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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Just now, wings707 said:

Cody is furious.  They don't give a fuck about me, you or Elena!   Yes, that is correct Cody.  This is big brother, it happens every season.  

How can they be this stupid? HOW?!

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Ugh at Paul telling Jason he can't take himself off if he wins veto and him just accepting it.

What???  I was on another camera.  And what is Pauls reason for this!?

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3 minutes ago, wings707 said:

And what is Pauls reason for this!?

Because then Paul wouldn't be able to name a replacement. This is all them deciding their plan B if they're not allowed to nom Jess/Cody, so it's all moot really. But still, it's delicious to watch and honestly it should fuck Paul over with these people, but they're all idiots so it won't.

1 minute ago, Ceeg said:

I wonder what changed Paul's mind about flushing out the temptation. 

He's saying he's still going to. This is all about deciding what to do if he's not allowed to nom Cody/Jess.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Mark is telling Cody and Jess that if Elena goes on the block, "it's on!"  I love how it took all of this for Mark to get a clue about how Paul feels about him.

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What are the odds that there will be a jury buy back?  Mark is talking like he's banking on it if he goes out.  Now Cody is bitching about Jason and Alex being the 2 most disloyal to him or something.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Mark is telling Cody and Jess that if Elena goes on the block, "it's on!"

Ohhhh, scary.  It's on, eh?  And just what are you going to do that you would not have anyway?  Nominate one of them? 

Edited by wings707
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I think maybe Paul is thinking that Jessica's Temptation is like his: if he goes to name them as noms, it automatically kicks in and he has to name replacement noms right then and there. 

Jessica is banking on Paul being a vet and because of that, knowing that she can't lie about the Temptation, otherwise Production will step in. It might actually work in her favour now to tell him how exactly it works.

Edited by Callaphera
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Jessica is saying that if Paul keeps all the floaters and takes them to the end with him and he's the only strong competitor, he'll win.  Her assessment: "His game's kinda brilliant." 

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Is Paul talking about putting Alex up if plan A doesn't work so she and Jason will both be on the block?  If that's his plan I think he thinks Jason and Alex will somehow infiltrate Cody and company because they can play it off like they're pissed at Paul.  Matt thinks that Cody loves Alex.  Not anymore!

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Jessica to Mark: This isn't the only week that we're safe.

OK has she convinced herself that her lie about the Temptation is true lol?

She probably legit believes Paul wouldn't put her up for fear of the temptation. 

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

All I need is for Jessica and Cody to not react when they're nommed. To not freak out and just accept it. That will have them all shook!

If she hadn't said anything about it, I wish she could have played it off like Josh was this past week. Moping around, taking to their bed, spending their last days together... only to have to all blow up in Paul's face come live eviction.

Too bad.

Edited by Callaphera
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It just hit me... Alex is trying to be Paul 2.0.  Or in other words, she wants to come in 2nd place and be invited back (isn't that what she said in her pre-season interview with Jeff?).  So I guess Paul is her guiding light.

Man, everytime I see Paul shirtless, I think he is wearing a shirt.  I have to remind myself about his massive chest tattoos every time.

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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

I always thought using production as a strategy was against the rules.

It's confusing. If she's lying, then yes, that's against the rules. If she just says that she has a temptation that she actually DOES have, then it is okay.

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's confusing. If she's lying, then yes, that's against the rules. If she just says that she has a temptation that she actually DOES have, then it is okay.

But telling Mark she's safe next week too is a lie. 

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1 minute ago, Ceeg said:

But telling Mark she's safe next week too is a lie. 

I am sure she'll claim that she's just saying it wrong. "No, I mean I have it for two weeks." I'm sure they'll tell her to quit it, though. 

But yes, if they allow her to lie, it is absolutely a violation of the rules. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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I like how Cody has to follow Jessica into the bathroom and wait outside while she pees. He looks like a poor, bored husband who's waiting on the bench outside the store with all the bags while the wife continue to spend money. Not that I've ever seen what that looks like. 

Just now, zenithwit said:

Feeds keep cutting in and out. This is frustrating.  There is actual game talk going on! (sorta lol)

Blame Paul's Radiohead CD. 

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Kevin is talking to Jason and seems to not like the idea of Alex agreeing to go up if Paul's plan A doesn't work.  Jason just called Alex an idiot. 

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Gaydar pinging, Mark still in tutu.  

Kevin is smart and smelling a rat. 

I hope that Jason really is doubting Alex.  Kevin is.  Mark talked to Jason about it, too.  

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I love how Kevin is outing himself as an illegal bookie "in the 80's". Bullshit, Kevin. You really think I believe you're a stay at home dad? With that many kids? Yeah, you're still running a little somethin' somethin'. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I love how Kevin is outing himself as an illegal bookie "in the 80's". Bullshit, Kevin. You really think I believe you're a stay at home dad? With that many kids? Yeah, you're still running a little somethin' somethin'. 

Yeah, he has his fingers in some pies.  I love how he handled Paul when he asked him to volunteer to go up.  Fuck no, basically.  His rap was hysterical.  

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Alex is just so gleeful about Paul's plan to potentially put her on the block if need be.  I wish there was a way for this scenario to play out and she ended up going home.  I know it won't because Paul will put up Cody and Jess and the eviction will just be halted.  Alex is saying she'd rather get Matt out more than Josh down the line.  Paul says it's in their best interest to keep Josh and Kevin as long as they can.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Schrödinger's cat Christmas.

ETA: I was gonna go with "ca(s)t" but it looked too messy. 


2 hours ago, wings707 said:

LOL.  Had to google that.  

I didn't, as I watch The Big Bang Theory. ?

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Josh and Mark are talking about the shit that's happened between them.  I'm not sure what the point is or where it's going.

Mark to Josh: "Outside of this house, let's be bros and grab a beer.  But inside of this house, fuck you."  (may not be his exact words but close enough)

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2 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Mark to Josh: "Outside of this house, let's be bros and grab a beer.  But inside of this house, fuck you."  (may not be his exact words but close enough)

Good to know.  I left the room briefly and when I came back Josh was in the kitchen and Mark was like, "Josh if you even start..." and then Josh grabbed some pots and pans and started banging them.

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Jessica:  "I don't want to live in this house another week with no one going home."  Well, then don't use the hex and you or Cody can go home.  Problem solved.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jessica:  "I don't want to live in this house another week with no one going home."  Well, then don't use the hex and you or Cody can go home.  Problem solved.

I know!  She didn't connect with that.  

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Matt is flossing his teeth on a bed. Sure, it's no 'using your spooge towel to wash dishes' but it's pretty nasty. This guys is so gross.

Him and Raven are shit talking Elena now and how much they'd rather her go than Cody/Jessica.

Matt: "Don't catch an attitude with me. I'm not gonna do anything in the house but I don't like that shit." 

I'm glad my initial Matt hate has been proven rational.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Man, I come back from dinner to find Mark safe! Woohoo! I didn't realize that would make me so damn happy! Especially with Jason as the third nominee! I mean, it'll all be rendered useless when Jessica uses the Hex, but I'll enjoy seeing the four slowly turn on Paul. 

Jody apparently want to put up Maven with Paul as a backdoor. I mean, Paul isn't going anywhere, but ok! Though I can't wait for Maven to be nominated. They're entirely too comfortable. They haven't had to worry about the block at all!

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Just before we went to puppies for noms, Paul was telling Jessica that he's not an emotional player or a petty player. She was just happy as a clam as he was getting called to DR. She definitely won't see it coming when her and Cody get nommed lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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2 hours ago, zorak said:

What are the odds that there will be a jury buy back?  Mark is talking like he's banking on it if he goes out.  Now Cody is bitching about Jason and Alex being the 2 most disloyal to him or something.

What are the odds that Mark has the tiniest notion of what to do after announcing, "It is on!"

Seems to me all he can do is either cry or fume about it. He has no idea how to play this game any better than he is currently trying to do by kissing up to Paul. What will he do? Kiss up to Paul twice as much? I doubt that will help him at all.

Maybe wear another tu tu? Maybe some high heel shoes?

1 hour ago, Cutty said:

I always thought using production as a strategy was against the rules.

There are rules and there are rules. There are rules that are made on the spot to help production deal with unforseen circumstances.

And there are many different possible interpretations of what rules mean. Many things are left open to interpretation.

If it's true that Production wants someone to be evicted or someone to be HoH, they can easily rig competitions or make changes to rules. Haven't you ever seen that sort of thing happen?

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