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On 8/20/2016 at 4:47 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

"Something much more dangerous" as the camera cuts to Lydia -- is Lydia going to stab Karen's new boyfriend while he's banging Karen ? 
Come on, would Karen bang the new boyfriend with Lydia and Vivian in the apartment ?   Umm, probably.

Now Joss is stealing pages from Karen's prescription pad now.  And she's probably going to get Karen's MD suspended in the process -- that will dovetail nicely with her 6-month Psych board suspension.  Joss has crossed a line there.

And the bond in this case is that Marc needs a place to crash -- plus, didn't he just bang her a few episodes ago ?

Is she going to make it look like Adam tried to feed baby Vivian expired baby food ?  Because that almost got Lydia fired.

Really ? April makes a decision. Did Grandma also find a condom in Lucy's jacket ? And that's what she's intolerant of -- teen sex.  Because I doubt her intolerance has ANYTHING to do with booze.

Seriously, did 'Marisol' even have any screen time to show that Joss even knew her ?  That's right the episode description can't even remember her name.

Double-checked, and it turns out that 'Marisol' was on screen for a grand total of 8 seconds in the 3rd episode this season -- and had one line.  It's not even listed as a screen credit on Tamiko Brownlee's IMDB page.

So that's what that no name character's name was.

On 8/17/2016 at 11:56 PM, Black Knight said:

Yes, Karen and Jacob dated for a bit. As they were reconnecting she learned that that one patient of hers that she was treating back in S2 (the one who gave her the idea for picking up men under assumed names) was in love with/dating Jacob and she and Jacob felt bad about getting together when the patient was such a mess. The patient eventually found out and it worked out, but then Karen and Jacob broke up about something else, I don't remember what.

I doubt Alyssa Milano has any interest in returning to the show even though it's back in LA. First, while the writing has never been anything better than mediocre, this season is a new low. Second, the Savi character was trashed pretty thoroughly when she was written off and I can see AM not wanting to deal with that mess.

I wasn't surprised by Harry's reaction to Kate/Scott because he does think that everything should be run through him and that if he doesn't approve that should be the end of it. Which isn't to say that Kate and Joss aren't assholes too, in their own special ways, but they're all assholes. I hope Kate follows through on her thought of moving back to Australia and thus off this show.

I'd be more thrilled by April and Marc's breakup if I thought it was actually going to stick, but the show seems to want the Marc character to be a regular, for no reason I can see. When April and Marc were having their whole thing about him wanting to move out but stay a couple and she saying that either he continues living with her or they break up, I was dying for her to ask him how he plans to pay for his own place (or RV or whatever - I don't know if he still has it, but there are costs associated with a RV, too). If it turns out that he's going to get a job, then his whole thing in this episode was extra stupid of him because the main issue was that he wasn't bringing in any money and April was stressed about finances while Marc felt guilty - though not guilty enough to actually go and do some paid work, of course, just guilty enough that he wanted April and April's mother to stop making him feel guilty. If he has to go get a job now that he's moved out, he could've just stayed in the house and gotten a job and thus fixed 75% of his conflicts with April without them breaking up. He's such a man-child and I really wish they'd let April move on from him. Her mother can be horrid but I was gleefully cheering her where Marc was concerned.

So Karen's nanny might go psycho? Yawn. Where have I seen the new man? The actor looks familiar.

I can't blame Alyssa for leaving, especially with the messy way they've handled her exit.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Free said:

I can't blame Alyssa for leaving, especially with the messy way they've handled her exit.

I think they could have salvaged it if they had tried hard enough. Savi could have decided that after a year of traveling, she wanted to move back to LA, spend time with her best friends April and Karen, and work as a lawyer again. She could have even started to move towards a reconciliation with Joss, while still struggling with feeling betrayed by her. There would have been a lot of dramatic potential in that story.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I think they could have salvaged it if they had tried hard enough. Savi could have decided that after a year of traveling, she wanted to move back to LA, spend time with her best friends April and Karen, and work as a lawyer again. She could have even started to move towards a reconciliation with Joss, while still struggling with feeling betrayed by her. There would have been a lot of dramatic potential in that story.

Agreed, it's still an awkwardly handled exit on the writers' exit.

  • Love 1

Karen is such a jerk. When you ask your nanny to stay an extra 3 hours at the last minute for a non-emergency and she says no, you don't ask her to change her plans, because her plans, whatever they may be, aren't any less important than your last-minute decision to bang your new boyfriend. And then she makes Lydia apologize to her!!! I know Lydia is single-white-femaling (or single-Asian-femaling?) Karen, so it says a lot that I'm still more sympathetic towards Lydia.

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Karen is such a jerk. When you ask your nanny to stay an extra 3 hours at the last minute for a non-emergency and she says no, you don't ask her to change her plans, because her plans, whatever they may be, aren't any less important than your last-minute decision to bang your new boyfriend. And then she makes Lydia apologize to her!!! I know Lydia is single-white-femaling (or single-Asian-femaling?) Karen, so it says a lot that I'm still more sympathetic towards Lydia.

It's contrived drama, but IA, Karen should've just dropped it after she said no.

  • Love 2
52 minutes ago, LaChavalina said:

If you'd like to save yourself the trouble of watching the rest of the season...

spoilers are here, here, and here. The plan seems to be to end on another cliffhanger, but I can't believe this will get renewed for S5. The writers seem to have written most of this in their sleep.

All I can say is ---

WTF ? What the hell were the writers thinking ?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, LaChavalina said:

If you'd like to save yourself the trouble of watching the rest of the season... 

spoilers are here, here, and here. The plan seems to be to end on another cliffhanger, but I can't believe this will get renewed for S5. The writers seem to have written most of this in their sleep.

There aren't any links.  Can you update?

Also, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it got renewed.  I was shocked when it was renewed after season 1, surprised when it got renewed after season 2,, and just sighed when it got renewed after season 3. 

Did I understand correctly that both April/Marc and Joss/Harry have babies? Is that so that ABC can make a Mistresses: The Next Generation spinoff 35 years from now?

I absolutely hate that April is stuck with loser Marc now. Even if they divorce, he'll be forever in her life. And did Joss and Harry's communication/trust issue magically disappear when she got pregnant? Blech!

  • Love 4

Despite April trying to win Marc back, he ends things between them for good, but there may be a surprise in store for them. Karen is furious when she finally discovers that Lydia was posing as her online and ends up firing her. Harry juggles two potential business opportunities, but it ends up backfiring. Meanwhile, Joss, along with her impact class friends, goes to find the man who killed their friend and teach him a lesson. After so much fighting, Joss finally tells Harry the truth about a past incident.


32 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Did I understand correctly that both April/Marc and Joss/Harry have babies? Is that so that ABC can make a Mistresses: The Next Generation spinoff 35 years from now?

I absolutely hate that April is stuck with loser Marc now. Even if they divorce, he'll be forever in her life. And did Joss and Harry's communication/trust issue magically disappear when she got pregnant? Blech!

Has Joss showed any signs of being pregnant ?  Because Joss' pregnancy seems to be coming out of nowhere -- or Joss isn't aware of her pregnancy because she has been pounding down illegally obtained pharmaceuticals like there is no tomorrow.  

Is this whole idea to put all the 'Mistresses' on a level playing field since they will all have children now (and April will have two).  The only positive thing to come out of April's pregnancy is that Marc might fake his own death like Paul did.

Is Kate pregnant with Shoeguy's kid too ?  Will Kaylee (who works in Joss' awesome PR/party planning firm) also be pregnant ?  Will Jackie be pregnant too ? You get a pregnancy, and you get a pregnancy ..... everyone on this show gets a pregnancy.  I'll be surprised if Lucy isn't pregnant by S4's last episode.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 2

So, the Impact Cult of Jackie turns into the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad -- and tries to off the guy that killed Joss' "close personal friend" Marisol, and even points the gun at her own team.  WTF ?  Because vigilante justice is just what this show was missing.  Because Joss has the PTSD, dontcha know, and she doesn't want to talk about it.

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Karen is such a jerk. When you ask your nanny to stay an extra 3 hours at the last minute for a non-emergency and she says no, you don't ask her to change her plans, because her plans, whatever they may be, aren't any less important than your last-minute decision to bang your new boyfriend. And then she makes Lydia apologize to her!!! I know Lydia is single-white-femaling (or single-Asian-femaling?) Karen, so it says a lot that I'm still more sympathetic towards Lydia.

The show had a chance to make a good point with that, because it happens to people like Lydia all the time - that is, if you don't have plans that involve going out somewhere or being with someone, your plans just don't matter and you should drop them to accommodate someone else - but of course, the show instead reinforced Karen as being in the right and Lydia in the wrong. Asking Lydia to change her plans was bad enough in itself, but Karen's attitude the next day when she found out that Lydia's plans were just to hang at home should've gotten her smacked.

When Adam noticed Lydia's Barcelona shirt and started talking to her about it, I experienced a brief flash of hope that maybe this show would zig instead of zag and do a "The Truth About Cats and Dogs"-style plot, where he eventually realizes Lydia is the one he originally bonded with and the one he really likes. But nope, it looks like we're getting full-on crazy nanny. Which is too bad, because like you, I feel more sympathetic towards Lydia than Karen, who was at epic levels of entitlement in this episode. Also, while I know that Lydia had ulterior motives in being negative about Adam, Karen constantly blurs the lines between personal and professional, so maybe when she's complaining about Lydia saying things she should ask herself how Lydia got the impression that it's okay to make personal remarks in the first place. Because I seem to remember in earlier episodes Karen starting personal conversations, drinking wine with her, etc.

It's obvious Wilson raped Joss, and it's been obvious pretty much since they stared at each other in court and the first flashback in the premiere. I can't believe we're ten episodes in and it's still dragging out. How many more of these flashbacks do we have to endure before the not-so-shocking revelation? And of course Harry doesn't mention a word to Joss about what's going on with Jonathan, the Food Network, etc., because it's okay for him to hide things. Like I said last week, they're both assholes. It does kind of amuse me that Harry is stuck, because he had the perfect opportunity to get out after the whole thing went down with Joss and Reza in Vegas - Jonathan told him then that if Joss didn't apologize to Reza etc. that he and Harry wouldn't be able to work together after all. And so of course Harry insisted Joss apologize in order to help his precious career, not caring that Jonathan was enabling/condoning his abusive ass of a nephew - this, after he made that huge fuss early on about not wanting to work with Jonathan because he didn't think they had the same family values. 

Marc: I've had some time to think, and while April's mom is a real pain in the ass - 

Me [leans forward]: Could Marc have experienced a moment of character growth?!

Marc: I think the real problem was April.

Me: Oh for fuck's sake.

Marc: Blah blah all April blah blah I'm blameless blah blah I'm gonna be a ROCK STAR!

April: Mom, it's all your fault Marc and I broke up! He's a great guy!

April's mom: Let me make clear just how horrific of a person I am so that the viewers will know that they shouldn't think for a minute that I'm right about Marc being a Peter Pan.

Me: I seriously hate this show this season.

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, Black Knight said:

The show had a chance to make a good point with that, because it happens to people like Lydia all the time - that is, if you don't have plans that involve going out somewhere or being with someone, your plans just don't matter and you should drop them to accommodate someone else - but of course, the show instead reinforced Karen as being in the right and Lydia in the wrong. Asking Lydia to change her plans was bad enough in itself, but Karen's attitude the next day when she found out that Lydia's plans were just to hang at home should've gotten her smacked.

When Adam noticed Lydia's Barcelona shirt and started talking to her about it, I experienced a brief flash of hope that maybe this show would zig instead of zag and do a "The Truth About Cats and Dogs"-style plot, where he eventually realizes Lydia is the one he originally bonded with and the one he really likes. But nope, it looks like we're getting full-on crazy nanny. Which is too bad, because like you, I feel more sympathetic towards Lydia than Karen, who was at epic levels of entitlement in this episode. Also, while I know that Lydia had ulterior motives in being negative about Adam, Karen constantly blurs the lines between personal and professional, so maybe when she's complaining about Lydia saying things she should ask herself how Lydia got the impression that it's okay to make personal remarks in the first place. Because I seem to remember in earlier episodes Karen starting personal conversations, drinking wine with her, etc.

It's obvious Wilson raped Joss, and it's been obvious pretty much since they stared at each other in court and the first flashback in the premiere. I can't believe we're ten episodes in and it's still dragging out. How many more of these flashbacks do we have to endure before the not-so-shocking revelation? And of course Harry doesn't mention a word to Joss about what's going on with Jonathan, the Food Network, etc., because it's okay for him to hide things. Like I said last week, they're both assholes. It does kind of amuse me that Harry is stuck, because he had the perfect opportunity to get out after the whole thing went down with Joss and Reza in Vegas - Jonathan told him then that if Joss didn't apologize to Reza etc. that he and Harry wouldn't be able to work together after all. And so of course Harry insisted Joss apologize in order to help his precious career, not caring that Jonathan was enabling/condoning his abusive ass of a nephew - this, after he made that huge fuss early on about not wanting to work with Jonathan because he didn't think they had the same family values. 

Marc: I've had some time to think, and while April's mom is a real pain in the ass - 

Me [leans forward]: Could Marc have experienced a moment of character growth?!

Marc: I think the real problem was April.

Me: Oh for fuck's sake.

Marc: Blah blah all April blah blah I'm blameless blah blah I'm gonna be a ROCK STAR!

April: Mom, it's all your fault Marc and I broke up! He's a great guy!

April's mom: Let me make clear just how horrific of a person I am so that the viewers will know that they shouldn't think for a minute that I'm right about Marc being a Peter Pan.

Me: I seriously hate this show this season.

Oh I hate it, I hate the dumb PTSD plot they've dragged out for the season.

40 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

So, the Impact Cult of Jackie turns into the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad -- and tries to off the guy that killed Joss' "close personal friend" Marisol, and even points the gun at her own team.  WTF ?  Because vigilante justice is just what this show was missing.  Because Joss has the PTSD, dontcha know, and she doesn't want to talk about it.

The PTSD plot line has been awful, let alone being dragged out this long.

  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, Black Knight said:

It's obvious Wilson raped Joss, and it's been obvious pretty much since they stared at each other in court and the first flashback in the premiere. I can't believe we're ten episodes in and it's still dragging out. How many more of these flashbacks do we have to endure before the not-so-shocking revelation? And of course Harry doesn't mention a word to Joss about what's going on with Jonathan, the Food Network, etc., because it's okay for him to hide things. Like I said last week, they're both assholes. It does kind of amuse me that Harry is stuck, because he had the perfect opportunity to get out after the whole thing went down with Joss and Reza in Vegas - Jonathan told him then that if Joss didn't apologize to Reza etc. that he and Harry wouldn't be able to work together after all. And so of course Harry insisted Joss apologize in order to help his precious career, not caring that Jonathan was enabling/condoning his abusive ass of a nephew - this, after he made that huge fuss early on about not wanting to work with Jonathan because he didn't think they had the same family values. 

The incredibly stupidest part of Joss' flashbacks is that some of them were from BEFORE she was attacked by Wilson.  There was the flashback to her arrest for Luka's murder, and a flashback when she was in jail after being arrested for Luka's murder -- none of which had anything to do with whatever traumatic event Wilson put her through.

What is really appalling that they have dragged this "mystery" out through 10 episodes (and counting), and Joss' PTSD kind of comes and goes whenever it is plot convenient, that the payoff of what really happened will be anticlimactic no matter what it is.  Because no one cares anymore.

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, Black Knight said:

And of course Harry doesn't mention a word to Joss about what's going on with Jonathan, the Food Network, etc., because it's okay for him to hide things. 

I didn't take it as him hiding it from her.  Joss yelled at him that she wasn't interested in anything going on with Jonathan and she didn't want to hear about anything having to do with the restaurant.  Plus, she's been so nasty to him about everything.  Are they both assholes? Yup!  That's why they ended up together.  But Joss has been out of control this entire season, and it's not like she was super-likeable before either.  They just need to hurry up and end all of these damn storylines.

  • Love 3
23 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Did I understand correctly that both April/Marc and Joss/Harry have babies? Is that so that ABC can make a Mistresses: The Next Generation spinoff 35 years from now?

This show plays so fast and loose with time jumps, those kids will probably be 16 and having pool parties in S5.

22 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Is this whole idea to put all the 'Mistresses' on a level playing field since they will all have children now (and April will have two).  The only positive thing to come out of April's pregnancy is that Marc might fake his own death like Paul did.

I laughed.

  • Love 1
On 8/24/2016 at 0:10 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

The incredibly stupidest part of Joss' flashbacks is that some of them were from BEFORE she was attacked by Wilson.  There was the flashback to her arrest for Luka's murder, and a flashback when she was in jail after being arrested for Luka's murder -- none of which had anything to do with whatever traumatic event Wilson put her through.

I thought those flashbacks were more to emphasize that she's had traumatic experiences with police, which is why she's reluctant to talk to them about Marisol.  It had nothing to do with Wilson.

  • Love 1
On 8/23/2016 at 11:10 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

The incredibly stupidest part of Joss' flashbacks is that some of them were from BEFORE she was attacked by Wilson.  There was the flashback to her arrest for Luka's murder, and a flashback when she was in jail after being arrested for Luka's murder -- none of which had anything to do with whatever traumatic event Wilson put her through.

What is really appalling that they have dragged this "mystery" out through 10 episodes (and counting), and Joss' PTSD kind of comes and goes whenever it is plot convenient, that the payoff of what really happened will be anticlimactic no matter what it is.  Because no one cares anymore.

I stopped caring about it a long time ago, but it's only served to make Joss' character more insufferable than usual.

  • Love 1
On 8/23/2016 at 8:01 PM, Milks26 said:

The sad fact about these spoilers is that we're stuck with idiot Marc now that he's married and a father. Please...why??

I hope this crap doesn't get a season 5. But, because its a summer show - it probably will.

I hope not especially with them forcing them to be married with kids, that and there's really nothing else since they paired them all together during a time skip.

On 8/23/2016 at 9:55 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Has Joss showed any signs of being pregnant ?  Because Joss' pregnancy seems to be coming out of nowhere -- or Joss isn't aware of her pregnancy because she has been pounding down illegally obtained pharmaceuticals like there is no tomorrow.  

Is this whole idea to put all the 'Mistresses' on a level playing field since they will all have children now (and April will have two).  The only positive thing to come out of April's pregnancy is that Marc might fake his own death like Paul did.
So their contrived problems get push
Is Kate pregnant with Shoeguy's kid too ?  Will Kaylee (who works in Joss' awesome PR/party planning firm) also be pregnant ?  Will Jackie be pregnant too ? You get a pregnancy, and you get a pregnancy ..... everyone on this show gets a pregnancy.  I'll be surprised if Lucy isn't pregnant by S4's last episode.

They clearly didn't care, they didn't even bother to hide the major spoilers in the press releases.

On 8/23/2016 at 9:26 PM, chocolatine said:

Did I understand correctly that both April/Marc and Joss/Harry have babies? Is that so that ABC can make a Mistresses: The Next Generation spinoff 35 years from now?

I absolutely hate that April is stuck with loser Marc now. Even if they divorce, he'll be forever in her life. And did Joss and Harry's communication/trust issue magically disappear when she got pregnant? Blech!

All the problems magically disappeared given that they've paired the couples together and brushed all the problems aside.

23 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Yeah. Kate already knows about Scott's shoe fetish, so what's left ?  Is Scott not getting divorced ?

Or is there some other reason Joss ditched him at the altar other than her profound love for Harry ?

Other than dragging out this Scott nonsense for no reason at all, not really, just more contrived drama or to force a last minute plot twist or something.

  • Love 1
On August 24, 2016 at 6:01 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Yeah. Kate already knows about Scott's shoe fetish, so what's left ?  Is Scott not getting divorced ?

I'm sure it's the nonsense about how Scott kissed Joss, telling her he still loves her, etc. For whatever stupid reason, Joss decided not to tell Kate that part. She said it'd hurt Kate too much, etc. So instead Kate's been thinking Joss still has feelings for Scott and that's why she didn't want Kate with him. Once she finds out it's the reverse she'll stop being mad at Joss.

I can't even talk about how depressing I find the spoiler about Marc and April having a baby. Not that I'm thrilled with Joss/Harry having a baby, either. Both couples suck, but babies magically fix everything!

  • Love 3

Wow !! Joss is putting all the blame for everything in her life on Harry.  Umm, how about no.  She told him to leave, so he left to go back to Europe, and then she chews him out for leaving.  Make up your mind Joss.  Joss' lame explanation about the pills is extraordinarily lame.  Though Harry did correctly call Jackie's fight club as a cult.  And if she was so distraught, how did she manage to successfully build up her PR firm in the last year if she had the PTSD so bad ?

Michael's back.  Say what ?  I thought the chapter was closed on this guy.  What the hell ?  But he wants to be BFFs. And he brought bagels.  What the hell 2.0 ?

Harry playing both sides doesn't seem to be working all that well for him.  And it turns out that Jonathon has always been a colossal dick.

Joss seems to think that the time she was incarcerated under the suspicion of murder was all just a big mistake -- umm, no, they had enough evidence to get an arrest warrant and she was only freed because Calista confessed.  If Calista didn't confess Joss would probably still be in jail.  Or prison.  And mixing booze and pills while she reveals her revenge plan to the other Mistresses is not the smartest move.

On 8/23/2016 at 11:45 PM, Free said:

The PTSD plot line has been awful, let alone being dragged out this long.

11 episodes in -- and we still don't REALLY know what happened to Joss with Wilson.  Or why Wilson beat her up.

Karen continues to be an idiot when it comes to dating -- oh nooeees !!! You met under less than ideal circumstances, so what.  It wasn't his fault, he was setup by Lydia.

And Mark dumps Sophia, and then he formally dumps April -- right before April discovers that she's pregnant.

ETA: On the plus side, another Kate-free episode.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 6


When Marc gets great news about his career, April struggles with how to tell him she's pregnant

She could start by showing him the test results.



Karen meets Adam's parents

Does Karen decide to have a 3-way with Adam's parents ?  And who's babysitting Vivian while this is happening ?



Lydia's situation has devastating consequences for Karen

And what situation is that exactly ? Is she officially stalking Karen ?  Does she try to steal baby Vivian ?  Does she finally go on a date ?



Kate finds out the truth about what happened with Scott.

And no one cares since it involves Kate.

I can't believe that the episode description doesn't mention the one big teaser in the preview about Harry's secret teenage son he didn't know about -- who's the mother ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Wow !! Joss is putting all the blame for everything in her life on Harry.  Umm, how about no.  She told him to leave, so he left to go back to Europe, and then she chews him out for leaving.  Make up your mind Joss.  Joss' lame explanation about the pills is extraordinarily lame.  Though Harry did correctly call Jackie's fight club as a cult.  And if she was so distraught, how did she manage to successfully build up her PR firm in the last year if she had the PTSD so bad ?

Michael's back.  Say what ?  I thought the chapter was closed on this guy.  What the hell ?  But he wants to be BFFs. And he brought bagels.  What the hell 2.0 ?

Harry playing both sides doesn't seem to be working all that well for him.  And it turns out that Jonathon has always been a colossal dick.

Joss seems to think that the time she was incarcerated under the suspicion of murder was all just a big mistake -- umm, no, they had enough evidence to get an arrest warrant and she was only freed because Calista confessed.  If Calista didn't confess Joss would probably still be in jail.  Or prison.  And mixing booze and pills while she reveals her revenge plan to the other Mistresses is not the smartest move.

11 episodes in -- and we still don't REALLY know what happened to Joss with Wilson.  Or why Wilson beat her up.

Karen continues to be an idiot when it comes to dating -- oh nooeees !!! You met under less than ideal circumstances, so what.  It wasn't his fault, he was setup by Lydia.

And Mark dumps Sophia, and then he formally dumps April -- right before April discovers that she's pregnant.

ETA: On the plus side, another Kate-free episode.

Joss is just going to brush aside everything as PTSD, the plot convenience that'll wipe away her insufferable, erratic behavior.

Kate was a complete waste of time, seems like another failure at trying to have a 4th main character only whinier than the last one.

Michael acted like nothing happened too, guess that whole trans thing was swept under the rug and all the blame got pushed with her mom.

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

She could start by showing him the test results.

Does Karen decide to have a 3-way with Adam's parents ?  And who's babysitting Vivian while this is happening ?

And what situation is that exactly ? Is she officially stalking Karen ?  Does she try to steal baby Vivian ?  Does she finally go on a date ?

And no one cares since it involves Kate.

I can't believe that the episode description doesn't mention the one big teaser in the preview about Harry's secret teenage son he didn't know about -- who's the mother ?

I guess they can't be bothered about Harry's useless plot twist about his son either.

No one cares about Kate and her absence only proves that.

According to the promo, it seems like Lydia tries to jump off a ledge.

47 minutes ago, Black Knight said:

I'm sure it's the nonsense about how Scott kissed Joss, telling her he still loves her, etc. For whatever stupid reason, Joss decided not to tell Kate that part. She said it'd hurt Kate too much, etc. So instead Kate's been thinking Joss still has feelings for Scott and that's why she didn't want Kate with him. Once she finds out it's the reverse she'll stop being mad at Joss.

I can't even talk about how depressing I find the spoiler about Marc and April having a baby. Not that I'm thrilled with Joss/Harry having a baby, either. Both couples suck, but babies magically fix everything!

Considering they slapped together 2 major couples who are now married and have kids in a time skip, they just don't care, plot convenience galore.

  • Love 1

Karen being outraged when someone else oversteps their professional boundaries - priceless!

ETA: No, Michael, April shouldn't have to "fight" for loser Marc. She's the best thing that ever has or ever will happen to him, and he needs to worship the ground she walks on. Or at least get a job.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 6

Kate's gone, right? So why was Joss sleeping on the couch in the main room, other than to give other characters something to talk about? Or is Kate's room being fumigated?

Karen's actually a psychiatrist, right? I mean, I get the righteous anger/indignation...but maybe cool down before completely devastating a psychopath? Or at least change the locks?

Speaking of psychology, I absolutely hate Joss's storyline, and the implication that talking is always better than physical release. It isn't for everyone. Even some women benefit from different forms of therapy than simply talking. (See Karen, above) Of course, the drugs weren't helping, nor was the particular class/cult she joined.

April should probably look up the guy Mark dumped from the "band". That would be awesome, and would totally irritate her mother.

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Karen being outraged when someone else oversteps their professional boundaries - priceless!

ETA: No, Michael, April shouldn't have to "fight" for loser Marc. She's the best thing that ever has or ever will happen to him, and he needs to worship the ground she walks on. Or at least get a job.

They're pulling the 'everyone pushing for the couple' cliche, not surprised since it's heading towards the writers forcing the couples together at the end with the way things have been going.


Fast-forward several months, Joss and Harry, as well as April and Marc, are happily married and are new parents. Marc takes on the role of an overly concerned, overly attentive parent, while Harry is more hands-off as he tries to navigate how to be a father. Harry’s world is turned upside down when he meets Gabe, someone from his past.

On 8/29/2016 at 11:29 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

I can't believe that the episode description doesn't mention the one big teaser in the preview about Harry's secret teenage son he didn't know about -- who's the mother ?

Wait, what?!?   Harry has a teenage son?  This is what happens when you watch online, you miss the stupid previews.  Off to find.....

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On August 23, 2016 at 11:45 PM, Free said:

The PTSD plot line has been awful, let alone being dragged out this long.

I'm confused. Did we learn anything new about what happened to Joss the night she was attacked by Wilson? Her conversation with Harry was off-camera which was strange since I felt they were building up to a big reveal based on her PTSD, flashbacks and participation in the IMPACT classes. 

I don't mind a little wack in a soapy show like this but this storyline went totally off the rails. 

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