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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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.I have never commented or even liked either of their FB pages.   I am a lurker except for here ,I don't think Danni would ever take her page down nor would he unless he was forced to. On her personal page her sister I think implored her to take her page down and she flat out said no. I guess what does puzzle me is Danni adding public page. How can face book make them take the pages down?

And I certainly do not understand Sara McGue (Danni's) sister stating publically on Mo's fan page that it will all be better when he is deported.


Are any of these people for real? Now I am beginnng to wonder if they are wanting to create drama to get another reality show

Edited by LovetoSnark

Yeah, it's getting sad over on their social media! She's fighting and communicating with herself! He never answers anything, she does it all for him. Now she's asking who the heck is Laura agintaite. Can't she call him on the phone? That's your husband for Christ sake. It's a train wreck and I think we all knew how it would end but they need to just stop. Get off the computer and do what they do...we won't remember them in 3 days. I'm sad for Danielle.:/

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He actually has "3" FB accounts. There's a med jb or something like (don't quote me) that he claimed to own in his first "not my page" post a while back!! He can't keep the stories straight, they're starting to catch up. I said ^^ I feel bad for danielle. Let me rephrase that... I'm starting to. But, there's so much wrong there it's hard to. IMO they just need to stop. Shut off all social media & even the internet if they're so "invested" in their relationship. My husband would have NO internet to troll (& he knows this

Edited by Bettyboop23
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This Laura Agintiate thing is getting out of control... I don't think it's real.. I think a fan made it up to push her buttons. Some people are even commenting on Facebook that TLC is starting this drama on purpose (which I highly doubt.... no money in that)...


They even blamed that reporter from the USWeekly I know. Luckily people caught on and cleared her name. I hope Dani is at least clever enough (she seems to be smarter than she lets on) to know when something is fake.

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I agree, Toaster. I'm concerned and I think we should all take a step back and not add to the fury in any way. I am speaking for myself when I say that I fear that something bad is going to come out of all of this mess. And TLC will throw up their hands and accept no responsibility.


TLC really has no responsibility on this though


TLC made an open call and Danielle applied, she is so delusional that she probably thought that this would not only be an easy way to make extra money to pay for some of the travel expenses, but also to catch up with her bills. It looked like a great idea and easy money, everybody was supposed to be a winner, except on the world of reality TV the only winners are the networks. Mohammed didn't want to do it for the obvious reason (his scam would be exposed) but at the end when the money was hold like a dangling carrot he fell for it and fully embraced it. Not only did he embraced it, for the rumors out there he got all the monye andtook off with it.


Two grown up people made a decision and signed a contract, at that point it is up to TLC to tape whatever is happening, the trainwreck that is Danielle and Mohammed is not TLC's responsibility. Plenty has been said about editing and how they can alter or modify the perception of a person by highlighting certain traits or by editing and splicing pieces and bites, yet in this case there is no amount of editing that can do justice to this trainwreck.


Mohammed was detached and found any kind of excuses to keep his distance from Danielle, yet the one who was most critisized was Danielle, she was critisized for her looks, her weight, he lack of touch with reality, her clinginess, her slow talk, her intelligence, her financial situation, in the meantime poor Mohammed was pitied, viewers were compasionate with his scam gone wrong because not even a scammer deserves the likes of a Danielle, this is just a fine example of how superficial our society has become , Danielle is grilled to the wall for daring to think that a guy like Mohammed could ever give her the time of the day, Mohammed on the other hand, just because he is nice looking (IMO he is repulsive but to each his own) is shown compassion and a lot of crazies are willing to come to his aid.


Would this same ladies that thrown themselves so shamesslessly at Mohammed on FB think that they would be any different than Danielle? do they think that if they hook up with Mohammed, that he would not play them like he has play Danielle? would these ladies do the same if Mohamed was 300 pounds, short and with crocked teeth? I dare to sya no, if Mohammed was ugly as hell, everybody would be crying for his deportation, yet because he has decent looks there is a need to tear Danielle apart to justify why this gigolo is a victim and not a scammer.


The botom line is that Mohammed hs followed his tunisian rat business guidelines to the T, he found the older, overweight, low self steem, with several kids, slow minded woman that would let him take advantage of her and make it possible for him to come to the states and get a green card, now that he got his work permisison he no longer cares to fake anything and he has become wuite blunt on his agenda. I could only hope that the end of this trainwreck is not a tragedy, I hope that Danielle finally gets the rose colored glasses and realizes that she has been taken advantage of and reports his to the USCIS and ends this charade of marriage.


That won't stop Mohammed though, another victim will come his way and she , just like stupid Danielle, would think that she is the one, if anything this story is a cautionary tale and hopefully other women would be prevented from making the same mistake Danielle has.

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I do think TLC does have responsibility in that they deliberately cast people like Danielle. They know exactly what kind of people will not know any better, want and need money and not give any thought to their children exposing and exploiting them.   Danielle, because of her looks and mental status were ratings gold for TLC.  TLC can see narcissism, delusional and crazy from miles away.   Even on a another TLC show, with people who DO know better, the low level fame and money takes over and their good judgment disappears.  Screw the kids, I wanna be a star and build a big mcmansion.

     Ultimately no one forces anyone to sign up, but like a good pimp they know who to look for and how to groom them. I have always thought of TLC and people like Andy Cohen as nothing more than pimps.

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The Laura escapade is fake but danielle went off quick!! She does not trust him...shocker!! I don't think Laura exist but I'm not so sure mohamed isn't having fun with someone in nyc, besides his brother. Just my opinion.;) Danielle is just hurting herself reading all of it, I wish she'd cut the service to save her own sanity & children's embarrassment.

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I can't seem to figure out links, but on his fan page Danielle's family is commenting that ins is investigating him. Her sister, brother in law & brither have all made comments. Her brother said he's into men and strolling NYC with a guy. But, that's mohamed's brother in the pics? Lol... It's confusing! There is more going on than we know! I think he got a chance to travel to see his brother and took off quick! Cassia mentioned on Twitter that he was alone NYE. If I was Danielle, I'd be just a tad bit upset, too. But I'm not sure why she didn't expect that with a 26 year old gigilo.:)

TLC is a network and their business is to generate ratings because that is who they get more money from advertisers. Danielle made the common mistake to think that this would be an easy way to make money. Danielle is a dim wit but then you have other educated people like Justin who is a teacher but still fell for the same trap.


I however wonder if TLC didn't specifically chose Danielle and Mohammed to highlight the issue of the Tunisian Rats , I have never heard about this before, didn't even know what it was about and now thanks to the many links posted on this forum I have read enough to know that Mohammed is a scammer of the worst kind but he is far from being an isolated case, there is a whole industry in Tunisia , and probably other places as well, who an target an specific demographic of women: western women, desperate for love, usually overweight with very low self steem, abandoned by previous partners, with kids, starving for attention , there is one site that even has the wonderful phrases repeated by these scammers to win these women over and made them spend their hard earned money, sometimes the family is on the scam, sometimes they are not, most times the scammers are "working" several women at the same time and receiving their gifts with glee. These is their main job, they surf on the internet looking for perfect victims all day long, that is how they support themselves and their families.


I know the situation for Danielle is terrible and humilliating but I am grateful to have learned about these scams going on, who would have thought that a whole industry was dedicated to this kind of scam, that is not something that I could have imagine in a million years. I have already made a lunch date with my cousin who last month mentioned to me that she was chatting online with a guy from some middle east country, hopefully they are just chatting and nothing serious has happened as she doesn't fit the usual profile that these scammers are looking for, I most definitely talk to her about this and will show her the phrases I found (I am ashamed to admit that I copy them and print them for her) , I do not doubt that some real love connections can be made online but all this has made me extremely sceptical.  


I doubt TLC intended to bring awareness to this issue and only cared about the ratings from this unlikely couple but I am glad they did. Danielle was going to bring Mohammed no matter what and her dreams were going to be broken regardless, I do feel awful for her and all this happening in the eye of public scrutiny but I for once can say that I have learned a lot from just watching this season of 90 day fiance.  

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Who has time to manage all that?  Maybe he uses Tweetdeck or Hootsuite.  I have to manage several sm accounts for work, it ain't easy!

I have never heard of those.......... Thank you..... this is the golden key to productivity in my world managing my mom's small growing business and mine... Managing multiple pages... I bow and kiss your feet. 


In other worlds, I don't know if Mo has heard of that you think?


I can't seem to figure out links, but on his fan page Danielle's family is commenting that ins is investigating him. Her sister, brother in law & brither have all made comments. Her brother said he's into men and strolling NYC with a guy. But, that's mohamed's brother in the pics? Lol... It's confusing! There is more going on than we know! I think he got a chance to travel to see his brother and took off quick! Cassia mentioned on Twitter that he was alone NYE. If I was Danielle, I'd be just a tad bit upset, too. But I'm not sure why she didn't expect that with a 26 year old gigilo.:)

Careful, your inner confused danielle is showing. LOL

Edited by EggoWaffles
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I have never heard of those.......... Thank you..... this is the golden key to productivity in my world managing my mom's small growing business and mine... Managing multiple pages... I bow and kiss your feet. 


In other worlds, I don't know if Mo has heard of that you think?

Careful, your inner confused danielle is showing. LOL

I might have a inner Sweet Brown but no inner Danielle


I use Hootsuite free version.  It's OK, it helps with managing multiple profiles and multiple platforms and makes it easy to schedule posts.

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If I were Danielle and Mohammed I would get off of social media, stop reading what people think of them, stop buying into all the bs, her family stop trying to paint him as a gay guy because he won't sleep with Danielle, stop trying to get sympathy. In the end you both know exactly what you did, right or wrong, both guilty of stupidity. Cut your losses and get on with your life. Your 15 minutes is almost over.

  • Love 5

Yikes... Danielle's sister Sara and brother Jeremiah are now commenting on Mo's fan page that he doesn't love her and will be deported shortly.  And yeah, her brother is claiming he's gay because his dating profile had said interested in men and he's in NYC with a man.  This is all sorts of out of control.  It appears that Danielle, rather than falling apart over it, is just getting angry.  That may be the best thing for her and an emotion she needs to embrace in order to cut ties with the guy. 

  • Love 2

I have never heard of those.......... Thank you..... this is the golden key to productivity in my world managing my mom's small growing business and mine... Managing multiple pages... I bow and kiss your feet.

In other worlds, I don't know if Mo has heard of that you think?

Careful, your inner confused danielle is showing. LOL

I'm certain my inner confusion won't go near the level of Danielle's!


paint him as a gay guy

I can't believe him being gay is a thing now.... if that is on a media page Its probably fake... I don't believe he is gay.


Also.. has anyone seen this?


Its a group to get mohammed deported ...lol...


Also I don't think Sara is really writing those comments.. she is on Mo's page commenting that he is going to be deported and arguing that they shouldn't be together.. why the hell would she go on the other page contradicting herself. I think it's still Dani posing as her sister in law.

The Laura escapade is fake but danielle went off quick!! She does not trust him...shocker!! I don't think Laura exist but I'm not so sure mohamed isn't having fun with someone in nyc, besides his brother. Just my opinion.;) Danielle is just hurting herself reading all of it, I wish she'd cut the service to save her own sanity & children's embarrassment.

I am Laura and I copied and paste a pic from 90 days fiance fan on Twitter and posted on 90 days fiance page.NEVER MET THIS RAT ...I was just watching the show like everybody else.I have no ida how people could mix someone name for posting links or photos from Twitter.Just chat with ani sis and she clarified me what was going on and Mohamed Page

Chat Conversation Start

34 minutes ago

I do not know Mohamed.I just copy and paste a pic from a woman called Rachel on Twitter.I have a lot of posts defending Danielle.And I am friend with Cassia and Daya by Facebook.I posted on Mohamed fan page,but  delete any bad comments about him

ok cause this crazy women is saying that she has pics and that you two have an apartment in cleveland together and am tring my best to block stuff from her and re asure her but its hard

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This Laura Agintiate thing is getting out of control... I don't think it's real.. I think a fan made it up to push her buttons. Some people are even commenting on Facebook that TLC is starting this drama on purpose (which I highly doubt.... no money in that)...


They even blamed that reporter from the USWeekly I know. Luckily people caught on and cleared her name. I hope Dani is at least clever enough (she seems to be smarter than she lets on) to know when something is fake.

A woman or crazy person started this lie... Sara chat me the person name is Linda Val.I don't know any Linda and she might be a troll...I posted  here many times before watching that show and I am part from that page.I NEVER MET NOBODY FROM THIS SHOW INPERSON.This story about me is a LIE AND RIDICULOUS!! 

Edited by Lalaagi
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A woman or crazy person started this lie... Sara chat me the person name is Linda Val.I don't know any Linda and she might be a troll...I posted here many times before watching that show and I am part from that page.I NEVER MET NOBODY FROM THIS SHOW INPERSON.This story about me is a LIE AND RIDICULOUS!!


We all realized right away that you re-tweeted a pic that the reporter posted! Danielle wasn't having any of it and was listening to the Linda Val lady. I think danielle is insecure as it is and she isn't happy he's trolling NYC, so she's causing herself more harm. Sorry they thought you were a new girlfriend!

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TLC really has no responsibility on this though


TLC made an open call and Danielle applied, she is so delusional that she probably thought that this would not only be an easy way to make extra money to pay for some of the travel expenses, but also to catch up with her bills. It looked like a great idea and easy money, everybody was supposed to be a winner, except on the world of reality TV the only winners are the networks. Mohammed didn't want to do it for the obvious reason (his scam would be exposed) but at the end when the money was hold like a dangling carrot he fell for it and fully embraced it. Not only did he embraced it, for the rumors out there he got all the monye andtook off with it.


Two grown up people made a decision and signed a contract, at that point it is up to TLC to tape whatever is happening, the trainwreck that is Danielle and Mohammed is not TLC's responsibility. Plenty has been said about editing and how they can alter or modify the perception of a person by highlighting certain traits or by editing and splicing pieces and bites, yet in this case there is no amount of editing that can do justice to this trainwreck.


Mohammed was detached and found any kind of excuses to keep his distance from Danielle, yet the one who was most critisized was Danielle, she was critisized for her looks, her weight, he lack of touch with reality, her clinginess, her slow talk, her intelligence, her financial situation, in the meantime poor Mohammed was pitied, viewers were compasionate with his scam gone wrong because not even a scammer deserves the likes of a Danielle, this is just a fine example of how superficial our society has become , Danielle is grilled to the wall for daring to think that a guy like Mohammed could ever give her the time of the day, Mohammed on the other hand, just because he is nice looking (IMO he is repulsive but to each his own) is shown compassion and a lot of crazies are willing to come to his aid.


Would this same ladies that thrown themselves so shamesslessly at Mohammed on FB think that they would be any different than Danielle? do they think that if they hook up with Mohammed, that he would not play them like he has play Danielle? would these ladies do the same if Mohamed was 300 pounds, short and with crocked teeth? I dare to sya no, if Mohammed was ugly as hell, everybody would be crying for his deportation, yet because he has decent looks there is a need to tear Danielle apart to justify why this gigolo is a victim and not a scammer.


The botom line is that Mohammed hs followed his tunisian rat business guidelines to the T, he found the older, overweight, low self steem, with several kids, slow minded woman that would let him take advantage of her and make it possible for him to come to the states and get a green card, now that he got his work permisison he no longer cares to fake anything and he has become wuite blunt on his agenda. I could only hope that the end of this trainwreck is not a tragedy, I hope that Danielle finally gets the rose colored glasses and realizes that she has been taken advantage of and reports his to the USCIS and ends this charade of marriage.


That won't stop Mohammed though, another victim will come his way and she , just like stupid Danielle, would think that she is the one, if anything this story is a cautionary tale and hopefully other women would be prevented from making the same mistake Danielle has.

*CLAPPING*! So well said. I myself have been so saddened and shocked and the level of superficiality this situation has exposed in many. I have always been one to cry for this scammer's deportation, regardless of his "looks" (I also find him repulsive.).

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I can't believe him being gay is a thing now.... if that is on a media page Its probably fake... I don't believe he is gay.


Also.. has anyone seen this?


Its a group to get mohammed deported ...lol...


Also I don't think Sara is really writing those comments.. she is on Mo's page commenting that he is going to be deported and arguing that they shouldn't be together.. why the hell would she go on the other page contradicting herself. I think it's still Dani posing as her sister in law.

Omg Eggo! I never thought of Danni posing as her sister Sara. This is better than a soap opera and a cheap LMN movie. 

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A woman or crazy person started this lie... Sara chat me the person name is Linda Val.I don't know any Linda and she might be a troll...I posted  here many times before watching that show and I am part from that page.I NEVER MET NOBODY FROM THIS SHOW INPERSON.This story about me is a LIE AND RIDICULOUS!!

That Linda Val character is something else. Her profile is that of an older widowed lady with a doll obsession. She's been all over the 4 FB pages, posting multiple times that she has definitive, absolute insider information but also kind of sounds like a nut. She is obviously the one who started and inflamed the Laura as a girlfriend rumors.

For me if I wanted to write to get anyone deported, it wouldn't be some guy who didn't love a woman and lied to her about it to get a green card and a woman who lied to him as well to get him here. If I am going to write to get anyone deported, it would be the dregs of society, real criminals. Let's not forget Danielle is not a child. She is a grown ass woman, who has been married before, raised 3 or 4 kids, had and lost jobs, etc. She is not a candidate for assisted living. She just made a foolish mistake like a lot of the rest of us have in our lifetime. I am out of this subject until the new crop of 90 dayers arrive.

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Just finished reading the Mo fb. I don't see a job but I see chaos beyond comprehension. I have never had any empathy for Mo at all until today. It appears he is back from New York and in Sandusky. If I were him I think I would have stayed in New York.


I am beginning to think that the entire Mullins clan has taken dysfunctional behavior to a new level. Team Mullins  two days ago was accusing Mo of womanizing , yesterday Corey ( Danielle's son) insinuated that he was gay or bi-sexual & Danielle's sister (sara) that Mo was being investigated by immigration.Todays accusations by key players Jeremiah Justin Mullins(Danielle's brother) is that he is a louzy stepfather. Danielle's cousin, DeAnna Kwiatkowsk, said Mo took all the TLC money and won't give Danni any. She also insinuated there was no job interview in New York as Danni had stated. Not to be left out,  brother-n-law Paul chimes in with a question:"what is going on?"


I actually am beginning to feel sorry for Mo. Yep, I have said it!!!!  If the Mullins clan is putting all this out there on FB can you imagine what it is like to be living with them? Mo is probably writing Immigration himself and asking for deportation or praying for a job so that he can book a ticket for Tunsia. But then on second thought, maybe Mo should stay and Danni & crew be deported.

Edited by LovetoSnark
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I don't feel sorry for either of them.  They are completely embarrassing themselves for the whole world to see.  Neither has an ounce of sense or class between them.  Danielle posted pictures of Mohamed on their joint page:




And then Mo comments right away that it's not nice to post his pictures without his permission.  These jokers can't get through a single day without making things worse for themselves.

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And then Mo comments right away that it's not nice to post his pictures without his permission.  These jokers can't get through a single day without making things worse for themselves.

I saw those pictures but I didn't see him comment that. I don't get it.. if he is going to drop every point of participating in the marriage wouldn't he WANT those pictures up for the sake of ICE? I was looking through them and it actually looked like he was enjoying himself.

Unless he actually WANTS drama so his fame candle stays burning.. but that doesn't seem right either

Has anyone seen the Laura Balman chick playing secret agent with danielle in the comments?? I wonder if she is the same chick as before with a different Facebook... and Dani fell for it again. 

She replied "Don't be shy my husband mohammed"..... omg she sounds insane.. All I pictured was that little girl from the Orphan horror movie like "It's okay mommy.. I picked you some flowers" LOL

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Interesting. I didn't see Mo or Dani's comment regarding permission to share his photos. When I saw the joint page with the new pictures, I thought it was damage control to document a united front for immigration officials. Perhaps I give them too much credit.


Mo wishes he could hit the delete button for his wife.  I'm happy knowing he struggles within the noose he fashioned for himself.

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Mo doesn't want his photos used without his permision because he is a "star."   He has to control his likeness, doncha know.

I don't think it's that at all. 


It's common courtesy at the very least to ask permission to post pics of others, and that would include relatives. 

If I was Mo, I'd be ticked too.


Both of my employers have very detailed guidelines about posting photos of others on social media without obtaining permission.  Those were private photos and just because Dani took them and had them in her possession doesn't give her the right to just arbitrarily post them without asking him first.

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I get pissed when people post pics of me... probably because I hate pictures of me. If you notice.. all his pictures are very "high class fancy shmancy" with photoshopped forests or fancy angles. It could simply be that he looks like crap in most of those pictures hahaha 

He wants to monitor his sexy level in pics

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Yeah but they are married.  Regardless of if it's a sham, it's really odd for a husband to protest to a wife posting pictures of him.  And if he did have a problem with it, why not simply text, call, or shout into the next room that you'd prefer the pictures to be removed?  Posting your protest to it publicly is low class and can only serve to fuel more drama and further devolve this situation.. if that's even possible.

Edited by GracieK
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Pure speculation here, but if there is somewhere a woman he loves, he needs to make an ostentatious display that he does not love Danielle.  Pictures of him playing soccer or winking at Danielle in Doha could upset his real girlfriend.


Again.  That's what my heart and gut tell me.  No evidence.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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The FB comments suggest that there are lots of people as or more delusional than Danielle. When I was 12 I wrote to The Monkees to invite them over for dinner when they came to town .... but I grew up. These people seem to think they are part of the story and have a personal relationship with our man Mo. I like the comment to the effect that "I'm a great grandma from California let me know how I can help." As if. The Laura person going on about another FB page -- that's delusional, right???? I'm lost in all the posturing and accusations.

  • Love 4

The FB comments suggest that there are lots of people as or more delusional than Danielle. When I was 12 I wrote to The Monkees to invite them over for dinner when they came to town .... but I grew up. These people seem to think they are part of the story and have a personal relationship with our man Mo. I like the comment to the effect that "I'm a great grandma from California let me know how I can help." As if. The Laura person going on about another FB page -- that's delusional, right???? I'm lost in all the posturing and accusations.

Just to make clear that new "Laura" must be Linda Val trying to get credibility on her delusional lies...I saw the posts about pictures...And the first thing came to my mind is that person has serious mental issues...She -he or it is trying to prove something to everyone...Must be an old woman in need...

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