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S43.E20: Amy Schumer / Kacey Musgraves

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16 hours ago, BookThief said:

Overall I thought it was a decent episode. I feel liked the last few episodes have had a bit more energy to them. I also started out liking Melissa McCarthy in Weekend Update and then wondered why the segment was going on forever... I also enjoyed Amy's monologue and asking a stranger for a tampon. It's really kind of true that's that how you ask and that you get really quiet on the "tampon" part.

Handmaid's Tale. I don't know that tens of millions of people who have read the book are "niche". And I personally can't watch the show right now because the tales within the novel feel too close to potential reality. It takes place in modern times when men slowly begin to take away the autonomy of women until they have none. Do I think we'll get to Offred levels? No (probably.). But we're still discussing a woman's right to her own autonomy so the novel and TV show still are relevant. So that's why SNL is focusing on it.

Thanks for this response. I don't think there's anything niche about it. I watch it and could totally see it happening here. We seem to have leaders who want to turn America into a fascist state, so Handmaid's Tale, while terrifying, is extremely relevant. A show like SNL should totally be recognizing it. I think the sketch could've been better, but I understand why they tackled it.

ETA: I have always liked Amy. I haven't seen her new film yet, but I enjoyed Snatched, loved Trainwreck, and love her stand up comedy. I thought this was a solid episode but agree that the energy level seemed low. 

Edited by teebax
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I like Amy well enough, but oooof, I thought this episode was pretty bad. I think this is destined to be one of those episodes that is completely forgotten about, especially because it's going to be sandwiched in between Donald Glovers great episode and what will be Tina Fey's fantastic episode (she's never hosted a dud IMO).

I liked Lil Rent, and for whatever reason, Kyle's mom in the cold open delighted me. She seems like a character.

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On 5/13/2018 at 7:05 AM, Mumbles said:

I’m a big Musgraves fan going back to her first album. This new album is more poppy than country but “Slow Burn” is a nice song that meets country and pop in the middle. And I think she has great presence.

This was the first time since I don't know when that I actually watched more than 30 seconds of an SNL musical guest, and I watched both songs all the way through. I've definitely heard her name a lot, so when her first song started I thought "isn't she country???" I thought it might have been one of those many failed situations where an artist tries to completely cross over into country or vice versa. I liked the song, but the second one was much better.

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On 5/12/2018 at 10:27 PM, Machiabelly said:

Anyone else waiting for Ass Dan to show up at the graduation?

He was too busy getting ready for the Columbus Day Ass Blast

Great sketch, but would have been a little better if they had got the same guy who narrated those to do this one.

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This episode set a record for the most sketches based on  "uncomfortable" comedy-the mom/kid, Melissa McCarthy going on and on and then the skank bar scene were all on the same concept of uncomfortable being funny.. Couple that with a mediocre cold open (nice touch, but only meh, which is not shocking since those were realy mothers and not actors) and a slow pace and it wasn't the easiest installment to watch.


Usually I hate it when they bring back sketches for endless retreads, but Kate McKinnon's "bar skank" never gets old. 

Loved the premise, love that Kate goes all in and so do the guest stars (especially Charles Barkley), but the lines were not as funny as in prior episodes..YMMV

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On 5/13/2018 at 1:48 AM, ruby24 said:

Wait, so every mom thinks that they're too mean to Trump? WTF? My mom gets pissed that they're not mean enough. I was hoping some of them would be cheering it on, that would have been funnier (and less condescending to older women, frankly).

I think it was a joke that moms were saying that.  

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On ‎5‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 12:36 AM, possibilities said:

I enjoyed the cold open, but noticed not all the moms appeared. I noticed Kate, Cecily, Heidi, Che, and Leslie didn't participate. Did Aidy? Now I can't remember.

Cecily's mom did show up for the 2015 MD episode, hosted by Reese Witherspoon, which ran in the 10e/9c slot earlier on Saturday.  Perhaps she didn't feel like flying out to NYC from Chicago again (she lives in the same Oak Park building as some friends of mine). 

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If Leslie can't stop breaking in sketches, they should stop putting her in them.

Really getting tired of Kate MacKinnon . Would prefer to see more Cecily. Also don't really like the teen girl Heidi sketch, maybe bc I just can't identify with it at all.

Loved Melissa M and Che was a trooper through that. 

Amy Shumer- hit or miss for me, but I liked most of the sketches tonight. 

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On 5/13/2018 at 5:56 PM, librarianbeck said:

My point wasn't that they should be joking about c-sections, I was saying I wish they hadn't brought the birth part into it at all.  Goodness knows there's plenty other parts of motherhood that are tough/unpleasant,  and I feel like they did a good job with the rest of it.

The skit's title was "The Day You Were Born."  It wouldn't make sense to skip the birth.

I thought the skit would end with the little boy asking (since his mom had enjoyed his birth and childhood so much) why he didn't have a younger sibling, and her reaction to that question.

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Finally catching up on all these after a hectic couple weeks...

I liked the Cold Open better when they did it with Reese Witherspoon a few years ago. However, I thought the joke was more about how the SNL moms were saying things that lots of non-SNL moms say, that are mostly clueless about what the show is now and that it didn't just get stuck in time since 1998 or whatever.  It's just, in theory, funnier coming from mothers of cast members who should be more up on the current iteration of the show because, ya know, it's where their children work.

I really liked The Day You Were Born. The perfect combination of funny and sweet, especially with the thank you to mothers at the end.

Gospel Brunch was kind of a hot mess but I laughed so hard at "put it all in a turkey for Jesus."

The Melissa McCarthy update bit went on for way too long but I appreciated it as someone who has a really good relationship with their stepmother. There still seems to be this perception, at least in my experience, that stepmothers are evil interlopers that all kids resent (can we blame this on Disney movies?). It was nice to see a portrayal of a stepmother who is genuinely supportive of her stepkid, if a bit overzealous--maybe to compensate for not being his biological mother? And I also say this as someone who cackled at the My Little Stepkid cut-for-time sketch from a few weeks back.

I'm rather neutral on Amy Schumer but I did find the timing of her hosting quite odd. I know they book hosts months in advance, but it felt strange that she was promoting a movie that had already been out for two weeks and wasn't getting very good reviews.

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I'm just getting caught up too.

I like Heidi's teenage girl on youtube.  As a mother of a teen and pre-teen, who watch youtube, I can tell you that Heidi nailed it.  she acts just like my teen daughter, self-conscious, stroking her long hair, the looks,and attitude and then she goes into the youtube personna that I see all the time of the girls doing youtube my kids watch.

I thought the whole point of the cold open bit was that the mothers were reading a script, just like the players do (most of the time), and "scolding" their children, as mothers are wont to do.  The mothers didn't really think SNL was being too mean to trump.  But I agree, it would have been funnier if Luke Null's mom had made a meta mention of this is how to get him on stage.

Yeah, Handmaids Tale seems very relevant these days, and I love the mash with Sex in the City.

I'm very hit and miss on Amy, but I liked her hosting this time.

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