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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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I don't know if this has / can be posted. But looks like one of the couples made it down the aisle for sure:)

Yes, that's what this spoiler thread is for. I'm surprised they look so happy, but then again.... this is not "reality" TV in it's finest form.

Aleksandra and Josh got married as well, there's a link to their Target wedding registry somewhere upthread. I hope they get all of the gifts they had on their list. And I'm fairly certain Melissa and Devar did as well, since she's posting recent photos of them together on Facebook.

Bringing this over from the episode thread:

Maybe if Melanie hadn't travelled to Jamaica 10 times in 16 months, she'd have have some type of savings to put towards the wedding. I don't care if you're using Groupon, travel miles, or whatever. I'm sure she had to spend money every trip. I wouldn't dare have asked my mum and daddy to buy my wedding rings. Not to mention, she's been married before, and if they're traditional parents, they might have helped then. And they didn't go with cheaper rings? She said white gold or platinum. $2400 for that simple band? Ridiculous.

I seem to remember reading on the 90-Day TLC FB page that someone who knows Melanie, or is related to her, says she only makes $30,000 a year. If that's so.... where in the HELL did she get the money for all those trips? I have no way of knowing if what the relative/friend is saying is true, but it makes you wonder. Is Melanie the spoiled child, which may be why Bev is such a raging bitch?

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Bringing this over from the episode thread:

I seem to remember reading on the 90-Day TLC FB page that someone who knows Melanie, or is related to her, says she only makes $30,000 a year. If that's so.... where in the HELL did she get the money for all those trips? I have no way of knowing if what the relative/friend is saying is true, but it makes you wonder. Is Melanie the spoiled child, which may be why Bev is such a raging bitch?


After her telling the world last night that her parents were paying for the rings, I am thinking Mom and Dad are paying for the trips.

Bringing this over from the episode thread:

I seem to remember reading on the 90-Day TLC FB page that someone who knows Melanie, or is related to her, says she only makes $30,000 a year. If that's so.... where in the HELL did she get the money for all those trips? I have no way of knowing if what the relative/friend is saying is true, but it makes you wonder. Is Melanie the spoiled child, which may be why Bev is such a raging bitch?

I remember reading on this site someone saying that they knew someone who knew someone who was a nurse.....and according to that second hand knowledge they "knew" that the nurse was making 30k per year.  From that second hand knowledge, they somehow extrapolated that Melanie made 30k.



And I don't think Melanie is a nurse, but more of an administrator so it stands to reason that she makes more.  Although I'm in a major metro area and RN's/NP's make much much more than 30k even if you look up job board listings.  And the few that I know work in facilities where they are able to make a lot more with overtime.


As someone else said, she probably isn't independently wealthy, but probably makes a reasonable income and shares the financial responsibility of parenting with her son's father.  I could see her being able to afford the trips.  However, I think a lot of people who have children would probably think of a better use of their money than taking numerous trips to visit their stud muffin....but hey, maybe she was able to get some great travel deal and use some credit card miles or something.

I never saw that comment, but I would be shocked that any RN, especially her age (which suggests she has a few years under her belt) is only pulling in $30K even in rural PA.  My sister just started her first nursing job and she's making way more than that.. of course she's closer to the Philadelphia area, which likely pays more, but I'd still be shocked.  Who knows though.. maybe she's not a very good RN :P

  • Love 4

I remember reading on this site someone saying that they knew someone who knew someone who was a nurse.....and according to that second hand knowledge they "knew" that the nurse was making 30k per year.  From that second hand knowledge, they somehow extrapolated that Melanie made 30k.

no no no no no noooooooooooo

this was me and in no way did I say that that means Melanie only makes $30k a year.  I said it means that not ALL  nurses make a lot of money so we can't ASSUME that Melanie does make a lot of money.

Plus it was then stated later by someone else that Melanie isn't even a nurse. 

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Melanie might make a ton of money - I don't know, no one knows.  But people were assuming that she makes a lot because she is/was a nurse.  And I was just sharing my experience that that is not always the case.


I don't know what my friend's sister is... an LPN, RN, CNA..... I have no idea. But she's a nurse and she doesn't make as much as you would think.

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And deleting anybody's posts which make sense.

I suspected as much when I only saw glowing posts affirming to her that its okay that she and Mo fight all the time and that he won't touch her, even though he is willing to drink.  The only critical posts were the ones she wasn't able to recognize as criticism.


Well--luckily for her, she won't get whatever STD he is carrying because it doesn't seem like he is sleeping with her!  Boy will I feel foolish if she gets a disgusting mouth sore too

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I agree she's been deleting. The only negative ones are just slightly negative and she rebutted, or negative and she didn't catch it. It annoyed me because she wanted questions and she wanted to people to share their experiences, but if it didn't match or support her experience she discounted it.

The beauty of Dani is that she didn't want questions or experiences.  She wanted validation and that is all.  Even the way she posed the question was so transparent it was pathetic.  "People pretend like its only Mo and I that ever fight, or ever say mean things to each other.  Are you married and have you EVER in your entire marriage fought, because than you're just like us.  And are you married to a Muslim man who never wants to show you affection in public and claims its because of culture?  Please share your experience because you are just like us"


Never mind that Mo has shown in a variety of ways that he doesn't find Dani attractive.  Never mind that he has basically called her looks "acceptable" when he was trying to woo her for a green card.  Even in a situation where he should have been saying anything he needed to to get a green card, the best he could do was call her "acceptable" looking.  Never mind that he doesn't even want to touch her and that he is always trying to escape her desperate pawing.  I mean even if two people don't do PDA's you can normally tell that they are at least mildly attracted to each other.  Even when they are at home he is trying to get away from her.   I mean at this point they have been together for what.....two years?  I'm not going to say it should be the honeymoon still, but it shouldn't be so much fighting that you need facebook validation.


On another note, I need to join that Easily Entertained by 90 day Fiance page....it sounds like a hoot!


*ETA -- I was paraphrasing from Dani's FB page, those aren't the exact words she used.

Edited by RCharter
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Poor Alexei. Her telling him "You're supposed to say....." she is so OCD and has to constantly be on top of him 24/7. And that thing she does with her mouth... anyone else notice how she has that weird lower lip hanging down thing?

She said "I need to touch you" and he replied "All the time though".... I hope he likes clingy. Coz he's got it tenfold.

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I notice Loren's mouth all the time, because it's crooked. Her lower teeth have an underbite to her left, and when she talks, it reminds me of the Halloween skeletons teeth clacking animation that you see.


Also, was anyone else surprised by her parents' small condo? I hope they didn't have to get a small condo because they were treating their little princess to all of those shoes and an NYC apartment. 


Also, can't stand it when one part of a couple stares at the other part of the couple (as Loren does to Alexei) when he/she talks. It's like if they could eat them, they would. And I mean with a knife and fork. 

Edited by jennylauren123
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That mormon Salsa dancing was everything! lol

It was funny and awkward but I felt really bad for them both. Josh is just a boy. A very sweet boy, and I think he genuinely loves and cares for Aleksandra, but I don't think he's ready to be a married man at all. I saw the salsa dancing as him really trying to do something to make her feel at home, and I think he was sad that it didn't work. I feel sad for Aleksandra because I think she knows that at 21, if she chooses this life with Josh, her dancing days are done. She didn't have that same feeling in a well lit gymnasium that she felt in a dark, loud club after a couple of drinks. Even though salsa is pretty lively, there was still a feeling of being watched and monitored, and worrying about being appropriate. As a girl in her early twenties that occasionally likes to get her party on, I can understand that feeling that comes from dancing without a care in the world, and how alive it can make you feel. I feel sad for Aleksandra that something so normal has been taken from her.

  • Love 5

I agree. They are both SO young....she clearly converted for what she thought was love and he assumed that she converted because she believed "their gospel" to be true. She was not ready...and I cannot even fathom as a female having to conform....was she young and dumb? yes....was he young and dumb? yes.



I think the pressure of being on a television show well was just that, more pressure. I am catholic....I wouldn't change myself one bit...my husband is a Lutheran and we jab at each other all day long...even after 15 years....I don't expect him to be Catholic and he does expect me to be Lutheran...we just are.....good people living as best a life that we can.

Edited by autumnh
  • Love 3

Lorens NYC apartment was nearly as big as her parents (cluttered) 3BR condo. Weird. The NYC apartment must be 10x the rent than the parents. With some creative googling Mom is in real estate and Dad is I think a hospital facilities manager. Alexi has hit the jackpot of neediness with this one I still think she wants to her own Jewish Kardashian franchise.

Aleksandra and what's his name are sad. Cute kids but this is doomed.

Nikki and Mark ! Yikes just yikes!

Replace Fernando and his lady with another season of Mo and Dani .

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 1

Lorena NYC apartment was nearly as big as her parents (cluttered) 3BR condo. Weird. With some creative googling Mom is in real estate and Dad is I think a hospital facilities manager. Alexi has hit the jackpot of neediness with this one I still think she wants to her own Jewish Kardashian franchise.


Oh my gosh YES that is exactly what she comes across as. I think Loren is trying to pull a Honey Boo Boo by appearing as a small part of one show, and getting it turned into her own series. I can see her as someone who would love nothing more than to spend the next several years in front of a TLC camera.

  • Love 2

Lorena NYC apartment was nearly as big as her parents (cluttered) 3BR condo. Weird. With some creative googling Mom is in real estate and Dad is I think a hospital facilities manager. Alexi has hit the jackpot of neediness with this one I still think she wants to her own Jewish Kardashian franchise.

Aleksandra and what's his name are sad. Cute kids but this is doomed.

Nikki and Mark ! Yikes just yikes!

Replace Fernando and his lady with another season of Mo and Dani .

You will always get me to co-sign on more Mo and Dani.  Always.  Those two will never not be entertaining. 


Loren seems exhausting.  I think Alexi had an amazing hook up in Isreal, but hopefully he will realize that thats was all it was ever meant to be.

  • Love 3

I was truncating that sentence. Maybe he doesn't want to get married at this stage of his life, to a Loren type, or to an American, or whatever. He seems to be resisting and doing everything he can to get out of it. SHE wants to move in with her parents for some weird ass reason. Maybe she has some crazy fantasy to fulfill.


I also think maybe her apartment in NYC is owned by her parents. It may also not be in Manhattan proper which explains the fact it's not a closet.

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Praise be! His profile got crawled by the Internet Archive's Wayback machine, and so, this snapshot is *permanent*!!

(It's from Nov 2014 -- though he claims to be 51 there.)

"About me" page: https://web.archive.org/web/20141106170447/http://www.okcupid.com/profile/A440CPS?

"Photos" page: https://web.archive.org/web/20141116211740/http://www.okcupid.com/profile/A440CPS/photos

Some interesting highlights:

  • "The first things people notice about me: If they're not staring at my boobs, then usually it's my ass."
  • "Looking for: Ages 30–50"
  • "On a typic Friday night I am: [...] I recently have settled for hugging pillows."
  • "You should message me if: Is there a swim suit competition (and to think I shaved my legs and back for this)."
  • "I spend a lot of time thinking about: the swimsuit competition."
  • "INTJ Alert!"
  • "I am one of a kind."

These photos are now technically public because they were crawled by the Archiver, so I hope they're not against any rules here (but I'll remove them if they are!):


And this one below was labelled with the caption '"autoerotic", maybe I should look that one up' :


The Lord is truly testing me with this, to see if I can be kind. Consider that test failed.

1) SPELLING MISTAKES. Sorry, but if you're going to take the time to fill out an entire OKCupid profile, complete with a running joke about a swimsuit competition, run a damn spell check. I guarantee that lost him some prospective dates.

2) The whole thing was littered with weirdness. I've never done online dating, so I don't know if it is normal to have little random jokes sprinkled throughout, but I found it extremely distracting. And I am someone who frequently goes off on tangents!

3) The bit about his marriage. Again, not sure if this is typical, but the way he went on about how it takes two for a marriage to work and one for it to fail came across as very petty and (lol) immature. Okay, so I've also never been married, and I'm sure that in the history of marriage, there have been screwed up by one person. But I don't believe Mark was blameless in that marriage ending. Even if he was, the way he brought it up on his online dating profile crossed a line, and I think it probably hurt his image more than it helped.

  • Love 1

The Lord is truly testing me with this, to see if I can be kind. Consider that test failed.

1) SPELLING MISTAKES. Sorry, but if you're going to take the time to fill out an entire OKCupid profile, complete with a running joke about a swimsuit competition, run a damn spell check. I guarantee that lost him some prospective dates.

2) The whole thing was littered with weirdness. I've never done online dating, so I don't know if it is normal to have little random jokes sprinkled throughout, but I found it extremely distracting. And I am someone who frequently goes off on tangents!

3) The bit about his marriage. Again, not sure if this is typical, but the way he went on about how it takes two for a marriage to work and one for it to fail came across as very petty and (lol) immature. Okay, so I've also never been married, and I'm sure that in the history of marriage, there have been screwed up by one person. But I don't believe Mark was blameless in that marriage ending. Even if he was, the way he brought it up on his online dating profile crossed a line, and I think it probably hurt his image more than it helped.

The kidz he is aiming for don't care about spelling or grammar....lulz!  (as the kids say)

  • Love 1

Lorens NYC apartment was nearly as big as her parents (cluttered) 3BR condo. Weird. The NYC apartment must be 10x the rent than the parents. With some creative googling Mom is in real estate and Dad is I think a hospital facilities manager. Alexi has hit the jackpot of neediness with this one I still think she wants to her own Jewish Kardashian franchise.

Aleksandra and what's his name are sad. Cute kids but this is doomed.

Nikki and Mark ! Yikes just yikes!

Replace Fernando and his lady with another season of Mo and Dani .



The clutter...THE CLUTTER! would drive me insane!

  • Love 1

Something is off about that, like maybe it's a rental while they are renovating their primary home, or something else. Maybe they've all downsized together to help pay his expenses temporarily but if they 2 working professionals with established careers of 20 years or better, well, it just seems off to me. Doesn't mean that it is, it just strikes me as odd. 

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