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S01.E07: Horrible from Supper

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2 hours ago, raven said:

would Goodsir pull Lady Silence from the food line, unless it was because he didn't want the men to see her being fed?  Or because he didn't want her eating poisoned meat?

I also wondered about that?  If they are all eating the same thing, what is the alternative?  Because that scene was witnessed by Hickey and it seemed to kind of confirm to him there’s a problem with food. So it makes no sense unless the officers are eating something else?

Also: what are they using fuel both to heat the food and for all those torches they have stuck in the camp?  Any ideas?

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I came THIS CLOSE to turning the channel; only because I can't bear (no pun intended) to watch these men (and poor Neptune & Jacko) meet their horrible fates at a such a slow, cruel pace. : (  It's so depressing., I had a horrid pit in my stomach watching this whole episode.  (good for my diet. I completely avoided snacks thru the whole episode. LOL)  But I'm glad I hung in there and came here to read the many brilliant posts here.   So much fodder for discussion; but I'll just kick in my few random thoughts.

When my favorite character Goodsir was having a full blown meltdown in his tent, I honestly wanted to reach in and put my arm around him.  And good ol' Lady S shows up and does it for me. Thank you Lady S !    I will adore if they veer off a bit;   and somehow those 2 crazy kids survive to  live happily ever after in the frozen tundra. 

I'm slow on the uptake sometimes on these types of shows, but I fully followed the Hickey imposter storyline. 

Agree with everyone that Jared Harris is simply remarkable in this role. 

I'm SO RELIEVED we did not have to witness Neptune's death.   And am grateful we only caught glimpses of him in the shadows, thus making it hard to get attached to him.

Sorry, can't recall the guys name that met with the Eskys and managed to get a bit of food before Hickey stabbed him. ?  But anyways, that whole scene was bone chilling (the murder scene.) 

And Jopson is the hot new Lieutenant !  That is all. 

  • Love 9

My impression was that Goodsir pulled her out of the food line to keep her from eating contaminated food.  I hadn't thought of any other reason.  Interesting.


jnymph -- great post.  You describe my emotional responses, too.  This is a ghastly story (the real one, in particular -- please go read Ice Blink, it's amazing and charmingly written.)  

  • Love 5
52 minutes ago, Earlwoode said:

Also: what are they using fuel both to heat the food and for all those torches they have stuck in the camp?

I think they offloaded enough coal from the ship to supply them for their estimated time it would take to reach forested land, at least.  By forested land, I mean any vegetation that they could use for fire.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I think they offloaded enough coal from the ship to supply them for their estimated time it would take to reach forested land, at least.  By forested land, I mean any vegetation that they could use for fire.

Yes, that's what they did. When Crozier is speaking to the men who are staying behind with the ship, he tells them they left enough coal to get them through the winter. Speaking of the men on the ship, someone upthread asked why they stayed behind. They did so as a back-up plan, in the remote chance there is a thaw; if they can get out and the timing is right, they may be able to rescue the men on foot before the group gets inland. There's also


real life testimony of an Inuit man who encountered a group of men on the ship. The incident occurred well after the crew abandoned it, suggesting some of the men did indeed stay behind, perhaps for the same reason it happened on the show.

I'm so glad they didn't show Neptune or Jacko's demise either. I hope the same for the ship's cat(s?), should we revisit the group who remained on Terror.

I noticed something on rewatch I missed the first time. When John Morfin snaps, you hear Neptune barking in the background. Soon thereafter, Hickey slips away behind the tents, while everyone else is distracted. I believe that's when he killed the poor dog. :(

Edited to add: There should be some non-canned food left, provided they didn't eat it all before they left the ship. In the previous episode, Lt. Irving goes down the list of their supplies, which includes flour, potatoes and salt meat. It's possible they could've eaten most of it, because at that point Fitzjames knows they're going to have to walk out. He says they should reserve as much portable food as possible for the journey, so the cooks should adjust their menus to focus on the salt meats. Surely they have some non-canned food left, though, if Goodsir is steering Lady Silence away from the chow line; they can't not eat at all. Of course, that only gives Hickey more ammunition to stir up the men; why does the "Eski" girl get untainted food while the rest of them are slowly being poisoned? She's not even one of them.

Edited by Sighed I
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I think, also, in Crozier's "farewell" to the men left behind on the ship -- he said, "Travel here and there (specifying a route) and wait for us.  If we don't arrive by September, then leave and press on through.  Simply by doing that, you will have attained the Passage." 

So, he's sending them off to hopefully be able to follow along in the ships and rescue them when they are all able to find open water -- but also to accomplish the heroic mission without the land teams if the land teams are lost.

It made me kind of sad.  I like Crozier.  (He's really a sad person but still appealing in Ice Blink, too.  That is non-fiction.)

The only thing I missed in that meeting on the ship was if he meant for them to take one ship or both.  I'm not sure I'm clear on the ships' status-es.

Edited by Captanne
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1 hour ago, Captanne said:

The only thing I missed in that meeting on the ship was if he meant for them to take one ship or both.  I'm not sure I'm clear on the ships' status-es.

I think they're only on Terror. Since Erebus' propeller was damaged in the first episode, Crozier probably wants them to use the fastest ship; also, I don't believe enough men stayed behind to man both vessels.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Sighed I said:

Of course, that only gives Hickey more ammunition to stir up the men; why does the "Eski" girl get untainted food while the rest of them are slowly being poisoned? She's not even one of them.

Well....he’s right.  Why should she get the better deal?

I think Goodsir was designed to be everyone’s favorite character. However, I find his wide-eyed innocent stare and his sugary disposition a little overdone. He does irritate me sometimes.

Oh and about the men left behind 


The ships were found about 60 miles (I think) from where they were abandoned so they must have sailed them to where they eventually sank.  Strange that they were only found about 2 to 4 years ago.  If they investigate them further they may find more info on what happened to them.  There is some speculation no one was left behind but that a group of men returned to,the ships and set sail on them.

Edited by Earlwoode
26 minutes ago, Earlwoode said:

Well....he’s right.  Why should she get the better deal?

I think Goodsir was designed to be everyone’s favorite character. However, I find his wide-eyed innocent stare and his sugary disposition a little overdone. He does irritate me sometimes.

I'm not saying Hickey's wrong to be upset; I would be too. But there's no denying he's using the information for selfish purposes. He doesn't give a damn about the other men, short of what they can do to ensure his own survival. If he was eating untainted food and no one else was, you can bet he wouldn't say a word...kind of like how he's hording dog meat right now. I wonder how the men would feel about that?

Given your soft spot for Hickey, I'm not surprised you find the good almost doctor (XOXO ;) a bit sugary sweet. ;) I love him, but I'm sure that comes as no surprise either. ;)

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29 minutes ago, slothgirl said:

I'm so addicted to this show that I keep checking the forum hoping for new posts to discuss. When there isn't one, I feel lost... haha

Anyone else? Just me?

It's most definitely not just you. ;) I'm so obsessed I'm reading about the real life expedition and started listening to the audiobook of the novel, up until I realized the latter was a non-linear structure and I was at risk of being spoiled.

This show really deserves a much bigger audience than it has. It's certainly one of the very best I've watched.

  • Love 4
46 minutes ago, slothgirl said:

I'm so addicted to this show that I keep checking the forum hoping for new posts to discuss. When there isn't one, I feel lost... haha

Anyone else? Just me?


8 minutes ago, Sighed I said:

It's most definitely not just you. ;) I'm so obsessed I'm reading about the real life expedition and started listening to the audiobook of the novel, up until I realized the latter was a non-linear structure and I was at risk of being spoiled.

This show really deserves a much bigger audience than it has. It's certainly one of the very best I've watched.

Can you imagine how we will all feel when it concludes? Yikes. I better find some new quality programming soon. Not easy, no netflix or hulu :(

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, SoSueMe said:


Can you imagine how we will all feel when it concludes? Yikes. I better find some new quality programming soon. Not easy, no netflix or hulu :(

Don't remind me! <sob>

It's set the bar so high it's going to be a tough act to follow. Heck, I've even let the last season of The Americans sit in my DVR and I love that show too. I guess I'll have it to ease my pain. ;)

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Sighed I said:

I'm not saying Hickey's wrong to be upset; I would be too. But there's no denying he's using the information for selfish purposes. He doesn't give a damn about the other men, short of what they can do to ensure his own survival. If he was eating untainted food and no one else was, you can bet he wouldn't say a word...kind of like how he's hording dog meat right now. I wonder how the men would feel about that?

Given your soft spot for Hickey, I'm not surprised you find the good almost doctor (XOXO ;) a bit sugary sweet. ;) I love him, but I'm sure that comes as no surprise either. ;)

Just wondering exactly how,they were (are?) going to eat the dog meat?  It needs to be cooked and for that they need fuel,which is surely well guarded.  And the there is the smell of cooking meat which would be everywhere.  How will they get around that?  

I just find Hickey a much more interesting character than the do-gooder Doctor who is really a little too good to be true, eh?  If Hickey is the evil moustache twirler, then the Doctor is the angelic, good guy who just loves everyone. Boring!

Edited by Earlwoode
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Sighed I said:

Don't remind me! <sob>

It's set the bar so high it's going to be a tough act to follow. Heck, I've even let the last season of The Americans sit in my DVR and I love that show too. I guess I'll have it to ease my pain. ;)


First off; I love your screen name:)

The Americans is my other favorite show right now as well.

i can’t believe we only have a few more Episodes left of both shows :(

 I hope Tuunbaq ( or whatever his name is) stays away/ our guys have enough to deal with.  And I liked the show better without him

  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, jnymph said:

 I hope Tuunbaq ( or whatever his name is) stays away/ our guys have enough to deal with.  And I liked the show better without him

I kind of agree. I don't know how many here have seen the movie "The Descent" and I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but it does kind of remind me of this just a little in terms of the environment being almost a living, vengeful character all its own. 

Really good movie, by the way.   

  • Love 2
42 minutes ago, Earlwoode said:

Just wondering exactly how,they were (are?) going to eat the dog meat?  It needs to be cooked and for that they need fuel,which is surely well guarded.  And the there is the smell of cooking meat which would be everywhere.  How will they get around that?  

I just find Hickey a much more interesting character than the do-gooder Doctor who is really a little too good to be true, eh?  If Hickey is the evil moustache twirler, then the Doctor is the angelic, good guy who just loves everyone. Boring!

I had that same question as well. I know the Inuit eat seal meat raw, but dog meat? Not that I like thinking about that at all. :`( It's not like they can sneak off somewhere to cook it without anyone noticing, and even if they tried to dry it in the sun, it would take too long and they'd run a big risk of someone stumbling upon it.

I think Hickey's really interesting too, and I get why Goodsir may seem a little too good to be true. I see him as kind of an everyman, the proxy for the audience. The show is so grim, I need him to balance out some of the darkness. I'll be especially sad when we lose him.

41 minutes ago, jnymph said:


First off; I love your screen name:)

The Americans is my other favorite show right now as well.

Aw, thanks. It just came to me out of nowhere, so I snagged it before anyone else had the same thought. I am looking forward to seeing how the Americans ends...after this one ends. I can't handle two intense shows right now. ;)


i can’t believe we only have a few more Episodes left of both shows :(

 I hope Tuunbaq ( or whatever his name is) stays away/ our guys have enough to deal with.  And I liked the show better without him

I agree Tuunbaq is the weakest element of the show. I do like Lady Silence, so I don't mind him too much, although I think it was better before we got a good look at him. He was much scarier when we weren't sure what he looked like.

I don't think you're going to get your wish though, considering the opening scene in the first episode.

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I’m on the fence about the tuunbaq. On one hand, we all know how this story ends. In reality, none of these men survived. So we could have been told a story that’s mostly factual, describing the cold, the ice, scurvy and lead poisoning, starvation— and that would probably be horrifying enough. But a little boring, since we know how the story ends.

The tuunbaq adds mystery and mythology. The Inuit (like the native Americans farther south) have detailed, long-standing spiritual beliefs and I like the idea that there are things out there that we “civilized” folks haven’t seen. Most of us have never experienced anything like the frigid desert of the far North, so I think it’s reasonable to throw in a mythological sci-fi creature to emphasize the other worldliness of their situation. 

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, Sighed I said:

I'll be especially sad when we lose him.

I think Goodsir, like Crozier and Hickey, will be one of the last to go. Not sure about Fitzjames but his part has been so small and insignificant he may go quite soon.  But then again


I think I read an interview with Tobias Menzies where he said there will be a second season and he was quite excited to be back, so not sure where this is going exactly.

25 minutes ago, Earlwoode said:

I think Goodsir, like Crozier and Hickey, will be one of the last to go. Not sure about Fitzjames but his part has been so small and insignificant he may go quite soon.  But then again

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I think I read an interview with Tobias Menzies where he said there will be a second season and he was quite excited to be back, so not sure where this is going exactly.

To address your spoiler:


I'm pretty sure a second season will be a separate, stand alone story with some of the same actors, a la American Horror Story.

  • Love 1
29 minutes ago, SoSueMe said:

To address your spoiler:

  Hide contents

I'm pretty sure a second season will be a separate, stand alone story with some of the same actors, a la American Horror Story.

Ah ok.  I’ve never seen AHS so I have no idea what it’s about. I’m just disappointed at how small TB ‘s part is since he was the one who drew me to this in the first place (along with Ciaran Hinds).

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, jnymph said:

I do agree with that !  Wish he’d have just stayed a shadowy figure. Seeing him was too cartoonish for my taste.  

I liked him when he didn't have that goofy human clown face. He looked like Chucky the evil doll.

I loved seeing him in going after Blankey when he was still a Giant Rabid Polar Sloth. I know they deliberately are adding a human element to Tuunbaq, but a human face was too much. I think most of us got the symbolism and metaphor of his existence without trying to create a physical hybrid.

2 hours ago, Earlwoode said:

Ah ok.  I’ve never seen AHS so I have no idea what it’s about. I’m just disappointed at how small TB ‘s part is since he was the one who drew me to this in the first place (along with Ciaran Hinds).

I haven't seen Hinds in much, but he made an impact on me in Sum of All Fears, in a fairly small part. (I think he might have also been in Calender Girls, but I can't remember). I was a little disappointed in his portrayal here at first, but I'm liking it better on re-watch. 

Edited by slothgirl
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16 minutes ago, slothgirl said:

I haven't seen Hinds in much, but he made an impact on me in Sum of All Fears, in a fairly small part. (I think he might have also been in Calender Girls, but I can't remember).

Lord, guess you’re not a Game of Thrones fan then?  He plays Mance Raider there. But the part in which he is absolutely superb?  As Julius Caesar in Rome.  For me, not only one of the best series ever to grace TV but also the best Caesar I’ve ever seen.


PS- I totally agree about the bear and  I hadn’t even noticed the “human” face (the scenes are so dark).  He’s  just so unbelievable I roll my eyes every time he turns up.

Edited by Earlwoode
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Earlwoode said:

. But the part in which he is absolutely superb?  As Julius Caesar in Rome.  For me, not only one of the best series ever to grace TV but also the best Caesar I’ve ever seen.



Yes, yes, yes!!! My favorite TV series EVER !!! I tuned into The Terror because of Hinds & Menzies.

Edited by jnymph
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On 2018-05-02 at 10:49 AM, Captanne said:

The contaminant in the tins is absolutely lead (hence, the small balls we kept seeing) but isn't there also a question of botulism?  Either way -- the alcoholic doesn't eat much and can't keep much down if he/she does.  Also, he's an officer and not a manual laborer -- he requires fewer calories.  All this to say, Crozier's diet has been atypical of the rest of the crew and probably somewhat less.  (Btw, I even consider my own point a nitpick.  LOL  But, I do want to get it made as far as lending credence to his reliability as the ranking officer.)


You could also throw in that he was consuming and keeping down less water than the rest would have been. That being said, I think a lot of it is supposed to be experience, training and him as a person. Ignoring Crozier’s alcoholism, it’s also possible the officers went into the expedition healthier and have benefited from that. Or you just blame Tuunbaq for exposing certain weaknesses within certain vulnerable people.



On 2018-05-04 at 11:47 PM, Crone said:

I’m on the fence about the tuunbaq. On one hand, we all know how this story ends. In reality, none of these men survived. So we could have been told a story that’s mostly factual, describing the cold, the ice, scurvy and lead poisoning, starvation— and that would probably be horrifying enough. But a little boring, since we know how the story ends.

The tuunbaq adds mystery and mythology. The Inuit (like the native Americans farther south) have detailed, long-standing spiritual beliefs and I like the idea that there are things out there that we “civilized” folks haven’t seen. Most of us have never experienced anything like the frigid desert of the far North, so I think it’s reasonable to throw in a mythological sci-fi creature to emphasize the other worldliness of their situation. 


I would have happily taken it without Tuunbaq, tbh. I’m happy I found the show but it’s such a fascinating story without that element. It’s interesting to play with spiritual beliefs being true in that situation and I like the way Lady Silence is tied in but it alters the story a lot. Tuunbaq also becomes an easy way to steer the plot in certain directions.

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On 5/2/2018 at 11:21 AM, proserpina65 said:

The first thing I remember seeing Jared Harris in was Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows, and I really didn't care for his performance there. 

Interesting because that's also the first thing I saw him in and I was impressed and made it a point to seek out more of his work.

I also wanted to add that a lot of people are writing "left-tennant" but it's actually "lieutenant", the British just pronounce it different. :)

I wish more you of were book readers. I'm dying to discuss some of this Hickey stuff and I can't!

  • Useful 1
9 hours ago, Jordan61 said:

I also wanted to add that a lot of people are writing "left-tennant" but it's actually "lieutenant", the British just pronounce it different. :)

I'm pretty sure that people are writing it as lef-tennant as a joke because of the pronunciation. I certainly was. It's because we DO know how it's spelled that hearing the brit pronunciation has us all WTF?

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, slothgirl said:

I'm pretty sure that people are writing it as lef-tennant as a joke because of the pronunciation. I certainly was. It's because we DO know how it's spelled that hearing the brit pronunciation has us all WTF?

Gotcha. I started going to college online last year and let me tell you, the experience has taught me to assume the worst. I'm not even sure how some of them passed remedial English.

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, slothgirl said:

I'm pretty sure that people are writing it as lef-tennant as a joke because of the pronunciation. I certainly was. It's because we DO know how it's spelled that hearing the brit pronunciation has us all WTF?

Not me, I'm used to the British pronunciation, and tend to say it that way myself.  But then again, I'm a big Horatio Hornblower fan.

16 hours ago, Crone said:

And what about “welsh wigs”? Where did that come from?

It was a type of hat issued as standard clothing to members of the expedition.  This link has an explanation, but you'll have to scroll down a bit:


Another link:


Edited by proserpina65
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On 5/1/2018 at 1:47 PM, iMonrey said:

Question: why do they pronounce the word lieutenant "lef-tennant?" Is it a British thing? 

Crozier says loo-tennant at one point i think right after Morfin is killed. Which is weird because the actor is British. Then again I am Canadian and used to work with a bunch of military people and still sometimes have to catch myself from saying loo-tennant.

The Hickey stuff is getting interesting.  If he is a total sociopath I am wondering if he is not actually gay but is just willing to have illegal sex with other crew members as another way to allow him to manipulate them.

On 5/5/2018 at 10:28 AM, jnymph said:

I do agree with that !  Wish he’d have just stayed a shadowy figure. Seeing him was too cartoonish for my taste.  

It is kind of tough since if you wait for too long without showing the beast and kind of becomes more and more silly that no one has seen him. Like a killer Snuffleupagus or something. Also if you wait too long it becomes harder for the monster to live up to expectations. That said I think the show would have worked just as well if they had eliminated the monster all together.

Edited by Kel Varnsen
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On 4/30/2018 at 7:15 PM, SimoneS said:

The little positive; I loved Jopson's surprised reaction to his promotion and the support he got from the officers. So well deserved. Francis is a superior commander. In addition to showing good judgement in promoting Jopson and refusing to give Hickey et al. guns, it is admirable that he taking the lead pulling the boats and scouting. James has also come into his own.

I loved it too, especially the quiet emotion involved -- Crozier's happiness and pride in the man who had saved him at his lowest point, Jopson's gratitude and emotional surprise, and most of all, the kind reactions of all the other officers, who were so lovely (I was worried they would be snooty but they were simply happy for him). And I love the quiet respect growing between Crozier and Fitzjames.

On 4/30/2018 at 7:28 PM, tennisgurl said:

Poor Goodsir. He is just trying so hard to help the men and offer comfort to them and keep things under control, but he spent the whole episode looking like he was on the verge of tears, before finally breaking down. lady Silence hugging him was so sweet though, it made me want them to somehow survive this and live happily every after studying plants and guarding ice monsters

Put on a shirt Hickey, you are not hot enough for shirtless duty. Actually, losing a shirt makes it more likely that he`ll freeze to death...take it all off! 

The moment between Goodsir and Silence was incredibly moving to me. Just her lying next to him and offering comfort.

Ironically, one of the problems of the expedition in real life was that the men had to deal with sunburn by day so that even in extreme cold they were struggling with feeling "too hot."

On 4/30/2018 at 8:45 PM, maystone said:

At least all of the animal deaths were off screen, which sounds like a horrid thing to say when so many human characters are suffering and dying, but they signed up for the trip. The animals, not so much.

I love that James has come to respect and like Francis. I'm enjoying the hell out of Jared Harris and Tobias Menzies. There should be a slew of Emmy noms for this series, and for those two actors in particular. And, well, actually all of them. There's not a single actor who isn't top-notch.

I think the show has been incredibly smart to show certain things offscreen (like the dog's death and remains). And when it showed poor Jacko, it was incredibly moving, because Goodsir had genuinely loved her and hated having to test the food on her. The shot of him gazing down at her and whispering apology had me in tears.

On 5/1/2018 at 2:00 AM, Sighed I said:

Obviously the Inuit wouldn't have enough for them all, but they might have shared information or knowledge which would help them find game on their own.

The schemers weren't wrong, in the sense that with the kind of numbers they have, even if they find game it won't be enough to sustain them all.


Hickey doomed the entire group with that act. It was a small party of Inuit, but they would have been able to do more than share a little food -- they could have gone and gotten more help from other Inuit, gotten word to a village for a rescue, etc. Six people including children implies that there were other Inuit accessible within travel.

On 5/1/2018 at 6:21 AM, shrewd.buddha said:

Crozier appears to be a good leader, despite the alcoholism. But I disagree with his decision to keep secrets from the men for their own good. Not telling the men about the tainted food and dead rescue party gives opportunity for mistrust and mutiny by people like Hickey. There is no way to keep a secret in this group of people. 
And it always seems that the people who believe they are in the right to keep such secrets are also acknowledging they consider themselves to be more rational, better suited,  better educated, ... basically 'better' than the uniformed people. 

I 100% disagree with this. Crozier has to maintain discipline and control over 110 or so desperate, scared, starving, freezing men. To echo @SimoneS, he is withholding information to keep morale up and to keep them going and focused. He's not being arrogant, he's being smart and careful -- not least because the information cannot help them. The dead men will just upset and scare them, and the tainted food is all they have (and I'm betting many of the men would refuse to believe it even if ordered not to eat it -- starving men, as we've seen, are not rational).

On 5/1/2018 at 7:18 PM, zobot81 said:

Bottom line: Hickey is CORRECT. They will not make it out of there, not honorably. They won't even make it out of there as good men.

This POV confuses me, since the Inuit party that showed up could literally have saved them right here with food, going for help, and getting a message to other Inuit or even a village -- until Hickey's murderous actions. Hickey doesn't kill the lieutenant because he has no choice and needs to survive. The murder in fact could arguably doom him (and all of them), so all the defenses of Hickey as "doing what he needs to survive" is really a strawman argument for me the moment we see how he handles them meeting the Inuit party.

On 5/4/2018 at 8:47 PM, Crone said:

The tuunbaq adds mystery and mythology. The Inuit (like the native Americans farther south) have detailed, long-standing spiritual beliefs and I like the idea that there are things out there that we “civilized” folks haven’t seen. Most of us have never experienced anything like the frigid desert of the far North, so I think it’s reasonable to throw in a mythological sci-fi creature to emphasize the other worldliness of their situation. 

I love the Tuunbaq's part of the story, because it is becoming apparent that its place is far more complex than just "murdering monster." As we've already seen, the greater evil (and "Terror") is what a human like Hickey is capable of.

On 5/5/2018 at 11:14 AM, slothgirl said:

I haven't seen Hinds in much, but he made an impact on me in Sum of All Fears, in a fairly small part. (I think he might have also been in Calender Girls, but I can't remember). I was a little disappointed in his portrayal here at first, but I'm liking it better on re-watch. 

Ciaran Hinds is superb (along with Tobias Menzies) in "Rome," and was also terrific in "Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day," "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy," "Game of Thrones, dozens more.

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