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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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Mel B can't string 10 words together? The same Mel B who is charming and funny and insightful on America's Got Talent?

... and probably has a script.  Just sayin'.  Just watch tomorrow -- the last time she was on was pitiful.

I've seen her on AGT & couldn't believe how well-spoken she was, which led me to believe it was scripted.  I'd love to be wrong in this case because I kind of like her, but let's watch tomorrow & see how she does.  Again, I WANT to be wrong, but the last time she was pitiful.

I've seen her on AGT & couldn't believe how well-spoken she was, which led me to believe it was scripted.  I'd love to be wrong in this case because I kind of like her, but let's watch tomorrow & see how she does.  Again, I WANT to be wrong, but the last time she was pitiful.

That chick today was awful and made everything about her.  "when *I* was in the Oval Office" "they made ME clear off my photos from my phone" "*I* already saw Melissa McCarthy's film and Susan Sarandon's hair.."  I started to count how many times she brought it back to her.  People may rag on Kelly for doing that, but at least it is her show!  It's like the lady today needed to let everyone know how famous and important she was.  



I don't know who any of these female co-hosts are, other than Mel B. Not that it matters if they're fun and interesting. I didn't know who Michael Strahan was either (I'm not American and find football tedious).


They should do a viewer co-host contest; have people submit videos and choose a few to be co-hosts for a day, just for kicks.

Caught the opening of today's show and oh my, what a difference two weeks makes, lol.


Michael came right on out and took control of the show. It was not lost on Kelly, who even make a comment about him announcing the date and they both laughed about it.  I took notice that he really was the lead the entire show, except for her 'umming' her way through her vacation pics, he did most of the speaking, which is a good thing, lol.


Wonder if Kelly had her agent call TPTB....hope I remember to watch tomorrow and see who wins the battle.  My money is on Ripsuelos.

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when she is talking to Lola about something..

Yes!  But I thought she said it was whenever they were fighting. 


Reminds me of a story Kelly told quite awhile ago where she said she was posing in her mirror one day (I'm sure it's a daily event in her house, lol) and one of the kids saw her, maybe Lola, and a conversation ensued about what she was doing.  First of all, I couldn't believe she admitted that she stands in front of the mirror and practices poses, but I guess when you're Kelly Ripa, it's part of your job description, lol.

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I always appreciate when Kelly and Michael acknowledge their huge Canadian viewership, especially on Canada Day. And while I like Michael, I thought it was asshatty of him to say (paraphrasing) to the Canadians in the audience, "It's Canada Day, and yet you're here in the U.S." Implying that those Canadians don't even want to be home on their country's special day.

What Michael doesn't seem to get is that Canadians, unlike many Americans, love to travel and see the world, even on Canada Day. It's awesome to encounter a fellow Canuck abroad, and it would be especially fun on July 1 to have that knowing little bond. Plus, it's a long weekend, so many take the opportunity to travel. If American passport ownership wasn't so paltry, they'd get this. Michael, especially, should be attuned to that, having lived abroad.

As for the show, I can't decide if I like Kelly Osborne or not. I think it's great that she has such a strong sense of self and that she has turned out okay considering who raised her, but then she also comes across as full of herself. I guess it's a fine line.

The hot dog eating contest looked disgusting, but I thought they would have to get the paramedics to treat Kelly when she watched them eat! Also, she looked like she was going to pass out at the idea of having a hot dog and actually eating the whole thing! I wonder if she used her potty in the dressing room to get rid of the three bites she took! She looks physically ill thinking about even taking a bite of anything she thinks might have fat in it!  I get feeling grossed out eating a hot dog in the morning, but her reaction was really extreme - especially since she pretended to LOVE eating that In and Out Burger at 9am after the Oscars!


The picture of the curing octopus looked digusting! I find that way more repulsive than a chicken wing or a hot dog!  But I am thinking the fat content is low, so Kelly ate it every day in Greece! 




The vacation pictures of her children were adorable. They are growing up to be very cute kids!   


I have noticed that Michael is taking over much more. I wonder if he was told to do this because Kelly can barely spit out her words, or if they just did this to ease Kelly into her back to work week.  She looks a bit annoyed  at times, and when she gets annoyed, I am sure everyone will have to know about it!  

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Kelly looked like she was going to freak out for sure when they wanted her to eat a hot dog! Does Gelman not know about her food fear? She doesn't even eat turkey on Thanksgiving!


We also had Kelly acting all worried that the Northeast would not get warm days.  Poor thing!  She takes how many vacations to warm spots before the summer even hits the northeast? And then goes on vacations for weeks in Europe? I  think if the weather isn't good, Kelly makes sure they fly away to the warmth! And weekends in NY are not in NY like the rest of the city dwellers, they are in the Hamptons.  I just get sick of both Kelly and Michael complaining about weather when they fly away at the drop of a hat  - kind of like how they "dream" of winning the lottery, when they have won the lottery several times over!  It was funny that Gelman had to basicaly tell them to stop whining and they they had won the lottery! 


How out of touch can someone get?

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Was it my TV set or just my eyesight but did one of Kelly's breasts look bigger than the other. It looked to me that one side was padded and not the other.




It did look that way, I think her stylist forgot to pad both sides. It's kind of obvious that Kelly is padded in the front and back, when you see her without the padding, it's frightening, like in her Oscar dress that she picked out herself. 

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I think her stylist forgot to pad both sides.

I had to go back and look at the tape to see what you were talking about and omg, you both are so right--one side of her chest was bigger than the other one.  Did they ever make the adjustment after a commercial break?  Very odd, unless she's been working out one side of her pecs more than the other, lol.


Also peeked at the hot dog contest and guess who I saw?  Kelly's character from that awful failed sitcom of her's....Dope & Faith!  Darn if she didn't act exactly like the character she played on that show--the over-exaggerated faces, the horrible over-acting in general.  I guess that's what passes for talent these days.


Happy Independence Day all!!

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Her publicist or maybe Gelman's people submitted her name? I have no issue with Kelly getting a star - they pay for it themselves so big deal. She was on a soap and a sitcom and has been on a popular morning talk show for years. Why not?


I don't blame her for being grossed out during the hot dog eating contest; I find these contests vile and wasteful to begin with, but the notion of dipping a hot dog bun in water makes me ill. Disgusting idea, in every way.


And I'm always surprised how Kelly and Michael don't really think things through with those little news clipping factoids. It is no big surprise that way more pounds of chicken are sold than beef because a lot of chicken is sold bone-in, which adds to the weight. Buying 5 lbs of beef for a holiday barbecue yields 5 lbs of beef to eat, but buying 5 lbs of chicken drumsticks probably provides about 3 lbs of chicken to eat. Basic math. Yet they seemed so shocked that the chicken number was so much higher. 


As for Amy Brenneman's makeup-less pic? I'm assuming she means no "glamour" makeup, she'd still need the basic stuff for filming under the lights. And some people do have nice skin, and have eyes and lips that look good without makeup. 

Edited by Shermie
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Once again Kelly and Michael act like they are not multimillion dollar, overpaid people who work and hour a day! They wish they could be basketball players so they can get 90 or 200 million dollar contracts? Awww, I feel so bad for them! Poor Kelly only makes 20 million a year, and she would need to work an hour a day for 5 whole years to get 100 million! It's so insulting and out of touch people who really work for a living. Just like she said in the past that she didn't know how she'd pay for her childrens' college education!

Edited by marmalade
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Buying 5 lbs of beef for a holiday barbecue yields 5 lbs of beef to eat, but buying 5 lbs of chicken drumsticks probably provides about 3 lbs of chicken to eat. Basic math. Yet they seemed so shocked that the chicken number was so much higher.



When was the last time Kelly or Michael actually went food shopping and bought beef or chicken by themselves?

Edited by sugarbaker design

okay, once again Kelly's food likes and dislikes has me completely confused.  I am very sure that on several occasions she has emphatically stated that she NEVER eats shrimp, and will NOT eat shrimp.  She has always brought this up when talking about a special occasion (mother's day, her bday, etc.) where Mark takes her to a restaurant and has already ordered shrimp cocktail for her, and she can't believe this because - she NEVER eats shrimp & WILL NOT EVER EAT shrimp!  According to her he does this all the time and she can't figure out why he thinks she likes shrimp, when she never has eaten it with him. 


& with the chef on the show (I think Friday) she claims that she loves popcorn shrimp.

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly (shaking head)  you are always making me wonder why I like you, lol

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I can barely watch the show anymore. Watching the two of them whine about how long the week is, while they are sitting there on "previously recorded" Friday is just obnoxious!    Both Kelly and Michael seem to be totally out of touch with real life.   They whine about money, they whine about the cold whether when they are taking tropical vacations at least 2 times a year!  

I get they make the same money and get the same benefits that any talk show host gets, but the whining and the pretending they are in need of winning the lotto, along with acting overworked is just too much.


I know both of them need to put on an act to a certain extent, but they both come across so darn fake now.   They also just sit and read articles and the hostchat, which used to be really fun and spontaneous, is now disjointed and totally dull .  Once in a while they actually appear real, but it's more and more rare.


Tuning in and seeing Kelly stare at herself in the monitor, and flex her arms is just getting old. I get she is obsessed with her body and looks, but she reminds me of a middle school girl who has to stare at herself in the mirror.  She laughs about Lola doing that, but does she not realize that she does the same thing?


Michael is also getting tiring for me to watch. I like him, but he is not a great talk show host.  I am thinking Kelly wants to make sure she is in control since she has top billing, so he now is just sitting back more, and it's not quite as interesting.


On a positive note,  Kelly seems less childish and sexually perverted.   Before it was like watching an adolescent.  I am wondering if TPTB started giving Michael acolades and a lot of attention, and Kelly was told she was turning their audience off with her tampon,  bathroom, sex, and talk about how she looks "down there".

Even in Jimmy Fallon's show she wasn't wearing a dress that barely covered her parts, and making everything obscene. I am thinking something was said to her.. This is the first time since Regis left that Kelly isn't acting like everything is a perverted joke, but I doubt she decided to stop on her own.   


I am thinking that when reviewing the year, and looking back at Halloween where Kelly was Miley Cyrus, and the audience complained, that had to have made an impression on tptb.  And also, Kelly then basically said she wasn't sorry when giving her pretend apology if anyone was offended. I'm thinking that did not go over well either.



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they whine about the cold whether when they are taking tropical vacations at least 2 times a year!


Eh, I go south every year, but I still whine about the cold weather. If it's cold, it's cold; I don't like it. Escaping for a couple weeks doesn't make the other 4 months of cold any better.


I do agree that their lottery obsession is silly, but like their "it's Friday!" and other workweek cheers, I think they're just speaking for their audience. I enjoy my job, but it's a collective thing that we all say, "Yay, weekend!" even though we have a fun workplace and job.


I imagine if Kelly seems "perverted" and "obscene", then your threshold for sexual humour is pretty low. I reserve those adjectives for people who are far more out there than those who employ a bit of childish potty and sex jokes.

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I imagine if Kelly seems "perverted" and "obscene", then your threshold for sexual humour is pretty low. I reserve those adjectives for people who are far more out there than those who employ a bit of childish potty and sex jokes.




A "bit" of chidlish potty and sex jokes is one thing, but Kelly made a daily steady diet of that kind of talk.  It was not only boring but stupid and immature.   When we have to know how hairy she is "down there", or how big her tampons are, that is just tacky and stupid. Every other word was an innuendo.  And the Miley thing was bad enough when Miley did it, but then Kelly and Gelman obviously thought the country had not seen enough of that tacky crap. I am not offended, or shocked, I'm annoyed that she and Gelman thought this was good entertainment.  The tone got a bit better with Michael, but neither of them seem to be able to hold a spontaneous host chat lately.  


As far as the weekend and weather comments go, it's one thing to comment that it's the weekend, but both of them act overworked and exhausted while we know the show is taped! LOL.  So ridiculous!  Just like Kelly telling Jimmy Kimmel she hadn't showered during Hurricane Sandy, when she was in the Mark hotel, a 5 star hotel, where her dog had better living arrangements than most!   Oh and then her children had to sit out on the sidewalk at Starbucks to get an internet connection to do their homework!  I guess her five star hotel where major business moguls go in NYC just did not have the internet yet!  


I can take a big of exaggeration and a bit of potty mouth, but there is a point where both come off as phony, and Kelly comes off as vain and phony. 


I used to watch hostchat and not necessarily watch the rest of the show, now it's the opposite. Unless there is a good segment, I most of the time barely watch crapchat.

Edited by orangekit
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I dvr's but didn't watch one show last week, although I saved Friday's for the food thing - though those haven't been as good as other years. 


I guess when Michael sits back and lets Kelly run things, I'm just not interested.  Good point about the whining, orangekit.  Maybe what they whine about helps turn me off.


Occasionally they are good and interesting.  I don't know why they can't be more often.

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I also have been ffwding through most of hostchat.  It's mostly just boring. I watched through the fiasco of kelly going solo, and even after Michael came, but it's just not improving.  I also get bored with watching kelly watch herself.   She is constantly staring at herself in the monitor, playing with her hair, or flexing her muscles. So so dull. I used to like Grill Fridays, now this selfie thing is just plain stupid.


How much vacation do the whiners get?   Why did they just have two weeks off before another week of vacation?


I agree, their phony cries about their kids spending their money, or needing to win the lottery are so off putting. When Gelman has to remind them  on the air that they have indeed won the lottery, that is pretty bad!  Listening to two people who work one  hour a day, and don't even have to worry about picking out an outfit or coming their hair in the morning, complain about needing vacation, or being so relieved it's Friday ( when they are not even there), is just obnoxious.   

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Oh, this girl is a phony. Kelly was trying very hard to appear the voracious reader today. In trying to create a long list of books read she mentioned 'A Million Little Pieces' which she has mentioned a number of times before and then she said that she has read The Great Gatsby over thirty times!.....which is curious because I remember when the movie first came out, Kelly said she was reading the novel for the first time as she had never read it before or the first time since high school since she didn't really appreciate it then. I can't quite remember but I do remember that it was the first time she had really read or appreciated the book. Now just a year or so later we are supposed to believe she has read it thirty more times! I don't think so.....I wonder what she calls reading a book through? I don't buy it....my view is that she is lately trying to re-vamp her image....maybe because of her Hollywood star.....but in any case, it's all about Kelly 'acting' the part again. I hardly believe a word this phony says when it comes to her talking about herself.....her 'stories' keep changing.....she is either delusional or she just believes her own bs now....

Edited by gambrelli
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Again, I am disappointed in farm to table.  The farm to table is big around here and Live's segments have really disappointed me.  Sorry, chessigal, I didn't watch the rest of the show so can't help you out there.


Wow, gambrelli, I'd read your post about Kelly saying she'd read The Great Gatsby over thirty times, and then heard it with my own ears.  Man.  Just file that with her never eating a wing story.

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I used to be able to "get through" the host chat to get to the interviews of people that interest me.  Now, however, Kelly's constant preening, looking at herself in the monitor, self-soothing (running her hands up & down her forearms), repeatedly putting her hair behind her ear(s) & then shaking it out, is almost unbearable & totally distracting to watch.  It doesn't seem fair, with all the really talented, smart women in that industry, that a woman with so little to offer collects a huge pay cheque to just bee-bop to her chair, tell outrageous lies & grab stupid articles to fill the time slot.  Jeesh, blech!!!

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I wish Kelly didn't feel obliged to interrupt Michael to interject her nonsensical "thoughts." She could let him talk longer before interjecting her opinion. She would use the Ming teacup as a hot tub? I dunno, she doesn't usually ADD anything to Michael's stories. "As a tiny woman, I can tell you the less fabric, the more expensive the garment." I don't understand. Do size 00's cost more than the same garment in a size 8? Or, do smaller garments (bathing suits, for example) cost more than maxi dresses. I THINK she means the later, which applies to women of ALL sizes. I guess she is so fixated on being so tiny and she wants to remind us. Again. And she's so tiny she fits in a teacup. We get it, Kelly. So tiny.


Michael isn't much of a brain trust either. Pouring hot tea into an antique Ming tea cup just might crack it. At least it would weaken it. Sure, Michael, if he wants to damage his 36 million dollar cup he can. I guess Michael has so much money he can imagine tossing a few million around like he don't care. At least he doesn't interrupt Kelly when she tells her riveting tales ("tornados are localized! Mark ate all the fried clams and guzzled his beer!! [twice - she likes to repeat herself] We sat in our car and argued about our sons!! Bittercakes!! Then we went back in and finished our meal.) It was weird that the restaurant evacuated. Are you safer in your car then in the middle of the building, crouched on the floor? Assuming no basement for patrons to go to. We happened to have a tornado watch last night in Ohio, and the weather channel had a thing about where to go. Not look out the window, like I was doing! My husband was "safely" working in the basement. I was pissed that I missed the end of Big Brother. Yeah, I guess I'm not a genius if I watch Big Brother and Live! So who am I to talk?


Plus, what was that on her arm? A batman bandage? I will say she has beautiful dresses and skirts to wear that nicely skim her skeleton. She may have put on a few pounds, or at least she has stopped losing any more ('cause there isn't any left!) and she looks a wee bit better. Or, we don't see her chest anymore (thank you!!). She seems calmer overall, has dropped the sex stuff to a large degree, and has settled into a pattern, a rhythm, and a flow of sorts with Michael. Show has improved slightly since last winter or so. It is not "Must See TV" like it USED to be for me (long ago), but that's okay. I miss more days than I catch it.


On a positive note, the picture she showed of her three kids was great - they all looked wonderful. Glad that Lola enjoys camp. Will be interesting to see where they end up - the oldest will be fleeing the nest "soon!"

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I thought Kelly's story about taking a class at SOUL CYCLE!! (in case you forgot, Kelly takes spin classes) and then finding herself and her entourage of celebs and a MAJOR MOVIE STAR was so self-serving, and frankly disrespectful.


It was a major shoot-out in NYC and she makes a joke of it, once again, doing what she does best, making everything about her.


I applaud her for talking about it, but she didn't have to make it a joke which I felt she did. 


And did you all know she's friends with ELLEN BARKIN!!!!! She's a major movie star and she was taking a spin class with her. 


Sheesh, she really is such a shallow individual.

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Today's host chat led by an increasingly oh-so-pleased with herself and superficial Kelly Ripa is more evidence that over-confident, incompetent people seem to have taken over the world! I really can no longer bear how the smug Ripa loves to hold court as if she is actually saying something of interest.....when, really, it is the same running-on-empty scripted dialogue day after day.

I just want to add that I agree with you, finnzup, about the shoot-out. Kelly acted like she had been caught in the midst of it, when it was obvious that with the police tapes already up that that was not the case.....nor was there anything laughable about the situation. It really reminded me of the time she was on Jimmy Fallon after the hurricane and tried the same old sensationalist attention-getting 'tale of woe' ..when in actuality she and her family weren't in the least inconvenienced and were actually comfortably holed up in an expensive hotel.

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I applaud her for talking about it, but she didn't have to make it a joke which I felt she did.



She certainly didn't make a joke about it, she told a story how she and her celebrity friends nearly walked into the already taped off crime scene.  That's all, no jokes about police getting shot.

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no jokes about police getting shot.

There were no jokes about police getting shot, and IIRC, there was NO mention of police being shot and taken to the hospital with their condition unknown. 


It was ALL about dimwit Kelly walking with her little nose in her phone, reading all her texts, missed phone calls and oh my, there she was smack dab in the middle of a crime scene.  The joke was just that, "oh my, poor little Kelly walking right into a crime scene oblivious to all that going on around her and her celeb friends."


Granted, she may have spoken about the injured officers after I switched channels.  Up to that point, nada, zilch......

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Kelly did manage to turn a very serious situation into an opporutinity to talk about her connection to the other celebrity friends who can spend their time in the middle of a day at soul cycle, and how she was playing on her phone.  Of course she made her usual recycled speech about how wonderful the police are blah blah blah. But the real point of her story was all about Kelly - and of course how her celebrity friend was almost mistaken for being an actress in a movie!


When Kelly didn't even seem to know the details of the shootout in NYC,  I realized that neither she, nor Michael ever just pick up the papers and talk about the news of the day anymore.  Gelman has to print out articles for them, and Kelly has to put them up to her nose while she stammers to read or speak about some idiotic study or other stupid, supposedly "funny" story.


I remember Kelly and Gelman mocking Regis if he dared get anything wrong after he opened up a newspaper and was talking about a current event.  Now  watching two multi-millionares who can't even prepare for a show by picking up a newspaper while in hair and make-up is just pathetic IMO. 

  • Love 7

Wow, Kelly started posting pictures on on her Instagram account, and she posted a picture of her self on am exercise ball. She looks ill. She's super boney - not fit looking. I thought she looked better on Live and thought she might have out on a few pounds, but it looks like her healthier look for tv is the magic of make up, wardrobe and camera. She looks frighteningly thin in her picture. I wonder if they kept getting comments about her disturbingly skinny body so they are making an effort to make her look better on tv.

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