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Jelena's plot is to have Lionel blackmail Oscar into marrying him. Then she knows that Sloane will nonsensically assume that Lionel would bring evidence to the wedding. Lionel then will leave it out in a place that Sloane will find. The corrupt cop will just happen to be there to see Sloane and tell Oscar. Then for some inexplicable reason Oscar won't go after Sloane so long as she works for the Devils. Also, Lionel is in charge of the Devils despite losing all her leverage. Why would the league stop Oscar from selling the team or give control to someone who didn't blackmail him into marriage?


I don't know if this is better/worse than Zero being caught because the madam confesses/reveals clients or Ahsha doesn't notice his name in the email trail plot. Also, has Ahsha apologized to Zero for ruining his life?


Also, bets for how lame Ahsha's secret will be: Used the salad fork on the entrée? Or will it be something completely sympathetic: Shoplifting food when Sloane was going through hard times?

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Ack, weird forum glitch the other night so only the first few sentences of my post showed up!

Ahhhhhsha and German, ugh. So let me get this straight - they had sex in the dance studio the night before and then...got dressed and left without talking until they ran into each other before work and decided that the lobby of the area was the best place to discuss what it meant. And he's the one who killed Olivia? What the hell? And what secret did Olivia have on Ahhhhhsha? Everyone already knew that Pete was her father by the time of the dedication ceremony. Considering how many times Olivia called Raquel, I find it difficult to believe that she sent one card to Ahsha, never got a response, and decided ehhhh, I sent out enough red envelopes so I'll just let that one go.

Why would Jelena play coy with the cop and not tell him if she was alone or with someone when she was "asleep" the night of Olivia's murder? Wouldn't she and Terrance be willing to be each other's alibis? That cop was starting to look pretty incompetent since he wasn't getting anyone to really answer his questions so it's not surprising that it turned out he was working for Oscar.

When Jelena said that the latest dance was the most ambitious one the Devil Girls had ever done, I just rolled my eyes. When I actually saw it, I couldn't see what she was talking about. It was a good dance but the most ambitious one EVER? Just no.

And good lord it was so obvious where Jelena was in the formation during the à la seconde turns because she was so bad. I actually rewound it and watched it again because I was laughing so hard.

I was so sad hearing Derek and Kyle scheming to get Kyle fired and out of LA because I love her! I also kind of loved them teaming up. I'm assuming that since Oscar is out of the picture, Kyle won't be fired after all.

It was nice to see Ahhhhhsha with her hair up. I'm so tired of her always having her hair down in her face for the "sexy" look. I don't understand why Sloane had to actually fire Ahhhhhsha. Now that the season is over, the dancers are done too. There may be some extra gigs for money, but nothing mandatory like, you know, basketball games. All the girls have to re-audition for the next season so firing Ahhhhsha seemed pointless. I guess Jelena just wanted the extra humiliation of having her fired as opposed to being cut during auditions for the next season.

If Ahhhhhsha was such an amazing rookie that she made the all star team and became Derek's celebrity girlfriend, she shouldn't have a problem getting onto another pro dance team. She could either switch to a football team or move to another city if she wants to stay with basketball.

When I saw Ray Wise, I knew there were would be shenanigans. Come on, he played the devil! He can't just be there to officiate at the wedding! And then nothing happened. What a waste!

What was Kyle burning in the flashback at the end? I saw that it said "state of California" at the top but I couldn't make out what else it said. To be honest, I can't even remember what Olivia was blackmailing Kyle about. Her husband in jail?

As sweet as it was for Kyle to offer to marry Raquel, it's not as easy as just signing the papers. When people get married to obtain citizenship, INS can come check on you at any time. You have to share a residence and they can question you about each other to make sure that it isn't a sham marriage. You have to be married a certain amount of time (I think it's three years) and get a green card before you can become a naturalized citizen. So it's not like marrying Kyle now means Raquel is safe right away. Anyone could spill the beans on her and get her deported.

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That episode was so disjointed! I was wondering why they were keeping German in the credits for until his season arc hit...and now I know. Hopefully they say what the secret she was holding about Ahsha supposedly was. It's probably something stupid like a picture of her kissing Derek in that stuck elevator from last season.


The season's loose end for me is Lionel. Is she actually pregnant with Pete's baby or did she miscarry? 

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My thoughts


Derek is a red hot mess


Aisha has become tiresome with storming out whenever someone doesn't do what she wants.


Terrence is doomed.


Zero should just stop bothering with Jelena.


As for Pictures of Zero surfacing, he's smoking hot and naked by himself... I'm not sure how having naked photos of him about would hurt his image. He could just lie and say someone snapped him while he was undressing to go skinny dipping at a friends house. If he was photographed having cocaine snorted off his chest by randoms that would be a different story entirely. Anyway Zero would probably find some way to benefit from the publicity,the media does love its bad boys.

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Peter choose alcohol over Aisha. She's dull and sanctimonious. Ditch her.


I love Kyle and her antics, at least she seems to be having a good time with her antics while the others complain about the lifestyle incessantly and Nancy Drew about trying to solve a murder in daylight.


Jude, you ass. So you have a soft spot for single moms with young sons but not single moms whose daughters are now grown?



Why should he care about a 40 year old woman investigating his father ? She should know better. He's not responsible for her and her grown ass daughter.

Caring about a 4 year old boy being hurt is way different than being indifferent to a 22 year old being inconvenienced by her mother's firing from a job she only took for the purposes of spying on Sloane without any official back up from anyone.


Aisha lied to her bf an episode later after lecturing him about trust by saying the situation was fine with her dad.

Edited by wayne67
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I find it so distracting how these people have sex. They don't even bother to take off their clothes or adjust themselves before panning down so it looks super weird that Terrence was taking her against the wall and the shorts were still up.

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I always find it funny and ridiculous that these people are hooking up all over the place in public or at work.


At least Zero showed he cared about Jude a little this episode though I found it unbelievable that his agent wouldn't know his real name. Wouldn't it be all over his contracts ? Or at least a new legal name if he got rid of the old one.


*sigh* I shake my head at all these idiots talking about their secret plots at work where they also work with someone they suspect murder someone.


Why didn't Jelena just trade the information on Oscar to get rid of Sloane and Ahsha and be done with the nonsense already ?


I'm wondering if any of these people have ever heard of a photocopier for all these super important documents they're always having on hand.


These dancers never seem to wear their uniform at any of their dances at the Arena... It's strange.

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That photographer's assistant has terrible taste. His only exposure to Jude is having him barge into his photoshoot, demand to add Zero to it after all the lighting has already been set (which, what? Were they going to shoot all of them naked together?), and threaten to pull one of the other players - and somehow this asshole behavior makes Jude seem attractive enough for Danny to chase him down and ask for his phone number. You have serious issues, man.


Maybe the assistant has a thing for guys with handsome boy-next-door baby faces and who obviously fill out a suit pretty well while setting off his gaydar, and kinda just didn't give a shit that he was acting kind of like an asshole because Jude is hot?


I mean, I don't know, I feel like guys in general are far less pickier about how someone is as a person especially when we're talking someone who's only looking like a hook-up.

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Last season on Hit The Floor the Devils won the Championship, but not without their share of scandal. With Devils owner Oscar Kinkade behind bars for one murder, another killer is still at large: Ahsha's long-time boyfriend German, who was revealed in Season Two's shocking finale to be Olivia Vincent's killer.


Unaware of her boyfriend's secret, Ahsha harbors a secret of her own. After being fired from the Devil Girls by her own mother, Ahsha struggles to find her place in the world. She may have ended her passionate but rocky romance with Derek, but Derek has sworn to win her back.


The Devils not only have a title, but they have a new boss in the front office: Lionel. She didn't just marry Oscar; she took his place in the owner's chair thanks to an uneasy alliance with Jelena. Now Lionel's ready to make life hell for Sloane and Pete but Sloane's not about to back down.


Jelena continues to pull the strings while tending to an injured Terrence, who is determined to get back on the court after sacrificing himself to get the Devils their title. Meanwhile Zero isn't quite so willing to let Jude go. Can Jude resist him?

Hit The Floor Season Three is filled with more bombshells, sex, drama, secrets, and excitement as well as ten new jaw-dropping dance routines choreographed by the legendary Michael Rooney.


In the premiere episode, the Devils gear up for their Championship Ring Ceremony, while the Devil Girls hold auditions.  A fired Ahsha (Taylour Paige) finds comfort with German (Jonathan McDaniel), who, in a season 2 finale shocker, was revealed to be Olivia’s killer!


And new boss Lionel makes power moves with repercussions for Sloane (Kimberly Elise), Pete (Dean Cain), Jelena (Logan Browning) and Terrence (Rob Riley).


Andy Buckley (Veep, The Office) guest stars as Adam Oberman, an ambitious league official.



Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I have such mixed feelings about this show. On one hand, I am glad that this trash is back on my tv. On the other hand, it suffers from all the same problems as before (crappy writing, crappy storylines, crappy acting). As always, the best part of the entire episode was the dancing (although Raquel's battle was laughably simpler than everyone else's so I'm glad that Jelena made it a point to say so).


Zero has his own underwear line now. Ha, of course he does. That is the kind of ridiculous soapy thing that they should embrace.


I also love that now that German has been revealed to be Olivia's murderer, he is doing his best to look shady whenever possible. Derek better watch out with his "I'm fighting for Ahhhhsha" declaration. German will push you down the stairs of Devils Arena, dude! I wasn't crazy about how Derek told Ahhhhsha that he's been cleaning house. It seriously took four months for him to cut ties with his mom, the cocaine, and the hangers on?


Did we know that Ahhhhsha asked Olivia to fix the All Stars vote? I honestly can't remember that far back. But I was cracking up over Ahhhhsha saying that she could be banned from the league. Girl, unless you are planning to move to another city so you can dance for a different team, that's a moot point.


Oscar being totally creepy in prison with his championship ring was HILARIOUS. It totally reminded me of this:


Why is Ahhhhhsha stressing about being cramped up with Kyle, Raquel, and Miguel, begging to move back in with Sloane, if she's still spending all her time at German's house and sleeping there?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Lionel: Do you boys ever wear shirts?

Lionel: Thanks for coming, Sloane. So nice to see you.
Sloane: You're not that good of an actress.
Lionel: Yeah, I phoned that one in.

Lionel: I'm branding myself as team owner, the tastes great less murderous Kincade.

Lionel: I'll let you get back to your spirit fingers.

Jude: They should have them put more bronzer on you. There's only so much photoshop can do.

Raquel: Miguel got in the toy closet.
Kyle: He's a five year old boy. It happens.
Raquel: Not his. Yours.
Kyle: That was organized and color coded! I am traumatized!
Raquel: You're traumatized? I spent ten minutes convincing him those beads were a Christmas decoration.

Pete: Hey, don't you knock?
Ahhhhhsha: Why would I think my mom was getting freaky?
Sloane: Why would you think she wasn't?

Ahhhhsha: Kyle's place is a clown car. If immigration comes by, they're going to wonder who the random black girl is sleeping on the couch. I need to get out of there. It's a crime scene waiting to happen.

Raquel: Kind of ironic, no? You asking me to audition again considering you helped me get cut to begin with.
Jelena: You're saying a lot of words. Are you in or out?

Ahhhhhsha: My entire family works here!

David Wallace: My card.
Sloane: My door.

Jude: I don't work for Derek anymore. We're not even friends unless "DROWN BITCH" is a term of endearment.

Derek: I am Derek Roman. I need a deal that reflects that. I need serious kiss my ass money. I need to choke on the dollar signs.

Kyle: You were amazing!
Raquel: You were amazing!
Kyle: We were amazing!

Kyle: I'm afraid I'm going to cut your throat while you sleep.
Raquel: I'm afraid I'm going to do it while you're wide awake.

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We never actually saw it happen, but that's what's implied, yeah - it was revealed at the end of the final episode last season in a flashback with German standing at the railing looking down at Olivia's body on the floor, and fingernail marks in the railing in front of him. I think it was a good move making him the killer - he was dull as dirt until that reveal. On the flip side, I liked Derek as a generally nice guy who behaved kind of badly, did coke, owned a nightclub, partied, etc - what you'd expect from a rich professional athlete - and I'm kind of finding him more boring already now that he's cleaning up his act ~for love~ or whatever.


I'm so, so happy to have this silly, soapy show back. It's cheesy and the writing is a little sketchy and the acting really comes and goes, but I really love it, cheesiness and occasionally bad writing/acting and all. This episode did feel a bit like filler, getting things set up for the new season, but after being off the air for more than a year, I'm cool with them just catching up with the characters and setting the stage for what's going to come next.


Ahsha going on about rigging the All Star vote as if it was the Biggest! Secret! EVER! was hilarious, and yeah, until you go start trying out for other teams, it really doesn't matter if you're banned from the league or not.

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It's been so long since this show was on (a year and a half) that I couldn't bring myself to watch the rest of the episode after I fell asleep last night watching it on the app. I can't remember what anyone did last season, why they're doing what they are now, and why I should care. I used to love this show. Good job, VH1. Glad those garbage reality shows are working out for you, because this and Hindsight were the only reasons I watched your network, and you killed it. I'm out.

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I miss Jude and Zero as a couple. They were so cute together. 


It seems super tacky the way Aisha is treating German as her backup man because Derek isn't a goer at the moment.


As for the team buyout... SNORE.

Is it just me or is this forum dead ? 

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Jackson: Terrence, you want me to invest a lot of money in you, not buy you a beer. It's going to take a lot more than stories of your glory days to get to my ATM PIN.

Kyle: What idiot would trust this idiot to make a movie? Teddy Reynolds can't even drive his car down the driveway without taking half the house with him.

Kyle: I guess I'm Team Derek.
Raquel: I guess I'm Team German.
Ahhhsha: Okay, well, I'm Team Ahsha.

Kyle: What are these?
Teddy: My storyboards for the movie.
Kyle: It's a bunch of stick figures doing it.
Teddy: Not all the same way.

Jelena: Arson is still illegal, right?
Terrence: That saves me from asking my first question.
Jelena: I'm in wedding dress hell. Nothing cheap champagne and a frontal lobotomy can't cure.

Lionel: Bang up job on the contract, Jude. Hey, did you get banged in the process? Or are you banger? We've actually never talked about that.

Zero: I am team captain now.
Jude: Captain?
Zero: Does the power turn you on?

Zero: I'm going to swing by Jelena's restaurant to celebrate. Maybe Terrence will be there and I can rub it in his face. You want to come?

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For some reason, Taylour Paige's bad acting really flared up for me this week. Maybe last week I was in a more forgiving mood due to the long hiatus between S2 and S3 (ahem, SEVENTEEN MONTHS is a long time, VH1). Squinting repeatedly is not an acting technique!


I'm trying to figure out if the writers are deliberately making her as dumb as possible. While I understand being concerned when your boyfriend wakes up sweating and yelling someone's name, dreams are just dreams. And they're also none of your business, so repeatedly asking someone what he was dreaming about is just tacky.


When she said that she could really use the money from choreographing a routine for "the Boston squad," I just rolled my eyes. What does she need money for when she has been living on Kyle's couch, German's bed, and is planning to move back in with her mom? I was floored when she said that this would be her first job since the Devil Girls. Are you fucking kidding me? I know dancing is her thing, but between the championship game (end of May/beginning of June) and the opening game of the next season (October), she hasn't earned a single dollar? Time to get a job at Starbucks, princess.


So let me get this straight - her choreography was SO AWESOME that they offered her a spot on their team without an audition after the season has already started? Riiiighhhhht. And then they Fed Exed a uniform to her THE SAME DAY so she could try it on before she made her decision. I was also so annoyed when she got this offer and then looked at German and said, "What should I do?" Well, it's apparently the first job you've been offered in five months so you should probably take it.


I don't understand why German and Derek are both so hung up with Ahhhhhsha. Derek and Ahhhhsha broke up months ago, but he still has a framed picture of them in his entryway? And German is so afraid to lose her that he is willing to murder Olivia AND give up his dream job to move to Boston with her? She must have a magical vagina.


On a shallow note, I still can't believe that they cast Stephen from Laguna Beach as Kyle's ex. Of course, I still can't believe that Lauren and Kristin fought over him. His stick figure storyboards were hilarious. I love that he took the time to draw little boobs on Stick Figure Kyle.


I love seeing Aaron Samuels/Casey Gant as Zero's new agent!


Jelena lets her temper get the best of her. She should have waited until she got her mother's shares before she let loose with the truth. That's just good business sense. I'm not really down with her abusive father storyline because it seems like too obvious an effort to redeem her character. But I guess I should be glad that they gave her something to do besides make angry faces while dancing and making bitchy remarks to everyone. I can't remember why her mother had any shares of the team to begin with. I guess that's what happens when a show goes on hiatus for almost a year and a half.


What kind of doctor gives a dancer a valium because she's so excited about being back on the team that her heart is racing?

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I don't get why Derek's so hung up on Aasha either. German, I sort of get it, they were together for a long time and weren't broken up for very long before getting back together. But Derek, what're you doing, man? What is so damn special about Aasha? I'm finding lovesick Derek who's building "a kingdom" or whatever really boring.


On the flip side, I'm loving jealous, petty Zero trying to cockblock Jude, though I kind of wish Jude would stand up for himself a little more.


The team buyout thing is kind of boring, but I'm interested to see how Zero may insert himself now that he's discovered Terrance and Jelena are trying to buy the team.


I mostly hate Jelena, though she does have the rare moment, like her droll "yes, can we get back to the important issue?" when her mother discovered she was engaged. I don't really know what to make of the abusive dad aspect of her backstory - are we supposed to feel sorry for her? Because I don't. She's still an asshole with sociopathic tendancies, and it's never seemed to occur to her that her mother is the victim here, and that it's common for victims of domestic abuse to stay with their abusers for reasons other than love.

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I agree that at least German has a lot of history with Ahsha so that kind of explains his dogged obsession with her. Derek, on the other hand, saw her walk by, thought she was hot, pursued her until she and German broke up, dated her for all of a few months, and hadn't seen her or spoken to her at all during the off season, yet is still totally in love with her and that's his motivation behind building his empire. Ha, I kind of wish Lionel would tell him that there's no way Ahsha is getting back on the Devil Girls just to see if Derek loves her enough to start the season without a contract.


I have had no interest in this whole selling the team thing, but now that Zero knows about Terrence and Jelena trying to buy the team, maybe it will get interesting. He is such a petty little bitch, yet somehow I find it amusing (whereas I find it annoying when Jelena is a petty little bitch, probably because that's her only mode).

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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God, I love how over the top silly and cheesy and soapy this show is. I'm even starting to come around on Jelena - I actually like her when she's with Terrence, perhaps because she doesn't look perpetually pissed off and I can enjoy her scheming a little more.


Actually, I really love everyone on this show except the main character. Aasha should just take her boring boyfriend and move to Boston. And if Derek's going to spend the whole season mooning over her, she can take him too. I love this show, but it'd be so much better if it focused on everyone else other than her.


There was something odd about the pacing of half of this episode - a lot of the scenes felt super rushed and almost frenetic. What was that German/Aasha hookup in his office? What on earth was the point of that scene? Once it got to the party, though, it all flowed much better. I kind of love Jelena vs. Zero, as they seem like such similar characters, except where Jelena is generally pissy and sour, Zero looks perpetually gleeful in his scheming.


Looooooved the Jude/Zero hookup, and damn, that went on so much longer than I expected it to! Loved how much more normal and chilled out Zero seemed with Jude throughout the episode, as well as Jude's sad "if you care about me, stay away from me." Ugh, get it together, guys.

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Jude and Zero are the best thing about this show. It would be nice if they could just be happy for at least an episode or two. All this closet drama is depressing.


Sadly Aasha and her boring love triangle is the worst. So do not care about any of those three. 


Is this show dead in the water or does noone want to talk about the show any more ? 

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Since I really only still watch this show for Jude and Zero, last nights episode was a treat. I may have rewound their cloakroom hookup scene a couple (hundred) times. It was weird, in a good way, seeing Zero actually be genuine for a change, since he's such a predator with every other character.  I think its clear that Jude and Zero are endgame, but being a soap, you know there has to be a lot of drama getting there...

Add me to the list that hope Aasha and Derek disappear. Zzzzzzzzzzzz!

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Yeah, for all that the acting is generally pretty bad on this show, there's definitely a clear difference in Zero's demeanor when he's with Jude than when he's with anyone else that I think is really nicely done. His breathy, laughing "that's fine" when Jude said he was wearing Zero's underwear was very endearing, especially since he's never seemed that chill or normal at any other time before.

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Yeah, for all that the acting is generally pretty bad on this show, there's definitely a clear difference in Zero's demeanor when he's with Jude than when he's with anyone else that I think is really nicely done. His breathy, laughing "that's fine" when Jude said he was wearing Zero's underwear was very endearing, especially since he's never seemed that chill or normal at any other time before.


When they're together they're much happier and carefree until the real world imposes. They're a good couple if only they could work through their last issue. That and they're so cute...


None of the other plots really appeal to me.  

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Lionel: You're a Devil girl again. Yay.
Ahhhhhsha: You want me back again?
Lionel: No.
Ahhhhhsha: Jelena?
Lionel: I can see you've been taking stand up classes during your time away.

Terrence: It's way past time I beat your ass.

Oscar: You're late.
Lionel: The guards were under the horrifying impression that this was a conjugal visit. I couldn't let them know this is a marriage based on blackmail so I just told them you were impotent. You're cranky.

Lionel: Read between the lines, Oscar. Your happiness no longer concerns me.

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When did Jelena and Terrence become so stupid? "How will we deal with Zero blackmailing us? We can't trade Derek and we can't let Zero tell anyone we are trying to buy the team!" Duh, promise Zero whatever the hell he wants and then after you actually buy the team, don't trade Derek. It's not like he can draw up a blackmail contract that says, "In exchange for not tattling on Jelena, Derek will be traded as soon as possible."


In general, I don't give a rat's ass about Jelena and Terrence and a couple, but I am glad that someone is able to tell Jelena there are lines that can't be crossed. Of course she doesn't care about what happens to Derek and would sell him to the cheapest buyer if it meant she got something out of it. Thank goodness that Terrence told her that was not acceptable. Of course, then Terrence pussed out at the end of the episode. Hope owning the team is worth betraying your BFF, dude!


Oh, Kyle. She was right to be suspicious of this producer all along, but when a guy who is spending $5 million to make a movie about your life says that he is going to drive from Phoenix to LA instead of flying on a plane, you are dealing with a cheapass. Not at all surprised that it turned out to be a scam, but at least Kyle might get $2 million out of it!


While I understand Raquel being upset because she just found out that she has a heart condition, I don't think she needs to act like her life is over. And I was rolling my eyes when Kyle very sweetly told her that she can still do whatever she wants and then Raquel got petty and said that all she wanted to be was a Devil Girl. Seriously? She had to have Jelena practically beg her to come to auditions, she's been on the team for all of two minutes, but now suddenly it's her whole life and the most important thing in the world (besides her kid when it's convenient for her to remember she has one).


Am I really stupid or did I miss a scene where Pete figured out where Sloane was? One minute she was stabbing the kidnapper in the leg and the next she was getting into Pete's car.


I was sure that Zero and Jude were going to get caught fucking in the coat room. Is it wrong that one of the first things I thought was that they were just in a larger closet than usual? Heh and the second thing I thought was gawd, Zero, just because you're having secret sex in public doesn't mean you have to throw everyone else's coats on the ground. Rude!


Why didn't Lionel just say that Ahhhhhsha was taking Raquel's place due to her health issue?


I was cracking up at German looking all shady up on the balcony at the end. Watch out, Derek! That's where German does his dirty work and you might be next!


ETA: I just rewatched and I guess Sloan just called Pete because she was smart enough to grab her purse off the table when she ran out of the room. Ooookay then.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Yeah, I don't get why Terrence and Jelena are so worried about either. Zero's leverage is gone the minute they own the team, so why should they care what he demands? Just agree to whatever he wants and then they could ship him off to another team or something once they own it. I do kind of want more of Zero and Jelena butting heads and duking it out with one another, so I hope it continues for a bit. But that said, I still mostly can't stand Jelena and I don't want her to be rewarded for all of her stupid machinations over the years, so I hope they don't get up getting control of the team.


I also really didn't get the Raquel pity party. She seemed pretty cool with being the bar manager and had accepted that she wasn't going to be a Devil Girl again, so why after two performances is she moping like she's an Olympic hopeful who just lost her shot at a medal? I'm curious about whether they're planning on doing something else with her and that's why Kyle gave the big speech about "you can do anything you want," but I don't know where else she'd really fit on the show. And along those lines, I wish they'd let Jude mix it up with some other characters, as he's become pretty isolated with just Zero and Lionel (much as I love his relationships with each of them), and I'd love to see him and Raquel patch things up and form a friendship (what's a little threat of deportation between friends?), so having her work for the team in some capacity outside of the bar might be fun.


Going back to Jude and Zero, the back and forth over whether or not Zero can be with Jude publicly could get old if they keep rehashing the same thing, but it's an interesting situation that they're in - Zero obviously has commitment issues and issues with opening up, but beyond that, being in an open relationship with another man would seriously affect his career, likely negatively, so it's really not as simple as Zero just getting over his insecurities. I hope they actually address that and talk about it at some point, that what Jude is asking for is understandable, but is also a pretty huge ask.

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Yeah, I don't get why Terrence and Jelena are so worried about either. Zero's leverage is gone the minute they own the team, so why should they care what he demands? Just agree to whatever he wants and then they could ship him off to another team or something once they own it. I do kind of want more of Zero and Jelena butting heads and duking it out with one another, so I hope it continues for a bit. But that said, I still mostly can't stand Jelena and I don't want her to be rewarded for all of her stupid machinations over the years, so I hope they don't get up getting control of the team.


Going back to Jude and Zero, the back and forth over whether or not Zero can be with Jude publicly could get old if they keep rehashing the same thing, but it's an interesting situation that they're in - Zero obviously has commitment issues and issues with opening up, but beyond that, being in an open relationship with another man would seriously affect his career, likely negatively, so it's really not as simple as Zero just getting over his insecurities. I hope they actually address that and talk about it at some point, that what Jude is asking for is understandable, but is also a pretty huge ask.


Yeah Zero's blackmail scheme doesn't really have much bite or logic. He'd be better off trying to get more money/perks from Lionel by selling them out.


Sadly I don't think are many openly gay/bi male basketballers out there so Zero could suffer from serious blowback. He's already had one major publicity fail with his hooker nights being exposed. Being outed or coming out could make his situation in the team even more awkward. Or at the very least cost him some endorsements.


That said I wouldn't mind if Jude and Zero both bailed from basketball drama and settled down in a nice condo and had lots of sweet hot gay loving. 

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It is embarrassing, but I love this show. It has terrible acting and ridiculous plots, but I find it completely entertaining. 


Zero and Jude are freaking hot. In real life, there is on way that Zero could come out. After pretending to accept his bisexuality, he would be forced out of the league under some pretext. There has been only one openly gay professional basketball player and Jason Collins came out when he was near retirement. However, on this show I can see anything happening. I am enjoying their tortured relationship so I hope the show does not wuss out and quickly give them a happy open relationship.


Professional basketball teams cost millions on millions to a billion. Even Michael Jordan with all his millions could only afford to buy a controlling interest in the Bobcats, now the Hornets. It would be impossible for Jelena and Terrence get that much money to buy the team, especially in secret.


I loved Sloan saving herself. She is tough as nails. She went to get herself a gun illegally. I hope that Oscar gets taken out in prison.

Edited by SimoneS
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I loved Sloan saving herself. She is tough as nails. She went to get herself a gun illegally. I hope that Oscar gets taken out in prison.


Unfortunately it lacked a lot since I was wondering the entire time, is he alone at that place? Why isn't she handcuffed to the chair? Is there a toilet ? Why would the bad guy tell her she was going to kill herself ? Why not just tell her to write a retraction then shoot her? Towards the end he didn't even have a weapon visible.


Also why was that guy main weapon a knife of all things ? Has he not heard of guns ? Such a lame villain for hire. 

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Wow. I have to say, I did not see any of that coming - not Ahsha cracking and having sex with Derek so easily, not Zero kissing Jude publicly, not German spilling the beans to Ahsha about Olivia. I'm really curious about where they'll go with Zero/Jude now and how they'll tackle the fallout - I sort of wish they'd actually addressed that before Zero just going for it, actually had the two of them talking about what it would mean to be together publicly and the seriousness of Zero coming out, but maybe we'll still get that. I also kind of wish Jude wasn't being written as quite so pathetic and lonely, but I guess it makes sense considering how desperate he was for Oscar's attention last season.


Raquel earnestly going through the casting process was pretty funny, but they really need to find something else for her to do. I could actually do with a lot less German/Ahsha/Derek and way more Kyle and Raquel.


I don't know why Pete thinks that Terrance and Jelena taking over the team would make Sloane safe from Oscar. Seems like that would just make him even more pissed.

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