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S06.E10: Bon Voyage Ramona

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Heather tries to bring peace to the clashing Kristen and Ramona with a dinner. Meanwhile, the ladies take a hike in the woods, but Ramona stirs up tension when she faces a childhood fear; and the women relax, sunbathe, swim and flirt.
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I feel like I should have so much to say after watching the episode, but all I can muster is that Ramona is wrong. Very, very wrong. Like, in all the things she did tonight, she was completely and totally wrong. Who throws a glass in someone's face in retaliation for being splashed with water and then, while "apologizing" for throwing the glass, starts screaming at the person? In what world does that make any sense? I feel like had that been me, I would have been groveling at Kristen's feet, begging for her forgiveness simply because I'd be afraid she'd press charges. Nope. Not Ramona. Instead she's screaming about being splashed with water while she was in a canoe in the middle of a lake. Uh...


That she failed to let anyone but Carole know she was chartering a plane home (or to the Hamptons, I guess) is also weird. I don't care how much money you've got. Unless you're the president of the US and there's some national emergency, it's incredibly tacky to charter a fucking plane and leave a get together with your friends. I'm poor as a church mouse and can barely afford my Toyota Corolla and even I know that. 


But as someone very wise once said, "Money can't buy you class." I think it was Aristotle. 

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Ramona, the Prima Donna extraordinaire! It's so obvious that her menopausal situation is getting the better of her. Since it takes one to know one, I know how quickly a curly haired girl's mop will return to its natural state in humid conditions. Throw in some hot flashes and it just hastens the meltdown that Ramona didn't want to happen in front of the camera. Hence the air conditioner. Anyone can see that Ramona is now getting a bit thick around the middle. Another symptom of menopause for sure. I think that Ramona is put off by Kristen's young and natural good looks. Some people won't check their mail unless perfectly coiffed. I think that Ramona is extremely insecure about her image and it probably takes her hours to get camera ready. Kristen puts on chap stick and she's done. Ramona knows this and it irks her. What Ramona did was way out of line.

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What a difference in the atmosphere after Ramona took off in her "spur-of-the-moment" plane rescue. Finally the others could relax and have fun (even if Sonja's throwing herself at the completely uninterested 20 y.o. was painful to watch). Ramona is a raving lunatic. Her in-your-face screaming the same thing over and over and over again at Kristen made me want to throw cold water on her—a lot of it! I would have aimed for her frizzled, fried, overbleached, ugly hair. 


She was sorry my ass. It was NOT an impulsive act on her part to throw the glass at Kristen. She then immediately picked up the oar and was ready to hurl that at K's face. She needs thorazine and a strait jacket.


Sonja finally had to confront the fact that her dear friend Ramona had always intended to get back to the Hamptons for that party (and probably to do a bed check on Mario). That phony mud puddle meltdown in the woods was a joke. She thinks she's a convincing actress; tonight she proved beyond any doubt that she isn't. And neither is Sonja. Bet she's had her own head in the toilet a few times and been seen by her daughter. I pray that kid is at a boarding school.

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If I were Kristen I would (and in this order):

1) Stop trying to "reason" with & stay away from the disturbed individual that is Ramona,and file a restraining order against her.

2) Dump my ugly and annoying husband.

3) Make as much money as possible off my looks while I can.

Ramona needs meds/therapy or all of the above before she hurts someone or herself.

Edited by jnymph
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Ramona can blame menopause on her terrible behavior. She can blame Mario and his cheating ways. She can blame her childhood. The fact is, Ramona was a loon on the very first episode, and she is still a loon.  The throwing of things might be new, but nothing else is. 

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Whatever it takes to get Ramona off the island is fine with me -- so glad to see her take off in that plane.  She's got some stiff competition, Lord knows, but she's right up there on the list of most annoying and vulgar women on reality teevee.   None of her whacko performance post glass-throwing was at all convincing and I totally agree that she only feels comfortable enough to even attempt being polite when she thinks she looks good.  On WWHL last night you could tell she felt pret-tee and so went into her standard MO -- girly, flirty, incoherent BS and tons of mugging, grabbing at other people's arms -- laughing, laughing laughing.  How I wish the show could be Ramiva free!  Bravo is deeply insecure, it appears, about their own product.  Get rid of the more horrid specimens across the board -- just do it. 


Sonja?  Goodness gracious -- How uncomfortable was that to watch?  Leave the child alone, woman!  She is off her rocker.  I wonder if she sexually harasses her so-called interns like that back at the ranch.  Definitely that guy who won't take a hint and simply won't take NO for an answer. 


It's interesting to see LuAnn bonding with the new, cool girls.  She's always been my favorite, pretensions and all, so I'm happy to see her getting some love. Ramona should know that the ONLY reason she became the so-called star of RHNYC is because Jill and Bethanny came to naught and then both were gone.  She inherited that title because Lucy and Ethel took off. 


The weekend at Heather's looked fun and relaxing -- nice food, energizing outdoor activities, pretty scenery, lovely house and grounds.  I think Heather gave it her best shot and I know I enjoyed my little slice of the virtual Berkshires. It was fun to see the ladies, before the two dinners, wandering around in bare feet, wet hair, getting ready.  Always such a nice moment when one has had a full day and is expecting a good dinner with friends. More of that please and less of the early trauma freakouts, meltdowns over children going away to college, and faux baby craving storylines.


Eagerly looking forward to the dinette booth intervention and seeing that horrid woman trapped on either side so that she can't escape.  I can totally see her crawling out from under the table while screeching about how she just can't take it, they are being so cruel to her, it's all too much, etc.  I hope they give it to her straight.  Obviously, I have zero sympathy for her. 

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Alex -- Your take on it is highly entertaining.  Loved Part 3 especially.  Thanks for the chuckles.   You are a much kinder person than I am.  What you describe as "a hint of dumb" I would call an avalanche of stupid.  I too miss the surreal Kelly Bensimon -- would trade Ramona for her in a NY minute. 


Heather does seem more likeable this season.  Much like LuAnn, she seems more relaxed and less intent on pushing Yummy Tummy down our throats.  Definitely more tolerant of Ramona.  I think she, Heather, probably likes Ramona even less than she did last year but has learned that the woman is unwell and not too bright and has opted to placate her to the extent possible.  Much as Carole does.  LuAnn has been dealing with Ramona far longer, of course, and has oodles of experience, I would imagine, with the craziness and me me me-ness of it all.  I am delighted to see her spearheading the so-called intervention -- It's about time!


I guess the other women are between a rock and hard place. For whatever reason, Ramona is viewed as the star and the show appears to be floundering.  They must feel like they need her in order to continue to stay afloat and ensure their own employment but I can't imagine having to deal with R. on a regular basis. Wouldn't surprise me if the lot of them had gone to production and begged to have Aviva removed.  One genuine, non-stop harpy per city would appear to be enough to keep the needed drama going.  Two at a time at this level of craziness? -- above and beyond the call of duty. 


It also helps to see Heather at her country house -- That's a nice, real set-up that seems to bring out the best in her and, for better or worse, has offered up one of the most believable crazy lady vacays in a long time.  Ramona's antics aside, the event felt organic and true to life. 


"Who are you to make me wet?" sounds like a lyric co-written by Kurt Cobain and Kelly Clarkson.   She's good for this kind of WTH stuff but not worth the overall price.  

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Also, something to consider: Was Heather always this likeable? I seem to remember not caring for her too much last season, probably because I was still bitter about losing Kelly Bensimon.


Agreed on Heather's new found likability. I'm not sure where exactly she's pulled it out of, but she's definitely become one of the more tolerable (almost enjoyable) women to watch on the show. I still think she looks a little (see: a lot) like the aliens from old school V, but I suppose that's not her fault. 

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I've always liked Heather. She's not perfect but she appears to be a hard worker, loves her kids and manages personalities very well.


Ramona has always been like this. You never know what she'll do or say. I think she does have huge issues stemming back to her childhood. I think she was freaking out over a lot of things. She was outside of her comfort zone and just had a worse than usual meltdown. If the women didn't want her there because she was miserable to be around then let her out of her filming obligation to go to the Hamptons. I also don't blame her for wanting air conditioning in 100+ degree weather in a farmhouse with production crews and being in an upstairs bedroom. Sorry but if you're not used to that type of heat you're going to have a rough time.


She was wrong for throwing anything at Kristen and should have just apologized instead of qualifying her apology with blame.


I can't wait until Heather and Kristin get into it.

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I also don't blame her for wanting air conditioning in 100+ degree weather in a farmhouse with production crews and being in an upstairs bedroom. Sorry but if you're not used to that type of heat you're going to have a rough time.


I actually don't blame her for that either and I could totally sympathize with her absolute abhorrence of heat. I'd much rather be without heat in the winter than without AC in the summer. However, I can't co-sign her calling and having an air conditioner delivered to someone else's home. It's rude and kind of crazy.

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I'll bet it was production itself that forced Ramona to go on the trip.  She'd already missed out on some the filming because of her Africa trip.  I'll bet the other ladies,with the exception of Sonja, would have been more than happy to give her a pass on this one.  I think everyone knowing that her hand had been forced made it that much easier for her to press Bravo into providing not only the emergency AC unit but possibly the plane for airlifting her the heck out of there.  It would be a total blast to find out that in fact Andy Cohen's private plane and pilot were pressed into service for this urgent rescue of our damsel in distress.


Some of her wild over reactions might be blunted if she could learn to communicate, but that would mean slowing down and giving problems some thought--and taking others into account.  When every other reaction is essentially what she calls a "knee jerk reaction"  -- can we just go straight to jerk reaction? -- then there really are no more highs and lows.  Just a constant manic state--rabid puppy uppers.  That being said, while I understood Kristen's fury, I wish she'd been able to curb it a bit.  Ramona requires a firm, no-nonsense hand but berating her repeatedly just ends with her becoming ever more defensive and finding new reasons to act a trifling fool.  She's like an overstimulated little kid.


If she wants to keep blaming this kind of aggression on childhood abuse -- I believe her, by the way -- then let her put her big de luxe money where her great big mouth is and start talking about going into treatment.  Half-owning stuff under these circumstances is sleazy.  Heaven knows, I don't want to follow her into the shrink's office but wouldn't mind learning that she's committed to making it better. If not for herself, then for Avery.  Not everyone is as patient with kind of BS as these paid ladies are either.  One of these days, she could easily find herself on the other end of someone else's physical aggression. 


I don't think next week's sit down will have much effect on her but it would be great if she could sit still long enough to listen without going into immediate screaming, screeching, and hyperventilating.  Not holding my breath.  She's a pretty damaged person who seems to have zero interest in helping herself because nothing is really wrong and she just is who she is.   A trait she seems to share with Sonja.  Sonja's saving grace is that she's basically kindhearted except when she devolves into her super creepy predatory vampire routine. And the network, by allowing both of them to laugh it all off on WWHL, while issuing standard tv apologies, continues to pet these two and exploit them at the same time.  


I've been through menopause and it's a rough and rocky road for sure -- it can go on for quite awhile too -- but what Ramona gets up to on a regular basis is just extra.  Sonja at this point also really needs to find another way and get off the air.  And I need to follow my own good advice and shut it down!  The woman makes me feel nuts and I curse myself for having gotten hooked on the junk. 

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In addition to Ramona's intervention, can the ladies schedule one for Sonja as well? 

Aside from all the money troubels & her lack of reality-based business plans, needs to be stopped from making a bigger fool of herself. Her constant attempts to "seduce" young men is just beyond icky.  It was so uncomfortab;e to watch her flirting with the 20 yr old on the boat.  He was obviously NOT into her at all and looked like he wanted to be anywhere but on that lake with that crazy stalker.  Learn to read the room (or pontoon) for God's sake! (and WHY would you tell someone you just met & want to jump into bed with that you've been labeled "unmatchable" on dating websites???).

The 20-somethings may be fun boy toys but there is no way these fetuses are looking for relationships nor can they provide the emothional stability Sonja needs.  Unfortunately, due to all her whacko behavior on this show, she has flushed her marketability down the non-working toilet.  No matter his age, no successful & financially secure man is going to hitch his wagon to Sonja's at this point.

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It's so obvious that her menopausal situation is getting the better of her. Since it takes one to know one, I know how quickly a curly haired girl's mop will return to its natural state in humid conditions. Throw in some hot flashes and it just hastens the meltdown that Ramona didn't want to happen in front of the camera. Hence the air conditioner.


I'm going through menopause myself, it's no joke.  But I think what's wrong with Ramona is beyond menopause; and her hair probably looks better curly too.  She kept screaming at Kristen that she got WET, as if getting Ramona wet will kill her; I mean what is she, the Wicked Witch of the West?


I felt so bad for that poor kid that Sonja was trying to hit on; it was icky for so many reasons.  For one, the kid was driving the boat, hence he was hired by Heather, meaning he could be considered "the help."  It's not cool to hit on the help, because they're not sure if they even should turn you down.  Sonja made herself look so insane, she asked if he was Catholic, then she asked if he was on Christian Mingle; then she said that she's tried Christian Mingle but was on Match.Com too much.  WTF Sonja?  The woman is a loon.

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Ramona definitely has the menopausal bloat around the middle.  Yet she continues to wear tight clothes made for someone 25 years younger.  She could look very pretty, elegant even.  But she refuses to face reality.  Sonya too.  She has that weird body, excellent shape for her age, but still a middle aged body.  And she continues to dress way too young and looks pathetic. 

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Sonja came off desperate with that twenty year old, made herself look silly.  You don't go after twenty year olds Sonja; THEY com after you.  It's happened to me and I had to tell the kid, "nope, too young."


I can't say I blame Ramona and Sonja for trying to look young.  This is a society that worships youth and makes fun of middle aged women with stupid menopause jokes and shit, but never makes fun of men not being able to get it up after 45 without the help of a little blue pill.  It's hard to buy clothes when you are a certain age as everything today is made for tweens, BUT both Ramona and Sonja have the means to buy clothes that'll flatter their bodies.

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Sonja came off desperate with that twenty year old, made herself look silly.  You don't go after twenty year olds Sonja; THEY com after you.  It's happened to me and I had to tell the kid, "nope, too young."

I totally agree with this ^.  Sonja looks desperate and throwing yourself at a 20-year-old who is obviously not interested is just embarrassing... for you, for the kid, and for all of us watching.   


I've enjoyed the last two Aviva-free episodes.  Sadly, I know it is unlikely to continue in next week's episode when they're all back in the City.

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There's a lot be said, too, for having an attractive personality -- no matter what age.  No point, really, being all fit and trim, coiffed and perfumed, dressed to the nines if you can't get through a day or evening without constantly showing your ass and acting like an idiot.  Ramona looked great on WWHL the other night -- as attractive as she's capable of looking.  BUT it's still the same old Ramona doing her Ramona stuff.  Yuck. 


Agree too that Sonja herself is a ripe for an intervention.  Let's hope that she's second on the list.  Grabbing Ramona by the short hairs and giving her a much-needed and long-delayed evaluation may help neutralize her a bit.  And make it more difficult for Sonja to lean on her old friend so heavily when looking for cover. We know how it goes -- "I can't be really all that bad because Ramona agrees with me and is my BFF!"  Followed by, "At least Sonja understands me and my issues and knows how difficult it is for me to deal with wharter!"


If Sonja really wants to get with young bloods, by hook or by crook, go with the professionals every time and be prepared to pay for it.  I hope someone had the good sense to apologize to that young man and slip him an extra large gratuity for having to put up with that business.  She's on pills, I think.

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Here's my story on last night's episode!


Also, something to consider: Was Heather always this likeable? I seem to remember not caring for her too much last season, probably because I was still bitter about losing Kelly Bensimon.


I started liking Heather midway through the last season. I think it was maybe around the St. Barth's trip or so. I've completely developed a RH crush on her this season--her and Carole. They're my favorites. I've slowly changed my views on Sonja, though, which makes me sad.


I liked her enough even up until last season. However, this season her delusions have just become so frustrating that all I can do is shake my head every time she goes off into these flights of fancy. Plus, she looked really sad drooling over the 20 year old pontoon captain who looked mighty uncomfortable with every word she spoke to him.

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Chuckleing at the Countess, "we don't get mad, we get even." An intervention on Ramona! Good grief that should be something to watch. I hope Luann is a permanent cast member I do like her a lot.

Am I the only one baffled by Carole's wardrobe. Is she supposed to be artsy or something?

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I think my favorite moment with all the craziness was the Countess pointing out that "provoking" isn't an adjective, at least the way they were using it. It seemed like Sonja was saying "you were provoking her" and not "your provoking behavior caused her to retaliate". Anyway, I do think Kristin has been intentionally provoking Aviva and Ramona in an attempt to get into the mix. And it worked. Do I think that Ramona was right to throw a glass at her? Of course not. Should Kristin have expected that response? No. But she has been attempting to get a response. 


OK, Carole. Let's not forget how quick you were to hang all over those younger guys.


Things are starting to get spun. Kristen is just hanging in the background and you would notice her except for the fact that she's "tall and pretty" is getting spun into "she's just another pretty face." I like the energy of the genuine fights. When we start getting into everyone's words getting twisted around we get another Bookgate where we don't even know what we're arguing about.


I dislike the ease with which "crazy" and "bitch" are thrown around in this group. I think that says more than any charitable endeavors or any claims of being a "girl's girl". The ease with which they jump to that is disturbing.


Still, I like this new development of everyone vs. Ramona. When it was Carole and Heather (and sort of Kristen) vs. Aviva and Ramona (and sort of Sonja) it felt like Carole was making a play for Queen Bee. I'm much more comfortable with everyone airing their grievances and trying to take Ramona down, especially if Heather or Luanne ends up as Queen Bee.


I'm on the fence about Josh. Sometimes (like this episode) he doesn't seem that bad. 

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I've enjoyed the last two Aviva-free episodes.  

I agree but if I had to choose between the unpleasantness that is Aviva vs.the unpleasantness that is Josh and Ramona, I'd pick Aviva. Josh is too much of a condescending dickhead and Ramona is such a shrill liar I have to mute the TV every time she has a scene.

Aviva's dad can go away, though.

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Best part of the epi was Luann clarifying the difference between an adjective and a verb. I never used to be a countess fan - now she is by far my favourite housewive. Since the count divorced her, Luann is so much more likeable and funny.


I was on the fence about Kristen, but she really annoyed me in this epi. She deliberately provoked Ramona, then went on and on about the glass even after Ramona apologized. Twice. Obviously what Ramona did was wrong, but so was what Kristen did.


I loved Josh's meeting with Sonja, especially when he called her "fucking bananas". He may be a dick to his wife, but he was right on the money regarding Sonja.


I thought Sonja's middle looked huge when she was wearing the leopard print nightie. She must wear industrial strength spanx the majority of the time.


I like Heather more than last year, but am not entirely sold on her. And I thought her Berkshire house was nice on the inside but ugly on the outside. A black sided house does not blend in with the country. At all.


And finally I loved Luann's shorts and top outfit she wore into town. She by far has the best clothing sense, and body for that matter.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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