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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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4 hours ago, Geordiegirl1967 said:

A summary of recent J2 panels at JiB and ahbl.  Interesting reading. I loved the bit where they talk about their friendship.


I see JIBcon but not AHBL? Is it on that tumblr somewhere?

13 hours ago, Binns said:

I see JIBcon but not AHBL? Is it on that tumblr somewhere?

I don't know about a run down, but I ran across a video of it. Here's the first part. I think there's 8 parts in total. I haven't watched it yet so I don't know if it's spoilery or not...be warned, though.

And, just for shits and giggles, here's the first part of their Jus In Bello bonus panel that is transcribed in the link above. I haven't watched this one either, so again, be warned there could be possible spoilers:

And, finally, here's their regular Saturday panel--well the first part of three, anyway. This one I have watched and there are spoilers, so be warned!

  • Love 1

Lordy, Jensen & Misha's panel. Talk about emotional. Can I just say how much I admire and respect Jensen? I wish the audio was better, but bless this person for capturing it. He is talking about being overwhelmed by the experience of one (maybe two?) woman in autographs who had completed the YANA training. I guess he had to take a break after to get it together.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, rue721 said:

@gonzosgirrl Do you know what he's referring to?

Sorry, I edited it in afterward. He's talking about having met a woman in autos who had completed the YANA training (50hrs) for the hotline counseling, and it really hit him hard. Got emotional about being part of something so important.

3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Lordy, Jensen & Misha's panel. Talk about emotional. Can I just say how much I admire and respect Jensen? I wish the audio was better, but bless this person for capturing it. He is talking about being overwhelmed by the experience of one (maybe two?) woman in autographs who had completed the YANA training. I guess he had to take a break after to get it together.

I teared up watching this. I sometimes get the sense that JP gets a lot more emotional stories and maybe this was one time where it went the other way and it took him by surprise almost. 

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, SueB said:

That was awesomely heartfelt.  
But then Misha being unable to forget what appears to be his animal underwear is also funny.  

It was pretty masterful how he managed to change the conversation and tone, though.

I have to say, I cracked up so hard when Jensen gave Misha that "weirdo" look later and Misha was like, "You can't look at me that way after what you just showed me!" 

Too cute. ;)

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

It was pretty masterful how he managed to change the conversation and tone, though.

I have to say, I cracked up so hard when Jensen gave Misha that "weirdo" look later and Misha was like, "You can't look at me that way after what you just showed me!" 

Too cute. ;)

Please, Chuck, tell me it was the squirrel with nuts in his mouth.

  • Love 2
On 21/05/2017 at 2:01 AM, Binns said:

I see JIBcon but not AHBL? Is it on that tumblr somewhere?

Try this link


There are loads of panel summaries on this persons tumblr so if you keep going down the page you'll find earlier cons. AHBL is next one down after all the JIB summaries. Really useful resource. Though I am rubbish at navigating Tumblr.

Jared has done an interview with People magazine to introduce Odette. Lovely interview and photos. 


  • Love 1
On 21/05/2017 at 9:38 PM, Binns said:

I sometimes get the sense that JP gets a lot more emotional stories and maybe this was one time where it went the other way and it took him by surprise almost. 

I think Jensen is always a bit more emotional at JIB these days because of what happened to Jared there a couple of years ago. Last year he gave Jared a huge hug at the closing ceremony when Jared talked about his bad times around JiB. His description of his and Jared's friendship at this years con was really moving.


Jensen: “There is a shorthand between he and I that exists. We don’t have to look at each other, we don’t have to say anything, it’s a real friendship. And it’s a real connection with another human being that is rare and it’s cool and great and I’m glad that he’s in my life.” <3

Jared is looking at the ground again and gives Jensen another pat on the chest

He pulled Jared into a very emotional hug right at the end of the con


and apparently when he got upset by hearing this lady's story he went over to Jared and then had to go up to his room. 

11 minutes ago, Idahoforspn said:

Did anyone video the solo Jensen or the Sunday J2? I haven't been able to find either one.

I don't think there was a Sunday J2. For reasons unknown this con only scheduled 1 J2 panel on Saturday morning. There was a second J2 panel later that day but it was impromptu. The focus seemed to be more on Misha. There was a Jared/Misha panel and (bizarrely the last panel which is usually the big draw i.e. J2) a JA/MC.

I haven't seen a video of Jensen's panel but there is a summary of it in the link I posted above. 

10 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Here is part 1 of Jensen's solo panel.


31 minutes ago, Geordiegirl1967 said:

I think Jensen is always a bit more emotional at JIB these days because of what happened to Jared there a couple of years ago. Last year he gave Jared a huge hug at the closing ceremony when Jared talked about his bad times around JiB. His description of his and Jared's friendship at this years con was really moving.

He pulled Jared into a very emotional hug right at the end of the con


and apparently when he got upset by hearing this lady's story he went over to Jared and then had to go up to his room. 

I don't think there was a Sunday J2. For reasons unknown this con only scheduled 1 J2 panel on Saturday morning. There was a second J2 panel later that day but it was impromptu. The focus seemed to be more on Misha. There was a Jared/Misha panel and (bizarrely the last panel which is usually the big draw i.e. J2) a JA/MC.

I haven't seen a video of Jensen's panel but there is a summary of it in the link I posted above. 

Thanks. I guess I misunderstood which isn't new.

4 hours ago, Geordiegirl1967 said:

Try this link

There are loads of panel summaries on this persons tumblr so if you keep going down the page you'll find earlier cons. AHBL is next one down after all the JIB summaries. Really useful resource. Though I am rubbish at navigating Tumblr.

Jared has done an interview with People magazine to introduce Odette. Lovely interview and photos. 


I love that people article but all I keep thinking is "hold Odette's head up!"

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Binns said:

I love that people article but all I keep thinking is "hold Odette's head up!"

That was my first reaction - Mom! baby's head is at a funny angle.

I liked the way Jared described the difference between having 2 kids and having 3 kids: They can no longer play man to man, they have to play zone because the kids outnumber them.  I have 2 kids so I never lived through that, but I understand from my sisters that the 3rd one puts you over the top into chaos.

1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Mark has a t-shirt campaign. His instagram...  does that 'surprise surprise' seem a tad bitter? (not that I'd blame him after the lines they *did* make him say this season) Seems like a little shade being thrown here. :)

Wait, they cut the line. I thought I remembered him saying it? Weird. Maybe I made it up in my head?

7 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Funny because I thought I remembered it too - though maybe not from that episode? Weird indeed!

Yeah, I distinctly remember him telling the Devil that even when he loses he wins...then he stabbed himself. Maybe there was more to it and they trimmed the scene some, but not entirely?

24 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

Wait, they cut the line. I thought I remembered him saying it? Weird. Maybe I made it up in my head?

I don't remember him saying it in this episode and it's not in the transcript from SpringfieldSpringfield either


You had your chance. You could've put me back in the Cage, but you had to make it personal, didn't you?

You're right. It is personal. You humiliated me. I I hate you. Deeply. Truly. I'm gonna enjoy wiping that smug, self-satisfied look off your face. Personally.

You mean this one? Come on, Crowley. You know whatever you try, you're gonna lose.

You're right.

Bye, boys.

Read more: http://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=supernatural&episode=s12e23

I remember him saying something similar in another episode.

Edited by catrox14
6 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Didn't he say something similar during Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell. You know the scene where he is bragging about how he is always ten steps ahead?  

Maybe it's just something we all kind of know about Crowley and now we think he said it? Did Mark just cast a hex on all of us? LOL. I don't remember it but it sounds very Crowley.

2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

This is it. This is the goodbye. I no longer think he is trolling. He wouldn't go this far. Crowley is gone. Maybe back for some flashbacks or AU but not Crowley as we have known him.

Farewell to the best frenemy a moose & squirrel ever had. I will miss his sardonic wit - he delivered even the cheesiest of lines with style.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Farewell to the best frenemy a moose & squirrel ever had. I will miss his sardonic wit - he delivered even the cheesiest of lines with style.

One of the many things that made this finale a bust for me was the loss of Crowley and Mark Sheppard. ITA with your thought(I think it was yours...) that he was the second best actor on this show and now he's gone and we're likely still stuck with Lucifer and definitely with his spawn. Yuck.

So yup, farewell, Crowley and good luck and best wishes to Mark Sheppard. You both deserved better, IMO, too(although, tbh, after the way the character was written in these last two seasons, I think he will find it a blessing in disguise to have been written out after this one. I shudder when I think of the writing for next season...)

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Myrelle said:

One of the many things that made this finale a bust for me was the loss of Crowley and Mark Sheppard. ITA with your thought(I think it was yours...) that he was the second best actor on this show and now he's gone and we're likely still stuck with Lucifer and definitely with his spawn. Yuck.

So yup, farewell, Crowley and good luck and best wishes to Mark Sheppard. You both deserved better, IMO, too(although, tbh, after the way the character was written in these last two seasons, I think he will find it a blessing in disguise to have been written out after this one. I shudder when I think of the writing for next season...)

I've always listed him as the second best actor on the show too. He is really good and I'm hoping he gets some great roles in the future.

  • Love 3
On 5/23/2017 at 3:47 PM, catrox14 said:

Jensen talks about the stuff with Mary. Interesting that he hadn't watched ep 22  and I guess ep 23 as of the Sunday panel. ( I know I posted it upthread but here are all three parts together. )



 Thanks for posting these.  Just want to wrap him up.  He's such a good soul.

58 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

A nice little gif set of Jensen speaking about the crisis hotline. I just see a guy who is tired and emotional.








Yeah he had apparently been crying for quite a while earlier and even here he's getting choked up.    

  • Love 3

So... help please... what is the difference between Destiel and DeanCas.  First I thought Destiel meant the ship -- as in a romantic relationship and DeanCas meant the relationship, but not romance.  "Love" was part of both but one was romantic and the other brotherly.

Now I see posts (mostly elsewhere) that I can't tell the difference.  Which means, I either NEVER had it right or the two term are now used interchangeably.

Does anyone know?  @Wayward Son perhaps?  

5 minutes ago, SueB said:

So... help please... what is the difference between Destiel and DeanCas.  First I thought Destiel meant the ship -- as in a romantic relationship and DeanCas meant the relationship, but not romance.  "Love" was part of both but one was romantic and the other brotherly.

Now I see posts (mostly elsewhere) that I can't tell the difference.  Which means, I either NEVER had it right or the two term are now used interchangeably.

Does anyone know?  @Wayward Son perhaps?  

That is the way I've always seperated them in my mind. Destiel refers to a romantic relationship favoured by some fans and Dean!Cas refers to them as friends / surrogate family :). I'm not sure if that has changed, or us fans are just being lazy LOL. 

Our resident lover of all thing Destiel and Dean!Cas @catrox14 might know though :)

Edited by Wayward Son
  • Love 1
Just now, Wayward Son said:

That is the way I've always seperated them in my mind. Destiel refers to a romantic relationship favoured by some fans and Dean!Cas refers to them as friends / surrogate family :)

Hmmm.... so, I think I'm seeing conflation in places and I just THOUGHT I was confused, but maybe I am not. Confused, that is.  Although...

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