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Alaskan Bush People - General Discussion

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The main thing that struck me about this episode was Matt playing with that homemade tattoo gun.  Obviously he learned nothing from his accident.  Ha HA!

IIRC, the Integrity (like Browntown) had come to the end of its lease, so it had to be returned to whoever really owns it.  

On 8/9/2017 at 10:09 PM, sigmaforce86 said:

I can't believe they're dragging Ami on a road trip - whether it's all for the show or they're going because they want to or a combination; and even if she thinks she wants to this may be the worst idea in a family who lives on their history of bad ideas. 

Like as bad an idea as Billy driving the family around the country right after being hospitalized for multiple seizures?  It seems to be their go to strategy.

It seems like a strange coincidence that Ami is diagnosed with lung cancer right when their leases on Browntown and the Integrity run out, giving them a reason to move elsewhere.  I guess it's possible they could have renewed the leases if they wanted to continue in Alaska.  But I had heard they were going to have to vacate anyway.

  • Love 4

Thanks once again, RO.  Appreciated the review.  I laughed pretty much throughout while reading it.  I am sure it was more entertaining than the actual show was.   I was in a meeting and during the episode and when I got home, I didn't bother watching the replay.  Looks like I sure didn't miss much.

With all the crazy editing by those Editing Hyena's back at Discovery, it's like they aren't even trying anymore to paint a coherent timeline of events.  Pretty much like they are just throwing a bunch of old footage together along with some shots of them in "the present" and not even worrying about continuity.  And from what Realityobserver wrote in his blog, sounds like even Rainy doesn't seem to care about the show anymore.  Pretty much following Bam and Gabe checking out of the show several episodes before.  But I'm sure all aren't minding the paychecks they are still able to cash from it.

Again, I don't know why they didn't just shelve the show for awhile during Ami's illness.  Shows go on hiatus all the time.  If they wanted to keep some interest alive in the show in the meantime, just run a "Alaskan Bush People" special or two, instead of trying to stitch together a whole season's worth of material.  Because it really makes the show even faker than it normally is (if that is entirely possible at this point!)

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, rmontro said:

That is crazy, Bear looks about four feet tall there.  Someone else said this, but it's true, they're like a family of hobbits.

I'd be curious to know just how vertically challenged they are--not a criticism, I speak from the vast height of 5' nothing myself. Needless to say, that very tall fellow pictured above may well be 6'8" or some such and almost anyone would look tiny next to him, but, yeah; we know the Brownies are small fry.

And I'm to understand that they 'gave' the boat to that alleged bush family? Or the production company wanted a tax write off, may'haps? Or it's just more BS?

Edited by Beden
1 hour ago, Beden said:

I'd be curious to know just how vertically challenged they are--not a criticism, I speak from the vast height of 5' nothing myself. Needless to say, that very tall fellow pictured above may well be 6'8" or some such and almost anyone would look tiny next to him, but, yeah; we know the Brownies are small fry.

And I'm to understand that they 'gave' the boat to that alleged bush family? Or the production company wanted a tax write off, may'haps? Or it's just more BS?

Bear is said to be about 5'2" tall.  I think Trapper is really tall, but Bear is also very short, and the photo shows that.

As to your question about the boat:  I'd vote for Option 3 . . . more BS.  I was looking at that young "family" and thinking, "These are either real people who watched the show while drinking kool-aid and think they, too, can 'live wild,' or they are a group of amateur actors that they brought over from Juneau."

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Beden said:

And I'm to understand that they 'gave' the boat to that alleged bush family? Or the production company wanted a tax write off, may'haps? Or it's just more BS?

I had always heard that the Integrity was leased from someone, and that the lease was coming to an end this year.  Similar to Browntown.  

So my guess is that the boat went back to whoever it belonged to, but Bear gave it away to a couple of actors as a demonstration of how "the bush way" works.

1 hour ago, rmontro said:

I had always heard that the Integrity was leased from someone, and that the lease was coming to an end this year.  Similar to Browntown.  

So my guess is that the boat went back to whoever it belonged to, but Bear gave it away to a couple of actors as a demonstration of how "the bush way" works.

I looked it up several years ago, it was registered to Park Slope (the production company).  It no longer seems to be.


I looked it up several years ago, it was registered to Park Slope

Just for the heck of it, I just did a search, about 110 ships named Integrity registered in Alaska. As you noted, no Park Slope (or more accurately parkslop). Any idea on length and tonnage? I might be able to figure who the current owner. They list a bunch of types, such as Fishing, Towing, Cargo, recreational but none categorized as "going to sink any minute now and we lose everything we ever owned".

Edited by DoctorK
corrected a number
  • Love 2
On 8/11/2017 at 9:33 PM, rmontro said:

That is crazy, Bear looks about four feet tall there.  Someone else said this, but it's true, they're like a family of hobbits.

Aha! This actually gives me an idea for a future spin off.

“Little People, Big Alaska”.

My version of the story however is short lived, as in S-1, E-1, the entire Brown family are devoured by a family of Brown bears ?

Billy brown bear2017-08-13_10.21.28-picsay.jpg

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On 8/12/2017 at 1:54 PM, DoctorK said:

Just for the heck of it, I just did a search, about 110 ships named Integrity registered in Alaska. As you noted, no Park Slope (or more accurately parkslop). Any idea on length and tonnage? I might be able to figure who the current owner. They list a bunch of types, such as Fishing, Towing, Cargo, recreational but none categorized as "going to sink any minute now and we lose everything we ever owned".

I know someone in Hoonah, so I asked about the Integrity.  She says that the last she heard, it was in drydock in Wrangel, and the name had been painted over.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I know someone in Hoonah, so I asked about the Integrity.  She says that the last she heard, it was in drydock in Wrangel, and the name had been painted over.

It's a cover up!  

Years from now, people from the future will be highly interested in finding the famous Integrity boat of the famous Bush People, and they won't be able to figure out what happened to it, because they will have covered it up.  Apparently whoever has it now is not interested in being associated with the Browns, or else Park Slope is paying them to rename it to preserve the lie. 

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Hi AZ - LOL - You crack me up ! In this case I think renaming the boat will be the best thing that has happened since the Browns "bought" it.

This is coming from someone who is only 5'1", but I think all the Browns look pretty short.

I missed the show last week so thanks to everyone for their recap. Obviously not missing much.

I agree that they all have pretty much checked out and want little if anything with this shit show. I know if it was me, I would want to spend as much time as possible with my mother and not be filming this laughable so called show. However, must be hard to give up the pay checks. After all, that's what is probably helping to pay for Ami's cancer treatment.

Edited by NEGirl
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, NEGirl said:

However, must be hard to give up the pay checks. After all, that's what is probably helping to pay for Ami's cancer treatment.

Good point.  If I were one of the kids, that would be a healthy attitude to have about the show: We'll continue to work on this to help pay for mom's health care.

5 hours ago, NEGirl said:

I agree that they all have pretty much checked out and want little if anything with this shit show.

Bear seems to be enjoying his "star turn" taking up the slack created by the abdication of some of the others.

The two daughters don't seem to mind doing their bit.

My impression of Gabe is that he has checked out of life, not just the show.  Sounds like he is taking his mother's illness really hard, and is suffering from depression.  But I have no way of knowing, of course, that's just my guess.

Bam and Noah are probably more interested in their new lives with their new wives, but the funny thing is they probably wouldn't have either of them if it weren't for the show.

Ami seems to spend most of her camera time crying.  Not pleasant to watch.

Billy is doing what he always has, sitting around staring at Ami, and making everything about him.  Maybe he's barking a few less orders.

Does anyone know when this 'season' was actually filmed? I ask because I wonder if there are any real updates regarding Ami's current condition. Snark aside for the moment--I genuinely wish her the best with her health, for both her and her family. Certainly not to equate the two, but I was relieved yesterday with the biopsy results from my beloved dog--benign. Cancer sucks no matter who's involved.

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3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

So those were actual clips and dialog from the show, right?


Even I laughed out loud when he turns on the cassette player (at 2:45) and 'Barney's' song is heard.... And then when he is strolling in Hoonah, he is humming the same song.... He must be a Barney child, and he kind of looks like an overweight dinosaur... haha

"Some people say I am crazy and retarded, well, I'll show them" - best line in the video !!!!

Edited by realityobserver
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On 8/14/2017 at 8:11 PM, realityobserver said:

Noah has a new invention !!!

Check it out here !!!

Haha! Good job RO. I wasn’t aware of the videos until this evening. I’ve mostly slacked off on this season, which is unfortunate since this is probably going to be the last. I’ll miss this board. I’ll check out your recaps when I get the chance.


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Bear - "Put a flammable stick in the sap filled bullet.   Mr. Sigma - "Are there inflammable sticks in the bush?"

Noah helped Matt in the hospital but then bought a Camero (with what money?) and drove it to Cali but Matt flew there but the other three are still in B-Town arranging to ship things back that Noah could have also taken in the car but that was nine weeks ago or the accident was nine weeks ago or it took Noah three weeks to drive because he keeps rebuilding the car (with what money!?!) and my head hurts!

Noah - You do not speak engine but I do believe you hear things others don't.  Actually I believe Matt has that same problem (multiplied).  And no your car was definitely not 180 degrees inside.  About 120 dry air short term is as much as humans can manage (about), lower if it's humid and even lower when you're in a car wearing an 1800's cowboy/stage driver outfit.

Bear checks the "wound" on Matt to make sure once more that the viewers know it all happened for reals and it happened in the bush - viewers are thinking   "Well, I see....scalp?...guess that proves it."

Billy - Well my wife's been getting care here, they have a treatment plan and all her medical records, they know her full history and have established a relationship with her; guess the only thing to do is start that treatment in Cali then pack up and go to Colorado.  Makes sense (said no one).  Why is Ami agreeing to this?  Is Billy a modern day Svengali; he looks her in the eye and she agrees to whatever bone-head plan he gives her?  Maybe we're exempt because his power can't go through the TV screen?  Either way is this a set-up for next season?  And on this next part I can't snark anymore...........will it be Ami's comeback after successful treatment; will it document her final days (there are rumors she's now stage 4) or worse will it be "the next chapter" showing how the family goes on without her?  Or do they just pack it in and end the show as they probably should?

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8 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Billy - Well my wife's been getting care here, they have a treatment plan and all her medical records, they know her full history and have established a relationship with her; guess the only thing to do is start that treatment in Cali then pack up and go to Colorado.  

I actually dial twisted through as Billy was discussing that Colorado was the new promised land for them to despoil, destroy, grift and then abandon. All I could think was that he's angling for another season of paychecks for this mess/series.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, realityobserver said:

New episode recap... episode #7



Another great recap, RO.  You hit a lot of points that made us stare agape (so much so that we were afraid folks would look at us and think we were Browns).  

Poor Ami can barely stand up to be weighed, so let's make her climb up into an RV and drive her around for a few days.  And - like you - I'm wondering why in the world they're "gonna" start radiation and chemo, but haven't yet.  And let's get all the treatment plan done, and then send her to a remote plot of 40 acres which - thankfully - is only an hour's drive from a hospital.  (Kind of like the distance from Browntown to the pizza parlor in Hoonah?)  They are ridiculous.  

And the sad thing is, there are actually people who believe them.

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   RO  asked : "They talk about starting chemo and radiation in the future and I just have to wonder, what in the hell are they waiting on ? I have had several relatives ( and myself ) sick with cancer, and the treatment started IMMEDIATELY. Any comments on this ? Anybody ?"                                        

It was within a week after being diagnosed and released from the hospital that my mother stated chemo.


I have a question, after being convicted for defrauding Alaska out of the dividends are they still allowed to possess firearms/guns???????

I kept hoping the Bear would fall down again like he did in last weeks episode; that looked like it had to hurt and he had to be em-BEAR-ASSED. My daughter (D) and I LOAO over that and the size difference between Trapper and Bear. What sense in hell does it make for him to have to run, jump, roll, and do somersaults all over the gd place? I just keep (I know this sounds mean) waiting for him do do some serious bodily harm to his extreme, (he puts the me in extreme}, awesome self. Is he ADD? I'm ADD my D is ADD but we never run around like that. He can't just normally move from pt A to pt B........he has do do it backwards, or on his hands, or some unnecessa-SILLY-rily dangerous way with guns and knifes or other potentially dangerous objects. Looks like perhaps someone in the family would point this out to him yet they delite and seem to encourage his antics. Anybody here remember the episode on SNL when Mike Myers was chained to a swing set in a playground with a helmet on, Nicole Kidman was in the skit? My D and I were watching last weeks show over the weekend and when they were getting ready to pull down the turbine she pointed out that he said "One, Two, Extreme!" My daughter doesn't live near by so she was just up for a day and I was delighted to watch several episode with her. It felt like Tom servo and the MST gang!!!!

I never saw any stitches, did anybody else? Wouldn't there have had to been some hair (mop) shaving in the area? I wish they would just sop talking/lying about it. I guess they believe if you just keep telling a lie long enough cool-aid drinking people will believe it. Doesn't work for me with the goverment, asinine tv commercials, or this show.

Why can Matt just shave himself in a sink and rinse off like people normally do?....not a F-ing bucket!

I need to wake up and get busy. I had a hard time falling asleep and now I'm having a hard time waking up (weep not for me). I hope my rattling on wasn't bothersome. and filled with half conscious errors.



  • Love 3

have not seen this episode.   but I still want to comment.   :D


15 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Bear checks the "wound" on Matt to make sure once more that the viewers know it all happened for reals and it happened in the bush -


part of me thinks he wanted to "touch it".     you know, because that would be extreme.     hahaha

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3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Billy and Bam plead guilty to one MISDEMEANOR count of fraud for the fund theft.

Yep, as I remember all the adults (except Bear(?) for some reason) were facing felony charges. My guess is the producers brought in some lawyers who pled it all down to misdemeanors for Billy and Bam. Always wondered why Bam was singled out as the only one of the "kids" who was convicted. Did he have the cleanest of the records of the kids? Maybe he had the dirtiest... or simply drew the short straw. We know about Matt's Dui/hit and run at Wal-Mart, and I seem to remember various Field and Game violations and tickets for other "kids". As I remember, both Billy and Ami have records, according to some of the "hater" sites ("hater" sites, according to the true blue "lover" fans). Hard to say, as the State of Alaska and the DA treated the whole thing as just another case. Officials didn't really have much to say, while the Browns and producers treated it as a vast conspiracy. A noble sacrifice by Billy and Bam to accept a plea and serve time (at the fancy hotel) to protect the family, even though they were totally innocent. One of the results of the conviction is that the "lover" fans tired of being told Billy and Bam had publicly admitted committing fraud, and stopped popping up to argue their innocence. Always thought it too bad that the sentence kept the community service out of the lime light - would have been nice to see Billy walking along a highway picking up trash. Course, as it turns out, I have no idea what their community service entailed, but I can hope it involved Billy actually working.

Edited by SRTouch
1 hour ago, little hermit said:
11 hours ago, little hermit said:

I have a question, after being convicted for defrauding Alaska out of the dividends are they still allowed to possess firearms/guns???????

Ok, short answer - despite being charged with a couple dozen crimes, including multiple felonies, the plea bargain deal had everything but one misdemeanor tossed out. According to the plea deal, they had to publicly admit to committing the fraud, but they were not convicted of a felony. Instead, they were convicted of a much lesser charge. Had they failed to show up for their minimal jail time and/or community service, well their sworn statement could then have been used in a later trial.

As far as owning firearms, everyone who commits a crime does not automatically lose their Second Amendment right to bear arms. If you are convicted of a felony - convicted not charged - no more guns. Convicted of a misdemeanor, you keep your guns... unless the misdemeanor involved domestic violence - after 1996 domestic violence conviction means no more guns https://www.justice.gov/usam/criminal-resource-manual-1117-restrictions-possession-firearms-individuals-convicted

On a different matter, that's sort of what bites about Chip Hailstone, from Life Below Zero. He was essentially convicted of lieing under oath, but at the time had no production lawyer. So, he lied once, and was convicted of a felony. His crime resulted from an incident where he felt an Alaskan State Trooper was rough with one of his adult daughters during a confrontation. Hey, from what I read of the incident, I probably would have put her in handcuffs too. Trooper was surrounded by hostile folks and needed to protect himself. Again, just from what I read, Chip may well have believed the Trooper was wrong, and his testimony was slanted that way. Unfortunately, the investigation determined he went a little to far, and lied. Not sure - wasn't there - but from what I read I don't think he deserved the felony charge. Now the guy, who is actually living a subsistence lifestyle with his native Alaskan wife and family, can no longer hunt using modern firearms. At the same time, Billy and Bam, who publicly admit to lieing for years to collect money, get a misdemeanor conviction and continue to carry guns.

Edited by SRTouch
  • Love 1
52 minutes ago, little hermit said:

I have a question, after being convicted for defrauding Alaska out of the dividends are they still allowed to possess firearms/guns???????

Possibly, you realize it was only Billy and Bam who were convicted. And I assume if it was a felony ,they are prohibited from owning firearms. 

I don't know if it was a felony or a misdemeanor, but still the idea of these fools running around with guns is frightening....

10 hours ago, little hermit said:

Anybody here remember the episode on SNL when Mike Myers was chained to a swing set in a playground with a helmet on, Nicole Kidman was in the skit?

That was funny... Mike Myers was great in that skit... Calling Kidman the devil and then running down the street with the playground equipment still chained to him was classic SNL...

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Great blog entry again, realityobserver.

As for the chemo, maybe they couldn't start it right away because Ami didn't weigh enough(?)  I think they said she had to be above 95lbs or so.  She definitely looked very frail and weak.  So I don't get why they are taking her on that silly road trip to Colorado for Browntown, part deux. 

Another dumb segment was Noah-a-lot and his broken down Camaro.  Sorry No-Uh, it did NOT get 180 degrees inside your car.  If it were that hot, it would do a heck of a lot more than melt one of your boots.  Maybe he felt it was so hot because his pants were on fire from lying so much on this show.  ;)

I did tune in to see Snowy say something to the effect of, "Most people think bears are really dangerous creatures..."  Yes, they are.  Especially just after they wake up after hibernation.  Most bears I know aren't tranquilized by producers like the ones depicted on your fake show.  

Season finale coming up next week?  Good.  Because they have milked as much as possible out of this thing.

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6 hours ago, brgjoe said:

I did tune in to see Snowy say something to the effect of, "Most people think bears are really dangerous creatures..."  Yes, they are.  Especially just after they wake up after hibernation.  Most bears I know aren't tranquilized by producers like the ones depicted on your fake show.  

With respect--I've no personal experience with Alaskan or US Western bears and yes, from what I gather, it's a not a good idea not to annoy them but here in them Northeast our blackbears are generally harmless if left alone and you're not stupid enough to get between a mama and her cub. They'll go after your birdfeeders and your  garbage (as they did mine a month or so ago) but it's basically a case of leave them alone and they're pretty harmless. A year or so ago an idiot was bitten when he stepped over a log while on a hike, right onto a sleeping bear. My sympathies are with the bear; who wants to be woken up from a nice nap? And no, no one went after the bear and the victim was simply embarrassed for not looking where he was going.

Okay, maybe apples and oranges....

  • Love 3

A convicted felon is not permitted to own a weapon. Not sure if it applies to misdemeanors. Matt and the two girls, who were minors at the time, were the only ones not charged. Matt was living out of state and did not file for the refund.

I watched the show this week and could not for the life of me figure out why they took the cannon on the boat  other than for tv purposes.

My niece was just diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She just saw the cancer surgeon a week ago and goes back in Sept. They will discuss surgery options then.  From what I can gather the need for quick surgery depends on the type of cancer.  It sounds like sadly, Ami odds are against her. Why they would leave Calf. is beyond me. What is the nearest big town she could receive treatment in Colorado ? she looks very weak and maybe needs to gain her strength before she starts treatment. She seems to have lost a lot of weight.

Edited by NEGirl
10 minutes ago, NEGirl said:

Matt and the two girls, who were minors at the time, were the only ones not charged. Matt was living out of state and did not file for the refund.

The reason they were charged with fraud was that ALL of them lived out of state, but filed for the money anyway.  From one news report:

"Billy Brown, 61, faces 24 of those charges, linked to PFD applications submitted from 2010 to 2013 and for the theft of more than $13,000 in dividend money for himself and others, the documents say.

Others facing charges include 51-year-old Amora Brown, 30-year-old Joshua Brown, 27-year-old Solomon Brown, 24-year-old Gabriel Brown and 22-year-old Noah Brown."

Mind-blowing that they plea-bargained down from multiple felonies for multiple people to one misdemeanor for Billy and one for Bam.  And what's even more mind-blowing is that Bear's given name is Solomon.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, NEGirl said:

My niece was just diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She just saw the cancer surgeon a week ago and goes back in Sept. They will discuss surgery options then.  From what I can gather the need for quick surgery depends on the type of cancer.  It sounds like sadly, Ami odds are against her. Why they would leave Calf. is beyond me. What is the nearest big town she could receive treatment in Colorado ? she looks very weak and maybe needs to gain her strength before she starts treatment. She seems to have lost a lot of weight.

Great good wishes to your niece, of course, and hope that it all turns out well for her.

I believe that Billy said something about a hospital being 'just an hour away' from the latest place they hope to despoil. This doesn't sound like a terrific idea to me should an emergency comes up and yes, Ami does indeed seem frail for the rigors of chemo/radiation. I'd think a big city--say Denver or Boulder--would certainly have decent facilities but a small town with the best/largest treatment a full hour away...not a smart move. Of course we are discussing the Browns...And please correct me if I"m wrong here as I'm no expert, but isn't stage 4 cancer when the cancer cells have spread to other organs of the body and is generally the last, or most serious, stage? On the other hand a woman I know has been stage 4 with breast cancer for 10 years and counting--unheard of! Her insurance company cut off her coverage until she and her drs could prove she really is that sick and isn't dead.

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On 8/17/2017 at 11:20 PM, brgjoe said:


Great blog entry again, realityobserver.

As for the chemo, maybe they couldn't start it right away because Ami didn't weigh enough(?)  I think they said she had to be above 95lbs or so.  She definitely looked very frail and weak.  So I don't get why they are taking her on that silly road trip to Colorado for Browntown, part deux. 


Thanks BRGJOE.... Chemo and radiation treatments for various cancers are (I presume) different for each individual. I am by no means a medical authority.

In my case I had a cancerous tumor in (on?) my lymph node on the right side of my neck, right below the chin, below the right ear. No pain, no discomfort. Had it checked by a specialist on Thursday, I was operated on to remove it on Tuesday. Radiation treatment (no chemo) started after my surgery incisions healed somewhat, about 5 weeks later, continued every day for 6 weeks (except weekends). Worst part was the effects from radiation, food tasted like crap, it was just hard to eat, lost weight every week. That is just my take on having cancer.

What is going on with Ami is probably legit, I just have to recap on what is presented on TV, on their program 'ABP'. It just seems that nothing in the last month and a half  (TV time) is going on, and I wondered what was the hold up. Lot's of medical visits and tests and scans, if all this took place in a week, OK... if not, seems kinda fishy...

And now with the 'Let's run off to Colorado to look at land an imaginary friend is giving us', in a new RV, with Bear riding 'Teen Wolf' on top, with a lady in dire need of medical observation is IMO just ludicrous ... The costs associated with medical treatment for cancer are enormous, taking a road trip seems rather foolish at this point...

But I am not surprised, as this show continues to dwell deeper and deeper into an absolute unbelievable pile of bear crap, that they try to pan off as the truth...

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Wow, sorry to hear about your cancer battle, RO, but so glad you're here with us still.

No matter how they want to spin it, I feel they've painted themselves into a corner with this. I brought up the BS with them going into the wilds of Colorado, and my partner suggested that maybe she didn't want to get treated - which as far as we know she has. Let's take that thought a step further though, if she doesn't want treatment and wants to live out her life in the wilds, how could they explain away not letting her die up in Browntown without admitting to how much of it was phony. How little they actually owned? 

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On 8/17/2017 at 0:22 PM, little hermit said:

I never saw any stitches, did anybody else?

I think he said he got staples, but I didn't see any of those either.  Bear wasn't even slightly convincing as he lied (er...acted) that he saw the "war zone" in Browntown where Matt allegedly got hurt.  They really expect us to believe that Matt was injured in a desperate grenade battle with bears?  When we know he got hurt in Hoonah anyway, when he blew his refrigerator door off.

Wasn't sure what year Noah's Camero was, it looked early 70s to me.  Didn't see the front end.  Thing about cars back then was you could work on them yourself if you knew what you were doing.  

Regarding Ami and the chemo:  It sounded like they were waiting a few weeks to start the chemo while they ran some tests and determined whether or not she was strong enough to withstand the treatment.  In the meantime, I guess, they're taking this trip to Colorado.  It's just surprising that Ami is well enough to travel, since she's experiencing level 7 pain that "doubles her over" and she appears to need a wheelchair.  Sounds like she wants to go on the trip though.  Maybe she really is a strong woman.

Billy said they can't stay in California, partly because it's too hot.  Why wear multiple layers of clothes then?  And they never did explain the house they are staying in.  Who owns it and how did they come to stay there?

I guess they figure there is no reason to stay in Alaska anymore since they can't receive the dividend anymore, and there is no longer a discount incentive to film there.

I hope no one has bought real estate in Colorado recently, because I bet property values are sinking statewide with the Browns going there.  Ever notice that every state where these people have lived has legalized marijuana?  Coincidence?

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