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On 9/11/2018 at 5:10 AM, Nozycat said:

  I only noticed last night that he has bits of 2 fingers missing on his right hand, anybody know what happened?

He tweeted he lost part of one finger at 6 in some bike spokes, and another was so badly injured during his football career he had it removed. I also found this article on ESPN saying that a massage table collapsed while he was on it, crushing his middle finger.

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1 hour ago, Charlesman said:

He tweeted he lost part of one finger at 6 in some bike spokes, and another was so badly injured during his football career he had it removed. I also found this article on ESPN saying that a massage table collapsed while he was on it, crushing his middle finger.

Thanks and wow he has had bad luck with his fingers.

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23 hours ago, AngelinaMaria said:

Yep, anyone but Benji.  

That is what I found myself saying.  Well I am not sure if I would be cool with a Shonee win either because she has done (and admitted to doing) nothing for the entire game.  I am either indifferent or like the rest of the players.  I honestly would love to see Fenella win but I doubt that will happen.

Has anyone noticed that Benji does not really have much of an Australian accent.  I know he either lived or live here in the States so I am wondering if that is why.  I mean he does have an accent but to me it sounds more like an American trying to put on an Australian accent.

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13 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

That is what I found myself saying.  Well I am not sure if I would be cool with a Shonee win either because she has done (and admitted to doing) nothing for the entire game.  I am either indifferent or like the rest of the players.  I honestly would love to see Fenella win but I doubt that will happen.

Has anyone noticed that Benji does not really have much of an Australian accent.  I know he either lived or live here in the States so I am wondering if that is why.  I mean he does have an accent but to me it sounds more like an American trying to put on an Australian accent.

Good point about Shonee.  I don't know if I've ever seen such an "airhead" as her.  Her mind just seems vacant of any educated thought.


It was crazy when after the merge Shonee was telling Fenella that she hasn't understood a single word that the Champion's tribe has said because the words were too long!!!  She didn't know what the word efficacy was and acted like it was a nonexistent word.  She is young but sounds so stupid.  I'm hoping Fenella is just dumbing herself down when she is around Shonee.

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Didn't watch it... Mat went home.

Benji continues to roll over everyone else who still remains. I guess the other person who will be standing with him, at the end, is hoping the jury will vote anyone but Benji... is that how the jury works?

I'm bored beyond belief, but I'll check back in a couple weeks to see what's happening. Team SHANE!

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That was super weird. I've never seen anything like when Benji totally bullied Sharn into how to play her idol. I didn't know that was allowed. I mean, she did decide to listen to him but he was all over her. And why in God's name would Mat not realize that some shit was going down and play his idol?! Crazy.

Oh well, I wanted Mat gone anyway cuz he was a bit much. Benji can go next. I will have to watch the Pondersa clip to see what Mat really thinks about his ouster. Somehow I don't think Sam and Rob will have too much sympathy for him. 

PS. If Benji doesn't want his Australian accent, I will take it. :)

Edited by TVbitch
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Great play, yeah, but, how does Mat not just say "well if you won't play it for me, I'll play my own?" 

Somehow Benji is pitching some kind of tie/re-vote with 9 people, which involves Sharn, who's name has never come up to Mat, and he isn't suspicious of something and doesn't realize he doesn't know what's going on? 

He literally asked "what is going on?" and that didn't trigger him that he didn't know what was happening and should be suspicious? 

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This was a tough one for me because I have liked Mat for the most part up until the last couple of episodes.  This last episode though he really went into full on Godfather mode and he was too blind to see what was actually going on around him.  I am good with his ouster, but it sucks to see Benji get what he wants.

I highly doubt that either Sharn or Shane are going to get their revenge in the next episode as the previews suggest.  I mean what can they honestly do?

They are going to get picked off now instead of the remaining Contenders.  What will be interesting is when the new majority has to eat itself.  Where do Brian and Monika (sp?) fit it with the Contenders?

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Editors, if you spend the entire episode with one contestant bragging how he’s unbeatable and another contestant crying that her time is up and nothing can save her, it’s kind of inevitable that there’s going to be a twist in the tale. 

That said, it’s still enjoyable to see such braggadocio humbled. 

I found it amazing that Brian didn’t know if Steve had ever played ball sports; they’ve been on the same tribe for over a month - surely they would have covered every subject to alleviate the boredom? Especially two blokes and sport?!? Obviously Steve isn’t much of a talker but still..?

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@cousin oliver I was going to say, apparently Steve does silent meditation all day. :) But seriously, he must really be a man of few words, cuz they almost never show him talking. I know all of them better than Steve.

Peeing Grub is smarter than I gave him credit for. I was prepared to say how stupid he was for thinking the Contenders would ever take a Champion with them to the end if they got the majority. For all his Sharn hate, he did realize that. And I'm sure he convinced Monica, cuz, um, let's just say I haven't heard her talking any strategy. He also played finding that idol well. 

Right now I'd say Grub and Shane are most worthy. I still root for Fanella, but girl is not really playing. Glad 3 idols went this week cuz there was WAY too many. Just 8-9 people left and Mat, Benji, Sharn, and Grub had/have idols plus Shonee's advantage. I hope they all don't get put back into play.   

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, TVbitch said:

@cousin oliver I was going to say, apparently Steve does silent meditation all day. :) But seriously, he must really be a man of few words, cuz they almost never show him talking. I know all of them better than Steve.

Peeing Grub is smarter than I gave him credit for. I was prepared to say how stupid he was for thinking the Contenders would ever take a Champion with them to the end if they got the majority. For all his Sharn hate, he did realize that. And I'm sure he convinced Monica, cuz, um, let's just say I haven't heard her talking any strategy. He also played finding that idol well. 

Right now I'd say Grub and Shane are most worthy. I still root for Fanella, but girl is not really playing. Glad 3 idols went this week cuz there was WAY too many. Just 8-9 people left and Mat, Benji, Sharn, and Grub had/have idols plus Shonee's advantage. I hope they all don't get put back into play.   

Forgive me if this is obvious, but who is Peeing Grub??  I have to wait a week to see these last two episodes as we have company this week.

Once again I FF'd to the end to see who went home - YAY.

Honestly, though, I seriously don't care who wins now although I would prefer it NOT be Shonee, mainly because of the comment previously when she stated she had gotten by without really ever having to DO anything. Also, she doesn't seem to know many two- or greater - syllable words.

Guess it wouldn't bother me too awfully if PG wins, because I'm so meh about the people who are left.

Still... Team SHANE!

Edited by PepperMonkey
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5 hours ago, TVbitch said:

The other players have taken to calling Brian "Grub" cuz he is kind of nasty regarding his hygiene. And in this episode, he literally took a leak ON one of the challenge platforms. Hence, I dubbed him Peeing Grub. 

That was hilarious when he was peeing.  Brian is quickly becoming my favorite contestant left in the game.  Though right now he is still behind Shane and Fanella 


14 hours ago, cousin oliver said:

Editors, if you spend the entire episode with one contestant bragging how he’s unbeatable and another contestant crying that her time is up and nothing can save her, it’s kind of inevitable that there’s going to be a twist in the tale. 

That said, it’s still enjoyable to see such braggadocio humbled. 

I found it amazing that Brian didn’t know if Steve had ever played ball sports; they’ve been on the same tribe for over a month - surely they would have covered every subject to alleviate the boredom? Especially two blokes and sport?!? Obviously Steve isn’t much of a talker but still..?

It was weird for me because at first I was thinking what you posted in that the editors were editing it that way and then we would see the downfall of Benji.  Then I was so sure because I thought,  that maybe the editors were trying to get us to think a swerve was coming when one was not.  I guess I overthink stuff like this.

I was under the assumption that he was just doing that to throw Steve off his game, well I know that was what he was trying to do but he also might have really not known if Steve was a sportsman or not.

1 hour ago, jsm1125 said:

Did anyone else catch Fanella, in her voting confessional for Benji, say that she really dislikes Sharn? I wonder what’s going on with the two of them. 

I wonder if it has something to do with when Sharn was one of the ones who refused to vote Tegan back onto the Contenders tribe.  That really hurt Fanella's game and she might not be over it.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, PepperMonkey said:

Once again I FF'd to the end to see who went home - YAY.

Honestly, though, I seriously don't care who wins now although I would prefer it NOT be Shonee, mainly because of the comment previously when she stated she had gotten by without really every having to DO anything. Also, she doesn't seem to know many two- or greater - syllable words.

Guess it wouldn't bother me too awfully if PG wins, because I'm so meh about the people who are left.

Still... Team SHANE!

Sorry for the double post, I could not figure out how to add this into my previous post.  

Because you have been fast forwarding the episodes you missed yet another annoying Shonee confessional.  After the tribe came back from voting out Mat, Shane made sure the fire went out.  The other two champions who did not vote out Mat (Steve and Sharn) along with Shane decided to go on strike and not doing anything around camp.  Well apparently they were the ones doing the vast majority of the work around camp because Shonee had a confessional where she complained about them not making breakfast for her (I think that was what she said, my memory is getting hazy in my old age even if I did just watch the episode a few hours ago).

Also, it goes without saying that I am very happy to see Benji go.  

Edited by BK1978
Because I was wrong about something I wrote in regards to Benji's Idol.
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On 18/09/2018 at 10:29 PM, legaleagle53 said:

Your tables are safe. 

  Hide contents

Benji's out with an idol (that apparently nobody knew about) in his pocket.

My tables did a sigh of relief that ep.  Honestly, well played PG, I didn't think he had it in him.  I'm with most of  you, Shonee is the only one left who I would dislike seeing win. 

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8 hours ago, Charlesman said:

Oh, also, I must mention that Benji telling Brian that Sharn was throwing out his name while he's wearing the immunity necklace and then saying "Oh, right, I forgot," was the highest comedy. Dude was throwing so much stuff out there he just couldn't stop spinning.

I think that was when Brian decided that Benji was a little too shady for him.

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Oh my, poor Monica, in tears because Survivor is reminding her of high school where she was bullied horribly had to choose which group of friends she was going to hang out with. How very painful for her. I'm sure the group she didn't choose was irrevocably scarred.  giggle.gif

At least she is not as dumb as I thought she was going to be and perhaps has a clue that she doesn't stand a chance of winning over Shane or Sharn but maybe over Peeing Grub and the girls. 

Edited by TVbitch
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The greatest thing about Shonee and Fenella being the last Contenders standing is knowing that, somewhere, Zach’s tiny brain is exploding. 

Even if Brian makes it to the end, I can’t see him winning - the other Champions seem to loathe him [although I can’t recall anything he’s done to make them hate him so].

Edited by cousin oliver
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I guess I can say it now: Aw, Steve... I kind of enjoyed his calm stoicism.

They're letting Shonee run things like they did Benji before; or that is how it appears to me.

I'm actually surprised the Champions haven't banded together to get rid of the last two Contenders, but Brian may think or realize he can't win against Shane or Sharn (with the jury, I mean)... I don't know.

Thank the tv gods this is almost over... I can't quite quit it but I'm not interested enough the past few weeks to watch anything but the last few minutes.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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At this point it would be soooo stupid for any of the 4 in the Grub Alliance to defect to the remaining Champions because none of them can win if Steve, Sharn or Shane are in the final. I find it annoying how Sharn and Shane act like it is a moral affront that Brian and Monica are doing what is totally correct for THEIR game. We all know damn well if Monica or Brian did go back with the Champions, the very next vote the Champions would chop them. I also didn't like when Steve essentially threatened Monica that he would turn the jury against her if she didn't vote how he wanted. She would stupid to do that, Steve, and you know it. I hope we don't end up with a super bitter jury. 

@PepperMonkey Don't you watch any of the UK Masterchef's. They are great too! 

  • Love 5

OMG, these people! They have it IN THE BAG and then they get a case of stupiditis. I mean, when freaking SHONEE is telling you that you are being stupid, maybe listen up! 

Not liking bitter Matt and Steve on the jury. Yes, they are correct, they will "award" the prize, but they are supposed to award it based on outwit, outplay, outlast --not based on who did what Matt and Steve wanted them too. 

Edited by TVbitch
  • Love 5

Brian, I actually was rooting for you, but you're an idiot.  You're dead to me.

I've enjoyed this season.  A few clever tasks we haven't seen before, the outsiders clawing their way to the top -- basics for a good season.  But, the entitlement and self-righteousness of Mat, Steve, Shawn and Sharn is unearned and irritating.  You can argue that Shonee and Monica have been relatively useless to date, but at this point I'd much rather one of them win over the bitter and the stupid.  I'd prefer a Contender over a Champion, so I oddly find myself on Team Shonee.

Biggest fear, Brian wins individual immunity, so everyone knows he's safe and he doesn't have to use his idol.  Then the vote "should" be 3 for Sharn and 2 for Shonee.  Monica flips, Shonee goes.  We're stuck with all champions, none of whom are worth a damn, either socially obnoxious (Sharn and Shane) or useless in game play (Monica and Brian).

As the least bad choice, Team Shonee for the win!

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If Brian wins immunity next time, he should play his idol to ensure Shonee is safe. Going to the final with Monica and Shonee is now Brian's only chance, cuz with this jury, if either Shane or Sharn get to the final, they are winning. Do we know if it is a final 3? Either NZ or SA this year pulled a surprise and made it a final 2. 

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I just watched the Pondersa episode and Fanella says that indeed Matt and Steve are still very sour about losing control and being voted out, but the contender boys are more open-minded. She says she knew in her gut Sharn had an idol, but Brian (and all of them really) were over thinking it. She told Sharn before the vote even that she felt she would be the one going. W.T.F.?! They obviously make it seem more cut and dried for the final TV edit.

Fanella should have told Brian that she and Shonee were voting Shane, and that he and Monica had better vote Sharn. That would have taken the power to mess up the split vote out of Brian's hands. 

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9 hours ago, TVbitch said:

If Brian wins immunity next time, he should play his idol to ensure Shonee is safe. Going to the final with Monica and Shonee is now Brian's only chance, cuz with this jury, if either Shane or Sharn get to the final, they are winning. Do we know if it is a final 3? Either NZ or SA this year pulled a surprise and made it a final 2. 

It's a final two, like the previous seasons. Finale is next Tuesday.

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A few questions: (1) Do the editors/show runners want a likable winner?  (2) Are we supposed to like Brian or Shonee?  (3)  Are we supposed to be rooting for Brian and Shonee?

All I know is that I am very impressed with the survivor fight that Sharn has shown the entire game, never once just letting things happen, and I really like how adaptable and wily Shane is.  

There is something about Shonee that just annoys every fiber of my being.  

I could very well be seeing things from a very different perspective and there are loads of fans that really like Brian and Shonee.  Anyone here?

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, AngelinaMaria said:

I could very well be seeing things from a very different perspective and there are loads of fans that really like Brian and Shonee.  Anyone here?

The man takes off his used shorts and dries his face with them.  Using the inside surface! The INSIDE! And in the latest episode he blew his nose into the leaf from which he was eating and then continued to eat from it.  On gross factor alone, I dislike him tons.

I never warmed to Shonee. Initially I mostly didn't care, but after she said she had never lifted a finger and had been coasting through, I have hoped she doesn't win.

I know the game is outlive, outlast, outplay and coasting is a strategy (and apparently a successful one, if we go by Shonee's current standing) but I just don't like people who leech and don't even make the smallest effort to contribute. I think it's unfair.

Also, when people get too cocky (see Brian, Matt, Benji, etc.).  But that has more to do with my personal feelings than with the game.  I just think humility goes a long way.  Every time I see someone bragging about how much in control they are, and how they have this in the bag, and how they are the "king of the jungle", and so on, I just get this burning desire to see them toppled and blindsided.

If Brian doesn't win immunity in the next IC, then he is a goner.  And I will do a happy dance.

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I don't care for Shonee, either, based on the laziness factor that we have both seen and heard about from herself, even.

On the whole, I'd rather Shonee win than Benji, so winner, already??? 

Of the remaining four, I am still rooting for Shane, but I just don't see it happening, but I DO believe that if Shonee is final two with either Shane or Sharn, she may not have a chance. Brian against Shonee, though, Shonee would probably take it.

I don't like that her "occupation" is pro skater's wife... i mean why not just stay at home mom or housewife, or, if she has a career or job, whatever her career IS instead of "hanger on." Maybe that's an American thing, sorry; so it could just be me feeling that way. Also, yeah, the "so far I haven't done anything" and then later on, after merge, when she and Fenella were upset because someone didn't cook breakfast for them... come ON.

I'm actually not watching the show at all anymore, just the last couple minutes to see who is eliminated, so thank you all for coming here to post so I kind of know what's still going on.

Shout out to TVbitch !!!!

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I am glad Monica is out because, for me, she was the least worthy. If Sharn can get to the end, she wins. If she doesn't, hard to say.

Color me shocked that it was actually Brian's plan that Fanella go last vote. But I can see where he is struggling to figure out who he could possibly take to the end and still win. He was probably right that his only shot was to take Monica. I don't think the jury will vote for him up against any of the remaining players.

Right after the reward challenge, Brian said he would give the car he just won to Monica, IF he made the final 2. Ummmm, isn't bribing another player like that a no-no? PS. Brian, I am pretty sure she can afford her own car.  

@PepperMonkey Hi! I am catching up on Celebrity Masterchef UK, but I don't care for the "screaming through the wall challenge"!  kitten-confused-smiley-emoticon.gif

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I am perplexed as to WHO the show is referring to when they said we'd see the BEST END GAME EVER.  I mean, maybe Sharn, but other than that, I'm at a loss.  If they think it's Shonee, then  . . . no.  Flipping on your alliance because your bestie got shanked is fun for us because it means Brian can't surely win from here but a great end game, it is not.  She just started playing the game now.  It has to be Sharn they mean, right?


Also @PepperMonkey Shonee is in HR, the chryon has said that at times and it's on the official AusSurvivor site as her profession but I'm not going to lie, the Pro Skaters Wife thing has had me offside with her from the get go.  I find her vapid and uninteresting and frankly, totally spoilt.  When she admitted to never having done anything around camp, it just solidified it for me.


Also also, the IC being fire based made me laugh SO FUCKING HARD.  And that Sharn and Shane were the ONLY two to even get a fire started?  Spoke volumes.  For that alone, I want one of those two to win. 

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