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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Oh well Jason a day late and a dollar short. His mistake was hitching himself to Alex early in the game. Alex is dumb as a box of rocks, mean to him, and would sell him out if Paul ordered it in a heartbeat. And I'm sure pregnant Mrs. Jason is all sorts of proud now that your comments have made TMZ.

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Just now, wings707 said:

Kevin knows what is going on but he still thinks he and Paul are tight! 

Yeah, you're right about that. He think Paul wants him in the Finals with him. Little does he know.

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Josh just said to all of them that he thought they had gotten rid of all the meatballs but it looks like the meatballs are still there.  Paul said, "Josh, maybe YOU are the meatball."

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Josh said, "All of the girls in this house are extremely beautiful except one."  I'm not sure if he meant currently in the house or every woman from the whole season.  Either way it was an assy thing to say.

Paul said it was mean to say that and Josh said he was just being honest.

Alex and Jason are going to talk to Christmas right now. 

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Josh said, "All of the girls in this house are extremely beautiful except one."  I'm not sure if he meant currently in the house or every woman from the whole season.  Either way it was an assy thing to say.

Paul said it was mean to say that and Josh said he was just being honest.

God sometimes I forget how annoying Josh is. I mean he's one of the homelier contestants this season but acts like a total meatball.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Josh said, "All of the girls in this house are extremely beautiful except one."  I'm not sure if he meant currently in the house or every woman from the whole season.  Either way it was an assy thing to say.

Paul said it was mean to say that and Josh said he was just being honest.

He said all the girls except Megan. 

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

Kevin is so dumb. Why tell Jason this if Kevin doesn't plan on DOING anything about it?

The only thing I can figure is that Kevin is trying to give Jason a head's up because he does actually like Jason and knows that Jason kept him off the block last week.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

The only thing I can figure is that Kevin is trying to give Jason a head's up because he does actually like Jason and knows that Jason kept him off the block last week.

That is it.  Kevin doesn't know how to transfer information.  Jason should have been told to keep that to himself.  Common sense not to let the enemy know, you know!  

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Alex says she is confident with the votes this week and that's why she wants to be a pawn.  She actually thinks Raven would use the veto to pull Alex off so they can backdoor Kevin.  What an idiot.

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Hopefully, Jason or Kevin win Veto. This show stresses me out too much. It messes my summer up. LOL!!!

The minute Jason leaves Paul & Christmas will bash him. Jeez! Jason was so close and onto Paul. What the heck happened. Oh! That's right he spoke with Kevin. 

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Alex is telling them all that Kevin needs to go this week.  She is blaming Jason for them being in this position this week since Kevin is still in the house.  Paul jumps in on the blame game.  Jason denied that this is his fault.  Alex says when Kevin comes off slop tonight that none of them should cook for him. 

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1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

Hopefully, Jason or Kevin win Veto. 

Best to just hope for Jason. Paul would tell Kevin not to use it and since Kevin is, well, a fucking idiot he would probably listen.

So what happened to Christmas just telling them Jason was her target? She chickened out? Or Paul decided against it?

Jason is the most frustrating to me because he has moments where it's clear he gets what's really going on and he has had the power to do something about it twice already and has done nothing. It's so hard to watch. I wanna bang my head against the wall.

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Paul says maybe they should pull Kevin in there right now and ask him who exactly was saying that Jason and Alex were not pawns.

As much as I would like to think Jason is playing along with everyone in the APSR right now, I don't think he is.  He is bashing Kevin way too much.

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Jason is telling Alex there's no way Josh, Christmas, and Paul are working together.  Good grief!

Paul is telling Christmas and Josh that Kevin is a sack of shit for saying anything.

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8 minutes ago, zorak said:

Alex is telling them all that Kevin needs to go this week.  She is blaming Jason for them being in this position this week since Kevin is still in the house.  Paul jumps in on the blame game.  Jason denied that this is his fault.  Alex says when Kevin comes off slop tonight that none of them should cook for him. 

Holy shit just when you thought she couldn't get more hideous. I can't even watch her anymore on the feeds.

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Paul says now he has a reason to not use the veto on Jason if Paul wins veto.  He's going to use the excuse that Jason threw Alex and Paul under the bus saying that they were in on a plan to get Jason out.

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OMG!  They are overworking it!  They got who they want on the block so follow your plan.  All this lying and scheming makes no sense.  Paul is desperate to cover his ass.  Less is more, settle down. 

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Alex wants to hide all the food from Kevin so when he gets up at midnight to eat, there won't be any and he will have cook his own egg.  

OHHHH please let the chips fall so she goes.  

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Jason points out to Alex that Christmas could have put up Kevin and Raven this week instead of them.  Alex says she and Jason are playing for longevity so it's somehow ok that they're both on the block.  She is so stupid.  Now Paul is in there with his "What the fuck is happening?" routine.

Paul:  "So we're getting Kevin out?"

Alex:  "Hell yeah!  Otherwise one of us is going home!"

No shit.  Wake the fuck up.

Jason tells Paul and Alex that he only trusts the 2 of them.  Paul says, "Yes!" 

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Why is Jason mad at Kevin for giving him heads up about leaving? And Alex should be more mad at the rest of the House for lying to them!

I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're trying to move the target to Kevin, but they haven't earned that. 


...I seriously cannot handle the stupidity. 

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Just now, Growsonwalls said:

Is it wrong that I'm getting enjoyment from Alex giggling like an idiot about Kevin being backdoored right now?

Not in the least.  That's why I'd love for Jason to get taken off the block and see Alex go home.

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Jason told Christmas he thinks the way she played the noms is exactly how an HOH should go.  He said the HOH shouldn't tell everyone who they're putting up, it should be a surprise, and you should trust your team.  Jason said he is going to win the pov.

Edited by zorak
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7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Alex to Jason/Paul- I cant wait until it's just us three, and we dont have to worry about this and can just play it straight #BB19


Oh wow.

Her eviction can't come soon enough. 

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7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Alex to Jason/Paul- I cant wait until it's just us three, and we dont have to worry about this and can just play it straight #BB19


Oh wow.

Please let one of them leave. Preferably Alex. 

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Kevin is laying down on his bed.  Jason just came in the room.  Kevin told him to lay down for a bit (no doubt to try to talk to him).  He asked where Jason had been.  Jason told him he was in the wave room.  Then Jason walked out. 

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So Xmas is telling everyone to go to bed early on purpose so that when it's midnight Kevin will be eating alone. I can't with her anymore. Rehab certainly didn;t teach her any compassion. 

And what do you want to bet that at midnight Paul will sneak into the kitchen with Paul and cook him something, thus securing another vote.

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I love that they all thought they'd have to do damage control after this, and Christmas thought she'd be drawing a line in the sand and have to take the heat for Josh/Paul. 

And the reaction has basically been shrug, but how awful is that Kevin! 

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Just now, Growsonwalls said:

So Xmas is telling everyone to go to bed early on purpose so that when it's midnight Kevin will be eating alone. I can't with her anymore. Rehab certainly didn;t teach her any compassion. 

And what do you want to bet that at midnight Paul will sneak into the kitchen with Paul and cook him something, thus securing another vote.

And Christmas andjosh won't care because they think Paul needs to reel Kevin back in a s be friendly with him. 

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