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How do you want Bates to end?

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After seeing Rihanna escape (for now), I'm starting to wonder if the ending won't be as predictable as we once though. Could the good guys end up getting out alive? Or will everyone just die and Norman stands on top at the end? Even though Norman is the main character, I don't want him to win. I would like him in jail. How horrible would it be for everyone else to die? I have a feeling that the psychiatrist and Alex will go down. But I hope that Normal ends up in jail and the brother and Emma live. 

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I hope Dylan and Emma survive. I get the feeling Norman would end up locked up, but Mother would still be with him, so in a twisted way he's happy. Maybe he'll retreat so far into his head that he won't even realize he's locked up in an institution. The last shot has got to be Norman and Mother together. Their iconic house in the background. Having a picnic or something. Just something that looks like happy times, except we'll know it's only in Norman's head.

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1 hour ago, Bec said:

The last shot has got to be Norman and Mother together. Their iconic house in the background. Having a picnic or something. Just something that looks like happy times, except we'll know it's only in Norman's head.

That would be pretty awesome. During the first and maybe even second season I just wanted them to recreate Psycho in the last five or so episodes. But now the show has evolved so much for it's very own thing, that I can't really see it anymore. So I don't know. I hope happiness for Dylan and Emma, but I have mixed feelings about Norman's outcome.

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I think Dylan and Emma will be like Marion Crane's sister in the original. They will find Norma and Norman will come in all dressed in drag.  I do think Norman genuinely loves Dylan and Emma and for the most part would fight hard not to hurt them.  I think Alex is a goner. I think Madeline Loomis could be.   I think the Sheriff will bite the dust too.  

I would like to see Norman get the help that he needs and perhaps leave it open for a series about the grown up Norman (like the movies did with the sequels).  

I am wondering a bit about the fact that clearly Norman started to realize that "mother" didn't exist last night and that "he" was doing all of this. To me that seems a bit significant.  I don't think it means that Norman can escape his darkness but perhaps it means that he will fight the darkness by being more sloppy with cover ups. 

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Ever since we saw the shared headstone at the beginning of this season, I've wondered if the show was planning to kill Norman. It's not necessarily the ending I'd want, but I could see how the creators could reunite Norman and mother in death; after all, we've already seen Norman institutionalized at a psychiatric facility with last season's plot. 

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I haven't watched last night's episode yet. I'm going to get to that soon (but it's my own fault that I was spoiled here). 

I'd like to see Norman in a place where he can't hurt anyone, but now I've seen the post above mine (something I'd forgotten), I also wonder if that's how the show will end. With Norman and Norma together in that way.

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1 hour ago, Garden Wafers said:

Ever since we saw the shared headstone at the beginning of this season, I've wondered if the show was planning to kill Norman. It's not necessarily the ending I'd want, but I could see how the creators could reunite Norman and mother in death; after all, we've already seen Norman institutionalized at a psychiatric facility with last season's plot. 

You might be on to something there. Being locked up would be worse than death to Norman. He wanted out of that posh facility and we know what the state facility looks like from earlier seasons (ie a dirty, creepy asylum).  Plus the tombstone certainly acts as foreshadowing. And what was Norman's line last night about tragedy? Does anyone recall exactly what he said in last night's episode?

As for everyone else.... 

Dylan/Emma: I sorta think they'll live. They might be the Sam/Lila representation here since the show's version of Sam and either of his women are clearly not the HEAs.  I think the showrunners may cater to the viewers and the popularity/likability of Dylan and Emma. I can't imagine why else they've left these two so boring for so long. Don't get me wrong, I like them, but the material Max has been given in the last few seasons is nowhere close to the intuitive, snarky Dylan we fell in love with in season 1.  

Romera: I can't figure out how this is going to end well for him. He's an escaped convict so either way he's going back to jail most likely. Then again, maybe he will be the one to kill Norman since he really doesn't think he has anything to lose.  Of course, he could get his "justice" and then get killed himself. Chick maybe??? Speaking of....

Chick: I really want to see him die. He's way too complicit in Norman's crimes to get a pass. And as not one of the original cast, I don't think he deserves to be the "writer" of the story where he's the one left standing.  Chick needs to go and in a violent way. I'd love to somehow see little Madelyn go apeshit and have him caught in the crossfire.  Would serve him right for sticking his nose in the whole mess and trying to make a profit off of mental illness.  If we need someone to "explain" Norman in the end like the shrink in the movie, I think the psychiatrist and the new sheriff will do a fine job.

Edited to Add:  I think a great final shot woulds be a pan in of the house and motel to the "closed" sign (showed last night) on the office door with the Psycho theme music playing.  No one person shown before cutting to the credits, just the iconic house on the hill and murder motel closed for business. 

Edited by Peanut6711
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I want to see Norma and Romero get back together and live happily ever after.  I want Norman to realize he really does need long-term help and check himself back into the nice asylum.  And I want to see Emma and Dylan come to visit Norma often, sharing their little girl's life with her.

I want to see Chick sentenced to take a bath, get a haircut, and have someone follow him around full time to make certain he only wears one outfit at a time.

Mind you, I don't necessarily think any of these things will happen.  It's just what I would like to see.

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7 hours ago, Peanut6711 said:

I think a great final shot woulds be a pan in of the house and motel to the "closed" sign (showed last night) on the office door with the Psycho theme music playing.  No one person shown before cutting to the credits, just the iconic house on the hill and murder motel closed for business. 

I like that. Whichever way this goes, that fantastic set has to factor into the big finish somehow. It's the MVP of this show, followed closely by Norma and Norman.

Now that Norman is so aware of what "Mother" is, I'm not sure he can retreat into his head that much anymore. Maybe my earlier idea of him living out a fantasy happily ever after with Mother all in his head is not in the cards.

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I hope Emma and Dylan aren't slaughtered. It's been disappointing so far with their roles. Hopefully they come back and do something great. If Dylan gets slaughtered for not thinking carefully, then that's on him. He's street smart and he has to know not to be a dummy. 

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On 3/28/2017 at 10:56 AM, Peanut6711 said:

Edited to Add:  I think a great final shot woulds be a pan in of the house and motel to the "closed" sign (showed last night) on the office door with the Psycho theme music playing.  No one person shown before cutting to the credits, just the iconic house on the hill and murder motel closed for business. 


I really like that idea because the house is just as much a character as the people, if not more so.

With last episode's twist I think they are setting it up for an ending sympathetic to Norman.  I predict Romero and possibly the new Sheriff being offed, some kind of confrontation between Chick and Dylan and perhaps Norman's psychiatrist talking him off the ledge.

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I have great sympathy for Norman, love tuning in week after week to see what he's up to, but Norman is a killer, whether he's killing as Norma or killing as Norman, he's a killer with a considerable body count.  He killed Norma, he has to pay for this.  He has to be stopped.  I want an escaped, avenging Romero to kill Norman, I want Norman buried next to Norma.  After that I don't care what happens to Romero.  I want Dylan and Emma to survive far away from White Pine Bay.  I wouldn't mind a montage of all his victims; teacher, Bradley, Emma's mom, Romero's hapless hitman...and now Sam Loomis.  [I know I haven't list them all, I was just thinking off the top of my head]

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On 3/28/2017 at 1:57 AM, Bec said:

I hope Dylan and Emma survive. I get the feeling Norman would end up locked up, but Mother would still be with him, so in a twisted way he's happy. Maybe he'll retreat so far into his head that he won't even realize he's locked up in an institution. The last shot has got to be Norman and Mother together. Their iconic house in the background. Having a picnic or something. Just something that looks like happy times, except we'll know it's only in Norman's head.

Ah ha I like this idea about Norman's body being locked up but his mind lost in fantasy. And we the viewer view the fantasy. Reminds me of the christmas fantasyland with Mother at the end of season 4.  Why did in not think of something similar to this as an ending.

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Ok I am going to go out on a limb here and say I would not mind a rebooted ending like in the movie. Even though  Norman is now aware of what mother is I still think she has some control and can be evil.  It would be cool if mother convinced him to commit suicide to finally be with Norma. The twist is that Norman's body is revived and now mother pretty much has taken over.  Well not completely norman is still in there somewhere. Anyway the last shot is similar but a little different from the movie.  Mother sitting in Norman's body as we hear a internal monologue of her as vera. The voice is cold though. In the background we kind of here another sound and it's like an echo of Norman calling out for mother and how he can't find her.  The dialogue vera would be saying would be different words but the same meaning as mothers internal dialogue at the end of the movie. The last image would be Norman smirking with the background fade of the image of Norman's corpse with those creepy glassy eyes. Just like at the end of the movie we saw the fade in of the creepy grinning corpse through norman. I must be an idiot because I did not remember the corpse fade in from psycho when i watched it in the past. Noticed it when i watched it on TCM and thought what the fuck.

Edited by Stringey
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Mother sitting in Norman's body as we hear a internal monologue of her as vera. The voice is cold though. In the background we kind of here another sound and it's like an echo of Norman calling out for mother and how he can't find her.

Okay, that just chilled me to the bone.

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8 hours ago, Mick Lady said:

Stringey, that would be a great ending! I had some thoughts myself, but nothing as good as that!

I had a cool idea for the credits. Actually someone else posted something almost the same to what I am thinking of for the end credits. After the last scene with Normas corpse and dead eyes bleeding through norman(similar to the end of the movie). Unlike the movie though instead of seeing the car being pulled out of the swamp to the credits we see either the exterior of house or motel. Someone else had this same idea almost and talked about having it end with the psycho music. In my version we would see the credits with the desolate looking motel now with an empty neon sign. No music just the sound of a slight wind howling and sounds of a car driving by on the street as credits were on the screen.  Kind of giving the desolate creepy feeling of abandoned places where awful things once happened. I am sure most of us have seen enough scary movies to get that.

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1 hour ago, Mick Lady said:

Stringey, I agree with Peacheslatour, that is perfect!

Are you a screenwriter?

Nope. I just have a big imagination and draw off elements of things I have seen in the past.

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23 hours ago, Stringey said:

Nope. I just have a big imagination and draw off elements of things I have seen in the past.

Well, you have a knack for it. Talent like that should be used. Not blowing smoke, I hardly know you, but your stuff here has been very intriguing! Maybe you should start writing. At least FanFic, I've read some incredible stuff on Supernatural FanFic, many better than what the actual writers come up with!

I read like a fiend! My favorite T-shirt says; "So Many Books, So Little Time" Some of the FanFic I've read is so talented and well written, it's a shame the writers didn't pursue it further.

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1 hour ago, Mick Lady said:

Well, you have a knack for it. Talent like that should be used. Not blowing smoke, I hardly know you, but your stuff here has been very intriguing! Maybe you should start writing. At least FanFic, I've read some incredible stuff on Supernatural FanFic, many better than what the actual writers come up with!

I read like a fiend! My favorite T-shirt says; "So Many Books, So Little Time" Some of the FanFic I've read is so talented and well written, it's a shame the writers didn't pursue it further.

Now that I think about it the thing about the hollow wind blowing in my fantasy ending there I must have been subconsciously thinking about a scene in this last episode. Remember when Dylan walks into normas bedroom right before he sits and cries?  Well when he walks in the room if you have your volume up enough you can hear a hollow wind outside. Anyway I thought that was creepy as hell Well when i was thinking about that ending with the credits and wind sounds I must have subconsciously been thinking of that scene in Normas room. I had forgotten about the wind sounds until recently rewatched  the episode.

Edited by Stringey
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I think one reason why the writing is so good on this show is because they seemed to have had an outline set up. They intended the story to go for five seasons only because they saw where they wanted the story to end. Unlike some shows where it keeps going. I mean i guess there are shows that are still really good after many seasons but sometimes the writers just have to keep pulling things out of their ass   Dexter became like that.  What is cool about American horror story is they change stories every season so the writers have fresh stuff to work with.  I was disappointed the American horror story board on this site has not been active in a while. The board on imdb.com was still quite active.

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It looks like Romero is going to finally get his revenge on Norman but he underestimates how sick Norman really is and Mother kills him and as Norman stands over Romero's body he gets shot in the head it's Emma.  Emma the one and only friend Norman has ever really had.  She says nothing as she watches the life drain out of Norman's eyes.  She gets into the car and calls Dylan who is watching their baby.  He asks where she went she said she wanted to say good bye to Norman but he was gone.  You can see that Dylan doesn't quiets believe her but doesn't say anything.  She starts her car and drives away.  The Bates Motel sign flashes off.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I'd like to see Romero blast Norman in the face with a shotgun while Emma burns down the motel and house. I'd also like to see Dylan kill Charles Hogan, but ooops he's already dead lol

After watching this episode, my heart breaks for Romero. He loved Norma and deserves his justice! 

What physical attributes does Norman possess that makes him such a deadly hand to hand combatant?  Strength, skill, training?  Just kill the pencil kneck twig 

Edited by LocimusPrime
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On 4/11/2017 at 9:26 AM, Chaos Theory said:

It looks like Romero is going to finally get his revenge on Norman but he underestimates how sick Norman really is and Mother kills him and as Norman stands over Romero's body he gets shot in the head it's Emma.  Emma the one and only friend Norman has ever really had.  She says nothing as she watches the life drain out of Norman's eyes.  She gets into the car and calls Dylan who is watching their baby.  He asks where she went she said she wanted to say good bye to Norman but he was gone.  You can see that Dylan doesn't quiets believe her but doesn't say anything.  She starts her car and drives away.  The Bates Motel sign flashes off.

If I had to choose an ending where someone kills Norman here is what I would decide. I think anyone killing Norman is with the assumption that he will be not in jail. Anyway I am thinking about Emma and Norman. Anyway because of some scenario Mother has to kill Emma because she has got in the way and it's necessary to remove her because well those pest people interfere with Mothers agenda.  Mother is trying to stab Emma but during the chaos Norman finds his way to the surface and pulls himself off Emma. Emma sees the difference and recognizes this as Norman. He tells her she was the only true friend to him and now he must do a big favor and that is to kill him because he is so tired of the struggle and Mother will kill her if she does not end this right now. This scenario should take place with them completely alone and nobody anywhere near  so Emma knows the danger she is in.  Mother comes to the surface again and Emma knows it's self preservation or die anyway you look at it. After she stabs Norman he comes to the surface again and thanks her and dies in her arms. This scenario could work with a knife or gun.

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On March 28, 2017 at 3:09 AM, Living Dead said:

After seeing Rihanna escape (for now), I'm starting to wonder if the ending won't be as predictable as we once though. Could the good guys end up getting out alive? Or will everyone just die and Norman stands on top at the end? Even though Norman is the main character, I don't want him to win. I would like him in jail. How horrible would it be for everyone else to die? I have a feeling that the psychiatrist and Alex will go down. But I hope that Normal ends up in jail and the brother and Emma live. 

I believe the psychiatrist is already dead. Didn't they say he disappeared and nobody has seen him. 

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I've been thinking about this question since it was posted, but for the life of me, I don't know how I want it to end! I can think of tons of different ways, but none are very satisfying. I can't wait to see what they do! All I know is, we're in for one hell of a ride!

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57 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

I've been thinking about this question since it was posted, but for the life of me, I don't know how I want it to end! I can think of tons of different ways, but none are very satisfying. I can't wait to see what they do! All I know is, we're in for one hell of a ride!

It should be interesting after we see the end which one of us guessed or thought of an ending that was the closest to what the ending turns out to be. I am hoping for either a very intense and emotional ending or an ending that is just creepy and cryptic. I am thinking that the creepy and cryptic ending will apply if someway Norman survives. If he some how comes out on top or if he is locked up. If he is forced to take meds will we see a scene of Mother dying. As he gets better could Mother appear in his mind to grow weaker and sicker until she gives the appearance of passing away.

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5 hours ago, Living Dead said:

Stringey, I like that idea. 

Thanks. Now I am getting the feeling from last episode that Norman is going to die and wake up in his version of heaven to be with Norma in that house. Without all the craziness. Remember Mother was saying something in this last episode about a a Apple pie in the oven and when it's finished Norman will wake up. I just see him dying then opening his eyes to his alternate happy place when he hears the oven bell go off. There are so many different ways to imagine the ending I just really hope they don't go with romero killing norman. 

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If it's anything at all like the movies, and at this point, why would it be, maybe we see a much older Norman in the far distant future, having been institutionalized for years, coming back home to the house, which for some reason hasn't been foreclosed upon or whatever, and reopening the old motel, and trying to live a new life. But then going off his meds, and seeing Mother/Norma in the house again.

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2 hours ago, luna1122 said:

If it's anything at all like the movies, and at this point, why would it be, maybe we see a much older Norman in the far distant future, having been institutionalized for years, coming back home to the house, which for some reason hasn't been foreclosed upon or whatever, and reopening the old motel, and trying to live a new life. But then going off his meds, and seeing Mother/Norma in the house again.

Bates Motel II? The REpsychoing.

Edited by peacheslatour
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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

Bates Motel II? The REpsychoing.

I would love this. I wish there was more than one episode so they could do this. Not sure how they could this an a hour or less. maybe still possible though. I love the idea maybe 10 years from now Norman goes back home seemingly cured and he is happy going into the house. He is greeted by mother upstairs sitting in a rocking chair. Vera is made to look older but not haggard like you would picture Mother from the movie. Her hair is up though in a bun and it is turning more silver. Instead of the clothes and dresses we are used to seeing either Norma or Mother wearing she is now wearing a dress more like an old lady. When she speaks the voice is more mature but not as old as mother in the movie. "Welcome home Norman". And I don't believe this would be a happy reunion because Norman realizes he is still stuck.  I think the scene would end with Norman looking horrified. A series ending with a good homage to Psycho II. Ah yes I think I like this.

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I don't think Norman will die, but will probably be institutionalized, leaving the door open for a sequel.  He could then escape and go on the run for at least a couple of seasons.  The Fugitive Psycho.

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57 minutes ago, Rustybones said:


I don't think Norman will die, but will probably be institutionalized, leaving the door open for a sequel.  He could then escape and go on the run for at least a couple of seasons.  The Fugitive Psycho


I don’t think there will be a sequel, at least not by these show runners, nor do I want there to be.  They had a story they wanted to tell, and they told it well, and while I don’t know how it will end, or even I will be satisfied with the ending, I think they are going out firing all cylinders.  I’ll miss the show, but I prefer a show that follows the outline they had in mind and ends on their terms rather than a show that tries to stretch things out beyond its expiration date with no real vision of where they are trying to go. 

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7 hours ago, luna1122 said:

If it's anything at all like the movies, and at this point, why would it be, maybe we see a much older Norman in the far distant future, having been institutionalized for years, coming back home to the house, which for some reason hasn't been foreclosed upon or whatever, and reopening the old motel, and trying to live a new life. But then going off his meds, and seeing Mother/Norma in the house again.

That would be so sad. Even sadder than him dying now or getting out of this murder charge now and going home to immediately see mother.

But something about him seeming to be cured only to relapse depresses me.

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Norman somehow wins his freedom thanks to shrewd manueverings by his attorneys. Unfortunately for him, he is captured by a flannel-wearing, bearded character played by Michael C. Hall. :)

P.S. There has to be Norma(n)/Dexter fanfic out there, right?

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
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Sorry if this was brought up already, but does anyone think the series might end with all these characters being part of a script, like from the very beginning of the first season?  I really, I mean really don't think so.  But someone suggested it's likely, based on the preview for the finale, showing the script.  So just curious if anyone else out there thinks so??

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1 minute ago, peacheslatour said:

I would really hope the producers wouldn't cheap out on us like that. If they do, the wailing and gnashing of teeth after the end of the first season of The Killing will sound like birdsong.

I agree!

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