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All Seasons Talk: We Built This City


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A place to discuss particular episodes (that do not have specific episode threads), arcs and moments from the show's run. Please remember this isn't a complete catch-all topic -- check out the forum for character topics and other places for show-related talk.

Please feel free to start new topics for characters, episodes, media mentions, actors, small talk, etc.

Rahul, I'm so hoping that what happened over on Vampire Diaries does not happen on this show but I don't trust JP at all anymore. I just realized that Once Upon a Time had an episode (I think) that was basically a recap of what had happened leading up to its premiere last week, it's too bad we didn't get one for this show. Unless they cram it all into a 30 second recap at the beginning of the premiere?


I rewatched the finale over the weekend to prep for tonight's premiere. And even though I've watched it three times in total I STILL cheered when Hayley's throat was slashed and she died, and STILL boo'd and grumbled when she woke up a hybrid.

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From the  Media thread

So was Jeremy's on TVD, didn't stop them from bringing back his original body although it made no sense. 


Good point

        Silly me I forgot the "powers that be" only use their own logic when a full moon happens to fall on the third Friday in a month....Translation- Whenever it fits into their "organic" writing.

        Although, if this type of logic brings NB on my screen more, I'm all for it!



The "Other Side" seem to have its own rules that were independent from normal life and death.  Everyone seemed to come back from there last season without regard to the state or lacation of their original bodies.  They all just popped out of the Other Side alive and inexplicably corporeal (which makes little since when you consider the spirit walkabouts in the Other Side leaving bodies behind the resurection rings caused).   This was true even when the vale came down for a bit.


I don't know that that nonsense has anything to do with the body hoping spell Esther's been engaing in.  But I would accept any ridiculousness if it ment having a chance at having Nathaniel Buzolic back.  I can be a little bit of a nitpicker when it comes to the rule created by a show, but I would relax my standards in this case.

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I just watched my first two episodes of this show and liked it so much! Now it's on the long list of shows for which I "have to" get the DVDs :)   


First impressions:Elijah and (especially) Klaus are awesome, and I already like their brotherly dynamic more than Stefan/Damon. Klaus (along with Caroline and Katherine) were my favorite TVD characters, so I'm excited to see Klaus have his own show. I'm hoping that at some point Katherine and Caroline make an appearance, but I'll try not to be greedy! 


I already like Camile. Something about the actress is really likable and relatable to me. I'm meh---at best---on Hayley.


The show feels a little darker and more serious than those first couple seasons of TVD...? Maybe that's just the natural outgrowth of it featuring 'adults' rather than teens. I was happy, however, to see that a lot of the snappy, snarky dialogue I love about TVD seems to have made its way over to this show.


I'm interested in what we've gotten of the mythology and love the sense that the characters and places have such a rich, complex history, some of which inevitably repeats itself.  I hope they don't push that stuff aside and ignore the awesome story potential in favor of focusing solely on soapy relationship drama like certain other shows I could mention! 


Which episodes/characters would you guys say are your favorites so far? 


Just realized and couldn't think of where else to put this but I think the funniest bit about the Originals (besides the lack of Originality by the showrunner) is the varied accents all the cast have or must pretend to have. JM is the only one who gets to keep his natural accent while DG has an NZ accent but plays American, CH has and Australian accent but plays British, NB likewise and PT has an Australian accent and plays American. Even more hysterical is when MRS came on board playing Rebekah and nailed her Australian version of a British accent although MRS is British herself. How do they keep it all straight? It truly is all topsy-turvy over here darling, truly.

Edited by slayer2

I never saw the ending of season 3 final episode.....

Hi everyone, new here:o)

Got a question hopeully someone can answer...I knew Marcel was more or less raised by Klaus but didn't consider him a father, but in the last eposide  Marcel said to Klaus ' The one you called son'.

What I don't get is marcel was in love with rebekkeh right...so if Klaus is Marcel surrogate father why was Marcel and rebekkeh a thing? That would also make them family no?

just findthat extremely weird, since rebekkeh has been gone for most of the season it wasnt really an issue..anyone can clear up Marcel and rebekkeh? 

The way I see it, Marcellus was taken in by Klaus during a memorable fight between Klaus & Rebekah. Seeing as Klaus had just killed Emile, another one of Rebekah's suitors, it's not hard to imagine Rebekah might have kept her distance for a while. Rebekah's later shown as a sparring partner for a young Marcellus which as he aged lead to mutual attraction. While Rebekah knew Marcel as a child I don't think his childhood was something she was really involved in, Klaus took Marcellus in as his son and claimed him as family but Marcel's day to day care was probably largely seen to by hired help/compelled humans in accordance to social norms. The less Klaus was directly responsible for the less his siblings would be enlisted to help, not to mention Klaus was incredibly possessive of Marcel and jealous of his time spent with Elijah.

It's a little odd but there's an 800 years between them so the fact they met when Marcel was a child doesn't seem particularly taboo. He was clearly an adult by the time they first kissed and over 50 years passed before the two actually got together.

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Thanks. I don't remember that as it's been a while since I saw this show....

still I thnk it's so weird.  Actually had not seen rebekkeh and marcel togethere so almost forgot they were in wa 'relationship' lol, but  alot of shows have had this messed up storyline. Game of thrones for example just taking it so far I never seen past season 1.  Good show minus that vile story line in season 1....  I hate those kind of story lines. I don't get it still, if Rebekkeh knew Marcel as a child and klaus raised him as a  son would that not make rebekkeh his 'surrogate' aunt? Where are these episodes of the 2 of them I don't remember any of them lol. But thanks for the info:)

Edited by nove

Been nearly a month and nobody knows anything? Really dissapointing atleast when imdb boards were around you could maybe go back and see if it was talked about before. But this forum isn't that active that far back. 

I really would like more fan's opinions on this, the forum can't be that inactivate!

 On the wiki page fore rebekkah and marcel it clearly states, that rebekkahandmarcel prior relationship to marcel was an adoptive aunt. Because apprentice klaus adopted marcel when he was young! I actually didn't even know that lol. Anyways would be nice if another could shed some light. It might just be but I  find it  unsettling that marcel who was taken in as a child by a family...then has a relationship with his adoptive aunt years later... i get its a supernatural show and theyve doneyou know 'vampire stuff' like drinking blood  and it's just a show lol. But there's just some things people find that just ruins a good show..like this.thanks anyways if anyone can  share an opinion or two. I'm left baffle, were they going a game of thrones way. Or is juts the writers didn't think? 

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 I didn't know about the sub forums things , also I've only ever been on imdb. So no tumbler or anything.... I find most forums a lil confusing lol. I guess I was on imdb so many years and the outdated layout just seemed easier. Anyways y question yes I suppose if you look at it that way it's true,  because it's a 'teen' show I just didn't expect it and for some reason must of over looked it in the begining . But I still standby what  said. I just don't think it should of gone that route it's the same thing with the whole damon and Caroline back in  TVD season 2.Right towards the end Ian Somerhalder shed light on what he thought 'really happened' between himself and Caroline.  It made me really think about why they do these kind ofstorylines and why fans just dont glaze over it like i myself did without even niticing till now....

After reading this post maybe some will say just watch not to watch the show....but I like the story lines except a few that don't make sense. Yeh its just that a 'show', buts its a show i really enjoyed...That whole damon and Caroline thing was dumb, as we're a lot of other things. It's things like this fans overlook...I maybe in the minority here but I expect more from shows that i love to watch!

its just that a supernatural show yes  a lot worse could be shown but it's not HBO...so no one has really shed light on what I asked really....

One more thing to doram. ..just because it's 'vamperism' lol doesn't mean they can show whatever  hedonism as you say they want! If that's the case then it's not a tv show then, when going to far or whatever it doesn't become entertainment anymore... they always try to redeem their characters  when they've pushed them to far with redemption storyline etc...Anyways. 

I just started watching this series and am only about halfway into the first season, so every single thing I think about it could totally change, but right now I'm stunned by how much I love this show! It takes a lot of what I once loved about TVD but is more captivating and mature (I know there is probably a much better and less condescending adjective that captures what I'm trying to say, but I'm deprived of both sleep and caffeine right now, so this is the best I could do!). I already like Klaus more on this show than I ever did on TVD and I really love Rebekah, Elijah, Marcel and Camille. It seems most people online hate Camille, but I relate to her more than I usually did to TVD's characters, especially as a fellow former Psych grad student who forever wanted to understand people and myself, only to discover that it's a nearly impossible feat :) I just love the atmosphere and feel of the show.  I am also loving the lack of Elena, Damon and the infamous love triangle that dominated TVD! 

I'm almost scared to keep watching because I've heard the show goes downhill, but right now I am totally absorbed in it! 

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So. I was ironing today and randomly wondered...Klaus and Rebekah's sire lines are the only remaining lines right? Klaus' line was "unhooked" so to speak and Rebecca has never been killed but they are the only ones? Elijah, Kol, Finn lines all gone.  And it's established all TVD vampires are in Klaus' line right? Pretty much they are safe and this gives Plec a way to kill Klaus if she wanted to without messing up TVD timelines.  Just a random thought for the day looking for confirmation. Not that I think she'd kill Klaus ever.

We might assume Kol restarted his line while he's been out and about though and Elijah might also just because he doesn't know any better. I wonder if they become "the original" again and if anything happens to them "again" the newbies go poof? Wow. I'm bored today.

Klaus said that he was the sire of the TVD vampires on that show, but that fact that they believed him unequivocally has always bugged the hell out of me. I mean we as viewers knew it was true because Rebecca confirmed it in a conversation with Elijah, but the TVD cast had no idea. It was completely in Klaus's self-interest to let them think he was their sire, especially at the time he told them that, and I'm still perplexed about why on earth they believed him. (I think this was before they killed Kol, which always made me SO FRUSTRATED because seriously they didn't even consider that there was a decent chance killing him would kill them all?)

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7 hours ago, ursula said:

Sorry to bring this up if it's already been explained but when did Elijah's sire line go? I thought his and Rebekah's remained in tact as at The Originals season 5?

The Hallow killed Elijah. I don't remember the particulars but he was only able to be brought back because his soul was captured in a stone at the moment when she killed him. I'd assumed when his body died his sire line died.  Like Kols did before they brought him back. Although I don't know if they ever explicitly addressed it. 

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