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Ex On The Beach (US) - General Discussion

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I just watched the finale and I'm happy for Marie's 10 second cameo even if I got sad when I saw her crying in her confessional. Coffey deserves better. I don't know who her clients were before but I hope she can continue to book people and find someone who makes her happy.

Edited by VelvetDreaming

Season 4!

Episode 1:


"Welcome To The Peak"

10 Reality celebs arrive in a winter wonderland to see if they can find their Next for cuffing season. Callum and Nicole’s Exes cause trouble in the chalet. A love connection is made for on couple and quickly un-made for another. A new Ex arrives.

Airs December 5, 2019.

I have to say, as mind numbing and unhealthy as this show is, I have to give them major props for featuring multiple trans women/gender fluid people. The conversation where La Demi came out to Georgia was incredibly sweet and a great example of how to treat a trans person coming out with respect. Jack was also very warm and accepting of Adore. 

Georgia is quickly becoming one of my favorites. She's wasting her time with Callum. I guess she’s only 21 and if you’re attracted enough to someone, you’re willing to ignore or rationalize all the red flags. Even if she thinks he won’t treat her that way, his ex being a blubbering mess and talking about how he ruined her life would give me major pause, if for no other reason than because I wouldn’t want to end up like that.  His ex (Heidi?) incessantly trying to get him to talk to her and jostling him around while he was clearly pretending to be asleep was bizarre and reminded me of a three-year-old trying to wake up her dad. 

I hate when fuckboys/girls say “Yeah I’m a player, but I would stop for the right person!“ No you wouldn’t, you’re just projecting the blame for your wandering eye on your partner by making them feel like it’s their fault.  You could be dating someone who worships the ground you walk on, but there will always be someone hotter/younger/fitter/more forbidden to pursue. And they will, because the cat and mouse game of the chase is what gets them off.  You can admit you don’t like monogamy and that’s fine and actually way more respectable and honest than playing with people's emotions for your ego and pretending that there’s some mythical person out there that could convince you to be monogamous, even though it conveniently never seems to be the person you’re with at the time.  But sure, you could totally see yourself settling down with your new flavor of the week… Until three days after getting into their pants when boredom sets in again. 

Maple Daniel... I can’t even take his self designated role as the house shit stirrer seriously because it’s such an obviously fake TV villain persona. I can’t believe Callum took the bait with that. And it’s not even him starting rumors or creating fights – he just asked Heidi or whatever Callum’s ex  is what happened, which to be fair is an atrocious and embarrassing story, and then Callum got mad because he was put on the spot in front of Georgia. Daniel just wanted to get a rise out of Callum and it worked.  But it would have come out anyway probably in a few hours, so I don’t get it. That shot of him covered in maple syrup like a porno was absolutely disgusting by the way. And you know you’re getting a little old for the 20 something alcoholic fuck fest when other cast members start calling you Dad as an insult.  That just goes to show how young and immature the rest of the house is though, because I think Daniel is 33 at most. These Instagram influencers think everyone turns into a bag of bones at 30.  It did make me laugh when he was doing the age math to try and figure out if him pursuing Georgia would be creepy.

I really like Ali too, but even on this show it doesn’t say much for her supposed career if the thing that she’s "known" for is being a Z-list child star on a children’s program I didn’t even recognize as a fellow 90s kid.  What has she done as an adult? I don’t know why she even bothered with that “I’m mostly straight BUT” song and dance when she immediately beelined for the gayest looking woman in the group, lmao.

La Demi and Nicole freaking out at Marlon and Laurel for flirting was rich.  Nicole just had her tongue in Ali’s mouth five minutes ago!!! And La Demi told Marlon like 3 hours prior she wasn’t all in yet and he should keep exploring his options.  But La Demi’s total rage fit, complete  with overdramatic ice sculpture toppling that nearly injured Callum,  was not only a massive overreaction but a warning sign of future abusive behavior in a relationship. Who flies off the handle like that because a guy you just met the day before and  haven’t even hooked up with yet is drunkenly flirting with someone who you know is pining for someone else anyway? Hell, Ali wasn’t even phased when Emily physically shoved her off her lap to hide their flirtation from Laurel (Which was awful but hilarious). That wasn’t just horribly unattractive, that’s a neon sign of a red flag. He should stay far away from her. 

Edited by Guest

I enjoyed the premiere, even if I fell asleep for the last 40 minutes and needed to rewatch. I'm glad they had a 2 hour premiere because these shows take a lot of time to get going. I'm going into this as a Laurel and Marlon fan. Seeing Nicole already lie to her is rough. Laurel has been going off on Twitter these last few days. I like the Bachelorette guy as a self aware villain sort of. His comments about the teeth and his age made me laugh. I like Ali and La Demi.

Season 1 is on my Video on Demand section and it's weird how the show used to be a little different. The beach had people on it, they had less sound effects/editing, and the cast was awkward a little.

Edited by VelvetDreaming

Oh man, I felt for Allie when she was crying about being confused about her sexuality on top of realizing the object of that affection is a self-absorbed asshole. Been there! Nicole is obviously the type that gets off on flipping straight girls.

How I wish Allie and Laurel would commiserate over what a douche Nicole is and hook up with each other instead. But no, they're going to buy into the high school rivalry and waste their time in fucking New Zealand pining for Nicole. Great.

Sydney is a female Daniel. They have to be doing a bit, right? Real people don't act like that. I cannot believe they booted poor Megan to keep her robotic ass.

It's only a matter of time before Callum cheats on Georgia.

Marlon looks messy next week and I'm here for it. Although I'm disappointed because Jack seems nice and into Adore...but then again, you can only expect so much from a 22-year-old male model.

I love Danny/Adore. His talking heads are making the show worth watching. Jack is cute too. It's going to get messy this week and I am all in.

Nicole's attitude with relationships is trash; I wonder if that has anything to do with being a triplet. I would love to get in her head. I remember her sisters came on the Real World to talk to her about her fear of commitment. 

I heard a rumor Tiffany "New York" Pollard from Flavor of Love is going to be on the NEXT Ex on the Beach. I initially thought it was this one but I couldn't make the connection so I looked it up, rumor is true! 

  • Love 1

Niall, like Daniel, seems to be playing a character, but at least he's a garden variety fuckboy and not...whatever the fuck bodybuider reject mishmash of bad 80s movie tropes Daniel is. I was surprised Allie and Tyranny are both so into him and don't seem to mind that the other one is pursuing him...yet. Being not territorial is not on brand for this show.

Callum is growing on me, even if him claiming Georgia is his soulmate made me roll my eyes. 

I really like La Demi's ex and it seems like she flew off the handle (surprise) at a PG cuddle than cheating. I love how the Jakk and this new guy are very nonchalant about being attracted to their partners regardless of gender expression. Then again, his "joke" about thinking La Demi would physically harm him while confronting him about the supposed cheating made me cringe. I don't see how catching your partner in the act makes it suddenly funny or socially acceptable to assault them. Again, La Demi has major anger issues and gives off abusive partner vibes.

NICOLE IS THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING WORST. Seriously, fuck her. She was just sobbing over being exposed as a cheater because it blew her chance with Laurel and now she's hurling high school insults at her talking about how she's bad in bed and nothing compared to her other ex? Why don't you just pull her hair and call her a slut too, because apparently we're 15 now. Her incessant rant at Laurel about how she never really cared about her because as of yesterday she's smelly and ugly anyway and blah blah was a masterclass in gaslighting. Good on Laurel for ignoring her whiny ass. AND THEN Nicole has the audacity to freak out when someone suggested that maybe Laurel deserves better than being Nicole's emotional punching bag. Because even if Nicole doesn't want to date her, Laurel is banned from having any positive emotion or interaction unless Nicole decides it's allowed!!!!!! She's insufferable.

Edited by Guest
17 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Damn Laurel is exhausting. Let it go already. There is nothing salvage there.

Is everyone in their 20s or sexually fluid? If I just watched mtv I would assume so.

Eh, I see both sides. Laurel was stuck on Nicole, but this show is built on dredging up toxic relationships and triggering people with them, so I'm not sure why she got the crazy ex edit complete with everyone piling on her when they've all acted that way. From Laurel's side, I can see how it would be frustrating to have someone you're either still into or trying to move on from (supposedly) popping up every five minutes to call you stinky and remind you they hate you. I think it just broke her brain to realize how little Nicole gave a shit about her.

To your second point, apparently both simultaneously it seems! This kind of feels like a winter redo of the latest season of AYTO, with a few token straight people. I was surprised Sydney announced her interest in Nicole.

So Niall only likes Allie because she's small and he thinks her tiny hands would make his dick look bigger during handjobs? How does that scenario even pop into your head and how is that someone's main selling point?

Allie: "I love everything about Niall! I just wish he lived closer."
Niall: "tiny hand is gonna make penis look huge"

17 hours ago, Drogo said:

"Jakk is such a good guy but he couldn't resist jumping into bed with the legendary temptress Marlon behind my back because Venus Fly Trap." 

Again, I wish people would realize cheating isn't normal or to be expected. Recognizing someone is attractive or even being physically attracted to someone is one thing, but if you're tempted enough to act on it, you shouldn't be with the person you're dating. You're not overwhelmed by sex appeal, you're just bored/self absorbed/horny but want to keep your partner as your emotional safety net.

Callum and Georgia are predictably blowing up next episode, but we all knew it was doomed when they both started yammering about being in love after five days. 

I think Laurel is having a hard time letting go because Nicole was her first female experience. That’s bigger than just being an ex - it’s someone who was there when you had a life changing revelation about yourself. That’s a hard thing to let go of, even if that person turns out to be an immature ass like Nicole. As much as it hurts to watch Laurel go through that, I am firmly Team Laurel. She needs to let go. But man, Nicole is just a douchenozzle. 

  • Love 3

I've been watching S1 and wow! Alicia was definitely the star of the season. I feel like Angela was still figuring out her shtick. Paulie was completely subdued here compared to The Challenge. Victoria was a nice comic relief. Chris the DJ who thought his girlfriend slept with his uncle was a weird tabloid story. I didn't like the little mean girl clique between Angela, Victoria, and Taylor and how they were making fun of Jasmine for wearing the same outfits. I'm glad Shanley stood up for her. I like Faith.

I feel bad for Laurel. I like her but I feel like if she just staged a showmance with someone and pretended to move on she might have had a better chance at staying. The part where she was campaigning to not get voted out was funny. I hope she can move forward whether it's through vet school or other reality shows. I don't get why other casts get mad at cheaters (like Cameron from last season) but Nicole is somehow less annoying than Laurel.


Edited by VelvetDreaming

La Demi is right - what is this, the Callum and Georgia show? Their collective past and all their drama is exhausting. How does Georgia even have such an extensive, explosive dating history at 21?! 

I have mixed. complex feelings about La Demi and Callum's friendship in particular. On one hand, talk about hidden depths and he is very sweet to her. But on the other hand, both Georgia and especially Callum's relationship with her feels a bit patronizing. I'm disabled and from personal experience, trans and disabled people have a lot in common when it comes to dating. Either people are flat out repulsed by you or they're fetishists but mostly you're constantly starved for any affection whatsoever. And over time you wind up with well-intentioned "friends" who, whether they pity you or want you to be a learning experience for them or want to congratulate themselves on how open-minded they are. wind up stringing you along and ultimately really hurting you because they provide all these moments of emotional intimacy with zero chance of reciprocating anything. I've gotten the whole "You're so smart and beautiful and such an amazing person and anyone would be lucky to have you [but oh god, anyone but me]" monologue dozens of times. Doing cutesy things like wearing her necklace only amplifies his mixed signals. Frankly I just think people enjoy dating levels of adoration from someone they not only don't have to date, but get automatic praise from for basic kindness, both directly from us and from people patting them on the back. "I'm an example that straight guys CAN accept and love her!!!" Sure, but you know you don't love her like that and that's what she's pining for, so maybe ease off the kudos a bit.

La Demi isn't a helpless wounded baby deer. Callum and Georgia are being condescending by claiming to be protecting her from Sam because she's "vulnerable" (read: trans and therefore not attractive to the mainstream...thanks guys). You don't give a shit about La Demi, you just hate Sam. Stop pissing all over her like she's your property and let her get some mediocre dick. She's an adult who can make that mistake on her own.

Oh Niall! At least you're getting exactly what it says on the tin with him. He seems like he would be an immature pain in the ass to date, but a fun ex to have, precisely because he's not a serious emotional dude and doesn't seem bothered by heavier stuff like drama and betrayal, which is why he's the only one of Georgia exs who has a positive relationship with her.

I'd rather watch more of Sydney trying to seduce Daniel than watch the ego black hole that's Nicole get any more attention. It's peak Nicole to call Sydney wife goals and then in the same breath basically admit she'd drop her in a second for Ashley. We'll see if Sydney goes full Laurel when Ashley shows up. Probably not though, because she's weirdly emotionally detached like Daniel.

5 hours ago, Hiacios said:

I didn't think that this was possible but they managed to turn this show into a shit show! Adding transgenders and lesbians and gays just throws the show off. Hard pass on this season.

It may in fact be genuine but mtv feels like it's trying so hard to be woke: the network. Between their altering of dating shows and removing gender separation for the movie awards. None of this is interesting to me. I just want to be entertained. These shows feel like they are trying to do so many other things.

But, hey, MTV was always been a young persons network and young people these days seem to be all about being queer or sexually fluid.

  • Love 1

This past episode was the most boring one yet. Nothing happened. Sure, Magdalina is definitely out of Ryan’s league, but I don’t understand why that was so shocking to everyone given that 90% of Instagram models date the blandest white men imaginable. Ryan is the most uninteresting person on the show. 

All that dramatic hoopla about Laurel’s “return” when they just used her to film one video announcement. Yawn. 

I surprisingly felt bad for Daniel going home. I wish they had voted Allie out instead. I don’t understand Daniel as a person and I especially don’t understand his head scratching career choice to spend all his time going on multiple dating shows when I’ve never seen a more awkward person care so little about hook up culture and yet be repeatedly cast to float like an asexual log in a sea of horny sexpots. Does he just not want to go back to his job or something? I guess I can understand why he was originally cast for having a good body by conventional definition, but what about him continues to be so appealing to casting agencies whose sole purpose is to find people that other people would want to have sex with?

Allie is clingy and over dramatic and ruining her chances of turning a fun fling into something more. Callum and Georgia are on the same co-dependent teen frequency, so their relationship works. Allie wants a title after a few days and Niall just wants to get it in. He’s always been honest about what he wants and I don’t think he’s leading her on, she’s just being desperate. They should’ve sent her home while they had the chance. 

Niall confiding in Callum and Georgia before giving them an awkward three-way hug was hilarious. He doesn’t give a shit about any of their drama or Romeo and Juliet bullshit or his past relationship with Georgia and I love it. He’s easily my favorite person in the house.

Edited by Guest
2 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

This past episode was the most boring one yet. Nothing happened. Sure, Magdalina is definitely out of Ryan’s league, but I don’t understand why that was so shocking to everyone given that 90% of Instagram models date the blandest white men imaginable. Ryan is the most uninteresting person on the show. 

All that dramatic hoopla about Laurel’s “return” when they just used her to film one video announcement. Yawn. 

I surprisingly felt bad for Daniel going home. I wish they had voted Allie out instead. I don’t understand Daniel as a person and I especially don’t understand his head scratching career choice to spend all his time going on multiple dating shows when I’ve never seen a more awkward person care so little about hook up culture and yet be repeatedly cast to float like an asexual log in a sea of horny sexpots. Does he just not want to go back to his job or something? I guess I can understand why he was originally cast for having a good body by conventional definition, but what about him continues to be so appealing to casting agencies whose sole purpose is to find people that other people would want to have sex with?

Allie is clingy and over dramatic and ruining her chances of turning a fun fling into something more. Callum and Georgia are on the same call dependent teen frequency, so their relationship works. Allie wants a title after a few days and Niall just wants to get it in. He’s always been honest about what he wants and I don’t think he’s leading her on, she’s just being desperate. They should’ve sent her home while they had the chance. 

Niall confiding in Callum and Georgia before giving them an awkward three-way hug was hilarious. She doesn’t give a shit about any of their drama or Romeo and Juliet bullshit or his past relationship with Georgia and I love it. He’s easily my favorite person in the house.

I think Ryan is the best looking dude in the house! I don't know anything about his personality, though.  

  • Love 3

Again, I FUCKING HATE NICOLE. Poor Sydney - I was actually surprised she was as broken up about it as she was, so apparently she does have actual feelings. Her gagging and eye rolls in the hot tub were gold. Nicole is such a scumbag. I didn’t even recognize Ashley from The Real World, she looks so much older and that season was only in 2013! Going from dating Ari Fitz to Nicole has to be the biggest downgrade in history. And fuck her too for totally pretending Sydney wasn’t even there during their melodramatic hot tub heart to heart. Why do all these girls keep competing with each other over Nicole when clearly their rival is an infinitely better person than Nicole and they could just date each other? It’s like pushing steak out of the way to eagerly shovel garbage into your mouth. 

Allie proved that Nicole should’ve given her more of a shot because she is an equally terrible person. After days of talking Niall to death for not taking their relationship seriously, she sure threw him under the bus quick to happily grind her ass into Carlos’ boner in front of him. And then throws a hissy fit when Niall is rightfully confused because she lied about shutting Carlos down. So after spending over a week begging for him to show serious emotion and have actual feelings for you, you’re annoyed that he’s jealous?! Fuck off honey. 

I vote that Niall and Sydney should get together and have the most graphic sex imaginable in front of Allie and Nicole. 

Marlon and La Demi - eh. Add La Demi to the parade of people fueling Marlon’s God Complex. They forgot to show us the part where both of them decided to only be friends with their exes, who both seemed pretty interested in getting back together with them. La Demi’s ex has been shown so little I don’t even remember his name. This is why we need less Nicole. 

I’m vaguely interested to see how the apparent crush between La Demi’s ex-boyfriend and Adore plays out (again, when did that happen? Have we ever seen them speak more than two words to each other? This is why the producers need to stop featuring the same five people!)

58 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Again, I FUCKING HATE NICOLE. Poor Sydney - I was actually surprised she was as broken up about it as she was, so apparently she does have actual feelings. Her gagging and eye rolls in the hot tub were gold. Nicole is such a scumbag. I didn’t even recognize Ashley from The Real World, she looks so much older and that season was only in 2013! Going from dating Ari Fitz to Nicole has to be the biggest downgrade in history. And fuck her too for totally pretending Sydney wasn’t even there during their melodramatic hot tub heart to heart. Why do all these girls keep competing with each other over Nicole when clearly their rival is an infinitely better person than Nicole and they could just date each other? It’s like pushing steak out of the way to eagerly shovel garbage into your mouth. 

Allie proved that Nicole should’ve given her more of a shot because she is an equally terrible person. After days of talking Niall to death for not taking their relationship seriously, she sure threw him under the bus quick to happily grind her ass into Carlos’ boner in front of him. And then throws a hissy fit when Niall is rightfully confused because she lied about shutting Carlos down. So after spending over a week begging for him to show serious emotion and have actual feelings for you, you’re annoyed that he’s jealous?! Fuck off honey. 

I vote that Niall and Sydney should get together and have the most graphic sex imaginable in front of Allie and Nicole. 

Marlon and La Demi - eh. Add La Demi to the parade of people fueling Marlon’s God Complex. They forgot to show us the part where both of them decided to only be friends with their exes, who both seemed pretty interested in getting back together with them. La Demi’s ex has been shown so little I don’t even remember his name. This is why we need less Nicole. 

I’m vaguely interested to see how the apparent crush between La Demi’s ex-boyfriend and Adore plays out (again, when did that happen? Have we ever seen them speak more than two words to each other? This is why the producers need to stop featuring the same five people!)

Marlon and Jemmye did say they are just friends now and Marlon said that's better left in the past in a talking head. La Demi has been trying to date anyone who will show her attention in the house so I don't think they need to show that she's not interested in her ex. The incident with Sam already showed that.

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Honestly, that hot tub shitshow had to be scripted. Even Nicole couldn’t be horrifying enough to not even acknowledge Sydney was still sitting there while she’s cradling Ashley’s face in her hands. If not, there’s something seriously wrong with that woman. 

Nicole doesn't give a fuck.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 3
On 1/24/2020 at 10:04 AM, Rbonnie said:

I would have liked to seen more of Ryan and I’m sorry he left.  Obviously this was filmed months ago but I hope things are ok 

Right?! He was barely shown at all.  And he is the best looking dude there. My eye candy! 

I also think Danny is handsome, when he is just Danny. He is gorgeous and has such a cute laugh.  I hope he finds happiness. 

I think Georgia and Callum are boring. 

Edited by Cherry Cola
auto corrected Callum to valium. 😄
  • Love 1

Marlon's new ex is pretty hot. He gets around for sure, but I like that he apparently doesn't have a type. Everyone he's dated/hooked up with are totally different people, to a baffling degree.

Hated that Nicole got her way yet again and got to boot her last flavor of the week out of the house. She really doesn't even pretend to care about them once she's done with them, does she? Nicole and Ashley are some truly oblivious assholes for going out of their way to openly suck face in every room at every hour knowing Sydney was moping 10 feet away. I thought Ashley was adorable on The Real World, but she's awful.

$100 says Nicole would've kicked Allie out of the house if she had been stuck on her after Laurel came.

I don't really get Danny and Jakk's ultra-special "friendship." It seems like Danny knows Jakk still has feelings for him and wants to keep stringing him along even though he's over him, but realized he couldn't do that if he fucked other people in front of him. And Jakk just kind of agreed and sat around the house waiting for Danny's attention until Danny decided Jakk should leave so that he can make a move on Tyler. And the one time Jakk made a move on someone else, Danny freaked out but apparently didn't even want him? I feel like Danny wasted Jakk's time and overall New Zealand experience.

The Callum and Georgia stuff was sweet, but hard to take seriously. They've known each other three weeks!!!!

Edited by Guest

Sam is a fuckboi.  Tyranny should have paid him dust the second he chose Paris for the date.  Actually sooner, but she wasn't letting go for anything.

Georgia's mad because Paris is naturally prettier than she is.  Georgia is pretty, but I can see why she felt a way about Paris.  Especially combined with the first love thing.  But Georgia is extra so she took it way too far.

Niall is going to have to move on.  Allie loves idea of two men wanting her so she won't nip anything in the bud.  Something tells me the show will do it for her, probably in the form of an ex. 

La Demi should have been honest with Adore from the beginning.   I do think she thought she'd be okay with it, but didn't realize just how tough it is being on the other side of the triangle.  But now she's just handling it like a child.  

  • Love 1

Holy heck...what happened to jemmye (sp)? What the actual fuck? I haven’t watched the challenges but did see her season of RW. She was never a beautiful girl but she was pretty cute - when she wasn’t super drunk and pining after that douche bag Ryan (I know he’s dead - but he was a douche. Sorry not sorry). She looks absolutely terrible. It’s not even the weight gain. It’s her face. Maybe the fake lips/trout pout? She looks a mess.

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