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Alaskan Bush People - General Discussion

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7 hours ago, rmontro said:

Regarding Ami and the chemo:  It sounded like they were waiting a few weeks to start the chemo while they ran some tests and determined whether or not she was strong enough to withstand the treatment.  In the meantime, I guess, they're taking this trip to Colorado.  It's just surprising that Ami is well enough to travel, since she's experiencing level 7 pain that "doubles her over" and she appears to need a wheelchair.  Sounds like she wants to go on the trip though.  Maybe she really is a strong woman.

As I read this something occurred to me; about 10-12 years ago a friend's teenaged daughter was fighting an aggressive form of cancer, a fight she tragically lost. Near the end Make a Wish sponsored a family trip to one of the Caribbean islands but they were told that the girl was so sick that she might die while on the trip. The parents just answered that if she died while away they'd deal with it as it was what she wanted to do. She did live long enough to go and return home, dying at home a week or so later.

The only reason I bring this up is that the road trip might have been something Ami wanted, to get out of the hospital, get away for a bit and hang the consequences.

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9 hours ago, rmontro said:

Billy said they can't stay in California, partly because it's too hot.  Why wear multiple layers of clothes then?  And they never did explain the house they are staying in.  Who owns it and how did they come to stay there?

Too hot... uh-huh... Compared to the frozen netherlands in the wild of Alaska, anywhere else is too hot. And the long sleeve shirt he constantly has on is just making it hotter I am sure, with the jingle jangle mess of 'bear's' claws, or teeth, around his neck all the time makes him look pretty silly. You know what I do when it get's hot ? Turn on a fan or the air conditioner... Being that he never seems to venture off the bed, it is a fair guess he has no idea if it is Friday or Sunday, let alone July or January... Who owns the house ? Good question, I hope they got a deposit. Probably the same imaginary 'friend' who owns the land in Colorado that he is 'letting' them use... He did mention in passing that he wants the same kinda environment to move to that they had in Alaska, trees, privacy, no one around to intrude on their cult way of life...


9 hours ago, rmontro said:

Thing about cars back then was you could work on them yourself if you knew what you were doing.  

But honestly, would you let Noah work on anything you own ? After the garbage he produced in Browntown, I wouldn't let him make coffee for me... Like I mentioned in my recap, I would love to see him rebuild the tranny on that thing, or set the timing, he wouldn't know where to start... probably start by checking the tires... I don't know how to do those things, but I don't go around claiming I can fix anything that goes wrong with my vehicle. I know what you mean RMONTRO, cars back then were simpler pieces of machinery, but here is a guy who lived in the wild for 24 years, and just by intuition he can repair classic cars ? If so, he really is an Eddy Einstein....


9 hours ago, rmontro said:

Regarding Ami and the chemo:

Yeah, that is still a delicate issue. I see it as a stall to draw viewers, whatever she needed to be done, is already done, it just won't be presented till next season. But if you rely on the shows presentation this season, why not explain it in a way that makes sense... Going back and forth to the doctor without getting anything done seems rather 'unmedical', if there is a concern about the weight ( which has been mentioned on the show ), just say it, 'medical treatment has been delayed until the lady gains the proper weight'. I just said it, pretty easy... They seem to beat around the bush with it, in a vague, unclear way, and expect us to assume things that may or may not be what is really happening. Or maybe she did die, and the Ami we see is just CGI that an intern on the show provided... I mean, we could beat this to death... and we are...haha

Edited by realityobserver
added text
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1 hour ago, realityobserver said:

Probably the same imaginary 'friend' who owns the land in Colorado that he is 'letting' them use... He did mention in passing that he wants the same kinda environment to move to that they had in Alaska, trees, privacy, no one around to intrude on their cult way of life...

Also, just up the road from pizza and close enough so Matt can stumble home from the local bar.

Another thought just occurred to me when I read that bit about trees. Hmmmm sounds like he wants to be up in the mountains... you know high elevation, where you need to acclimate to breath. I haven't watched any episodes this season, but my impression is that Ami's health will make it extremely hard on for her. I get what BEDEN  was saying about this may be a last wish type deal. But heck, there are plenty of places there in California where they could take a 3 day trip to the mountains and forests and still take advantage of the doctors and hospitals in LA. 

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RO - Hope you are better now and on the road to recovery.

I can understand the last wish thing but I thought they would stay in Cali and head to the mountains there. Just as "wild" as Colorado.

SR - Lol - I'll bet they will only be a short distance from a major city. Those Alaska The Last Front. people only live a short distance from Homer, Alaska and act like they are hundreds of miles from civilization. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, NEGirl said:

SR - Lol - I'll bet they will only be a short distance from a major city. Those Alaska The Last Front. people only live a short distance from Homer, Alaska and act like they are hundreds of miles from civilization. 

Oh yeah, Safeway at the end of the Kilcher driveway, don'cha know. Yet another "Alaska" show that used to be on my must watch list that became unwatchable due to false drama. Each season you could count on a couple episodes about having to get a deer/elk/moose because the freezer is empty and they'll never make it through the winter - never mind that the family is very well established and extremely well off. If those Net Worth sites are even close to correct, if they get shunked on their hunt they can fill the freezer at the supermarket. Hey, but at least they live/grew up on an honest to goodness homestead and know how to drive a nail. Even though the show was filled with manufactured drama, it always seemed they could live the life when the cameras were turned off.

The Brown Clan, OTOH... you always knew as soon as the filming was done they out of there. With the Kilchers, I watched just to watch them take junk from the junk pile and re-purpose it into something useful. The Browns went the other way - they turned perfectly good stuff into junk. 

Edited by SRTouch
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supposedly,  "someone" promised "someone else"  a  house back 30+ years ago.      I expect some Colorado emotional-drama about delivering on that promise.


also, house will be complete about TWO WEEKS after they arrive.    like magic.      they will barter their bush skills for everything.    


next season summary:  Colorado family with six adult men.  none have a job.   

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It appears the grifters have left Alaska and are eventually headed for Dolores, Colorado according to various websites on the Internet. That would make sense according to the most recent episode where a map of Colorado was shown and fingers were pointing to the southwest corner of the state where Dolores is located. Billy also said the new property was one hour from a hospital that provides cancer treatment which would mean the Mercy Regional Medical Center Cancer Services oncology unit in Durango.

Re: Noah fixing his car. If you go on Alaskan Bush People Exposed FB page you can see the photo that Noah took with the people that TOWED his vehicle to a repair shop. The caption read:

Towed Noah Brown's Camaro to Flagstaff after a breakdown near Tuba City. He is a super cool guy from the show Alaskan Bush People

Super cool guy but a lousy mechanic.

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Wow - I am really sorry to hear that. She is too young to die. Very sad. I guess that explains why she is not getting any more treatment and they are moving to Colorado.

SR - I agree. The ALF people could live on their own. It appears both Atz and Otto in fact did. So the show may be bs now but they could survive unlikr out Bush Family.

Edited by NEGirl

Oh, dear, I hope they keep the Brown Clowns out of the National Forest. I shudder at the thought of them creating another dump site in what was a beautiful site. I used to enjoy camping and exploring old mines in Colorado. Hmm, guess old mines are just older dump sites ? Difference is, someday in the future, someone will be poking around in the debris of Browntown and discover a monkey wrench/hatchet combo and wonder, "what dimwit thought this up?"

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I haven't seen the season finale yet, so I'll comment on that after I watch it.  But I did see the enhanced version of last week's show.

It had an added note saying that Noah's Camero is a 1977.  I was going to guess '73.  Oh well.

That car doesn't even look like it's been well maintained.  I wonder if it's really Noah's or if Park Slope got it for him to use on the show.  Looks like it could have been pulled out of a junkyard.  There's no way I would even try to drive that thing halfway across the country, not unless it had been meticulously restored, which it obviously has not.

It did give the chance to make Noah look like he could work on engines though.  Supposedly he actually had it towed and repaired, but they don't show that on TV because it isn't the bush way.  They are at least consistent in that Noah is usually the one who worked on the Integrity's engine.

What is with everybody giving Billy everything?  Someone just happens to have 40 acres of land for them to live on?  It's like someone walking up to you and giving you a house.  It's like "Oh look, a family of hobbits.  Maybe if I give them something it will be good luck, maybe they're related to leprechauns".

  • Love 3
On 8/24/2017 at 2:05 AM, realityobserver said:

My recap from tonite's show - a double header... 8-23-2017

click here

You raised a good point in there, that they've never really given us a good reason as to why they left Alaska.  Like they don't treat cancer in Alaska?  I think maybe they were ticked off about the dividend thing so to "get even" they left Alaska, but who knows?  And you were also right that it's odd that we've never heard anything about Colorado before on the show.  We were always told they only wanted to live in Alaska.

I also thought of the "Lord of Light" warriors from Game of Thrones when Matt was playing with his torch/sword.

I take it that the RV didn't have any air conditioning in it.  They must have got it from the same place they got Noah's Camero from.

Finally we hear about Gabe, he is upset about his mother and doesn't want to take part in the filming for now.  I wonder if he is forfeiting his paycheck?

Noah wants to be a sheriff.  Is that connected with the way he wears spurs on his heels?  Sheriff is an elected position, isn't it?  It's possible he could use his celebrity to win such an election, although if people have seen the show, that could just as easily work against him.


On 8/24/2017 at 7:35 AM, Beden said:

I made 1/2 an effort to dial twist through to the finale last night but--truth be told--the rerun of the series finale of Downton Abbey was on and well...I'm only human. Each time I switched to ABP (during the PBS begathons) it was yet another long and boring clip from earlier eps.

The first hour was basically a clip show, followed by the "real" final episode.


On 8/24/2017 at 5:54 PM, Swim mom said:

I am appalled that they are filming this. 

Ami said on the show that she wants to show her battle on TV, because she thinks someone out there might find some comfort or inspiration in it.  Cancer is a problem that has touched a lot of families.  The filming seems to give her a sense of purpose.  Who are we to tell her no? 

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I totally forgot about this week being the season finale (what season of it there actually was).   So I completely missed out on this episode.  Darn! 

So thanks realityobserver -- appreciate you taking one for the team and watching this for us once again!

Holy carp.  What a trainwreck of an episode it apparently was.  Once again, the editing gypsies over at Disco aren't even trying to make this a coherent show.  Then again, when you have this sort of subject material...   Still, just sounds like a bunch of flashbacks sliced together with a bunch of "lost footage".  And this Colorado stuff really folds and spindles any sort of suspension of disbelief for me.  Some dude just happens to have 40 acres of land to give to any grifter that comes along?  Really?  They must think the audience is smoking some of that stuff that is now legal out there.  And judging from what I am reading on other boards, a lot of the "true believers" are starting to turn on this show now as well.  Oh, just like the Flat Earthers, you can still present evidence to the contrary until you are quite blue in the face, and they will never change their mind.  Such is the case with a lot of the Brown Believers.  But I am seeing a lot of them starting question what is taking place now on this snow.  Which I suppose is refreshing to some degree.

So Gabe and Noah are thinking of leaving?  It did seem for awhile that Gabe had pretty much checked out of the show.  And Noah becoming a LEO?  BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Yeah, he would be real effective chasing down those criminals stumbling around with that cane of his.  Not to mention I doubt if he would pass a psych test.

I wonder if they are trying to set up some sort of spinoff.  I mean, since they are in Colorado they aren't exactly "Alaskan" Bush People any longer.  Maybe they will spinoff the kids and call it something like, "Alaskan Bush People -- Colorado edition!"  Or "Alaskan Bush People -- the Next Generation!"  Or even, "Alaskan Bush People -- the Rise of the Grandbabies!" 

Ok, I should be ashamed of myself.  :)

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1 hour ago, brgjoe said:

I wonder if they are trying to set up some sort of spinoff.  I mean, since they are in Colorado they aren't exactly "Alaskan" Bush People any longer.  Maybe they will spinoff the kids and call it something like, "Alaskan Bush People -- Colorado edition!"  Or "Alaskan Bush People -- the Next Generation!"  Or even, "Alaskan Bush People -- the Rise of the Grandbabies!" 

If this show continues, they almost have to rename it Colorado Bush People.  Unless they intend to fill half of each episode with old footage to remind us of how they came from Alaska.

They may need to refocus the show on the kids though.  Because if something happens to Ami, I'm afraid we're likely to see Billy go try to pick up a new 15 year old wife, and get locked up.

The kids seem to be leaving the show like rats fleeing a sinking ship though.

I was thinking before that maybe the reason we haven't seen Bam's wife or Noah's wife? fiance? is that Park Slope doesn't want to pay them.  Maybe this "I want to give Colorado a chance, but I want to run off and be a sheriff" bit is a power play by Noah to bring his woman in on the payroll.

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Well this seasons over (except for the fact that that can and do keep airing "new" episodes that are just a mishmash of older episodes) will there be another season, or is this the end? Until them I must say to y'all ...... (or as SC would read it dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot) MORE!

Edited by little hermit
left out word
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On 8/26/2017 at 0:58 AM, rmontro said:

If this show continues, they almost have to rename it Colorado Bush People.

Haha... Let's see what Colorado has to say about that... The state will probably hire a lawyer and have the name 'Colorado' copyrighted and trademarked so they can't without paying a fee... haha

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I saw something yesterday where she was updated her health issues (not sure when it was from).  she said she had stage 3 (but latest report is stage 4, both lungs, metastasized and inoperable).  There was a picture of her (in her wheelchair) with Billy, Matt and some fans taken somewhere in Colorado. 

I believe the update of being stage 4.

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Yeah, yeah, it's just a comedy show. The truth about the fraud(s) is long out.

So when will we get some new News about them, like Bam and his boat, Bird's toothcap that she only takes out for shooting scenes, Matt's big accident and brain trauma, who else was involved, etc.? There's a story behind the story, that would interest me more than the ongoing comedy show.

p.s. RESPECT to Ryan Berenz above all, Reality Observer, Profane Reality, Railing Kill and ABPE, EF, Steff.....TY so much!

Edited by checker
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19 minutes ago, brgjoe said:

I suppose they could say (*shiver*) that they are home schooling (*shudder*) her.

Though I have no idea if the regulations about that sort of thing differ greatly from Alaska to California to Colorado.

In an episode a couple of seasons ago they did show SchoolMarm Ami teaching science to Rain with some twigs and rocks. 

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56 minutes ago, Dennie said:

Funny how they never mention Rain's schooling anymore. 

Earlier in the season, they were talking about how the kids were now expected to help out with home schooling Rain.  In one of the few scenes featuring Gabe this year, Gabe had her draw a portrait of Bird.  Part of an art class I guess.  Not as impressive as Ami teaching physics with twigs and rocks, but there ya go.

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21 hours ago, rmontro said:

 In one of the few scenes featuring Gabe this year, Gabe had her draw a portrait of Bird.  

Oh that's right I forgot about the art class. I can't imagine any of them are qualified to home school anything more than art. Behind the scenes perhaps she really does have an actual tutor now since she is more or less a child actor. 

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7 hours ago, Dennie said:

Oh that's right I forgot about the art class. I can't imagine any of them are qualified to home school anything more than art. Behind the scenes perhaps she really does have an actual tutor now since she is more or less a child actor. 

That's a good point. I know that in Cali--at the very least--there are very strict legal guidelines as to how many hours a minor can work coupled with an equally stringent set of rules about an on-set tutor and how many hours a day they kid must be in a 'classroom'. There's also often someone monitoring the times to make sure they're not in any violation.

One wonders.

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Was reading that Ami is now confined to a hospital bed and weighs less than 85 lbs.  I would not wish cancer on anyone.

It seems that Bam and Allison have bought a luxury boat and sailing off to the Bahamas.  

At least they are admitting that they are now living in LA.

Radaronline is reporting that the house they stayed in while filming is a million dollar mansion and they are now living in Beverly Hills Hotel.

Edited by iluvobx
found more stuff to post
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1 hour ago, rmontro said:

Trying to tutor any sort of child actors sounds like a nightmare to me.

Nah--'depends on the kid. Some are spoiled, entitled brats, some are just fine--usually the ones with the best parents who actually just want their kids to be happy and go along with the acting gig so long as the kids enjoys it and are then okay with them stopping when they've had enough. Of course, if it's a family where the kid is the breadwinner for whatever reason, then all bets are off.

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In this subdued and respectful phase I can't help wondering how they've been able to contain the internet to the point that the only "news" to be had comes from ABPE (Discovery/Pork Slop?) simultaneously with certain SM accounts?  (Correct me if I'm wrong!)

Everything else is just old articles regurgitated, over and over and over again. Everything about their past is long out there for everybody to see.

How did they manage this cut-off?  The game is over, right?  That's lame, but why should it be any different, I guess...

ETA:  Even Profane Reality quit, apparently. Can't get worked up about it anymore. I wonder what's next in her line of fire.

Edited by checker
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It seems clear that there's a news/privacy blackout and that's understandable under the circumstances. I do find it slightly odd that TPTB haven't made any announcement regarding that nor whether they intend to continue the show--in whatever form it may end up being. On the other hand, it may also be a case of they simply don't know. It would also make sense that the Browns don't know or maybe even care about the show anymore. A few seem to be moving on with their lives.

I suspect some kind of answer will be along in time, both about Ami and the fate of the show.

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On 9/1/2017 at 10:07 AM, iluvobx said:

Radaronline is reporting that the house they stayed in while filming is a million dollar mansion and they are now living in Beverly Hills Hotel.

A mansion and the Beverly Hills Hotel.  See, this goes back to my idea about how they should convert the show into a "fish out of water" hicks living in the big city story, like The Beverly Hillbillies.

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No one in their right minds would seriously mock or feel no sympathy for anyone suffering from cancer, especially someone who seems to be in the final stages. The show was a grifting, lying piece of trash promoting any number of false, supposedly true story lines but the genuine suffering of Ami and her family is real.

Tragic and painful as the real story is and would be to watch--and likely have trouble even finding an audience--if they're going to be on TV on a reality show; reality would, to me, have been the better, braver choice for them all. I'm not even criticizing; the choice was made between the family and TPTB and it's easily understandable why they wouldn't want to exploit what's happening. On the other hand, then put the show on hiatus; while the family obviously hoped (and likely still hopes) for a happy ending, juxtaposing an almost certain fatal ending for Ami against the same old, same old idiocy and 'extreme' scenes seemed like a cynical mistake to me.

JMO but I think that this could have been handled better.

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On 9/1/2017 at 7:32 AM, Beden said:

That's a good point. I know that in Cali--at the very least--there are very strict legal guidelines as to how many hours a minor can work coupled with an equally stringent set of rules about an on-set tutor and how many hours a day they kid must be in a 'classroom'. There's also often someone monitoring the times to make sure they're not in any violation.

One wonders.

Reality shows are exempt from child actor laws.  Reality shows was the result of the writer's strike and production companies came up with a no legal/no union way to film and sell shows.  Everyone wonders if the Kate+8 kids will ever see any money for the decades of being exploited by their mother.

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