got a lot of attention after her first season.  So did Cirie, who totally earned it.  Jeff first and foremost is a businessman/entertainer who knows his market and how to play to it. 


Joe won the hearts of tons of fans.  He won four ICs in a row and nearly the fifth.  He made fire from scratch and made camp life much more comfortable.  He looked almost superhuman in some of those group challenges, had other contestants oohing and ahhing over him, and was, I guess, the season's biggest sex symbol.  No surprise that Jeff singled him out at the reunion.   

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Oh come on!  He was singled out in 2 seasons!  It was incredibly over the top.  Calling him perfect, saying he's delicious, girls want to date him, boys want to be friends with him.  It's such crap!  I get that he's popular but we've been over this already.  Concentrate on players you never talked to at any reunions before.  I'm sure there are handfuls of them.   I get spending time on popular players but not a quarter of the reunion.  Jeff never even let the WINNER OF THE SEASON talk.  It was so ridiculous.  This is why I hate the reunions.  Because of what the producers choose as important.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I wonder if Kelley has become one of Probst's favorites because I cannot recall the last time any female player, let alone one that didn't actually win,  have a hero montage like that at the reunion. Though Kelley herself has become insanely popular as well this year among the fandom and Jeff might have been going off of that.

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LanceM, on 19 Dec 2015 - 4:00 PM, said:

I wonder if Kelley has become one of Probst's favorites because I cannot recall the last time any female player, let alone one that didn't actually win,  have a hero montage like that at the reunion. Though Kelley herself has become insanely popular as well this year among the fandom and Jeff might have been going off of that.


I think she must be.  I remember Kim getting a winner montage of badassery, but the only female non-winner I can remember getting a similar treatment is Cirie in Panama.  Would not be surprised at all if they are hoping to make Kelley the new Parvati, that is to say, the new hot-babe face of Survivor.

I wonder if Kelley has become one of Probst's favorites because I cannot recall the last time any female player, let alone one that didn't actually win,  have a hero montage like that at the reunion. Though Kelley herself has become insanely popular as well this year among the fandom and Jeff might have been going off of that.

It's funny, that last name only thing is actually Jeff's strange version of respect... and yet the other circumstance he does it under is when he has no choice because there are two of them (and he couldn't even do the "Kelly W" version, because they were BOTH "Kelly W".... Checkmate, Probst!

But the editors themselves seemed to like her and it showed in her edit. A lot of what she did was public grandstanding (the whole public "I came to play, didn't you?" aspect)... which when done badly can be annoying... but she pulled it off... ergo it's not. And of course fans always (sometimes even out of proportion) like a big idol play. That said, arguably Golden Boy/Probst Pants Tentpoler Joe STILL got an even bigger segment than Kelly on the Reunion show. I mean we'd have to time them to know for sure, but it sure seemed like it.

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