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S04.E05: Allegiance

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That was a filler episode -- Chandler is back in the US Navy, Slattery continues to spiral downward from his Nostos trip, Tex's daughter is the helo gunner (who knew ?) and she has a bone to pick with Chandler about her dead dad, and the Greek frigate is shooting US C-130s out of the sky.  Seriously, how did the Greek Navy find out about this flight in the first place to shoot it down so far inland ?

The whole "I faked a foundering ship in order to get on board the NJ in order to hold a covert meeting with another British spy" was ridiculously stupid.

The Brits still hold a grudge against the US because they let the Immunes run rampant over Europe -- umm, did they kind of the forget that the founding members of the Immunes were British brother sailors who ruled from onboard a British nuclear submarine ?

And now the Brits have cut a deal with Vellek -- that also seems preposterous.  And Fletch is trying to steal the seeds.  How often is the jar of seeds going to change hands this season ?
Did Vellek fly to London and give another of his TED-style talks to convince the Brits that he has the cure ?

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We finally have some answers as to where the Chandler kids are. No word on who they are staying with but Chandler's girlfriend checks up on them. Oh, and his daughter is now working at the pier which probably means that it won't take long before Giorgio finds out where they are and kidnap them to get back at Chandler. 


Turns out Sasha's new boyfriend, who is actually a commander with the Royal Navy and with the MI6, is not a mole for the Greeks or Vellek but for the Brits who want to steal the seeds so they can sell it to Vellek to get back at the Americans for not helping them during the "Immune Wars." It'll be interesting where Omar fits in all of this. He obviously is after the seeds but will also probably want revenge for what Giorgio did. 


Also, Fletcher and his fellow Brit spy are having a not so subtle conversation in the helo bay but Wolf was too busy flirting with the new crew member to notice. Burk is having a hard time dealing with his trauma from the attack that almost cost him his brother. Green, the resident hot-head, is now the voice of reason. It was a nice touch to have Diaz give back the navy coin to Chandler. Unlike Tex's daughter, he is happy to have Chandler back. Sasha has also learned to share her makeup stash with Kara Green and still seems to be in love with Chandler.

Edited by ChiliCrab
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I wouldn't exactly call this a filler episode, but it did veer away from what this show is best at - action and fight scenes.  I kind of liked it, though.

I appreciated that they tried to show the human side of these characters for once.  We rarely get to see that.  I could feel Chandler's struggle over deciding whether or not to come back to the Navy.  Mike's continued struggle over losing his entire family was nice to see as well, especially considering that they glossed over a lot of that in seasons 1 and 2.  Maybe it was realistic that the team didn't have time to mourn because they were on a mission, but I'm sure if that were a real life situation, everyone would still be grieving.

I also appreciated that they filled in with a bit of backstory, meaning they spoke of St. Louis, referred to their mission and orders, and then of course the standing order carried on every ship (a reference to other ships!) to reinstate Chandler should he desire.  The quick call to his kids was nice too.  This episode answered some questions from the first few, which was good.

As for Fletch, I don't think he's a spy.  I think he was genuinely working with the US, and the appearance of this guy that he recognizes has thrown him now.  I think that's why he had to sit with him, to find out what he was doing.  It was odd the way that the new guy (Harry?) called him Commander, like that's not really his title, so I could be wrong.  But it did seem to me that Fletch was surprised to see him and didn't know what Harry was talking about.

Overall, this was a decent episode.  I am going to need to see more of Lt. Green in tight shirts though...

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How often is the jar of seeds going to change hands this season ?

Heh, the plotline is like a reverse game of hot potato.


I could feel Chandler's struggle over deciding whether or not to come back to the Navy. 

Some of that was probably Eric Dane's real life struggle. Bet the next season will be the last one.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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10 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

The whole "I faked a foundering ship in order to get on board the NJ in order to hold a covert meeting with another British spy" was ridiculously stupid.

Yes, but ridiculously stupid is what I've come to expect from this show, now.

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7 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Some of that was probably Eric Dane's real life struggle. Bet the next season will be the last one.

I don't know, if the ratings stay good then they will probably try to keep it.  I've seen Eric do several interviews just before this season started, and he said he feels great.  He's back to normal.

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Should have known they were going to knock the shine off of Fletcher now that Chandler is back and Sasha is back to making eyes at him.  So, The Fletch is about to steal the seeds from them, because The Brits have stuck a deal with Velleck/Peter Weller, and they're pissed at the Americans for dragging their feet with the whole immunity thing.  Talk about waiting a long time to get your revenge!  Not sure how he'll pull it off, because I would like to think the seeds will be guarded 24/7, under lock and key.

Not surprised that it wasn't all hugs and welcomes for Chandler, especially with Tex's daughter.  Glad Jeter finally said something, because he is the guy I can see Chandler listening to.  Charles Parnell was great in that scene.

Looks like that fancy hallucination drug really did a number on Slattery.

Glad they are addressing that Burk isn't over what happened to his brother and now is paranoid of any new face.  I'm surprised they seemed to have dropped whatever issues he was having with Miller, unless all of that is still under the surface.

Have fun in Greece, Chandler's kids!

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I thought the scene where they were boarding that ship was very well-done. You could feel the tension and the adrenaline and how hard it must be in such a scenario to keep a cool head.

Looks like we will be able to reanimate the 'Awful and Unrealistic British characters' thread - okay then. 

So Vellek has three kids. But we still don't know if Christos (subtle) is alive or just a figment of Vellek's imagination. And what exactly is Vellek's endgame? He talks about improving human evolution like he's on an Orphan Black spin-off. I don't see the guy engineering resistant crops.

And why is the progenitor seed not better guarded? Especially with 28 non-crew members on board. It would be cool if the seeds stored in the infirmary were just dried decoy peas and the real progenitor seeds were under lock and key somewhere else - preferably in a fridge without a glass door. But I'm not holding my breath on that.

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I saw it coming a mile away, but I still enjoyed Chandler's on-the-job-again shave -- it reminded me a lot of Jack Bauer doing the same in Season 2 (I think) of 24. Chandler needed to borrow Bauer's He Rises Anew horns though ;-)

Hm. Is the hallucinogenic tea they confiscated from the refugee woman Chekov's tea? I hope Slattery doesn't get his hands on it and fall down the rabbit hole. I don't think I would enjoy that story.

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They really hung Burke out to dry on this one. The boat situation was tense to begin with and then you have people popping up out of nowhere after they were told to show themselves. Burke was the only one trying to control the situation while everyone else decided they weren't threats before they finished searching the people or the boat.

The new captain asking Chandler what to do was ridiculous. That would never happen in real life. Chandler disagreeing in front of everyone at a meeting he shouldn't have been invited too was also ridiculous.

I miss when the first/second season when this was a navy show not some watered down feel good thing. 

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8 hours ago, Carl Malone said:

They really hung Burke out to dry on this one. The boat situation was tense to begin with and then you have people popping up out of nowhere after they were told to show themselves. Burke was the only one trying to control the situation while everyone else decided they weren't threats before they finished searching the people or the boat.

The new captain asking Chandler what to do was ridiculous. That would never happen in real life. Chandler disagreeing in front of everyone at a meeting he shouldn't have been invited too was also ridiculous.

I miss when the first/second season when this was a navy show not some watered down feel good thing. 

This. The show is now the Tom Chandler (and Sasha) show and not about the crew of the Nathan James.  Even though we saw it coming, I was yelling at my screen at the idiocy of Meylan (who has captained a ship before) handing over his command to a guy who has voluntarily been a civilian for over a year.

And what the hell was Jeter talking about when he said that Chandler earned his walkabout? Everybody suffered staggering losses and most of the crew stayed. Chandler actually has it better than most because he still has family.

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15 minutes ago, xaxat said:

This. The show is now the Tom Chandler (and Sasha) show and not about the crew of the Nathan James.  Even though we saw it coming, I was yelling at my screen at the idiocy of Meylan (who has captained a ship before) handing over his command to a guy who has voluntarily been a civilian for over a year.

And what the hell was Jeter talking about when he said that Chandler earned his walkabout? Everybody suffered staggering losses and most of the crew stayed. Chandler actually has it better than most because he still has family.

This. Seasons 1 and 2 were not perfect but everyone had a part to play in the mission the same way sailors have a role on a ship. Then season 3 happened and now everyone else is just there to remind us how awesome Chandler, and Sasha to a certain extent, is.

Slattery and the crew kept it together and kept the mission going for 16 months without Chandler. I think that more than proves to Jeter that the Nathan James crew are not as broken as he thinks they are. Then Chandler shows up, goes to mission briefings even though he is no longer Navy, proceeds to shove his strategy down everyone's throats, and becomes passive-aggressive when Meylan reminds him he's a civilian. If I were Kara Green and Meylan, I'd have been insulted when Chandler said they barely survived the attack from the Greek warship. Sure they had to improvise but they survived didn't they with barely a scratch. (I can't say the same thing about Sasha and her Vulture team that needed to bailed out by the Nathan James more than once and it's only been 5 episodes.)

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9 hours ago, Carl Malone said:

They really hung Burke out to dry on this one. The boat situation was tense to begin with and then you have people popping up out of nowhere after they were told to show themselves. Burke was the only one trying to control the situation while everyone else decided they weren't threats before they finished searching the people or the boat.

The new captain asking Chandler what to do was ridiculous. That would never happen in real life. Chandler disagreeing in front of everyone at a meeting he shouldn't have been invited too was also ridiculous.

I miss when the first/second season when this was a navy show not some watered down feel good thing. 

Sorry, but I disagree on your first two points.  (I agree re: the first two seasons though.)

Burk wasn't controlling the situation; he was panicking.  Everyone else was doing the searching to determine that they weren't threats but Burk was treating them all as if they were.  Considering most of the people were complying with their orders and showing their hands, etc., Burk really had no reason to lose it like he did.  It was a great scene to show his PTSD, but I wouldn't say he was the one trying to control the situation.

Also, Capt. Tom Chandler saved the world, not once but twice.  I think he can sit in on any damn meeting he wants, and most people are going to value his opinion.  It's not any more unrealistic than the rest of the show.

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On 9/12/2017 at 9:43 AM, xaxat said:

This. The show is now the Tom Chandler (and Sasha) show and not about the crew of the Nathan James.  Even though we saw it coming, I was yelling at my screen at the idiocy of Meylan (who has captained a ship before) handing over his command to a guy who has voluntarily been a civilian for over a year.

And what the hell was Jeter talking about when he said that Chandler earned his walkabout? Everybody suffered staggering losses and most of the crew stayed. Chandler actually has it better than most because he still has family.

Losing family and being the Captain of the Last Ship that is essentially trying to save the entire planet is stressful.  Chandler had to make all the big calls, and he did it while his family was in jeopardy and while he gave orders that led to the deaths of some aboard his ship.  Also, the last incident was a personal attack against Chandler.  He had already lost his wife to the red flu like many others.  As you stated, others lost people, but they lost them to the flu.  His father was murdered and his children kidnapped in order to make sure that a coup attempt was successful.  That is not normal and no one was going through that, as well as watching Tex die.  Throw in that he held himself to a higher standard and ended up murdering what's-her-face, and yeah, it was a lot of stuff on his shoulders, and he needed a break.  It's not like the others couldn't have taken a break too, but they didn't have to do what he did - he had to command the Last Ship in order to save the world, which is no small feat, then he had to distribute the cure, and then prevent a coup in the U.S.  He succeeded in all three endeavors.  Instead of enjoying victory, he then had to deal with a madwoman who wanted/needed to eliminate Chandler from the playing field.  So she kidnapped his children and murdered his father, and Chandler ended up murdering her.  He went against a code he lived his life by, and it shook him.  Taking an 18-month break is not a lot to ask.

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On 9/12/2017 at 10:27 AM, FnkyChkn34 said:

Sorry, but I disagree on your first two points.  (I agree re: the first two seasons though.)

Burk wasn't controlling the situation; he was panicking.  Everyone else was doing the searching to determine that they weren't threats but Burk was treating them all as if they were.  Considering most of the people were complying with their orders and showing their hands, etc., Burk really had no reason to lose it like he did.  It was a great scene to show his PTSD, but I wouldn't say he was the one trying to control the situation.

Also, Capt. Tom Chandler saved the world, not once but twice.  I think he can sit in on any damn meeting he wants, and most people are going to value his opinion.  It's not any more unrealistic than the rest of the show.


No doubt he was panicking, but I think he was justified. You said it yourself people were searching to determine if they were threats. Burke was treating them as threats until proven otherwise. He was doing the exact opposite of what got his brother hurt. This isn't some feel good let's be nice to everyone situation; this is let's keep myself and my team safe.

You also mentioned how most people were complying... most but certainly not all. The sinking ship reached out for help and all that was asked of them is to be above deck with their hands visible. Popping up out of nowhere is what gets people shot. It may seem trivial, but when you let the small things slide, shit will spiral real fast. Everyone on his team just stood there with their mouths open. They should have stepped up and help. 

As for Chandler when exactly did he save the world? I could have sworn he had a whole crew with him. But either way he shouldn't have been there.

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I loved the Vallek presentation.  Like it or not, these questions of bio-engineering are facing us right this very minute.  I did not have an issue with a single thing he said.  He was speaking truth, imo.  Now...what ought we do about it?  That is a gajillion dollar and existential question.  I am pleased the show went there.

To me, Burk was the only sane one.  Sure enough, he was correct.  A spy, or spies, tricked the NJ.  As rotten as the world is today, with bad actors pretending to be what they are not, the show again forces some very difficult thinking of its viewers.   What unreal pressure we put on our service folks when we place them in the middle of such treachery.   The show really got this one right (the boarding party).   

Now for the farcical...they know they are likely in the crosshairs of the Greek ship.  Would they not have all possible "eyes" on the skies?  Why are they assuming a ship to air missile brought down the plane?  The missile would have been seen.  Flat out.  Period.   There may have been a timed explosive placed on the plane.  But, there is no excusing any notion that the NJ would have any doubts about a missile fired from the sea.   

As always...millions of lives, if not human survival itself, is at stake.  Or we stop the world and pick up 28 souls.  Then, the plane is destroyed.  No rounding up of all "guests" to ensure against any chance of any harm aboard the NJ.  Business as usual.   

Perhaps the show's meta message is that our species is just too stupid to live.  Hmmm.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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2 hours ago, Carl Malone said:

As for Chandler when exactly did he save the world? I could have sworn he had a whole crew with him. But either way he shouldn't have been there.

Without chandler's leadership the crew couldn't have done it, Chandler made good choices under pressure so listening to what he has to say now makes sense. It may be against navy protocol, but this can be explained away with the show's catch all 'these are extraordinary times' get out. most importantly, the audience would expect him to be present, so he is, this is the last ship, not a documentary, there's a lot more beyond this that doesn't make any sense.


13 hours ago, Bishop said:

 He succeeded in all three endeavors.  Instead of enjoying victory, he then had to deal with a madwoman who wanted/needed to eliminate Chandler from the playing field.  So she kidnapped his children and murdered his father, and Chandler ended up murdering her.  He went against a code he lived his life by, and it shook him.

The idea is that chandler has killed Elizabeth Rohn's character out of revenge, whether this is in character is another matter given his reaction to notLara Croft doing something similar to the creepy scientist who invented the red flu virus in the first place in season two, but handwaiving this inconsistency aside and trying not to a develop repetitive strain injury of the wrist whilst doing so, the idea is presumably that chandler succumbed to the human need for revenge, and has gone away to seek peace from the violent and vengeful side of his character that has suddenly appeared after not being there before.


IMO it's significant from a plot POV because as per Weller's TED talk, humans capacity for doing violent shit to each other is A Bad Thing, and his intention will be to not only create a resistant seed, but also use this seed as a medium to genetically alter mankind's propensity for violence via the nostos drug. Poor old Slattery is going to be used as an object lesson in why this scheme is a bad idea. All this is as obvious as posh British guy being a double crossing shit (probably), just like last posh British guy, no doubt redemption via heroic sacrifice awaits poor old Fletch, thus leaving Sacha to carry on where she left of with making eyes at Chandler.

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9 hours ago, Carl Malone said:


No doubt he was panicking, but I think he was justified. You said it yourself people were searching to determine if they were threats. Burke was treating them as threats until proven otherwise. He was doing the exact opposite of what got his brother hurt. This isn't some feel good let's be nice to everyone situation; this is let's keep myself and my team safe.

You also mentioned how most people were complying... most but certainly not all. The sinking ship reached out for help and all that was asked of them is to be above deck with their hands visible. Popping up out of nowhere is what gets people shot. It may seem trivial, but when you let the small things slide, shit will spiral real fast. Everyone on his team just stood there with their mouths open. They should have stepped up and help. 

As for Chandler when exactly did he save the world? I could have sworn he had a whole crew with him. But either way he shouldn't have been there.

Sorry, but I still respectfully disagree.  In the scene I watched, everyone else was doing the searching (Green, Miller, the new woman from Africa, Wolf) and Burk was panicking and froze.  It was even Green who told him to snap out of it while they were all still continuing to search and Burk just stared at a child.  Burk was screaming while the African woman discovered that woman on the boat was only holding a sleeping baby.  (And if she has to hold a sleeping baby, how can she comply with putting her hands up?)  Burk had PTSD, yes, and he was justified to think they were all a threat.  But everyone was still treating them as threats; I didn't see that Burk was the only one doing anything while everyone else stood there.  I actually saw the opposite.

Also, I don't think they were all "spies."  I still don't know what that British guy is, but the other people on the boat seem genuine.  They also appear to not speak English.  They thought they were getting rescued, first by just a fishing boat and then by the US Navy, but then the Navy orders them all down on their knees with their hands up while waving ridiculously large guns in their faces?  Of course they were confused.

Also, if they (the XO in charge while Slattery recovers - I forget his name, Sasha, whoever else) didn't want Chandler in that meeting, then they wouldn't have invited him and he wouldn't have been in that meeting.  He was there because they wanted him to be.  Plus, he knew information they didn't, from being part of Giorgio's fight club; he had intelligence that was important to them to share.

6 hours ago, BasilSeal said:

Without chandler's leadership the crew couldn't have done it, Chandler made good choices under pressure so listening to what he has to say now makes sense. It may be against navy protocol, but this can be explained away with the show's catch all 'these are extraordinary times' get out. most importantly, the audience would expect him to be present, so he is, this is the last ship, not a documentary, there's a lot more beyond this that doesn't make any sense.

I agree, and especially with the two thoughts I put in bold.

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10 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Sorry, but I still respectfully disagree.  In the scene I watched, everyone else was doing the searching (Green, Miller, the new woman from Africa, Wolf) and Burk was panicking and froze.  It was even Green who told him to snap out of it while they were all still continuing to search and Burk just stared at a child.  Burk was screaming while the African woman discovered that woman on the boat was only holding a sleeping baby.  (And if she has to hold a sleeping baby, how can she comply with putting her hands up?)  Burk had PTSD, yes, and he was justified to think they were all a threat.  But everyone was still treating them as threats; I didn't see that Burk was the only one doing anything while everyone else stood there.  I actually saw the opposite.

Also, I don't think they were all "spies."  I still don't know what that British guy is, but the other people on the boat seem genuine.  They also appear to not speak English.  They thought they were getting rescued, first by just a fishing boat and then by the US Navy, but then the Navy orders them all down on their knees with their hands up while waving ridiculously large guns in their faces?  Of course they were confused.

Also, if they (the XO in charge while Slattery recovers - I forget his name, Sasha, whoever else) didn't want Chandler in that meeting, then they wouldn't have invited him and he wouldn't have been in that meeting.  He was there because they wanted him to be.  Plus, he knew information they didn't, from being part of Giorgio's fight club; he had intelligence that was important to them to share.

I agree, and especially with the two thoughts I put in bold.

Presumably Captain Meylan also knew of the US Armed Forces standing order to offer to  reinstate the retired Chief Of Naval Operations into the service should any US unit run across him.

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12 minutes ago, Raja said:

Presumably Captain Meylan also knew of the US Armed Forces standing order to offer to  reinstate the retired Chief Of Naval Operations into the service should any US unit run across him.

Definitely, that too.  And considering he is the one who handed the folder to Chandler, he obviously knew. ;-)

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One detail conveniently forgotten by the show is that the captain of the trawler was ordered to have ALL SOULS on deck in preparation for boarding.  He responded enthusiastically and as a supplicant.  We heard him shouting orders, presumably to that effect, immediately.  

Also please recall that as bad as things are in our current for-real world, the tribalism and the subsequent rise of war lords and ethnic and religious minorities as armed players, makes the situation that much more problematic for our fictional and intrepid NJ crew.  I counted a minimum of 5 "surprise" appearances from below deck, the captain himself included!  If I were leading that party, I would have ordered an immediate retreat back to the NJ with zero "refugees."   

As to the baby under wraps.  I commend y'all to the signature scene of the movie American Sniper.  The sniper is positioned to protect a squad from any sneak attacks by natives.  Lo and behold, a little boy and his mother come sauntering down the street in the direction of the squad.  The tension is crushing as we try to figure out if they are just peacefully trying to get somewhere, or if they are suicide bombers.  Whether or not they were hostiles, emotions were at a peak.  How can I kill an innocent boy????  How can I not shoot him knowing that I watched as several buddies were killed or maimed by just such aboy????  What to do?  That. I submit, is where Burk rightfully was.  He was put in an impossible situation by that fool captain, who stupidly agreed to Chandler's gambit.   I will not spoil what happened in the movie, which was also a real life situation the titular sniper faced in the ME.

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I enjoyed the first two seasons because of the competence porn exhibited by the crew of the Nathan James. Everyone, from Chandler down to the cook, was able to efficiently execute the tasks assigned to them. 

Seasons three and four have elevated the importance of Chandler (and Sasha), but it's been at the expense of the crew roles I enjoyed S 1 and 2. In order to make Chandler indispensable they have reduced the competency of those around them. Slattery has lost his command on the NJ three times. Meylan exists primarily to make shaky decisions that Chandler overturns. You would never know that the ship has had two female XOs (Granderson and the chief engineer) because they got knocked even lower down the chain of command. Sasha is leading combat squads over Green. Jeter just offers pep talks to Chandler instead of working with the enlisted sailors like he used to. . . 

And yes, the show is fictional portrayal of the military, but to me, it doesn't feel true to the rules it established in the first two seasons. 

(I'd argue that Rachel Scott, not Chandler, saved the world. Put her on another ship and there's a good chance she still succeeds. Put another scientist on the NJ and the odds go down.)

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@XAXAT, I completely agree with everything in your post, from top to bottom.  I'm still watching, but the show has changed enough that it's a shadow of it's former self.

I do feel the total flawlessness of the S1 & S2 characters was a bit tiring.  When they go to put out an oil-rig fire or something, and return with the creases in their trousers still sharp? Yeah, no.  I don't care whose navy itis, but that ain't happening.  Still, that's the universe we were introduced to.  Now it's morphing into somewhere that nobody can take a piss unless Chandler holds their dick for them.

Sasha leads because (I believe) that she is the "designated hottie", and because PC. I actually think that Bridget Regan is a good looking woman, but as has been discussed elsewhere, the level of face-paint is ridiculous.  Unless the navy equips all vessels with a cosmetologist, as an adjunct to the special forces group?  I'm still waiting for a cross-over episode with Zoo, because i want to see Jamie smack Sasha around!

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3 hours ago, xaxat said:

Seasons three and four have elevated the importance of Chandler (and Sasha), but it's been at the expense of the crew roles I enjoyed S 1 and 2. In order to make Chandler indispensable they have reduced the competency of those around them. Slattery has lost his command on the NJ three times. Meylan exists primarily to make shaky decisions that Chandler overturns. You would never know that the ship has had two female XOs (Granderson and the chief engineer) because they got knocked even lower down the chain of command. Sasha is leading combat squads over Green. Jeter just offers pep talks to Chandler instead of working with the enlisted sailors like he used to. . . 

Yeah, S3 came along and characters like Green and Granderson were pushed further down the line.

I may be biased because I like Green and I want to see more of him. I'm still salty over the fact that the Greens weren't there to salute Chandler when he left the Nathan James at the end of S3. All the sh*t Kara went through in St. Louis was because of her loyalty to Chandler and to the Nathan James. I'd have expected them to be there than, say, Meylan. (But then they could have met afterwards when Chandler got his kids from Kara.)

Danny may have been a hotheaded jerk but Chandler trusted him enough to plan missions and even defer to his tactics. This is the guy Chandler praised as a true leader even after his and Foster's indiscretion. He even admitted it to Sasha that Green was his best operator.  But here we are a few seasons later and Green could be just another sailor magically turned special ops guy like Miller. He has been reduced to screaming at his comms for the helo or his wife to bail his team out. At least he had something to do last episode and showed how much he has matured since we first met him when he recognized Burk's behavior for what it is - PTSD. 

I'm not even sure what Granderson's role is now. Suddenly she's been relegated to Kara Green's second-in-command in the CIC? Either that or she's the comms officer now.

But despite everything I'm still watching this show and I still cheered when Chandler shaved his beard, put on his uniform, and took his oath. I also have nothing more to say about Sasha other than maybe borrow some hair ties and pins from the other female sailors. Her hair last episode reminds of Medusa's from the Inhumans poster. 

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@ChiliCrab, I totally agree about Green.  I may also be biased (towards his jaw line [so pretty]), but I also am missing both him and Kara this season.  Danny should be running those off-shore missions, not Sasha or Burk.  And as I've said above, I definitely agree that Green (and Wolf and the others) had the situation under control on the boat better than Burk did. 

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