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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Do we know if any of that bible swearing actually happened? Like did anyone see it/read about it? I mean I'm not gonna just take Scottie's word on this lol.

I'm not sure the Rachel thing actually happened.  I think Scottie might have made that up just like he made up that Rachel told him about Rachel's nonexistent final 2 with Kaycee.  The Bayleigh thing I'm not sure about either.  I know Bayleigh told someone she made him do it.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Because she told Bayleigh that she wanted Bayleigh to be the first black woman to win and really, she's going to backdoor her just like how Swaggy was backdoored. 

I mean that was a bit much, but Angela's just a bitch lol.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Swaggy is - that's right, you guessed it - salty as hell about all of this on Twitter, including accusing Angela of playing the race card. Because she told Bayleigh that she wanted Bayleigh to be the first black woman to win and really, she's going to backdoor her just like how Swaggy was backdoored. 

Bring popcorn.

But will Rockstar back him up and imply that Angela is racist if the Bayleigh backdoor plan goes into effect?  We know she was implying that Swaggy getting booted was somehow due to the fact that he is black.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

I know Bayleigh told someone she made him do it.

Oh yea, I feel like I remember her telling people last week while she was HOH that she made Scottie swear on the bible about something. But she was saying so much stupid stuff and telling so many unnecessary lies last week that I can't be sure that was true.

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Swaggy is - that's right, you guessed it - salty as hell about all of this on Twitter, including accusing Angela of playing the race card. Because she told Bayleigh that she wanted Bayleigh to be the first black woman to win and really, she's going to backdoor her just like how Swaggy was backdoored. 

Bring popcorn.

I thought Elena was the most annoying Past HG on Twitter. This season isn’t even close to being over and Swaggy has taken over her reign. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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If I was going to believe that either of them made him swear on a Bible, I'd go with Bayleigh. Just simply for the fact that half the time I can't find her on the feeds it's because she's holed up in her bed with the Bible. I don't remember Rachel touching it until two or so days before her eviction. Which doesn't really mean anything but I'd believe the Bayleigh one and question the Rachel one personally.

4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I mean that was a bit much, but Angela's just a bitch lol.

I remember Angela saying that during Bayleigh's HoH, when Bayleigh didn't want anyone to kiss her ass but then demanded that her subjects kiss her ass. Has she been saying it since? Either way, to me it's all a part of the game play and making the target feel safe.

Edited by Callaphera
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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Do we know if any of that bible swearing actually happened? Like did anyone see it/read about it? I mean I'm not gonna just take Scottie's word on this lol.

I think the Rachel one is bullshit. However, I actually think I remember Bayleigh doing it with Scottie. I remember him needing to go have a conversation early on in her HOH, and I want to say that my memory is good that it remembers this happening, and I'm not just having memory distortion. I'm going to do some actual research and come back to you on this. But I feel like the Bayleigh/Scottie Bible swearing thing DID happen in the HOH room. 

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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:
4 minutes ago, lookattheflowers said:

Does jury start this week??



Sorry for the Paul flashback, guys, but c'mon. Someone had to say it.

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@peachmangosteen, so I couldn't find a direct tweet, but here's an update from July 27th at, like, 3am BBT:


3:00-4:00 AM: ...Bayleigh then asked Scottie if he flipped tonight. Scottie promised that he didn’t. He said he thinks it was Rachel but there was no malice behind it. As for her options, Scottie said he thinks she could nominate any two of Brett, JC, Sam and Tyler. He suggested leaving Angela, Kaycee and Rachel untouched. Scottie said he can take that shot next week for her. Bayleigh doesn’t want to nominate Sam or Tyler. She said she can nominate Brett and JC, and they are going to have to get over it. Scottie said those are two easy nominations since she is least connected with them. Bayleigh looked for reassurance that Scottie will not use his evil genius ways against her. He put his hand on the bible and pledged his loyalty to Bayleigh, Faysal, Haleigh and Rockstar.

I know that doesn't say that Bayleigh told him to do it, but I'm now pretty sure that she did. It would be odd if he did it by himself.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I know that doesn't say that Bayleigh told him to do it, but I'm now pretty sure that she did. It would be odd if he did it by himself.

I don't think it would be odd if he did it on his own, but I can also easily believe Bay told him to do it. Either way, I don't really give a shit tbh.

This reminds me of when James Rhine swore on the bible with his fingers crossed behind his back lol.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Sam says she can make them all some Play Doh.

That squeal. Dear God, she hit Mariah Carey dog whistle levels there. 

I swear she sneaks off to the DR, tokes up in there, and then comes back out for Craftin' Time with Aunt Sam.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

That squeal. Dear God, she hit Mariah Carey dog whistle levels there. 

I swear she sneaks off to the DR, tokes up in there, and then comes back out for Craftin' Time with Aunt Sam.

Of all her crafts she's made, home made play dough is the one that I'm surprised previous houseguests haven't made because it is that simple.  Oh, think about what Vanessa would have done with several piles of play dough instead of the Skittles she had to use!

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I swear that Sam's high. Or she's huffing the cleaning supplies she's always using. 

Maybe there's more than just tomatoes growing in the kitchen garden that Sam was talking about this morning.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

LMAO Haleigh and Bayleigh thinking Angela's target was always Tyler. I can't you guys. I just can't do this for the rest of the season!

Why would Haleigh say that?  She's the one who put Tyler up.  Did she do it because she thought that's what Angela wanted?

Haleigh says that it is for sure that Tyler and Scottie are working together.

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I keep trying to walk away and spend my Saturday like a functioning adult (with my feet up on the coffee table, binge watching Investigation Discovery, and drinking wine) but the feeds have been kinda ridiculous since they came back from Veto. 

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Why would Haleigh say that?  She's the one who put Tyler up.  Did she do it because she thought that's what Angela wanted?

No, they're just thinking now that maybe Angela's target was actually Tyler since she told Scottie and RS that they were never her real targets. 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

No, they're just thinking now that maybe Angela's target was actually Tyler since she told Scottie and RS that they were never her real targets. 

Alrighty then.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I keep trying to walk away and spend my Saturday like a functioning adult (with my feet up on the coffee table, binge watching Investigation Discovery, and drinking wine) but the feeds have been kinda ridiculous since they came back from Veto. 

I keep being like OK I'm going to bed but then someone says something ridiculous and I just have to continue watching.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Oh, I think it's Rockstar snorting or something. I don't know. Just staaaahp!

Nope, it's Bayleigh choking down a royal sneeze. Jesus. Didn't she read that article about the guy with the throat explosion earlier this year?

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:


It's Bayleigh doing her weird dragon snort thing instead of actually blowing her nose.

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1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

Bayleigh, Hayleigh and RS are so out of the loop.

How did Haleigh have the smarts to nom Tyler but now somehow have absolutely no idea what's going on lol? They always seem like they get it for a sec, but then they lose it immediately.

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Bayleigh just told Rockstar what to say word for word to Angela to try to get her to take Rockstar down.  It was some crap about the boys running the show and the girls alliance.

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Just now, zorak said:

It's Bayleigh doing her weird dragon snort thing instead of actually blowing her nose.

She has the weirdest allergies I've ever seen because they only ever seem to kick in when she's stealth whispering and I'm cranking the volume and pressing the headphone against my ear. I have less hearing loss after going to a loud concert than I do listening to Bayleigh snort and cough a millimeter away from her microphone. 

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Geez Louise, just when I was starting to feel a tad sorry for Bayleigh she’s verbally bullying Rockstar with a look that could kill. If she ever has kids God help them. I can so picture her years from now screaming in the middle of a store “YOU ARE EMBARRASSING ME NOW, SWAGGY JR.”

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