TigerLily20 April 4, 2021 Share April 4, 2021 I don't know what episode Toonami is on so I will spoiler the next part: Spoiler Levi had better still be alive.......I am done with just about everyone but him........uggg and now we have to wait until next year to finish this....... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-6700001
Lantern7 April 17, 2021 Share April 17, 2021 Looks like the next episode is gonna be an all-out brawl between Eren and Armin, with Gabi the proverbial ringside. She's been through the wringer lately, but I can't feel too bad for her. Seriously, she has zero tact, and Warrior Candidates aren't taught to read a room. Gaby: Do not worry! Me and Falco are Warrior Candidates! We broke out of prison! Those devils are still mad that we boarded thir airship and killed some bitch. Nicolo: (slowly going BSoD) You . . . killed . . . Sasha? Falco: Gaby, the guy is trembling. I don't think he's impressed you killed her. Gaby: It was so awesome! I killed a rando hanging like a dumbass from the ship. Me and weaksauce here climbed the rope, boarded the ship, and then I killed some stupid devil! Nicolo: (trembling) That . . . was you? Gaby: YEAH! And she died like a total bitch! It was so awesome! Made up for those devils dogpiling us. Didn't make up for Zeke apparently betraying us. But we're gonna go back to Marley, we're gonna gather the troops, and we're gonna burn down the devils' den once and for- Nicolo: (grabbing wine bottle) AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Falco: (lunging, thinking to self) Am I this stupid? (takes the impact to the head) Yep . . . I'm that stupid. And then it turned out the fugitives had been hanging out with Sasha's family the whole time. And then we found that Falco might have drank Zeke's spinal fluid when the bottle got busted on his head. Oh, and then the Jaegerists swooped in for the coup. So, yeah . . . lots to unpack. Watching the Toonami block messes me up a little. Since it's established that Sasha's family are farm people, I'm wondering if they've met Juggernaut from Fire Force. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-6726149
Lantern7 April 25, 2021 Share April 25, 2021 (edited) How many more episodes before the finale of the first part of the final season? I watched "Savagery" last week and "Sole Salvation" tonight. So much depressing shit and impressive flexes . . . like the Bros Jaeger last week. Eren: I can't stand people who aren't free. Related note: Mikasa, you're more or less my servant due to your Ackerman blood. Because plot reasons. Armin: (charging) YOU MOTHERFUC- (gets arm dragged by Mikasa, much to her horror) Eren: I'm working towards a greater good, even if most of the people following me are being real assholes about it, and I got that sullen look and almost-hair-bun that should never be respected. But these are desperate times. Oh, and becoming the Colossal Titan just means you're a colossal bitch. (takes out Armin with little problem) MIkasa: (sobbing) Why . . . ? Eren: Can't talk. Gotta meet Zeke. Also, my disciples are gonna beat the shit out of Shardis. (meanwhile, in the forest) Levi: (grumbling) I should've slit the kid's throat when I had the chance. Well, at least I got Zeke with me . . . great, he's running away. Well, I got thirty troops with me. Even if he Beasts out, we still have the advantage) Zeke: (roars, transforming the troops into Titans loyal to him) Levi: Of fucking course. (dodging falling Titans) (Zeke escorted escorted by three Titans, one of whom seems to be "flossing") Zeke: *tch* Arrogant little shitstain. Good thing he didn't see the "Spinal Fluid In The Wine" trick coming. Welp, I gotta meet Eren, and I am content in knowing that there is no way in hell the shortstack would kill his own men- Levi: (kills his own men) Zeke: REALLY?!? (ten minutes of screentime later) Levi: Good morning, sleepyhead. I got you tied up in a way where you'll be blown to shit if you struggle. Now I'm going to chop your legs off in frustration because I really need to end my day with a win. Zeke: (has episode-long flashback where we learn that being Eldian in Marley sucked, and that fate pushed Zeke towards his destiny) Levi: Are you having an episode-long flashback? Zeke: (activates the bomb) Levi: You have got to be kiddin- (Explosion. Flaming horse) Levi: Fucking great. Well, at least I can tell people I meant a Ponyta today. Or was it a Rapidash? No, it was just a normal horse that burned to death. Edited April 26, 2021 by Lantern7 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-6741320
Vermicious Knid April 27, 2021 Share April 27, 2021 There is only 1 episode left. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-6745720
Lantern7 May 3, 2021 Share May 3, 2021 Gotta get back to work from lunch. I’ll post about the “finale” later. For now, here’s Mikasa in Death Battle. Only real spoilers from the manga were on her “Feats” segment. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-6758466
PotterOtherP May 4, 2021 Share May 4, 2021 That's why you can't read or watch anything that even mentions Attack on Titan. It's just luck that some troll hasn't found this thread and posted all the spoilers Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-6760177
Lantern7 May 5, 2021 Share May 5, 2021 13 hours ago, PotterOtherP said: That's why you can't read or watch anything that even mentions Attack on Titan. It's just luck that some troll hasn't found this thread and posted all the spoilers Disclosure: at the start of Mikasa's full preview, there's a disclaimer in regard to manga spoilers. Except for that one thing at the bottom of her "Feats," I think we know all the stuff presented. Saw the last episode. Kept waiting for Pieck to turn to Gabi, all, "Don't you get it? We're all devils." So many twists and turns, and then friggin' Jaw Titan goes to om-nom-nom Eren. Too bad Toonami spoiled that. Ditto for Zeke blowing himself up by triggering the Thunder Spear. Zeke: (groaning) Damn. That was painful. Eyes are shot, limbs are gone. I think this is it. (Titan hovers over Zeke) Zeke: Shit. Just my luck. I can't see it, but I can hear it. And smell it. Damn, that's nasty. (Titan stares at Zeke) Zeke: Okay, I accept my fate. Devour me. You'll become normal, but you'll also become the Beast Titan, and that might be a bitch and a hal- (Titan parts its guts, lifting Zeke gingerly) Zeke: Okay. This is different. (Titan shoves Zeke inside itself) Zeke: (muffled) And I thought they smelled bad . . . (passes out) Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-6761686
PotterOtherP May 5, 2021 Share May 5, 2021 There were two things that made this season excruciating to watch. Number one, the choice to withhold so much information from the viewers by keeping our perspective with characters who don't know anything. And two, the whole head fake with Zeke secretly being on Eldia's side. There is just no way to square his previous actions with that idea. What is Eren really thinking? We still have to wait a long time to find out. I'm guessing that he intends to do what he said he would do from the beginning: drive out all the Titans. He has knowledge that he's not sharing with anyone (although his fight with Armin may have been a way to discreetly slip him some information via Titan magic). He has his own plan, maybe along with Historia. What was the point of Historia reclaiming the throne if she's just going to disappear and let the military continue running everything? Where was the leadership, planning and strategy for the Eldians over four years? None of them should have trusted Zeke for even a second or believed a single word he said, much less allowed anyone to consume a drop of that wine. What the fuck happened with Zeke at the end there? We've never seen a Titan do that before. Was it still obeying Zeke's commands, will that somehow keep him alive? We don't get to find out for a long time. Zeke's "euthanasia" plan is just genocide... and at this point he doesn't seem to distinguish between sterilizing people and just killing them or turning them into Titans. How could any of his followers possibly be on board with this? It makes more sense if they think his plan is to start the "rumbling" and smush Marley into rubble. Marley is evil for using Titans in warfare, but a plan to exterminate all Eldians is somehow beautiful and noble? From a few comments I've seen, it will be worth the wait. But a series of reversals, plot twists, and head fakes is not a great way to tell a story. This season was beautiful up until the "Zeke was good all along" nonsense. He is the villain. It's a very Biblical concept - two brothers, one loved, one unloved. His episode was a villain's backstory. The adopted father figure with his own twisted background. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-6762149
Lantern7 October 5, 2021 Share October 5, 2021 Giving Eren more trauma . . . Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7043233
PotterOtherP October 17, 2021 Share October 17, 2021 Anybody heard of a premiere date for the last season? I'm too afraid of spoilers to check Reddit Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7065085
PotterOtherP October 28, 2021 Share October 28, 2021 OK, here we go - January 9. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7085468
PotterOtherP January 10, 2022 Share January 10, 2022 Episode 76 - Judgment: Spoiler As expected, Zeke is fine and Levi is inconclusive. The most interesting new information is that in some other plane of space and time, "a little girl built Zeke's body out of sand." Is this the original Ymir? Meanwhile, the Marley Titans start whaling on Eren while the rest of the team dithers and wrings their hands about what to do. Based on the intro sequence, the Rumbling is definitely happening. I'm guessing that within a few episodes, all nine Titans will be present for the big showdown. Levi is in rough shape and the only way he could get back into action would be to become a Titan. Most of the anti-Marley "Jaegerists" and volunteers think the plan is the Rumbling. Zeke and Yelena's plan is euthanization. What is the real plan? The closing credits show Eren at various ages in what looks like a true Paradise. It's been almost ten years since the show began, will the conclusion be worth the wait? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7221698
PotterOtherP January 23, 2022 Share January 23, 2022 Episodes 77 and 78, Sneak Attack and Two Brothers: Spoiler I spent all that time hoping that Zeke was dead, and now I'm hoping he's alive? If Marley knew how much plot armor Zeke has, they wouldn't bother to shoot at him. I would never have guessed that Zeke's ability to catch things would have paid off like this. Really, it was rough to watch. After almost ten years of this show, it hurts to see that happen to Eren. So the one with royal blood gets to make the decisions, not the one with the Founding Titan. At least, if Zeke is telling the truth. What is Armin waiting for? He could have smothered Pieck. Grab that big gun and toss it in the ocean. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7248053
Iguessnot January 26, 2022 Share January 26, 2022 How many episodes are in this final season? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7253020
Mr. R0b0t January 31, 2022 Share January 31, 2022 Sometimes fantastic movies go off the rails when they have to tie things up at the end with explanations. Is this happening right now with AoT? This lore is A LOT to take in. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7263618
PotterOtherP February 1, 2022 Share February 1, 2022 I have faith that All Will Be Revealed. Haven't seen anywhere how many episodes there will be. I actually hope it won't be too many more. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7266114
PotterOtherP February 6, 2022 Share February 6, 2022 Saw on Reddit there will be six more episodes after today's. And some commenters seem to think this is STILL not the last part. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7276822
Iguessnot February 13, 2022 Share February 13, 2022 Started airing on Adult Swim last night. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7290901
FierceCritter February 18, 2022 Share February 18, 2022 On 4/25/2021 at 2:27 AM, Lantern7 said: Levi: Are you having an episode-long flashback? I'm new to AoT. I just read this and it's the best thing on the internet. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7299686
Lantern7 February 20, 2022 Share February 20, 2022 On 2/18/2022 at 12:59 PM, FierceCritter said: I'm new to AoT. I just read this and it's the best thing on the internet. Awwwww. Thanks! I wish I was right about Levi living through that with few scratches. He looked like he was all scratches when his body was discovered. Watching the episode on DVR. Has the voice of Bakugo from My Hero Academia always been Connie? All that's missing was Connie screaming "KILL YOURSELF, DWEEB!!!" at Onyankopon. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7301938
Zonk February 22, 2022 Share February 22, 2022 I do have to say again how amazing basically all the opening credits are. The newest one using a metal song? Perfection. Wish other shows would take note. Like the Legend of Vox Machina. Great show, but abysmal opening. On 3/2/2021 at 11:21 AM, PotterOtherP said: I think we're still waiting for an explanation that makes all of this make sense. If there is one. Sadly we still haven't gotten an explaination. The war hammer titan wasn't needed. All that was needed was the founding titan and a titan with royal blood. Always sad when a show has plot holes the size of barn doors. On 2/7/2022 at 12:33 AM, PotterOtherP said: Saw on Reddit there will be six more episodes after today's. And some commenters seem to think this is STILL not the last part. There basically has to be a part 3. No way they are wrapping this up in only two more episodes, right? They are playing really fast and loose with "final season". But I guess that's what everybody does these days. 4x21 (#80) & 4x23 (#82): Spoiler After recent revelations, I don't get how all Eldians can turn into Titans. Are they all descendants of Ymir? That would be possible and even very likely after 2000 years (basically every european is descendant from Charlemagne, for example and that's only 1200 years), but that would also mean that they'd all have royal blood. So what is it? As far as I can tell this doesn't make any sense. On 2/20/2022 at 4:06 AM, Lantern7 said: Awwwww. Thanks! I wish I was right about Levi living through that with few scratches. He looked like he was all scratches when his body was discovered. Well, at least he's still alive, even if it's more than just a few scratches. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7307358
Zonk February 24, 2022 Share February 24, 2022 Oh what I forogt: Was it ever explained why there are 9 main titans? From the information we have there is no reason, right? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7309823
PotterOtherP February 26, 2022 Share February 26, 2022 There will be 5 more episodes, the last one will be delayed a week so it will air on April 3. General consensus is that they will announce a movie that will be released in 1-2 years to complete the story. I broke down and binged the rest of the manga. This comment doesn't reveal the plot but has my general takeaway: Spoiler The ending hits some of the right notes but is unsatisfying and doesn't make sense. In fact, most of what happens after the timeskip ends up never being explained. The fanbase has been absolutely raging about the ending for at least a year. It's an enormous shitshow! I think the author wasn't able to make up his mind about what he ultimately wanted the story to be. Time to move on. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7313929
Zonk March 7, 2022 Share March 7, 2022 I thought there were less episodes left. 4 more episodes might actually be enough, depending on what ending they are going for. I guess the manga readers would know better. But then again, if the ending was so universally hated, maybe they are changing it. I don't think saying, that the ending made no sense, is a spoiler at this point. It already makes no sense. - Zeke should have defected a lot sooner, because they had a titan with royal blood and the founding titan all along. The attack on Marley was completely unnecessary. - As far as I understand and it has been spelled out pretty clearly last episode again, all Eldians are descendants from Ymir. So far so believeable. It's been 2000 years afterall. But Ymir only had children by the king. So all Eldians would have royal blood. Which means all titans would have royal blood. - There is still no explaination why there are 9 main titans, who have control over their actions, while all the other titans are dummies and I doubt there ever will be. They could have easily fixed that if Ymir had had 9 children and the power was only strong enough in the first generation. But she only had three. So wtf? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7329360
Lantern7 March 17, 2022 Share March 17, 2022 I kept seeing memes leak out on Facebook. I've only seen this video on YouTube a few minutes at a time because I want to avoid spoilers, and I didn't want to hold off until the end because the guy making the video was hilarious. All I'm saying is . . . damn, this series is going big. I couldn't keep up with the sides during the battle. So much madness on the battlefield, and the only thing that pauses it is Eren and Zeke making contact. Of course, this is done when ZEKE CAUGHT EREN'S HEAD THAT HAD BEEN BLOWN CLEAN OFF HIS BODY BY GABI. Of course, that led to The Coordinate, Eren "inspiring" his dad to commit homicide, Ymir's unbelievably depressing backstory, and Eren coming back to life and summon all the Titans buried within the walls. So, yeah . . . going big. It doesn't really matter that the origin of Titans was some giant spine-like sea creature that attached itself to Ymir in order to turn her into the Founding Titan. Nah, lets get to her dying and her husband feeding her to their daughters so they could become Titans. And damn, Armin is a bitch. He honestly believe Eren's working as a good guy. No, Eren has his own plan. Was him beating your ass not a huge clue to that mystery? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7347965
nomodrama April 5, 2022 Share April 5, 2022 My confusion has increased drastically over the last few seasons, things I just keep making less and less sense, but it is at an all time high now. I literally have no idea what is going on anymore. So Eren was pretending to be on Zeke's side but wasn't, but Eren's dad somehow saw the future and could see what Eren was doing - which does not align with what he (Eren's dad) thinks is right, he is now on Zeke's side or just has so much remorse and regret about abandoning Zeke that he is on his side. He (Eren's dad) basically made all the choices he made due to his seeing this future (i.e. he was manipulated by Eren)???? Then Zeke tried to trick Eren into thinking Eren could control Ymir just to get him to reveal his true feelings, all while actually knowing that only Zeke could control her because of his Royal Blood but then it turned out it was Eren that had her control all along???? Is there a cloning machine somewhere they haven't mentioned, how do they keep finding more people for these attacks.....tons of people die during everyone of these encounters yet theres still 500 others on standby ready for the next fight?! I'm pretty much only invested in what happens to Levy, Hange and Mikasa now. F - every single one else, they are all terrible people. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7384133
Iguessnot April 7, 2022 Share April 7, 2022 On 4/5/2022 at 4:11 PM, nomodrama said: My confusion has increased drastically over the last few seasons, things I just keep making less and less sense, but it is at an all time high now. I literally have no idea what is going on anymore. So Eren was pretending to be on Zeke's side but wasn't, but Eren's dad somehow saw the future and could see what Eren was doing - which does not align with what he (Eren's dad) thinks is right, he is now on Zeke's side or just has so much remorse and regret about abandoning Zeke that he is on his side. He (Eren's dad) basically made all the choices he made due to his seeing this future (i.e. he was manipulated by Eren)???? Then Zeke tried to trick Eren into thinking Eren could control Ymir just to get him to reveal his true feelings, all while actually knowing that only Zeke could control her because of his Royal Blood but then it turned out it was Eren that had her control all along???? Is there a cloning machine somewhere they haven't mentioned, how do they keep finding more people for these attacks.....tons of people die during everyone of these encounters yet theres still 500 others on standby ready for the next fight?! I'm pretty much only invested in what happens to Levy, Hange and Mikasa now. F - every single one else, they are all terrible people. It's best to start binge watching from the beginning Like you, I've been highly confused for 2 seasons. Initially all the exposition around the Armored and Colossal Titan reveal and Ymir really didn't make much sense when first aired. Only after watching the final season, can I watch those episodes and make some sense out of the storyline. I had to review the earlier episodes to see where Annie and gang stationed when making their transformations. I know there were channels that gave recaps of the previous seasons, but actually watching the episodes is better because you can identify exactly where you lost your bearings with the show. I just finished this entire final season on Crunchyroll while also reaching the start of season 3. The royal family stuff was also confusing for me, so I look forward to reviewing that. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7386966
Iguessnot April 9, 2022 Share April 9, 2022 It is amazing to rewatch the start of season 3. There is so much story exposition I'm seeing now that went right over my head when it first aired. For me, confusion about some plots points, made it impossible to process all the plot data that was coming fast in season 3. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7390651
Lantern7 April 12, 2022 Share April 12, 2022 Yeah, it was hard to keep up with the various sides . . . especially in that battle right before Eren achieved Ultimate Titanhood or whatever. Right now, it's pretty clear. On One Side: Eren, his fan club, and a shit-ton of Titans On The Other Side: Everyone else It's scary that Hange is basically the person technically in charge. Or that all those people are on the same side . . . psycho Yelena, broken Reiner, Armin in denial, really broken Mikasa, mummified Levi, etc. My Fear: the anime gets longer and even more intense, but the ending never happens. Everyone winds up obscured by the vertical lines around the eyes that symbolize world-weariness. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7395996
desusperius April 15, 2022 Share April 15, 2022 So apparently there's going to be a "Part 3" to this so-called "Final Season" that airs next year. This show sure is getting a lot of Final Seasons. I don't get why they called this whole thing "The Final Season", it's really three separate seasons at this point. As I understand it, Ymir had three daughters, then after she died, her body was chopped up and fed to her daughters, which split the Titan power up between them. Then her daughters had a total of nine kids between them, and the process was repeated, which split the Titan power up again into nine powers. And then they stopped subdividing it, so that's why there are nine main Titan powers. And Eldians were already a huge ethnic group well before Ymir showed up, so that's why there are non-royal blooded Eldians now. They aren't all descended from Ymir. The Attack Titan's unique power is to send memories back in time to its past users. So when Grisha saw Zeke and Eren in the future, Eren was sending his memories of that moment back in time to Grisha in the past, so Grisha was seeing himself and Zeke from Eren's point of view. So Grisha knew everything Eren was going to do, and he went along with Eren's plan. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7401207
Lantern7 April 19, 2022 Share April 19, 2022 I just watched "Traitors." Holy shit, trauma went past 10 and broke the damn dial. I'm amazed Connie didn't follow killing two of his ex-comrades by firing his gun in the air. I did get a good laugh at Connie and Armin trying to sell the Jaegerists that they hadn't switched sides. Nice bit of levity in the middle of brutal fighting. Also tickling me: Hange's Stew got its own eyecatch. In my head: "You know what would be good with Hange's Stew? Bink's Brew." Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7407656
Zonk April 26, 2022 Share April 26, 2022 On 4/15/2022 at 7:38 AM, desusperius said: So apparently there's going to be a "Part 3" to this so-called "Final Season" that airs next year. This show sure is getting a lot of Final Seasons. I don't get why they called this whole thing "The Final Season", it's really three separate seasons at this point. It's the hip thing to do now. Netflix is doing the same with a few shows like Ozark. Doesn't mean it isn't dumb though... On 4/15/2022 at 7:38 AM, desusperius said: As I understand it, Ymir had three daughters, then after she died, her body was chopped up and fed to her daughters, which split the Titan power up between them. Then her daughters had a total of nine kids between them, and the process was repeated, which split the Titan power up again into nine powers. And then they stopped subdividing it, so that's why there are nine main Titan powers. Well that's a massive fanwank. We were never shown anything like it. On 4/15/2022 at 7:38 AM, desusperius said: And Eldians were already a huge ethnic group well before Ymir showed up, so that's why there are non-royal blooded Eldians now. They aren't all descended from Ymir. Then where do all those Eldians get their ability to turn into titans from? It only makes sense if they are her descendants. Also after 2000 years it's unlikely that any Eldian isn't a descendant of her, just by pure probability. On 4/15/2022 at 7:38 AM, desusperius said: The Attack Titan's unique power is to send memories back in time to its past users. So when Grisha saw Zeke and Eren in the future, Eren was sending his memories of that moment back in time to Grisha in the past, so Grisha was seeing himself and Zeke from Eren's point of view. So Grisha knew everything Eren was going to do, and he went along with Eren's plan. Grisha said that the Attack Titans unique power was to see future memories. So there is no targeted "sending". Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7421682
oliverwendell May 25, 2022 Share May 25, 2022 I need someone to explain to me why the Titan that ate Eren back in Season 2 didn't turn into the Founding Titan/Attack Titan/Whatever Titan Eren Has. If eating one of these Intelligent Titans automatically makes a Pure Titan turn back into a human and thereafter be able to shift into the Titan it ate -- which is what Rod Reiss wanted to do with Eren and Historia -- wouldn't it have happened then? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7473141
Iguessnot May 25, 2022 Share May 25, 2022 1 hour ago, oliverwendell said: I need someone to explain to me why the Titan that ate Eren back in Season 2 didn't turn into the Founding Titan/Attack Titan/Whatever Titan Eren Has. If eating one of these Intelligent Titans automatically makes a Pure Titan turn back into a human and thereafter be able to shift into the Titan it ate -- which is what Rod Reiss wanted to do with Eren and Historia -- wouldn't it have happened then? Maybe because Eren was only swallowed. I think Reiss told Historia she needed to consume Eren's spinal fluid. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7473297
desusperius January 18, 2023 Share January 18, 2023 Attack On Titan: Final Season Part 3 starts airing March 3 in Japan. No word on a Toonami airing yet. Attack On Titan: Final Season Part 4 to air later in 2023. (Seriously?!?) 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-7832237
Lantern7 June 20, 2023 Share June 20, 2023 Americans can soon drink Spinal Fluid-branded energy drink. For real. Get your Titan on anywhere you go. I don't know whether to be chagrined or impressed. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-8049476
desusperius July 3, 2023 Share July 3, 2023 New trailer for the Attack on Titan series finale, airing this fall. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-8062391
desusperius August 12, 2023 Share August 12, 2023 Attack on Titan: The Final Chapters Part 1, the extra-long penultimate episode, will air on Toonami on September 9! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-8105591
Lantern7 September 10, 2023 Share September 10, 2023 How many specials do we get before the anime is finished? I just need to get through the misery porn. RIP Hange. She went out the way she wanted . . . examining Titans as she burst into flames. Bless that incredible weirdo. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-8136276
desusperius September 10, 2023 Share September 10, 2023 The next special should be the series finale. No word yet on when it'll air, or if it'll get a Toonami airing. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-8136278
TigerLily20 September 10, 2023 Share September 10, 2023 Was last nights episode 1 or 1 and 2? I was going to try to stay up but it's getting too late for me (or I'm getting too old). I believe part 3 is suppose to be out sometime this fall....I am assuming that's the final final part....but with this anime who knows...... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-8136381
desusperius September 10, 2023 Share September 10, 2023 This was The Final Chapters Part 1. Part 2 is coming later this year and should be the finale. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-8136412
desusperius September 13, 2023 Share September 13, 2023 New trailer. The Attack on Titan series finale airs November 4 in Japan. No word yet on if it'll get a Toonami airing. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-8139960
TigerLily20 November 6, 2023 Share November 6, 2023 It's finally over........ Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-8200014
Nellise November 6, 2023 Share November 6, 2023 Definitely can say there was no unearned happy ending with this one. I'd forgotten whatever Ymir lore there was before this so I kinda had no idea what was happening or why, but it was still interesting to watch. It felt like Mikasa wasn't written as fully as she should have been. She was important yet not, somehow. I'd probably have to rewatch the series several times to actually understand it, but I'd rather not do that to myself. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-8200520
desusperius December 8, 2023 Share December 8, 2023 Attack on Titan The Final Chapters Part 2's English dub comes to Toonami and Crunchyroll on January 6. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-8235499
Lantern7 January 13, 2024 Share January 13, 2024 Checking in to gauge reaction to the series finale. Is it weird for an ending to be hopeful and depressing? At least they didn't skimp on the action or the angst. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/56502-attack-on-titan-general-discussion/page/5/#findComment-8263860
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