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Life Below Zero - General Discussion

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I don't understand why someone would choose this lifestyle but then spend her whole on-air time bitching about how hard it is, how much she has to do, the grizzly attack ad nauseum. It is painfully obvious that it isn't easy but equally painful listening about that same key point again and again. Don't get me wrong, I am keenly aware about the editing process but if it's so hard and you could turn into bear poop, etc. then leave. Be happy with your choices or get outta Dodge or maybe this is as happy of a person that she can be. 

  • Love 4

As much as the show avoids showing the Hailstones' lives outside of hunting and fishing, can you imagine how much ends up on the cutting room floor? This show has been filmed and edited for our entertainment. If it was all wine and roses how long would you watch it? People want to see extremes, harsh environments, and they wouldn't be too interested if things flowed along smoothly all the time. Chip and Agnes Hailstone are very interesting people. They show us how a small percentage of people live in this world. I think their way of educating their children is very smart. The girls are receiving a "formal" education and also one that could help them out later in their lives, that being as subsistence providers. How the children want to live their lives in future shouldn't even be up for discussion. As far as killing more than they need, it has been stated many many times that they provide for their particular village, family and friends and as a way of barter in needy times. I don't find Chip any more annoying than most men. I don't find him all that bossy or pushy. Agnes has the best attitude. You don't find too many people that accepting, positive, or cheerful and maybe it's because she is living the life that she wants. I feel that we certainly do not have a full appreciation of anyone's real personality that is featured on this show...they are moulded, cut and edited to present exactly what the NGC wants us to see. 


I  totally agree. And edited Chip is nowhere near as annoying as edited Glenn :P

Sue IS happy; she is living life on her own terms, and is now the proud owner of Kavik.  Not everyone is a smiley face spouting rainbows and unicorns (thank gawd!).  ;-)



Sue is hands down my favorite person on this show. I love her straight forward tell it like it is attitude.


I'm with you on that, KarmaG.  I also happen to think she is one very smart lady.

  • Love 4

Yeah, I must say that a lot of this show's appeal is identifying with those whom you feel you would be similar to under the same circumstances. I think she's one brave woman and has picked the most extreme of Alaska's environments...I can say with certainty that I couldn't and would not live in Kavik. I'm too soft, I pick Noorvik :)

  • Love 2

I wonder if Sue's grousing is her attempt to give production what it wants - an emphasis on how challenging and dramatic her environment is. Plus I think she's a worrier. Maybe the horrible bear encounter shook her up and made her that way.


Each of the characters on this series is shown as fairly one-note, and I think they are all amping it up as part of their individual character "brands."

  • Love 3

Agnes and Chip are cool, I know them well enough.


 Chip and Agnes are pretty much the same in life as they are on TV, but without background music and commercials.

They live like most people in villages around here. I live in Kotzebue about 65 miles West of Noorvik if you ride a snowmachine. Its longer ina  boat.

 Chip is a stand back and enjoy it all kind of Man, he dosent boast but he really does talk.Hes good at explainging things, and hes a good man in his village. He was a cheif in his fire department, did something with the Red Cross, and had paprmedic training so on Search nd Rescues or accidents he was always a fist responder at the worst of times. Hes smart. Agnes is smart but very quiet.I often see her but shes not  a very vocal lady, although shes has a large family and carries alot of weight in her clan because she is sucessfull and kind, and very generuse, as well as very old fasioned and a model to the youth..


Its good they show her doing unique things, like Seal Hunting or Getting Mammoth Ivory from our Native lands (chip cannot dig wiith out a permit on our commonly owned lands) and Agnes passing down customs to her children as an Inupiaq woman does out of love and tradtion.Shes a real woman, even if very reserved, and she manages her house well.


It an artical I have to find, it was in the Arctic Sounder, our local news paper, about Chip turning in an Alaska State Trooper for assaulting his daughter and it seems they wrongfully convicted Chip to shut him up and cover up the crime. read this, it a big explanation why Chip is haveing to take Agnes along on his Hunts, and show her around more. He raised two sons as excellent Hunters who have their own familys that follow the life. I wouldnt doubt if the girls stay and prosper as well, I think Agnes is having some serious fun following Chip so much, they are best friends.Agnes also saw what happend to Chip so I see no hesitation in her to do what she must because he cannot legally touch a gun.




 Before Chip was convicted, he was quite a Hunter, and ,like most Men up here, he makes alot of his own equipment. They should show more of that.  Chip makes Box's, Caches, firewood, Spears, harpoons, sleds of all types, kids toys, tents, nets, ice picks, Ulu's knives, traps, boats clothing, home tanning and Agnes makes custmary fur clothing and art work worth tens of thousands of dollars.  Many time over  many years I have seen her happy at the bank here in Kotzebue when she gets paid.

They at one time had 7 of their children and a couple neices, and 33 meals a day to hunt,gather, and fish for, as well as keep the wood in the fire and dogs fed. These people still have fun, no matter what task God has handed them.

I belive Chip wrote this as one of his blogs , with video and pictures.I read it now and then and I collect all writing about our Region here. I researched the internet and found this site, and I want to share the truth about what is shown of the Hailstone's is about 100% and editing. I find their segment very documentry like.



  • Love 7

Agnes and Chip are cool, I know them well enough.


Inukun - thank you so much for sharing your unique perspective and knowledge.  I enjoyed reading the links you provided.  I think Agnes and Chip are cool, too.  :-)


I hope you come back to these forums and share more of your thoughts about the show with us. 

  • Love 5

Edited Chip vs Edited Glenn - well yes I have to agree...Glenn is a bit of a dud...no wonder he is up in isolation...probably forced out by his family for being such a bore :)


Sorry, just now saw new posts in the thread. Glenn said in his first season that this wife and daughter lived in isolation with him but that in the end, his wife (I believe he referred to her as his ex) no longer wanted to live that way and moved back to town. That's why he makes the trek to town in the Spring, to spend time with his child. 

  • Love 1

   I would like to add that we do not have oil rigs or oil revenue here in North West Alaska, and my Native corperation does not hand out checks on any regular basis. They do have Red Dog Lead and Zink mine, a great employer in the region with work opportunitys for people, many whom work here and fly home at the end of their shift to lead a subsistence lifestyle, like the Hailstones, and some work here and live in Anchorage on a two week rotational schedual.

 Our Native corperation pays the largest ammount of tax's for our Northwest Arctic Borough, so bonds for the school district and other govornmental dutys are met and paid for.

Kids who have good grades and wish to further their education here can get help with collage funding or on the job training for Industrial type trades and associated education via our Native Corperation.


The best thing our Corperation does is manage our lands for Hunters , who go where the animals are in theior respective time of year, as the 225,000Caribou in our Western Arctic Caribou Herd is always on the move. Th epolicy of No fences and no roads keeps our food and our ways viable and unique. The Hailstones are fairly typical, some people do hunt more than them, and some less, most all dependent on need. Agnes grew up getting out and hunting when she could like the rest of us, and getting enough to last a long while, such as Fall time, when many many Caribou are caught, but hunting stops then and does not resume untill late February or March. What may seem too much to some is like money in the bank when the ice is thin and the Polar Darkness 24 hours, whith hunting a very bad prospect during the stormy times. It is not long untill the Sun returns and the meat, fish are gone.


  Chip does not use Agnes, she seems quite free to be herself, and is really not much different than when we were kids. There are things here that Chip cannot do ,on or off TV, because of his race. I think thats what makes Agnes unique on the show, and shes not being made to do anything unusual that I can see.


One thing I would like to see is more of their Sons. Both are excellent Hunters, and would represent Inupiaq Men very well. Prehaps there is not enough time to show this complex and yet happy family at it's fullest.

  • Love 7

Thank you for more insight and information on this family. I greatly appreciate when someone who actually knows a cast member (from any show) pops in and lets the forum members know about the true person, whether that's what we are seeing on our screen or not.


Yes, Inukun, I really appreciate your insights and am enjoying your informative posts.  I, for one, would like to hear more about you & your life - perhaps in the Small Talk forum?

  • Love 1

It seems that Life Below Zero is back on with new episodes.   My dvr missed it because it is titled Life Below Zero:Ice Breakers, but I was channel surfing and came across it.  I don't know if this was put together from film that was not previously aired or what.  I didn't recall seeing any of it before.

Sue was busy as always getting things stored for the winter.  I love Sue.  Such gloom and doom and she is just plain spoken.  Calls it like she sees it.

Chip and Anges, ok, Agnes was out hunting.  

The Yukon did not freeze in front of Andy & Kate's house, thus making getting around with the dogs so much harder.  Plus having problems getting to the hunting grounds.

Erik was doing his normal hunting.

I will say this, I would really like this show better without Chip.  I like Agnes but I really dislike Chip.  At least we know why he does not hunt or carry a gun.

New episodes of Life Below Zero is due to start April 9.

It seems that Life Below Zero is back on with new episodes.   My dvr missed it because it is titled Life Below Zero:Ice Breakers, but I was channel surfing and came across it.  I don't know if this was put together from film that was not previously aired or what.  I didn't recall seeing any of it before.

Sue was busy as always getting things stored for the winter.  I love Sue.  Such gloom and doom and she is just plain spoken.  Calls it like she sees it.

Chip and Anges, ok, Agnes was out hunting.  

The Yukon did not freeze in front of Andy & Kate's house, thus making getting around with the dogs so much harder.  Plus having problems getting to the hunting grounds.

Erik was doing his normal hunting.

I will say this, I would really like this show better without Chip.  I like Agnes but I really dislike Chip.  At least we know why he does not hunt or carry a gun.

New episodes of Life Below Zero is due to start April 9.


The no ice in front of Andy and Kate's house just confirms that this is a rehash of last season. Thanks for the update of when the new season starts though, I had no clue.

  • Love 1

Now the graphics department treats these four as "rock stars".


For fans of the show, I didn't feel it was necessary for them to "reintroduce" themselves this season. 


So "production" got Sue her new off-road toy.  Did they also buy new rifles (and a tri-pod) for Sue and Glenn?


I can't put my finger on it, but did anyone else get an "off" feeling from last nights episode?  

I didn't feel it was off, but I was bored because it was so much more of what we've already seen - the endless hunting and fishing, and earnest proclamations about how important it is to do the endless hunting and fishing. I don't understand why they show so much of Chip, whom I cannot stand.


Maybe I missed it - how do we know production gave Sue her buggy thing?

Chip narrates as his wife and daughters do what is their birthright.

As annoying as he can be, he does facilitate their success in gathering food for the family and fosters traditional methods.

Wished he would get some dental work done so I wouldn't have to think it... every... single... time.

Please, please spare us from Naked Glenn this season.

"Thinking of that moose nose makes me hungry."

Waiting for Eric and his wife, Martha.

Let's see the running of their fishing camp for a change of scenery and storyline.

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 1

This show should be re-titled "Sue and the Bears." It's all she talks about. C'mon, she's an intelligent, accomplished woman - show us something else.


I like watching Andy figure stuff out. More doggies please!


Long minutes of Glenn trying to hoist bloody meat - boring.


Greedy Chip: "Every family member can shoot five caribou..."


Greedy Chip: "Every family member can shoot five caribou..."

With respect, disagree with this. It seemed to me that Chip was simply stating the law. Plus, as they've made clear any number of times (over and over again...), they not only eat the caribou but also use it as a form of currency for trade. And he didn't say that they each had to kill five caribou, just that was the legal limit.



Long minutes of Glenn trying to hoist bloody meat - boring.

Crikey, yes. I was also wondering why he didn't at least wrap it in tarps to keep dirt and flies off the meat. It hadn't frozen yet and, while he would no doubt welcome maggots as an added source of protein; sorry, but yuck. Okay, my lower 48-ness is showing.

Edited by Beden

I was feeling Sue's obvious pain and fury when she saw the destruction and vandalism done to her Fairbanks cabin. I once had tenants who trashed a rental home I owned as badly as the mess Sue found and it was horrible.


Aside from the anger at wanton and pointless ruin, the sense of violation is immense...and then she's stuck cleaning up the incredible mess, spending some serious money to repair and replace and just generally feeling totally screwed for no good reason by total strangers.


Wrong for so many reasons.

  • Love 3

I *heart* Sue - and I hope a bear mauls whoever squatted/trashed her cabin.


I don't mind Sue's reiteration of how hard the life is:  I think it's her attempt, for people who watch this show and romanticize the life and think 'Wow...all that peace and quiet seems nice -- and I would like an adventure.' - it's Sue's way of trying to get across that we see an intensely edited version of the life, and it's freakin HARD work -  I think she's trying to implant in people's heads that 'Hey...if you are thinking about trying this....probably not.'

  • Love 4

Due to work I am a couple episodes behind. Watching the episode from week before last, before she heads to Fairbanks for the foot procedure. Hearing her talk more about having anxiety about socializing makes me wonder if she doesn't have Aspergers. If she was a child and didn't necessarily like socializing and touching (and she said she doesn't like either of those) then she more than likely would be diagnosed. Many Aspy's are high functioning, extremely intelligent and we know she is. She has college degrees and can run that camp like nobody's business.

  • Love 3

You may be right--I've no idea and know next to nothing about aspergers--but Sue seems to be the first to hug whoever drops off her fuel/meds/food or whatever when the plane lands. She always seems happy to see them, is clearly concerned about their safety and all of that.


I just kind of figured that she's one of those people who genuinely prefers her own company, is capable and knows it and enjoys the challenge. She also seems to be fine dealing with her clients, at least in the limited exchanges we see.

  • Love 5

You may be right--I've no idea and know next to nothing about aspergers--but Sue seems to be the first to hug whoever drops off her fuel/meds/food or whatever when the plane lands. She always seems happy to see them, is clearly concerned about their safety and all of that.


I just kind of figured that she's one of those people who genuinely prefers her own company, is capable and knows it and enjoys the challenge. She also seems to be fine dealing with her clients, at least in the limited exchanges we see.


That could very well be as well. Either way, she's my favorite. Sig Hansen from The Deadliest Catch and her are my favorite tv personalities.

  • Love 4

And, just saying--I understood Sue's apprehension about getting back home after seeing the destruction of her cabin--which we didn't see the resolution of. Did it get repaired? Did she decide to sell or abandon it? Was the work done by Sue? Did she have to hire people so she could get back to Kavik? It was so badly trashed I wonder how she decided to deal.

  • Love 1

I'm still a couple episodes behind (stupid RL work :P) but I think maybe she's just there for filming. She's never been huge on having the camera in her face but in previous seasons we've seen her oh so much more than we have this season. That and the last name thing just really tell me she's not with him like she once was. Maybe off screen he's even worse. Remember how he acted when she was trying to build the fence last year?

I'm divorced and I don't judge anyone who's either going through one of having marital problems; no, I'm a long way from sainthood but the breakup (if that's what it is) of any relationship isn't a fun thing and in many ways is a very real death. If they have broken up then they have reasons which we aren't privy to as watchers of a reality show.


I guess I'm in the minority regarding Andy; he strikes me as a reasonably bright man who doesn't suffer fools lightly. Independent, stubborn and possibly a pain in the ass with a temper/frustration not too far from the surface. I suspect he may well be hard to live with but we make our choices; almost no one could understand why I married my ex and stayed for over 25 years and it was no ones damn business. Of course I'd have to be hog tied before I'd agree to being filmed. And my memories--possibly wrong--of Kate building the fence was that he was supportive and complimentary with her justified pride when it was up and working.


Just MO, as we say, no one has to agree and god knows it wouldn't be the first time.

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I had to laugh a little bit at Sue's lamentations and dread about going to the doctor. I was expecting major surgery on her "paws"  from the way she carried on. It looks like she got cortisone injections and was able to leave immediately.


I used to think of Sue as a female John Wayne because of the way she talks. Now I think of her as the female Ron Swanson. Love her. She takes such great care of Ermie (Ernie?) the elderly sled dog. Gotta love that.

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Kate has apparently left Andy according to her Facebook page. She's in Fairbanks. Which I'm glad to see. I always thought he was an asshole. It will be interesting to see how Discovery handles it.


Glad someone found out what's going on so we can mostly stop speculating :) Was just coming to say I am finally able to watch most of last week's episode where Andy is rebuilding the sled and having to cut the big sheet of plastic by himself. If there was ever any doubt that Kate wasn't around that quashed it for me. If she'd have been there she'd have been helping him but she wasn't. 


Whatever happens I hope they both have found happiness.

And my memories--possibly wrong--of Kate building the fence was that he was supportive and complimentary with her justified pride when it was up and working.


Oh he was far from supportive. He basically told her she was doing it wrong and almost took over. Near the end he told her she did a good job but before that it was not pleasant and you could tell she was hurt by his words/actions.


It will be interesting to see how Discovery handles it.



Whatever happens I hope they both have found happiness.

I agree on both points. In all likelihood there's a good to fair chance that filming may have been completed before Kate left or that she and Andy chose to keep it private. Obviously I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me. I know I wouldn't want something like a clearly personal breakup filmed for public consumption.


And yes, if this is what makes them (or or of them) either actually happy or less unhappy, then good for them.

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