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Officer-turned-Vigilante: Evan Roderick talks Nick’s epic return to Season 7 of ‘Arrow’
McKenzie Morrell   October 19, 2018


MCKENZIE MORRELL: Hi Evan, thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions for Fan Fest News. Let’s kick things off by having you tell the readers a bit about Nick Anastas on The CW’s Arrow.
Nick is a patrol officer with the Star City Police Force. He is Dinah Drake’s right hand man and the love interest of Curtis Holt, also known as Mr. Terrific. He is a natural gunslinger, so most of his expertise serves best when involved in heavy action scenes!

MM: The rest of the Star City PD was revealed to be corrupt, and Nick was the one person Dinah could count on. What kind of impact do you think he has had on Dinah’s life?
I think he’s had a huge impact. Moving forward, Dinah is going to need more people to trust. It has been important for her to know she still has someone in the SCPD that she can count on.

MM: Your character is making his mark all over the show, especially where Curtis is concerned… can you talk a little bit about that relationship, what makes it unique and if we can look forward to some more development?
I think the relationship is interesting because Nick and Curtis have found each other and grown closer despite their many differences — especially when it comes to their stances on vigilantism. I believe Nick’s changing stance on vigilantism throughout the last season is a testament to their bond, and to the loyalty and love Curtis has for Nick. Definitely expect to see more of these two!

MM: Can we expect to see some resolution after the fallout of Oliver’s incarceration?
I’m not at liberty to say! All I can say is that I really think it is going to be the best season yet.
*  *  *
MM: What is something you’re excited for the audience to experience this season?
I’m excited for the audience to see where things have fallen into place. There have been some big hierarchal changes with some characters taking on more responsibility for the team. There are also some new styles of storytelling that we are excited to share!
*  *  *
MM: If you had to concoct a donut based on Nick’s personality, what kind of donut would he be, and what kind of toppings would on it?
Honey glazed for sure! No toppings. Reliable and dependable — you know what you’re getting every time and you can’t go wrong!
*  *  *
MM: Anything else you want to say to the fans, or tease?
I’m just very excited to be a part of this new season of Arrow! I think fans will be very happy with this season.

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DC TV Watch: New 'Arrow' Showrunner Dives Deep Into Those Flash-Forwards
OCTOBER 20, 2018 8:15am PT by Sydney Bucksbaum


"I've been on the show since the beginning and we had always in the room discussed the possibility when the flashbacks ended that we would do the flash forwards," executive producer Beth Schwartz tells The Hollywood Reporter. "Especially since we knew about William and we thought that would be really cool to see how he's been affected by his childhood and his father. We always wanted to do something like that and then this season I pitched it to Greg [Berlanti] and he was like, 'Yes!' We knew we wanted something fresh and new for season seven and my favorite part of the show was always the flashbacks and the mystery of how Oliver became the Green Arrow and his origin story."

While Schwartz doesn't remember which writer or producer originally came up with the flash forward idea in the early days of Arrow, it was set in the core mythology of the series years ago. "It was when we realized this show might go on beyond five seasons and I know that Marc [Guggenheim] had always said the flashbacks were five years," she adds. "What do we do after five seasons? It just made sense to go forward into the future instead of continuing flashbacks. We're kind of breaking two shows. We have a whole separate mythology for the flash forwards and we have a lot of new characters and that's why it feels so fresh; we're doing two shows in one."

The flash forwards will not be in every episode, but they will be in most. "When we had flashbacks in every episode, sometimes it felt like a little too much," Schwartz says. "I wanted to make sure that we were telling the story we needed to tell instead of being forced to tell them in every episode. With the flash forwards, we're able to see the consequences of what our team has done in the present day story. In the future storyline you're going to be able to see were vigilantes effective? How did that affect Star City in the future? How did it affect The Glades? How did it affect all the characters we love? Are people going to be the same or different? It opens up the world a lot."

And for those keeping track, while Lian Yu was blown up by Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra) in the season five finale, it wasn't completely destroyed. "We definitely talked about that," Schwartz says with a laugh. "He blew up the island but he didn't decimate it. We figured that 20 years in the future, life finds its way back on the island so that’s why we had some greenery having grown over the graves. And he just didn't burn Robert Queen's grave."
*  *  *
"I love the prison story and it's what separates it from the previous seasons," Schwartz says. "Oliver is away from his team, away from his wife and child and he's with some old characters and some new characters. This allows us to tell a different kind of narrative. He's not the Green Arrow anymore. I always wanted it to be a longer arc – I loved Prison Break and I thought it was such a great opportunity to see how our hero reacts to being in prison. There is so much story to be told there so it's a longer arc and the studio and network were extremely supportive. It's one of the strongest stories we have, at least in the first half of the season."
*  *  *
Larger theme: The overall theme this season is redemption, and that doesn't just apply to Oliver serving time for crimes he committed as the Green Arrow.

"It's focused on Oliver but it will hit on all the characters, just in the choices they've made this season by becoming a hero in a different way," Schwartz says. "It affects Laurel/Black Siren [Katie Cassidy], she has a large way to go to redeem herself from last season. It will even affect some of our characters in the future story as well."
*  *  *
New villain: For the first time in history, Arrow is keeping the same villain around for a second season as Diaz aka the Dragon (Kirk Acevedo) will continue to hunt the separated Team Arrow out of revenge for destroying his empire last season.

"It is the first time we've done this and it's the first time we've had a big bad going after our team while Oliver is in prison," Schwartz says. "Oliver is very much isolated on the inside and he'll struggle with trying to go after Diaz while he's stuck in prison so he'll have to get creative. Our team on the outside isn't really a team anymore either so having them trying to figure out their new normal and take down Diaz is also very challenging so they'll have to do things in a different way than they've done before." 

And with the addition of the Longbow Hunters, taking down Diaz will prove to be a lot harder than they all think. "Diaz will be their leader, so he'll have this fierce group of assassins that are on his side for him to fight the team with," Schwartz adds.
*  *  *
"You'll see a lot more in episode 2 that he's much darker," Schwartz says of the 20 years older, Lian Yu resident Roy. "He's definitely been burned. There will be a lot of mysteries to reveal throughout the season about what happened to him in that time span. We don't like the happily-ever-afters, apparently."

And now that the adult version of William has found Roy on Lian Yu, expect to learn more about why he's sought out his father's first protege and what's happened to him over the past 20 years as he and Roy develop a mentor/mentee relationship. "Last year we spent a lot of time with Oliver as a father, and those stories were extremely dynamic," Schwartz says. "Trying to figure out what it's like for a child to have a father who is Oliver Queen has been endless with the amount of stories we can come up with. How that affects a small child with all the trauma he's been through, it's interesting to see how William turns out when he's an adult."
*  *  *
"What I brought [to this season with my promotion] is extremely collaborative," Schwartz says. "I've known a lot of these people for a long time. I'm just focusing on season seven right now but with the flash forwards, it feels like now the stories are endless. There's a lot of material."
*  *  *
Fun fact: While Shadowhunters star Katherine McNamara was previously reported as a new cast member for this season of Arrow, not much is known about her role, even after the season seven premiere. Schwartz wants to keep most of the details about Maya, a skilled street fighter in Star City, secret but promises that the character will debut soon. "We'll see her in the first half of the season," she reveals. "There are still many surprises to come."

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Consistent with previously posted Sep. 3rd SpoilerTV article...
Arrow: More Season 7 Titles Revealed
October 19, 2018 Craig Byrne 


We already knew the next four titles from a previous post. “The Longbow Hunters” airs October 22, “Crossing Lines” is scheduled for October 29, “Level Two” airs November 5, and “The Demon” can be seen after that. But what’s next?

Here are some tentative titles (subject to change). Sometime soon we’ll finally update the Arrow Spoilers Page at GreenArrowTV to reflect all of these titles and this new material.

#7.6 “Due Process” (November 19)
#7.7 “The Slabside Redemption” (November 26)
#7.8 “Unmasked” (December 3)
#7.9 “Hour Two” (December 10 (Crossover) — we also figure that the full title is “Elseworlds: Hour Two”)

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From Circa POP Live interview with Katherine McNamara on Oct. 19...

-- On what it's like being part of Arrow now, KM: "I feel very fortunate... It's amazing. It's such great family. I mean, I've shot my first episode and they've been so welcoming and so wonderful. And, uh, it's a very exciting character, very different from Clary on Shadowhunters, sort of the antithesis of everything she was, um, which is really cool. And - and fun for me as an actor to do something different."

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Stephen Amell on a Divided 'Arrow' & What Has Him 'Pumped' for Oliver's Prison Stint
Damian Holbrook October 15, 2018 


When I spoke with [showrunner] Beth Schwartz this summer at Comic-Con, she pretty much said that Oliver is not getting out of jail quickly.
Yeah, and so no, he doesn't. It's not like a season of 24 where Jack Bauer is put in prison by the Chinese government but then you realize that they're not gonna keep him in China for like nine episodes. [Laughs] He's gonna show up like 20 minutes into the show! So we've really isolated Oliver in prison and it's been a very interesting dynamic because I haven't been interacting with a ton of the cast.

Does it feel like you're on a different show right now?
It totally feels like I'm on a different show. We've seen in the preview that Oliver interacts with both Diggle (David Ramsey) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) in the premiere, but then I go a stretch of episodes [alone]. In fact it was just last week, I worked with one of the regulars and that was the first time in months. It's been really strange, although there are people in prison that Oliver interacts with where there's some familiarity that we haven't yet seen in the previews.
*  *  *
Does being separated from the cast mess with your head at all?
It's strange. I always worry so much about quality control on the show, just in terms of continuity and making sure that stuff's true to character, so when I'm not around, I have a tough time loosening my grip. But at the same time, one of the things that we're doing a little bit differently this year is, we've had either a producer or writer on set for every episode and that has really empowered them to make a lot of unilateral decisions because that is their episode. And that's been very helpful because I spend a lot of time talking with them and it gives me a lot of confidence that when I'm not there, there's not any sort of dip in quality. Not that I'm the one who's solely capable of keeping up the quality of the show. Far from it! It's just it allows me to relax a little bit because I've had several episodes where, because I'm in prison, we'd block my stuff at the top of the episode. I'm on a stage, because it's prison, and then I've been off for like 10 days.
*  *  *
And from everything you've posted on Instagram, it has not been a walk in the park for Oliver.
Well, he's been laying low. And also the name of our season finale was "Life Sentence," so he isn't focusing on getting out on good behavior, but he's passively avoiding conflict and trying to stay out of everybody's way. One of the things I talk with the writers a lot about is that Oliver can break out of prison any time he wants. We've broken into prison, we've broken out of prison, I can't count how many times during the show. [Laughs] So there has to be a reason that he's staying in there and right now, it's the fact that he's done this to keep his friends from being arrested, has the FBI and A.R.G.U.S. looking for Diaz (Kirk Acevedo), and Felicity and William are theoretically safe. But the moment that all three of those things go away, then there's no reason for him to be in there anymore, that wouldn't make sense for the character.
*  *  *
I am assuming that this is gonna have to be, in some way, resolved before the crossover.
[Laughs] That would be a safe assumption, I think. But the one thing that I can tell you is there aren't any breakouts of prison planned, so assuming that Oliver does eventually get out, I'm very, very excited to see how he gets back into society because, again, he's out as the Green Arrow now. People know, everyone knows it. So what does that mean, how is that gonna affect him?
*  *  *
And before all of that, you have all your own story inside of Slabside?
I'm very pumped, I'm very pumped with the work that we've done. I've got a lot of really nice notes from staff that the show feels different, that it looks a lot different. I don't know, there's just something about what we're doing this year. And you could put your thinking cap on and come up with a hundred different ways that the first episode might end and you would never guess it.

Really? Nice.
It's fantastic. I was so pumped when I read it. I think that there's been a lot of new blood in the writer's room and, not to say that things were stale, but it's important to have that happen and I think that a lot of bold moves are being made and a lot of things are being put in the scripts that can never be undone. That's something that I feel like we did a little bit more in our earlier days and then we maybe went a little bit of the safer route in some instances and I've always said if you have a good idea, let's not save it. Another season is promised to nobody. So if you've got a good idea, let's do it.
*  *  *
It's almost like you had to be the safe and responsible show while you were launching all the spinoffs. Now can go back to being risky.
We have no responsibility now! We can just to go and do our own thing and it's been a lot of fun. The only thing is, we've got a lot of new team members on the set and a lot of new cast members that I just haven't had the chance to interact with yet and so it's been very strange and I always like to try and make people feel at home and feel comfortable and see if they need anything. So to have people who are now a part of the family that I've just never seen is strange.

You have so much investment in the show, have you finally decided direct an episode? It's time.
That's a great question. I do have a lot of interest in directing, but I actively do not want to direct Arrow. To that, the answer's no. I really hesitate to say never, but I'm pretty sure never.


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Arrow boss and star tease Longbow Hunters threat: 'They're a force'



It sounds like the Longbow Hunters are looking to take advantage of the team’s weakened state in Arrow season 7.

Typically, Arrow’s big bads focus their attention on Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Stephen Amell); however, with Oliver in prison, Ricardo Diaz’s (Kirk Acevedo) deadly trio of assassins will have their sighs set on the former members of Team Arrow. In fact, each Hunter — Red Dart (Holly Elissa), the shield-loving Kodiak (Van Helsing’s Michael Jonsson), and Silencer (Miranda Edwards) — will essentially be paired against one of the heroes (Think Team Avatar vs. the Red Lotus on Legend of Korra, sort of.)

“They’re a force,” showrunner Beth Schwartz tells EW. “Each one has a different team member that they’ll go toe-to-toe with, specifically with what weapons they use.”

The Longbow Hunters are such formidable and threatening opponents — you know, in addition to the fact that the League of Assassins is scared of them — because they’re working together, whereas the members of Team Arrow aren’t, since they were forced to disband to keep their immunity.

“When you have a multitude of people who are sort of distracting [you] and working as a team toward evil, you’re, for lack of a better word, screwed,” says Emily Bett Rickards. “The team doesn’t necessarily have a designated leader since they’ve been broken up. It goes back to, what is everybody’s cost? If you don’t have the same amount of cost, you’re going to face disagreement and trouble and possibly not having good teamwork against three people that are working together as a team with a dedicated message, which is probably, at the root, of it evil. They’re kind of outnumbered in terms of mental game, which transfers into the powers that they have.”

As Diaz’s newest buddies deal with Team Arrow, Earth-2 Laurel (Katie Cassidy), the Dragon’s former partner in crime who took over as Star City’s D.A. in season 7, will be trying to figure out where she falls on the good-evil spectrum in the wake of Quentin’s (Paul Blackthorne) murder.

“She’s always sort of struggling with the line between good and evil, and she lies somewhere in between that. With Quentin’s death, she’s definitely been affected in terms of she wants to live her life how Quentin would’ve wanted her to, but the Black Siren in her is always going to exist,” says Schwartz. “Also, she has not forgotten about Diaz and how her father died, so she will definitely be wanting to seek revenge for Quentin’s death.”

Laurel spent most of last season out the outs with the team, but that’s going to change this season. “No one can fully trust her, obviously, but we are going to see some interesting team-ups with her and some of our team,” Schwartz teases.

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Oliver (Stephen Amell) continues to stay in shape. We get more flash forwards. We learn some interesting things about William (Ben Lewis). Something is stolen from ARGUS. Oliver makes a deal with someone. Rene (Rick Gonzalez) is proud of Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). It’s amazing what you can do with a broken pencil! Two canaries are better than one. Felicity forms a surprising alliance.


Dialogue teases:

A little more.
I got bored.
I can take care of myself.
No one’s that clean.
Thank you for the back up.
And that someone is not you.
You’ve had it in for me since day one.
I know exactly what this is.
It’s not how I do things.
I just want to do the right thing.
I somehow ended up here without a pen.
And then it makes predictive suggestions.
I’ll do anything to protect them.
So much for not making a mess.
Are you familiar with famous last words.
Stay behind me.
We need a computer.
Looking for answers is only going to cause you pain.
He got sent down the river too which is worse than a death sentence.

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I only quoted the Arrow comments, so you may wish to read the rest of his interview...

Feature: Evan Roderick aka Nick Anastas is Officer-turned-vigilante in Season 7 CW’s “Arrow”
October 17, 2018   Occhi


Hi, Evan! Thank you for granting the interview. Congrats on your returning role as former Star City police officer Nick Anastas on The CW’s “Arrow”. What should the audience expect to see this season?
Of course. Thanks for having me! Season 7 is going to be very exciting, especially since Oliver is starting the season in prison after being discovered as the Green Arrow. You can expect to see some new styles of storytelling, a couple of new characters, and of course the intense action scenes that Arrow has become renowned for!

How does Nick cope with his and Curtis’ relationship regarding their stances on vigilantism?
I think if Nick had any preconceptions about vigilantism, they were shifted when Curtis took a bullet for him and was discovered as Mr. Terrific. That moment allowed him to see vigilantism in a positive light, and from then on has been more willing to cooperate with vigilantes.

How would you describe Nick’s personality?
If he believes in something, he will dedicate himself wholeheartedly to that cause. He has an unwavering sense of loyalty to Dinah Drake and Curtis Holt and would sacrifice himself for them any day. I’d say, his loyalty, determination, and compassion are his best traits.

What do you enjoy most about playing Nick?
He’s a gunslinger. Anytime we shoot an action scene I know I’m going to be in the thick of it. I really enjoy that.

We know you don’t want Nick to be a stereotype. You’d rather show the best of Nick to support the LGBTQ+ community. How do you make him unique, so he can stand out and represent the community?
To me, It was important to show his masculinity. He’s a younger guy in the SCPD but he prides himself in being able to step in and make a difference when it matters. The qualities that I want to stand out for the community, are his strength and his honesty.

How important is representation?
To be able to play a character like Nick on a big network television is hugely important. My favorite part of this character’s expansion was that he wasn’t going to be a stereotype, he was going to be someone unique and strong, someone, who represented the LGBTQ community, accurately.

What is going to surprise people about Nick in the seventh season that you can share?
All I can say is that there is going to be a lot of action and he and Dinah will be working together once again. Expect lots of action!

What is your favorite part about working on the set of “Arrow?”
Apart from the food… I’d have to say the cast and crew! I’ve never felt more welcome on a set in my career so far.

What would you love to see happen to Nick’s character in the future?
I’d love to see Nick work closer with team Arrow. Most of his efforts have been through Dinah and the SCPD so far but having more responsibility within team Arrow would be an interesting change.

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‘Arrow’ 7×02 screener secrets: Enter the Longbow Hunters


We have five teases to get you ready for the episode:
*  *  *
Meet the Longbow Hunters
After teasing their arrival in the season 6 finale, Diaz has made good on his promise to bring in this infamous band of assassins. The trio comprises Red Dart, “a ruthless and precise killer”; Silencer, “a master of stealth”; and Kodiak, “a beast of a man with brute force.”

They are a competent, dangerous threat for the good guys to face down. My favorite is probably Silencer; there is a very cool audio effect that goes along with her ability.
*  *  *
There are two very cool fight scenes
The climax of the episode revolves around two different, but equally badass, fight scenes. One involves sonic screams versus a sound dampener and the other takes place on a moving train and involves a flamethrower. Action sequences have always been one of Arrow‘s greatest strengths, and these do not disappoint.
*  *  *
Felicity is hyper-focused on Diaz
After barely getting away from Diaz while in protective custody, Felicity has turned her full attention on catching him. After all, Oliver went to prison in exchange for the FBI helping take down Diaz; if Diaz is still on the loose, Oliver shouldn’t be behind bars.

This obsession with catching Diaz puts her at odds with some of her closest friends and leads to her making an unexpected alliance to get what she wants.
*  *  *
Dinah and Laurel are forced to pair up
With Diaz back in town, SCPD has placed Laurel under protective custody. Laurel, however, has no interest in being protected by SCPD officers — forcing Dinah to step in. As much as she has no interest in protecting the woman who killed Vincent, she must protect Star City’s district attorney, so Laurel’s rebellion against protection forces Dinah to do the job herself.

It goes about as smoothly as you’d expect, though there is a development in this dynamic I’m interested to see continue playing out over the course of the season.
*  *  *
Oliver has had enough of keeping his head down since Diaz went after Felicity and William. He knows Brick is a potential lead to track down Diaz from prison, but Brick isn’t going to just share that information; he has a price, and it’s one Oliver has to find a creative way to pay.

What would Green Arrow do?

He’s not that person anymore, so what would Oliver Queen do?

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702 sneak peek...

Arrow Exclusive Sneak Peek: Felicity and Curtis are Back in Action!
By Lindsay MacDonald | Oct 22, 2018 12:00 PM EDT


In TV Guide's exclusive sneak peek at Monday's new episode, Diggle (David Ramsey) is ready to take on the thieves of an ultra-high density renewable battery with his snazzy new ARGUS team, but they're not the only ones piecing together the mystery of this crime. Curtis (who has been left out the briefing, being a measly tech guy) obviously has to show off the specs for this cool new battery to his bestie Felicity, who immediately goes into vigilante mode. It doesn't help that the tech used to steal the battery is the exact same kind as the one Diaz (Kirk Acevedo) used to break into Felicity's secure Witness Protection safe house. Hmm...

Felicity eventually deduces (and Diggle confirms in his own briefing) that this heist was pulled off by the dreaded Longbow Hunters. These baddies were name-dropped last season, but we have yet to see them in action. Something tells us if they're partnering up with Diaz, we won't have to wait long for them to arrive in Star City. And with Oliver (Stephen Amell) still in jail, it might be up to the rest of Team Arrow to take these guys down.

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'Arrow' Star Rick Gonzalez on the Team's Return to Vigilante Life & Keeping Crossover Secrets (Exclusive)
By Meredith B. Kile‍   October 22, 2018


It seems that Rene (Rick Gonzalez) and Dinah (Julianna Harkavy) in particular, will continue to butt heads over the issue. Fans saw the hot-headed Rene back in his Mad Dog gear in the season seven premiere last week, much to the chagrin of Dinah, who is getting back to her roots on the other side of the law as a captain with the Star City Police.

"There’s going to be tension there," Gonzalez confirmed to ET's Philiana Ng at The CW Fall Launch Event, in partnership with #SeeHer. "Because he decides to suit up... that lends itself to who Rene is. He’s someone who does the right thing in terms of wanting to be a dad. But at the same time, to be a vigilante is pretty reckless, but that’s what we love about him."

"That clashes with Dinah, who’s now the police captain," he added. "She has to walk the straight and narrow. She has a different idea on how to help the city. There’s going to be friction there."
*  *  *
"I’m excited for the season," Gonzalez raved. "I feel like this is a gigantic transitional season for Arrow. There’s a lot of things that are happening and I think it’s going to make for an exciting season."
*  *  *
"I like the juxtaposition of having a character like Wild Dog who’s very reckless and dangerous, but is also loving and has a big heart but wants to protect his daughter," Gonzalez said of his family ties in the new season. "To me, it’s awesome because I relate. I have a 5-year-old little girl. Sometimes as an actor, you mirror the characters in moments that fit well. The work is so comfortable for me and to be a dad, to have a daughter, it’s very comforting."
*  *  *
... Showrunner Beth Schwartz confirmed last week that fans will be seeing more Arrow characters pop up in the future storyline, set around 2040, but couldn't go into detail about who might be appearing

"There’s so much territory to choose from," she explained. "Because we’ve opened it up so much, we have so much story we can tell. We can introduce something in the future and then you’re like, 'How the hell did that happen?' and then you’re going to be watching our present-day story like, 'Wait, when is this going to happen?' I think it just adds a lot to the story."

So, how would Rene feel if his future daughter turns out to be a vigilante just like him? "I think Rene would love that in a way," Gonzalez said of Zoe possibly following in Mad Dog's [sic]footsteps. "Rene would absolutely love his daughter to do that kind of stuff. That’s how he feels how he’d be helping. We should do that!"

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Live with Arrow's Emily Bett | Wednesday 12:30pm PST
Oct 24, 2018, by Entertainment Tonight

-- Leanne Aguilera: "When are we going to get our Oliver and Felicity reunion? ... Have you filmed that reunion just yet?" EBR: "Well, maybe. But who knows if it's in reality or not. ... ooh la la, sexy, sexy. (Laughs) I don't know... It has to happen because the crux of Felicity's desire and main objective and goal for the season would be to be with her husband. So, if that doesn't happen, then - I mean, she's just going to light everything on fire and she's going to go to prison for arson."

-- On Felicity's mindset going forward in S7, EBR: "Well, I think her, like, original mindset is a little broken because it's been sort of jaded and - and dis - deconstructed if not completely destroyed. And I think the danger is wondering - or the danger is in, has it been completely destroyed or is it repairable? Um, and I think that is pretty much her arc for the season, is deciding, you know, where now she, like, believes justice and her morals lie, and whether or not she can accomplish that by being the person she was or does she have to accomplish it now by being the person she has made herself into."

-- On the flashforwards, EBR: "Flashforwards, I dare say this, are more of a commitment than a flashback, because your storyline has to go in a way of which you have designed it to, you know, progress towards these - and how far in the future, right? In some reality. I mean, we're lucky in our show - lucky and destroyed a little bit by it -  that we have so many areas of different realities because of the universe that we've established. You know, things can happen that maybe did happen or didn't. Um, that's the sort of reality they live in. Um, you know, but really committing to that type of storyline and feeding the characters of where they're going to go, it sort of creates the question. I mean, like, if you're not there already, is it nurture or is it nature that got you there?"

-- On future William's statement about Olicity abandonment, EBR: "Well, children have a different idea of abandonment. Clearly... You know, they might have, in a way, but it might have been for his own protection... We'll see."

-- LA: "You're sitting with me now while a lot of your co-stars are filming the crossover. Is Felicity in the crossover?" EBR: "She is in the crossover. I just happen to be here for the day."

-- On whether she has more "fight or action scenes this season," EBR: "Yep... I have so much fun with that."

-- On Katherine McNamara joining Arrow this season, EBR said that she has not shared any scenes with her yet and has not met her in Vancouver yet.

-- LA: "What Olicity goodies can you tease, from when we will eventually get that reunion? We know it's coming." EBR: "The first kiss has some scars in it. Is that weird? That's weird." LA: "It's Arrow. There's lots of scars." EBR: "That's true. Scars and hearts... Scars and hearts, I think, should be the new title this year."

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Youtube version (courtesy of deathofrainbows):

-- On whether the Longbow Hunters are as dangerous as they appear, EBR: "I think so. Plus, there's three of them, right? Multiple of them. So yes strength in numbers, not to mention, like, completely educated in tactical, close combat, violent human beings."

-- EBR: "Well, Felicity didn't want [Oliver] to do it in the first place. She, you know, is sort of holding a - I wouldn't say grudge, but there's anger there for him making this decision and sort of like leaving her life. And, you know, using that decision alone. Um, with that being said, I wonder - I bet she would do the same thing if she was in prison. She'd fight for her life and her family."

-- On whether we'll finally see Felicity with her own company, Smoak Tech, EBR: "Smoak Tech has not come into play yet, but it has been referenced in the future."

-- On when Oliver & Felicity will finally reunite, EBR: "And they will be reunited in episodes to come. Before half the season is done."

-- On people speculating that Colton Haynes' character will be the "next fake Green Arrow," EBR: "That is a a great prediction... I mean, these leading questions are pretty much a trap... We haven't spent a whole lot of time together on set, because our characters haven't really interacted quite yet, which is very sad, in my personal opinion."

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705 Press Release



“The Demon” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)

FELICTY DISCOVERS A SECRET ABOUT OLIVER; CURTIS GOES UNDERCOVER — Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) learns something new about Oliver (Stephen Amell) that shocks her. Meanwhile, Diggle (David Ramsey) asks Curtis (Echo Kellum) to go undercover for ARGUS. Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) works with an unlikely ally. Mark Bunting directed the episode written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes (#705). Original airdate 11/12/2018.

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Spotlight On Katie Cassidy - LA Comic Con 2018
Published on Oct 29, 2018, by Media Discord

-- On what she's most excited to have fans see this season, KC: "Well, Arrow Season 7. I hope all of you are tuning in. Are you? Yes? Yes? Good. I love that. Um, in terms of my character, I think you will see - we'll definitely get into more of Black Siren and, um - her back story, and what her motives are and why. Um, you know, obviously she has it out for Diaz. Um, and she's now come into the position of being, um, Mayor in some respect, you know, basically. She - there's a lot going on with her. There's a lot of layers. And she is still a bit of a loose cannon though. You never know what you're going to get from her... It's been really fun playing her, you know."

-- KC: "We'll get into her back story, and I think everyone's going to be pretty surprised."

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#249: Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow writer/producer/showrunner Marc Guggenheim
Comic Book Central   October 27, 2018

-- MG: "I was just in the editing room today on the seventh episode of Arrow's seventh season, 707, and that is like - it's massive, huge."

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-- On her top 5 Olicity moments, EBR: "Okay. First kiss. First date. First explosion. Oliver showing up in the back of the MIni Cooper covered in blood, duh. Um, and one of the scenes that we just shot. They are about to go somewhere fancy and they don't.

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'Arrow' Star Emily Bett Rickards on Felicity's 'Jaded' Season 7 Arc & Upcoming Olicity Reunion (Exclusive)
By Meredith B. Kile? October 29, 2018

Interview: Echo Kellum Previews “Crossing Lines” & More Arrow Season 7 Goodness
October 29, 2018 Craig Byrne 

Echo Kellum Drops Hint About ‘Arrow’ Flash Forwards, Plus: His LOL Response to New Green Arrow’s Identity
October 29, 2018

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Nerdist interview with EK (starting at around the 11:30 mark)...

Arrow's Echo Kellum aka Mr. Terrific Joins Us Live & More! (Nerdist News Talks Back)
Nerdist    Streamed live 23 hours ago

-- When asked why ARGUS was going after this European underground bank instead of going after Diaz and the Longbow Hunters, EK: "Well, I definitely think that ARGUS should be going after Diaz and the Longbow Hunters, but, of course, this is a government agency so they don't always do things the proper way. Uh, but they're really trying to figure out what's going on with this bank. ... In my opinion, they should definitely be laser focused on Diaz. He's a major threat. He's been terrorizing Felicity. He's the one who orchestrated, you know, where we are right now. So I definitely think he should be the main focus."

-- On whether Curtis will be stuck in a van all season or whether we'll see him back in action either with ARGUS or as Mr. Terrific, EK: "I mean, there's definitely, uh, a lot of van love for Curtis this year. Uh, you know, he's become very close with that van. But, you know, he's definitely going to be going undercover with ARGUS in some future episodes, and Mr. Terrific definitely has the capabilities to come back at any point. You know, I don't want to give away too many spoilers, but he'll definitely be getting back into the field in a lot of different, interesting and familiar ways."

-- On what he can say about this season without getting into trouble, EK: "I mean, there are so many twists and turns happening this season... It's going to be so different from anything people have ever seen. I think our new showrunner, Beth, and the writers room are doing some really amazing things behind the scenes and giving us a lot of fun to play with. So I just really want people just to buckle up and just get ready for a really fun, different experience. And when I say things will happen that you will never see coming, I mean, it is really true. I am still kinda shocked and flabbergasted at how some things will be [planned/playing-not sure of word?] out. So it will be an explosive, really dope season."

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Includes short interviews with JH, RG and EK...

Arrow's' Juliana Harkavy: 'It's A New Dynamic' For The Team Without Oliver Queen
Published on Oct 15, 2018, by Access

-- On whether he can say anything about the villain this season, Rick Gonzalez: "No. Um, but I think you guys are going to be in for a, like, 'ooh,' a doozy. Like, it's going to throw you - it's going to be awesome. And I'm literally like - I just read episode 10 and, like, things start to unfold and make sense to people - like, it's going to be crazy."

Katherine McNamara Q&A
Published on Oct 30, 2018, by Famous Birthdays

'-- Katherine McNamara: "Playing Clary [on Shadowhunters] taught me a lot of things. Um, endless, endless lessons. Uh, for one thing, it taught me how to fight, which is something I love because I'm now able to take that over to Arrow and continue to grow those skills and allow them to, um, feed into a new character, which is a lot of fun."

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Synopsis for 7x06 - Due Process:


“Due Process” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)

LAUREL STEPS IN TO HELP OLIVER — Slabside becomes even more dangerous after a guard is murdered and everyone is a suspect. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) enlists help from a surprising source in her pursuit of Diaz (Kirk Acevedo), and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) flexes her muscles as the District Attorney. Kristin Windell directed the episode written by Sarah Tarkhoff & Tonya Kong (#706). Original airdate 11/19/2018.

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This audition video by actor Ben Chase is for the role of "Sam Hackett" (likely a fake name) - the audition scene appears to be shared with Oliver...

Posted November 2, 2018, by Ben Chase

Two takes of same scene:
Ben Chase: "Fifteen minutes late. So much for your big hero. I guess your lives didn't mean all that much to him anyway. Now, who wants to die next?" (Take 2: "Fifteen minutes late. So much for your hero. I guess he didn't really care all that much for your lives anyway. Now, who wants to die next?")
Reader (off-screen): "Enough!"
BC: "Look who finally decided to show up."
Reader: "You wanted me. Here I am. But keep them out of it. They have nothing to do with this."
BC: "Well, of course they do. Whoa! Any funny business and this place goes sky high! Got it? The SCPD, the news - they're the ones that allow you to make yourself out into this big hero. But I know what you really are."
Reader: "I'm a liar. Right, Sam? Because I lied about your father. He was on the Gambit with me and my dad before my father took his own life and murdered yours, so that I could live." (Take 2: " "I'm a liar. Right, Sam? Because I lied about your father. He was on the Gambit with me and my dad, and before my father took his own life, he murdered yours, so that I could live.")
BC: "You finally admit it."
Reader: "It's only the truth. I can't express how sorry I am for your loss, Sam. Truly."
BC: "No. No, no, no, no! You and I are way past apologies. My father is gone and I need to make it right." (Take 2: "No. No, no, no, no, no, no! You and I are way past apologies now. My father is gone and I need to make things right.")
Reader: "Then let me make it right."
BC: "You can't!"
Reader: "There's always a way back, Sam. Let me help you."
BC: "No. Never really had any intention of us getting out of here alive. I just wanted to see what your face looked like when I blew us all straight to hell." (Take 2:  "You don't realize, I never had any intentions of any of us getting out of here alive. I just wanted to see what your face looked like when I blew us all straight to hell.")
Reader: "Listen. In your heart of hearts, could you really picture your father believing that this is the right thing to do?"
BC: "No."
Reader: "This isn't justice!"
BC: "But it's what I need. (Mimes getting shot in the shoulder with an arrow?) You don't know what justice is. You're a fraud. And one day the entire world will know." (Take 2:  "But it's what I need. You don't know what justice is. You're a fraud. And one day the entire world is going to know it.")

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Posting here for archival citation purposes (these spoilers will be added to ADDEND #4 in the S7 Spoiler Archive thread)...

‘Arrow’ EP on That Shocking New Storyline, Keeping the Show Grounded, and More


Question: Is this future storyline going to parallel the season, like the flashbacks used to?
Yeah. Ever since the flashbacks went away and we didn’t know how long the show was gonna go on for, we always knew, after Season 5, that there wouldn’t be flashbacks, so we had talked about doing flash-forwards, years ago. So, we’re gonna keep it all season.
*  *  *
Exactly how many years in the future are we seeing?
It’s 20 years. I think it’s 2040.
*  *  *
With these flash-forwards, are we going to find out about what happened to Thea?
It’s possible. I don’t know.

Are we going to get to see all of the other characters aged up, or are they going to be played by different actors?
You’re gonna see some of our characters, yes.
*  *  *
Is this a fixed future that we’re seeing, or is there the possibility that they can change things?
This is not connected to Legends. This is our own future. They don’t know what happens in the future. Legends is like that and The Flash is like that, but on Arrow, they don’t know. This is very much for the audience. They don’t know what’s happening to them, in the future. It’s better that they don’t know.

Is there a concerted effort to stay away from sci-fi elements, this year?
Yeah. We’re sticking to the more grounded storytelling.
*  *  *
Oliver is not having a good time in jail. Is there a point where he turns a corner, or does he find someone that he can actually trust in there?
His relationships in prison, especially with him and Stanley, that’s my favorite relationship of the season, so far. He’s just a phenomenal actor, and he’s the voice of hope for the city because he’s the Green Arrow’s biggest fan. You’ll get some of that inside prison, but everyone else hates him. He’s a little bit of the light for Oliver in prison, which is a really fun dynamic. Things don’t get easier for Oliver, but he learns a lot while he’s there, which is really cool.

Will Vinnie Jones and Cody Runnels be sticking around for a bit?
*  *  *
With the choice that Oliver makes by the end of the episode, what is his attitude like, moving forward?
He’s different than we have ever seen him. He was not the hero. He was just laying low and thinking that was the best way for him to be in prison. And then, obviously, when his family gets attacked, he can’t not be the Green Arrow, even if he’s in prison. So, he’s gonna continue to struggle with what does that look like, being the Green Arrow while you’re behind bars. It’s not easy.

Felicity made a similar decision, to stay and fight. What is her journey going to be?
Her storyline is one of my favorites, this season. We played her pretty parallel to Oliver, where she’s hiding and not being herself. She’s in protective custody, but when someone attacks her family, she can’t ignore that, so she has to fight back. She’s gonna figure out, how do I fight back without my husband, who happens to be the Green Arrow? That will be her challenge, in the first half of the season.

Is the pink hair going to stay, all season?
No, but I love it so much.

Oliver was a little terrified at the idea of Felicity not being in Witness Protection anymore. Is that going to continue to be a struggle for him?
Yes. He doesn’t like not controlling things.

With William going away to school, is he still going to be prevalent in the present-day storyline?
Yeah. Part of what I think made this series so successful, in having the flashbacks, is that you were able to really get into your characters. Especially with Oliver, you knew how he became the way he is. And now, with the flash-forwards, you’re able to see what is happening in the present day and how that affects the characters in the future, which is really, really, really fun, creatively.

Diaz showed that he can really get to Oliver and his family anywhere, by any means possible. How do they approach staying safe, knowing that he’s out there and has his hands in pretty much everything?
Yeah, that’s gonna be challenging. What was interesting about it, in the writers’ room when we were talking about this season, is that this is the first time the Big Bad is continued from the previous season. And also, Oliver is in prison and on the inside while the Big Bad is out there, so that’s been really hard on his character. Creatively, that’s been really interesting for us to play with. You’ll have to see how our group manages to deal with that.
*  *  *
Rene is already leaning back into the vigilante thing. Is it going to be a gradual thing, getting the team back together?
We are playing with that, in the first half of the season. Our old team is trying to figure out what it means to them to be a hero to the city. Rene definitely has the biggest struggle. He got back in that Wild Dog outfit in the premiere. Everyone will have a different opinion of getting back.
*  *  *
Are we still going to get scenes in the Arrow cave, even though no one seems to be on Team Arrow anymore?
No, not yet. We will not see that, in the beginning.

With Oliver separated from the rest of the cast, how will fans get their Olicity feels, this season?
We obviously thought about that. In terms of storytelling, we thought it would be great if both of them are fighting for the same thing. So, even though we don’t physically see them together, their goals are the same. They connect without physically connecting, which I think is really cool. They are both fighting for their families, so you don’t need to see them together to get that connection, which is awesome.

Are we going to get to see more of Oliver being a dad?
Yeah, definitely.

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Arrow's Emily Bett Rickards Talks the 'Magic Equation' of Olicity
By Lindsay MacDonald | Nov 5, 2018


That doesn't mean, however, that their relationship will be without its own obstacles this season. Showrunner Beth Schwartz says their marriage will definitely be tested in upcoming episodes. "For their arc [this season], what I like about it the most is we're really going for the real struggles in marriage, so that's kind of where we're approaching their relationship. It's going to feel really authentic," Schwartz told TV Guide.

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