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Life Below Zero - General Discussion

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Now Andy is always moaning about all "the hard work" he has to do. I can't stand him.

I want Jesse back and Andy can stop wasting our time with his dumb segments.

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I also FF thru Andy segments. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Last night Sue was trying to transport the big CAT equipment across the tundra and got stuck. That line that Sue gave about "big girl panties" and "the boy had to rescue me" had me rolling. Keep me laughing, Sue. You are a hoot.

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I don't have a problem with Andy. I'm not saying that he's the nicest man in the world but I have a ton of respect for the life he's chosen, how he treats his dogs--even that he recognized that however many he had before his partner left were too much for him to cope with on his own and so found good homes/sold them so that remaining animals would be well cared for. He impresses me as a head down, get the job done kind of guy without a lot of BS; independent, capable. I also have empathy for his realization that he's aging and is uncertain how much longer he can continue with this life.

I couldn't do what he does.

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The minute Sue said she was planning to drive the tractor across the tundra for 85 miles, I thought, "What could possibly go wrong?"  I guess it's "light winter" and a balmy zero degrees, but getting stuck out there overnight would suck. She's actually lucky she could get rescued without too much delay. That big machine that pulled her out was the mechanical equivalent of the Star Wars AT-AT walkers.

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1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

The minute Sue said she was planning to drive the tractor across the tundra for 85 miles, I thought, "What could possibly go wrong?"  I guess it's "light winter" and a balmy zero degrees, but getting stuck out there overnight would suck. She's actually lucky she could get rescued without too much delay. That big machine that pulled her out was the mechanical equivalent of the Star Wars AT-AT walkers.

Lucky Sue got sick so close to the road. I'm not a heavy equipment operator, so maybe I would have had to call for help, too. I have watched people who knew what they were doing get themselves unstuck when I would have been hopelessly stuck. I wonder if she shouldn't have tried to use the bucket to inch her way out instead of just spinning her wheels. I know she said she was trying to dig down through the snow to the ice where her chains could gain traction, so maybe my idea just wouldn't work. I would think her bucket could have been able to move her back and forth by reaching out, sticking the end of the bucket down, and tilting it. My first thought was she could have used the bucket to lift the front. I think the hydraulics could have lifted the front end with no problem. But that would just lift her tires with chains off the ground.

Anyway, I agree with her decision to get trailered out instead of trying to drive cross country in an unfamiliar machine.

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It appeared to me that the lynx Andy trapped wasn't dead when he found it & that's why he used the loop/stick to hang/choke it to death.  Anyone else?  Also, when he dumped it into that basket, there didn't seem to be any rigor, which would indicate a fresh kill.  Just wondering?

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42 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

It appeared to me that the lynx Andy trapped wasn't dead when he found it & that's why he used the loop/stick to hang/choke it to death.  Anyone else?  Also, when he dumped it into that basket, there didn't seem to be any rigor, which would indicate a fresh kill.  Just wondering?

Yep, that's how I saw it. Then when he was skinning it he mentioned it was snared by the foot.

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1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

Lucky Sue got sick so close to the road. I'm not a heavy equipment operator, so maybe I would have had to call for help, too. I have watched people who knew what they were doing get themselves unstuck when I would have been hopelessly stuck. I wonder if she shouldn't have tried to use the bucket to inch her way out instead of just spinning her wheels.

I know this marks me as a peasant but I just kept thinking that 'dang, everyone knows you always have a sack or cat litter in the trunk during winter in case you get stuck...

Regarding Andy and the maybe not dead lynx. I believe he said he was thawing it (and thus obviously dead) so he could skin and dress it. I'm not a hunter but I would guess that if it froze before rigor set in, it would still not be stiff when thawed. Anyone know?

Edited by Beden
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The lynx was still alive. It was trapped but not dead. Andy commented that it had climbed up a tree. Who knows how long it was it in that condition.Very cruel. The editors are slowly adapting the viewers to the realities of hunting and trapping by not cutting away from scenes like this.

I'm fascinated by the business and financial aspects of Sue's operation. I wondered about the cost of her new CAT, and I think she leased it, as she called a leasing company to report that the thing wasn't working as she expected and she needed a tow. That's one of the few times we've seen her defeated, as she sat there frustrated and disappointed in her scheme.

Edited by pasdetrois
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4 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Sue said something about bartering and/or trading for the CAT. I spent a few minutes thinking about what she might have traded for it--Gasoline? Vacations at the camp? What could she have that would be so valuable?

Hey an offer of free vacation stays for a couple years, food, showers and laundry included. And free fuel for the driver trailering her supplies in - hey I might think that's a good deal. Ever check her website site http://www.kavikrivercamp.com/about.html basic overnighter costs $350/night. Hell, maybe she'd even let you use a four wheeler, even though they're not longer available to rent ?

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7 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Are you sure, SRTouch, about the four wheelers? The website says they are no longer

"avaiable." Not sure what that word means. ?

Having fun looking at her site. Wow the pictures on the aviation page show a record high temperature of almost 110. Really shouldn't surprise me as I remember Fairbanks getting pretty hot when I was stationed at Wainwright in the 70s. And quite the busy place with multiple planes and at least one helicopter in the one picture. I'm bookmarking it so I can check out those camera views later.

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I wasn't wild about him in the beginning but as the seasons go on it seems the family is true to their way of life.  They are not totally isolated - on Facebook and though  it is not mentioned on the show, I felt it was fine.  He never comes off with the "I have to bring food home so my family won't starve." line.  As much as Sue complains, Chip stays happy and busy.

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It's also apparent that their extended family remain close, visit back and forth when possible and that they clearly deeply love and care about their kids and grandkids. I have no problem with them or their life choices in any way. It's not a life I'd choose but my choices wouldn't be theirs. They seem like good people to me.

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Love this "life below zero" TV show... cannot believe though that the program displays such un-sportsman like hunting tactics.  They portray Agnes as someone who is a good shot with a rifle... she just shoots into a herd of animals and gut shoots them until one drops.  Shooting animals swimming - absolutely no way of getting away.  Hitting birds over the head that cannot fly.... ridiculous, they should be arrested.  Then of course chasing a fox with a rifle in her hand while riding a snowmobile... tries to shoot at speed and the good Lord steps in and she flips the snowmobile... I laughed my rear off, only wish she had rammed the broken gun up her rear.  What a piece of work here with this family, they could loose this family and it wouldn't hurt my feelings.  The rest of the show... great job people.

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On June 17, 2016 at 5:02 AM, Beden said:

I don't have a problem with Andy. I'm not saying that he's the nicest man in the world but I have a ton of respect for the life he's chosen, how he treats his dogs--even that he recognized that however many he had before his partner left were too much for him to cope with on his own and so found good homes/sold them so that remaining animals would be well cared for. He impresses me as a head down, get the job done kind of guy without a lot of BS; independent, capable. I also have empathy for his realization that he's aging and is uncertain how much longer he can continue with this life.

I couldn't do what he does.

Totally agree.  The only thing bothering me is he seems so subdued this season.  Maybe Kate leaving him gave him a wakeup call but tbh I kinda miss the crotchety old Andy whose every other word was a swear word, lol!  I think I'd be more likely to cuss up a storm over yet another thing breaking than stepping back and quietly pondering the situation!


I've got respect for all the peeps surviving out there.  It's a glorious lifestyle but difficult and very, very dangerous.

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I've often wondered how much $$ Sue makes.  All I know is that she was gone 4 months for her broken collarbone and said she lost $300k in revenue.  I dont know what she nets after expenses but dang, that's a lot of cash.

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I'm glad that Andy is back.  I respect him for all he can do by himself.  He's a very hard worker.  Maybe he and Kate are better off being apart.  She may have gotten tired of that difficult lifestyle, and I hope she's happy back in civilization.

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11 minutes ago, Diane M said:

I'm glad that Andy is back.  I respect him for all he can do by himself.  He's a very hard worker.  Maybe he and Kate are better off being apart.  She may have gotten tired of that difficult lifestyle, and I hope she's happy back in civilization.

I think she got tired of his crankiness!!  When it's only two of you, it would really grind.  Just sayin'.

What happened to that young couple who couldn't kill a moose (?).

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Andy seems to be one of those people who gets frustrated easily and then takes his frustration out on whoever is nearest.  Yeah, I was married to one of those types and it sucked the life right out of me.  Either he's more even-tempered now that he has to do everything without help or he saw how badly he came off in past episodes when Kate was around.

One of the things that I don't like about this show is how repetitious the folks can get when they are describing their lives.  Yeah, Chip, I don't have to hear about setting traps and letting them do the work for you while you sleep six thousand times.  Glenn, I know you learn something new every day. And on and on and on.  Also, I figured that this was the perfect opportunity for Glenn to build an "igloo," since the cameraman would be there to rescue him in case the thing caved in.

Finally, I miss Foxy!!

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I wondered if Glen would attempt the snow cave if he was alone (no camera crew). Then I wondered if the moose-fat lamp would melt the snow. He said he spent seven years preparing to move to the Alaskan wilderness. I wonder if that included saving money to buy or lease the land. Also, another site stated that Glen keeps a satellite phone so he can speak with his two children.

I wonder how Andy's litigation with Kate is going (I read about this online last year). He has a lot of infrastructure invested in that property, and my impression is she wanted a settlement.

As far as I can tell, they all offer something back to society via business or give-aways, but it seems as if Glen and Andy simply exist, using Alaskan resources.

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That snow cave made me feel claustrophobic. I can't imagine staying any amount of time in there, nevermind worrying if the snow would melt with that lamp and collapse around me.

On 6/24/2016 at 7:59 PM, Medicine Crow said:

I think she got tired of his crankiness!!  When it's only two of you, it would really grind.  Just sayin'.

What happened to that young couple who couldn't kill a moose (?).

I wonder what happened to that young couple too. I didn't like him much, but she was pretty independent and strong. I miss Jesse too. But we get Andy instead.

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So, a new episode this week, but not completely new.  They re-show parts of last season, (Glenn hunting for his moose and Jessie working on his fish catching barge, etc.).

Sue, Jessie, Andy, Glen, and the Eskimo family with the sleazy father are all back.

Edited by Paddywagon
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I don't mind the repetition. I enjoy watching the guys chop firewood. I love the ruggedness. I lived on a farm and loved watching my dad and brothers chop firewood. Maybe t's just a great memory.

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The ice breakup at Andy's place is equally awe-inspiring and terrifying.  I couldn't imagine going through that every year.  I did chuckle, though, when his machine broke and he started cursing up a storm.  Good to hear the old Andy back after he was so subdued last season.

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That ice breakup was both amazing to watch and terrifying at the same time. I also got nervous for Glenn walking across that mountain in that wet, slushy snow. Sue and her garden. That was a good episode.

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I agree, rcc.  Can't stand her monotone voice either.

I was annoyed with the Hailstones this episode.  Couldn't they have left a few goose eggs to become goslings?  No, they had to raid every nest they could find.  Greedy!

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How do the Hailstones preserve all those eggs?  I thought they said they would gather hundreds.  Chip bugs me less this year, Sue bugs me more.  I get it.  You have to do everything yourself, but this lifestyle is your choice.

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Whether you like or loath Andy, I was impressed by all the canning of his harvest.

Exhausted just by looking at the number of jars he pickled.

Showing the audience how a seal is fully utilized puts Agnes in a better light.

Note the cache of eggs being sent out via the son.

Tired of Glen's yammering.

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On 12/21/2016 at 3:05 PM, Diane M said:

I really like Andy.  He may not be easy to live with, but I think he's a good man and a very hard worker.  It's amazing all the things he can do and usually all by himself.  

Really? He always scared me. I got very nervous when he would start cursing, throwing objects, etc.  Lately, he hasn't been verbally abusive to anyone, but, that's because no one else is around.  Maybe, he got some help.  I just saw that some things have happened on his end.  I'll have to check it out. 

I used to watch this show all the time. The other day, I tuned in and someone, I think Chip, said that one great thing about where they live is that there is something NEW everyday.  Well....that's odd, because every time that I tune in to the show, it seems to be the same thing all the time.  lol   Seriously, I do like the show, but I do think the same old, same old, has worn me out.  I do enjoy seeing the kids learning and growing. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Maybe there will be an offshoot when one of Agnes' and Chip's girls goes off, starts her own family, doing what she has learned from her family's teachings.

I'd watch that.

Andy is more palatable because he doesn't have someone to take his ire anymore.

Hopefully, he learned by looking at past shows he shot with Kate that he was a temper tantrum throwing bully.

Thinking he won't be alone for too long...if he decides to have a companion again.

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Glen doesn't seem to own any dogs so he always has to be on alert since he doesn't have a dog barking as an alarm for unwanted visitors.

Like how he keeps things simple, but then he only has himself to feed.

He could be the sure fire winner of half a million on that History Channel show Alone.

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