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S20.E09: The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 9

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Hah! Morgan, you are absolutely right. Everything is certainly NOT going to be okay.

Damn, Taylor's mother gets on my last nerve. Her platitudes about every friggin subject make me want to scream.


Drug court is great! Helped my daughter immeasurably.  We were in southeastern Michigan.

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Kiersten made it. I’m surprised. Even more surprised that she chose wisely in her next steps.  David just made a very big mistake going home.  His Mom will enable him to death. She flat out says he’s a 29 year old man, then she treats him like a baby. 

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7 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Kiersten made it. I’m surprised. Even more surprised that she chose wisely in her next steps.  David just made a very big mistake going home.  His Mom will enable him to death. She flat out says he’s a 29 year old man, then she treats him like a baby. 

While she is spooning noodles onto his plate, saying, "he's a 29 year old man, and I see a man."


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The ending was devastating.  Her sister and ex must be absolutely destroyed and I can only hope mom got her mind right so she could deal with it in a non-destructive way.  

The multi-episode experiment paid off because I was much more invested in Taylor's journey than I normally would have been.  I was hoping more people would "make it".  It seemed like one successful recovery, a handful of people couldn't or wouldn't go back to Atlanta because they knew they weren't going to make it there.  Admittedly I am a bit of a pessimist, but I don't think any of the ones they checked in with and said they were doing ok were really doing ok besides Kiersten and the brother who ran the 6k race (who's name escapes me right now).

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I think the ones who are still in Sober Living are doing ‘ok’. It’s a process.  It’s recommended that you not go home because you fall into old habits, The ones who moved out or back home after 90 days or less such as Allen sounded off - as if the show was being told one thing and believed another.   I do hope Billy and Tiffany stay sober for the sake of their child. 

Did they report on Zach’s father at all? They were counting him and Taylor’s mom as part of the 12 addicts they helped,right? 

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Another tragedy. Not too surprised. I've taken to reading the obits in my local paper, and within the past two weeks there have been three deaths of young people due to drugs. Two of the families cited the cause of death in the hopes it will help someone out there.

I'm disappointed for Allen. At his age his doesn't have many more chances, and his family must be heartbroken. And angry.

Tracey looked fantastic in his 5k photo - well done.

David has zero chance as long as he's enmeshed (and depressed) with his mother hanging over his every moment.

I hope Morgan finds a great support system and someone who loves her. She deserves peace and love.

It's late and I cannot remember her name, but it's wonderful to see the young woman (Allen's roommate) acting like a silly happy kid, which is how it should be.

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Well. Death sucks.


I'm disappointed for Allen. At his age his doesn't have many more chances, and his family must be heartbroken. And angry.

His daughters are GORGEOUS. Even in a duck-lip selfie. How awful for them.

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Allen and the girl (I keep forgetting her name) who keeps try to knuckle sobriety both seem like good people who don’t really want to be sober.   They say all the right words and may want to be a part of their childrens lives but heroin and booze just have too big a grip on them.  

Taylor’s journey was just sad.  Again she was someone who didn’t really want to be sober and was pretty enough to afford her habit. When you are young and pretty you can make a good living stripping.  

I really do like this format.  It’s a good way to really get to know the people and the community that surrounds them.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I could understand why they showed Taylor getting all of her teeth pulled, but I could’ve done without seeing that.

I enjoyed getting more insight into the drug court. I wish we could see more of this.

I agree with others very shocked that Kiersten decided to start over in California instead of returning to Atlanta. Very smart.

I do not believe David will be successful. Watching his co-dependent mother hovering over him made me feel smothered and I wasn’t even there. He didn’t look particularly happy. I’m sure Kiersten not being there was contributing to his unhappiness, but I just don’t think it was wise for him to return to Atlanta or at the very least to his mother's home. I can easily see him eventually slipping back into the same behaviors as before. 

Morgan’s letter to Taylor was beautiful. It’s unfortunate that she was not successful in her sobriety. She was a pretty girl once clean. I feel for her sister and the guy friend. I hope he, who I believe it was stated abused drugs in the past, will remain clean.

It's sad, but I believe Allen is a lost cause. With his age, he cannot keep doing this. I don't believe he believes he can stay sober (in part because of his numerous trips to treatment) and thus he will never stay clean. 

I’m so glad Toni remains sober. She seems to have learned quite a few things when speaking with Tattoo guy (can't recall his name) that are helping with her recovery. I hope she will continue to do well. 

Edited by Enero
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21 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Did they report on Zach’s father at all? They were counting him and Taylor’s mom as part of the 12 addicts they helped,right? 

They showed updates on 12 people at the end of the show, so not including those two. 

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I lost count at about 10 and couldn’t remember the other two. 

Billy, Tiffany, Tracey

Allan, Toni


Kiersten, David



so those were the addicts

so who am I missing to get to 12? 

Then extras:

the woman the police officer got to treatment 

Zacs dad

Taylors Mom. 

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I was so sad for Taylor's update. What a shame. I hope her sister finds some peace and escapes her mom. Their mom is a piece of work.

The police officer who helped his friend go into treatment - I loved him. When he teared up as she accepted treatment - ugh, my heart. 

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I think Taylor’s Mom has probably been a peice of work, but I think she was actively trying to make up for it now.  It was Toni’s Mom and David’s Mom who were currently  sabotaging their children. Angela’s Mom just didn’t want to admit her daughter couldn’t white knuckle it. 

Zac’s addict Dad probably didn’t help him. 

Tiffany and Tracey’s Dad was trying to make up for his past addiction. 

Your mileage may vary.  

Edited by mythoughtis
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2 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I think Taylor’s Mom has probably been a peice of work, but I think she was actively trying to make up for it now.  It was Toni’s Mom and David’s Mom who were currently  sabotaging their children. Angela’s Mom just didn’t want to admit her daughter couldn’t white knuckle it. 


I agree and I'd add that the mom didn't seem to have the tools she needed to help. I hope she followed through with treatment. She and her remaining daughter are going to need all the support they can get. All the women in that family seemed so fragile.

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I just caught up on this finale episode.

How sad that Taylor passed away. I didn't expect that to happen, but tbh, I thought that her final interview she did after being in treatment, she didn't look sober to me and I thought she may have continued to use.

I'm really happy for Keirsten and I think she'll make it just fine. David otoh, he made a silly, silly mistake moving back home. Though I suspect that his mother has coddled him so much throughout his life, I doubt he really knows how, or has the confidence, to stand on his own two feet.

Unfortunately, Allen has just swapped one addictive substance for another, which happens quite a bit with people who have struggled with sobriety.

Tracey is another one who I think will be fine. He seems happy and positive, which goes a long way to staying sober.

The rest of the oeople who participated on the show, I wish them all the very best with their sobriety.

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I got behind on this series. I don't recall who Taylor is/was. Nevertheless, so sad she/he died. I am interested in knowing about the older guy (forgot his name) who used to be well off, beautiful family, grown kids. He got addicted to meth and something other drug.

Our country (USA) is rampant with drug addicts from all walks of life. I wish there was a solution but it just seems to keep getting worse.

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On 10/5/2018 at 10:49 PM, Atlanta said:

Any update on Zac? He wasn't a big feature, but didn't contribute a lot of drama, comparatively. He was almost a footnote. 

Zachary Reeves or Zac just recently overdosed and passed away,  I'm so sorry to say. I read his obituary,  and found his dads Facebook page. His dads name is Marc Reeves. Do you or anyone have Tiffany, Tracey,  or Billy's facebook or last name? I would love an update...they all touched my heart.

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