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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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And to think I thought everything was settled and today would be boring, but Bayleigh’s HOHitis came early and hard.

But it makes perfect sense that she told Rachel about her app, because she felt guilty about nominating her, and the way to make someone feel better about you nominating them is to let them know you have even MORE power than just this week. That’s just good gameplay, y’all (as my eyes roll completely out of my head).

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Tyler, Tyler Tyler! He is working it. Playing the victim to Fessy. He can say anything he wants because Kaitlyn is not coming back. Taking advantage of the game. Good game play.

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

But it makes perfect sense that she told Rachel about her app, because she felt guilty about nominating her, and the way to make someone feel better about you nominating them is to let them know you have even MORE power than just this week. That’s just good gameplay, y’all (as my eyes roll completely out of my head).

Don't forget later she barged in on Rachel crying to clarify exactly how the power works. 

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Bayleigh says she plans on moving to LA.  Haleigh says she'll sign a 6 month lease to move in with Bayleigh and she'll just take online classes.  I swear I also heard Bayleigh say something about taking the MCAT.

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Yep. Rachel went into the can a while to let out some heaving sobs as soon as Brett left. If she’d see that it’s JC aiming for her and redirect the Scottinoia she has going on, she’d be better off if only because she’d stop telling JC everything she knows and thinks she knows. 

Tyler’s ability to refrain from any type of bragging about running things or controlling people is his superpower. Well, that and actually listening instead of letting his inner narrator talk smack about what’s being said to him Truly amazing. 

I did laugh when Tyler told the Giant the people watching the feeds know what’s up vs the story told on TV about Chakra Con and how she related to them and the things she told them. That the Giant didn’t ask or acknowledge how Tyler knew the difference surprised but oh well, his oops. 

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Bayleigh is letting Rockstar know that people think Rockstar is kissing her butt by wearing the Swaggy C shirt today.

Rockstar:  "Am I ever going to be allowed to wear a fucking Swaggy C t shirt?"

Bayleigh told her it's ok.  But really Bayleigh has been throwing shade at Rockstar to other people about Rockstar's t shirt choice today.

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It's weird. I think Bayleigh should not have won this HoH. I think she's handling her HoH reign terribly. HOWEVER, I also think that with the house as firmly divided as it is, it really doesn't even matter that much, as there are so many big targets out there. Who even puts up Bayleigh next week?

Now, if she uses her power, she's probably screwed because Rachel will tell the others and they might all backdoor Bayleigh, but otherwise, I think this reminds me of Sam's HoH, where it was a terrible job, but probably doesn't actually screw her too much (Sam was obviously helped out a lot by Kaitlyn somehow botching the puzzle). 

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Bayleigh to Rockstar:  I'll give you another heads up that some people still think you made a deal with Brett."  Well, Bayleigh might just be one of those people based on what she said to JC earlier.  It was hard to know if Bayleigh really believed what she was telling JC or not but she definitely did tell him that.

Rockstar says the only deals she's made have been to the girls promising them that she wouldn't put a girl on the block.  Bayleigh is quick to point out that Bayleigh never said she wouldn't do that.  Rockstar says she knows, but that's the deal Rockstar made with others.

Bayleigh is taking Rockstar to task about Rockstar not getting to know the people in the house that Rockstar isn't friends with.  Bayleigh listed a crap ton of personal things about Brett that she says she knows not because she's really talked to Brett that much, but because she listens when people talk.

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Bayleigh says Rockstar shouldn't waste her entertaining stories on people who don't care.  Instead she says Rockstar needs to be gathering info.

Edited by zorak
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1 hour ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh and Haleigh are up in HOH.  Bayleigh just called Faysal in to bitch him out and to never say that anything Bayleigh does is a bad move.  She's mad because he was saying he didn't want JC going up.

OK so she doesn't want an alliance, she wants a group of people who will kiss her ass and tell her she's right.

I have gone back and forth on Bay all season, but I can already tell I'm just gonna hate her more with each passing day of her HOH. All of her worst qualities are out in full force.

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Ah, the classic, "Well, I'm the HoH, so that suddenly gives me great insight into everyone else that I need to share with you all that you cannot disagree with since I can nominate you" time of the week. 

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

OK so she doesn't want an alliance, she wants a group of people who will kiss her ass and tell her she's right.

I have gone back and forth on Bay all season, but I can already tell I'm just gonna hate her more with each passing day of her HOH. All of her worst qualities are out in full force.

She has HOHits to the Extreme. 

I think the only one that hasn't so far is Tyler- and he was HoH for 2 weeks! Haha. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Two phrases I'm already sick of hearing Bayleigh say:  1) "You know what I'm saying?" and 2) "But here's the thing..."  I don't know how many times I've heard her say both of these phrases today.

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Just now, SiobhanJW said:

I think the only one that hasn't so far is Tyler- and he was HoH for 2 weeks! Haha. 

It was the first HOH though and I think it's easier to not go full HOHitis then. But still, Bay is approaching Sam levels here!

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh says Rockstar shouldn't waster her entertaining stories on people who don't care.  Instead she says Rockstar needs to be gathering info.

Stage 4 HOHitis. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

So, Rachel just confirmed to Brett that he's the target.

She thinks the best case scenario is her and Brett on the block together. What? 

Only thing I can think is that she feels it gives them more options to win the veto so that Scottie or JC can be put up in their place. She's wrong, but that's the only thing I can think of of why that's a good thing for them.

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This disaster is totally gonna end with Scottie getting backdoored, isn't it? 

I thought Haleigh could talk some sense into her about why that's a bad idea, but she's got her head so far up her own ass it's unbelievable.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

She thinks the best case scenario is her and Brett on the block together. What? 

LOL. Angela thinks this, too. Maybe they're just trying to make themselves feel better.

But it swear if the veto is used and Bay's dumb fucking ass puts up Scottie, I'm gonna lose my mind. With laughter.

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For all of Bayleigh's boohooing to Sam last week that people are afraid to talk to her, after really seeing a lot of her today I feel like Bayleigh has major Resting Bitch Face and I also feel like there's just something off putting about her tone a lot of the time or something.

1 minute ago, Cutty said:

This disaster is totally gonna end with Scottie getting backdoored, isn't it? 

I thought Haleigh could talk some sense into her about why that's a bad idea, but she's got her head so far up her own ass it's unbelievable.

I don't know about Scottie being the replacement nom.  I think she told Rockstar that she didn't want to put Scottie up.  

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It's funny. I get way too involved in the analytical side of BB.

For instance, I'm actually fine with her HOHitis, as it is not, like, offensively bad (some people just become diiiiiiiiiiiiiicks about it), but I get more irritated when I see someone on Twitter talking about how good of a game she's playing. You know what I mean? I am less irked at her than I am of people trying to spin her actions as if she is some sort of mastermind, when, good or bad, that ain't her. 

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Will medics need called to assist Bayleigh in getting through the HOH door after her ego gets her stuck in the doorway like when the oompah loompahs rescued Augustus Gloop from the chocolate river’s filtration tubing?

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

I don't know about Scottie being the replacement nom.  I think she told Rockstar that she didn't want to put Scottie up.  

So, what would happen if JC won veto and pulled Brett down? 

Scottie would certainly go up, yes? Of course, I don't know if JC would pull Brett down, but the scenario is hilarious in itself. I kind of want S5 to get blindsided and screwed one last time before jury.

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Bayleigh told Rockstar that on her way out Kaitlyn told her that Haleigh knew at least 3 days before that Kaitlyn was going to put up Swaggy and that Haleigh said she respected whatever Kaitlyn decided.  Bayleigh wants to know if she should confront Haleigh about this.

2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, what would happen if JC won veto and pulled Brett down? 

Scottie would certainly go up, yes? Of course, I don't know if JC would pull Brett down, but the scenario is hilarious in itself. I kind of want S5 to get blindsided and screwed one last time before jury.

I meant that Bayleigh said she didn't want Scottie going up as a replacement nom.  She seems pretty intent on putting up Rachel and Brett.  But I think her intention is to put up JC as a replacement nom if need be.

Edited by zorak
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Just now, zorak said:

Bayleigh told Rockstar that on her way out Kaitlyn told her that Haleigh knew at least 3 days before that Kaitlyn was going to put up Swaggy and that Haleigh said she respected whatever Kaitlyn decided.  Bayleigh wants to know if she should confront Haleigh about this.

Bayleigh seems intent on attacking the only allies she's ever had in this game. 

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Just now, zorak said:

Bayleigh told Rockstar that on her way out Kaitlyn told her that Haleigh knew at least 3 days before that Kaitlyn was going to put up Swaggy and that Haleigh said she respected whatever Kaitlyn decided.  Bayleigh wants to know if she should confront Haleigh about this.

It makes sense, since any confrontations you have when you're HoH and people can't say anything against you will never affect you later in the game, so please feel free to rail on Haleigh without worry about future repercussions.

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Bayleigh claims she promised Angela loyalty on Day 2.  Rachel just asked her why not put up Angela instead.

She's also saying that's her reason for not putting up Kaycee either.

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Rachel wants to know what it is that scares Bayleigh about putting JC up.  She says she's scared about him running his mouth saying mean things about her.  She also says that a lot of people told her they don't want JC to go up and that JC has people in the game who want to protect him.

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9 minutes ago, zorak said:

I don't know about Scottie being the replacement nom.  I think she told Rockstar that she didn't want to put Scottie up.  

She's lying to RS IMO. She's pretty done with her and only using her as a number at this point. When she was spilling her guts to Rachel, RS was her first girl target. 

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Just now, Cutty said:

Rachel is losing it. This is why you never agree to go on the block. 

I loved her trying to talk back her "I'm okay with going up" bit. Never say that you're okay with going up! That's like Big Brother 101!

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1 minute ago, Ceeg said:

She's lying to RS IMO. She's pretty done with her and only using her as a number at this point. When she was spilling her guts to Rachel, RS was her first girl target. 

But she also told Sam she didn't want Scottie going home because she feels like Scottie is on Bayleigh's side.

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Bayleigh claims that if Rachel comes off the block, she'll put Scottie up.  She also said, "Unfortunately, Sam is always going to vote with you guys."

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

But she also told Sam she didn't want Scottie going home because she feels like Scottie is on Bayleigh's side.

I just assume that what she told Rachel is the truth because Rachel is the only one she told about her power app and exactly what it is and how it works. She hasn't told Haleigh or RS or Sam. She told Fessy she has it but I don't think she gave him all the details. 

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Chima Simone just tweeted *savors some schadenfreude*

I guess she’s gloating about the highly damning article in The New Yorker by Ronan Farrow about Leslie Moonves. Geez, I wonder how bad this is for him and wifey?

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On 2/13/2018 at 12:17 AM, Brian Cronin said:

Loved Julie tonight! I know it's a dumb thing to worry about, but I really hope that the rumors about her husband don't turn out to be true (that he's allegedly the next person for whom "time's up"), if only because I don't see how Julie could weather something like that and I am NOT prepared to watch BB without Chen-bot present!

It's crazy how long these things take to come to fruition, by the way. The rumors about their being an expose on Moonves' creepiness were swirling back in February and yet only now did the article come out. It's bizarre how much I worry about Julie being okay with the fallout of her husband being a creep.

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Prior to this, Rachel had asked about going up as a replacement nom instead of going on the block initially.  Bayleigh was against it.  Rachel seemed to think that if Brett came down and she was on the block against Scottie, Rachel would have the votes to stay.  Bayleigh said that she really didn't know because she didn't know what kind of relationships Rachel has with other people in the house.

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Just now, TimWil said:

I guess she’s gloating about the highly damning article in The New Yorker by Ronan Farrow about Leslie Moonves. Geez, I wonder how bad this is for him and wifey?

It's seriously bad for him, and I guess that means bad for her, too, right? 

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Rachel is right. If this all girls thing actually has a shot it doesn't make any sense for her to be on the block over JC. I honestly think Bayleigh doesn't want JC to go nuts. What a terrible reason.

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