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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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I watched the periscope stream of their panel. First time I've watched one of those as it's happening rather than catching snippets here and there. I guess I shouldn't be so surprised at the extremely personal questions they were asked rather than people asking them about the show. I was uncomfortable for them. They were very sweet but ick.

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I watched the periscope stream of their panel. First time I've watched one of those as it's happening rather than catching snippets here and there. I guess I shouldn't be so surprised at the extremely personal questions they were asked rather than people asking them about the show. I was uncomfortable for them. They were very sweet but ick.


It's kind of strange. In my short time, watching con videos I've seen it morph from mainly questions about the show and even on set pranks, which they answer the same way, or about characters or whatever  to now about their wife and kids and honestly, I can't decide if that is a deliberate thing to deflect from the show for fear of spoilers or what.  I mean sure there are cute stories about them but I'd rather someone ask something like "So, what was Dean thinking when he descended the stairs to Hell again for the first time since he was raised from Perdition".  Or 'So, does Sam still think he's got demon blood in him".  Not, what is your most memorable thing from the show because Jared will always say meeting his wife...which leads to 15 minutes of family discussion.  Yeah it's cute but I want show stuff! 


I know some fans still do ask but I kind of blame Jared and Jensen because they answer the more personal; questions but how can they not? I just wish the panels were more far more focused on the show.

Edited by catrox14
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It kinda depends on the con to a certain degree, each one has it's own tone to it somehow. Vegas and Jus In Bello are kinda big goofy parties; Houston and Dallas tends to have Jared and Jensen's family in attendance so those have a more comfortable family vibe. The Vancouver one seems to be the one I find is more focused on the show--they have a set tour and quite a few of the crew and writers are at that one.


But, yeah, it's really morphed into more personal questions which is why I haven't keep up with the con videos this year. I think it might be due to the show being so active on social media and such. So many questions are already answered for folks before they get there anymore. And, I think it's allowed fans to feel like the panelists are "known" to them so they cross boundaries more. The earlier cons seem to be a bit more show-focused, though. You can find a bunch of those on YouTube if you're interested.

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It kinda depends on the con to a certain degree, each one has it's own tone to it somehow. Vegas and Jus In Bello are kinda big goofy parties; Houston and Dallas tends to have Jared and Jensen's family in attendance so those have a more comfortable family vibe. The Vancouver one seems to be the one I find is more focused on the show--they have a set tour and quite a few of the crew and writers are at that one.


But, yeah, it's really morphed into more personal questions which is why I haven't keep up with the con videos this year. I think it might be due to the show being so active on social media and such. So many questions are already answered for folks before they get there anymore. And, I think it's allowed fans to feel like the panelists are "known" to them so they cross boundaries more. The earlier cons seem to be a bit more show-focused, though. You can find a bunch of those on YouTube if you're interested.


Yeah, I can see that. I also think Jared being so open about his own personal struggles with depression and calling it SPN Family opened that door further for fans to ask more personal questions. I do think some personal questions are perfectly fine, but sometimes I think the questions a bit too personal.  But that's just me.


It seems to me JIBCON goers ask more show related questions despite it apparently being a huge party like VegasCon was last year. Seems like VegasCon this year was more sedate, but that's probably because it was  big Winchester Family Reunion last year.


This show has a bizarre relationship with fans, that's for sure.  don't mean that as negative thing. I just can't think of any other show that has quite the same dynamic. 

Edited by catrox14
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It's definitely an interesting dynamic. I think DittyDotDot makes a good point that fans feel like they know them so well that it's ok to ask these types of questions. And yeah...they answer them. So I guess I shouldn't feel uncomfortable on their behalf. I also agree Jared seems to be very open about everything maybe bc of his mental health struggles. He said something really poignant...along the lines of how Gen always loves him even when he doesn't love himself.

My preference is more for the lighthearted and show related stuff which I've definitely found on older videos but I have questions about the show right now too! Ah, well. Until I want to shell out $1k for a con I will have to watch videos and hope someone asks my questions.

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They really do so many cons in a year that I guess it's inevitable that people would run out of show-related questions.  I know that I was watching all of the con videos at one point, and they always seemed to be asked the same questions...what's your favorite monster, what monster haven't they done that you'd like to do, who's your favorite guest star, who would you like to be a guest star, what's the most recent prank you've pulled, etc.  I can see how that would get boring after a while.  Then we went through a phase after AKF began where everyone wanted to relate their own personal story with depression, and that really became an issue for them pretty quickly.  I'm not surprised they put a stop to most of those, since they did tend to suck the fun out of the room.  Not that people's issues aren't important, but that's really not the time and place.  People pay big money for those tickets, and they only have a half hour or an hour to spend on each panel.  


I'm not sure that Jensen or Jared put as much thought into the storylines as the fans do.  I know they try to give thoughtful answers to questions, but I think sometimes they're just making it up as they go along.  We're following the story and are vested in how things turn out, but I think to them, it's pretty much just a job.  They don't really have input on the story, they just wait to get their scripts.

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They really do so many cons in a year that I guess it's inevitable that people would run out of show-related questions.  I know that I was watching all of the con videos at one point, and they always seemed to be asked the same questions...what's your favorite monster, what monster haven't they done that you'd like to do, who's your favorite guest star, who would you like to be a guest star, what's the most recent prank you've pulled, etc.  I can see how that would get boring after a while.  Then we went through a phase after AKF began where everyone wanted to relate their own personal story with depression, and that really became an issue for them pretty quickly.  I'm not surprised they put a stop to most of those, since they did tend to suck the fun out of the room.  Not that people's issues aren't important, but that's really not the time and place.  People pay big money for those tickets, and they only have a half hour or an hour to spend on each panel.  


I'm not sure that Jensen or Jared put as much thought into the storylines as the fans do.  I know they try to give thoughtful answers to questions, but I think sometimes they're just making it up as they go along.  We're following the story and are vested in how things turn out, but I think to them, it's pretty much just a job.  They don't really have input on the story, they just wait to get their scripts.


Eh, I hear that argument frequently that they just don't pay attention or don't remember details....pfft.  I don't buy it.  They don't remember it like we do necessarily and they don't create or write the storylines, but I don't buy for a minute they know as little as they pretend.  


Jared seems to be quite invested in Sam's arcs and he has said he reads several scripts ahead.   Jensen claims he doesn't read ahead, but I don't entirely believe him. He must have a good idea especially when he's directing the episode that is airing 3rd but is the first being filmed which might refer to stuff in the two episodes before the one he directs, like with demon!Dean and baby!Amara.  Maybe later in the season, he doesn't read as far ahead as Jared, but I still think he's trolling.


As to con questions, new episodes air between cons.  Con goers could  ask questions about those episodes. I bet they would love to get reactions. But that's just me.  I don't care that much about pranks unless it's something new...like MIsha's clothes...that was just funny. 

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I didn't mean that they don't know what's going to happen with their characters, but I don't know that they give as much thought to the things we talk about on these boards.  I'm thinking specifically about last year's con in Vegas and some of the questions that were asked of JDM about PTSD and John's time in Viet Nam, etc.  I don't think he ever gave that a minutes thought.  He didn't even know his character was in Viet Nam.  Now I'm sure that Jared and Jensen have a much better grasp on their character's histories, since they've played them for so long, but I still don't think that they're as caught up in the minutia of their day to day lives as we are.  So when they're asked about how they felt back in season 6, episode 4, I think they just wing it sometimes.  How could you not?

Edited by MysteryGuest
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Now I'm sure that Jared and Jensen have a much better grasp on their character's histories, since they've played them for so long, but I still don't think that they're as caught up in the minutia of their day to day lives as we are.  So when they're asked about how they felt back in season 6, episode 4, I think they just wing it sometimes.  How could you not?


They aren't necessarily going to remember an episode number nor the episode title, although they do seem to remember those surprisingly well, but that's not what I'm talking about it anyway. That would be "trivia".   It seems to me when they are given a reminder about an arc or  something it does trigger them to remember more or think about it a bit more. Jensen has no problem recalling how much of a mindscrew it was for him to play two different versions of himself in s5..Jared remembers stuff about soulless Sam and many things about s4 and s5. 


I guess what I'm saying is even if they don't know or whatever, it seems like as an actor they might appreciate questions about the show they've spent 11 years working hard AF on that provides us with entertainment. 


Maybe Jared wasn't kidding about 'Real Househusbans of Austin" being a thing for them one day in the future. LOL. 

Edited by catrox14

Maybe I've just watched too many cons in the past year.  All of the questions seem to run together.  It does seem like they've answered the same questions over and over, until I actually get bored watching.  I wonder how they feel?


As for the personal questions, I'm thinking the fans will continue until they're officially told that personal questions are not allowed.  I thought the question to Jensen the other day about Danneel's nude scene was pretty rude.  To his credit, he answered the question the only way he could, but it actually got a bit awkward, IMO.  Jared was making some jokes about it, and I didn't get the feeling that Jensen was all that comfortable with the whole thing.  I just don't get people sometimes.  Why spend all that money just to go to these cons to make the actors feel uncomfortable?

Edited by MysteryGuest
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together.  It does seem like they've answered the same questions over and over, until I actually get bored watching.  I wonder how they feel?


I agree they answer the same questions, which is why I always hope someone will ask them about current storylines or something they haven't really been asked before.  I guess I'm also working under the assumption that anyone who is spending that much money on a con must be current with the show and should be able to find something new to ask.  But maybe that's a wrong assumption on my part.


I still can't believe someone asked him that. Jeebus, they weren't even married then and barely just dating. It's a really misogynistic question when you think about it. Like it doesn't fucking matter what he thinks if she feels comfortable doing it, even now that they are married. Just like it wouldn't matter what his wife might think about his nude scenes or threesome scene in Blonde.  Man, people can be real jerks. 


I have seen some blather on Tumblr  and Twitter implying some fans specifically go to cons to mock Misha in his photo ops because they hate him. I don't get it like at all.

Edited by catrox14

It's probably just people being a "bad ass on the internet".  I mean, I can tell all kinds of stories about the crazy things I've asked Jared and Jensen do do in those pictures.


None of if would be true because I've never been to a con, but it wouldn't stop me from telling you that I did it.  ;-)

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It's probably just people being a "bad ass on the internet".  I mean, I can tell all kinds of stories about the crazy things I've asked Jared and Jensen do do in those pictures.


None of if would be true because I've never been to a con, but it wouldn't stop me from telling you that I did it.  ;-)


I'm talking about photo ops that people post on Tumblr and Twitter for the world to see.  There was one I saw that someone had Misha pose with Jared and hold a sign that said Jared sold more photo ops than Misha.  Like why?? I mean I get the guys get paid for every single photo op but still....yikes.

Absolutely, people can lie about what they've said or done, but I've heard some questions and seen some photo ops that make me shake my head.  The guys are definitely good sports about most of it, though I'm sure it helps to know there will be a nice paycheck at the end of it.  I know they pose for pictures with fans all the time for free, but the other photos are just odd to me.  I've never been one to collect autographs, or have my picture taken with celebrities, so maybe I just don't get it.


I really don't get the hatred, period.  What is wrong with people?  If you don't like an actor, or a show, then move on!  How miserable do you have to be for that to be the reason you would go to one of these cons?  Tumblr has been an eye-opening experience for me, and not in a good way.  Some people get downright vicious in their arguments about whether Jensen likes Jared or Misha better.  It's ludicrous!  I like to tell myself it's only the 13 year olds that act that way, but I'm not convinced.

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That was my point. I can see someone wasting their day to go heckle someone for free, even if I wouldn't do it myself. But to spend so much money to go "hate" on someone is just absolutely crazy to me.


This is exactly why I don't go to cons. I don't like large crowds and I just can't justify spending that much money on an experience I wouldn't enjoy.


This is also exactly why I stay away from Tumbler, too. It's a crazy world out there people!

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I don't really follow anyone specific on Tumblr, I just normally will do a search for SPN or Jensen.  Unfortunately, by doing that, you get the good with the bad.  I agree there are some very clever, talented and funny people out there, and I normally enjoy most of what I read.  But every once in a while I'll come across something that's either completely hateful, or just downright delusional, and it makes me wonder about those people.  And if they're the ones going to these cons, I'm not surprised that ugly things get said to the actors.  Hopefully, they just brush it off and move on.


The overwhelmingly vast majority of folks who go to the cons are unabashed fans wanting to have fun. Folks like the ones we've been discussing are rare. (Though very vocal.) I went to Denver Con in November. I didn't know anyone (though I could have hooked up with ahrtee, and am sorry I didn't!)...I got "adopted" by the woman who sold me the ticket and her friends. Total strangers stressed over their photo ops with us. We stood in line together and shared stories. We followed the saga of the gal whose partner had died, who carried her partner's guitar around getting autographs from all the stars. We oohed and ahhed at good photos. Someone made sure to video me asking Mark Pellegrino my questions.

It was warm and fun and welcoming. None of the people I met were bashing anyone. It was a great party. So, if you get the chance, by all means go to a con. It's pricey but worth it.

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Wait, no, I think you need to reread my post, Omegamom. I wasn't saying all the people who go to cons are obnoxious...I don't go to the cons because I don't like large crowds and don't want to spend money on an experience I wouldn't like--because the crowd size would ruin the experience not the people itself. I've seen how many folks they pack into those halls, I just don't think I would enjoy that experience myself. No way was I meaning to say the entire crowd was obnoxious.


I stay away from Tumbler because I find a lot of what goes on at that site to be a bit crazy, though.


Hope that clarifies what I was saying.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Ah! I misunderstood. I thought you were saying you didn't want to go for fear of being around a crowd of crazies, not just being in a crowd. I can understand the latter -- I used to have to attend the National Restaurant Show in Chicago every year, and hated it because of the crowds.

But if anyone else is being swayed away from attending a convention because of the nasties, don't, because it's a lot of fun.

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Don't ever go to Dragon*Con, then, DittyDotDot. The crowds are huge. It is a lot of fun, however, even if the Supernatural panels aren't as numerous any more (SPN got moved to a different trak, and the new trak doesn't give the show as many panels.)


But I'm not a con specialist anyway. I visit a lot of different traks, so I still find a ton of things to do.

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Ah! I misunderstood. I thought you were saying you didn't want to go for fear of being around a crowd of crazies, not just being in a crowd. I can understand the latter -- I used to have to attend the National Restaurant Show in Chicago every year, and hated it because of the crowds.

But if anyone else is being swayed away from attending a convention because of the nasties, don't, because it's a lot of fun.


Not your fault, I was in a hurry and didn't reread...I just wasn't clear.


I think the cons sound fun until I see that huge crowd. I'm not like panicky in crowds or anything, I just find it's not as much fun as it used to be. Like I wouldn't go to big concerts anymore, but small little bars and other venues are cool with me. I think I'm just getting too old for the crowds or something.


Anyway, I do agree a lot of the same questions float around and around at the cons, but usually there's also one fresh one that makes the video watching worth it, IMO. 

DDD, I think you'd be OK at a Creation con.  They structure the hell out of those things, so you might be in line for a while or something, but you won't really be sucked into a "crowd".  Of course, they have to charge a crazy rate per head to set it up that way.  But if you can afford it, the Creation cons are low on crowdness and high on fun.  It's not like SDCC or something where all you do is sleep on the floor and wait for a panel; or Dragon*Con where you're just a lemming travelling the only direction that won't get you trampled.


The big surprise for me at the Creation con was that it was 95% women.  And that's not an exaggeration.  If there were 1000 people at the con, there could not have been 50 guys total.  I understand why there are a lot of female fans, but this isn't Gilmore Girls or Charmed.  Dudes talking dude stuff, driving a dude car, fighting and killing shit, watching busty Asian porn, and hooking up with or saving a new hot chick in every town?  Seriously?  No dude fans?  That was confusing.

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DDD, I think you'd be OK at a Creation con.  They structure the hell out of those things, so you might be in line for a while or something, but you won't really be sucked into a "crowd".  Of course, they have to charge a crazy rate per head to set it up that way.  But if you can afford it, the Creation cons are low on crowdness and high on fun.  It's not like SDCC or something where all you do is sleep on the floor and wait for a panel; or Dragon*Con where you're just a lemming travelling the only direction that won't get you trampled.


The big surprise for me at the Creation con was that it was 95% women.  And that's not an exaggeration.  If there were 1000 people at the con, there could not have been 50 guys total.  I understand why there are a lot of female fans, but this isn't Gilmore Girls or Charmed.  Dudes talking dude stuff, driving a dude car, fighting and killing shit, watching busty Asian porn, and hooking up with or saving a new hot chick in every town?  Seriously?  No dude fans?  That was confusing.



I think the viewing audience is pretty well 50/50 men and women but con attendees are mostly women. I often wonder if the CW promoted SPN even a fraction of what they do with their superhero shows if the men attending cons would increase. 

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I think the viewing audience is pretty well 50/50 men and women but con attendees are mostly women. 


I wonder why that is.  I've been attending cons all my life, and guys love a good nerd con.  Star Trek, Stargate, B5, Farscape -- all at least 40-60% dude.  Even a Buffy-only con is going to be 30%+ dude.  Are men so intimated by J2 that they fear the con?  What's the deal?  If you're a dude, and you're reading this, and you're looking for a place to meet 500+ single women in their late 20s/early 30s hopped up on sex adrenaline from thinking about hunks they can't have, then a Supernatural con is the place for you!  And if you don't live in your parent's basement, you may be the most eligible dude in the room.  Just sayin ... :)

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I wonder why that is.  I've been attending cons all my life, and guys love a good nerd con.  Star Trek, Stargate, B5, Farscape -- all at least 40-60% dude.  Even a Buffy-only con is going to be 30%+ dude.  Are men so intimated by J2 that they fear the con?  What's the deal?  If you're a dude, and you're reading this, and you're looking for a place to meet 500+ single women in their late 20s/early 30s hopped up on sex adrenaline from thinking about hunks they can't have, then a Supernatural con is the place for you!  And if you don't live in your parent's basement, you may be the most eligible dude in the room.  Just sayin ... :)


Yeah...I think that's a basic misunderstanding of the demographics of the  women that attend the cons.   As I understand it, a lot of the con attendees sell their own SPN related wares, just want to hang out with other fans who love the SHOW in general. Not just  Jared and Jensen. I think the age ranges of the con attendees is pretty broad from teens LIKE UNDER 18 to 50+ women.  Many of the attendees are actually married and some bring their kids to the cons.


I'm guessing those dudes are going to be mostly disappointed to find out that most con attendees are probably really NOT horny chicks that can't tell the difference between real life rando dudes and these actors, never mind the attendees who are not  into men.


Good luck with that, dudebros.  LOL

Edited by catrox14

My daughter and I have gone to several ChiCons since we live in nearby suburbs. We have always found the fans to be most enthusiastic, but not rude. Yes, the questions repeat... I have also seen an increase of young men at the cons and they try to ask the guys questions in the panel, so they are interested in the show, not just the young women attending. There is a large age range of women who attend, and yes, a very large percentage as well. But people are friendly and it's a lot of fun to go. For us, of course, the price is nominal since we live in the area and don't have hotel/travel expenses and can choose which day(s) we go.

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Even a Buffy-only con is going to be 30%+ dude.


Things have really turned around then. When I went to Buffy/Angel cons (back when both shows still aired), the ratio women to men was pretty much exactly like Supernatural cons now. They often jokingly called out the five or so guys in the audience. The only cons where I have experienced things differently are Star Trek.  


That`s why the convention episode of Supernatural with this neatly balanced in every way audience made me laugh out loud. On what planet? I`ve been to about 10 or so Cons for the show, both European and US and never was there anything but mainly women/girls. 

Edited by Aeryn13

Okay...so I need some other ears to tell me if I heard what I think I heard


In the Gold Panel from VegasCon...I swear to gods...Jensen said 'I heard it from him. He called me and said "Hey babe, congratulations".  I have listened to it like 10 times thinking it was "Hey, bud" or "Hey, dude" or "Hey man" but I swear to gods he said "Hey babe".  Like wut?? LOL


Also there are some spoiler-adjacent mentions but it's not until later so if you want to bail right away you're safe


It's towards the beginning. 


Edited by catrox14

Things have really turned around then. When I went to Buffy/Angel cons (back when both shows still aired), the ratio women to men was pretty much exactly like Supernatural cons now. They often jokingly called out the five or so guys in the audience. The only cons where I have experienced things differently are Star Trek. 


I don't know about the Buffy/Angel only cons, but now at least, the Buffy panels in Dragon*Con have a good number of men, as does the Buffy Horror Picture Show event. And the men often sing along with the women. The Whedon Trak in general has a good number of men, especially since there are a lot of male Browncoats.


Interestingly, the Supernatural panels at D*C definitely get more than a 5% male ratio. I'd say about 20-25% or so... now the NC 17 fanfic panels (which included SPN as well as other genre fandoms)... those were almost all women with only a few men, and interestingly many of those men were gay.


My guess for a male heavy con would be a Star Wars con. The Star Wars trak at Dragon*Con has a good percentage of men.

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Yeah...I think that's a basic misunderstanding of the demographics of the  women that attend the cons.   As I understand it, a lot of the con attendees sell their own SPN related wares, just want to hang out with other fans who love the SHOW in general. Not just  Jared and Jensen. I think the age ranges of the con attendees is pretty broad from teens LIKE UNDER 18 to 50+ women.  Many of the attendees are actually married and some bring their kids to the cons.


I'm guessing those dudes are going to be mostly disappointed to find out that most con attendees are probably really NOT horny chicks that can't tell the difference between real life rando dudes and these actors, never mind the attendees who are not  into men.


Good luck with that, dudebros.  LOL


LOL.  That's why I said 500 :)  There are probably 1500+ women there.  Just guessing a third are "ready for love" (bad company).  I mean nothing negative about it, though.  The cons are a happy and kind place.  By and large, most con communities are more kind and supporting and loving than any social gathering you'll even find, so please don't mistake my tongue-in-cheek comments for anything other than sincere appreciation of the event.  I just think a single dude has a really good chance finding something more than an autograph at a Supernatural con. :)

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