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S04.E04: Sous-Vide

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The connection with the recipe, finding the old warehouse, the dolls, Beck infiltrating the FBI office with ease was outrageous.

How did Tasha get into the US if she’s supposed to be dead?

What was point of the Claudia dressing up as a burglar and attacking Reade when she and Tasha could have pointed guns at him when he entered the house? She took a mini beating for nothing.

Tasha's running form looked much improved this week. She must have read last week's posts and trained hard. How that guy couldn't catch her when she's wearing tight leather pants is a mystery.

Allie with her new hairstyle and makeup looked like she was on a mission to make Weller jealous.

Don’t worry Laurel, I never watched Friends either.

J Lo size “but”.

Edited by mxc90
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9 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

The connection with the recipe, finding the old warehouse, the dolls, Beck infiltrating the FBI office with ease was outrageous.

You don't have to be a major foodie to realize that the recipe sounded disgusting. I'm really disappointed with Rich. Heavy cream, lemon juice, and okra? Yuck!!!!

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

You don't have to be a major foodie to realize that the recipe sounded disgusting. I'm really disappointed with Rich. Heavy cream, lemon juice, and okra? Yuck!!!!

Yeah, he should've realized it from the recipe alone.

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I love a good lampshade hanging and Roman brought it this time: "You can't just give him a hug every time he gets suspicious!"

Allie had a case of genre-amnesia. "You can't be suspicious of your wife! She's your wife!" Yes, Weller's wife that was hand-delivered to him by a cabal of terrorists who literally tried to destroy the world. They know Jane was sent to infiltrate the FBI, it's the central concept of the show!

Rich Dot Com was really good in this episode. I liked that we got some backstory on him without it being too specific.

5 hours ago, mxc90 said:

How that guy couldn't catch her when she's wearing tight leather pants is a mystery.

I think Zapata's shiny pants were more of a rubberized denim than actual leather. Kono and Tani at Hawaii 5-0 wear very similar pants all the time and they are also action gals who are running and gunning while getting their shine on. Either that or Lululemon actual did start making leather leggings.

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I had almost forgotten who Allie is.  She’s Weller’s ex, right?  I wasn’t paying attention in the beginning... did she mention the baby?  How old is the baby now?  Didn’t Weller and Jane have the baby at one point in time, or was the baby always with Allie?

Still don’t care about Tasha and Reade and wouldn’t be at all unpleased if they shot and killed each other simultaneously.   The whole Tasha story drags the show down.  And Reade is obviously emotionally compromised, he can’t deal with her situation impartially.   

The stars of the show this season are Patterson and Rich.  I am surprised at how much I am liking Rich after finding him to be an irritant in past seasons.

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Love Patterson and Rich. Shifting the emphasis to them instead of Remi would be good. Liked Jane a lot in prior seasons but the Remi/Roman plot is tedious. 

All I could think of when Allie and Weller ran into danger was: who is taking care of the baby and what happens if they both die? 

Also think the Zapata turns bad storyline is tedious. 

I keep looking at Weller's hair and thinking that he looks different than in prior seasons?

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4 hours ago, LisaM said:

Love Patterson and Rich. Shifting the emphasis to them instead of Remi would be good. Liked Jane a lot in prior seasons but the Remi/Roman plot is tedious. 

I'm fine with Roman even as a hallucination. Remy on the other hand is tedious and dumb. However, I shouldn't be surprised because she's the idiot who volunteered/came up with the idiotic plan to do tons of covert research to find government corruption, tattooing Jane with elaborate puzzles about that corruption, and erasing her memory for ummm reasons. The entire plan was needlessly complex and stupid. It also seemed to implicitly acknowledge that though a minority of the government was corrupt and evil, the entire enterprise needed to be destroyed because laziness or inertia. I don't really know.  The show is very very dumb. And I've watched it for 4 seasons. I don't really have a good excuse.

I still like Rich and Patterson and hallucination Roman.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I wish Head!Roman (tm BSG) was a little snarkier. I like it when he reminds Remy that he is, after all, just her talking, and occasionally arguing w/ herself. 

6 hours ago, blackwing said:

Didn’t Weller and Jane have the baby at one point in time, or was the baby always with Allie?

I think they have some sort of shared custody arrangement, but I don't know for sure if it's 50-50 or if it's more limited for Weller. 

As always, we need more Patterson and can use a bit more Rich dot Com. 

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13 hours ago, LisaM said:

I keep looking at Weller's hair and thinking that he looks different than in prior seasons?

In previous seasons it was a shorter buzz cut. This season it is longer at the top.  I think it makes him look younger and less severe.  He looks pretty much like how he did in the first season of Strike Back. 

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9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I'm fine with Roman even as a hallucination. Remy on the other hand is tedious and dumb. However, I shouldn't be surprised because she's the idiot who volunteered/came up with the idiotic plan to do tons of covert research to find government corruption, tattooing Jane with elaborate puzzles about that corruption, and erasing her memory for ummm reasons. The entire plan was needlessly complex and stupid. It also seemed to implicitly acknowledge that though a minority of the government was corrupt and evil, the entire enterprise needed to be destroyed because laziness or inertia. I don't really know.  The show is very very dumb. And I've watched it for 4 seasons. I don't really have a good excuse.

I still like Rich and Patterson and hallucination Roman.

Exactly and it was needlessly convoluted and a lot did go wrong with her losing her memories and everything especially since the FBI has already been breached several times already.

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14 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I'm fine with Roman even as a hallucination. Remy on the other hand is tedious and dumb. However, I shouldn't be surprised because she's the idiot who volunteered/came up with the idiotic plan to do tons of covert research to find government corruption, tattooing Jane with elaborate puzzles about that corruption, and erasing her memory for ummm reasons. The entire plan was needlessly complex and stupid. It also seemed to implicitly acknowledge that though a minority of the government was corrupt and evil, the entire enterprise needed to be destroyed because laziness or inertia. I don't really know.  The show is very very dumb. And I've watched it for 4 seasons. I don't really have a good excuse.

I still like Rich and Patterson and hallucination Roman.

Don't you dare putting Occam's Razor to this show LOL!

Did I get that right - the biohazard unit used the dolls to spread their newly designed bio-weapon to perform illegal field tests in ebola contaminated areas? Because that makes sense?

As usual Rich and Patterson saved the episode. Boston and his narwhal paintings were a nice touch. As was Patterson's doomed friend, the way she conducted the experiments apologizing to the dolls was hilarious. It's amazing how the same writing team that manages to create such a great character with very few, subtle scenes is also responsible for all the ham-fisted evil Jane/Remi scenes. Her attempts to manipulate folks during the lockdown were more Baldrick than Machiavelli.

Still not interested in Reade and Zapata but glad the later has improved her running technique.

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On 11/3/2018 at 9:08 AM, LisaM said:

I keep looking at Weller's hair and thinking that he looks different than in prior seasons?

He still needs to shave that gross neck. So disgusting.

On 11/3/2018 at 8:04 AM, blackwing said:

Didn’t Weller and Jane have the baby at one point in time, or was the baby always with Allie?

If I remember correctly, after Weller and Jane got married over the summer break between seasons, they had moved to and were living in Colorado or wherever Allie and the baby are, and they were babysitting/sharing parenting. Then Weller and Jane got called back to work (no mention of how they were living financially in Colorado) and that was the last we heard of the child.

Rich Dot Com continues to be the savior of this show. I used to watch it religiously and now it's on while I do other things.

Oh, a peek at Dead Roman is also a plus. Other than those two things ... (fade to black)

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14 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I used to watch it religiously and now it's on while I do other things

Yeah, I loved this show. I have watched every episode since the pilot (some episodes more than once). I haven't watched a single episode this season.  I hope there is real concern (and fresh ideas) in the writer's room. Because I have zero interest in watching Remi/bad Jane. The writers have a habit of writing themselves into a corner in this show. They did that with Roman and Shepherd and Reade (with that horrible drug addict storyline), and looks like they're going to do it with Jane too.

What possible end game can we have here? Now that the effects of the zip have worn off on Remi, there is literally no way to recover Jane.  And that's the show I signed up for. I honestly don't know how they're going to sort this out. But I do know that I won't be watching until this particular storyline is over. 'A team member turns evil' is one of my least favorite tv tropes, and this show has used it multiple times. Now they're using it twice at the same time with Jane/Remi AND Tasha?? * Shakes head*

14 hours ago, saber5055 said:

If I remember correctly, after Weller and Jane got married over the summer break between seasons, they had moved to and were living in Colorado or wherever Allie and the baby are, and they were babysitting/sharing parenting. Then Weller and Jane got called back to work (no mention of how they were living financially in Colorado) and that was the last we heard of the child.

Well, technically, assassins tried to kill Jane, shooting up their house while Kurt and the baby were in there. They found out Jane was on a hit list and so she left. And then Kurt spent a year (?) and all his money travelling the world trying to find her. So those events probably colored any custody arrangement for awhile, lol!

Edited by mandigirl
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11 hours ago, mandigirl said:

Well, technically, assassins tried to kill Jane, shooting up their house while Kurt and the baby were in there. They found out Jane was on a hit list and so she left. And then Kurt spent a year (?) and all his money travelling the world trying to find her. So those events probably colored any custody arrangement for awhile, lol!

LOL! Thanks for that update Mandigirl. I guess I blocked all that from my memory, but now that you wrote that, it IS vaguely familiar. I had forgotten Jane was on a hit list. So there's another story line in with the 20 other story lines. Gah.

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2 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Ugh, writers. "Zapata's and I's conversation..." Why can't writers figure out the correct use of I and me and the order in which they go. They're writers for fuck sake. That's all I got.

Yes, that drove me crazy too.  She said it and I was all, "I think that's wrong.  But Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio seems like such an intelligent woman?  How could she make such an error?"

It was like she went to the Boy Band School of Bad Grammar and learned to spout out lines like "I don't care, if he buys you nice things, does his gifts come from the heart".  Ugh.

Agree with comments above about the direction of the show.  What exactly is going to be the end game?  The ZIP stuff wore off and now Jane is back to being the baddie she used to be.  So what is going to happen?  Either she wins and continues to be a baddie, or the team wins and... what?  ZIP her again to turn her back into the fake person that they became friends with?  Kill her?

Jane is supposed to be the main character with the show's central POV and I am hard pressed to think off the top of my head of another TV show where the main character is outright evil and the audience is supposed to root against her.  Any?  I never watched Dexter but I know he was a serial killer but wasn't the audience supposed to root for him?  I thought he was killing in the name of justice, or something like that.

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I feel like they got bored with the main plot of this episode and forgot to write a resolution.

Why on earth was a rogue Pentagon biohazard fighting team using dolls to test out chemical weapons on random unfortunates? Or was that the whole plot?

Also if we are meant to believe they were getting away with this for any length of time, surely they needed to be a bit subtler about their plans to kill a bunch of FBI agents and not be loading guns in front of their colleagues.

I'm really struggling with this season because I liked Jane as a character and it feels like we've now had about 10 episodes of obviously off Jane and the characters are still spinning their wheels about it. Really Jane killing someone with a sword in episode 1 feels like the major clue here, guys.

Thinking about it, they should have had Jane have episodes where she forgets her years as Jane Doe and reverts to her Remy personality. That would have made more sense in terms of them not catching on sooner.

Edited by Beatriceblake
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Half way through the episode: The redshirt got infected with bacterial spores, but the virus killed her, which means the viral expert dude injected her with the virus. That's the only thing that makes sense with these writers.

But may I point out that the bacterial spores were just a theory? It could have been just as well a virus in that powder...

Edited by PurpleTentacle
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