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Are we to assume that Mike and Matt are in a relationship cause they danced together?


I'm good with that!


The few people who really cared probably already knew she was unavailable.

Actually Melissa never said why she wasn't there, that's just an assumption most people have made.

So I just watch the Emmy's Born To Run sketch for the first time. I wasn't impressed. I know it's an unpopular opinion but if I hadn't seen Criminal Minds and was only going off Glee I would think Jane Lynch was a terrible actress.

The way those 3 enter at the back, it is clear (to me anyway) that if Melissa was able to attend she would have entered at the back on stage right with Joe to balance out into a pair entering both sides.


Those 3 entered together because they were on the Glee Project together. Marley would have probably been put somewhere else.


Given how nasty the writers can be sometimes to cast members on this show, I'm surprised there wasn't some meta comment in the final episode about Marley being off at some cosplay event.


Given how nasty the writers can be sometimes to cast members on this show, I'm surprised there wasn't some meta comment in the final episode about Marley being off at some cosplay event.

I agree that they are that nasty, but a joke like that would be acknowledging on their show that she's got a lead on a TV series on another network. Doesn't exactly put Melissa in a bad light!


Just for a fun, a relationship chart...though interestingly enough, some people (Rory, Joe, Marley, Jake, and Ryder) are missing. Too bad, it would have been nice to see them in the Glee dating pool. Of course, even without them, this group was even more incestuous than the original 90210 group...

Edited by AndySmith

Those 3 entered together because they were on the Glee Project together. Marley would have probably been put somewhere else.


Yeah I realised about 2 days after posting that those 3 were Glee Project so I guess if Rory could have made it he would have been up the back. It just looks a little lopsided when you see the 3 of them walking in the back ready to take their position for it to be a 2-1 split. For my eyes, it looks obvious that someone is missing in the choreography. I would imagine Marley would have come out with Jake. Rewatching I Lived, Jake does just seem to appear out of nowhere attached to that group so perhaps the plan would have had Jake and Marley walk through the door, that Kitty entered through, together or something. Causing the Jarley fans to go into wild fan fiction like some fandoms did cause Rider was holding Unique's hand.


If the team had decided to include the full version of I Lived, perhaps that might have given them an opportunity to use some clips that included Rory, Marley and Finn (from competitions perhaps) to help include those characters in the send off. Although I concede the whole renaming the auditorium in Finn's honour is enough for me in regards to featuring Finn.

A few years old, and maybe already posted, but pretty funny.

That is awesome reading, just because it appears to be mostly chronological, so as I was reading, I was flashing back to the episodes.  


I'm also laughing thinking about the potential from Season 6:

"Dating your ex-boyfriend's former high school bully"

"Becoming a stalker by creating an entire shrine devoted to one couple"

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How switching schools to sing more may result in singing less.

How to tell your new beau that he's just a friend (hint: complete avoidance of the issue!).

"I just got slapped by my high school principal, but bygones!"

Too many choir directors, not enough time actually glee clubbing it.

Dealing with choir directors who don't bother to get to know their members and aren't afraid to admit to it.

Mixing the unflattering blazer uniform look when trying to maintain the last-second put together "but we have heart!" vibe that wins competitions.

Dating way, way, way, way out of your age group.

Proposing to your high school sweetheart ex just because he's been sending a few texts lately and, well, it seems like everyone else is getting married so why not?!

Graduates who just won't move on from high school.

Sniffing jock straps.

Being susceptible to hypnosis.

Getting paid to teach students stuff you probably never bothered to learn in high school yourself...the year before.

Dating someone other than your twin sister.

Getting locked in an "elevator" with an ex and a bathroom.

The entire high school becomes a vomitorium.

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Apparently, Darren said this at the Paris Con about what was asked of him on Glee:

"I always said yes to everything, for better or for worse, there are times I wish I hadn’t. A lot of our actors and actresses were much smarter than me cause they would say " don’t think so, that’s gonna make me look bad", and they were very wise to do that, you know, they’re not being difficult, it’s like, you should speak up for yourself if you’re uncomfortable with something, you shouldn’t do it, that’s okay. But I never did, cause I was like "Yeah, sure, why not, that sounds cool!" and there are times I wish I didn’t because I wasn’t a big fan of how it turned out."


And apparently one of the things he mentioned was singing live. It's from tumblr sources so not sure how accurate this bit about the live singing is.


I remember the many times during the Glee run that he said he was just a mercenary. Hindsight is a funny thing. Adding him to the Glee tell-all potentials lol. 

Edited by fakeempress

Apparently, Darren said this at the Paris Con about what was asked of him on Glee:

"I always said yes to everything, for better or for worse, there are times I wish I hadn’t. A lot of our actors and actresses were much smarter than me cause they would say " don’t think so, that’s gonna make me look bad", and they were very wise to do that, you know, they’re not being difficult, it’s like, you should speak up for yourself if you’re uncomfortable with something, you shouldn’t do it, that’s okay. But I never did, cause I was like "Yeah, sure, why not, that sounds cool!" and there are times I wish I didn’t because I wasn’t a big fan of how it turned out."


I kind of think this all goes back to actors really knowing their characters, though, and putting in the work to make them something more than just what's written on the page. We've discussed this a lot in the Acting thread, about Darren's inability to keep a consistent performance despite the writing (while other actors, with the same bad writing, managed just fine). By Darren saying "sure why not that sounds cool" about something that seems out-of-character in retrospect, it just kind of shows me that he never really put much thought into establishing Blaine as a character beyond what was written on the page.

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Update from tumblr on Darren wanting to say no, it was (at least some of it) about singing live:


""I sang live on the show I think maybe a total of 4 times. I did it for Teenage Dream, I did it for Against All Odds and Suddenly Seymour and.. No I think that’s it. But with Suddenly Seymour that was the first song I recorded for the final season with Lea, and I loved how it turned out, I love that song and it was special for me and Lea because we’re both Broadway fans, so that’s a big Broadway number. So I loved how it turned out, I loved.. You know, you’ll go into the studio and you’ll sing it a certain way and then you hear it, it sounds better than when you did and you’re just « Yes! This is great ». And so they asked me to sing it live, I was like « No, the recording is so good, please don’t make me sing it live cause if I do then people won’t hear the recording cause nobody fucking buy these songs anymore. So I really want people to hear this.“ So, again, I’m happy to help out, I try to be a team player but that was one instance where I was like « Ugh, man! », like, cause I sang the first verse live and I really wish that we could just play the track cause I really like the track."


I thought he sounded off on the recording too. 

Edited by fakeempress

Dianna stood up against the destruction of her character, though, not against whether they use a live recording where she sounded worse off. If I'm being cynical, I could think he didn't want to rock the boat on the live verse because he had bigger fish to fry -get his songs on the show. I thought at first it might've been more about Blainofsky, which was the final nail in the Blaine coffin for a lot of people -- while a live verse sounds to me more trivial in comparison. But he may have meant and mentioned more than that at the con.

Edited by fakeempress
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Dianna stood up against the destruction of her character


There is an article I remember reading (not sure if I found it via this forum) where she does throw quite a bit of shade at Qiunn's arc in season 3, or lack of one. Basically how Quinn is just shunted from one storyline to the next with no rhyme or reason. Wish I had it saved...


Not sure if this one has been posted as well (if it has, let me know so I can delete the link), but a good look at Glee's decline:



Edited by AndySmith

Interesting article, though I think off-based in their condemnation of "She's Having My Baby." I thought that was pretty hilarious and worked in show.


For me the very very very first sign of trouble ahead was in "Accafellas," though each problem the show had, and it had many, had its original sign somewhere else. But for me, already in the third episode they were showing inconsistent characterization and, in particular, starting the trouble with Will being an amorphous tool for the plot they needed. At the time I dismissed it as a new show struggling to find its voice and first season kinks that could be worked out, especially since it was followed by the stellar "Preggers," which I think is still one of the best ever. But the inconsistency and willingness to sacrifice character for plot of the week would, of course, actually become the hallmark of the show.

Edited by SNeaker

Mercedes and Tina were listed as examples in a Daily Fandom article called Women Wronged by their Writers.


Mercedes Jones/Tina Cohen-Chang (Glee)
Glee is honestly the new standard against which all past and future TV “train wrecks” will now be measured. Granted they’ve screwed pretty much all of their characters over in some way by now, but two of their female characters stand out to me as having been especially wronged: Mercedes and Tina. Both of them got stuck with in-love-with-gay-men storylines, and while Mercedes’ was at least somewhat sympathetic, Tina’s was just repulsive, entirely OOC and completely WTF? Mercedes was pretty much dropped in season 4 and only got back on in season 5 after Amber Riley won Dancing with the Stars. Tina notoriously never got actual plot-lines of her own, a fact which Glee went so far as to lampshade in one episode. Mercedes was often harangued for being “lazy” though that accusation had no basis in the other content of the show. Both were often outshined by Rachel even though they were no less talented, and were often far less obnoxious and entitled. In short, although almost all the characters in Glee have been done a few injustices over the years, these two ladies caught some of the worst of it, in my humble opinion.

Here is a link to the whole article:


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More about Neverland.


Also this:

Morrison added that being on "Glee" for the past seven years and playing the same character over and over again made feel like there's nothing more he could bring to the table.

"Playing the same part for seven years it's like what else can I bring to this, you know? It gets kind of tedious a little bit," he said.

some can find freshness in an ongoing character.


You have to have decent writing for that , there is only so much blood you can squeeze out of a stone.  


In general, however, I would opine a lot of actors would think playing the same character for close to 7 years is quite a lot, especially when they are woefully underutilized the way Matt was.  Probably the most versatile of all the Glee performers, he went stretches of multiple episodes where he didn't sing, much less have a storyline.

Edited by caracas1914
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It wouldn't surprise me if Darren used the singing live example because it wouldn't be controversial. "Oh, I like the studio..I wanted people to hear it." It's not "That was an incredibly stupid thing to do with my character." Which puts him in bad graces with RIB. (Who might give him a job somewhere down the road.) And in general though, Darren doesn't like to cause any sort of controversy with what he says. When talking about Klaine, sometimes he'd say something like "For Better or for Worse" when talking about fans, Chris would laugh his ass off because to him it was definitely "For worse" and then Darren would spend then next five minutes trying to clear up that he really meant "for better" even when he probably didn't. 


And I don't think him being a "yes man" means he didn't think out who his character is..but rather he knew where he wanted his character to be/do, but he didn't want to speak up to his bosses. I'm sure some of it was because of what happened to others on the show that did speak up. 

Edited by mercfan3

This.   The racial stereotyping with Mercedes was off the charts.

I think the writers either pretty much ignored someone's race or they were very badly racial stereotyped. Mercedes was probably the character that got it worst because she had the most screen time of those it happened to, plus I find it worse when it happens to women.

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Just saw it mentioned that the Sony hack archive at WikiLeaks has yielded this quote about Ryan Murphy re a script of his called One Hit Wonders script (which was thought to need some work):
"Consider his psyche as u would an actress"


And it has Ryan's email, lol. For his sake, I hope he has changed it by now. 

Edited by fakeempress

Dianna reflects a bit re Cory in an interview for her movie Tumbleweed:


"Dianna on the film’s similarity to her own situation of having to deal publicly with the loss of her friend, Cory Monteith, from “Glee”:

Dianna: That was an awful time … but I guess similar to Hannah or to anybody dealing with a friend that’s taken far too early, I think there are the stages that you go through. And by the time I was doing the film, I had really gone through the thick of it….
What I do find interesting is that over the course of time with people that I’ve lost in my life, there are moments where there’s somebody new that comes into your life and does something or says something that’s so eerily reminiscent of that person. It’s happened to me a few times with my grandmother, with Cory, and a few other people where you’re just like, “Oh, my God,” and you have to stop and process it and be so thankful for it. I think that that makes loss much easier to deal with."

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So definitely the perfect person to sing 'Unpretty' on the show!

Actually, yes, she is. Lea can make herself look beautiful even though she isn't even pretty, she's a great singer even though she has real technical deficiencies, and she's a terrific mover* even though she can't dance to save her soul. What's her secret? Acting. It's all in the acting.

*e.g., striding down the hall to get Sandy fired, "Gives You Hell", DROMP, "Go Your Own Way", standing up and walking while 35 weeks pregnant.

Edited by Higgs

Appearance is always subject to personal taste and opinion though.  I think Lea can pull off sexy.  She can pull off casual and cute too.  I mean definitions of beauty/appeal etc. aren't uniform.


Anyway, perhaps not insulting, but it can be a bit of an off-putting comment to read when someone basically says hey that's a cute pic of Lea with her cat, and the response is yea that's cute and I cringe when she tries to be a sexpot (btw I've always thought that is an awful term)?  I guess why even bring that up?  I mean it's a perfectly reasonable opinion, but why counter the positive statement with a negative sentiment? 

Edited by dizzyizzy01
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