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9 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

I seem to miss 50% of ATK and I like the show so much.  How were you able to find it tonight?  

If they have not started airing in you area, you can go to the ATK Web site. Even if a complete episode is not yet up for viewing, the individual recipe clips are available. Just click on the viewing window at the top right, for example here: https://www.americastestkitchen.com/recipes/11894-green-chili-with-pork-chile-verde-con-cerdo

You may need to be logged in to view these (basic membership is free).

The equipment and taste tests clips seem to become available only when the full episode is uploaded.

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I pay for all access to all the ATK web sites. It's worth it to me. As a result, I get daily emails from them, sometimes with links to recipes, but other emails selling their books. So weird with our recent discussion around them cooking at home that today I got an email talking about Season 21 bringing them cooking from home. It included links to those shows that I can access. 

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On 1/9/2021 at 4:10 PM, biakbiak said:

I liked the technique or rendering the fat for the chile verde con cerdo.

Yes. I think it could adapted into other pork recipes, and perhaps for beef also.

The crispy skin chicken thighs looked (and sounded) great and are very simple to make; this is my favourite cut in chicken or turkey. However, in many groceries and even butchers it is sometimes difficult to find some that have not been deboned and with the skin removed because customers find it more "convenient" that way, even though they lose a lot of flavour in the process. Even if you preorder them not to be trimmed, some overzealous employee may decide to do the job thinking it was a mistake.

Bridget's apple crumble looks excellent, with not too much crumble and loads of apples. I am sure it tastes even better if prepared with a smiley face spatula like hers.


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I finally saw an at home episode today (I hadn't been watching the show for a while because of football), and I liked getting a glimpse of their kitchens.

I saw a CC episode with ice cream tasting, and they just ripped that Halo Top stuff to shreds.  It was the only thing tasted that they didn't recommend.  I've never had it, but I have had - although not in probably ten years - the slow-churned Dreyer's they said was the best option if you wanted a reduced fat/calorie ice cream, and I agree it tastes remarkably good for "diet" ice cream.

Among my Christmas gifts to my parents were three things recommended by ATK, and my parents have judged all three to indeed be great:  the Weber grill brush (perfect size, and the sides being the perfect size to go between the grates is a nice feature), the Chef's Choice electric knife sharpener (my mom has been raving so much about this as compared to her manual sharpener that I think I'm going to bring it home and sharpen all my knives - and then get myself one if I'm as impressed as she is), and the simplehuman automated soap dispenser (I got the rechargable version for several reasons, where the show had recommended the battery-operated version).

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16 hours ago, Bastet said:

the slow-churned Dreyer's they said was the best option if you wanted a reduced fat/calorie ice cream, and I agree it tastes remarkably good for "diet" ice cream.

I love Edy's slow-churned! (It's Edy's east of the Mississippi, I believe.) The peanut butter cup is my absolute favorite flavor. I got my mom hooked on it over the holidays, and now she hates me, hee.

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For some reason, the ATK at Home started with the second episode, not the first. And the first episode doesn't seem to be available on demand! (I don't have Passport.) Stupid NYC PBS station. It's always behind with ATK and CC.

Like others, I like the format and enjoy seeing the staff's home kitchens.

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

And the first episode doesn't seem to be available on demand!

If you have the basic free membership to the ATK site, like I do, you should be able to access it; I just checked and it worked. The first 3 full episodes of the season are viewable, while for the next 2 you can only see individual recipe clips, as of today at least. The rest should unlock soon.

Bridget's apple crumble recipe was very nice; it holds well together and is not too sweet. I also baked their Amish friendship bread from  Cook's Country's current season and it is one of the most enjoyable coffee cakes I have ever made. I don't miss at all making the sourdough starter and sharing a portion of it with other people.

The technique of making a flour-water paste and cooking it for the chocolate sticky buns reminded me of the Tangzhong or water roux method used for some Japanese breads. That recipe is on my list of those to be tried soon, along with Julia's approach for cooking those nice juicy strip steaks.

Is it just me or hasn't Dan gotten a little gray-haired during this confinement? Perhaps he needed some now-restricted appointments with his hairdresser. I paid more attention to his hair than to his recipe since I intensely dislike beets.

On 1/23/2021 at 8:29 PM, chessiegal said:

I love my Chef's Choice knife sharpener. I've had it for at least 12 years, and it still works great.

I gifted myself the Trizor 1520 model that does both 15 and 20 degrees sharpening and it is one of my most appreciated small appliances; I must say though that I mostly use the former angle setting. I hope mine lasts as long as yours has.

ETA: I just printed the sticky buns recipe and they do mention the Japanese inspiration for their technique in the printed version.

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't want to give ATK my details, but thanks for the info, @Florinaldo.

The only details I had to give for my registration was an e-mail,  used for logging in, and a password. I chose the basic no-fee option.


2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

tangzhong. It's a very interesting technique.

Yes. The Japanese-style breads I have baked using it are quite tender and seem to last longer before turning stale. Not that the chocolate buns they showed on Cook's Country would really have a chance to last very long I think!

Cooking the Tangzhong roux in the microwave was a new one for me.

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When she said that Iced Coffee concentrate made TWO SERVINGS after those HOURS I actually laughed out loud. I know most of it is just waiting but make like a week's worth at once or something at least!

Edited by RockShrimp
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On 2/14/2021 at 8:04 AM, RockShrimp said:

When she said that Iced Coffee concentrate made TWO SERVINGS after those HOURS I actually laughed out loud. I know most of it is just waiting but make like a week's worth at once or something at least!

And used so much coffee! Those two servings probably cost as much or more than a cafe! 

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On 2/14/2021 at 11:04 AM, RockShrimp said:

When she said that Iced Coffee concentrate made TWO SERVINGS after those HOURS I actually laughed out loud.

I always marvel at the lengths coffee fanatics will go to in their quest for the utlimate most perfectest cup, specifically in this case ice coffee. I do not drink coffee and as a matter of fact I loathe the taste.

I am an avid tea drinker, but I have never heard of anyone obsessed enough to go to similar length to achieve an equivalent sublime pot of ice tea!

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7 hours ago, sheetmoss said:

I don't believe Bridgett once mentioned how long you cook the beef in the oven

She does mention the internal temperature to be reached.

In the comments section to the written recipe on their Web site they say that they had to update the instructions to allow for more cooking time. It is now 45-75 minutes, quite a range. I think it's best to rely on the temperature measurement.

Edited by Florinaldo
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We got the French-inspired comfort food episode in our area last weekend ( I prefer to wait for the episodes to pop up on TV, as part of my Saturday afternoon ritual, although I do refer to the Web site clips if I need to check some details I missed ).

The two cooks had trouble with the French names for the recipes, as usual. Bridget struggled a bit with the "en cocotte" but she did better than Martha Stewart most often does when she ventures in that language. That recipe is certainly one I will try, if only because it makes extensive use of tarragon, an often neglected herb.

As for Keith he made "gratin" sound like an homonym for "let"s scratch" in French.

That being said, going to so much trouble for kale and chard is indeed a head-scratcher. 😉


Edited by Florinaldo
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The NYC-area stations are behind on showing the new seasons, but I did see the one where Bridget cooks a steak on the stove starting with a cold nonstick pan. I tried the method tonight and it really does cut down on splatter. 

I might like this method better than the reverse sear, which has been my go-to. I need to tweak the cooking times a bit, but with this sort of thing, the first time you try it is sort of like the first pancake, though you don't throw away a steak. (Or maybe you do; I don't know your life.)

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We just got the crepes two ways and they are literally two of my favorite dishes! My two favorite restaurants that served buckwheat crepes (their mushroom sauce was one of the most amazing things I have ever tasted) and the place that made my favorite Bánh Xèo have both been closed for a few years and I think I am finally going to get o at my making crepe fear and give them a try!

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On 2/24/2021 at 6:02 PM, dubbel zout said:

I did see the one where Bridget cooks a steak on the stove starting with a cold nonstick pan. I tried the method tonight and it really does cut down on splatter. 

Glad to hear that the method works well. It is one I intend to try very soon.

As for Dan's hair, I remarked some weeks ago that it looks as if more gray is coming through. It may just be that the styling you report makes it appear that way under the home studio lights and not because he missed one or two colouring appointments due to the lockdown.  😉

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I thought was interesting from Jack Bishop in an email I got today. He talks about their At Home episodes.


 I love it when I’m wrong. I approached the filming of America’s Test Kitchen at Home with some trepidation. Wouldn’t I miss being on set with Bridget and Julia and the rest of my friends? And I did. But rethinking something I have done for 20 years was an opportunity to push myself. In fact, that’s what the entire cast and crew of ATK did last summer while filming 26 television episodes without in-person collaboration or our amazing set. What started out as a challenge turned into an opportunity to have more fun and be more personal—I was shooting in my home kitchen, after all. Without the test kitchen army, everything was so much more real. Each cast member did their own prep and washed their own dishes. Heck, I even got pretty good at doing my own makeup!

I enjoy seeing everyone's kitchens.

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chessiegal: I have a friend who works on ATK, and said friend told me that two of the presenters did not use their own kitchens. (One used a studio kitchen, the other rented one). It's pretty easy to tell on air as their kitchens are about as personal as a hotel room. My friend did not say why they didn't use their own kitchens, but were I one of them I, too, would have to rent a kitchen as mine is too small and not designed for filming (anything I'd do at the stove would be with my back to the camera as there's no room to film from the side of the stove). Logistics!

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3 hours ago, chessiegal said:

filming 26 television episodes

WOW. That's a lot.

1 hour ago, AllAboutMBTV said:

My friend did not say why they didn't use their own kitchens

It's probably as you said: the kitchens were too small or not properly equipped for filming. I noticed that Bridget and Julia, at least, have restaurant-style stoves.

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18 hours ago, AllAboutMBTV said:

I have a friend who works on ATK, and said friend told me that two of the presenters did not use their own kitchens. (One used a studio kitchen, the other rented one).

I posted some weeks ago wondering whether the cooks had gotten a renovation budget because some of the kitchens looked so neat and fresh (nothing major: a new coat of paint, replacing a backsplash, etc.). You have provided an answer for at least two of them.

Location filming can indeed be difficult in some real-life kitchens because they were not designed for the camera to capture the action; in many homes for example the work area faces a wall so the cooks would turn their back to viewers while chopping and prepping. Unless there is room enough to set up a temporary fake island or counter.

16 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

WOW. That's a lot.

Previous seasons had the same number of episodes. Cook's Country usually has 13 episodes per season.

Production time for each episode is probably shorter since the recipes are simpler and the camera equipment must be more basic (except perhaps in the fake studio "home" kitchens) because they work with at most a two cameras set-up and the editing is less fancy.

Edited by Florinaldo
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18 hours ago, Florinaldo said:
19 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

WOW. That's a lot.

Previous seasons had the same number of episodes. Cook's Country usually has 13 episodes per season.

I'm impressed they're doing that many remotely, as it were. As Jack wrote, the hosts have to do a lot more of the work themselves, and that adds time to the day. 

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm impressed they're doing that many remotely, as it were. As Jack wrote, the hosts have to do a lot more of the work themselves, and that adds time to the day. 

Yes but with simpler dishes there's less prep to do. However, since they do not have an army of off-screen assistants to have several swap-outs at the ready, I would think there is more waiting time involved for things to cool down, hydrate, etc. So it may well be a wash in the end.

It would be nice if they did a BTS report on how the segments are produced "at home"; it would fit well into one of their infrequent special episodes.

Today our PBS station had a mini-marathon of ATK at Home. They showed the Japanese and crêpes episodes back-to-back, and then rebroadcast the first one of the season. I had a chuckle when Dan mentioned that he learned of these Vietnamese crêpes thanks to a blog he started called Cooking with Moms. I thought "Of course you did!", because that idea seemed so fitting to his personality. Too bad he had to give it up after one episode because he was too busy; that is one I would have gladly listened to.

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On 2/15/2021 at 7:53 PM, biakbiak said:
On 2/14/2021 at 11:04 AM, RockShrimp said:

When she said that Iced Coffee concentrate made TWO SERVINGS after those HOURS I actually laughed out loud. I know most of it is just waiting but make like a week's worth at once or something at least!

And used so much coffee! Those two servings probably cost as much or more than a cafe! 

The recipe used 2-1/2 cups of beans! I use 2 tablespoons; that's 20 cups of coffee I won't be drinking. It's a good thing I don't like cold brew. I'm lazy enough I'd probably buy it, anyway.

I wonder if Elle really has a commercial waffle maker in her home kitchen. Heh. Her mother is ADORABLE. Interesting they use melted butter on top of the waffle. It's clever. I prefer the traditional waffle (not the thicker Belgian style), as that's what I grew up with. 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

The recipe used 2-1/2 cups of beans! I use 2 tablespoons; that's 20 cups of coffee I won't be drinking. It's a good thing I don't like cold brew. I'm lazy enough I'd probably buy it, anyway

I do like cold brew but the recipe I use is much less time consuming and only uses 1/3 a cup of beans to 1 1/2 cups and makes two drinks (I usually double or triple the recipe) and You just leave it out overnight so you don’t have to plan days in advance!


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I made the chili verde with a different recipe but used the fat rending technique that they showed and it produced so much that I ended up using some of it to make flour tortillas. 

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Several years ago, ATK aired its shrimp scampi recipe and I thought it sounded great and should try it some time, last year it was voted in as top recipe for an anniversary special and I thought I really needed to get around to trying it, and tonight I finally did.


Definitely my favorite shrimp scampi recipe, because it draws incredible flavor from multiple sources rather than just butter.  At long last, I join the chorus saying if you like shrimp scampi, you'll love this version

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The cod tagine recipe looks very good. A new reason to fire up the tagine dish, which I manage to use about only once or twice per month.

Il found their quick preserved lemons recipe intriguing. As they say, the flavour cannot develop as much in just 24 hours compared to the regular process, which I have tried before (never quite achieving the result of commercially made ones), but the sugar may help compensate for that. Has anyone tried it yet?

That being said, we usually have no problems finding commercially made preserved lemons around here, although sometimes only the pre-spiced variety is in stock, which I do not like; I prefer to add my own seasonings, specific to the recipe. Also, if you buy those bottled in Provence or North Africa, they most often used those small sweeter lemons that appear very characteristic to the Mediterranean and more authentic.

As an attempt to approximate these, I may try the ATK technique with Meyer lemons, before the season of availability ends.

Unlike Julia though, I will be using the finger guard while slicing them on the mandoline (perhaps she is using one of those models that does not come with one).

Edited by Florinaldo
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On 2/26/2021 at 3:02 PM, AllAboutMBTV said:

chessiegal: I have a friend who works on ATK, and said friend told me that two of the presenters did not use their own kitchens. (One used a studio kitchen, the other rented one). It's pretty easy to tell on air as their kitchens are about as personal as a hotel room. My friend did not say why they didn't use their own kitchens, but were I one of them I, too, would have to rent a kitchen as mine is too small and not designed for filming (anything I'd do at the stove would be with my back to the camera as there's no room to film from the side of the stove). Logistics!

Watching an episode right now, I'd bet Bridget is one of the presenters not using her own kitchen, and may be the one using the rental (she's making Tuscan white bean and escarole soup, S21, Ep9).

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Julia was just on QVC selling a cookbook devoted to salads; she shows up several times a year selling cookbooks, now via Skype but previously she'd make the trip to West Chester, PA to be there in person.

Can't blame ATK for partnering with QVC; at the end of the 10 minute presentation they had sold close to 3000 cookbooks.  More than once I've seen an entire allotment of 5000 ATK cookbooks sell out during that same timeframe.

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16 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Did they do this in the Kimball era? I can see him thinking QVC is beneath him, but Jack seems pretty pragmatic about the business.

Looking at the reviews on QVC's website for previous cookbooks the earliest they go back is the summer of 2016, when Chris was already gone (the infamous lawsuit over Milk Street was filed in October 2016).  So while I cannot say it definitively, I'd say it is very much likely ATK hooked up with QVC after Chris went bye-bye.

That being said, when an ATK cookbook shows up on QVC Julia is going to be the rep and they're always going to put her on the channel's most watched show, In the Kitchen With David, which is on Sundays.

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I stumbled across Julia promoting the ATK cookbook "Cooking For Two" several years ago and bought the book by the end of her segment (mainly because I live alone and get tired of cutting recipes in half or quarters -- math!). It's good cookbook, and I've used it a lot.

None of the Bay Area PBS stations showed a new ATK At Home last week (it was supposed to be on Roesti, but we got a recent Old-Skool ATK). Last night it was a new At Home, and now I want Butter Chicken. (I have a recipe from the NYTimes, but it's miles more labor-intensive than the one Julia did on air.)

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Just now, AllAboutMBTV said:

None of the Bay Area PBS stations showed a new ATK At Home last week (it was supposed to be on Roesti,

And even more annoying the on demand episode that js listed as the Roesti is also the old episode.

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

They show those at the end of all the At Home episodes.

Excellent to know! Curious if it’s a new development or only for the at homes, I always delete before the end credit! I thought it was new. I

based on those shots it’s definitely Dan who got any rental and Bridget who is in a studio.

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4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Did anyone watch the butter chicken until the absolute end? I dvr the show so it rarely “ends” but there were delightful bloopers at the very end!

Just finished watching, and love the bloopers! 

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On 3/30/2021 at 5:41 PM, AllAboutMBTV said:

None of the Bay Area PBS stations showed a new ATK At Home last week (it was supposed to be on Roesti, but we got a recent Old-Skool ATK).

Same thing happened with the Watertown NY station we get here and they showed an earlier episode in the season. I thought that perhaps they would show it this week, but they skipped to the butter chicken one. It's the second time it has happened this season since they also did not broadcast the rustic Italian fare one. Perhaps there is a problem with their distribution operation.

Thankfully the individual recipe clips were available on their site (free membership) and I watched the Schnitzel one (the Roesti will come later); I made and it was very good, although I did not achieve quite the same separation between meat and coating as Julia did.

Jack is usually such a stickler for detail, I was surprised he did not mention that the tomato paste he uses is the doppio concentrato version (I paid attention to the label), which I also find preferable.

Speaking of ingredients, Julia and Bridget have mentioned a few times this season buying frozen pre-peeled garlic cloves in bulk. Are those widely available in the US? I don't recall ever seeing this product here in Canada, but I confess I have not really looked for them very actively.

The bloopers are indeed amusing but I wish they would change the selection once in a while (unless this is indeed all there is as far as broadcastable mistakes, i.e. no swearing)

ETA: I just did an on-line search of two local grocery stores and I find that they do stock pre-peeled garlic cloves, vacuum-packed from what I can see. Does anyone know how long they last after the bag is opened, and is the taste as good as fresh garlic?

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