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This is CBR's full interview with Beth Schwartz (expanding the Jan. 18, 2019 CBR article that was previously posted on page 8 of this thread) - I only quoted new comments...

Arrow: How the New Green Arrow Challenges the Queen Family Legacy
by Meagan Damore – on Jan 21, 2019 


CBR: What drew you to Emiko Queen?
[Beth] Schwartz:
Well, the fact that she's a member of the Queen family is number one. I always love the dynamic between the family. All of our family stories on the show is something that I love the most, and so having another sibling out there in the world... I felt it was definitely time to bring her in.

On the series to date, she hasn't interacted much with Oliver. What can you tease about their dynamic and how it evolves moving forward?
In [episode] 10, Oliver is going to learn more about what happened, how Robert kind of -- being such a great dad [laughs] -- has sort of abandoned this other family: Emiko and her mother. And Oliver has got to grapple, kind of, with this. He takes it on himself, as he does, as our hero that we love, that he feels guilty for what his father did and he's going to try to redeem his family, redeem what his father did and try to make it up to her, even though that's a very hard thing to do. So he's going to want to fully embrace her into the family, and she is not going to be so easy, because she obviously has a lot of negative feelings towards his family.

For quite some time, the show was known for its flashback sequences. Could we see a return to that for Emiko's backstory?
We definitely will get to see some of her backstory, of how she got to where she is, for sure.
*  *  *
Meanwhile, in the present day, Oliver is starting to work as Green Arrow with the SCPD. How is this transition from secret life to outed vigilante going for him?
Well, nothing is very easy for Oliver Queen. [laughs] So there's definitely going to be some consequences to him having his identity out there and working publicly with the SCPD. Not everyone thinks this is the best idea and we'll definitely see some conflict there, as well him trying to work alongside the SCPD, obviously they have very different styles, so that will also bring some conflict.

The synopsis for tonight's episode [710] revealed that Oliver is "focusing on his marriage with Felicity." What does that look like?
After they sort of made amends in the crossover episode and Oliver was really able to see her for everything she's been through since he was in prison and they came to this great understanding, they're in a very good place in their marriage. And then, when he finds out about his half-sister, Felicity is just there for him as his wife, because obviously this is a hard realization for him.

Will we see more solo stories for Felicity as we move into the back half of the season?
We're going to see both. We're going to see what -- she has defined her purpose, now that Oliver is back. Everyone was able to focus on themselves when Oliver was in prison, but she was so focused on her family and getting Oliver out of prison. So now that he is out of prison, she's going to get back to what makes her a hero, so we'll definitely focus on that and also the origins of Smoak Tech, which is exciting, but she'll also be part of the team as well. She'll be both. She'll be doing both.

You've been with the show since the beginning, so I'm sure you more than anyone know that secrets never stay secret for long. How is Diggle grappling with the burden of working with Diaz in secret?
Well, he's going to eventually tell Oliver. He does feel bad keeping that from Oliver but knows the importance of the enemy that they're going after and, because Diaz is the one with the connection, he kind of had no choice. He'll eventually tell Oliver and Oliver is someone who has been in very similar situations. He will understand. This won't cause a huge conflict between them and he will always have Dig's back. The two of them will realize that they have both kind of gone in their separate ways and they will come back together over this.
*  *  *
How does "Elseworlds" impact the story moving forward?
That will more impact him next season, so it's not really... This season, we're not going to see too much of that.

Episode 150 is doing something we've never really seen in the Arrowverse before. What inspired you to take a documentary-style approach to the episode and how will that change the way we see Oliver and company?
We are so excited about this episode. It is, honestly, one of my favorite episodes of all the 150 episodes of Arrow. The writers came up with this idea for the documentary style after our 100th episode, which we got lucky in terms of we were able to tell that kind of nostalgic story with all of our past characters. We wanted to do something very similar, in a more grounded way than obviously our 100th episode because it was during the crossover, which allows us to go a little off the beaten path. So, when the room came up with this idea, I loved it and I felt like it was a perfect way to showcase what the show has meant over the past seven years and we're able to tell that through this documentary.

Will it tie into the larger narrative or be a standalone episode?
The best part of it is it does tie into our narrative that we've been telling. The timing could not have worked out [more] perfectly. We get both the nostalgic of things, some old faces, as well as basically what we love about the show, and we get to see our team back together, I think for the first time this season, maybe. I'm not sure, but we get to see our team together. [laughs]

Tell me about how you got Kelsey Grammar involved.
Well, he is the nicest man. I got to meet him yesterday, which was very exciting. Marc Guggenheim wrote him in the script from day one. Marc and Emilio Aldrich wrote this episode. They have been here -- I wanted the writers who have been here from the very beginning. Obviously, Marc, as the creator of the show, wrote the pilot and Emilio was actually the post-PA for the pilot, so he's been here even longer than me, because I joined once the season started for episode 2. It felt very special for them to write this episode. So Marc wrote Kelsey in the script from day one and then he so graciously agreed to do the episode for us.

How would you describe the overall theme of the back half of Season 7?
It's the same theme of redemption and this is kind of the answer, in everyone's arc, of their own redemption story. We'll get to see who is redeemable and who isn't by the end.

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Google's English translation:
(SPOILER) Colton yesterday uploaded videos of the shoot of # Arrow . Flashfowards were being recorded with the cast of the future and Emily was present at the shoot. So what is believed that Felicity is not really dead in the future that show.

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Any scoop on what we can expect from Arrow‘s 150th episode? –Tanya
Though it is being presented in documentary format, there will be plot movement. For example, when I asked showrunner Beth Schwartz if there was any significant Season 7 character we haven’t met yet, she excitedly answered, “Yes. And you will meet them at the end of [Episode] 12, our 150th episode (airing Feb. 4)

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In anticipation of 711...

Arrow's David Ramsey Previews Directing Debut, Earth-Two's Star City and a 'Fantastic' Return for OTA
By Matt Webb Mitovich / January 28 2019

Arrow's David Ramsey Promises Diggle Is Alive and Well in the Future
By Lindsay MacDonald | Jan 28, 2019

'Arrow' Actor David Ramsey Reveals Why He Was 'Worried' to Direct His Co-Stars & Teases 'Major' OTA Makeups!
By Leanne Aguilera‍  January 28, 2019

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711 sneak peeks...


In the above video, E2 Laurel mentions the name "Brett Collins." Per IMDb, 711 cast includes a character named Brett Collins (played by Peter Graham-Gaudreau).




(The CW)

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From print issue of new TV Guide, February 4-17, 2019 (Double Issue, with Elvis cover) - included in TV Highlights for Mon., Feb. 4 (on page 26)...


Step aside, Making a Murderer. Arrow is celebrating 150 episodes with a cheeky, inventive hour that looks at the making of a hero! Team Arrow takes part in a documentary called The Hood and the Rise of Vigilantism (narrated by Kelsey Grammer, no less), which allows Oliver (Stephen Amell, above) and his crew to reflect on their history of saving Star City - and makes room for "a lot of exciting guest stars," says exec producer Beth Schwartz. The script, cowritten by exec producer Marc Guggenheim, is "a love letter to the fans," she adds. "It's very personal." - Damian Holbrook


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‘Arrow’ 7×12 screener secrets: The 150th episode has a few special twists


To celebrate the milestone 150th episode of Arrow, the writers have put together a moving tribute that addresses and honors the past seven seasons of the popular CW series, while still moving the stories along.
*  *  *
Below are five secrets from Arrow 7×12 that will blow your mind.
*  *  *
There’s an interesting flash-forward reveal
Kat McNamara’s character, Blackstar, appears in the episode in a very interesting and unique situation, and she definitely has some secrets to spill.

Alongside her is a character we’ve seen before in the Arrow-verse, but not the exact incarnation. I wish I could spill more, but fans definitely do not want to miss this interaction.
*  *  *
The lives of several vigilantes are in limbo
Emiko finds herself in trouble, which, as the trailer reveals, leads Oliver to the villain’s lair. While there, he discovers several masks from other heroes/anti-heroes we’ve seen before.

The most worrisome is Huntress, whose mask is found in the lair, but is nowhere to be seen.

With an upcoming Birds of Prey-inspired episode, it doesn’t seem like a coincidence that Helena’s life would be put at risk, especially if they’re planning on bringing her back.
*  *  *
Old friends are revisited
While I won’t reveal exactly which characters are revisited, there are several that pay their respects to Oliver and the Green Arrow, as well as several that shed light on the rise of vigilantism in Star City over the last seven years.

Several departed faces show up in new scenes, as the documentary that is being filmed has been a work-in-progress since the Green Arrow first appeared.

With Oliver’s outing as the Green Arrow and his position with the SCPD, the creator of the documentary felt it was the perfect time to resume her work.

Additionally, we do learn that the documentary was created and distributed, but it was banned as pro-vigilante propaganda at some point in Star City’s history.
*  *  *
Another vigilante is unmasked
While everyone in Star City has been so focused on Oliver Queen coming into the light and working as the Green Arrow, Arrow 7×12 sees another hero take off their “mask” and reveal themselves to the world.

It’s unclear what implications this will have on the future of Arrow, but it’s quite possible that Oliver Queen won’t be the only person using their “unique” abilities to protect the city.
*  *  *
Team Arrow lives on
It’s been an interesting journey so far on Arrow season 7. Oliver’s imprisonment, plus the anti-vigilante law, has put a damper on all things Team Arrow as their lives depend on them not going out into the field.

While Curtis and Diggle found their own path at ARGUS, with Dinah and Laurel as very important city employees, Felicity and Rene were left out on the sidelines.

Since Oliver’s return, he’s found a way to continue working as the Green Arrow, with Dinah’s help. However, the rest of them continued to be ignored and their vigilante dreams crushed.

This episode provides an interesting solution and gives hope to a future where Team Arrow can continue to fight criminals together and not be pursued by the police.

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Arrow - Emerald Archer - Advance Preview
Posted by Lisa Macklem at February 03, 2019


Arrow “Emerald Archer” was written by the team of Marc Guggenheim and Emilio Ortega Aldrich and was directed by Glen Winter. It is the 150th episode of the series, so of course, they’ve done something a little special with the episode. There are some great guest stars – but of course, I can’t tell you who! There’s also a great reveal at the end of the episode… but I can’t tell you about them either!

The episode is shot like a documentary. There’s some great use of graphics and different cameral techniques. Look for lots of flashback footage and interviews. Lots of hand held camera work to lend authenticity.

There is still a bit of story going forward too as William (Jack Moore) finally makes it home from school. Rene (Rick Gozalez) runs into a little trouble. Emily Bett Rickards has two great scenes with William – who has a surprise for her. Oliver goes to Diggle (David Ramsey) for help – and it’s always great when they have a chance to work together. There’s actually a terrific scene with Diggle dispensing some Diggle-wisdom!

Look for a circle back to the very beginning of the series. Rene gets to play Dad. As always, there are some great fight and action sequences. There is a villain of the week…
*  *  *
And just a few dialogue teases….

You really shouldn’t be in here with us.
Sorry guys. Private party.
Take them into custody.
You promised me full access!
It takes everything from them.
They’re not heroes; they’re criminals.
Consider this your chance to prove me right.
I enjoyed that.
Obviously, this particular comment didn’t age too well.
No one should have to lose their family or anyone they love.
There’s worse things out there than anarchy.
Turn that off.
You shouldn’t have sent me away.
If the police can’t protect the people, then the people need to learn to protect themselves.

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'Arrow' Advance Review: "Emerald Archer" Is Everything An Anniversary Episode Should Be
By RUSS BURLINGAME - February 4, 2019


Tonight, Arrow celebrates its 150th episode -- and as it does, the series that launched The CW's interconnected DC Universe of superhero shows delivers one of its best episodes in years and a masterclass in how to do an anniversary episode.

The hundredth episode of Arrow -- which aired during the "Invasion!" crossover -- was somewhat controversial, since the demands of the crossover prevented the episode from touching on everything the fans might have liked to see.
*  *  *
With "Emerald Archer," tonight's episode of Arrow, they strike a great balance. The episode certainly has a lot of far-reaching implications for the future of the show, but as they do that, they parade a litany of guest stars that will pull at the heartstrings of longtime fans, give nearly every major season 7 character a moment or three to shine, and retains its sense of timing and urgency within the story of the season, feeling more current and significant to the plot than many anniversary episodes, which can feel disconnected from the ongoing storyline of a series and preoccupied with cramming in the nostalgia.

More than anything, it feels like the Arrow team understands the importance of big-number episodes to comic book fans, and is striving to make the episodes worthy of that anticipation and attention. Arrow has routinely done its best to make "big" episodes, whether it's by number or by plot event, special to audiences. Sometimes, that comes with mixed results, as it can feel like you're "trying too hard." With "Emerald Archer," it's just right. The cast each get relatively little time, so while Stephen Amell clearly has the most screentime of anybody, it is not enough to make the whole thing fall on his shoulders a la "Invasion!" or Legends of Tomorrow's "Here I Go Again." Everyone, though, is at home, enjoying themselves, the even the "big" moments of the episode feel breezy and fun. In some ways, it seems like Arrow has delivered one of its best episodes of the season by finding the things that work about its sister shows and pilfering them.

It would not be an Arrow standout without a great fight scene, and we do get one. Team Arrow is back in costume, facing off against a villain who feels a bit like Amazo or Super-Skrull; he has a crazy costume, an impressive arsenal, and a specific hangup with the team. Having really just the one action scene to handle, the capable Arrow stunt team delivered a fight that looks and feels a bit like the grimy, street-level version of the big fight against Thanos on Titan in Infinity War. You have a hulking, powerful baddie who is fighting off the heroes from all sides, but it works without feeling ridiculous or insulting to the heroes.

Give this one a watch -- even if you are a bit behind, the mockumentary-style approach and the fact that so many of the characters are reconnecting for the first time in quite a while makes it not just an excellent episode, but a great jumping-on point.

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Katherine McNamara Talks 'Arrow' Fan Theories on Who She's Really Playing (Exclusive)
By Philiana Ng‍ 2:57 PM PST, February 8, 2019

EXCLUSIVE: Katherine McNamara talks ‘Shadowhunters’ and ‘Arrow’ [INTERVIEW]
Meg Bonney    February 8, 2019

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Arrow's Kat McNamara Spills on That OMG Blackstar Reveal
By Lindsay MacDonald | Feb 11, 2019 

Inside Arrow's Blackstar Reveal: How Can It Be True? Why That Last Name? Any Chance for a Family Reunion?
By Matt Webb Mitovich / February 11 2019, 6:00 PM PST

Meet Mia Smoak! 'Arrow' Star Katherine McNamara Dishes on Playing Oliver and Felicity's Daughter (Exclusive)
By Leanne Aguilera‍ 6:00 PM PST, February 11, 2019

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Exclusive: 'Arrow' Recruits Connor Hawke In a Recurring Role
By RUSS BURLINGAME - February 11, 2019


Last week, fans were shocked to see that Connor Hawke (Joseph David-Jones, first seen in the role on DC's Legends of Tomorrow) reappear in the "real" continuity. ComicBook.com can now exclusively report that David-Jones has joined the cast as a recurring guest for the rest of the season.

Also of note: Arrow will seemingly make a major change to Connor's character as we know him.

In the official character description, provided by Warner Bros. Television, Hawke is described as "John Diggle's adopted son and friend of Mia who is hiding more secrets than it appears

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