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Sharing the information with iris that he loved her may have been selfish, but I think keeping it to himself was not fair to her either. She needed to know. Then is she is free to see their relationship as it is and decide if she wanted more and if not, to let Barry know. Because his pining for her was not healthy especially if she was never going to be interested and if it was affecting their friendship at all. I prefer truth over lies, even if it was uncomfortable.

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Sharing the information with iris that he loved her may have been selfish, but I think keeping it to himself was not fair to her either. She needed to know. Then is she is free to see their relationship as it is and decide if she wanted more and if not, to let Barry know. Because his pining for her was not healthy especially if she was never going to be interested and if it was affecting their friendship at all. I prefer truth over lies, even if it was uncomfortable.


If she was single, I would agree with this. But telling her only unburden him and burden her when she had no say in when this confession happen. Barry had a say, he could told her during all the yrs he felt like this and she was single. By telling her, while she is in a seriousre relationship, so serious that she was moving in with Eddie, means she was not free to consider any relationship with him, despite his confession. Because unlike Barry, she has to consider Eddie, the man she loves and who makes her happy. She can't just suddenly change the course of her relationship with him, just days/weeks after Barry tells her he was in love with her. That wouldn't be fair to Eddie or Barry or herself. Because any decision in this type of situation shouldn't be taking without much consideration and thinking. 


He didn't need to tell her in order to stop pinning for her, he could have easily tried to move on without telling her, since he saw that she was in a relationship and happy.  What he is doing now, he could have done without burdening her with a confession that she was in no position to really do anything about. 


Whether Barry told her the truth or not, it was still uncomfortable. The only difference now is, he has made it uncomfortable for Iris instead of himself and he gets to play the victim card because Iris didn't respond fast enough to the bomb he dropped on her.  And anything Iris does now, will be put in question mark of whether she is doing it as his friend or because she knows he is in love with her, and what does it mean?  Without a pov to give us answers, Iris is screwed. 

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Of course it was uncomfortable, but the other side of it is what if iris had been interested? I think this is a much less awful 'speak now or forever hold your peace' moment, because iris was taking that step with Eddie. I think Barry went into that coma and probably he hadn't seen iris get all that serious and he woke up and she was and that shook him up.

But if I were iris, even if was uncomfortable, I would want to know. Yes, he should have told her much sooner but as much as I hate unnecessary secret keeping I will say better late than never.

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Of course it was uncomfortable, but the other side of it is what if iris had been interested? I think this is a much less awful 'speak now or forever hold your peace' moment, because iris was taking that step with Eddie. I think Barry went into that coma and probably he hadn't seen iris get all that serious and he woke up and she was and that shook him up.

But if I were iris, even if was uncomfortable, I would want to know. Yes, he should have told her much sooner but as much as I hate unnecessary secret keeping I will say better late than never.


But the thing is that she went to him before he confessed and asked him whether he had feelings for her. He denied it and made her think that Eddie was seeing things. At that time, Iris seems ready and prepare to discuss it if Barry had confessed but Barry didn't. It must have taking a lot for her to prep herself-up to deal with it by asking him. The minute he denied it, she let it go and allowed herself to let go of her whatever strength it took for her to go to him. So she moved deeper into her relationship with Eddie, thinking everything is clear-up and there is no reason to stop/pause in her relationship with Eddie. But then Barry decided that when Iris got deeper into her relationship, that's when he should tell her. That was totally unfair of him when he had yrs to deal with these feelings, and when she had giving him an opportunity to tell her about his feelings.


With that said, I totally understand why Barry felt the need to tell Iris about his feelings. He felt he was in a lose/lose situation, so he made the decision to put the ball in Iris court. I don't think it was fair but I understand it. 



This really is one of those "can't win for trying" situations - for both Barry and Iris.


You are right, Barry was in a "can't win for trying" situation and he took himself out of it by confessing and and putting Iris in that position. The only difference is the audience got a chance to sympathized with Barry's "can't win for trying" position because he got a pov but since Iris doesn't get that pov, the audience won't be able to understand and sympathized with her being in that position, no matter how good of an actress CP is,  because we have no idea how she is feeling being put in that position. 

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Actually, I think the fact that Iris went to confront him after Eddie asked her is proof that she wanted to know if he loved her .He got her permission to be honest about his feelings. He lied but came clean the following day. 



The minute he denied it, she let it go and allowed herself to let go of her whatever strength it took for her to go to him. So she moved deeper into her relationship with Eddie, thinking everything is clear-up and there is no reason to stop/pause in her relationship with Eddie. But then Barry decided that when Iris got deeper into her relationship, that's when he should tell her.


This is reaching. Iris had already agreed to move in with Eddie by the time she confronted Barry about Eddie's suspicions. She didn't suddenly move deeper into her relationship in the span of one day given that absolutely nothing changed as far as we saw on the show. 

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Iris isn't in a can't win position, though, at least nt because of Barry. If she isn't interested, all she needs to do is reject him. If she is interested, she needs to decide if she wants to break it off with Eddie. The ball is entirely in her court, or was.

Of course, if you mean it is ridiculously stupid that we didn't get to see her respond to Barry than of course I agree. But apparently she rejected him, according to her.

And of course Barry should have told her his feelings ages ago, but he didn't so at least he told her before she took a bigger step in her relationship so she could make a choice. I don't have a problem with her moving forward with Eddie. I just hope it's not going where I think it's going.

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Iris isn't in a can't win position


I know, right? People are acting like the world would end if she dumps Eddie or ends up single with the whole a bird in hand thing. It's simply called life and life is messy. It will hurt Eddie, especially if he's not done anything wrong but it's better for everything to get sorted out now than for him to be with someone whose latent feelings for someone else spring up after they are married with three kids. 


Barry confessing to Iris will only matter if she actually has feelings for him. And in that case, it's best that she realize it soon. If she doesn't have feelings then it makes no difference and she will carry on with Eddie like she was meant to. 

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I consider it a no-win situation, because no matter what she decides, she has to hurt someone and it will have repercussions to either her dad's partnership or her family situation. Also, I think the audience isn't likely to look upon either decision favorably because her lack of point of view means people give her little benefit of the doubt. Eh, ymmv.

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You are right, Barry was in a "can't win for trying" situation and he took himself out of it by confessing and and putting Iris in that position. The only difference is the audience got a chance to sympathized with Barry's "can't win for trying" position because he got a pov but since Iris doesn't get that pov, the audience won't be able to understand and sympathized with her being in that position, no matter how good of an actress CP is,  because we have no idea how she is feeling being put in that position.

I think this bears repeating (okay, screaming it from the rooftops) because it's truly unfair that we haven't gotten to see Iris' PoV.. and all of this discussion in this thread is kind of a moot point because we haven't been shown her PoV - only one ambiguous action that didn't look so good. But yet - for that one action, it feels like Iris is getting dragged. Again - that feels very unfair.

I would love to see and hear Iris' PoV on this - just to know what she's thinking. That's why it would be great if Iris had a girlfriend or confidante that she could talk to - but whoops - BARRY was always that confidante.

So - sadly - when Barry confessed to Iris - not only did he put the onus and weight of the situation and the messiness on her shoulders, he simultaneously took away her confidante too - because she can't really talk to him about her feelings when she doesn't (guessing) understand them herself yet.

I understand why Barry did it - but that doesn't mean that it's still a hot mess for Iris to have to deal with.

It feels like Barry is now footloose and fancy-free, while poor Iris is dealing with the fallout of his confession.

I do wonder if/when the writers give us Iris' PoV - how is it going to come out...

Apparently we're supposed to hear her thoughts on the confession in episode 15 - I wonder how that's going to come about.

I know, right? People are acting like the world would end if she dumps Eddie or ends up single with the whole a bird in hand thing. It's simply called life and life is messy. It will hurt Eddie, especially if he's not done anything wrong but it's better for everything to get sorted out now than for him to be with someone whose latent feelings for someone else spring up after they are married with three kids.

That doesn't make it any harder to do - especially when that's not the road you were traveling down. I think Iris could have been happy enough with Eddie - so considering Barry that way just hadn't occurred to her.

Now that he's brought it up - it has - but that doesn't mean Iris isn't in a very difficult position...

Tough crowd, lol.

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I think this bears repeating (okay, screaming it from the rooftops) because it's truly unfair that we haven't gotten to see Iris' PoV.. and all of this discussion in this thread is kind of a moot point because we haven't been shown her PoV - only one ambiguous action that didn't look so good. But yet - for that one action, it feels like Iris is getting dragged. Again - that feels very unfair.


I don't think it's unfair to discuss or react to Iris' actions considering they're all we have to go on. Since we haven't really gotten much from her since the confession, especially in terms of her POV, all we have to go on is what we've been shown, which sadly doesn't put Iris in the best light. Of course that's almost entirely because we don't get to hear her POV ever, but it is what it is. What is unfair is the writers treatment of Iris. Unfair and just honestly terrible writing.

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Actually, I think the fact that Iris went to confront him after Eddie asked her is proof that she wanted to know if he loved her .He got her permission to be honest about his feelings. He lied but came clean the following day. 


Okay, than why did he wait to tell her? If her asking him gave him the permission to be honest with her about his feelings, than why did he lied, and than decided to tell her later. That makes no sense, also if he did it in order to be the one in control of when he tell her about his feelings, that makes him look bad in my eyes. 


This is reaching. Iris had already agreed to move in with Eddie by the time she confronted Barry about Eddie's suspicions. She didn't suddenly move deeper into her relationship in the span of one day given that absolutely nothing changed as far as we saw on the show.



Either way, him lying to her and than confessing to her when nothing have change since she asked him that question makes it worst in my eyes because that means that Barry had no reason to tell her the truth because nothing had change. 

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Okay, than why did he wait to tell her? If her asking him gave him the permission to be honest with her about his feelings, than why did he lied, and than decided to tell her later. That makes no sense, also if he did it in order to be the one in control of when he tell her about his feelings, that makes him look bad in my eyes.


According to the show, what has stopped him was his cowardice which stemmed from what Reverse Flash did to his family. That's what kept him in the lie for 14 years and stopped him from ever getting the confession out. That's why he couldn't be honest till he spoke to his father who told him to finally get on with his life and not allow Reverse Flash to keep him away from happiness. That was why he confessed to her right after speaking to his dad. It wasn't about trying to control when he confessed.  

Edited by Xander
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Iris isn't in a can't win position, though, at least nt because of Barry. If she isn't interested, all she needs to do is reject him. If she is interested, she needs to decide if she wants to break it off with Eddie. The ball is entirely in her court, or was.

Of course, if you mean it is ridiculously stupid that we didn't get to see her respond to Barry than of course I agree. But apparently she rejected him, according to her.

And of course Barry should have told her his feelings ages ago, but he didn't so at least he told her before she took a bigger step in her relationship so she could make a choice. I don't have a problem with her moving forward with Eddie. I just hope it's not going where I think it's going.


Barry did put Iris in a lose/lost situation:


Because since she rejects Barry she have hurt a really close friend who she wants to stay in her life. She knows that her relationship with Barry will change and it has because Barry has been distancing himself from her. She didn't even know he had a date, something you would expect him to tell/mention to her since they friend. But he didn't and she will rightful believe and fear that it is because he confessed his feelings for her and she rejects him. This change might be temporarily or permanently but Iris doesn't know, all she know is that her relationship with Barry has change as result of his confession and her action. Anyone would fear this, especially since it seems like Barry was Iris closest friend. 


If she hadn't reject Barry, she would have hurt a man that she loves and who made her happy. Which might cause conflict/tension between Joe and Eddie. This would make it worst for Iris because of the fact that her father warned her but she didn't listen. 


If Iris didn't care about her decision hurting anyone and only cared about what she wanted and fuck everyone else, than you would be right, this wouldn't be a lose/lost situation for her at all.  She would just reject Barry, and not care about what it will do to her relationship with him or return his feelings, be with him and not care how much it will hurt a man she loves. 


But again without a pov from Iris, I'm telling how Iris might feel/maybe feel, but I understand why you can't consider these things because the writers are not showing you any of the things I'm talking about. They have Iris walking around like she feels nothing, except when it is time to have her do something questionable in relation to Barry, without us knowing what it means cause she has no pov.


The one in the middle of a triangle ALWAYS looks bad, especially when they don't have a pov lol. This is why I'm anti- triangle so much because even if I love all three characters or both relationship, I will end-up hating them all in the end.

Edited by SevenStars
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How is telling a girl that Barry is dating that Barry isn't ready to be dating an ambiguous action? I get liking and  defending the character, but that's pushing it.


It is ambiguous:


1.Because we don't know if she was telling Linda that because she is trying to be the protective bff to Barry because Linda was telling her how hard it was to date Barry. Linda came to Iris about the dating situation, and talking like it wasn't going as well as she expected. Iris tried to give her an explanation as too why and told her to give Barry time. Iris didn't just go to Linda and start telling her about Barry. 


2. We don't know if Iris over-shared with Linda because she likes the idea of Barry still being in love with her and might be returning the feels and was trying to sabotage the relationship. 


3. We don't know if Iris over-shard because she simply got cared away and wanted to unload on someone. Since it appears that Barry is the only one she could have done that with in the past, if it wasn't about him. We don't know how long she have needed to say these things out-loud but haven't got anyone to say them to. So when Linda came to her, she just did it without even really thinking about it. 


4.We don't know if Iris is simply a bitch who will use anything to sabotage any attempt Barry makes at a relationship because she loves knowing he is still in love with her.


CP said she played the scene like a protective bff of Barry because she doesn't believe that at that point Iris had really looked into whether she had a romantic interest in Barry or not.  So she played it as Barry's bff, not as a love interest or bitch trying to sabotage Barry's relationship.


Since the writers don't bother to give us ANY of Iris pov, we have to guess as to why Iris did what she did and it's going to be base on fans perception of who the character is, therefore, what she is capable of doing and what type of things she would be willing to do. 

Edited by SevenStars
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According to the show, what has stopped him was his cowardice which stemmed from what Reverse Flash did to his family. That's what kept him in the lie for 14 years and stopped him from ever getting the confession out. That's why he couldn't be honest till he spoke to his father who told him to finally get on with his life and not allow Reverse Flash to keep him away from happiness. That was why he confessed to her right after speaking to his dad. It wasn't about trying to control when he confessed.  


But Iris doesn't know that and if we hadn't seen this scene, some of us might have thought the same thing. All Iris knows is that she went to Barry, asked him about his feelings to her, he lied. Then later, he came to her and told her how much he loves her since before he knew what love was and without giving her much time to processed what he just told her, he walked away. So now she is left to deal with the fact that her bff lied to her about feelings for her one moment and than confessed the next, and walked away. Hrs later ( I am assuming) he came up to her and her boyfriend, and told her he was happy for them, without having talked to her before he made that declaration. So now, she might be assuming that he loved her but he has decided that he doesn't want a relationship with her.  So he is moving on and trying to stop loving her, therefore, why should she rock the boat with Eddie just because Barry confessed to these feelings ?


All these things happened without her really have a talk with Barry, but Barry lying, confessing, assuming and making decisions. While Iris is left to try to process these things within days/hrs of each other while being with another man. A man that makes her happy and is in love with her, she has agreed to move in with.


So she is left with  the decision of whether she hurt her bff or the man she is with, because either way, someone will get hurt. I personally think Iris should have paused in her move with Eddie, whether she immediately had feeling for Barry or not, just to give herself time to really make the right decision without making it worst. But not everyone would want to risk losing Eddie, a good man who loves them and make them happy, for the possibility that they might have feelings for a bff they knew for yrs but never really thought of that way. 


Either way, I'm blaming everything on the writers stupidity not to give us Iris pov, so we can know what the hell we are talking about when it comes to her, and not only be base on our perception of her.  

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I don't see how Iris world changed a great deal because Barry lied one day and came clean the next. If he'd been honest that day, she would still be in the exact same predicament. 


Barry walked into Iris's home and saw her sitting on Eddie's lap. She looked very happy with her boyfriend. He walked over and told her that he was supporting their relationship. I don't quite get if you think it would have been better for him to frown and act mad or something. 

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She said Iris is struggling to figure out how she feels back. 


I think we're all struggling to figure out what Iris feels about anything... Everything she says conflicts with what she does and I have no idea who the character is at the best of times.


I liked her characterisation early on when she was allowed to have fun moments with Barry without weird love triangle nonsense now it feels overwrought and confusing.

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She said Iris is struggling to figure out how she feels back. 


I stand corrected, but she did say she played it like a protective bff, but most people are not taking the scene that way.


So I think if Barry hadn't confessed to her about his feelings, and had just told her that he was in love with a girl that didn't return his feelings, some people would have seen that scene has just Iris trying to be a good friend to Barry, who over-shared, by letting Linda know that Barry wasn't a bad guy or bad date, but was just dealing with some unresolved feelings for another and asked her to give him time. 


Without the confession hanging over Iris's head and no pov, that scene played like many scenes I've seen of bff trying to get the girl/boy their best friend is interested in to keep dating that friend, by over-sharing as to the reason why they are not being a good date and by having that best-friend be mad at them for over-sharing with the girl they are interested. 

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I don't see how Iris world changed a great deal because Barry lied one day and came clean the next. If he'd been honest that day, she would still be in the exact same predicament. 


Barry walked into Iris's home and saw her sitting on Eddie's lap. She looked very happy with her boyfriend. He walked over and told her that he was supporting their relationship. I don't quite get if you think it would have been better for him to frown and act mad or something.

You know what was interesting to me about that scene? Iris removed her hand from Eddie when Barry showed up. And there hasn't been a scene yet where Iris has been with Eddie and Barry shows up that Iris doesn't seem either uncomfortable or like she's - I dunno - feeling like she shouldn't be with Eddie? Or she's trying to be kind to Barry? Hard to tell without her PoV.

Anyway - just saying that in every scene with Barry after the confession, Iris has looked almost guilty whenever Barry shows up...

That was my first thought after seeing those scenes... it felt like subtle direction that Iris' feelings were not as cut and dried as Barry thought they were.

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We already saw how Iris acted a little overly interested when she found out that Barry was going on a date and her looking jealous at the end when Barry ate the pepper so it makes sense that the audience would believe that Iris had other motivations. 



That was my first thought after seeing those scenes... it felt like subtle direction that Iris' feelings were not as cut and dried as Barry thought they were.


I don't disagree with you. I also noticed how uncomfortable she got. But sadly, several episodes later, the writers still refuse to let us in to her head.

Edited by Xander
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I don't see how Iris world changed a great deal because Barry lied one day and came clean the next. If he'd been honest that day, she would still be in the exact same predicament. 


Barry walked into Iris's home and saw her sitting on Eddie's lap. She looked very happy with her boyfriend. He walked over and told her that he was supporting their relationship. I don't quite get if you think it would have been better for him to frown and act mad or something. 


It doesn't change Iris world but it makes things more confusing for her because that is just one more thing that she has to think about and try to figure out where she should place it. To me it is just adding to an already mess-up situation.


It would have been better for him to not act like his confession didn't/shouldn't have any impact on Iris one way or another. Or that his confession was just the begin and end of the situation, without giving Iris some time to process what was going on.  All he needed to do was smile and tell everyone happy holiday, letting Iris know that they can talk about what he confessed later, after she had processed it, since he himself had 10+yrs to do that before confessing.

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It doesn't change Iris world but it makes things more confusing for her because that is just one more thing that she has to think about and try to figure out where she should place it. To me it is just adding to an already mess-up situation.


I think where we are losing each other is that Iris herself asked him if he had feelings for her. So she wanted to know. The only difference is that instead of learning the truth on for example, a Monday, she found out on Tuesday. 


It would have been better for him to not act like his confession didn't/shouldn't have any impact on Iris one way or another. Or that his confession was just the begin and end of the situation, without giving Iris some time to process what was going on.  All he needed to do was smile and tell everyone happy holiday, letting Iris know that they can talk about what he confessed later, after she had processed it, since he himself had 10+yrs to do that before confessing.


He confessed to her and granted, there wasn't a lot of time between then and when he saw her next and she was happily sitting on her boyfriend's lap, but from his perspective, it looked like it hadn't made a difference to her. I took what Barry did to mean that he was telling her that he supports her.


Once he told her, the ball was in her court. He probably expected her to speak to him if she ever had thoughts on what he said. He would have looked like a jerk if he'd pressed her for a response. 


I kinda get what you're saying in a sense but I also fail to fully grasp how Barry attempting to smooth things over and show her that their friendship could remain intact signals that he wasn't serious about the confession. I really don't think that Iris feels that Barry telling her that they could still be friends means that he no longer loves her. At least, the fact that she told Linda that he's still trying to get over his feelings pretty much means that she believed that his feelings hadn't gone away. 

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We already saw how Iris acted a little overly interested when she found out that Barry was going on a date and her looking jealous at the end when Barry ate the pepper so it makes sense that the audience would believe that Iris had other motivations. 


But we don't know if Iris was overly interest because of the fact that she know Barry is/might be in love with her and now is dating someone or because she is starting to return his feelings. Or because this is the first time Barry have dated someone in while without telling her about it (after claimed everything was fine between them and basically they can go back to status-quo) , therefore, making her really interested in figuring out why. And I honestly didn't see her look as jealous in that pepper scene. I saw her with a look of acceptance on her face, not jealous. I think that's why I didn't interpreted that scene like someone people.



I think iris had plenty of time to talk to Barry of she had wanted too. All she had to do was call.


But that doesn't mean she had enough time to process the situation, figure out all her feelings, know where she stands without question and be able to articulate that to both Barry and Eddie. We don't even know if like Barry, she has something beside being with Eddie that is holding her back from making a move towards Barry, therefore, causing her to also need time to think about that and make a decision on how to deal with it.


Someone people process things within hrs/days and some people might need weeks. Barry, who had to yrs to process his feelings and deal with his fears, should understand why Iris might/will need time. 

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So if I'm understanding correctly, there's a disconnect between Candice's interpretation of the character and the writing. Because I can definitely see what Candice  was going for through actions but what she said was basically " my man, back off!"

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I kinda get what you're saying in a sense but I also fail to fully grasp how Barry attempting to smooth things over and show her that their friendship could remain intact signals that he wasn't serious about the confession. I really don't think that Iris feels that Barry telling her that they could still be friends means that he no longer loves her. At least, the fact that she told Linda that he's still trying to get over his feelings pretty much means that she believed that his feelings hadn't gone away. 


I think Barry trying to smooth things over was somethings that most people would do if they feared that they might have said/done something that will cause a negative change in their relationship with someone. As a Barry fan, I get and understand why he did it and looking at it from his pov, I understand his fears, therefore, I get his actions and I'm okay with it. But I also think he could have left the situation more open-ended until Iris had really talked to him. Because looking at it from Iris pov, it looked like Barry opened a door with his confession and then closed it with his actions.


I think Iris can know that Barry loves her because he just told her, but that doesn't mean she knows that he wants a relationship with her. Because base on Barry's action after the confession and looking at it from Iris pov:  It looks like he just wanted to get his feelings of his chest because he has been holding onto them for a long a time but wasn't looking to have a relationship with Iris. After he did that, thinking Iris would feel uncomfortable with him when he had no intention of pursuing her for a relationship, he let her know this by telling her they are cool. Then he starts dating without telling her about the girl, something that you would expect a bff to tell you. Therefore, leaving Iris wondering whether they are really cool or did her suppose rejection caused damaged to their relationship.

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Sevenstars, Iris herself said that Barry's feelings were not reciprocated. We can't ignore this. According to her, Barry was rejected. 


I know, I just want to know whether she told Barry that or whether this is what she things Barry felt base on her non-response. The reason I'm making this distinction is because she was telling Linda about how she thinks Barry is feeling, therefore, the reason he was not being a good date like Linda expected. 


Iris desperately need a friend that she can confide in because I feel like I'm trying to get into her head base on my perception of the character and nothing is making much sense without her pov, lol.


I started the show being a BarryFF,  but the lack of Iris pov, is making me spend more time trying to understand her and her action, which is kind of turning me into a IrisFF I think, lol. 

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So if I'm understanding correctly, there's a disconnect between Candice's interpretation of the character and the writing. Because I can definitely see what Candice was going for through actions but what she said was basically " my man, back off!"

. I think that's open to interpretation. I didn't read the scene that way, but ymmv. I simply thought it was a dumb overshare and I'm happy to accept the actress' interpretation of her character's actions and motivations.


I started the show being a BarryFF, but the lack of Iris pov, is making me spend more time trying to understand her and her action, which is kind of turning me into a IrisFF I think, lol.

What's a FF?

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We have no idea how Iris feels, because the writers apparently feel like Iris doesn't need a PoV. And ultimately, I guess that makes this discussion pointless, because it's really all speculation.


I consider it a no-win situation, because no matter what she decides, she has to hurt someone and it will have repercussions to either her dad's partnership or her family situation. Also, I think the audience isn't likely to look upon either decision favorably because her lack of point of view means people give her little benefit of the doubt. Eh, ymmv.


The lack of meaningful insight into Iris' thoughts as related to Barry's confession is exactly why I'm not as hard on her.  Plus, I think, overall, Iris deserves better than family and "best" friends willfully deceiving her, even when her life is at stake.  None of which has to do with a romantic relationship.  Based on what we have seen of Iris, she's done nothing to warrant such treatment, and it's really soured me on Barry and Joe.   


I have a really hard time seeing how Barry and Iris would work, unless they totally gloss over the "lie by omission of a major part of Barry's life for several months, and possibly risking Iris' life for that same lie" part.  Which they might do anyway. 


I'll wait to see what, if anything, they do with Iris as a reporter, but I'm not optimistic.

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I know, I just want to know whether she told Barry that or whether this is what she things Barry felt base on her non-response. The reason I'm making this distinction is because she was telling Linda about how she thinks Barry is feeling, therefore, the reason he was not being a good date like Linda expected. 


Iris desperately need a friend that she can confide in because I feel like I'm trying to get into her head base on my perception of the character and nothing is making much sense without her pov, lol.


I started the show being a BarryFF,  but the lack of Iris pov, is making me spend more time trying to understand her and her action, which is kind of turning me into a IrisFF I think, lol. 


I hear you. Little screen time, no POV is quite baffling.


Here's my interpretation of what I've seen:


I think Iris heard the confession and decided to continue on with her life. I think she liked the world where Eddie was her boyfriend and Barry was her best friend. His confession may have made her pause a time or two but it didn't make her consider changing her plans for her romantic future. She went full speed ahead with Eddie. 


Perhaps she thought that once Barry got over his feelings, they could go back to the relationship that they'd always had. But Barry had other plans. He's moving on and found a new girl and he's transferring his affections -  that she once thought were platonic but now realizes were romantic - to another woman. She doesn't like that and it's now forcing her to reexamine how she really feels about him. 

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I guess maybe Mason becomes this friend? Or at least the unwilling listener that she tells her feelings to as a way of conveying what she really feels to the audience.


That's just ridiculous. I'd rather she monologues to her turtle if they're going to pick at random.


They desperately need to give the girl a friend, or even a cousin. I have a very hard time believing Iris doesn't have a few girlfriends from her time in school or working at Jitters. 


Sevenstars, Iris herself said that Barry's feelings were not reciprocated. We can't ignore this. According to her, Barry was rejected. 


Barry also said he's doesn't have feelings for Iris anymore. It doesn't mean that it's true, just that it's what Iris wants to be true for the sake of the life she's trying to live right now. 

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That's just ridiculous. I'd rather she monologues to her turtle if they're going to pick at random.

They desperately need to give the girl a friend, or even a cousin. I have a very hard time believing Iris doesn't have a few girlfriends from her time in school or working at Jitters.


Seriously, Mason doesn't even seem like a good prospect for a decent work colleague, much less a close friend. Besides, I'd really like more of a female presence on this show as well. It's like the girls are islands. Couldn't the writers at least have given Iris a female coworker or boss at the paper, maybe someone she can learn from and become friends with?

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Yea, I know it's pathetic that Mason's even a viable option but I'm not seeing any other prospects. I thought that one waitress at her job was going to be a good friend but after the "Flash is Born" she pretty much disappeared.

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But that doesn't mean she had enough time to process the situation, figure out all her feelings, know where she stands without question and be able to articulate that to both Barry and Eddie.

According to iris, she rejected Barry. That was her choice. Barry is moving on based on that.

Barry didn't close the door, he opened it. Iris rejected him (somehow) and moved in with her bf. if Iris needed time she needed to ask for it.

Barry also said he's doesn't have feelings for Iris anymore. It doesn't mean that it's true, just that it's what Iris wants to be true for the sake of the life she's trying to live right now.

Wait what?? Barry trying to tamp down his feelings and move on has nothing to do with Iris's explanation of her rejection of him. I have no reason to believe she isn't telling the truth, in fact everything she's done screams rejection. She moved in with her boyfriend, there was tension with Barry for an episode or two, etc.

I simply thought it was a dumb overshare and I'm happy to accept the actress' interpretation of her character's actions and motivations.

That was my interpretation of the scene. Actually I also though she was just babbling and kind of thinking out loud. She definitely should have stopped talking though and been more vague. Edited by Shanna
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Wait what?? Barry trying to tamp down his feelings and move on has nothing to do with Iris's explanation of her rejection of him. I have no reason to believe she isn't telling the truth, in fact everything she's done screams rejection. She moved in with her boyfriend, there was tension with Barry for an episode or two, etc.

That was my interpretation of the scene. Actually I also though she was just babbling and kind of thinking out loud. She definitely should have stopped talking though and been more vague.


Barry is trying to move on too, and the only reason we know he still has feelings for Iris is because we've seen his POV. My point was that characters sometimes lie about their feelings to put up a front. We don't have Iris' POV so we can't say either way. 

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Barry also said he's doesn't have feelings for Iris anymore. It doesn't mean that it's true, just that it's what Iris wants to be true for the sake of the life she's trying to live right now. 

I'm not saying that iris isn't in denial or that she might not secretly harbor feelings for Barry but that however it was communicated (or not), the message between Barry and Iris was that she rejected him. As you said, the life she's trying to live right now doesn't include her having feelings for Barry. That's what she chose - to not be with Barry. 

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I liked her characterisation early on when she was allowed to have fun moments with Barry without weird love triangle nonsense now it feels overwrought and confusing.


Ugh yes this! I'm still holding onto Iris as my fave character almost solely because of how awesome she was in the first half. I miss that Iris. Maybe for me though it has a great deal to do with the fact that I do not ship Barry/Iris, particularly now that I've seen how they're gonna play them out. So tired. I miss when they could be cute BFFs.


So if I'm understanding correctly, there's a disconnect between Candice's interpretation of the character and the writing. Because I can definitely see what Candice  was going for through actions but what she said was basically " my man, back off!"


I think this might be some of it. I think CP is really trying to make this shit writing for Iris work. Isn't there a story about her talking to GG before a scene and trying to suss out a backstory for some Barry/Iris past interactions? I think it was her wanting them to have a secret handshake or something. Anyway, I think that's what makes Iris/Barry feel very forced to me. The writing is shit, but CP is really trying to raise above that, which just ends up making it even worse IMO.

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Iris saying she rejected Barry is her pov, btw. So I think that much is pretty clear.

That's not actually what she said.

I think it's worth it to call out the difference between not reciprocating something and rejecting something. You can passively not reciprocate by doing absolutely NOTHING. But you cannot reject unless you absolutely do SOMETHING. One is a passive, the other active.

What Iris said was not that she rejected Barry - what she said was that "the feelings weren't reciprocated".

That could mean 2 things:

1) Iris explicitly rejected him


2) Iris said nothing and the rejection was implicit - as in Barry took it as a rejection even though Iris never came right out and said it. And to tack on to #2, this could mean that after Barry went on about his business and said they were cool and seemed to green light Iris and Eddie RIGHT after his confession at the Christmas party, Iris just decided to let sleeping dogs lie.

Basically - without us actually seeing something where Iris explicitly rejects Barry, that opinion holds the same amount of validity as opinions that Iris simply took no action to reciprocate (which is not the same as rejecting). The end result may be the same, but the intent could be completely different.

One is the action of someone making a decision. The other is the action of someone who may not be ready to make a decision yet.

If you believe that Iris was doing #2, then you could reason that once Barry started saying they were cool and he seemed like he was trying to go back to the status quo, that Iris would be trying to bury any emerging feelings since it probably feels like her window has passed - especially now that Linda is here. And thus, she buries her feelings and then they slip out of her at an inopportune time.

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Iris made a decision when she moved in with Eddie. That's not a decision? And I will never understand how we're still trying to pin Iris's own inaction and inability to speak on Barry for speaking and trying to smooth things out. She had a lot of time to correct Barry if he was under the wrong impression. 

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Iris made a decision when she moved in with Eddie. That's not a decision? And I will never understand how we're still trying to pin Iris's own inaction and inability to speak on Barry for speaking and trying to smooth things out. She had a lot of time to correct Barry if he was under the wrong impression.

Not trying to pin anything on anyone - just pointing out how people don't make choices in a vacuum sometimes.

From my perspective, possibly swayed by Barry's opening/closing words/actions that sevenstars mentioned, Iris may have simply kept to the course she was on - which could mean that there was no actual explicit rejection, just a passive non-reciprocation... but that doesn't mean that Iris actively rejected him. She might have simply preferred to let sleeping dogs lie.

As I said, the result is still the same to Barry - but Iris' intent is still in question.

That's why I think it's possible that Iris doesn't fully know her intent - or she's in denial...

Much of this will be cleared up next week I hope. I'm getting tired, lol.

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