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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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I agree. Jared calling this employee an asshole and complaining about him so angrily and publicly could *easily* cost the employee his job. It's messed up of him to do that imo. I don't care if the employee was an asshole or not, imo you don't threaten somebody's livelihood for something as petty as having to wait for a bag at baggage claim. The imbalance between what's at stake for Jared (minor inconvenience) and what's at stake for the employees he's flipping out on (their jobs! their ability to house and feed themselves ffs!) makes his temper tantrums come off as high handed and arrogant to me, too.


Though tbh between this meltdown over really minor "problems," and the bar fight not too long ago, and the troubles he was having that made him go home early from the cons in Europe, and the way he reacted to his friend's suicide -- he seems a little unstable right now. He's been so volatile. I hope he's doing OK.


Everyone deals with stress differently, and I hope he's okay too. But at the age of 56, I don't sweat this stuff much. My Mom dying of Alzheimer's, finding a lump in my breast, (it turned out to be nothing) that's the stuff you freak out about! I'm an extremely mellow person, as is Mick, and I think it makes life much less stressful and  more enjoyable.


I feel for JP, I truly do, and wish him the best. But now is the time for him to get some help, or he's going to be miserable his entire life. Good God guys, trust me, don't sweat the small stuff! You're as happy as you decide to be. That's the honest truth.


Oh and catrox14. Do you think Mick would mind if I hung that picture over the bed?

Edited by Mick Lady

Oh. Okay.  If you aren't moved by this....Well you're dead inside. You're Soulless Sam . You're demon!Dean. You're Crowley, You're Rowena. 


Jared once he realizes what the candles are all about.














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Jensen had his family with him (he referenced it in the NerdHQ video).  So it makes sense, he came down and golfed on Sat (per Jim Micheals), probably had family time the rest of the day and came over to the panel.


Jared is making me a little nervous.  NGL.  He needs to get back to Vancouver, back to his family, and chill. 

Jared has written a very beautiful thank you on his Facebook page for the Always Keep Fighting candles.  He really expresses himself well.  


It does amaze me that someone who 'gets' it so completely when it comes to mental health and his fans in general can be so insensitive when it comes to people who are simply trying to do their jobs to the best of their ability.  

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Jared has written a very beautiful thank you on his Facebook page for the Always Keep Fighting candles.  He really expresses himself well.  


It does amaze me that someone who 'gets' it so completely when it comes to mental health and his fans in general can be so insensitive when it comes to people who are simply trying to do their jobs to the best of their ability.  


I'm replying to the bolded part.  The point IMO Jared was making albeit harsh and public was that he didn't think they were even TRYING to do the best of their ability.  Maybe the problem is Twitter because it's 140 character and is easy to say something that isn't entirely what you intended. IMO his Facebook post outlined much more what he was upset about.  Whether he should have even posted on Facebook is another question but he said quite clearly that he didn't think they were even TRYING. 


I guess I'm defending Jared here because yes he has made mistakes with stuff he's said on Twitter but he just doesn't strike me as a dick who just goes around all time complaining about everything that doesn't go his way or is inconvenient. He also clarified in the Nerd HQ panel that he was talking about the lack of trying to do a good job. Just like we get upset with the writers or the actors if they don't even seem to be trying to give us a decent product to watch. Does he fly off on Twitter more than he probably should? Yes, but he's only human even if he is in the public eye more than we are.


I have arguments with sports fans who get upset when a player makes a mistake or falls into a slump and they say "Those people get paid millions of dollars to play and I have to scrape money to see them play, they better do better" . I'm like okay "So, what  just because someone makes a shitload of money and are in the public eye more makes them robots or something". 


I guess I'm just saying what someone blurts on Twitter in 140 characters is not necessarily who they are all the time or what they actually were trying to communicate.

Edited by catrox14

I guess I'm just saying what someone blurts on Twitter in 140 characters is not necessarily who they are all the time or what they actually were trying to communicate.


Two things.  One, no one implied that Jared was a dick all the time.  Two, if you can't express yourself in 140 characters, take your complaint somewhere else, as he (eventually) did.


I haven't watched the videos -- did he apologize for calling out an airline employee who was just doing his job?  Did it occur to him that his bag, to his naked eye, appeared to be small enough for the bins, but the employee knew it was an inch too long or wide?  I've seen many people insist that their bag was small enough for the overhead, but unable to latch the bin.  If that thing won't lock, the bag has to be moved.  Period.  That's not an airline regulation, that's the FAA.


To my mind, this is exactly why people shouldn't use Twitter to complain.  The whole story doesn't get out, people (on both sides) rush to judgement, and bad feelings brew.


One more thing, then I'll say no more on the matter.  You catch more flies with honey than vinegar -- perhaps name-calling won't get the desired results.  As adults, we should all be mindful of that, IMO.

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I'd be willing to bet there was a bit of -- fuck this guy, going on as well. If he flies out of the same airports over and over, it would not be shocking if the gate agents didn't have stories they tell around the cafeteria table. That being said, flying as much as these guys must do would turn me into a frothing crazy person. Flying just a handful of times a year is almost more than I can bear.

  • Love 4

I, in no way, meant to imply that I think Jared generally is a dick. If anything, I think of him as an over-grown kid who is rather reactive and impulsive at times. I just think he routinely tweets before he thinks and doesn't probably realize what all the ramifications of his rage-tweeting might be. All I was saying was, because he's in the public eye, he might want to rethink that behavior. I would imagine his thank you on Facebook was a thought-out and considered response. Maybe he should take that approach with all his social media? What's that old saying...think twice, post once?

  • Love 5

Okay so I know the show is not great with the killing of female characters but this Buzzfeed article is all kinds of bullshit.  It took everything out of context.  The cast was laughing at Carver because he was not equipped to answer the question.  Jensen himself came out against Charlie's death. Jensen wound up having to answer the question to quell the growing awkwardness.  The writing staff was against. They ducked the answer because they knew there was no good answer. They hung Carver out to dry. Sigh.




Edited by catrox14
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I hope more people on here click on this link! These pictures are incredible. Thanks catrox14 (what ever the hell that means!)


Yes, I'm a nag! But I respect your privacy.

So, here's a pic of Jared's bag: http://www.justjared.com/photo-gallery/3414977/jared-padalecki-thanks-fans-for-shining-a-light-on-depression-03/


I'm kinda with Jared in that it looks like a normal bag that should fit in the overhead.  Plus, dude was undoubtedly in first class. They usually don't run out of overhead space.  

Doesn't mean that I agree with him calling out an individual, but I could see how it got him pissed off.  Flying these days generally SUCKS.  I know a couple from Comic-Con who missed Preview night because an airline cancelled their flight (for no stated reason).  And because they are all so overbooked, they couldn't get them out until the next day.  

  • Love 2

Okay so I know the show is not great with the killing of female characters but this Buzzfeed article is all kinds of bullshit.  It took everything out of context.  The cast was laughing at Carver because he was not equipped to answer the question.  Jensen himself came out against Charlie's death. Jensen wound up having to answer the question to quell the growing awkwardness.  The writing staff was against. They ducked the answer because they knew there was no good answer. They hung Carver out to dry. Sigh.




I'm not sure what part your saying is bullshit.  The subtitle of the article was :


That awkward, beautiful moment when your boss gets called out for a decade of fridging.


So, while I first thought they were implying the guys were okay with the death, I think the subtitle says it all -- Carver DID get hung out to dry.  AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL.  Seriously, NO-ONE supported his statements.   You can't hear how loud the audience boo-ing was when he gave the weak-assed "where the story took us" bullshit.  I think Jensen was gracious enough to try and help Jeremy out, but even towards the end of his statement... I kinda thought there was a bit of a tongue and cheek there.....like Jensen's heart wasn't really in it and even HIS statement was pretty soft.

  • Love 2

I'm talking about the part where they said the cast was laughing about Charlie's death. Maybe I read it wrong but I thought they were calling out the cast along with Carver for laughing about misogyny and fridging. But I can see your point. 


Maybe I'm just so used to seeing the cast being bashed for writing I got the wrong end of the stick about the article.  

Edited by catrox14

I'm talking about the part where they said the cast was laughing about Charlie's death. Maybe I read it wrong but I thought they were calling out the cast along with Carver for laughing about misogyny and fridging. But I can see your point. 


Maybe I'm just so used to seeing the cast being bashed for writing I got the wrong end of the stick about the article.  

You weren't the only one who read that sentence that way. It was poorly worded.  But with the subtitle and the rest of the gifs/annotations in the article, I think that they were happy the crew laughed at Carver for getting hung out to dry.  

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Just a general comment about the Supernatural panel:

- After seeing several other panels over the weekend (Damien, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Con Men, and some other non-TV show panels), I gotta say our guys had the BEST in terms of interaction.  Really, it's tough to beat J.J. Abrams giving out lightsabers, having a free concert, and then fireworks.  So, the Star Wars panel kinda takes the best panel prize.  But the SPN panel was the most entertaining of the regular panels.  I personally contribute it to getting Rich and Rob up there along with the tons of conventions the cast does every year.  Other panels were kinda stilted.  Some joking but the casts and moderators did NOT have the same chemistry nor were they just simply entertaining. The Supernatural panel was just relaxed and fun.  

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I just think he routinely tweets before he thinks and doesn't probably realize what all the ramifications of his rage-tweeting might be. All I was saying was, because he's in the public eye, he might want to rethink that behavior.


And quite frankly, if he doesn`t and continues to make tantrum-tweets, then I think it is also fair to cast a critical eye on him. You can`t expect to only ever dish it out and not take it. I never thought this "happy bouncy puppy" is his entire persona because, well, it is for noone but it isn`t a rainbow shield against criticism for me, especially not if someone routinely breaks out of it. This is not just the first or second unpleasant tweet at this point but the upteenth time.

My thought is Jared a bit bi polar...the depression, the hi's the lows.  It would fit with his actions.  He could be just a bit that most of the time he can deal without meds. 


Jensen did say that he was upset because they had waited for over an hour but he saw Jared's response so he decided against it.

It was part of the Nerd Q&A.


I think Jared blows up quickly and then it is over.  He does need to give it some time before he posts because even if he is in the right, it makes him look stupid.


One thing I talk about with the kids, is the person screaming and sounding really angry looks stupid to the people watching.  Ever see a kid start laughing when they are being chewed out?


In the long run this could hurt his career too.   Sure he could have a legit complaint, but there is a better way to do it and Jared isn't in his 20's anymore.  He needs to learn the better way.  JMV.

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I admit watching Carver being hung out to dry and no one at first trying to help him much as they all knew that it wasn't a good thing to do.  Jensen did half hearted attempt to fix it, but I think Carver felt how much the fandom was upset with the method of killing off Charlie.  Doubt it will change anything though.


IA that Supernatural panel looks fun.  Some I've tried to watch on youtube and just couldn't.  Several fun moments and I bet seeing it live was even better.

Think this goes here.  Jared's thoughtful reply to the candles at comic con.


People seemed to be surprised that depression is reported more now...but in the 80's you didn't talk about it.  If you did, people thought you were crazy, so you kept your mouth shut.


#Always Keep Fighting

  • Love 4

This is from a review of last night's Teen Wolf.

This episode’s stance on the truth is also why we get Scott lying to Kira about what he sees when he looks at her in wolf vision and talking to Stiles behind her back about what might be “wrong” with her. I would say that, at this point, there’s no reason for any of the main characters to lie to each other about such important things, but Supernatural has been doing that consistently for 10 seasons, so it’s clearly a formula that has staying power.


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Well Jensen was an athlete before he got into acting...so he uses all of his talents in this show well except for the singing.  I agree that if Dean sang well too, he just might be too perfect.  LOL>




I've never seen Mark Speechless before...Excellent.  You must watch!  Thanks for the historical laughing,  I'm not sure I can stop.  Another reason actors hate kids...they say the darnest things.  :)

Edited by 7kstar
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Jensen has some hops. That chair was like two feet high? And he jumped higher than the chair or at least equal to it and was doing half splits to boot.  Good grief. I'm starting to think there is literally nothing he can't do.


Here you go.


I think he didn't quite stick the landing because wobbly stage and a microphone in his pocket. And look at the precise timing of the jump with Jared who did the two legs behind him cheerleader jump.


12 year olds. So much fun.





  • Love 3

Not sure where this question belongs, but since it sort of relates to live appearances . . .


I'm just curious, what happens to the banners beside the stage that Jared and Jensen sign after each afternoon panel?  I've never seen them auctioned off or anything.


My understanding is they do auction them off. I'm not sure to who or how but that's what I've read.

I missed this tweet last week but I am so happy to see this.  He directed "Inside Man" which I LOVED.



Rashaad E. Green ‏@rashaadernesto Jul 24

I think I can let the cat out the bag… Guess who's coming back to shoot another episode of #Supernatural?! See you soon! @cw_spn

Not sure where this question belongs, but since it sort of relates to live appearances . . .


I'm just curious, what happens to the banners beside the stage that Jared and Jensen sign after each afternoon panel?  I've never seen them auctioned off or anything.

The signed banners are auctioned off to the attendees at the end of the convention. Actually, several banners that are signed and hung about are auctioned off. However, none of the proceeds goes to a charity, just to bolster the coffers of Creation Conventions who put on the convention. That always irked me. Creation's prices are outrageous and they can't give a little to a worthy cause.

The signed banners are auctioned off to the attendees at the end of the convention. Actually, several banners that are signed and hung about are auctioned off. However, none of the proceeds goes to a charity, just to bolster the coffers of Creation Conventions who put on the convention. That always irked me. Creation's prices are outrageous and they can't give a little to a worthy cause.


Huh. I wonder if the boys and Misha's charitable works might rub off on Creation to do something in that regard.

Huh. I wonder if the boys and Misha's charitable works might rub off on Creation to do something in that regard.

Nope! The greed at Creation is too great. I did attend one convention at which Jared auctioned off a watch he wore in the show to support his Mom's school in TX. Got a good amount of money, too. At another convention, the boys actually auctioned off a couple of jars of rock salt for various charities. But, it's always the cast members who have to do charity auctions with their own "offerings". Really rather sad when you consider how generous both the cast members and the fans are to various charitable causes.


Hillywood Supernatural parody gag reel coming soon!



Thanks for this! They promised us this video if  we helped them hit their goal of 4 million hits! I've been waiting!


Have to add: Thanks cartrox for sending us there!

Edited by Mick Lady

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