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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Tyler is very nervous right now. She also wants to tell him that Sam has a power. He is trying to talk her out of  this path .

He should probably let this go and start thinking about the eviction and if they should save Winston and Brett.

Kait called to DR and she says she should have let them talk shit about her and stuck with them.

Edited by missyb
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Just now, missyb said:

Tyler is very nervous right now. She also wants to tell him that Sam has a power. He is trying to talk her out of  this path .

I think Tyler's losing control of her. I think his best bet is convincing Sam to use the power this week so they can get Kaitlyn out next week. She just isn't worth it, at this point. 

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If there's anyone I now strongly dislike after last nights shenanigans it's Sam. Either use your power, or don't use your power. The way she was grilling people about their financial situation and what they'd do with the money was awful. She also said that she wants to make the house a "nice, happy, loving environment" for people and she only wants to "move forward" with people who will do "happy, good" things with the money. The way she was talking it was obvious that she feels like she's the beacon of goodness and virtue in the house and she was grilling people to see how they stack up next to her. And the HG's had no choice but to assure Sam that they were going to be virtuous and good. She even said that Winston comes from a "very American" background. What does that have to do with the tea in China? That shit is fucking annoying. 

I wish someone had just said:

1) My personal finances are none of your business.

2) Please explain what qualifies as "happy, good" uses of money.

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Bayleigh is telling Kaycee that as soon as Kaitlyn comes out of the DR, she's planning on telling Scottie she flipped the vote on Steve and that if Scottie backdoors her, Sam will use her power to save Kaitlyn.  Bayleigh is also spilling how Kaitlyn is pissed at Tyler.  Now fishcam.

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15 hours ago, missyb said:

Sam almost begs him to guess she has the power. They are talking about this power Brett may have, to veto himself and name the replacement. Then she blurts out Identity theft. Now where did that come from ? Did she pull that out of her ass? 

Someone might have said this already, but she would have seen Identity Theft as an option when she selected her Power App.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

She will because they have a F2 and actually trust each other. 

I know, Kaycee must retain this connection to Bayleigh to warn Tyler so he can use his power when necessary.

What a mess this all is, but so great!

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47 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

She never knows when to shut up, does she?

No. No, she does not.

45 minutes ago, missyb said:

Uh oh! She says she feels "some type of way" about Tyler right now. She is telling them that although it was her own decision, if it were not for Tyler and JC she could not have gone through with it. She was thinking about it all night and now, she feels TYler steered everything ( and JC).


45 minutes ago, zorak said:

She's also sort of bashing Tyler right now.  She says she's trusted him and it always leads to shitty situations.  Kaitlyn also wanted to know how Rockstar already knew that Kaitlyn flipped the vote.  She says she just knew.  

She says she's disgusted with Tyler because he wasn't comforting her last night.  She says if Rockstar wins HOH and wants to put him up, she doesn't even care.

I am shocked. This is my shocked face. :| Who could have ever guessed that a) she is ass over teakettle about him, and b) she's super bitter because she's finally catching the snap that it isn't mutual?

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I hope sam uses her power on the bros and they stay only because this week is becoming a shit show lol  AND i want one of the bros to win HOH, put up Kaitlyn and Scottie. 

Has Bay's power been shown on the episode yet? I'm just wondering, if she noms 2 people, she has no power over what happens at veto correct? like she can't put up the replacement nominee so her power could be completely useless if someone on the HOH's side won veto, took one of the nominees off and up went one of the true targets of the HOH. 

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6 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Someone might have said this already, but she would have seen Identity Theft as an option when she selected her Power App.

That's what I mean. The only people who know the choices are people go received a power app. Scottie should have questioned how she knows the name of the power apps.

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6 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Someone might have said this already, but she would have seen Identity Theft as an option when she selected her Power App.

Yes, but she would have only seen that option because she was the winner of a power app, which Scottie is unaware of.  I think the implication was that Scottie could have put 2 and 2 together and figured out that Sam was the recipient of a power.

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Tyler got exasperated at one point in that endless "poor me" conversation with Kaitlyn, basically telling her that all Brett was trying to do is save himself in the house, that it's all everyone is trying to do.  But that does not make her a huge victim, so she pretty much ignored him.  I want to thank BB for calling her into the DR, but I was about to stab myself in the eye from listening to that whining, crying voice.

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This could be an amazing Thursday night eviction if Sam uses her power. 
This is a great season, so far. Lots of unpredictability, for a change. 
After veto, the question will be: 
" To use or not to use, that is the question"  Sam's power.

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At this point, I'll be disappointed if the power isn't used, if only because using it this week ensures way better feeds for next week. Without the power in play, all bets are off. Next week if the power isn't used, we know it's a dud week so the suspense isn't there, besides waiting for everyone to find out that the eviction may not matter. 

Ok, but in reality, I only need the power used so Kaitlyn can leave. Girl is exhausting and frustrating to watch. I get anxiety listening to her for too long.

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Tyler is still trying to do damage control with Kaitlyn.  He says his first instinct was to protect Kaitlyn.

And now Kaitlyn is throwing out the world "validation" again.

Kaitlyn:  "I feel like I've already won.  I know that sounds so crazy."  Now she's rambling on about how maybe the higher good isn't her winning BB.  She also was rehashing her standing up for herself crap.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Kaitlyn:  "I feel like I've already won.  I know that sounds so crazy."  Now she's rambling on about how maybe the higher good isn't her winning BB.  She also was rehashing her standing up for herself crap.

She just...she doesn't know what taking responsibility for her actions mean. She hides being her auras and psychic readings and life coaching stuff, and it's giving those actual professionals a bad name. 

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Good lord, I see what everyone means about Kait's ultra whiny, little girl voice. It's absolutely cringing to listen to when she plays it up.

Edited by vb68
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If Kaitlyn acts like this as a 20 something year old woman, I can only imagine what she was like in the teenage years.  I also wonder if her parents know how batshit crazy she is and indulge her anyway or if the whole family is nuts and think she's perfectly normal.

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Kaitlyn is giving an up close and personal girl power speech to Scottie's Snapchat glasses.  It's all the usual stand up to yourself against men stuff.

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Has anyone seen any blogs or any of these ridiculous snap chat clips ??

Kaitlin is telling Scottie about her voting Steve out .Now. And she wants it on snap chat video.

Edited by missyb
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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Kaitlyn is giving an up close and personal girl power speech to Scottie's Snapchat glasses.  It's all the usual stand up to yourself against men stuff.

*headdesk* Girl. Please. What in the blue hell does she think she's standing up against the patriarchy about?? 

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LOL Kaitlyn is gonna get targeted so quickly after betraying EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE HOUSE.

I wish this would motivate Scottie to backdoor her, because it would be the ultimate Team Good Feeds, but sadly, Kaitlyn will likely be boasting about how awesome she is...for 18 more days.

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I am wondering where Sam and Tyler will end up at the conclusion of this conversation? Will he use the veto, put Kaitlin up and force Sam to use her power ? That would be precious!

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Kaitlyn is like legit insane. I fucking love it! 

However, I refuse to watch her talk to Tyler because I just have way too much second-hand embarrassment and because her voice makes my ears bleed. Also, I hate Tyler lol.

Brett thinks Faysal put Kaitlyn up to going after him. Like he legit thinks he's the mastermind. I about lost it. Talk about having no clue.

I really need Tyler to go soon so I can see just what these people would do without him to tell them what to do.

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I'm laughing at Kaitlyn not realizing that she's making Scottie pissed off. She has a real problem with narcissism. She thinks she did this epic thing....to Steve's closest ally, who's HOH and the veto holder....and the ceremony hasn't even happened yet.

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I'm most curious to see what Scottie does with the knowledge that Sam has the power from the first week and hasn't told him.  She's said to his face that she doesn't have one.  I wonder how he's going to take that going forward.

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Just now, xKHANx said:

Sam never told KRaxy-Kat she had a power did she? I thought Tyler was the only one she told...

Sam only told Tyler and Kaycee. Tyler turned L6+Kaitlyn, and Kaitlyn told the entire other side (now Scottie included).

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Just now, xKHANx said:

Gotta say...

I think Scottie is fucking buying everything she is saying....

What a dum-bass.

I think that he is sticking to the Brett/Winston are evil script so that he looks like he's the hero this week.

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