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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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I like Angela for saying she wasn’t cool with Winston storming out of there after hugging only Brett. He wasn’t being “civil.” She said she’d hug everyone when she leaves. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

LOL, yep, Tyler/Brett came up with this together, and I love it. They're tag teaming against Kaitlyn right now and it's brilliant.

Eh, there's something sleazy about it. Is it good gameplay? Yes. But it reminds me of Boogie/Erika and Dan/Danielle. Good gameplay, but that doesn't mean Brett and Tyler aren't being total dicks.

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Just now, TimWil said:

I like Angela for saying she wasn’t cool with Winston storming out of there after hugging only Brett. He wasn’t being “civil.” She said she’d hug everyone when she leaves. 

Who knew furniture could hug? 

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Eh, there's something sleazy about it. Is it good gameplay? Yes. But it reminds me of Boogie/Erika and Dan/Danielle. Good gameplay, but that doesn't mean Brett and Tyler aren't being total dicks.

Oh, they for sure are. But I guess I don't mind this gameplay because it's nice to see people playing the game, and not just one person. 

I know, I know, I'm probably also a dick for enjoying this. But Kaitlyn is so easy to manipulate.

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Just now, Cutty said:

Like why would RS go through with her alleged plan of flipping and keep Brett after being called out on live TV. 

The reasoning one of the people came up with (maybe Angela when she was briefly in there) was "muscle memory" and Kaitlyn bought it.

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh, they for sure are. But I guess I don't mind this gameplay because it's nice to see people playing the game, and not just one person. 

I know, I know, I'm probably also a dick for enjoying this. But Kaitlyn is so easy to manipulate.

I don't think Tyler and Brett are anywhere near as malicious or exploitative as Mike Boogie or Dan. I'd say they're closer to the Brigade and Britney in that, if she falls for their act, it's due to poor gameplay and willful ignorance on her part. 

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58 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Sam is a sheep. She will do what Tyler says. 

Kaitlyn/Rockstar noms likely. 

If she listens to Tyler she will NOT put up Kaitlyn because of the power to come right back into the game and also Kaitlyn would be insufferable all week long.  Put up someone quiet like Fessy who will sleep through the week.  If they think Kaitlyn might blow the challenge then backdoor her.  But don't have her nominated for a whole week.

Of course they don't know about Bay's power so things will get interesting for sure.


45 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I liked Brett's veto speech. The eviction one was really douchey. 

Nay, his speech at eviction was perfect because Rockstar went mental and got so angry the adrenaline was flowing like crazy.  I said that in the TV thread before coming here and called Rockstar out first because of that because adrenaline only last a short amount of time and when used up the person is left with no energy.  Such was the case.

Little did I know that The Gang That Can't Shoot Straight would all be falling for his speech as well.  Little did he know for that matter.

Thanks again to you guys giving us recaps so quickly.  Loving it tonight.  It is so fun to have the people I actually like and am rooting for winning for like the first time since Danielle in Season 3 ... well minus that Season's ending anyway.

Edited by green
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Kaitlyn was going on about how sure she was that Hayleigh was lying, and how uncomfortable she was because she was lying. Brett mentioned that she was uncomfortable because he was in the room. Her response - “why would she be uncomfortable, she voted to keep you!” Dumbass, she was uncomfortable because she voted his ass out. She is so clueless. It hurts to watch her.

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Here is the thing people dont understand about lies.  The common thought is most "The best lies have a bit of truth to them".  But there is another theory.  If a lie is so unbelievable it might just be true.  Aka Dan's Funeral 

Edited by RagePaige
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4 minutes ago, JediDVguy said:

I don't think Tyler and Brett are anywhere near as malicious or exploitative as Mike Boogie or Dan. I'd say they're closer to the Brigade and Britney in that, if she falls for their act, it's due to poor gameplay and willful ignorance on her part. 

Ah, I'm trying to block out Britney backdooring Matt during her HoH since I generally like her ...

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Kaitlyn:  "I'm the closest thing to a therapist in this house and that's what's scary."

You beat me to it because I had to stop to wipe the wine off my computer screen.

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Omg. Chakra Con begging for a kiss from Tyler and then he goes for an air kiss near the back of her head. From there, she announces they need to go to couples therapy. 

Tonight is comedy gold. 

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Fez came into the have not room ranting about not knowing WTF is going on and he doesn’t get this game and Chakra Con is now selling Brett’s lie, cheering him on to tell Fez. 

Good thing she always needs to be the center of attention; she’s taking pressure off of Brett and Tyler with her buy in and distancing herself from ApocalypseNowStar. 

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15 minutes ago, zorak said:

Kaitlyn:  "It's always news to me when someone's mad at me."

LOLOLOL  You know, because she so sensitive and all, reading auras and stuff like that.

 I'd almost like to be a bug on the wall when she gets out of the house and has to explain to her friends and clients how and why  someone and sensitive is she pretends to be was so far wrong all season long.  She'll probably blame it on  Interference from all the negative energies in the house.

Edited by Skycatcher
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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh man, this is great. 

Sam's best move would be putting up Kaitlyn and Rockstar, and seeing what happens.

I don't think Sam has any issues with Rockstar. I bet it'll be Haleigh and Kaitlyn. 

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Bayleigh is spitting fire on the one feed and Rockstar is whining and crying on the other feed. I have never been so glad to be a longtime feed viewer, in order to follow both conversations at the same time.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh man, this is great. 

Sam's best move would be putting up Kaitlyn and Rockstar, and seeing what happens.

Maybe, just maybe, God will get out of the bathtub to make this happen. An entire week of fireworks might be worth it. 

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And Kaitlyn just strolled into the geometry room and confidently declared to Bayleigh and Haleigh, "Well, I got the full story."

Edited by zorak
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1 minute ago, zorak said:

And Kaitlyn just strolled into the geometry room and confidently decalared to Bayleigh and Haleigh, "Well, I got the full story."

OMFG the look that Bayleigh gave Kaitlyn. 

Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

I don't think Sam has any issues with Rockstar. I bet it'll be Haleigh and Kaitlyn. 

She was really upset by Rockstar last night. Sam thinks she’s mean, soooo... who knows? So. Much. Potential for this week. 

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Now Kaitlyn is confused on what's going on and who flipped. 

She doesn't think it's Tyler, but she's wary. She doesn't think Rockstar flipped but she isn't sure.

But she's only saying this in front of Bayleigh/Haleigh, so who knows.

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The Leighs are kind of tearing Kaitlyn a new one saying that she runs her mouth with things they tell her, and she calls them out and is basically a shitty friend and ally. 

Liking both Hay and Bay here.

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Kaitlyn told Bayleigh that Tyler said he saw Rockstar pull Brett in even though he didn't hear the conversation.  Bayleigh wants to hear this from Tyler.

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