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[SUNSETTED] Cast In Other Roles: That's Fake Me. This Must Be Fake Mine.

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SueB, if you're referring to when Richard and Galavant are "sneaking" around the castle singing, "first another drink" and the music stops while they tiptoe behind the guards, I, too, had a laugh out loud moment that scared the cats.  I had no idea Omundson could be that funny.  I just hope they find a way to work a reference to this role into the ep where Cain comes back.  (unspoiled speculation; I just assume he'll return at some point)


If it's anything like this,* I'm going to have to watch the whole thing on OnDemand this weekend.


* I apologize for the video quality. Unfortunately I couldn't find a better one. Sadly that movie in my opinion was under-appreciated. It's actually one of my favorite Kevin Kline roles.

AwesomeO, I've only seen the first 4 episodes so far, so I haven't seen the scene they're referring to, but I think you would adore the show. It's smart and silly and full of whimsy--it's as if they mixed The Princess Bride, Men In Tights, Monty Python and a couple other ingredients together, baked it and out of the oven popped this show. The singing quality is not always Broadway musical quality, nor is it super-polished, but for being a low-budget television show it's pretty damn good, IMO. And, there is a pirate song in the 4th episode!

Edited by DittyDotDot
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So, at a few of the cons in the past few months, Jensen has been saying if he could play another role he would want to play Indiana Jones. .Of course I think it's idiotic for them to reboot Indiana Jones and Jensen said they shouldn't reboot it but it looks like they are eyeing Chris Pratt.   Poor Jensen, I wonder if he really did know it was in the works and if he auditioned.  That would make two parts he would have lost out to Chris Pratt.  I hope this is just spin from Pratt's corner. 



i've said it 100 times that every time I see Jeremy Renner in a movie I feel like he has stolen Jensen's movie career.


Given all the hype about Renner after Avengers I haven't really seen him in all that much. Just some crap B-movies. If that's the case I'm not all that sorry Jensen hasn't followed his path.

Renner has a pretty great resume.  He's a great actor for sure but he was not a very good Hawkeye but he is in the Marvel universe forever now.


He was the lead in the The Hurt Locker for which he earned an Oscar nomination, Jason Bourne, had supporting roles in American Hustle, Mission Impossible, SWAT which IMO was a fun and decent movie.  He played Jeffrey Dahmer, a good role in a bad movie. "The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford " which is a GREAT film and everyone should watch it.  Wonderful wonderful film IMO

Edited by catrox14

Renner has a pretty great resume.  He's a great actor for sure but he was not a very good Hawkeye but he is in the Marvel universe forever now.


He was the lead in the The Hurt Locker for which he earned an Oscar nomination, Jason Bourne, had supporting roles in American Hustle, Mission Impossible, SWAT which IMO was a fun and decent movie.  He played Jeffrey Dahmer, a good role in a bad movie. "The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford " which is a GREAT film and everyone should watch it.  Wonderful wonderful film IMO


I guess for me a lot of that isn't very good stuff (although admittedly I was wrong about just being B-movies) and considering how popular he was on social media and elsewhere after The Avengers, it isn't anywhere near what I'd expected, so that's why I can't say I wish Jensen had had his roles. But point taken.

I think for Jensen any role in any of those films would have been a pretty great thing. Poor guy seems to always be in the running like seriously but just is one step away.  And that's a shame.  When I think about all the different things he's done with one character, there is no reason he can't play any other role on the planet. 

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I guess I'd put Renners resume above My Bloody Valentine and Ten Inch Hero but as they say - miles vary.


So would I, but if we're talking about careers I wish someone else had had, he isn't who I'd choose (and I'd take most of Jensen's SPN work over most of that, including the "caw caw" non-writing in The Avengers). But certainly he's done a lot more than Jensen, or many actors. 

From the 99 Problems thread...


Goldmoon, on 15 Feb 2015 - 10:08 PM, said:

I just discovered Michael Shanks and Stargate last year.  During the Supernatural rewatch I was doing I have been lamenting how MS never did an ep.  I about screamed when I realized it was him in the teaser.  Then ... Why oh Why did they have MS play a bit character?  He's freaking Michael Shanks!  Did his star power disappear in a kawoosh?  Actually, he seemed to get only really awful Hallmark movies or dreadful B-movies on the SciFi channel, but still.  I was so focused on watching for him I nearly missed the ep.  Of course I knew the girl was screwy from the start.



Altered Reality, on 16 Feb 2015 - 12:06 AM, said:

I can tell you where Michael Shanks is currently.  He's staring in a supernatural hospital drama set in (and filmed in) Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  And yes, I said supernatural hospital drama.  Make of that what you will.


The show's called Saving Hope and I watched the first season a long while back on Hulu, but have yet to find the second season released in the US. I enjoyed the first season quite a bit, though it's a quieter role and a slower show than you typically see Mr. Shanks in.




catrox14, on 15 Feb 2015 - 04:27 AM, said:

Huh. So Jim Beaver and Jensen were actually on screen together before SPN.  Like the sands through the hourglass, so were the Days of their Lives


OMG, catrox, Jim Beaver looks so young in that clip. Jensen does too, but I was prepared for that!

Edited by DittyDotDot

That's hilarious SueB. I've never been a soap watcher, but I my oldest sister was addicted to Days Of Our Lives as a teenager. I always find it funny that when I stumble across a clip or something, I can still kinda figure out what's going on even though I haven't watched the show since I was 14 or 15 years old. I can even follow your rant, even though I never watched the show during Jensen's run. ;)

Edited by DittyDotDot
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I used to spot check GH in college and AMC.  DOOL started on and off again towards the end of college.  It's the only one I spot check from time to time.  And yes, really, between wikipedia and watching two or three episodes, it's pretty easy to follow the story lines.

In college, for 2 semesters, I had a break 2 days a week when AMC was on, and the common room always showed the ABC soaps.  Sometimes I'd only watch once a week, but I always knew what was going on.  This was back when James Patrick Stuart/Dick Roman was on it.  (yep, I'm that old!).  The stories moved so slow.  

Heh - I was weird... My soap in my late high school early college years was The Guiding Light (It was the soap my Nana wtached, so I started watching it with her during my summer breaks). I found the crazy female serial killer storylines and weird fantasy sequences amusing, but I stopped watching somewhere in my sophmore year of college (late 80s). Then later on I moved to Passions for a bit where I could really enjoy whackadoo storylines... and talk about moving slowly - that soap had the "party that takes a whole week at least to finish showing" trope down pat. Heh. And 12-year old me found the "role-playing" between Julian Crane and his mistress quite amusing. And not to be forgotten (or maybe they should be ; ) ) talk about fantasy sequences: the fantasy love life of the orangatang, Precious, was so, so wrong (and so funny). And there were more serial killing characters (Norma Bates - bwah!), witches, doors to hell, and my favorite character of all (and the show was not the same after the real actor's unfortunate death), Timmy, the living doll. I also loved the cultural references - especially to Buffy, which many of the characters watched. As a soap, Passions was a complete trainwreck... but an enjoyable one, in my opinion.


Oh, and I almost forgot - the bad guy in Passions was also named Alastair, and it was an interesting gimmick that for a long time, he was only heard and not seen.


There were a couple of Passions people who showed up on Supernatural, with the most notable being the woman who played Dr. Eleanor Visyak, the purgatory refuge. (I also just found out that the woman who played Edna was also on Supernatural, but in "Route 666" - which is why I didn't know and/or remember that).

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Hee, yes the two shows name-dropped each other on multiple occasions. Timmy was also Spike's favorite character, and in some ways that choice was a brilliant choice by the writers. Many years ago on a Buffy message board, I did a post comparing all the ways that Timmy and Spike were similar. It turned out to be a rather extensive list.

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I never really watched Passions, but it was a big pop culture show in its first year or so on the air. 


Josh Ryan Evans took a break from the show to have a serious operation. On the show, Timmy died and went to Heaven. He was going to play scenes as his owner Tabitha's guardian angel, and likely return as a human at some point. Sadly, he died, so the show just aired the scenes where Timmy died, as a tribute to Evans.


I mostly watched Guiding Light/As the World Turns, then later, Another World and the ABC soaps.


There have been a lot of soap actors on SPN, but my favorite is probably Alison Hossack, who played one of my favorite characters on AW. I'm always going to be happy that she got to play Dean's grandmother and namesake.

The unaired Still Life pilot. 


I pretty much love Jensen's hair in this one.  And I am freaking out that Moira Queen (the glorious Susannah Thompson) is Jensen's mom here.  So Stephen Amell and Jensen Ackles have the same mother....'life made'


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Edited by catrox14
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I never really watched Passions, but it was a big pop culture show in its first year or so on the air. 


Josh Ryan Evans took a break from the show to have a serious operation. On the show, Timmy died and went to Heaven. He was going to play scenes as his owner Tabitha's guardian angel, and likely return as a human at some point. Sadly, he died, so the show just aired the scenes where Timmy died, as a tribute to Evans.


I got into it over a summer break, but fell out of the habit when work started up again. Unfortunately, I'd managed to get my mother hooked on it somehow. She became such an uber-fan that she would drag me to all the fan gatherings that Passions would host. Not too long before Josh Ryan Evans died, they had the Passions gathering at Universal Studios. After the panel, I was waiting for my mom to get through the autograph lines and Josh Ryan Evans sat down at my table with his handler/caretaker. You could tell he wasn't doing well and needed a rest, though he was still very polite and pleasant. The show was never the same without Timmy.

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I was kinda tentative about iZombie because I was never into Veronica Mars, but it's getting pretty good reviews and there seems to be a lot of positive feedback in the forum...I think I might have to give it a go. I just hope it's a bit messed up. I feel like I need more weird in my viewing lately.

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DittyDotDot and catrox14  I'd say give it a shot.  I found it quite entertaining and I'm looking forward to the next episode.


I know a there are quite a few comparing it to Veronica Mars (both favorably and not), but as I have never, ever seen *anything* from that show, I can't speak to that aspect.

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My dad loves calf brains and I swear to god, if I tried to put hot sauce on those...


iZombie looks cute -- maybe too cute? But if everyone else thinks it's pretty good...I actually did like Veronica Mars, but I guess what I actually liked was weird ass Logal Echolls (as he was in the first season anyway). Not so much Veronica herself, or the mysteries, or most of her friends. Well, except for Meg -- I actually still think of Alona Tal as Meg, and can never really *really* buy her as Jo because of it. Oh, and I liked Alyson Hannigan on VM better than I've ever liked her on any show before or since! Well anyway. I won't be watching it tonight in any case -- there will be SPN and Arrow to catch up on! An embarrassment of (television) riches :)

I'm so frustrated with Arrow these days..but I can't stop watching. It has been hands down my favorite show in the past 3 seasons. That was before I started watching SPN. I didn't expect much from Arrow but holy carp it was GREAT and fun and the actions scenes were so badass and I'm still pissed it hasn't won any Emmys for stunts. I just hope the general frustration with Arrow amongst many viewers doesn't hurt SPN's ratings since it's now following Arrow


on topic: Quite a few SPN alums have been on Arrow.

Katie Cassidy (Ruby): Laurel Lance

Ty Olsson (Benny)

Tahmoh Penikett (Gadreel)

Amy Gumenick ( Young Mary ) was Cupid and was AWESOME. I think she might be back at some point

Nicholas Lea(Eliot Ness)-Politician

David Nykl(Lester): Anatoly Knyazev

Brian Markinson(Amelia's father)

Roark Critchlow(Claire's asshole friend that Dean killed)

Warren Christie(Vampire leader from Dead Man's Blood)


I suspect there's more but that's who I can think of right now.

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DittyDotDot and catrox14  I'd say give it a shot.  I found it quite entertaining and I'm looking forward to the next episode.


I know a there are quite a few comparing it to Veronica Mars (both favorably and not), but as I have never, ever seen *anything* from that show, I can't speak to that aspect.


Thanks Altered Reality, I planned on giving it a chance, but wasn't expecting much. But after I read a couple reviews and skimmed the thread, I have more optimistic expectations now. I only was using Veronica Mars as a guidepost because Rob Thomas is the showrunner and he also did Veronica Mars. I just never could get into the character of Veronica and it was a little more high school melodrama than I can really stomach anymore. But now I'm kinda looking forward to checking it out.

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