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S07.E12: Nina & Jon

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Watching the Jon and Nina story.... I caught something.... when they were showing the phone with the text messages, one of the messages was changed, after it had been sent. This is so fake, I want to throw something at Nev.

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Jon and Nina: I suspect Nina’s “webcam business” will drop significantly after people see this & realize that good lighting and camera angles can make a lot of people look better than real life.  She did not look at all like the cute little blond we saw early in the show. She was looking to improve her lot in life with a good looking high roller and then when it turned out to be a nice, but obese man, who spent money that he probably couldn’t afford and said all the lovely  things that her husband wouldn’t - she was a bitch and I don’t care what happens to her.

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On 7/13/2018 at 7:48 PM, Phoebe70 said:

Nina was nasty and didn’t deserve her husband or “Jon.”  I feel sorry for her poor children. 

I would agree if what we saw on the show was the whole truth and the only truth, but Nina did say that her husband was not always as devoted as he appeared to be now. If that's true, then I'm guessing that's why he's putting up with her behavior, because he wasn't always Mr. Wonderful. Regardless, I hope for the sake of their children that they have forgiven each other and are truly committed to themselves and their family.

That being said, "webcam model" sounds like a shiesty "profession". Barely above porn. I suppose it could be a lifeline for people who are lonely and looking for companionship, and I can see it doing some good there. But I could never be in a committed relationship with someone who did that for a living.

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Good Gordon.  Nina was really making some serious bank on that website.  For just sitting at home.  That was the biggest shocker/takeaway for me.  I mean ...  On another note, Miles and Nina are two tragic people.  I shouldn't, but I feel a little sorry for Miles.  Its for the best that things were cut off completely.  I hope Miles finds health and happiness both physically and emotionally.  Nina, I'm on the fence about.

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Nina is a sexy webcam model, who’s considering leaving her husband for a big spender client she’s fallen in love with online. Nev and Max investigate this high stakes case to determine if his big tips come with bigger lies.

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So Max says there’s plenty of parks and they can meet at one.  They get to the location and while there is grass it doesn’t look like a park.  Google the address and it’s a cemetery, mortuary and mausoleum lol.  How romantic.

Oh, and aren’t webcam models supposed to be attractive?   Even if she wasn’t overweight her face is all kinda messed up.

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I wonder how or why she lost custody of the kids...I feel there's a lot to the story of how things are between her and her husband that we don't know. Not that they owe us all the gory details, but it might have helped the whole situation make more sense. Regardless of whether Mike lied, he was kinder and more supportive than her husband, and she didn't seem to care. I came away thinking the idea that he was rich was what attracted her.

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If not entirely fake it was still an episode just for the shock value of "oo let's exploit a dying marriage for ratings"

I'm sure there are some people in Nina's profession that aren't complete sluts with no purpose in life

But yeah she was one of the stereotypes

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On 7/17/2018 at 3:09 PM, beesknees said:

Good Gordon.  Nina was really making some serious bank on that website.  For just sitting at home.  That was the biggest shocker/takeaway for me.

If she's really making money while doing her laundry, it's probably one of those sites where the women can wear a remote-control vibrator that a customer can activate by using some of their tokens. Some people will pay money just to startle her.

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Even though Nina was a webcam model, I bet both she and Mike were enjoying the money she was making from that work.

Webcam models can look like anything; people have all types of tastes.  Nina wasn't all that, but I'm sure there are loads of men who find her hot.  I bet she wears sexy lingerie and does housework while people watch. 

But she was looking for a sugar daddy, that's true.

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