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S06.E23: Live Semi-Final Performances (top 5)

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I officially want The Grimmie to leave my screen along with her coach who basically demeaned pretty much every single contestant who have been on the show with his comments after her first song. Right now I want Josh, Kristen, and Jake in the finale. No Team Adam, please. Sorry Kat, but butchering the current Disney anthem leaves you no sympathy from me. =p

Edited by Lily Adler
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No joke, I really did get chills when Kristen performed Foolish Games. That song immediately became my first download this season. Definitely power voting for her. Looks as though Josh and Jake will prevail, as both of their songs are top 30 on iTunes right now. Blake will have the last laugh as he sneaks Jake into the finals with the Bryan Adams chestnut. It might be an every-judge-but-Adam finale, and I am okay with that.

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Kind of an underwhelming night overall, unfortunately. 

1. Kristen: Foolish Games: A+. Emotional, connected, and vocally solid. I wish she can go through. 
2. Josh: Love Runs Out: A-. I hate OneRepublic, but he put a good Josh spin on that song
3. Kristen: Gunpowder and Lead: B+. Rousing, riveting, and with attitude. 

4. Josh: All of Me: B. I hated the syrupy arrangement, but his voice is good as usual.
5. Kat: Chandelier: B-. Cool staging, solid enough vocals. 
6. Jake: Heaven: C+. Generally vocally solid, but boring. And of course, it'll sell well on iTunes and be hugely popular.
7. Christina: Hide and Seek: C-. My biggest issue is that the vocoder stuff is just not innovative - it's what Imogen Heap did in the original version!

8. Jake: Good Ol' Boys: C-. I was bored.

9. Kat: Let It Go: D+. A song that didn't need to be sung on any reality show. She sounded a bit shaky on some parts and just didn't impress overall.
10. Christina: Some Nights: D. Out of tune, and unnecessary belted in too many parts. 

No epic disasters, but many disappointments for me. Then again, I haven't liked Jake and Christina at all throughout the season, so my bias is showing again. 

Edited by awkward1penguin
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I thought Kristen gave the best performance this season and probably my favorite since Matthew's Hallelujah or Dia's Losing My Religion in season 1 tonight with Foolish Games. Wow, that was a moment. I have no idea why that wasn't chosen to close the show, because it was a standout. Jake was fine on Heaven but nothing special. Kat was really off her game tonight as was Christina and that balloon drop for the 2nd to last performance was stupid.

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Kicks Adam to curb. What ungracious and hypocritical things for him to say.

I have loved Kristin from the start, but her first performance was a revelation! Wow! Such energy, confidence, and charisma! I grinned and bounced on my sofa through it all.

Josh is wonderful, too. They're both great singers, and they seem like sweet people.

Kat, I think you're a nice person, but man, I had to turn off the sound on both if those. Wince.

Christina has a lot going for her, but a unique, richly textured voice with interesting edge or depth isn't one if them.

I can't help but love Jake, but it helps when he isn't flat. Good night for him, at the right time, but please don't win another for Team Blake.

Edited to correct my regret that Kristin's first song was weak on itunes. Both of her songs are strong there now.

Edited by picklesprite

Alright, let's get into this.


Kristen - "Gunpower & Lead" - B+:  Fun performance!  I've heard her sound a lot better on her other songs, but sometimes it's a good thing to sacrifice a little bit of the voice in order to give a great performance.  This reminded me of the energy she had during her audition and why I was instantly drawn to her.  I think Kristen is just so genuine.  It's like every word she speaks or sings is just truth.  It's very attractive.


Josh - "All of Me" - B+: Another solid performance.  Although I do have to say, as much as I LOVE Josh, he needs to mix it up a bit.  Constantly singing ballads is getting a little stale, even though he knocks it out of the park every single time.  I loved what he did with 'Happy' and I want to see more of that.  So A+ vocals, but C+ performance.


Kat - "Chandelier" - C-:  Ouch.  Screechy, pitchy, lame.  I've liked Kat for a while, but it's incredibly clear that she's going home tomorrow.  That wasn't great.


Jake - "Good Ol' Boys" - B:  You know what?  This was fun.  I liked this a lot.  Jake was struggling since the beginning of the lives, but the past couple of weeks he has really come out and knocked his performances out of the park.  This was everything it needed to be for Jake.  It was campy, it was fun, it had a couple big notes to show off his voice.  Really good.  Only thing: I hate how all the other artists are required to break out of their comfort zone, but country singers can sing country all season long and get a pass.


Christina - "Hide and Seek" - D:  Wow.  That was certainly something, but it wasn't anything good.  Imogin Heap has this wonderfully full, mournful voice on this track and Christina sucked all the life out of it.  Her voice is so thin and pitchy and she's always throwing in unnecessary belts.  I thought she was okay in the beginning but now I just want her gone.


Josh - "Love Runs Out" - A+:  Heyyyyy, this is exactly what I wanted to see happen!!  Something modern, something upbeat, something to give his performances a little more energy!  I loved this.  He's still probably the worst performer left, but hearing him rock out to this song was a breath of fresh air.  This was an instant download for me.  Josh will make the finals, but if he doesn't win I will be appalled.  I take solace in the fact that, throughout the season, he has outsold everybody left.  And his appearences on the Billboard 100 says to me that people want what he's bringing to the table.  I thought he would be kind of niche, but he's appealing to a broader audiance.


Kat - "Let It Go" - D:  Oh my god, stop.


Kristen - "Foolish Games - A: Wow.  Gorgeous, beautiful, perfect.  I truly, truly hope that Kristen makes it to the final 3.  I think Josh and Jake are locked at this point, so Kat, Kristen and Christina will probably end up in the bottom.  If this song doesn't save Kristen then... I don't know.  She deserves to be Top 3.


Christina - "Some Nights" - C: Ugh.  It's becoming more and more apparent that Christina's voice is just subpar.  She sounded like a little girl singing karaoke here.  Completely underwhelming, thin, thin, lifeless voice.  She's sinking pretty fast here.  This just sounded unprofessional.  I don't know what Adam was talking about, I guess he was grasping at straws because he knew Christina flopped.  And those stupid balloons and unnecessary belt AGAIN?  Stop.


Jake - "Heaven" - B: I actually preferred his first performance.  I think he struggled a little with this one.  He sounded a little disconnected from the song and his voice was a little shakier than what I'm used to.  Still, pretty good.


So, from first to worst:


1) Josh - "Love Runs Out" - A+

2) Kristen - "Foolish Games" - A

3) Josh - "All of Me" - B+

3) Kristen - "Gunpowder & Lead" - B+

5) Jake - "Good Ol' Boys" - B

5) Jake - "Heaven" - B

7) Christina - "Some Nights" - C

8) Kat - "Chandelier" - C-

9) Christina - "Hide & Seek" - D

9) Kat - "Let It Go" - D

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I know the judges just say whatever random things (is there a Mad Libs for judging singing competitions) to the contestants at this point so as not to torpedo their own candidate or appear to have it out for one of the other singers/other judges, but sometimes I wonder if they're seeing a different performance. Or I suppose, more to the point, hearing another performance. I know that being in studio vs. watching on tv can make a difference, but I don't think it can help sounding like you're in the wrong key, or rushing a song.


Anyway, that entire show was mostly horrifying to me. Ending the evening with "Heav-uhhhn" was not exactly impressive. I did love Kristen's version of "Foolish Games," though.

Among the myriad things I detest about Adam, the worst is how he constantly makes his feedback to the singers about HIM.  Oh, man, you keep reminding me of how dumb I was to let you go.  Wow, I pushed my button for you and that makes me wish - .  What a self-absorbed douche.  I really REALLY can't stand him.

I find it amusing that without Christina Aguilera there, his negatives become much more apparent.

  • Love 1

No joke, I really did get chills when Kristen performed Foolish Games. That song immediately became my first download this season. Definitely power voting for her.


Yes!  Me too!  Kristen is my favorite!  I really hope she wins this season.  Her voice is SO good.  I could listen to her sing all day.


I was actually underwhelmed by most of the song choices last night.  Kat's version of "Let it Go" was so-so.  Definitely no Adele Dazeem. ;)


I wouldn't be sad with a Josh Kaufman win either.  He's awesome.  "Love Runs Out" was inspired! 

Edited by MissScarlett
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Yeah I think it's safe to say this may be the, excuse my somewhat sarcastic hyperbole, "worst"—read underwhelming—season of The Voice ever. I'd hate to think the show peaked with Season 5 in the talent department.


I agree!  I was just thinking this earlier.  I'm actually looking forward to a "The Voice" break.  I'm excited to see what Gwen and Pharrell bring to the table in the fall.  Kinda sad really.

I haven't been able to watch yet - if you don't mind, what did Adam say?  I'm intrigued.


Based on y'all's recommendations, I went out and watched Kristen's performance.  Wow!  Really hoping she makes it through.

I'll have to Hulu it since I don't have a DVR, but it was something along the lines of she was much more creative and different which is something previous winners lacked on the show.


Okay apparently he said he AND-not really Adam HOPES-Miss Grimmie were sick with the past winners and contestants who make it to the finals and basically didn't push the boundaries and weren't different enough with their song choices. He said it wasn't until this season that he's done this with Kat and Christina.

Edited by Lily Adler

I find it amusing that without Christina Aguilera there, his negatives become much more apparent.


Because Christina is a such an asshole, it is hard to notice Adam's douchiness.


Not looking forward to a reunion of the original 4 panel in season 8. I hope Pharrell has a small ego and can bring some humor. Gwen seems to be cut from the same cloth as Christina, so I expect nothing from her.

  • Love 2

I think Kristen is magnificent....So I could really do without the constant Shakira "pity" lines...she makes it sound like Kristen is some kind of handicapped, misunderstood freak that is there by cosmic accident....Just STOP Shakira!!  Kristen is a talented, charismatic and beautiful woman...How is that so crazy?  What am I missing? 


Josh finally gave the performance I would PAY MONEY to see with "Love Runs Out".   He's really good on the stage when he loosens up and moves. 

Because Christina is a such an asshole, it is hard to notice Adam's douchiness.


Not looking forward to a reunion of the original 4 panel in season 8. I hope Pharrell has a small ego and can bring some humor. Gwen seems to be cut from the same cloth as Christina, so I expect nothing from her.

I usually avoid criticizing Christina because it eventually turns into a debate about feminism and other nonsense. The truth of the matter is Christina Aguilera and Adam Levine are such polarizing figures to me right now that I rather we have a clean slate and replace them for future seasons. Take the coaches that worked and have them be the permanent set. Usher, Shakira, Gwen, Pharrell, maybe even Chris Martin with Blake as the only anchor coach. I see Christina's talent and love the tone of her voice, but the person behind it is just too mean sometimes. The only few good things I can say about Christina as a coach were her vocal coaching, honest critiques-even if they were aimed at people she DIDN'T like-, and her reaction to hugging Bieber. It's more than I can say for Adam who seems to coast with most of his contestants and depends on their natural talent to win instead of nurturing it. He keeps them stagnant.

Well, I guess I said too many times that I wish this season was over.  We had some nasty weather last night and my recording of the show was screwed.  We usually watch the recording very late at night, so it was just too late to try to look for the performances online.  My DH is getting a recording today, so we'll catch up with it.


I really appreciate all of your comments because you've painted a good picture of how things went.


Am hoping for Kristen, Josh, and Jake, but I'll take any combo that doesn't include CG.

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think Kristen is magnificent....So I could really do without the constant Shakira "pity" lines...she makes it sound like Kristen is some kind of handicapped, misunderstood freak that is there by cosmic accident....Just STOP Shakira!!  Kristen is a talented, charismatic and beautiful woman...How is that so crazy?  What am I missing?


The part where we know she's gay.

Really, that is the only explanation for Shakira's embarrassing speeches about "minorities" and "inspiration" and "representing all the people who no one ever believed in".  She has to hear this every week for one reason:  she's GAY!!!


I'm glad at least we're over this kind of condescension for African American singers.


ITA with you about Kristen. I'd be very happy with an F3 of Josh, Kristen and Jake. However, since the producers (as Blake humorously but accurately noted) have already deemed Grimmie is the winner, I suppose it will be Grimmie, Josh and probably Jake as F3.


Bright side? At least we'll get to hear Kristen sing one final time for the (never-going-to-happen) Twitter save in Bottom 3 with Grimmie and Kat.

She's gay?.....ooooh, so THAT'S why she was kissing her girlfriend last night!!   /sarcasm


While lots of people seem to pay lip service to "traditional" country music, and "old-school" twangs, that's not the only thing selling in Country Music these days.....I can see Kristen with a similar audience as Florida/Georgia Line, The Band Perry, Hunter Hayes, etc....non-traditional acts, with a lot of respect for the classic stars, but creating their own sound...Hell, even Zac Brown songs sound more like Jimmy Buffett than Country....


I have a lot of hope for Kristen....We definitely need more young women on Country radio.


Kristen - "Gunpower & Lead" -: Not crazy about this song and it has been done to death on singing shows in recent years, but the performance had nice energy and was better than most of the versions I have heard.

Josh - "All of Me" - : something about Josh just leaves me cold. Decent vocal, but not my favorite and suffered by comparison to MK's rendition on Idol.

Kat - "Chandelier" - : A for effort, but the high notes were screechy and off pitch. Not a fan.

Jake - "Good Ol' Boys" - It was OK. Nice tone. Pitch was better than usual. As a person, I just love him to death, but his singing is pretty mediocre.

Christina - "Hide and Seek" - : The verses were OK, though I don't think vocal fx have any place in a singing competition. Also thought having a full choir as backup was a bit much. She screwed the pooch on the chorus, which is the part that makes the song interesting.

Josh - "Love Runs Out" - : I honestly can't remember anything about this. I'll take y'all's word that it happened.

Kat - "Let It Go" - : I have not seen the movie Frozen. I have heard this song about 70 gagillion times on singing shows....or at least it feels like it. I have hated it every time. This was no exception. Lots of pitch problems.

Kristen - "Foolish Games - : my favorite of the night. Not quite as haunting as the original and a few of the low notes were rough, but overall a very nice vocal.

Christina - "Some Nights" - : Worst performance of the season. Pitch all over the place. Thin & unpleasant tone. Just plain bad.

Jake - "Heaven" - Hit some real sour notes in this one and his voice just sounded worn out.

My choices for final 3:

Kristen, Grimme & Kat

Who I think will be there:

Kristen, Grimmie & Jake tho Josh could knock one out. I think Kat is a goner.

I'll be disappointed if Kristen doesn't make it, since she's the only one I consistently like, other than that I don't much care.

Edited by Joystickenvy

Honestly though,  I can NEVER hear "Good Old Boys" without picturing John Schneider & Tom Wopat in "The Dukes of Hazard".....There were so many other good songs Jake could have chosen...I was totally distracted through the whole performance.


Also, if he had tried Bryan Adams "Run to You" instead of "Heaven", I would have been pleasantly surprised & delighted.....One of my fave rock-out songs ever, and think he could have done it....

Honestly though,  I can NEVER hear "Good Old Boys" without picturing John Schneider & Tom Wopat in "The Dukes of Hazard".....There were so many other good songs Jake could have chosen...I was totally distracted through the whole performance.


Also, if he had tried Bryan Adams "Run to You" instead of "Heaven", I would have been pleasantly surprised & delighted.....One of my fave rock-out songs ever, and think he could have done it....

I actually thought "Good Old Boys" was just the theme song of Dukes. Is it a real song? I don't think I've ever heard it in any other context lol.

"Run to You" or "Summer of 69" either one would be more interesting than "Heaven."

I used to play Bluegrass music on a regular basis and we would sometimes do stuff like The Beverly Hillbillies theme or the Martha White theme song for fun, but not something I'd pick for a competition.

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